  • 8/7/2019 5 Keys to Leadership for Small Business


    5 Keys to Leadership for Small Business

    Even Parties of One Need a Leader

    Are you a leader just because you run a small business? No. But you need to be. Without

    leadership, the ship that is your small business will aimlessly circle and eventually run out of

    power or run aground.

    Its not having followers that defines leadership. Cool-headed, farseeing, visionary,

    courageous whichever adjectives you choose, leadership is a winning combination of

    personal traits and the ability to think and act as a leader, a person who directs the activities

    of others for the good of all. Anyone can be a leader, even if the only person theyre leading

    is themselves.

    But you cant become a leader just by saying you are. Leadership needs to be worked at.Transform yourself into a leader with these five keys of leadership.

    1. A leader plans.

    The core of leadership is being proactive rather than reactive. Sure, leaders are good in crises

    but that doesnt mean they sit around letting crises develop. Leadership involves identifying

    potential problems and solving them before they reach crisis proportions and the ability to

    identify and reap potential windfalls. So good leaders analyze and plan and adapt their plans

    to new circumstances and opportunities.

    2. A leader has a vision.

    Vision is essential to good leadership. Vision provides direction and without direction, theres

    not much point to all that planning; your small business will still flail about. So if you dont

    have one already, take your first step towards leadership by creating a Vision Statementfor

    your business. Because it embodies your dreams and your passions, a vision statement will

    also serve as a leadership vision.

    3. A leader shares her vision.

    Sharing your leadership vision helps your vision grow and your leadership develop. As you

    tell your leadership vision to others, you will strengthen your own belief in your vision and

    strengthen your determination to make your leadership vision become reality. And other

    people will start to see you as a person whos going places. Your leadership skills will

    grow as you and other people recognize you as a person with leadership potential.

    4. A leader takes charge.

    At this stage of leadership, you put together your planning and your leadership vision and

    take action. Whether its implementing a specific plan to improve your businesss bottom line

    or responding to a crisis, you, as the leader, are the one who makes the decisions and sees that

    the appropriate actions are carried out. You cant just talk a good game to be a leader; youneed to act and to be seen as taking effective action for the good of your small business.
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    5. A leader inspires through example.

    If I asked you, you could easily name three people whose leadership qualities inspire you. If I

    asked you why, youd tell me about the things these inspiring people did or are doing.

    Leadership is defined through action. Therefore, in developing your own leadership skills,

    you have to act in ways that are fitting to your leadership vision and your self all the time.We can all name many actions of other people whom we admire, but what inspires us is the

    integrity that gives these actions meaning.

    Becoming a leader isnt easy because it takes a conscious commitment and consistent effort

    to develop ones leadership skills. But on the positive side, anyone who is willing to make the

    effort can become a good leader.

    And as good leadership is critical to business success, your efforts to improve your leadership

    skills will be amply rewarded. By working on these five keys of leadership, you can become

    the leader your small business needs.


    by Ellen Ostrow, Ph.D.

    A recent woman law school graduate might be surprised to find so few women among the

    leaders of the firm she just joined. After all, half of her law school classmates were women.

    And although this law school statistic is often reported as if it represents some dramatic

    change, the fact is that roughly 40% of law school students have been women since the mid1980s.

    Although there have been small positive changes, for the most part, legal workplaces

    continue to be sadly lacking in women leadership.

    There are several reasons for this, perhaps chief among them, the fact that a "committed

    lawyer" is defined so that it excludes the majority of women lawyers. If "commitment" is

    mutually exclusive with pregnancy and motherhood, then the odds of a woman lawyer

    advancing to a leadership position are slim.

    This definition also excludes male lawyers who want to be more than just financial providers

    for their families. In fact, any lawyer seriously wanting "a life" is at risk of being deleted

    from the potential- leaders list.

    The best chance of changing this systemic obstacle is to tip the gender scales in leadership

    balance. As more women become leaders in legal organizations, organizational values and

    definitions are likely to change. The concept of the "ideal lawyer" [1] will broaden to become

    equally inclusive of women as well as men whose wives handle family matters. The inclusion

    of men and woman who understand that work and life are not a zero sum game would benefit

    the profession as well as the individuals practicing it.
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    As organizations move from mono-cultural clubs to diversity-welcoming institutions, one

    might expect that the "ideal lawyer" image would also evolve into one that equally includes

    lawyers of color and those of non-majority sexual orientation.

    There is another reason to expect that fostering leadership ability among women lawyers will

    benefit the careers of these and future women attorneys, as well as the organizations in whichthey work:

    Research on leadership indicates that 50-75% of organizations are currently managed by

    people sorely lacking in leadership competence [2]. They are hired or promoted based on

    technical competence, business knowledge and politics - not on leadership skill. Such

    managers often manage by crisis, are poor communicators, are insensitive to moral issues, are

    mistrustful, over-controlling and micro-managing, fail to follow through on commitments

    they've made and are easily excitable and explosive. The result is low morale, alienated

    employees, and costly attrition. Since the best business outcomes are achieved by satisfied

    employees, the legal profession can only gain by an increasing focus on the development of

    attorneys' leadership competencies.

    Women lawyers can take the lead in this endeavor. Here are 20 ways to become a leader:


    Become the sculptor of your own career and life not the sculpture. Leaders are authentic

    the authors of their own lives. Take responsibility for your professional development. No one

    has a greater investment in your success and satisfaction than you. Especially as a woman,

    you cannot depend upon the traditional management structure of your organization to put you

    on the path to achievement. It's up to you to direct and protect your career and to develop

    your own potential. You cannot afford to be passive or to accept roles assigned to you. Know

    what you want and why and be prepared to take action to make it happen.


    Work is most meaningful and satisfying when it gives us an opportunity to use our strengths.

    Leadership is fundamentally about character. Knowing your character strengths enables you

    to find ways to select work environments and work assignments that allow you to express and

    develop them. For example, if one of your greatest strengths is loyalty and teamwork, you'll

    be most effective and satisfied working as a member of a team. If fairness is among your

    greatest strengths, you'll be frustrated and dissatisfied without an opportunity to work onissues of justice. If you're someone who loves to learn, you'll feel bored and frustrated unless

    you find ways to master new skills and bodies of knowledge.

    It's also important to keep track of your own accomplishments. Unfortunately, legal

    workplaces are notorious for focusing on mistakes and defeats rather than what people have

    done well. However, good leaders develop talent by matching peoples' strengths with work

    tasks. They recognize contributions and celebrate accomplishments.

    Start practicing good leadership by keeping a log of your successes. Record even small wins

    this is essential for building your own confidence as well as developing a crucial leadership


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    You can assess your strengths by taking the VIA Strengths Survey at Dr. Martin Seligman, a psychologist known for his

    research in the areas of helplessness, depression, optimism and positive psychology has

    developed this website. Since he continues to do research on the instruments on his website,

    you can take them for free.

    The Gallup StrengthsFinder is another way to assess your strengths. You can learn about it at


    Leaders are vision directed. A leader creates a compelling vision, is committed to this vision,

    and inspires others to action by aligning their goals with this vision.

    Start developing this leadership competence by creating your own personal vision. Your

    vision statement is a picture of the future to which you can commit. It expresses your values,

    the contribution you want to make, and the way you want to live your life.

