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    3GPP TS 48.058 V10.0.0 (2011-03)Technical Specification

    3rd Generation Partnership Project;Technical Specification Group GSM/EDGE Radio Access Networ;

    !ase Station "ontroller # !ase Transcei$er Station%!S" # !TS& interface;'a(er 3 specification

    %Release )*&




    The present document has been developed within the 3rdGeneration Partnership Project (3GPPTM) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP.

    The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP Oranisational Partners and shall not be implemented.

    This !pecification is provided for future development wor" within 3GPP only. The Oranisational Partners accept no liability for any use of this

    !pecification.!pecifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPPTMsystem should be obtained via the 3GPP Oranisational Partners# Publications Offices.

  • 8/11/2019 48058-A00 BSC-BTS Layer 3


    $eywordsGSM, radio, layer 3


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    &o part may be reproduced e'cept as authoried by written permission.The copyriht and the foreoin restriction e'tend to reproduction in all media.

    *+,,- 3GPP Oraniational Partners (/%0- T%!- 11!- 2T!%- TT- TT1).

    ll rihts reserved.

    MT!4 is a Trade Mar" of 2T!% reistered for the benefit of its members

    3GPP4 is a Trade Mar" of 2T!% reistered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Oraniational Partners

    5T24 is a Trade Mar" of 2T!% currently bein reistered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP

    Oraniational PartnersG!M6 and the G!M loo are reistered and owned by the G!M ssociation

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    , !cope......................................................................................................................................................,., /eferences...........................................................................................................................................................,.* bbreviations.......................................................................................................................................................

    * Protocol model.......................................................................................................................................

    3 /adio 5in" 5ayer Manaement Procedures..........................................................................................3., 5in" establishment indication............................................................................................................................3.* 5in" establishment re8uest................................................................................................................................3.3 5in" release indication.......................................................................................................................................3.9 5in" release re8uest...........................................................................................................................................

    3.: Transmission of a transparent 53;Messae in ac"nowleded mode.................................................................3.< /eception of a transparent 53;Messae in ac"nowleded mode......................................................................3.= Transmission of a transparent 53;Messae in unac"nowleded mode.............................................................3.> /eception of a transparent 53;Messae in unac"nowleded mode..................................................................3.? 5in" error indication..........................................................................................................................................

    @edicated channel manaement procedures...................................................................................................9., 1hannel activation.............................................................................................................................................9.,., !inallin Procedure....................................................................................................................................

    9.,.* ctivation for %ntra;1ell 1hannel 1hane...................................................................................................9.,.3 ctivation for synchronous Aandover......................................................................................................9.,.9 ctivation for !ynchronous Aandover........................................................................................................9.,.: ctivation for !econdary 1hannels in Multislot 1onfiuration..................................................................9.,.< 1hannel reactivation....................................................................................................................................9.* 1hannel MO@2 MO@%7B................................................................................................................................

    9.3 Aandover detection............................................................................................................................................

    9.9 !tart of encryption.............................................................................................................................................9.: Measurement reportin......................................................................................................................................9.:., 0asic measurement reportin.......................................................................................................................9.:.* Measurement pre;processin.......................................................................................................................9.:.*., Pre;processin confiuration..................................................................................................................

    9.:.*.* Pre;processed measurement reportin...................................................................................................9.:.3 2'tended measurement reportin.................................................................................................................9.< @eactivate !11A............................................................................................................................................9.= /adio channel release........................................................................................................................................9.> M! power control..............................................................................................................................................9.? Transmission power control...............................................................................................................................

    9.,+ 1onnection failure.............................................................................................................................................9.,, Physical conte't re8uest....................................................................................................................................

    9.,* !11A information modify.............................................................................................................................9.,3 Tal"er detection.................................................................................................................................................9.,9 5istener detection...............................................................................................................................................9.,: /emote 1odec 1onfiuration............................................................................................................................

    9.,< /ound Trip @elay /eport..................................................................................................................................9.,= Pre;handover Carnin.......................................................................................................................................9.,> Multi/ate 1odec 1onfiuration 1hane...........................................................................................................9.,? Multi/ate 1odec 1onfiuration 1hane Performed.........................................................................................9.*+ T7O /eport........................................................................................................................................................9.*, T7O Modification /e8uest................................................................................................................................

    : 1ommon channel manaement procedures..........................................................................................:., 1hannel re8uest by M!......................................................................................................................................

    :.* Pain................................................................................................................................................................:.3 @elete indication................................................................................................................................................:.9 111A load indication.......................................................................................................................................:.: 0roadcast information modify...........................................................................................................................


    3GPP TS +,-*., )*-*-* %0*))#*3&3Release )*

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    :.< !hort Messae 1ell 0roadcast...........................................................................................................................:.= %MM2@%T2 !!%G&M2&T..........................................................................................................................:.> &otification........................................................................................................................................................

    < T/D manaement procedures...............................................................................................................3 /adio lin" layer manaement messaes............................................................................................................>.3., @T /2E2!T........................................................................................................................................>.3.* @T %&@%1T%O&...................................................................................................................................>.3.3 2//O/ %&@%1T%O&................................................................................................................................>.3.9 2!T05%!A /2E2!T.............................................................................................................................>.3.: 2!T05%!A 1O&7%/M.............................................................................................................................

    >.3.< 2!T05%!A %&@%1T%O&........................................................................................................................>.3.= /252!2 /2E2!T.................................................................................................................................>.3.> /252!2 1O&7%/M.................................................................................................................................>.3.? /252!2 %&@%1T%O&............................................................................................................................>.3.,+ &%T @T /2E2!T..............................................................................................................................>.3.,, &%T @T %&@%1T%O&.........................................................................................................................

    >.9 @2@%1T2@ 1A&&25 M&G2M2&T M2!!G2!.............................................................................>.9., 1A&&25 1T%FT%O&..........................................................................................................................>.9.* 1A&&25 1T%FT%O& 1$&OC52@G2..........................................................................................>.9.3 1A&&25 1T%FT%O& &2GT%F2 1$&OC52@G2.....................................................................>.9.9 1O&&21T%O& 7%5/2 %&@%1T%O&..................................................................................................>.9.: @21T%FT2 !11A...............................................................................................................................

    >.9.< 2&1/BPT%O& 1OMM&@......................................................................................................................>.9.= A&@OF2/ @2T21T%O&........................................................................................................................>.9.> M2!/2M2&T /2!5T.......................................................................................................................>.9.? MO@2 MO@%7B.........................................................................................................................................>.9.,+ MO@2 MO@%7B 1$&OC52@G2.........................................................................................................>.9.,, MO@2 MO@%7B &2GT%F2 1$&OC52@G2.....................................................................................

    >.9.,* PAB!%15 1O&T2DT /2E2!T............................................................................................................>.9.,3 PAB!%15 1O&T2DT 1O&7%/M...........................................................................................................>.9.,9 /7 1A&&25 /252!2..........................................................................................................................>.9.,: M! POC2/ 1O&T/O5.............................................................................................................................>.9.,< 0! POC2/ 1O&T/O5..............................................................................................................................

    >.9.,= P/2P/O12!! 1O&7%G/2.....................................................................................................................>.9.,> P/2P/O12!!2@ M2!/2M2&T /2!5T........................................................................................>.9.,? /7 1A&&25 /252!2 1$&OC52@G2..........................................................................................

    >.9.*+ !11A %&7O MO@%7B.............................................................................................................................>.9.*, T5$2/ @2T21T%O&...............................................................................................................................>.9.** 5%!T2&2/ @2T21T%O&...........................................................................................................................

    >.9.*3 /2MOT2 1O@21 1O&7%G/T%O& /2PO/T.....................................................................................


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    >.9.*9 /O&@ T/%P @25B /2PO/T................................................................................................................>.9.*: P/2;A&@OF2/ &OT%7%1T%O&..........................................................................................................>.9.*< M5T%/T2 1O@21 MO@%7%1T%O& /2E2!T................................................................................>.9.*= M5T%/T2 1O@21 MO@%7%1T%O& 1$&OC52@G2...................................................................

    >.9.*> M5T%/T2 1O@21 MO@%7%1T%O& &2GT%F2 1$&OC52@G2..............................................>.9.*? M5T%/T2 1O@21 MO@%7%1T%O& P2/7O/M2@..........................................................................

    >.9.3+ T7O /2PO/T..............................................................................................................................................>.9.3, T7O MO@%7%1T%O& /2E2!T.............................................................................................................>.: 1OMMO& 1A&&25 M&G2M2&T M2!!G2!.................................................................................>.:., 011A %&7O/MT%O&..............................................................................................................................

    >.:.* 111A 5O@ %&@%1T%O&......................................................................................................................>.:.3 1A&&25 /2E%/2@.............................................................................................................................>.:.9 @252T2 %&@%1T%O&..............................................................................................................................>.:.: PG%&G 1OMM&@.................................................................................................................................>.:.< %MM2@%T2 !!%G& 1OMM&@..........................................................................................................>.:.= !M! 0/O@1!T /2E2!T.................................................................................................................

