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CNC Basic Knowledge and Programming

CAD/CAM Aided Design and Manufacturing

CNC Controller Operation & Tool Setting

Real Practice on CNC Machining

CNC Comprehensive Ability Checking

CNCNCC CoContntrorollllerer OOpeperaratitionon && TTooooll SeSettttiningg

CACAD/D/CACAM M AiAideded d DeDesisigngn

CNCNC C CoCompmprerehehensnsivive e ChCh kiki

Ren An Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Intelligent Learning

5 Ladder CNC Training CourseCNC Operator Development Accelerator

Owning a proficiency, satisfying enterprises’ need of CNC skills and guarantee a lifelong job.

M a c h i n e r y I n d u s t r y i s t h e k e y p l a y e r i n s u p p l y c h a i n f r o m u p s t r e a m ( r a w m a t e r i a l ) t o d o w n s t r e a m ( c o n s u m e r g o o d s )

Machining towards CNC Automated Digital Control

Precision Machinery Hires CNC Proficient with Better Offer

C N C P r o f i c i e n t ( V o c a t i o n a l S c h o o l ) H a v i n g t h e c o n c e p t o f p r o d u c t m a n u f a c t u r i n g ,

b e i n g a b l e t o e d i t C N C p r o g r a m

M a n a g e t o o l o f f s e t i n m a c h i n e , w i t h c u t t i n g

a n d m e a s u r e m e n t s k i l l s e t

T h e m o r e e x p e r i e n c e , t h e h i g h e r o f f e r

( $ 1 . 2 k - $ 2 . 5 k m o n t h l y )

B e g i n n e r m a k e s $ 8 0 0 a m o n t h

L e a r n i n g p r o c e s s i s t o u g h t h u s r e q u i r e s p e r s e v e r a n c e

T e c h n i q u e i s t h e f o u n d a t i o n , a n y o n e c a n b e p r o f i c i e n t


Parts Supplier

Machining Supplier

Machinery Industr ia l Structure

Automobi le, Motor Cycle, Bicycle、Machine Tools,Aerospace, Electr ical & Electronics factor ies

Engine, Bear ing, Motor, Control ler ,Compressor,Actuator, Spindle, MetalParts, Electronics Partsfactor ies

CNC Turning, CNC Mi l l ing, Dr i l l ing, Threading,Gear, Pol ishing, Forging factor ies

Value chain in parts machining

Machinery is the mother of industry


Pre Machining Stage Machining Stage Post Machining Stage









Code E





& Threading















CNC Proficient1.2







Non Technical School




Above Average


Proficient Skill


CNC is complicated

Like playing vault

High Entry Boundary

W h e n m o s t o f t h e g r a d u a t e s s t r u g g l e t o f i n d a j o b ,

> > C N C p r o f i c i e n c y i n m a c h i n i n g i n d u s t r y i s l a c k o f t h o u s a n d o f e m p l o y e e s . Fresh graduates worry about their low salary,whi le others seek their future abroad. ( Austral ia , Macau, Singapore. )

> > W o r k i n g i n p r e c i s i o n m a c h i n e r y i s n o l o n g e r d i r t y a n d t i r i n g . Modern, high level and AC-equipped factory overthrows the t radi t ional image.Computer automated product ion l ine are al l operated by ski l led CNC prof ic ient .

> > E n t e r p r i s e s a r e e a g e r t o f i n d C N C p r o f i c i e n t .

G r a d u a t e s w i t h M a c h i n e r y m a j o r c a n n o t a p p l y w h a t t h e y h a v e l e a r n e d .

Current Status of CNC Training


Frequent col lusion in beginner stage

CNC is highly precise

CNC is expensiveCost ly tools, consumables and maintenance

Both t ra iner and trainee feel anxiety

CNC training is a heavy loading, t ra iner does not want to take i t and professional t ra iner is very l imi ted

Focus on theoret ical learning, t ra inees do not wi l l ing to pract ice

Only l imi ted of the t ra inees may operat ion the real CNC machine (e.g. Ski l l set compet i t ion)

Vocat ional students are most ly not fami l iar wi th the CNC machine

Vocat ional educat ion do not have a balance development in both theory and pract ice

Graduates wi th Machinery major cannot fu l f i l l the demand of CNC ski l ls in enterpr ises

M a c h i n i n g m a n u f a c t u r i n g i s i n n e e d o f C N C p r o f i c i e n t ; n o t o n l y e n t e r p r i s e s b u t e d u c a t i o n a l i n s t i t u t i o n s a l s o f a c e a n o b s t a c l e t o f i n d o n e . C o m p a r e d w i t h t h e o t h e r s t a g e s , C o r e S t a g e i s t h e m o s t i n s u f f i c i e n t p a r t s o f a r .