    Without a clear vision, it's easy to be led by the expectations of others. As a professional

    coach, I can attest to the unhappiness of lawyers who've allowed the demands and approval

    of others to become their compass. It is heartbreaking to look back on your life with regret.

    Your vision statement is your own personal "why." Knowing what you're working toward

    allows you to plan your professional development as well as to be resilient in the face of


    If you'd like a format for a personal vision statement, you can email me [email protected] with "Vision Statement" in the subject line.


    One of the biggest mistakes many attorneys make is to accept a position in an organization

    with values contrary to their own. This situation leads to misery at worst, and job change at


    Furthermore, you are much less likely to achieve a position of leadership in an organization

    with values at odds with your own ethics than you would in an environment that echoed your



    Although the legal profession puts a premium on self-reliance, everyone needs guidance, role

    models and support. Old-style mentoring rarely exists in the 21st century legal workplace.

    Even if you have an assigned mentor, such "arranged marriages" rarely meet your most

    important professional development needs. It's especially difficult for women and attorneys

    of color to find mentors who identify with them or to whom they can look for time-tested

    strategies that apply to their unique challenges.
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    Establishing your own personal advisory board enables you to obtain assistance from several

    people. Each has a unique contribution to make to your career success. This approach also

    gives you an opportunity to seek needed assistance without over-burdening any one person.

    In order to construct an effective personal board of directors you need to assess your learning

    needs. Identify the skills you need to acquire or improve in order to achieve the career goalsyou've set for the next year or two. Having identified your knowledge needs, you'll be ready

    to identify potential advisors. You can get recommendations from others. At the same time,

    observe people you'd like to emulate or those who have some special expertise in the areas in

    which you're interested. Look both within as well as outside your current work setting.

    The people on your board will change as your learning needs change. Here are a few

    important tips for developing your advisory board:

    Select people whom you trust.

    Keep in mind that the alliances you form with your advisors are substantive,

    strategically important, and meaningful relationships. Clarify each person's expectations for the relationship. Negotiate how long you expect

    the relationship to proceed in this form.

    Understand what you mentor needs in order for the relationship to be mutually

    rewarding. For some advisors, helping another attorney succeed is sufficient. Others

    might feel rewarded by your offers to assist them in their own work.

    You'll need to have advisors who serve different functions. The most important of

    these are:

    A Culture Guide

    If you're a new attorney, or are new to your current work setting, you'll need an

    advisor who can help you learn about the organizational culture. This mentor can

    provide tips on who is powerful, who the key players and decision-makers are, whom

    to seek out and whom not to cross. This mentor may also suggest committees to join

    and other avenues to pursue so that you will become more visible.

    A Legal Skills Mentor

    It's useful to find a mentor with deep knowledge in your area of the law a senior and

    successful attorney who can provide candid and constructive feedback about yourwork. You need to have someone you trust to whom you can turn with substantive

    questions about your work. Ideally, this would not be someone who will be in a

    position of evaluating you: you can't hold back if you want to really learn.

    A Role Model

    It's especially helpful for women attorneys to form alliances with other women

    lawyers who share their work/life balance values. Ask someone you admire to share

    her strategies for balancing work and family.

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    It's particularly helpful to identify leadership role models. Think of the most inspiring

    leaders in your life and list the attributes that elicited your admiration and respect.

    Find role models who can advise you about how you can become a leader.

    A Good "Connector"

    Unless you have a well-established network, it's helpful to know someone who can

    introduce you to people you'd like to know. As a knowledge worker in today's

    economy, you simply cannot know everything. Establishing a knowledge network

    enables you to identify the fastest route to the information you need and the people

    who can connect you to that information. Whether you're seeking information

    requested by a client, connections to business development opportunities, or looking

    for another job, a well-developed network is an essential resource.


    It's essential to have someone who will be your champion in the organization. Most likely,this will be someone with whom you practice. The more value you add to the practice of a

    senior lawyer in your practice group, the more he or she will be invested in retaining you.

    People who like you, as well as your work, are more likely to be in your corner. It's also

    necessary that this person be in a secure position in the organization; someone in a tenuous

    spot is unlikely to feel able to go out on a limb for you.


    Excellent work performance is a necessary, although not sufficient condition for leadership.

    Stay on top of your professional development. Don't wait for your firm or organization tooffer a seminar in the skills you want to learn seek out your own training opportunities.

    Keep in mind the difference between excellence and perfection. Maintaining high standards

    for your work reflects positive striving. On the other hand, being harshly self-critical for the

    smallest error will undermine your success. Perfectionism easily leads to micro-management

    and harsh criticism of others, neither of which are effective leadership behaviors.

    It's difficult to strive for excellence unless you're doing what you love. People who are

    committed to what they do who are strongly interested in their work are resilient in the

    face of challenges. Enthusiasm and passion motivate hard work. Genuine interest sustains

    focused attention.

    It's important to know what skills you should be developing as you progress in your career.

    The ABCNY Report of the Task Force on Lawyers Quality of Life delineates specific

    training goals for corporate and litigation associates. You can find these at:

    Look for Attachment C. For a list of skills against which to assess your progress, you can

    send an email to me at [email protected] with "Skills" in the subject line.

    The more knowledgeable you are and the better your skills, the more you'll be a resource to

    others. Expertise builds your reputation as a credible and trusted resource, which is essentialfor attaining leadership roles.
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    Whatever you're trying to accomplish, you need to take control of your own destiny and act

    on your own convictions. To become a leader, you must first learn to lead yourself. Initiative

    is a fundamental leadership competence. Choose your work don't let it choose you. Seek

    out work you like or from which you can learn. If the work you really want isn't coming yourway, make a plan to find it. Forge alliances with people both within and outside your

    organization who can help you work with the kinds of matters and clients you prefer.

    Avoid the "tyranny of the in-basket." [3] You need to actively work on your career, not just

    on your work. Develop a career plan. Identify specific, measurable goals and routes for

    accomplishing them. Go beyond adapting to whatever comes your way. Proactively select

    and influence the situation in which you work rather than merely reacting to situations

    created by others. Work to change yourself and your circumstances for the better.

    Leaders create a vision, set goals that embody the vision, inspire action to accomplish the

    vision, and develop strategic plans which lead to their goals. Start on your path to leadershipby leading yourself.


    Developing leadership skill requires getting out of your comfort zone. Set "stretch" goals that

    enable you to develop new skills. Join committees and take a leadership role. This is an

    opportunity to develop leadership competencies as well as increase your visibility. Many

    women lawyers have told me that they do their best to fly under the radar. They believe that

    this demonstrates that they are team players. I disagree. You stand to lose far more by being

    invisible than you do by taking risks. In order to break through the stereotypes that keep

    women from achieving positions of leadership, you'll need to appear confident. That means

    being willing to learn on the job instead of waiting until you know everything before you take

    on challenges. Ask your advisory board and network to help you fill in knowledge gaps.

    Present your ideas. Be decisive and to the point. Speak in a convincing manner and make

    your statements strong and powerful. Claim authorship of your ideas. Don't qualify your

    statements or apologize for speaking. Be assertive, not aggressive. Manage your emotions

    when you set limits and make requests. Avoid harsh criticism and always respect the dignity

    of others. Depersonalize your mistakes. Just because you failed at one thing doesn't make you

    a failure. View mistakes as learning opportunities. If you become so worried about how

    you're perceived after you make an error that you never try again, others will conclude that

    you always make mistakes. But if you attribute your error to insufficient information, you'lllearn more and try again. Your track record of successes will outweigh the memory of your

    small errors. Taking risks builds resilience and self-confidence. The more you stretch

    yourself and succeed, the more confident you'll feel. This will empower you to strive toward

    a leadership position.