    >.:.> !M! 0/O@1!T 1OMM&@..............................................................................................................>.:.? 101A 5O@ %&@%1T%O&......................................................................................................................>.:.,+ &OT%7%1T%O& 1OMM&@...................................................................................................................

    >.< T/D M&G2M2&T M2!!G2!................................................................................................................>.....= 5O1T%O& !2/F%12! M2!!G2!..............................................................................................................>.=., 5O1T%O& %&7O/MT%O&.....................................................................................................................

    ? %nformation element codins................................................................................................................?., Messae discriminator.......................................................................................................................................?.* M2!!G2 TBP2..............................................................................................................................................?.3 Other information elements...............................................................................................................................

    ?.3., 1hannel &umber..........................................................................................................................................

    ?.3.* 5in" %dentifier..............................................................................................................................................?.3.3 ctivation Type............................................................................................................................................?.3.9 0! Power.....................................................................................................................................................?.3.: 1hannel %dentification..................................................................................................................................?.3.< 1hannel Mode..............................................................................................................................................

    ?.3.= 2ncryption information................................................................................................................................?.3.> 7rame &umber.............................................................................................................................................?.3.? Aandover reference......................................................................................................................................?.3.,+ 5, %nformation.............................................................................................................................................?.3.,, 53 %nformation (messae name)..................................................................................................................?.3.,* M! %dentity..................................................................................................................................................

    ?.3.,3 M! Power.....................................................................................................................................................?.3.,9 Pain Group...............................................................................................................................................

    ?.3.,: Pain 5oad.................................................................................................................................................?.3.,< Physical 1onte't..........................................................................................................................................?.3.,= ccess @elay................................................................................................................................................?.3.,> /1A 5oad.................................................................................................................................................

    ?.3.,? /e8uest /eference........................................................................................................................................?.3.*+ /elease Mode...............................................................................................................................................?.3.*, /esource %nformation...................................................................................................................................?.3.** /5M 1ause..................................................................................................................................................?.3.*3 !tartin Time................................................................................................................................................?.3.*9 Timin dvance...........................................................................................................................................

    ?.3.*: plin" Measurements..................................................................................................................................?.3.*< 1ause............................................................................................................................................................?.3.*= Measurement result number.........................................................................................................................

    ?.3.*> Messae %dentifier........................................................................................................................................?.3.*? !11A %nformation....................................................................................................................................?.3.3+ !ystem %nfo Type.........................................................................................................................................

    ?.3.3, M! Power Parameters..................................................................................................................................


    3GPP TS +,-*., )*-*-* %0*))#*3&.Release )*

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  • 8/11/2019 48058-A00 BSC-BTS Layer 3



    This Technical !pecification has been produced by the 3rdGeneration Partnership Project (3GPP).

    The contents of the present document are subject to continuin wor" within the T!G and may chane followin formalT!G approval. !hould the T!G modify the contents of the present document- it will be re;released by the T!G with anidentifyin chane of release date and an increase in version number as follows

    Fersion '.y.


    ' the first diit

    , presented to T!G for informationH

    * presented to T!G for approvalH

    3 or reater indicates T!G approved document under chane control.

    y the second diit is incremented for all chanes of substance- i.e. technical enhancements- corrections-updates- etc.

    the third diit is incremented when editorial only chanes have been incorporated in the document.


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    1 S"o#e

    The present document specifies the eneral structure of layer 3 and traffic manaement procedures and messaes usedon the ;bis interface to support sinallin procedures as defined in 3GPP T! *9.++> and 3GPP T! 99.+,>. !upport for

    5ocation !ervices (51!) related sinallin- as defined in 3GPP T! *3.+=,- is also included. 3GPP T! *3.+=, identifiesnew ;bis sinallin to support 0T!;embedded Type 0 5Ms as well as standalone- Type 0 5Ms. The standaloneType 0 5M supports the layer , and * sinallin for the ;bis as well as the 5ocation !ervice messae defined in thepresent document.

    The use and eneral aspects of the 0ase !tation 1ontroller (0!1) to 0ase !tation Transceiver (0T!) interface (the ;bis

    interface) are iven in 3GPP T! 9>.+:,.

    &etwor" manaement procedures and messaes for the ;bis interface are defined in 3GPP T! +>.:?.

    The functional split between 0!1 and 0T! is defined in 3GPP T! 9>.+:*. The procedures and messaes re8uired to

    support this split are defined in detail in the present document.

    1.1 Reere&"eThe followin documents contain provisions which- throuh reference in this te't- constitute provisions of the presentdocument.

    /eferences are either specific (identified by date of publication- edition number- version number- etc.) or


    7or a specific reference- subse8uent revisions do not apply.

    7or a non;specific reference- the latest version applies. %n the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (includin

    a G!M document)- a non;specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the sameRelease as the present document.

    I,J 3GPP T/ *,.?+: KFocabulary for 3GPP !pecificationsK.

    I*J 3GPP T! 93.+*+ K!ecurity related networ" functionsK.

    I*aJ 3GPP T! *3.+=, K5ocation !ervicesH 7unctional description L !tae *K.

    I3J 3GPP T! 99.++9 K5ayer , General re8uirementsK.

    I9J 3GPP T! 99.++: K@ata 5in" (@5) layer General aspectsK.

    I:J 3GPP T! 99.++J 3GPP T! 9:.++* KMultiple'in and multiple access on the radio pathK.

    I?J 3GPP T! 9:.++: K/adio transmission and receptionK.

    I,+J 3GPP T! 9:.++> K/adio subsystem lin" controlK.

    I,,J 3GPP T! 9:.++? K5in" daptationK.

    I,*J 3GPP T! 9:.+,+ K/adio subsystem synchroniationK.

    I,3J 3GPP T! 9>.++

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    I,9J 3GPP T! 9>.++> KMobile;services !witchin 1entre L 0ase !tation !ystem (M!1;0!!)interfaceH 5ayer 3 specificationK.

    I,:J 3GPP T! 9>.+:, K0ase !tation 1ontroller ; 0ase Transceiver !tation (0!1 ; 0T!) interfaceHGeneral aspectsK.

    I,.+:* K0ase !tation 1ontroller ; 0ase Transceiver !tation (0!1 ; 0T!) interfaceH%nterface principlesK.

    I,=J 3GPP T! 9>.+:J 3GPP T! * K/adio /esource 1ontrol ProtocolK.

    1.2 %''reiatio&

    7or the purposes of the present document- the abbreviations defined in 3GPP T/ *,.?+: apply.

    2 Proto"ol odel

    model for 53 can be found in fiure *.,.

    5* addressin is made to T/D (or 017) usin the T2% of 5P@. @ifferent 5* lin"s are used for traffic manaementmessaes (/!5- /adio !inallin 5in")- networ" manaement messaes (OM5- Operation Maintenance 5in") and5* manaement messaes (5*M5- 5ayer * Manaement 5in").

    7or traffic manaement- two types of sinallin messaes have been defined

    Tran#&arent Me##a!e#:Messaes which are forwarded by 0T! without interpretation or chanes.

    Non'Tran#&arent Me##a!e#:Messaes which are sent only between 0!1 and 0T! and which 0T! is actin upon or

    which are the results of 0T! actions.

    %n addition- the messaes have been rouped into four main roups /adio 5in" 5ayer Manaement- @edicated 1hannelManaement- 1ommon 1hannel Manaement and T/D Manaement messaes.

    @iscrimination between these types and roups is based on the Messae @iscriminator which is sent as the first octet in

    all messaes. Transparent and non;transparent messaes are discriminated by a transparency fla (T;bit) in the Messae@iscriminator. Transparent messaes are merely forwarded to 5* on the radio interface.

    %n order to address the relevant radio channel- a 1hannel &umber element is included to support the distribution ofmessaes to relevant physical channels on the T/D. 5in" %dentifier element supports the distribution on loical

    lin"sNchannels on the radio interface (compare the @51% element of the interface- 3GPP T! 9>.++

  • 8/11/2019 48058-A00 BSC-BTS Layer 3


    Chan No



    Other processes within BTS

    Traffic Management
















    To radio


    0 62 63




    4i5ure 0-)/+,-*.,6 '3 7odel

    3 Radio !i&7 !ayer Ma&aee&t Pro"edure

    This sub;clause describes procedures related to the manaement of a lin" layer connection on the radio path.

    3.1 !i&7 eta'li$e&t i&di"atio&

    This procedure is used by 0T! to indicate to 0!1 that a layer * lin" on the radio path has been established in multi;frame mode at the initiative of an M!. 0!1 can use this indication to set up an !11P connection to M!1.

    pon reception of a !0M frame on a lin" on an active channel- the 0T! sends an 2!Tablish %&@ication messae to0!1. The messae contains the contents of the information field of the !0M frame if present.

    The procedure is used in all establishment cases- for all channels and all !P%s.


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    3.2 !i&7 eta'li$e&t reuetThis procedure is used by 0!1 to re8uest the establishment of a lin" layer connection in multi;frame mode on the radiopath.