3 Stages of CNC Training

Currently, Core development in CNC machinery is the most insufficient part.

CNC Training Courses

Advanced Stage

Early Stage

Advance development in CNC machinery ( Mold design & complex parts manufacturing )3D CAD / CAM for tooling and complex parts 3D cutting with 4th axis and 5th axis, Mil l-Turn manufacturing

Core development in CNC machinery( CNC programming and control )Tools offset, coordinates, and cutting path programmingCNC machine panel control, parts making in 2D

Early development in CNC machinery ( Machinery knowledge and experience )Basic process, manual operation, drilling, milling and TurningApplication in cutting tools, fixture and measuring

Core Stage


W e n e e d a n i n n o v a t i v e t r a i n i n g s y s t e m , t r a i n i n g C N C p r o f i c i e n t i n a s h o r t t i m e s o t h a t e n t e r p r i s e s c a n b e s a t i s f i e d .

Innovat ive Intel l igent Learning

Strengthen students’ abi l i ty in pract ical operat ion

Regain vocat ional students’compet i t iveness in workplace

Balance between theory and pract ical operat ion

Meet enterpr ises’ requirement of CNC ski l ls

Cult ivate CNC prof ic ient


CNC Operator Development Accelerator

I m a g i n e l e a r n i n g 5 L a d d e r C N C T r a i n i n g a s s t a i r s , t e a c h e r c a n l e a d t h e s t u d e n t s t o c l i m b t h e C N C l e a r n i n g - h i g h w a l l .


Increase the learning wi l iness of vocat ional students, becoming more act ive

Loosen teachers 'burden, also can teach easi ly.

Every student gets the chance to pract ice indiv idual ly.

Reduce mater ia ls, being eco-fr iendly.

Apply what students have learnt ,fu l f i l l ing enterpr ises' need.

CNC Real Machine - Turning & Milling

CNC Training Machine-Turning& Milling

CNC Virtual Machine -Turning& Milling


NcEditor + Simulation(Turning & Milling)

CNC Part Machining

CNC Operation Ability Checking

CNC Tool setting and Machine Operation

CAD / CAM Computer - Aided Design & Manufacturing

CNC Basic Knowledge and Programming

& Milling



Goal of Training Improvement

Overcome the learning block easi ly

5 Ladder CNC Training Program


Training Improvem


Understand the basic concept and pr inciple in control l ing numerical values.

Know the coordinate system of digi ta l machine tool .

Learn the funct ions and usage of CNC program code.( Include G-code, M-code, RPM S, Tool T-code.. .etc.)

Pract ice how to wr i te program of manual operat ionAppl icat ion of rough, f in ish, thread and groove.

Learn basic process of CNC programming and design.

CNC Basic Knowledge and Programming ( Ladder 1)

Using CNC Intelligent Debugging Expert Programmer make students feel teacher is helping them in person.

Detail cutting path simulation helps to understand the cutting process.

Start from the basic programming, developing the solid cutting knowledge and coordinate concept.

O1234 (TEST)N1 G00 X200. Z120. G50 S2500 T0101 G96 S180 M3 G00 X65. Z3.G71 U2. R0.5G1 G2 G3 X15 Y26 Z37 M8 M9

Students feel frustrated because they don't know

what they've done wrong during programming

>>Annoying !Teachers have no break time because all students'

work have to be revised by themselves.

That is REALLY Annoying!gg


Pass on the technical experience from CNC manual programming.

Master in CNC programming system

NcEditor is at expert level.

It has intelligent debugging; when the input of

order code is wrong.

NcEditor will remind the error automatically so

that students know where the error is.

T u r i n g S i m u l a t i o n M i l l i n g S i m u l a t i o n

A complete cutting path simulation

O1042.cnc [Line=9] Invalid [3..]

O1042.cnc [Line=14] No point in N-code

O1042.cnc [Line=19] No repeat in single order

O1042.cnc [Line=21] Invalid [Y] or unset

O1042.cnc [Line=22] Need a point in Z-code

Only take three seconds to check HW. Being a teacher is so easy!

CNC Basic Knowledge and Programming ( Ladder 1)


Code are shown in different colors.

Intelligent debug incode editing.

Understand CNC Tool Setting

and Machine Operation by CNC Virtual Machine in advance.

Both teachers and students

can focus on learning without distraction.

Besides, the operation history will record the

error as teachers’ reference to evaluate

students and the index of educational training.

H i g h p r e c i s i o n m a k e s t h e r e p a i r f e e e v e n h i g h e r

B e g i n n e r s f e e l s t r e s s f u l b e c a u s e o f r i s k i n c o l l i s i o n .

F e w c h a n c e t o p r a c t i c e f r e e l y .

Learn CNC tool setting

and machine operation through

personal computer lower the barrier

for beginners greatly.