    As "purveyors of hope," [4] leaders must be optimistic. Realistic optimists take control where

    they can and stop investing energy in things beyond their control. When faced with a setback,

    optimists don't succumb to feelings of helplessness. They maintain their focus on the larger

    purpose, finding ways to bounce back and pursue alternative routes to their goal. Optimistssee mistakes as learning opportunities, not as catastrophes from which they'll never recover.

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    This enables them to take the kinds of risks necessary for becoming a leader. Optimism is

    especially difficult for lawyers, since so much of legal work is about anticipating and

    preventing disaster. But even though pessimism may help you be more effective in practicing

    law, it will be an obstacle if you think this way about career planning or the rest of your life.

    You're probably used to thinking that optimism is just a personality characteristic and you

    either have it or you don't. But, the fact is that research has demonstrated that people canlearn to think more optimistically and that these changes are enduring. If you want to learn to

    be more optimistic, I'd encourage you to read "Learned Optimism" by Martin Seligman,

    Ph.D. [5].


    Find a niche which your organization values and about which you can be passionate. Develop

    your expertise in this area. If you are the only expert, or one of a few experts in this area,

    you'll be of considerable value to your firm. This increases your power to lobby for flexibility

    in your scheduling and opportunities to take on leadership roles.


    Focusing on your long-term career goals enables you to minimize the power of any given

    employer. If your goals are incompatible with those of your organization, or if you can't get

    the support you need to make your vision a reality, look elsewhere.


    Leadership is interpersonal. Effective leadership is fundamentally about how you relate to

    people. Social intelligence consists of several components:

    Self-management People who cannot manage the expression of their own emotions

    are unlikely to effectively manage others. It's important to develop an awareness of

    your own feelings and make deliberate choices about how best to use them in any

    given situation. Managing your emotions keeps them from clouding your perceptions

    and judgments. Being able to influence how others perceive you and coming across to

    others in the way you intend require self-awareness and self-regulation. It's essential

    to have a deep understanding of your own values, motives, strengths and limitations.

    Though it's not always easy to be honest with yourself, you need to develop this kind

    of honesty if you want to be interpersonally effective. Realistically appraise yourself

    without being overly self-critical. Ask others for feedback. The knowledge of howothers perceive you is a powerful tool. Monitor yourself; pay attention to your

    feelings, actions and intentions. Observe the impact of your actions on others. Self-

    awareness is also critical for empathy since we tend to perceive others through the

    filter of our own needs, fears, expectations and hopes. When we are aware of what we

    expect to hear or are afraid of hearing, we can get past the filter and hear what's really

    being communicated.

    Social radar Effective leaders can read emotional signals and assess other's emotional

    states. Your ability to influence others depends upon your skill at sensing their

    reactions and adjusting your approach accordingly. Practice "active" listening

    listening not only to the other person's words but also their nonverbal expressions.

    Leaders are more persuasive when they can attune their message to their listeners.

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    Seek Win-Win Solutions to Problems Leaders elicit far more cooperation when they

    work toward equitable solutions, which all participants can embrace. Be flexibly open

    to others' points of view and demonstrate your understand of their perspectives.

    Always try to preserve the dignity of everyone involved in a problem or project.

    Leadership is about building and empowering teams. Practice creating an atmosphere

    of collaboration and openness.


    Many women attorneys who are excellent advocates for their clients are fearful of

    advocating for themselves. In our culture, women are socialized to believe that self-

    promotion is not only unbecoming and aggressive but will also damage their careers.

    But failing to advocate for yourself can have far-reaching consequences. In the short

    run, too much modesty feeds into the gender stereotype that women aren't "tough

    enough." Keep in mind that other people see only a small percentage of our actions.

    The missing information has to come from the actor herself. Share your knowledge by

    offering to help others. Broadcast your wins through in-house newsletters. Expressyour convictions. Self-advocacy is necessary for reaching positions of leadership. At

    the same time, make sure that you acknowledge and appreciate everyone who

    contributed to the group effort. Leaders are able to make their employees feel proud

    of their contributions. They don't need to steel the credit for themselves.


    Gender role stereotypes are an obstacle to women achieving leadership in the legal

    profession. But believing you'll never break the "glass ceiling" is sure to hold you

    back. Sometimes the only way to get past these stereotypes is to address them

    directly. Shining a light on unspoken assumptions can enable your listeners to hear

    and see beyond their expectations. By identifying these assumptions, you're

    conveying power and insight, which inspire trust.


    A leader must communicate her vision in a way that energizes people and galvanizes

    them toward action. The ability to gain the cooperation and support of others

    through negotiation, persuasion and influence - depends upon communication skill,

    which in turn is essential for leadership. Be aware of gender differences in

    communication style. (For details, see Issue # 27 of "Beyond the Billable Hour at Essentially, you must take

    your listener's expectations into account in tailoring your communications. For

    women, it's especially important to give the other person a reason to listen by

    addressing a goal your listener wants to achieve. When people feel heard, they're

    more likely to hear you. When you understand their goals, you can articulate how

    their aspirations can be aligned with your vision. Although implicit gender role

    stereotypes foster the belief that mothers cannot be good leaders, the fact is that

    parenting is excellent training ground for leadership skills. As a parent you learn to

    plan strategically, negotiate, enlist cooperation and persuade all of which you can

    transfer to the workplace.

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    Research [7] indicates that among the most important characteristics of effective

    leaders are compassion, nurturance, generosity, altruism and empathy.

    "Agreeableness" is a social trait and leadership takes place in a social context, so it's

    not surprising that these characteristics are so important for effective leadership.

    Women lawyers need to keep this in mind. All too often women are urged to "act like

    men" in working toward leadership positions. Be encouraged to learn that the mosteffective leaders demonstrate traits most often attributed to women.


    Taking the time to maintain supportive and close connections with others is necessary

    to attain and sustain the energy and well-being you need to achieve career success. At

    home, you'll need a partner who will agree to negotiate and share family work with

    you. Be clear with your significant others that you need their help in order to reach

    your goals. Being overloaded with family responsibility is as much of an obstacle to

    women reaching positions of leadership as is the "glass ceiling" at work. You'll also

    need the support of people you supervise - your support staff, paralegals, juniorassociates, etc. It's easier to recruit such support if you understand their needs and

    goals and treat them with compassion and respect. Compassion and encouragement

    motivate people much more than impatience and harshness. Learn to delegate well.

    Remember, leaders don't do all the work themselves: They effectively match people

    to tasks based on knowledge of their subordinates' strengths and aspirations. They are

    clear about their expectations when giving assignments. But don't allow perfectionism

    to derail good delegating. If you're not satisfied with the finished product, resist the

    urge to do it over yourself. Instead, return the work to the person who produced it and

    make sure that he or she understands your expectations. That way, you won't feel

    overburdened and you'll help the other person increase their own competence.


    Integrity may be the single most important characteristic of competent leadership; it's

    the sine qua non of a trusted advisor and effective leader. People are willing to be led

    by someone who follows through someone they trust. Do what you say you will do.