    The procedure is started by 0!1 sendin an 2!Tablish /2Euest messae to 0T!. 0T! then establishes the lin" bysendin an !0M frame. pon reception of the ac"nowledement (;frame) from M!- 0T! sends an 2!Tablish1O&7irm messae to 0!1.

    %n case of a failure- 0T! sends a /25ease %&@ication and an 2//or %&@ication messae to 0!1 (cf.3GPP T! 99.++

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    3.5 Tra&iio& o a traare&t !3-Meae i& a"7&olededode

    This procedure is used by 0!1 to re8uest the sendin of a 53 messae to M! in ac"nowleded mode.

    0!1 sends a @T /2Euest messae to 0T!. The messae contains the complete 53 messae to be sent in

    ac"nowleded mode.

    3.6 Re"e#tio& o a traare&t !3-Meae i& a"7&oleded ode

    This procedure is used by 0T! to indicate the reception of a 53 messae in ac"nowleded mode.

    0T! sends a @T %&@ication messae to 0!1. The messae contains the received 53 messae.

    3. Tra&iio& o a traare&t !3-Meae i& u&a"7&olededode

    This procedure is used by 0!1 to re8uest the sendin of a 53 messae to M! in unac"nowleded mode.

    0!1 sends a &%T @T /2Euest messae to 0T!. The messae contains the 53 messae to be sent to M! inunac"nowleded mode.

    3.8 Re"e#tio& o a traare&t !3-Meae i& u&a"7&olededode

    This procedure is used by 0T! to indicate the reception of a 53 messae in unac"nowleded mode.

    0T! sends a &%T @T %&@ication messae to 0!1. The messae contains the received 53 messae.


    3GPP TS +,-*., )*-*-* %0*))#*3&)0Release )*

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    3. !i&7 error i&di"atio&

    This procedure is used by 0T! to indicate an abnormal case such as the followin.

    ; a protocol error as specified in 3GPP T! 99.++

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    %f the T/D for some reason cannot activate the resource as re8uested by the 1A&nel ctivation messae- the T/Dshall return a 1A&nel 1T%Fation &eative 1$nowlede messae with the most appropriate cause value.

    Possible cause values may be

    ; OM intervention (e.. channel bloc"ed)H

    ; resource not available (e.. speech coder- encryption device)H

    ; e8uipment failureH

    ; channel already activatedH

    ; etc.

    %n the handover case- the procedure is initiated by the taret 0!1 when this receives the A&@Over /2Euest messaefrom M!1 (or autonomously by 0!1 for 0!1 internal handover). The 0!1 sends a 1A&nel 1T%Fation messae tothe relevant T/D. The messae contains the Aandover /eference value which can be used by the 0T! to chec" theAandover ccess from M!. fter activation of the channel T/D responds with a 1A&nel 1T%Fation 1$nowledemessae containin the current frame number at 0T!.

    The 0!1 can then determine the !tartin Time parameter to be included in the A&@Over /2Euest 1$nowledemessae to M!1 (and the A&@Over 1oMman@ messae to M!).

    4.1.2 %"tiatio& or :&tra-*ell *$a&&el *$a&e

    This activation precedes the %mmediate ssinment- ssinment or dditional assinment procedures. The Timindvance element must be included in the 1A&&25 1T%FT%O& messae.


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    0T! activates the channel and starts transmission and reception on the main channel in the indicated mode. 1ipherin isstarted if so indicated in the encryption information.

    The reception and transmission on !11A is also started immediately.

    %f the 0! andNor M! power elements andNor the Physical 1onte't element are present- the reception and transmissionprocesses and the 5,;header of !11A are initialied accordinly.

    4.1.3 %"tiatio& or %y&"$ro&ou ;a&doer

    0T! starts transmission immediately on the main channel in the indicated mode and with encryption if so indicated. %fthe M! Power element is present the 0T! may start transmission also on the !11A.

    Chen receivin a correct access burst with the correct handover reference- 0T! starts the normal reception process onthe main channel in the indicated mode and starts receivin (and sendin if not started earlier) on !11A. @ecipherinis started if so indicated. The handover detection procedure towards 0!1 is also started.

    4.1.4 %"tiatio& or Sy&"$ro&ou ;a&doer

    0T! starts transmission immediately on the main channel in the indicated mode and with encryption if so indicated. %fthe M! Power and Timin dvance element are present- 0T! shall start transmission also on !11A with the timin

    advance and M! power control parameters indicated. %f only the M! power element is present the 0T! may starttransmission also on the !11A.

    Chen receivin a correct access burst with the correct handover reference- 0T! starts the normal reception process onthe main channel in the indicated mode- with decipherin applied if so indicated- and starts receivin (and sendin if notstarted earlier) on !11A. The handover detection procedure towards 0!1 is also started. lternatively- the reception

    of a correctly decoded frame from the M! on the main channel- in the indicated mode and decipherin applied if soindicated- allows the start of sendin on !11A (if not already started) and starts the handover detection proceduretowards the 0!1.

    &OT2 The activation for synchronous handover can be used for pseudo synchronied handover.

    4.1.5 %"tiatio& or Se"o&dary *$a&&el i& Multilot *o&iuratio&

    0T! activates the channel and starts transmission and reception on the traffic and !11A channels in the indicated

    mode. 1ipherin is applied if so indicated in the encryption information.

    %f the 0! andNor M! power elements andNor the Physical 1onte't element are present- the reception if applicable andtransmission processes and the 5,;header of !11A are initialied accordinly.

    4.1.6 *$a&&el rea"tiatio&

    This procedure is used by 0!1 to re8uest a reactivation of an active channel. @urin the reactivation- information

    flows- e..- user information such as speech or data- that are common for the two phases of operation- are notinterrupted.

    0!1 initiates the procedure by sendin a 1A&&25 1Tivation messae to 0T! where the activation type indicatesKreactivationK- the 0T! shall reactivate the channel with the new parameters. fter havin successfully reactivate thechannel with the parameters supplied the 0T! responds with a 1A&&25 1Tivation 1$nowlede messae to 0!1.

    %f the T/D for some reason cannot reactivate the channel as re8uested in the 1A&&25 1T%FT%O& messae- theT/D shall return a 1A&&25 1Tivation &eative 1$nowlede messae with the most appropriate cause value.


    3GPP TS +,-*., )*-*-* %0*))#*3&).Release )*

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    4.2 *$a&&el M

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    4.4 Start o e&"ry#tio&

    This procedure is used to start encryption accordin to the procedure defined in 3GPP T! 99.+,>.

    The procedure is initiated by 0!1 upon reception of the 1%PA2/ MO@2 1OMM&@ messae from M!1 (see3GPP T! 9>.++>).

    0!1 sends the 2&1/yption 1oMman@ messae to the relevant T/D and channel. %n case of a Multislot confiurationthe messae is sent only to the T1A used as a main channel (defined in 3GPP T! 9:.++*). The messae contains allinformation re8uired to select and load the user data and encryption device with the appropriate "ey and also thecomplete 1ipherin Mode 1ommand messae to be sent to M!.

    fter receipt of this messae- T/D sends the 1%PAerin MO@e 1oMman@ messae to M! in unciphered form andstarts decipherin as described in 3GPP T! 99.+,> and 3GPP T! 93.+*+. The start of decipherin and the sendin of the1ipherin Mode 1ommand messae to M! must be done simultaneously.

    Chen receivin the 1%PAerin MO@e 1oMman@- M! starts both decipherin and encipherin and sends the1%PAerin MO@e 1OMplete messae.

    T/D starts encipherin upon reception of any correct layer * frame which is received after start of decipherin.

    %f the T/D for some reason can not perform the encipherin as re8uested in the 2&1/BPT%O& 1OMM&@- the T/D

    shall return an 2//O/ /2PO/T messae- e..- with the cause K2ncryption alorithm not implementedK.

    4.5 Meauree&t re#orti&

    These procedures are used to report to 0!1 all parameters and measurement results re8uired by 0!1 for handoverre8uirement determination. One procedure is also used to report to the 0!1 e'tended measurements made by Mobile


    M! measures downlin" received sinal level and 8uality from the servin cell and received sinal level fromsurroundin cells as defined in 3GPP T! 9:.++: and 3GPP T! 9:.++>. The measurement results are reported in

    Measurement /eport messaes sent in every !11A bloc" (every 9>+ ms) or- in case !11A is used also for othersinallin- in at least every second !11A bloc" (every ?

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    %n addition- the M! which implements 21!@ options shall use fast inband procedure for downlin" 8uality reportin ifthe use of such procedure has been ordered by the 0!1.

    %n addition- an M! on a channel in enhanced power control (2P1) mode shall measure the 8uality on the downlin" andsend 2P1 @ownlin" Euality /eports in each 2P11A bloc" (every ,*+ ms) as defined in 3GPP T! 9:.++>- if so orderedby the 0!1 (see 3GPP T! 99.+,>).

