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4G LTE TDD/FDD, DT Methologhy, and Preparation on GENEX Probe-AssistantDrive Test ConceptualDrive test is conducted for checking coverage criteria of a cell with RFThe data collected by drive test tool as log files is analyzed to evaluated various RF parameters of the network

Important thing to DT efficient and effectiveThe parameter: a lot of DT Engineer didnt know what he do while drive testing, it have so many value inside the tools, but they just collect it without understand what the definition each parameter

2. Route: Dont make double job at the same route,it will waste your time. Please be aware with your route and dont duplicate it.

3. Event: event is the most important thing, you can see when the event call drop, handover failure and make the analyze at that time. So you can explain to your RF Engineer what you have done in your work

4. DT strategy: the main important thing in LTE is Throughput, that value is makes differrence between another technology such as 3G / 2G. Please make sure you record your DT in stable condition (Filezilla still copying file) - Open large file - Open 3 file zilla

5. Be active to analyze: some of DT engineer spent all the day to collect the data without knowing the result, it better for you to focus on your work and see if there any crossfeeder, bad spot result, or site Down,etcA. Cross Feeder: which cell is cross feeder?

B. Bad Spot Result Please give me the valid reason why the throughput is drop?

How To Drive Test Using Genex Probe V 3.5Open Probe V3.5 then connect LTE Dongle and USB GPSKlik Configure -> Device management-> Device configureadd the MS, by following this below picture and choose the related COM port

add the MS, by following this below picture and choose the related COM port

Add The GPS NMEA by click add button and choose the COM Port

Create the engineering Parameter in xls format (please use the following format)

Import Engineering Parameter: Configuration ->Engineering parameter management-> import -> then choose LTE system, click browse and choose the engineering parameter in xls format. Then click OPEN

Match the probe parameter with the excel parameter (mandatory field)Click next and make sure there are no failed item

Test Plan Configuration

Set different parameter according to different test, for example FTP Download

1. Add test2. Choose equipment3. Test state4. Set test parameters5. Test statisticWeekly/Monthly DT Preparation1. Before Weekly/Monthly DT2. During Weekly/Monthly DT3. After Weekly/Monthly DT log process1.1 Site status1.2 Site alarm1.3 Site transmission & SSV remarks1.4 Neighboring site1.5 Site DT route cross1.6 DT FTP files2.1 DT vehicle speed2.2 Remarks on every abnormal around site2.3 Remarks of serving site environment 3.1 Low RSRP; Low SINR; Low Throughput3.1 High RSRP; Low SINR; Low Throughput3.3 High RSRP; High SINR; Low Throughput 1. Before Weekly/Monthly DT1.1 Site status1.2 Site alarm1.3 Site transmission & SSV remarks1.4 Neighboring siteBefore Weekly/Monthly DT, always ensure the site(s) status. Which to be on air and include in Weekly/Monthly DT, which are to be excluded.Before Weekly/Monthly DT, cross check the alarm status of the site(s).Cross check on the site transmission issue. Double cross check with the remarks stated over SSV report. Certain site(s) with transmission limitation will be remarked over SSV report. Also, take note of other special remarks stated over SSV report.Cross check NRT of the site to ensure neighbor relations had been defined.1.5 Site DT route cross1.6 DT FTP filesAlways cross check the DT route before starting DT. Ensure DT route doesnt cover low coverage area whereby the planned site is not integrated / up yet.

Always ensure to perform large files for FTP download (recommended 1G files, 5~8 files at the same time). DO NOT perform small files download as might end up with non-stable peak throughput.1. Before Weekly/Monthly DT2.1 DT vehicle speed & Logfile2.2 Remarks on every abnormal around site2.3 Remarks of serving site environment 2. During Weekly/Monthly DT:- During DT, always ensure the vehicle speed are moving not too fast nor too slow. Ensure DT log files saved at 50~100Mb/files.Always drop down remarks during DT if found any activities / on-going event around the site or any abnormal found.Always alert with the DT result and check with the surrounding environment. Is the serving cell being blocked by high rise building? Is there any cross feeder? Is there any sleeping cell or abnormal cell and etc.

Example of DT speedMoving Test Method & KPIA. Moving Test DLKPI to look intoDownload Average min = ???1. Login to FTP Server using Filezilla and select multiple file for DL.2. Begin DT in clockwise & anti-clockwise directions at least in two different file.3. Save the DT log, cross check all KPI achieved. Ensure naming of log are correct4. Fill up the KPI excel sheet, submit to Vendor within 24 hoursFTP Server:IP: ????????UN / PW: xxxxx/ xxxxx

Cluster Reporting & KPI(Plotting Download (Throughput))A. Download

Choose DL grup -> search Throughput menu -> right click on PCC MAC Throughput -> Display On Map You can add some route and legend with click the layer button and legend button

Cluster Reporting & KPI (Plotting Download (Histogram))A. Download

Histogram is very important thing while reporting, RF engineer can analyze the distribution of the Download value and make decision about the next step Choose download -> search Throughput -> PCC MAC Throughput ->Display on Histogram

Cluster Reporting & KPI (Display Statisctics))A. Download

Display the statistics is needed to view the valid value for average,maximum,minimum range of the throughput. Choose DL -> search MAC Throughput -> right click and display on sheet

Cluster Reporting & KPI (Plotting Download (add layer & Missing Route))A. Download

- Click the layer button to add some routes it will make you easier to locate where is the missing route and create justification at that area

Cluster Reporting & KPI (Plotting Download (EARFC))A. Download

EARFCN is using to define the frequency while you Drive Test choose DL -> serving cell -> Serving DL EARCN -> display on map

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