    Don't promise to do what you can't. People without integrity may gain power, but they

    don't truly lead.


    Persistence in the face of adversity is one of the cornerstones of resilience. Take

    responsibility for your own fate. Stay resolute in your values and goals and remain

    determined and self-disciplined in your efforts to achieve them. Persistence doesn't

    mean you never feel discouraged. Rather, it means maintaining your focus on the goal

    in spite of your feelings of discouragement. Like a marathon runner, you keep going

    because you believe in what you're doing. You simply will not give up. If your goal is

    to become a leader to help the legal profession become a truly diverse, welcoming and

    equitable profession, then don't give up. Your leadership is most needed.


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    1. Williams, Joan (2000). "Unbending Gender Why Family and Work Conflict and

    What to Do About It." New York: Oxford University Press.

    2. Hogan, Robert (2003) "Leadership in Organizations." Paper presented at The

    Second International Positive Psychology Summit, Washington, D.C. October 2-5.

    3. Covey, Stephen R. (1989) "The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People." New York:


    4. Bennis, Warren & Goldsmith, Joan (1997). "Learning to Lead." Cambridge, MA:

    Perseus Books.

    5. Seligman, Martin E. P. (1998) "Learned Optimism." New York: Pocket Books.

    6. Wickouski, Stephanie, Esq. Personal communication.

    7. Judge, Timonthy A. & Bono, Joyce E.( 2000) Five- factor model of personality andtransformational leadership. "Journal of Applied Psychology," 85 (5), 751-765.

    The Top 10 Strategies for Becoming the Leader That Others Want to FollowBy Bea Fields

    One of the most important qualities of a great leader for the future will be his or her ability to get along

    with people, to show compassion, and to make others feel good about themselves. This top ten willsupport you in becoming a great leader that others want to follow.

    1. Ask each employee what he/she most values, and begin to set company goals to support theseimportant aspects of the lives of your employees.

    2. Help people reach their full potential by catching them doing something great!

    Compliment them on their successes, even if they are minute.

    3. Distribute a monthly company newsletter, whose sole purpose is to recognize and congratulate the"wins and wows" of your employees.

    People love to be recognized for their accomplishments, and this will instill a sense of pride in youremployees.

    4. Host one fun day each month.

    Take employees to lunch, to a matinee, or host a party outside of the office. This one day off willrejuvenate your employees and build loyalty to the organization.

    5. Build consensus by allowing employees to vote on changes within the company.

    Your job will be much easier if you have the support of the people on the front line.

    6. Deal with conflict by being upfront and honest.
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    Own up to your role in the conflict and move toward resolution as quickly as possible. If you havebeen wrong, state it, followed by an extension of an apology.

    7. Eliminate company gossip from your life, and keep all employee concerns confidential.

    If you need support for company gossip, hire a coach who has a reputation of being trustworthy.

    8. Trust your employees to make smart decisions without your interference.

    Self-esteem is built by allowing others the opportunity to try new things and to be successful byadding their personal touch to a project or assignment.

    9. Provide work that is meaningful and that allows your employees and/or volunteers the opportunityto stretch and grow, and above all, provide the training necessary for implementing a change.

    10. Cheer the company on by announcing on a daily basis the successes of the previous day.

    This surge of energy early in the morning will increase productivity throughout the day.

    How to Become the Best Leader You Can

    Be By Using the 4 Principals of Leadership

    You do not have to be the most outspoken and charismatic person on the planet to be aneffective and respected leader. There is a great acronym to help you remember the 4 basic

    principals: C.A.V.E.


    Moderately Easy





    C is for Communication. There are hundreds of ways we communicate each

    day. To be an effective leader you need learn to which methods will motivate

    and sustain your team and adapt your style to meet their needs. Great leaders

    must also be able to quell disputes within the team and recognize members

    strengths and weaknesses. As a leader, their success is your success.

    o 2

    A is for Action. Get out there and do it! Without action goals aren't met and

    nothing will get accomplished. How many times have you heard someone saythey are going to do something and then turn around and not do it? No jobis
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    too small or beneath a good leader, you must support them with your fullest

    capacity. As a leader you need to set the example for your team even if it

    means making the coffee.

    o 3

    V is vision. Think Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.' s "I have a dream." Now that is

    a vision! It is the well defined goal of the group. A great leader will clearly

    articulate the goals of the team and the objectives for how to get there. The

    vision should inspire your team to work hard, stay motivated and be

    committed to the end. A great leader will also be able to adapt their vision as

    circumstances arise in a way that maintains the same level of motivation and

    commitment from the team.

    o 4

    E is Empowerment. Empowerment is the cornerstone of great leadership,

    however it is often the most overlooked step. It is willingly giving the

    authority and skills to team members to make decisions, run with them and

    come to you for support as needed. Excellent leaders know that they are not

    the best at everything, and team member's skills and abilities can combine for

    a more effective outcome. They will also ask the team what resources they

    need and work to provide for them.

    Tips & Warnings

    You can't go wrong with C.A.V.E. Sadly, empowerment is often most lacking in highly structured, insecure and/or

    bureaucratic environments.


    7 Secrets of Leadership Success

    Part 1: Top Business Leaders Share Their Best BusinessSuccess Advice

    From Paul B. Thornton

    Fortune magazine once published an article entitled The Best Advice I Ever Got. It was a

    great article that offered wit and wisdom about achieving business success. I liked it so much,

    that it motivated me to produce my newest book, Leadership: Best Advice I Ever Got, which

    describes the best leadership advice 136 successful CEOs, coaches, consultants, professors,

    managers, executives, presidents, politicians, and religious leaders received that most helped

    them become effective and successful leaders.
  • 8/7/2019 5 Keys to Leadership for Small Business


    Here are seven secrets to leadership success:

    1. Leadership is about making things happen.

    If you want to make something happen with your life in school, in your profession or in

    your community, do it. Perceived obstacles crumble against persistent desire. John Baldoni,Author, Leadership Communication Consultant and Founder of Baldoni Consulting LLC,

    shared this advice that had come from his father, a physician. He taught him the value of

    persistence. At the same time, his mother taught him compassion for others. Therefore,

    persistence for your cause should not be gained at the expense of others. Another bit of

    leadership wisdom!

    2. Listen and understand the issue, then lead.

    Time and time again we have all been told, "God gave us two ears and one mouth for a

    reason"... or as Stephen Covey said, "Seek to understand, rather than be understood." As a

    leader, listening first to the issue, then trying to coach, has been the most valuable advice thatCordia Harrington, President and CEO of Tennessee Bun Company has been given.

    3. Answer the three questions everyone within your organization wants answers to.

    What the people of an organization want from their leader are answers to the following:

    Where are we going? How are we going to get there? What is my role? Kevin Nolan,

    President & Chief Executive Officer of Affinity Health Systems, Inc. believes the more

    clarity that can be added to each of the three questions, the better the result.

    4. Master the goals that will allow you to work anywhere in todays dynamic businessworld.

    Debbe Kennedy, President, CEO and Founder of Global Dialogue Center and Leadership

    Solutions Companies, and author of Action Dialogues and Breakthrough once shared this

    piece of advice that was instrumental in shaping her direction, future and achievements.