    The T/D measures the received sinal level and the 8uality on the uplin" of the current channel. The averain periodis one !11A bloc" period (same as the basic period for M!).

    %n addition- a T/D that supports 2P1 shall measure the 8uality on the uplin" for each channel in 2P1 mode. Theaverain period is one 2P1 reportin period (see 3GPP T! 9:.++>).

    These measurements made by M! and T/D form the basic raw data for the handover alorithms in 0!1NM!1. The

    support of forwardin this raw data over the ;bis interface is mandatory for both 0T! and 0!1. The procedure to beused for this basic measurement reportin is defined in sub;clause 9.:.,.

    %n addition- the 0T! and 0!1 may optionally support some pre;processin in 0T! of these basic measurements. Theadditional and optional procedures re8uired to support this pre;processin are defined in sub;clause 9.:.*.

    2'tended measurements made by M! shall be forwarded to the 0!1- usin the same procedure as for normalmeasurements. This case is described in sub;clause 9.:.3.

    4.5.1 >ai" eauree&t re#orti&

    This procedure is used by 0T! to report the results of the basic radio measurements made by M! and T/D accordin to3GPP T! 9:.++> and 3GPP T! 9:.++:. The support of this procedure is mandatory in all 0T!s and all 0!1s. %t is thedefault procedure to use unless otherwise indicated (see sub;clause 9.:.*.,).

    T/D reports all these measurements in M2!urement /2!ult messaes to 0!1. The sendin of the M2!urement/2!ult messaes is synchronied with the reception of !11A bloc"s from M!.

    %f an uplin" !11A bloc" does not contain a M2!urement /2Port or an 2DTended M2!urement /2Port (see sub;

    clause 9.:.3) from M! (e.. when it sends a short messae)- only the uplin" measurement results are included with anindication that the M! measurements are missin.

    4.5.2 Meauree&t #re-#ro"ei&

    These additional and optional procedures are included to support some pre;processin in 0T! of radio measurementdata. Chen used- they may replace the basic procedure defined in sub;clause 9.:.,. Aowever- it shall be possible tochane bac" to the basic procedure.


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    Pre;processin in 0T! must not affect the procedures on the interface (e.. the Aandover 1andidate 2n8uiryprocedure). Pre-#ro"ei& "o&iuratio&

    This procedure is used by 0!1 to modify the pre;processin parameters accordin to reported communication

    conditions (e.. deradation of the communication).

    %n order to chane the parameters- 0!1 sends a P/2P/O12!! 1O&7%G/2 messae to 0T!.

    parameter settin in the P/2P/O12!! 1O&7%G/2 messae indicates if the basic procedure defined in sub;clause9.:., or pre;processin is to be used. Pre-#ro"eed eauree&t re#orti&

    This procedure is used by 0T! to report the results of measurement pre; processin.

    To report the results- 0T! sends a P/2P/O12!!2@ M2!/2M2&T /2!5T messae to 0!1.

    The conditions to send the messae are set in the P/2P/O12!! 1O&7%G/2 messae.

    4.5.3 +/te&ded eauree&t re#orti&

    This procedure is used by 0T! to report the results of the e'tended measurements made by M! accordin to

    3GPP T! 9:.++>.

    %f an uplin" !11A bloc" contains an 2DTended M2!urement /2Port from M!- it shall be forwarded to the 0!1usin the same procedure as when reportin reular measurement reports from an M!. Thouh- no measurement pre;processin is possible.


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    4.6 9ea"tiate S%**;

    This procedure is used by 0!1 to deactivate the !11A at 0T! accordin to the 1hannel /elease procedure defined in

    3GPP T! 99.+,>.

    Chen sendin the 1hannel /elease messae to M!- 0!1 also sends the @21T%FT2 !11A messae to 0T! todeactivate the !11A (see 3GPP T! 99.+,>- 1hannel /elease procedure).

    4. Radio "$a&&el releae

    This procedure is used by 0!1 to release a radio channel which is no loner needed.

    Chen an activated radio channel is no loner needed- 0!1 sends an /7 1A&nel /25ease messae to the relevant

    T/D and channel. fter havin released the addressed resources- the 0T! sends a /7 1A&nel /25ease1$nowlede to 0!1.

    4.8 MS #oer "o&trol

    This procedure is used by 0!1 to set the M! power level or the parameters re8uired by T/D for the control of M!power.

    The initial parameters are set by 0!1 in the 1A&&25 1T%FT%O& messae (see 1hannel ctivation procedure). %fthese parameters are to be chaned for an active channel- 0!1 sends a M! POC2/ 1O&T/O5 messae to T/D.

    The support of the power control and the enhanced power control performed by 0T! is optional.


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    %f power control is supported by 0T! and it is to be used- this is indicated by optional parameters in the M! POC2/1O&T/O5 messae (or the 1A&&25 1T%FT%O& messae). 0ased on the measurements performed on the uplin"-T/D then attempts to "eep the power control parameters within the limits set by the M! POC2/ 1O&T/O5 messae(or by the 1A&&25 1T%FT%O& messae) by chanin the M! Power 5evel field of the 5, header sent to M! in

    each !11A bloc". M! confirms the power in the uplin" 5, header.

    Chen the 0T! supports M! power control the 0!1 can modify the M! power parameters durin the connection (e..because of a classmar" chane) by sendin a M! POC2/ 1O&T/O5 messae containin the new parameters.

    The M! POC2/ 1O&T/O5 and the 1A&&25 1T%FT%O& messae must also contain a ma'imum powerpermitted for the M!.

    %n addition- the 0T! which implements 21!@ option shall use fast inband procedure for fast power control if the use ofsuch procedure has been ordered by the 0!1.

    0T! that supports enhanced power control (2P1) shall use 2P1 procedures for M! (uplin") power control (see3GPP T! 9:.++>) if so ordered by the 0!1 in the M! POC2/ 1O&T/O5 messae (or 1A&&25 1T%FT%O&messae). 0ased on the measurements performed on the uplin"- T/D then attempts to "eep the power controlparameters within the limits set by the M! POC2/ 1O&T/O5 messae (or by the 1A&&25 1T%FT%O&messae) by sendin 2P1 plin" Power 1ontrol 1ommands to the M! in each 2P11A bloc". M! confirms the power

    in the uplin" 5, header on the !11A.

    4. Tra&iio& #oer "o&trol

    This is an optional procedure which is used between 0!1 and 0T! to set the T/D transmission power level or theparameters re8uired by T/D for the control of T/D transmission power.

    The initial parameters are set by 0!1 in the 1A&&25 1T%FT%O& messae (see 1hannel ctivation procedure). %fthese parameters are to be chaned for an active channel- 0!1 sends a 0! POC2/ 1O&T/O5 messae to T/D.

    The support of the power control- the fast power control and the enhanced power control performed by 0T! areoptional.

    %f power control is supported by 0T! and it is to be used- this is indicated by optional parameters in the 0! POC2/1O&T/O5 messae (or the 1A&&25 1T%FT%O& messae). 0ased on the Measurement /eport messaes sent byM!- the T/D will then attempt to "eep the power control parameters within the limits set in the 0! POC2/1O&T/O5 messae (or by the 1A&&25 1T%FT%O& messae) by chanin the transmitted power on that


    %f fast power control mechanism is supported by 0T! and is to be used- this is indicated by optional paramters in the 0!POC2/ 1O&T/O5 messae (or by the 1A&&25 1T%FT%O& messae). 0ased on the 7ast Measurement /eportmessaes sent by M!- the T/D will then attempt to "eep the power control parameters within the limits set in the 0!POC2/ 1O&T/O5 messae (or by the 1A&&25 1T%FT%O& messae) by chanin the transmitted power onthat channel.

    0T! that supports enhanced power control (2P1) shall use 2P1 procedures for 0! (downlin") power control (see3GPP T! 9:.++>) if so ordered by the 0!1 in the 0! POC2/ 1O&T/O5 messae (or 1A&&25 1T%FT%O&messae). 0ased on the 2P1 @ownlin" Euality /eports sent by the M!- the T/D shall then attempt to "eep the powercontrol parameters within the limits set in the 0! POC2/ 1O&T/O5 messae (or by the 1A&&25 1T%FT%O&messae) by chanin the transmitted power on that channel.

    &OT2 The 2P1 mode field is only valid in the channel activation messae.


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    The ma'imum power of the T/D is determined from networ" plannin criteria. Aowever- 0!1 may indicate a lowerma'imum power in the 0! POC2/ 1O&T/O5 messae (or the 1A&&25 1T%FT%O& messae).

    4.10 *o&&e"tio& ailure

    This procedure is used by 0T! to indicate to 0!1 that an active connection has been bro"en (e.. due to a radio lin"failure as defined in 3GPP T! 9:.++>).

    Chen 0T! detects that a connection has been bro"en- 0T! sends a 1O&&ection 7%5ure %&@ication messae to 0!1with the most proper cause value. 7urther actions are defined in 3GPP T! 99.+,>.

    !ome possible cause values are

    ; radio lin" failure (as defined in 3GPP T! 9:.++>)H

    ; hardware failure (e.. transcoder failure)H

    ; etc.

