
5 reasons to book accommodation in Surfers Paradise

1 Everything is within reach When booking accommodation in Surfers Paradise, you have the added convenience of having everything very close to your accommodation. The beach, restaurants, attractions and the main shopping district are all within a short walk from your apartment or hotel.

2 Nightclubs at your doorstep When booking accommodation in Surfers Paradise, you’ll have a smorgasbord of bars, nightclubs and pubs at your doorstep. This means you won’t have to line up for a cab and can return to your accommodation safely.

3 It’s a shopper’s utopia When booking accommodation in Surfers Paradise, you’ll have no shortage of shopping destinations. There are 4 separate shopping precincts in Surfers Paradise along with multiple light rail stations that stop at Broadbeach, home to Oasis and Pacific Fair shopping centres.

4 Activities are in abundance When booking accommodation in Surfers Paradise, you’ll have one major problem; how to find the time to fit in all the activities and attractions on offer. There are more than 130 activities in Surfers Paradise that cater to all ages.

5 Accommodation is affordable! Believe it or not, accommodation in Surfers Paradise is very affordable! If you’ve used price as the reason why you haven’t stayed in Surfers Paradise in the past, then you need not moving forward. offers 6 bedroom apartments from as little as $160 per night.

Ready to book accommodation in Surfers Paradise?

Nobody offers better value-for-money accommodation in Surfers Paradise than To book your accommodation, call +61 7 5539 8553 or

visit our website.

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Ph: +61 7 5539 8553

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