    She was a young manager at IBM just promoted to her first staff assignment in a regional

    marketing office. For reasons she cant explain, one of her colleagues named Bookie called

    her into his office while she was visiting his location. He then began to offer unsolicited

    advice, but advice that now stays fresh in her mind. He mentioned that jobs, missions, titles

    and organizations would come and go as business is dynamic - meaning it is alwayschanging. He advised her not to focus your goals toward any of these, but instead learn to

    master the skills that will allow you to work anywhere.

    He was talking about four skills:

    The ability to develop an idea;

    Effectively plan for its implementation;

    Execute second-to-none;

    Achieve superior results time after time.

  • 8/7/2019 5 Keys to Leadership for Small Business


    With this in mind, Kennedy advises readers to seek jobs and opportunities with this in mind.

    Forget what others do. Work to be known for delivering excellence. It speaks for itself and it

    opens doors.

    Paul B. Thornton presents more of the best advice for achieving business success that seven

    top leaders ever received on the next page. Click to continue reading about effectiveleadership.

    More of the best leadership advice ever received by successful people, advice that helped

    them to become effective, successful leaders:

    5. Be curious.

    Curiosity is a prerequisite to continuous improvement and even excellence. The person who

    gave Mary Jean Thornton, Former Executive Vice President & CIO, The Travelers, this

    advice urged her to study people, processes, and structures. He inspired her to be

    intellectually curious. He often reminded Thornton that making progress, in part, was basedupon thinking. She has learned to apply this notion of intellectual curiosity by thinking about

    her organizations future, understanding the present, and knowing and challenging herself to

    creatively move the people and the organization closer to its vision.

    6. Listen to both sides of the argument.

    The most valuable advice Brian P. Lees, Massachusetts State Senator and Senate Minority

    Leader, ever received came from his mentor, United States Senator Edward W. Brooke III.

    He told him to listen to all different kinds of people and ideas. Listening only to those who

    share your background and opinions can be imprudent. It is important to respect yourneighbors rights to their own views. Listening to and talking with a variety of people, from

    professors to police officers, from senior citizens to school children, is essential not only to

    be a good leader in business, but to also be a valuable member within your community.

    7. Prepare, prepare, prepare.

    If you fail to prepare, you are preparing to fail. If one has truly prepared and something goes

    wrong the strength of the rest of what you've prepared for usually makes this something

    easier to handle without crisis and panic. One of the best pieces of advice Dave Hixson,

    Mens Varsity Basketball Coach at Amherst College has ever received and continues to use

    and pass on is this anonymous quote -Preparation is the science of winning."

    Along with this are two expressions from Rick Pitino's bookSuccess is a Choice, which

    speaks to preparation. Hixson asks his teams every year: "Do you deserve to win?" and "Have

    you done the work?" This speaks to the importance of preparation toward achieving your

    final goal. If you haven't done the work (the preparation) the answer to the second question is

    an easy "no!"

    Great advice comes from many sources parents, other relatives, consultants, bosses, co-

    workers, mentors, teachers, coaches, and friends. The important point to remember is to stay

    open, listen to everyone, but also develop your own leadership style.

  • 8/7/2019 5 Keys to Leadership for Small Business


    Paul B. Thornton is President ofBe the Leader Associates and author of seven books onmanagement and leadership. His latest book, Leadership: Best Advice I Ever Got, is

    available at WingSpan Press,, and

    Secrets of Leadership Success

    Leadership Success Series Introduced

    By Susan M. Heathfield, Guide

    Key leadership success secrets set the great leaders apart from the so-so leaders in today's

    organizations. Leadership style is learned from mentors, learned in seminars and exists as

    part of a person's innate personal leadership skill set developed over years, and existingpossibly, from birth. Nature or nurture is a question often asked about leadership. I answer,

    "yes," because I believe the combination of natural leadership skills and nurture through

    leadership development defines your leadership style.

    Working from personal experience and research, I will define the characteristics of leadership

    that make great leaders. I envision a series of interlinked articles, each of which focuses on

    one aspect of leadership.

    Leadership differs from management and supervision although some people and

    organizations use the terms interchangeably. While the definitions of the terms differ, an

    individual may have the ability to provide all three.

    Supervision means that an individual is charged with providing directionand oversight for other employees. The successful supervisor providesrecognition, appreciation, training and feedback to reporting employees.

    Management means to conduct the affairs of business, to have workunder control and to provide direction, to guide other employees, toadminister and organize work processes and systems, and to handle

    problems. Managers monitor and control work while helping a group ofemployees more successfully conduct their work than they would havewithout her. A managers job is often described as providing everythinghis reporting employees need to successfully accomplish their jobs. Onefamous quote from Warren Bennis, Ph.D. in On Becoming a Leaderdistinguishes management from leadership: Managers are people who dothings right, while leaders are people who do the right thing.

    While a supervisor and a manager may also exhibit leadership skill or

    potential, true leaders are rare. This is because the combination ofskills, personality and ambition essential to leadership are difficult to
  • 8/7/2019 5 Keys to Leadership for Small Business


    develop and exhibit. According to Don Clark, on his excellent leadershipresource, Big Dog's Leadership Page, Bernard "Bass' theory of leadershipstates that there are three basic ways to explain how people becomeleaders. The first two explain the leadership development for a smallnumber of people. These theories are:


    Some personality traits may lead people naturally into leadershiproles. This is the Trait Theory.o A crisis or important event may cause a person to rise to the

    occasion, which brings out extraordinary leadership qualities in anordinary person. This is the Great Events Theory.

    o People can choose to become leaders. People can learn leadershipskills. This is the Transformational Leadership Theory.

    The Transformational Leadership Theory is the one I believe is correct for most leaders

    today. This belief forms the basis for my thinking about leadership.

    The Key Leadership Trait

    The first, and most important characteristic, of a leader is the decision to become a leader. At

    some point in time, leaders decide that they want to provide others with vision, direct the

    course of future events and inspire others to success. Leadership requires the individual to

    practice dominance and take charge. If you choose to become a leader, whether in your

    workplace, community or during an emergency, the discussion of these characteristics will

    help you formulate the appropriate mix of traits, skills and ambition. Successful leaders

    choose to lead. Unlike Keanu Reeves as Neo in 1999s smash hit, The Matrix, you get to

    decide whether you are the one. The first characteristic of a leader is Choice - leaders

    choose to lead.

    Characteristics of a Successful Leadership Style

    Much is written about what makes successful leaders. I will focus on the characteristics, traits

    and actions that, I believe, are key.

    Choose to lead. (Current article - you are here.) Be the person others choose to follow. Provide vision for the future. Provide inspiration. Make other people feel important and appreciated. Live your values. Behave ethically. Set the pace through your expectations and example. Establish an environment of continuous improvement. Provide opportunities for people to grow, both personally and

    professionally. Care and act with compassion.

    Leadership Inspiration
  • 8/7/2019 5 Keys to Leadership for Small Business


    Leadership Success Secrets

    "Coaching isn't a great mystery. It's just hard work, determination, and inspiration at

    the right moment." --Bob Zuppke in The Book of Football Wisdom edited by CriswellFreeman, 1996.

    "Leadership is based on a spiritual quality; the power to inspire, the power to inspire

    others to follow." --Vince Lombbardi

    What makes a leader inspirational? The ability to inspire people to reach great heights of

    performance and success is a skill that leaders need. Passion, purpose, listening and meaning

    help make a leader inspirational. The ability to communicate that passion, purpose and

    meaning to others helps establish the inspirational culture of your organization. These points

    will tell you how to enable inspiration and motivation in the people you lead.