    4.11 P$yi"al "o&te/t reuet

    This is an optional procedure which allows the 0!1 to obtain information on the Kphysical conte'tK of a radio channeljust prior to a channel chane. This information may be forwarded to the new T/D (possibly in another collocated cell).

    The procedure is initiated by 0!1 sendin a PABsical 1O&T2DT /2Euest messae to T/D. T/D responds with a

    PABsical 1O&T2DT 1O&7irm messae which contains information on the Kphysical conte'tK of the channel.

    4.12 S%**; i&oratio& odiy

    This procedure is used by the 0!1 to modify the !11A fillin information (!ystem %nformation) sent on anindividual !11A channel. 7or this purpose- the 0!1 sends a !11A %&7O MO@%7B messae to the 0T!. The!11A fillin information as iven in the !11A %&7O MO@%7B messae shall be used on the indicated channeluntil the channel is released or the information is chaned by another !11A %&7O MO@%7B messae.


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    4.13 Tal7er dete"tio&

    The procedure is used by the 0T! durin the period the channel is activated for a voice roup call. pon detection of an

    M! on a channel activated for roup call as specified in sub;clause 9.,- the 0T! builds the FG1! P5%&$ G/&Tmessae as specified in 3GPP T! 99.+,>- sends the messae to the M! in unac"nowleded mode on the main sinallinlin" and starts timer T3,,:. T5$2/ @2Tection messae is sent to the 0!1. This messae contains the measureddelay of the access burst. %f the timer e'pires before the reception of a correctly decoded frame from the M!- the 0T!repeats the FG1! P5%&$ G/&T messae to the M! as specified in 3GPP T! 99.+,>. %f the FG1! P5%&$G/&T messae has been repeated &y* times without a correctly decoded frame bein received from the M!- the 0T!

    shall send a 1O&&21T%O& 7%5/2 %&@%1T%O& messae to the 0!1 with cause value Ktal"er access failureK.

    4.14 !ite&er dete"tio&

    The procedure is used by the 0T! durin the period the channel is activated for a voice roup call. pon detection of an

    uplin" access havin the value reserved for replyin to an uplin" access re8uest as specified in sub;clause 9.,. The 0T!builds the 5%!T2&2/ @2Tection messae and sends the messae to the 0!1. This messae contains the measureddelay of the access burst.

    4.15 Reote *ode" *o&iuratio&

    This procedure is used by the 0T! to report to the 0!1 the codec information received from the remote 0!! prior to a

    Multi/ate 1odec T7O establishment or within T7O. This information can be used by the 0!1 to solve potential codectype and codec mode mismatches.

    4.16 Rou&d Tri# 9elay Re#ort

    This procedure is used by the 0T! to report to the 0!1 the 0T! to Transcoder or 0T! to /emote 0T! round triptransmission delay. This information can be used by the 0!1 to set the correct timin for a pre;handover warnin and tooptimise the M/ 1onfiuration andNor daptation alorithm.


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    4.1 Pre-$a&doer ?ar&i&

    This procedure is used by the 0!1 to notify the servin 0T! that a handover is oin to be performed and allow theservin 0T! to ta"e the necessary steps in preparation of the handover (adaptation freein for Multi/ate 1odec- T7Odiscontinuation-Q.). The Pre;handover Carnin may disable (withdraw the Reneral authorisationS of ) the /T!11Amechanism between 0T! and M! for a while or permanently to ensure consistent confiurations in 0!1- 0T!s and M!

    durin and after handover. The 0!1 shall provide to the 0T! the codec confiuration parameters after Aandover.

    %n case the announced handover has failed- the 0!1 sends the Pre;handover &otification aain to the servin 0T!- thistime with the codec confiuration parameters as before the handover attempt in order to re;establish the 0T! operation(adaptation enable for Multi/ate 1odec- T7O enable- /T!11A authorisation- Q).

    4.18 MultiRate *ode" *o&iuratio& *$a&e

    This procedure is used by the 0!1 to authorise the 0T! to chane the Multi/ate 1odec 1onfiuration to solve a codec

    mismatch prior to T7O establishment or within T7O. The 0T! shall use the /T!11A inband sinallin with the M!as defined by /ec 3GPP T! 9:.++?.

    Once the Multi/ate 1odec 1onfiuration has been chaned- the 0T! shall send a Multi/ate 1O@21 MO@ 1$ to the

    0!1 to ac"nowlede the e'ecution of the codec chane. The Multi/ate 1O@21 MO@ 1$ contains the finalMulti/ate 1odec confiuration.

    %f for any reason- the 0T! is not able to complete the Multi/ate 1odec 1onfiuration chane- it should send aMulti/ate 1O@21 MO@ &eative 1$ with the most appropriate cause.

    Possible causes are

    ; tbd


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    This procedure is also used by the 0T! to indicate to the 0!1 the optimal codec confiuration for T7O- in the casewhere the T1 or the 0T! runs the T7O alorithm- and the 0!1 is responsible for chanin the codec confiuration. The0!1 does not ac"nowlede this messae.

    Multi/ate 1O@21 MO@ /2E

    0T! 0!1

    4.1 MultiRate *ode" *o&iuratio& *$a&e Perored

    This procedure is used by the 0T! to report to the 0!1 that a Multi/ate 1odec Modification was performed usin the/T!11A in;band sinallin capability. The 0T! shall report the Multi/ate codec confiuration after the completion

    of the procedure.

    4.20 T< Re#ort

    This procedure is used by the 0T! to report to the 0!1 that T7O (based on M/) is established- or is not in operationanymore.

    4.21 T< Modii"atio& Reuet

    This procedure is used by the 0!1 to chane the T7O confiuration while operatin with M/ enablin or disablinT7O.

    This procedure shall be used only durin an established call. t call setup- 1hannel ctivation procedure shall be used.

    @urin an in;call modification from data to speech- Mode Modify procedure shall be used.


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    5 *oo& "$a&&el a&aee&t #ro"edure

    5.1 *$a&&el reuet 'y MS

    The procedure is initiated by T/D upon detection of a random access from an M! (1A&nel /2Euest messae fromM!). T/D then sends a 1A&nel /eEuire@ messae to 0!1 containin the /e8uest /eference parameter (randomnumber selected by M! plus some low order bits of the T@M frame number for the access) and the measured delay of

    the ccess 0urst.

    5.2 Pai&This procedure is used to re8uest the pain of one mobile station on a iven pain subchannel.

    The pain of an M! is initiated by 0!1 sendin a PGin 1oMman@ messae to 0T!. The messae contains the M!identity (TM!% or %M!%)- the pain population number of the M!- optionally an indication for the M! about whichcombination of channels will be needed for the subse8uent transaction related to the pain and optionally an indicationof the eM5PP priority of the call.

    The PGin /2Euest messaes to be sent on the radio path are built and sent by 0T!.

    The use by 0T! of the Ke'tended painK facilities and the eneral downlin" schedulin of the downlin" 111A isoperator dependant and is not specified in this GT!. This process may also be influenced by OM procedures.

    5.3 9elete i&di"atio&

    This procedure is used by 0T! to indicate that due to overload on the downlin" 111A- an %MM2@%T2 !!%G&1OMM&@ has been deleted.

    7or that purpose 0T! sends a @252T2 %&@ication messae to 0!1.


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    5.4 ***; load i&di"atio&

    This procedure is used by a 0T! to inform the 0!1 of the load on a particular 111A timeslot.

    The 111A 5O@ %&@ication messae is sent reularly from 0T! to 0!1 if the load e'ceeds some value set by OM.The sendin rate is also set by OM.

    5.5 >road"at i&oratio& odiy

    This procedure is used by 0!1 to indicate to 0T! the new information to be broadcast on 011A.

    7or that purpose- 0!1 sends a 011A %&7Ormation messae to 0T!.

    5.6 S$ort Meae *ell >road"at

    !hort Messae !ervice 1ell 0roadcast messaes are sent to 0T! as !M! 0/O@1!T /2E2!T or !M!0/O@1!T 1OMM&@ messaes.

    Cith the !M! 0/O@1!T /2E2!T mode of operation- the 0!1 handles the 8ueuin- repetition and transmissionof the messaes ta"in the capacity of the 101As (basic and e'tended channel (see 3GPP T! 9:.++*)) into account.The 0!1 is also responsible for the sementation of the !M! 1ell 0roadcast messaes on the /adio interface

    Cith the !M! 0/O@1!T 1OMM&@ mode of operation- the 0!1 can re8uest the broadcast of a complete 1ell0roadcast messae. The 0!1 handles the 8ueuin- repetition and transmission of the messaes ta"in the capacity ofthe 101As (basic and e'tended channel Isee 3GPP T! 9:.++*J) into account. The 0!1 is responsible for the

    sementation of the !M! 1ell 0roadcast messaes on the /adio interface


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    Cith the !M! 0/O@1!T 1OMM&@ mode of operation- the 0!1 can also set the 0T! broadcast default mode.The 0T! is then responsible for transmission of a default messae when no other messae is to be broadcast.