The operation panel has

lots of buttons which always make

students confuse and thus get

frustrated easily.

Also, CNC machines are not enough!

What can we do?


So stressful


CNC Tool Setting

and Machine Operation (Ladder 2)

The world’s f i rst modular buttons display makes

learning easier. Modular izat ion design only shows

related buttons.In Auto mode shows Start , Stop,

Single Block and other related buttons.

In MPG (Manual Pulse Generator)

shows hand wheel and scale adjustment buttons.

Students wi l l memorize as they operate the machine

and equip them with the concept of modular izat ion,

teachers are no longer need to remind the students

again and again.

Innovative Modularization design makes learning so simple

By using the vi r tual system,

students can learn the buttons.

By using operat ion panel ,

students can understand the process

of CNC machine.

Automat ic execut ion based on NC-decoding.

Ful f i l l ing the s imulat ion process

by showing both machine and tools.

Realistic rendering, simulate the entire CNC Machine

One machine per student, practice freely

By simulat ing the cutt ing process of auto-execut ion,

we can use SBK or pause to check the detai ls

of program execut ion; by doing so, we can understand

the content of the program much clearer.

Being able to examine the accuracy of the program

without worry ing about gett ing hurt or any damage

of the machine. Direct ly edi t the program on CNC

control ler and OFFSET to measure tool length,

CNC coordinate set t ing, CNC auto cut t ing…etc,

pract ic ing unt i l fami l iar wi th i t

and learn the basic CNC operat ion f i rmly.


CNC Tool Setting

and Machine Operation (Ladder 2)

D e v e l o p e C A D / C A M

k n o w l e d g e a n d s k i l l s

A u t o t r a n s f e r C A D d r a w i n g

i n t o C N C p r o g r a m

T a k e e a s y l e a r n , e a s y u s e

C A D / C A M

Rapidly draw various kinds of graphics,

Simple Machining Process Setting.

Considerate File Management

Intelligent CAD Drawing Methods

Elaborate Cutting Process Setting

3D Dynamic Solid Simulation

Automatic NC Codes Generation

One by One, Only Five Steps

Process guide operat ion is

so easy that students learn

so quick!

Takes 30 mins and learn

how to operate, increasing

learning ef f ic iency.

Software of CAD/CAM on the market is often considered complicated

when it comes to operation and setting, making students feel confused

and thus lower the learning efficiency.

Take Process Guide 5 Steps Inuitive Operation to overcome the

obstacles,students learn fast.

T h e f i r s t p r o c e s s g u i d e i n t h e w o r l d , m a k i n g l e a r n i n g e a s y !

CAD/CAM Aided Design

and Manufacturing (Ladder 3)


Easy to operate

Decrease learning


Enhance learning


So easy to use

So innovative

So simple



Face Cutting

Rough Cutting



Contour Cutting

Drill and Thread

Delicate Machining Technology

Tool Select : a complete tool data base.

Profile Select : auto judge relative pattern.

Innovative Select : mutiple intuitive choices.

F r a n k C A M CAD/CAM system

Ful l of exper ienced

intel l igent innovat ive


Designed speci f ical ly

forCNC operators

Making drawing much


CAD/CAM Aided Design

and Manufacturing (Ladder 3)





Thread Tool



Collision again! Are you really proficient?

You have to be really, really and REALLY familiar with the operation.

Mistakes are not allowed on CNC machine.

Once having collision, it may put the produce line down for a week, delaying delivery and the

reputation will thus be damaged.

The repair cost can be over $5,000 and the precision will not be good as before.

Not only learn the normal operation but also deal with the strain situation.

What if…

Learning how to operate CNC is like driving an airplane.

With a flight simulator, learning how to drive an airplane is much easier.

It’s a Good Idea

In the past, teachers would let students operate

the machine after students learned how

to operate CNC on PC.

If let students operate the machine directly

without practicing with real machine,

students might feel stressful since they all operated

only by mouse clicking.

Thus, collision and tool crashing are easy to happen.

CNC training machine is l ike dr iv ing an airplane,

using f l ight s imulator as pract ice,

to s imulate al l the process and operat ion.


W h y d o w e n e e d t r a i n i n g m a c h i n e ?

CNC Operation Ability Checking (Ladder 4)


[email protected] +886(4)23506788 H t tp : / / w w w. C NC - T S P. c o m


G01 G01 G01 G01 G00 G00 G00 G00 G00G02 G02 G02 G02 G02 G00 G00 G00 G00 G00 G03 G03 G03 G030 0 G00 G00 G00


Pass down the experience of CNC digital training

X it un D is t rict. , Ta ic hu n g Ci t y,Tai wa n3 F , No .85 9, S e c. 4 , Tai wa n B oulevard

Ren An Information Technology Co., Ltd.

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