    How Leaders Instill Inspiration in the People They Lead

    The inspirational leader feels passionately about the vision and mission ofthe organization. He or she is also able to share that passion in a way thatenables others to feel passionate, too. The nature of the vision andmission is critical for enabling others to feel as if their work has purposeand meaning beyond the tasks they perform each day. Sometimes leadershave to help their staff connect the dots by explaining this big picture toall. Communicating the big picture regularly will help reinforce the reasonyour organization exists.

    The inspirational leader listens to the people in her organization. Talking topeople about your passion is not enough. To share meaning - mydefinition for communication - you must allow the ideas and thoughts ofyour staff to help form the vision and mission, or minimally, the goals andaction plan. No one is ever one hundred percent supportive of a directionthey had no part in formulating. People need to see their ideasincorporated or understand why they were not.

    To experience inspiration, people also need to feel included. Inclusion goesbeyond the listening and feedback; for real inclusion, people need to feelintimately connected to the actions and process that are leading to theaccomplishment of the goals or the decision.

    At a client company, we cancelled an annual employee event because ofcustomer orders for product. Many people did not like the decision, but weinvolved the whole management group, the Activity Committee membersand many other employees in the discussion about whether to cancel orre-schedule the event. The inclusion led to a compromise that, while notperfect, still enables a celebration and a positive motivation boost, yet

    allows the company to meet customer needs.

  • 8/7/2019 5 Keys to Leadership for Small Business


    Important to inspiration is the integrity of the person leading. Yes, visionand passion are important, but employees must trust you to feel inspired.They must believe in you. Your person is as important as the direction

    you provide. Employees look up to a person who tells the truth, tries to dothe right things, lives a "good" life and does their best. Trust me. Youractions play out on the stage of your organization. And, your staff doesboo and cheer and vote with their feet and their actions.

    Finally, an inspirational leader gives people what they want within hiscapabilities. (You cant provide a raise in pay without companyprofitability, as an example, but you absolutely must share the rewards ifthe organization is doing well.) The inspirational leader also understands

    that, while money is a motivator, so are praise, recognition, rewards, athank you and noticing an individuals contribution to a successfulendeavor.

    Characteristics of a Successful Leadership Style

    Much is written about what makes successful leaders. I will focus on the characteristics, traits

    and actions that, I believe, are key in this series of articles.

    Choose to lead . Be the person others choose to follow .

    Provide vision for the future . Provide inspiration. ((Current article - you are here.) Make other people feel important and appreciated. Live your values. Behave ethically. Set the pace through your expectations and example. Establish an environment of continuous improvement. Provide opportunities for people to grow, both personally and

    professionally. Care and act with compassion.

    How to Be a Great Leader



    This article was created by a professional writer and edited by experienced copy editors, both

    qualified members of the Demand Media Studios community. All articles go through an

    editorial process that includes subject matter guidelines, plagiarism review, fact-checking,

    and other steps in effort to provide reliable information.

  • 8/7/2019 5 Keys to Leadership for Small Business


    By Teachforever, eHow User

    Be a Great Leader

    The making of a leader. Believe it or not, if you are committed to the process, you can

    develop great leadership qualities and become a great leader.





    o 1

    Develop Vision: As a leader, you must provide your people with a blue print,

    road map to where you are taking them. Your people will never reach your

    desired goals the way that you desire unless you spell it out in clear terms

    what the end product should be.

    o 2

    Delegate Responsibility: Yourjobas a great leader is not to do all of the work.

    It is essential that you delegate, assign others, to carry out responsibilities. The

    more you duplicate yourself into others, the more that can be accomplished.

    Delegating responsibility does not alleviate you from your responsibility to

    ensure that everyone is accomplishing the desired goals of the group,

    company, business, etc..
  • 8/7/2019 5 Keys to Leadership for Small Business


    o 3

    Execute the plan effectively: Once you have determined where you are taking

    the group, business, etc... you have to ensure that the plan is effectively put

    into action. Ensure that your people are reporting back to you in a timely

    manner, making the appropriate adjustments to ensure success.

    o 4

    Spread the Credit: One of the worse things that a leader can do is take the

    credit for all of the work. You will never be a successful leader until you

    appreciate the contributions of the people that make you look good. Guesswhat? When you appreciate the people that work for you, they will go over

    and beyond to ensure that you look good.

    How to Lead Like a Natural Leader


    Scott Carpenter MBA SPHRThis article was created by a professional writer and edited by experienced copy editors, both

    qualified members of the Demand Media Studios community. All articles go through an

    editorial process that includes subject matter guidelines, plagiarism review, fact-checking,

    and other steps in effort to provide reliable information.

    By Scott Carpenter MBA SPHR, eHow User

    Some people seem to be natural leaders. Others have to develop the skills to become great

    leaders. This 'How To' briefly explains the three basic skills all leaders possess. You can be a

    great leader; just build your skills.

    Difficulty:Moderately Challenging



    o 1

    Develop a vision of greatness. What do your people want or need to

    accomplish? Where do you need to go together, some point to reach or

    accomplishment that people must stretch to attain. Some examples could be towin a game, reach a sales goal, write a book, start abusinessor a church. This
  • 8/7/2019 5 Keys to Leadership for Small Business


    vision must be challenging and attainable. It must be relevant to the reason the

    people are together. Your vision may be the mission of the group or a specific

    project you are trying to acomplish. Your vision peaks people's interest!

    o 2

    Communication! Develop an extraordinary sense of communication with your

    people. You must 'connect.' Leaders speak to their people in such a way that

    everyone understands; not an easy task. Telling people to do tasks is NOT the

    same as a developing rapport. Developing rapport means speaking so each

    listener understands and, then, DESIRES to accomplish the vision. You speak

    to the listener, but not be condescending. Improve your speaking and listening

    skills. Excellent communication greatly improves your ability to accomplish

    strategic objectives.

    o 3

    Be trustworthy. Probably the toughest leadership trait is to get people to trust

    you. It sounds easy to just be trustworthy. However, everyone wants to get

    what he/she 'deserves' out of the organization. When people percieve your

    personal intentions far outweigh their interests, you lose trust and leadership

    credibility. The next step explains some of the attributes that help you become


    o 4

    -Show that you are dedicated to the vision. Believe to the point that yousacrifice or will sacrifice as needed!

    -Dress the role of the leader. Maybe a suit, maybe coveralls and boots. Your

    appearance tells people whether or not you are working toward your vision.

    -Show that you care about your people. Ensure mail and paychecks are

    delivered. Ensure people take necessary breaks. Ensure people are trained to

    and understand your standards.

    -Show confidence in your people. Trust that your people will make good

    decisions. If you can't do this, conduct training/counseling to build your team's

    maturity. Usually, the team's maturity mirrors the leader's maturity.

    -Keep people informed. Develop several communication techniques, ie. face-

    to-face meetings, written notes, signage, e-mail, daily/weekly newsletters,bulletins, good policy manuals, procedure books, uniforms with a


    -Follow up, follow up, follow up. If you don't follow up, eventually, tasks

    don't get done. If you don't care enough to follow up and thank people for their

    work, you will not succeed and you are not a leader.

    -Reward people for their exemplary work. Create an atmosphere that rewards

    people who contribute greatly toward the vision. People love to be recognized!