    2ven thouh 0!1 handles the transmission of messaes ta"in the capacity of 101A into account- 0T! can indicate to0!1 if an overflow or underflow situation is about to happen in the 101A. Cith the 101A 5O@ %&@%1T%O&mode of operation- the 0T! can re8uest immediate broadcast of m (amount indicated in the 101A 5oad %nformation

    element) scheduled !M!10 messaes in the underflow situation. 0!1 shall transmit m scheduled messaes and afterthat continue the broadcast of messaes accordin to its own timetable. %f 0T! re8uests more messaes than 0!1 is

    possessin- then 0!1 shall transmit only the amount it is possessin. 101A 5O@ %&@%1T%O& mode of operationcould only be applied when @/D mode is used (see 3GPP T! 99.+,*).


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    Cith the 101A 5O@ %&@%1T%O& mode of operation- the 0T! can also re8uest immediate stop of broadcast for a

    period of m (amount indicated in the 101A 5oad %nformation element) messae slots in the overflow situation. 0!1shall stop the broadcast for a period of m messae slots and after that continue the broadcast of messaes accordin toits own timetable.


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    5. :MM+9:%T+ %SS:GM+T

    This procedure is used by 0!1 to re8uest the transmission of an immediate assin messae on downlin" 111A. Toinitiate the immediate assin- the 0!1 sends an %MM2@%T2 !!%G& 1OMM&@ messae. The messae containsthe complete immediate assin messae as defined in 3GPP T! 99.+,> (%MM2@%T2 !!%G&M2&T or %MM2@%T2!!%G&M2&T 2DT2&@2@ or %MM2@%T2 !!%G&M2&T /2U21T) with the KPae ModeK element set to the

    value Kno chaneK. pon receipt of the messae- the 0T! may transmit the immediate assinment messae as receivedor combine several to construct the %MM2@%T2 !!%G&M2&T 2DT2&@2@ or %MM2@%T2 !!%G&M2&T/2U21T. The 0T! may also update the KPae ModeK element before transmission.

    The %MM2@%T2 !!%G&M2&T 2DT2&@2@ messae is either sent by the 0!1 in the %MM2@%T2 !!%G&1OMM&@- or built by the 0T! from up to two %MM2@%T2 !!%G& 1OMM&@ messaes.


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    The %MM2@%T2 !!%G&M2&T /2U21T messae is either sent by the 0T! as received in the %MM2@%T2!!%G& 1OMM&@ messae or built by the 0T! from the contents of two or more %MM2@%T2 !!%G&1OMM&@ messaes. 7or the latter case the 0T! may consider re8uest references with identical contents within thesame messae as duplicates and all but one may be suppressed.

    5.8 otii"atio&

    This procedure is used to re8uest that notification be performed by the 0T!. The 0!1 indicates the e'act actionre8uired by the 0T! in the command indicator.

    The &OT%7ication messaes to be sent on the radio path are built and sent by 0T!.

    The 0!1 manaes the &1A @/D information whilst the 0T! manaes the schedulin of the messaes on the &1A.

    %f the 0T! for some reason can not perform the notification commanded by the 0!1- then the 0T! shall return an2//O/ /2PO/T messae with the relevant cause value.

    6 TR@ a&aee&t #ro"edure

    6.1 Radio reour"e i&di"atio&This procedure is used to inform 0!1 on the interference levels on idle channels of a T/D.

    %n the /7 /2!ource %&@ication messae- T/D reports the interference level for each of the channels which have beenidle (not active) for the whole measurement period. !ee also 3GPP T! 9>.++> and 3GPP T! 9:.++>.

    The /7 /2!ource %&@ication messae is sent reularly with a rate set by OM.


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    6.2 S%**; illi& i&oratio& odiy

    This procedure is used by 0!1 to indicate to 0T! the new information to be used as fillin information on !11As.

    7or that propose 0!1 sends a !11A 7%55in messae to 0T!.

    6.3 lo "o&trol

    This procedure is defined to ive some deree of flow control. %t can be used for T/D processor overload- downlin"

    111A overload and 11A overload.

    The alorithm used in 0!1 to control the traffic flow is as follows

    pon receipt of the first OF2/5O@ messae- 0!1 reduces the traffic by one step and starts timers T, and T*. @urinT, all OF2/5O@ messaes are inored in order not to reduce the traffic too rapidly. /eception of an OF2/5O@messae after T, but still durin T* will decrease the traffic by one more step and timers T, and T* are restarted. Thisstep by step reduction of traffic is continued until ma'imum reduction is obtained.

    %f T* e'pires (i.e. no OF2/5O@ messae was received durin T*)- the traffic will be increased by one step and T*restarted. This step by step increase of traffic will be continued until full load has been resumed.

    The number of steps and the method of reducin the load is considered to be implementation dependent. 7or e'ample-the amount of random accesses and thereby access rants can be reduced by use of the /1A 1ontrol parameters (e..ccess 1ontrol 1lass or 1ell 0arred) or the 1ell !election parameters (e.. 1255;/2!2521T;AB!T2/2!%! or/D52F; 112!!;M%&) in the system information messaes of 3GPP T! 99.+,>.


    3GPP TS +,-*., )*-*-* %0*))#*3&30Release )*

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    6.4 +rror re#orti&

    This procedure is used by 0T! to report detected errors as described in clause = below if they cannot be reported by anyother procedure.

    Chen T/D detects the reception of an erroneous messae- it sends an 2//O/ /2PO/T messae to 0!1 with the mostappropriate cause value. %n order to identify the erroneous messae- the Messae Type- the 1hannel &umber- the 5in"%dentifier andNor the complete erroneous messae can be included.

    6a !o"atio& eri"e #ro"edure

    These procedures are related to 5ocation !ervices (51!).

    6a.1 !!P eae traort

    This procedure is used to convey 55P messaes between the 0T!;or !tandalone Type 0 5M and the 0!1- as defined

    in the 5ocation !ervices (51!) !tae * document 3GPP T! *3.+=,.

    The sendin entity (0!1- !tandalone Type 0 5M or 0T!) sends a 5ocation %nformation messae containin anembedded 55P messae to the receivin entity (0!1- !tandalone Type 0 5M or 0T!).


    3GPP TS +,-*., )*-*-* %0*))#*3&33Release )*

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    +rror $a&dli&

    .1 Ge&eral

    The procedures specified above apply to those messaes which pass the chec"s described below.

    The behaviour of 0!1 in erroneous cases is implementation dependent.

    The behaviour of 0T! in erroneous cases is to inore the messae and to send a report to 0!1. The report can be sent ineither of the followin messaes

    ; 1A&&25 1T%FT%O& &1$ in connection with channel activationsH

    ; MO@2 MO@%7B &1$ in connection with a channel mode chaneH

    ; 2//O/ /2PO/T in other cases.

    7or procedures controlled by the 0!1- and in particular procedures where the 0!1 sends a re8uest for resources at the

    0T! and waits for an ac"nowlede- the implementation in the 0!1 must provide means for avoidin deadloc"situations at the 0T! as e.. hanin resources.

    .2 Meae di"rii&ator error

    messae with a non;specified messae discriminator is erroneous.

    .3 Meae ty#e error

    messae with a non;specified messae type is considered correct- but is inored by 0T!.

    .4 Meae eue&"e error

    messae with an e'istin messae type which is not possible accordin to the specification and to the state of the 0T!is erroneous.

    .5 Ge&eral i&oratio& elee&t error

    This cateory includes

    ; %nformation element out of se8uenceH

    ; bnormally duplicated elementH

    ; Missin element.

    messae with such an error is erroneous.

    .6 Ma&datory i&oratio& elee&t error

    This includes

    a) &on;e'istin element type.

    b) %nformation lenth error.

    c) 1ontent which does not comply with the specification (value reserved for future use is considered as case d)).

    d) Falue indicated as reserved for future use.


    3GPP TS +,-*., )*-*-* %0*))#*3&3+Release )*

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    e) 0its reserved for future use not set to +.

    f) 1ontent complyin with specification but incompatible with the state.

    ) 1ontent complyin with the specification but inconsistent.

    ll cases e'cept e) are considered erroneous.

    %n case e)- 0T! simply inores the reserved (/7) bits.


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    T Type only- fi'ed lenth- only 2lement %dentifierH

    F Falue only- fi'ed lenth- no 2lement %dentifier includedH

    TF Type and Falue- fi'ed lenth- 2lement %dentifier includedH

    T5F Type- 5enth and Falue- variable lenth- 2lement %dentifier and 5enth %ndicator includedH

    ; Total lenth of %nformation 2lementH for variable lenth- lower and upper limits.

    &OT2 Ma'imum messae lenth is determined by the &*+, parameter of 3GPP T! 9>.+:

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    The messaes concerned are the followin

    Messa5e na7e Reference su8#clause

    9%T% R+Auet 8.3.1

    9%T% :9i"atio& 8.3.2

    +RR!:S; R+AB+ST

    This messae is sent from 0!1 to 0T! to re8uest the establishment of a multi;frame mode (ac"nowleded mode) lin"layer connection on the radio path.