    Leaders have the self-confidence to rewards others, even their peers!

    -Develop basic management skills. Management skills include planning,

    organizing, people/counseling skills, and control skills. Get any basic

    management book to learn more about these skills. Know who your bestplanners are (Planning). Likewise, who organizes people and equipment well

  • 8/7/2019 5 Keys to Leadership for Small Business


    (Organizing)? Who can train/counsel others (People/counseling)? Who can

    decide if the team is on the right track or is wasting resources (Control)? You

    must have a good understanding of each of these. However, if you can deligate

    some of these tasks to a group expert, you demostrate excellent leadership!

    -Be technically competent. Know your industry's details. Read trade

    magazines. Understand what is new and upcoming in your business.Constantly study and learn. Expect your people to do the same.

    -Display great integrity. Expect people to do as you do.

    -Have courage and encourage others. Take smart well-thought out risks rather

    than gamble.

    -Associate with other leaders. Be involved as a member of leadership


    -Be proactive. Don't rest on past success. Build for the future.

    -Be effective and efficient. Use resources wisely.

    -Stay calm!

    o 5

    Understand that some people will simply never follow you. They may never

    follow anyone. Treat these people fairly and consistently. Expect to have

    difficult days/weeks/years. Other people may also have their future ambitions

    as taking your position. They may not see you as a leader and may work

    against you. These people will test your leadership ability.

    Stay strong and determined! Work with your people and enjoy working

    toward your vision. It is your decision to be a leader, anyway. If you don't

    lead, who will?

    Self-evaluate your performance. Guaranteed, everyone else is evaluating you.

    Have fun in your leadership roles. Their is no reason to be an emotional drain

    on your organization. Build up everyone.

    How to Become a Leader Instead of a Boss

    A leader leads, a boss rules.

    Becoming a leader in your role as owner, manager, supervisor, or administrator can have

    many advantages over being a boss. If you want your employees to be autonomous and

    independent in their work, accomplishing their tasks with a minimum of supervision, then

    become a leader and watch your employees follow your lead. Learn to lead your team like a

    leader instead of rule your employees like a boss, and you will become the motivational force

    in your company.


    1.o 1
  • 8/7/2019 5 Keys to Leadership for Small Business


    Think of your employees as a team and yourself as their leader. Avoid

    attempting to control your employees' every move. Take the view that it's your

    job to get your employees to want to do theirjobs, just as a coach or manager

    of a sports team would get the team members to perform with enthusiasm and


    o 2

    Inspire your employees with your vision for the business, company, or

    institution for which you work. Share your vision of what you want to achieve

    and fire your employees with your own enthusiasm.

    o 3

    Motivate your employees with your concerns. As much as possible, let your

    employees know when the team's in trouble, when the team needs to improve

    performance, and when the team is being called to action.

    o 4

    Motivate your employees with tangible rewards like a good salary and

    bonuses and employee benefits. Show your employees the advantage to being

    a productive part of the team. Being a good leader means being practical and

    understanding that your staff did not join the company out of a sense of

    goodwill, but rather has to make a living.



    Be a leader who is accessible. Unlike the boss or manager who discourages

    two-way communication between employees and management, let your

    employees know their feedback and concerns are always welcome. Provide

    employees with many ways to contact you so they truly feel they have access

    to communication with you.

    o 6

    Be strong and effective. A leader is a leader because she or he can take

    resourceful action in times of conflict, troubleshoot problems, and provideconcrete solutions to ongoing issues. Be someone who can do what needs to

    be done in times of crisis.

    o 7

    Be a role model. Behave in the business and work environment as you want

    your staff to behave. If you want honesty, be honest. If you want loyalty, show

    loyalty to your staff. In business, as in life, people learn by example.

    o 8
  • 8/7/2019 5 Keys to Leadership for Small Business


    Avoid exploiting your position as manager and boss to your own exclusive

    benefit. In other words, a leader leads by being part of the team, not above it.

    If you're lenient with yourself, be lenient with your employees. If the team

    succeeds, share the praise and rewards with your employees.

    o 9

    Respect, honor, and take full advantage of the skills and talents of your staff.

    Your employees are your team; let them do the work. Leading employees

    means avoiding micromanaging. Empower employees to work by giving them

    as many freedoms to do their jobs as possible, within the constraints of

    company policy.

    o 10

    Insist on the same freedoms and rewards and respect that you give your

    employees. You have limitations and needs, yourself. While you must have

    high standards for your own behavior, a good leader takes care of him or

    herself. A suffering or stressed leader leads to less than optimal leadership.

    Your taking care of your own needs, both personal and professional, helps

    reduce work stress in everyone.

    Tips & Warnings

    A boss is pitted in opposition to his or her employees; a leader leads his or her

    employees to success.

    Good leadership is not easy, but it gets tremendous rewards. A business that operatesunder good leadership has lower turnover, is more efficient, and commands superior

    job performance.

    How to Become an Effective Leader


    Nicole Smith

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    By Nicole Smith, eHow User

    Become an Effective Leader

    As a leader you have a responsibility to your employees, group, organization, or team to leadfairly and ethically. The title "Boss" or "Manager" does not automatically make you a leader.




    things you'll need:

    Pen Paper Printer

    1.o 1
  • 8/7/2019 5 Keys to Leadership for Small Business


    Understand what is a leader. A leader is the appointed head of a group, a team,

    or organization. He or she is a charismatic person who is able to make good

    decisions and inspire others to reach a common goal.

    o 2

    Understand what is leadership. Leadership is the power to communicate

    assertively and inspire others. It is the ability to influence others.

    o 3

    Understand the leadership qualities. Charisma is one quality that is oftenmistaken as the most important leadership requirement. However, you can

    attain charismatic leadership more easily if you work to develop the following

    qualities: knowledge, trust, integrity, standards, decisiveness, assertiveness,

    optimism, results, vision, and an appearance of power.

    o 4

    Understand the leadership styles. Just as no two snowflakes are exactly alike,

    no two people lead in exactly the same way. Here are the leadership styles: 1)

    Dictatorship, 2) "Almost" Democracy, 3) Partnership, and 4)


    o 5

    Understand the traits of a leader. 1) Positive Thought - visualize yourself and

    team winning 2) Positive Talk - communicating a winning attitude. Tip:

    Positive talk is key to helping your organization visualize a win.

    o 6

    Learn how to communicate as a leader. Communication is the ability totransmit information, thoughts, and ideas so that they are satisfactorily

    understood by a listener or listeners. As a leader you need to communicate

    through verbal communication (i.e., high-impact words, buzzwords, using

    analogies and metaphors, anecdotes, and speeches) and non-verbal

    communication (i.e., exhibiting assertiveness, facial expressions, posture, hand

    gestures, interpersonal distance, and personal appearance).

    o 7

    Learn how to empower others. Leadership has great flexibility in varying the

    level of empowerment based on the individual's capabilities and seriousness ofthe consequences of the individual's action/inaction. When assessing
  • 8/7/2019 5 Keys to Leadership for Small Business


    capabilities of others, consider the following: 1) willingness to accept

    empowerment, 2) training, 3) judgment, and 4) experience.

    o 8

    Develop a vision. Idealistic in nature, a vision gives a sense of the differencesbetween the present and future states of an organization. To develop a vision

    you need to: 1) start with aspirations, 2) do research, 3) spend some time

    thinking about the organization, 4) think about possible and necessary

    improvements, 5) think about do-ability, and 6) use your intuition.

    o 9

    Communicate the vision. As a leader, you need to develop ideas and plans for

    an organization's future and communicate them effectively by: 1) informing

    management about the care of the future and 2) informing employees & others

    about the importance of being innovative thinkers.

    o 10

    Transform into becoming a good leader. You will need to fortify yourself by

    keeping up with the latest leadership trends, observing other leaders (including

    leaders in your own chain of command and leaders in the news), and

    recognizing that your own unique brand of leadership will change as you gain


    Read more: How to Become an Effective Leader |


    Tips & Warnings

    Key steps to think positively:

    Break a given problem down to its most basic components and deal with each


    If you deem something as negative, figure out why: lack of experience? Past failure?