    3GPP TS +,-*., )*-*-* %0*))#*3&32Release )*

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    Meae di"rii&ator .1 M V 1Meae ty#e .2 M V 1*$a&&el &u'er .3.1 M TV 2!i&7 :de&tiier .3.2 M TV 2

    8.3.5 +ST%>!:S; *

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    8.3. R+!+%S+ :9:*%T:

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    The messaes concerned are the followin

    Messa5e na7e Reference su8#clause

    *;%&el %*T:Vatio& 8.4.1

    *;%&el %*T:Vatio& %*E&olede 8.4.2*;%&el %*T:Vatio& eatie %*E 8.4.3


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    ,) The 2ncryption %nformation element is only included if cipherin is to be applied.

    *) The Aandover /eference element is only included if activation type is handover.

    3) %f 0! Power- M! Power andNor Timin dvance elements are present- they are to be used to set the initialtransmission power and the initial 5,;header.

    9) The Timin dvance element must be included if activation type is intra cell channel chane.

    :) The 0! and M! Power Parameters elements are included to indicate that 0! andNor M! power control isto be performed by 0T!. The ma'imum power to be used is indicated in the 0! and M! Power elementsrespectively.

    ) Optional element for settin the !11A fillin information individually for this channel. %f this elementis present- the !11A fillin information as iven by this element shall be used for this channel

    (replacin any !11A fillin information as iven by the !11A 7%55%&G messae(s)) until thechannel is released or the information is chaned by a !11A %&7O MO@%7B messae. (%f this elementis not present- the !11A fillin as iven by the !11A 7%55%&G messae(s) shall be used.)

    ?) The %1 element may be included for voice roup calls. %t is used in the same way as the 0!%1 fordecodin the random access bursts when decodin uplin" access bursts. %f not included- the 0!%1 shall be

    used for decodin uplin" access bursts.

    ,+) Optional element for multislot operation- it may be used in case of power control in the 0T!.

    ,,) %ncluded if the 1hannel Mode indicates that a multi;rate speech codec is used.

    ,*) Optionally included if the 1hannel Mode indicates that a multi;rate speech codec is used and T7O controlis re8uired or to ive to the 0T! the possibility to chane autonomously the multi;rate codecconfiuration.

    8.4.2 *;%+! %*T:V%T:

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    8.4.4 *

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    Meae di"rii&ator .1 M V 1Meae ty#e .2 M V 1*$a&&el &u'er .3.1 M TV 2Meauree&t reult &u'er .3.2 M TV 2B#li&7 Meauree&t .3.25 M T!V CD5>S Poer .3.4 M TV 2

    !1 :&oratio& .3.10 < 1) TV 3!3 :&o (M+%S R+P, +@T M+%SR+P or +; M+%S R+P)

    .3.11 < 1) T!V 21

    MS Tii&

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    8.4.11 M

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    ,) %f the M! Power Parameters element is present it indicates that the M! power control is to be performedby T/D. The M! Power element then indicates the ma'imum M! power to be used.

    8.4.16 >S P

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    Meae di"rii&ator .1 M V 1Meae ty#e .2 M V 1*$a&&el &u'er .3.1 M TV 2Syte :&o Ty#e .3.30 M TV 2!3 :&o .3.11 < 1) T!V 22Starti& Tie .3.23 < 2) TV 3

    ,) %f the 53 %nfo information element is not included- this indicates that transmission of the indicatedmessae shall be stopped- i.e. messae shall no loner be sent on this channel.

    *) The !tartin Time element is optionally used to indicate when transmission of the new information is tostart and when transmission is to stop.

    The !ystem %nfo Type element indicates the type of !B!T2M %&7O/MT%O&N2DT2&@2@ M2!/2M2&T

    O/@2/ messae which follows in the 53 %nfo field.

    The 53 %nformation element contains the relevant !B!T2M %&7O/MT%O&N2DT2&@2@ M2!/2M2&TO/@2/ messae as defined in 3GPP T! 99.+,>.

    8.4.21 T%!E+R 9+T+*T:

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    8.4.24 R

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    Meae di"rii&ator .1 M V 1Meae ty#e .2 M V 1*$a&&el &u'er .3.1 M TV 2*aue .3.26 M T!V CD3

    8.4.2 MB!T:R%T+ *

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    Messa5e na7e Reference su8#clause

    >**; :*; !

  • 8/11/2019 48058-A00 BSC-BTS Layer 3


    8.5.3 *;%+! R+AB:R+9

    This messae is sent from 0T! to 0!1 to indicate the reception of a 1A&nel /2Euest messae (special access burstmessae) from an M!.


    Meae di"rii&ator .1 M V 1Meae ty#e .2 M V 1*$a&&el &u'er .3.1 M TV 2Reuet Reere&"e .3.1 M TV 4%""e 9elay .3.1 M TV 2P$yi"al *o&te/t .3.16 < 1) T!V CD2

    ,) Optional element for additional physical channel information.

    The /e8uest /eference element contains the random access reference value sent by M! in the 1A&nel /2Euest

    messae and some low order bits of the absolute frame number for the reception of the access burst.

    8.5.4 9+!+T+ :9:*%T:

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    The 7ull %mm. ssin %nfo element contains the relevant immediate assinment messae as defined in 3GPP T! 99.+,>(%MM2@%T2 !!%G&M2&T or %MM2@%T2 !!%G&M2&T 2DT2&@2@ or %MM2@%T2 !!%G&M2&T/2U21T) with the KPae ModeK element set to the value Kno chaneK.

    8.5. SMS >RR> octets of data.The 0T! is responsible for performin the sementation- buildin the bloc" types and paddin if necessary- see3GPP T! 99.+,* for the messae format on the radio path.

    ,) The !M!10 1hannel %ndicator %2 indicates the 101A which shall be used for broadcastin the data.%f this information element is not present the basic 101A Isee 3GPP T! 9:.++*J shall be used.

    8.5. *>*; !

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    ,) The !M!10 1hannel %ndicator %2 indicates the 101A which shall be used for broadcastin the data. %f thisinformation element is not present the basic 101A Isee 3GPP T! 9:.++*J shall be used.


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    :&oratio& elee&t "odi&

    This sub;clause contains the codins of the sinallin elements used. The followin conventions are assumed for these8uence of transmission of bits and bytes

    ; 2ach bit position is numbered as , to >. > = < : 9 3 * ,

    ; The least sinificant bit is bit , and is transmitted first- followed by bits *- 3- 9 etc.

    ; %n an element- octets are identified by number. Octet , is transmitted first- then octet * etc.

    ; Chen a field e'tends over more than one octet- the order of bit values proressively decreases as the octetnumber increases. The least sinificant bit of the field is represented by the lowest numbered bit of the hihestnumbered octet of the field.

    ; 7or variable lenth elements- a lenth indicator is included. This indicates the number of octets followin in theelement.

    ; ll spare or reserved bits are set to +.

    .1 Meae di"rii&ator

    , octet field is used in all messaes to discriminate between Transparent and &on;Transparent messaes and alsobetween /adio 5in" 5ayer Manaement- @edicated 1hannel Manaement- 1ommon 1hannel Manaement- T/DManaement and 5ocation !ervices messaes.

    8 6 5 4 3 2 1

    G G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 T

    The T;bit is set to , to indicate that the messae is to beNwas considered transparent by 0T!. ll other messaes shall

    have the T;bit set to +.

    The G;bits are used to roup the messaes as follows

    G2 G1 G. G+ G3 G0 G) Messa5e Group

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 reered

    0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Radio !i&7 !ayer Ma&aee&t eae0 0 0 0 1 0 0 9edi"ated *$a&&el Ma&aee&t eae

    0 0 0 0 1 1 0 *oo& *$a&&el Ma&aee&t eae

    0 0 0 1 0 0 0 TR@ Ma&aee&t eae

    0 0 1 0 0 0 0 !o"atio& Seri"e eae

    ll other values are reserved for future use.

    .2 M+SS%G+ T=P+

    The Messae Type uni8uely identifies the function of the messae bein sent. %t is a sinle octet and coded in thefollowin way

    8 6 5 4 3 2 1

    2M Messae type

    0it > is the e'tension bit and is reserved for future use. The followin messae types are used (all other values arereserved)

    , - . / 0 1 2 3 Me##a!e Referene

    4 4 4 4 ' ' ' ' Ra5io Lin6 La$er Mana!ement me##a!e#:


    3GPP TS +,-*., )*-*-* %0*))#*3&.+Release )*

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    + + + , ; @T /2Euest >.3.,+ + , + ; @T %&@ication >.3.*+ + , , ; 2//O/ %&@ication >.3.3+ , + + ; 2!Tablish /2Euest >.3.9

    + , + , ; 2!Tablish 1O&7irm >.3.:+ , , + ; 2!Tablish %&@ication >.3..3.=, + + + ; /25ease 1O&7irm >.3.>, + + , ; /25ease %&@ication >.3.?, + , + ; &%T @T /2Euest >.3.,+

    , + , , ; &%T @T %&@ication >.3.,,

    4 4 4 3 ' ' ' ' Common Canne+ Mana!ement7TR8 Mana!ement me##a!e#:

    + + + , ; 011A %&7Ormation >.:.,

    + + , + ; 111A 5O@ %&@ication >.:.*+ + , , ; 1A&nel /eEuire@ >.:.3+ , + + ; @252T2 %&@ication >.:.9+ , + , ; PG%&G 1oMman@ >.:.:+ , , + ; %MM2@%T2 !!%G& 1OMM&@ >.:..:.=

    , + + , ; /7 /2!ource %&@ication >.....:.>, , , + ; 101A 5O@ %&@ication >.:.?