    Figure out what you can do to increase your chance of success. For example, if your

    concern is lack of experience, could you take a class or ask a colleague to help you

    learn about a particular topic or procedure?

    View each challenge thrown your way as a chance to lengthen your list of successes.

    Visualize yourself winning.

    Read more: How to Become an Effective Leader |

    How to be a guild/clan leader
  • 8/7/2019 5 Keys to Leadership for Small Business


    Ever want to become an effective leader? In this article you will learn how to become an

    effective guild/clan leader by following these tips and learning from other's mistakes.




    things you'll need:

    A clear head A goal/purpose

    Atleast 2 loyal friends

    1.o 1

    Gather your most loyal friends, they will aid you in creating a cirlce of elites

    and with busy work.

    To be the best, requires dedication.

    o 2

    Choose the game you wish to dominate with your clan/guild

    o 3

    Define the goal or purpose of your clan/guild

    o 4

    Make an example, go out there in the game and show others what your group

    is all about, using your most loyal friends you can set an example that people

    want to follow.
  • 8/7/2019 5 Keys to Leadership for Small Business


    o 5

    Set a standard of excellence that all your members should live up to.

    o 6

    Gain followers, either through your actions or through networking and

    advertising (Note: this is the most difficult part of the process)

    o 7

    Respect, is everything. It is difficult to teach one how to earn respect however

    the most effective way is through actions. One must show they are capable of

    their position and treat others as you wish to be treated.

    o 8

    Begin molding your new recruits into your ideal, establish comradship and

    trust, especially among your elites and make the lower levels feel needed and

    always keep them content, listen.

    o 9

    Do not overemphasize rank, instead focus on belonging and community.

    o 10

    Rekindle the fire during peaceful times and create a new sense of urgency to

    keep your members sharp.
  • 8/7/2019 5 Keys to Leadership for Small Business


    o 11

    As leader you are obligated to fullful your diplomatic duties, you must act

    politcally at times and show your men you are just one of them, not to mention

    the citizens of your new realm, they are the pool from which you will draw

    influence, both good and bad.

    o 12

    Constantly test your members to make sure they have not gone soft, remember

    you have a standard of excellence to uphold. Do this by creating tournaments

    within the ranks, to re-establish a pecking order and allow others to gain new

    respect, but don't let it go to their heads. Remember you are the top of the food

    chain. It is best if you yourself do not compete in such events. Simply evaluate

    and give the prize.

    o 13

    Remember the fallen, retire old members, honor their passing.

    o 14

    Do battle with the utmost fury, no mercy to your enemies, let it drag on too

    long however, and moral will suffer. Make sure to rotate warriors in a time of


    o 15

    If your're really into it, do research, find out the public opion of yours and

    other clans/guilds, discreetly ofcourse and keep in mind the press can be your

    greatest ally, or your worst enemy.



    Depending on your goals, halt all recruiting and make your membership

    exlcusive, this will help build community, however if you require manpower

    you must constantly expand, if this is the case, don't spread your self too thin,

    make sure effective leaders are always where they should be, but again, you

    are the head hancho, they should answer to you. Building new leaders should

    be from the ground up, to ensure loyalty.

    o 17
  • 8/7/2019 5 Keys to Leadership for Small Business


    As with all things, it must come to an end. Go out with dignity.

    How to Identify a Leader



    There are so many people in this world that need help. I write on eHow to earn a little extramoney that I can use to do all that I can to make a difference in the world. Money I earn here,

    I am saving so that I can fly to Africa and volunteer in schools there. Eventually, I hope to

    make enough residual income here that I could volunteer full-time.


    By Freunde, eHow User

    Identify a Leader

    Leaders are someone that people are naturally drawn to, and naturally want to follow theirlead. Although managers may also be leaders, there's a distinction between a manager and a

    leader. A manager explains to people what needs to be done, and a leader takes the charge

    and gets things done. A leader will usually serve as an inspiration for others. As a leader, you

    will have to build support for projects from people whom you have no authority over.

    Identifying a leader is easy if you just look for some of the key traits demonstrated by leaders.




  • 8/7/2019 5 Keys to Leadership for Small Business



    o 1

    Identify whether or not the person seems ambitious to do what they are doing.

    Does the person just show up each day because they are bored and need to kill

    some time, or are they there because they have a passion for what they aredoing?

    o 2

    Observe whether the person is caring and friendly. A good leader should

    always care about other people and be friendly to those they are around. As

    well as being caring and friendly, the leader be able to be mature at the same


    o 3

    Determine whether the person can work alone. Although great leaders will

    work in teams quite often, it's important that when the time comes for the

    person to work alone, they are able to do so. In other words, does the person

    always rely on other people, or can they also do things on their own?

    o 4

    Identify whether the person is inspiring. This is probably one of the most

    important characteristics of a good leader. In order for any leader to be

    successful, they must also be able to inspire those they surround themselveswith. People should be able to look at the leader and say "wow, they really

    have a passion for what they are doing, and they are inspiring."

    Read more: How to Identify a Leader |

    How to Differentiate Between Managers

    and LeadersX

    eHow Business Editor

    This article was created by a professional writer and edited by experienced copy editors, both

    qualified members of the Demand Media Studios community. All articles go through an

    editorial process that includes subject matter guidelines, plagiarism review, fact-checking,and other steps in effort to provide reliable information.
  • 8/7/2019 5 Keys to Leadership for Small Business


    By an eHow Contributor

    The success of any business depends on having both capable managers and dedicated leaders.

    While most outstanding leaders also have superior management skills, not all managers

    possess true leadership skills. It's important to differentiate real leaders from within the ranks

    of competent managers so that your business grows and evolves over time. Leaders are theguardians of a company's future, and identifying and positioning leaders within your business

    structure is crucial to its success.




    1. Assess the Skills of Employees in Management

    Positionso 1

    Discuss the vision for the company. Managers are more concerned with

    executing the day-to-day functions of a company, but leaders think long term.

    Employees who do not have a vision for the company or cannot communicate

    one effectively will not be good leaders.

    o 2

    Monitor how employees work within a team environment. Being able tocollaborate with others both above and below you is an important part of being

    a leader. Good leaders welcome other people's ideas, foster an environment

    where people feel free to share their opinions and then choose between those

    opinions effectively.

    o 3

    Require managers to be evaluated by those under their commands. Inspiring

    others to do their best work is an essential leadership skill. Good leaders are

    able to train, develop and motivate those under their purviews.

    o 4

    Use self-evaluation methods to determine if managers are able to learn from

    their mistakes. By making your managers report on their own performances

    regularly to their superiors, you can gaug

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