    , , , , ; &OTification 1oMman@ >.:.,+

    4 4 3 ' ' ' ' ' 9e5iate5 Canne+ Mana!ement me##a!e#:

    + + + + , ; 1A&nel 1T%Fation >.9.,

    + + + , + ; 1A&nel 1T%Fation 1$nowlede >.9.*

    + + + , , ; 1A&nel 1T%Fation &eative 1$ >.9.3+ + , + + ; 1O&&ection 7%5ure >.9.9+ + , + , ; @21T%FT2 !11A >.9.:+ + , , + ; 2&1/yption 1oMman@ >.9..9.=

    + , + + + ; M2!urement /2!ult >.9.>+ , + + , ; MO@2 MO@%7B /2Euest >.9.?+ , + , + ; MO@2 MO@%7B 1$nowlede >.9.,++ , + , , ; MO@2 MO@%7B &eative 1$nowlede >.9.,,+ , , + + ; PABsical 1O&T2DT /2Euest >.9.,*+ , , + , ; PABsical 1O&T2DT 1O&7irm >.9.,3

    + , , , + ; /7 1A&nel /25ease >.9.,9+ , , , , ; M! POC2/ 1O&T/O5 >.9.,:

    , + + + + ; 0! POC2/ 1O&T/O5 >.9.,.9.,=, + + , + ; P/2P/O1essed M2!urement /2!ult >.9.,>, + + , , ; /7 1A&nel /25ease 1$nowlede >.9.,?

    , + , + + ; !11A %&7O MO@%7B >.9.*+, + , + , ; T5$2/ @2Tection >.9.*,, + , , + ; 5%!T2&2/ @2Tection >.9.**, + , , , ; /2MOT2 1O@21 1O&7iuration /2Port >.9.*3, , + + + ; /ound Trip @elay /2Port >.9.*9, , + + , ; P/2;A&@Over &OT%7ication >.9.*:

    , , + , + ; Multi/ate 1O@21 MO@ification /2Eest >.9.*.9.*=, , , + + ; Multi/ate 1O@21 MO@ &eative 1$nowlede >.9.*>

    , , , + , ; Multi/ate 1O@21 MO@ P2/formed >.9.*?, , , , + ; T7O /2Port >.9.3+, , , , , ; T7O MO@ification /2Euest >.9.3,


    3GPP TS +,-*., )*-*-* %0*))#*3&..Release )*

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    4 3 ' ' ' ' ' ' Loation Servie# me##a!e#:

    + + + + + , ; 5ocation %nformation >.=.,

    .3 + + + , , , + , reserved+ + + , , , , + !ystem %nfo Type ?.3.3++ + + , , , , , M! Power Parameters ?.3.3,+ + , + + + + + 0! Power Parameters ?.3.3*+ + , + + + + , Pre;processin Parameters ?.3.33

    + + , + + + , + Pre;processed Measurements ?.3.39+ + , + + + , , reserved+ + , + + , + + !M!10 %nformation ?.3.3+ + , + + , , , 7ull 011A %nformation ?.3.3?

    + + , + , + + + 1hannel &eeded ?.3.9++ + , + , + + , 10 1ommand type ?.3.9,+ + , + , + , + !M!10 messae ?.3.9*+ + , + , + , , 7ull %mmediate ssin %nfo ?.3.3:+ + , + , , + + !11A %nformation ?.3.*?+ + , + , , + , 101A 5oad %nformation ?.3.93

    E+ementI5entifier *it#

    , - . / 0 1 2 3 E+ement name Referene


    3GPP TS +,-*., )*-*-* %0*))#*3&.1Release )*

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    + + , + , , , + !M!10 1hannel %ndicator ?.3.99+ + , + , , , , Group call reference ?.3.9:+ + , , + + + + 1hannel description ?.3.9+ + , , + + , , eM5PP Priority ?.3.9?

    + + , , + , + + %1 ?.3.:++ + , , + , + , Main channel reference ?.3.:,+ + , , + , , + Multi/ate confiuration ?.3.:*+ + , , + , , , Multi/ate 1ontrol ?.3.:3

    + + , , , + + + !upported 1odec Types ?.3.:9+ + , , , + + , 1odec 1onfiuration ?.3.::+ + , , , + , + /ound Trip @elay ?.3.:+ + , , , , + , T7O transparent container ?.3.:?

    + + , , , , , +to /eserved for future use

    , , , + , , , ,

    , , , , + + + +to &ot used, , , , , , , ,

    .3.1 *$a&&el u'er

    %n the direction 0!1 to 0T! the 1hannel &umber parameter is used to indicate on which physical channelNsubchannelthe messae is to be sent. %n the direction 0T! to 0!1 the 1hannel &umber indicates on which physicalchannelNsubchannel the messae was received. %t is coded in two octets as follows

    8 6 5 4 3 2 1

    2lement identifier ,

    1: 19 13 1* 1, T& *

    The 1;bits describe the channel as follows

    ". "+ "3 "0 ")

    0 0 0 0 1 > %**;F0 0 0 1 T ! %**;F0 0 1 T T S9**;4 %**;0 1 T T T S9**;8 %**;1 0 0 0 0 >**;

    1 0 0 0 1 B#li&7 ***; (R%*;)1 0 0 1 0 9o&li&7 ***; (P*; %G*;)

    The T;bits indicate- coded in binary- the sub;channel number as specified in 3GPP T! 9:.++*.

    T& is time slot number- binary represented as in 3GPP T! 9:.++*.

    .3.2 !i&7 :de&tiier

    This element identifies the sinallin channel and !P% of the radio data lin".

    8 6 5 4 3 2 1

    +lee&t ide&tiier 1

    *2 *1 % #riority S%P: 2


    3GPP TS +,-*., )*-*-* %0*))#*3&.2Release )*

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    The & bit (bit < in octet *) is set to , to indicate thet the 5in" %dentifier is not applicable for this messae. %n all othercases it is set to +.

    The 1;bits indicate the channel type as follows

    "0 ")0 0 ai& i&alli& "$a&&el (%**; or S9**;)

    0 1 S%**;

    ll other values are reserved for future use.

    The !P% field contains the !P% value as defined in 3GPP T! 99.++:.

    The priority field contains the messae priority for !P% +- as defined in 3GPP T! 99.++

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    .3.4 >S Poer

    This information element indicates the T/D transmission power level and the use of fast power control and enhancedpower control on a particular channel.

    8 6 5 4 3 2 1

    +lee&t ide&tiier 1Reered +P*ode


    Poer !eel 2

    The 2P1 mode field (octet *) indicates whether the activated channel shall be in enhanced power control (2P1) mode.

    %t is only valid for channels on which 2P1 may be used. %t is coded as follows


    + 1hannel not in 2P1 mode

    , 1hannel in 2P1 mode

    &OT2 The 2P1 mode field is only valid in the 1A&&25 1T%FT%O& messae.

    The 7P1V2P1 (7ast Power 1ontrolN2nhanced Power 1ontrol) field (octet *) has different interpretation dependin on

    the channel mode of the channel and whether the channel is in 2P1 mode.

    %f the channel mode is such that 7P1 may be used- the 7P1V2P1 field indicates whether 7ast Measurement /eportinand Power 1ontrol mechanism is used. %t is coded as follows


    + 7ast Power 1ontrol not in use

    , 7ast Power 1ontrol in use

    %f the channel is in 2P1 mode- the 7P1V2P1 field indicates whether 2P1 procedures are used for 0! (downlin") power

    control. %t is coded as follows


    + 2P1 not in use for 0! power control

    , 2P1 in use for 0! power control

    %f the channel mode is such that 7P1 may not be used and the channel is not in 2P1 mode- the 0T! shall inore the

    value of the 7P1V2P1 field and the 0!1 shall set its value to +.

    The Power 5evel field (octet *) indicates the number of * d0 steps by which the power shall be reduced from itsnominal value- Pn- set by the networ" operator to adjust the coverae. Thus the Power 5evel values correspond to thefollowin powers (relative to Pn)

    alue Power le$el

    0 0 0 0 0 P&

    0 0 0 0 1 P& - 2 d>

    0 0 0 1 0 P& - 4 d>



    0 1 1 1 0 P&

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