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46-935 Java

Lecture 1 Introduction

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Course TA

Guozhu (Patrick) Zhu

[email protected]

Office Hours: Wednesday: 7:30-10:00 Fast Lab

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Structure of the Course

•Lectures / class participation

•Homeworks (3 programming projects)

•Final exam

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The required text is “Just Java” Fifth edition, Peter van der Linden

Readings will be assigned each week.

Readings from the web will also be assigned.

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• Homework (3) 50%

• Final Exam 50%

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Two mini Course Coverage

The Java programming Language

Server Side Java (JSP’s, Servlets)

XML/FpML and Web Services

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Week 1

1. Notes From “Just Java” by Linden

2. The BigInteger class

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1. Notes From “Just Java”

Chapter 1

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Compiling and Executing

javac produces syntax errors or SomeClass.class

java SomeClass runs the main routine found in SomeClass.class

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Chapter 1 Example Program

import java.awt.*;

class MyFrame extends Frame {

static int x = 0, y = 120; static int i = 0; static int horizScroll = 1; static int mess = 0; Font fb = new Font("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD, 36); String msg[] = { "Java", "Portable", "Secure", "Easy" }; Color color[] = {, Color.yellow,, };

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public void paint(Graphics g) {


g.setColor( color[i]) ;

g.drawString(msg[i],x, y); }

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static public void main(String s[]) throws Exception { MyFrame mf = new MyFrame(); mf.setSize(200,200); int pixelsPerLine = 200, totalLines = 4; mf.setVisible(true);

for(int j = 0; j < pixelsPerLine * totalLines; j++) { Thread.sleep(25); mf.repaint(); if( horizScroll == 1) { if(( x += 3) < 200) continue; i = ++i % 4; x = 50; y = 0; horizScroll = 0; }

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else { if(( y += 3) < 200) continue; i = ++i % 4; x = 0; y = 120; horizScroll = 1; } } System.exit(0); }}

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Text moves left to right and then top to bottom.

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Two Steps:

javac java MyFrame

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Chapter 2 OOPAbstraction

Ignore the details Java provides a very large library of Classes You can’t get by without ignoring details


Information hiding Data and operations are bundled together Java provides the Class mechanism


The “has a” relationship

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Chapter 2 OOP


A Car “is a” kind of Vehicle So, properties of a vehicle should be inherited by Car Java provides the “extends” key word


What happens when we say a = b + c; It depends on the types of the operands Java provides both static and dynamic polymorphism

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Primitive Types & Class Types

int a; what picture do we draw?


a = 3; what picture do we draw?

a 3

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Primitive Types & Class Types

BigInteger b; what picture do we draw? b

b = new BigInteger(“1234567897272727272”);


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Creating a Class and an Object

class Fruit { public int grams; public int calsPerGram;}

public class TestFruit { public static void main(String a[]) {

Fruit f = new Fruit(); f.grams = 30; }}

Some issues: -initialization -encapsulation -data without methods -like a struct in c

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Adding a constructorclass Fruit { public int grams; public int calsPerGram; Fruit(int grams, int c) { this.grams = grams; calsPerGram = c; }}

public class TestFruit { public static void main(String a[]) { Fruit f = new Fruit(100,5); f.grams = 30; }}

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Adding Some Methodsclass Fruit { private int grams; private int calsPerGram; Fruit(int grams, int c) { this.grams = grams; calsPerGram = c; } int getGrams() { return grams; } int getCalsPerGram() { return calsPerGram; } void setGrams(int g) { grams = g; } void setCalsPerGram(int cpg) { calsPerGram = cpg; } }

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public class TestFruit {

public static void main(String a[]) {

Fruit melon = new Fruit(4,5); Fruit banana = new Fruit(2,6);




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A Glimpse at Inheritance

class Fruit { private int grams; private int calsPerGram; Fruit(int grams, int c) { this.grams = grams; calsPerGram = c; } int getGrams() { return grams; } int getCalsPerGram() { return calsPerGram; } void setGrams(int g) { grams = g; } void setCalsPerGram(int cpg) { calsPerGram = cpg; } }

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class Citrus extends Fruit { private double acidity; Citrus(double acid, int grams, int calsPerGram) { super(grams,calsPerGram) ; acidity = acid; } double getAcidity() { return acidity; } void setAcidity(double a) { acidity = a; }}

public class TestFruit { public static void main(String a[]) { Citrus lemon = new Citrus(5.0,4,5); System.out.println(lemon.getAcidity()); System.out.println(lemon.getGrams()); }}

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Per-Instance & Per-Class Members

The keyword static makes something exists on a per-class basis.

The keyword is used for

data methods blocks classes

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Static dataclass Employee { String name; long salary; short employee_number; static int total_employees;}public class EmployeeTest {

public static void main(String arg[]) { Employee a = new Employee(); Employee b = new Employee(); }}

We have twocopies ofname, salary,employee_number.

We have one copyof total_employees.

total_employeesis in an object of class Class thatis used to createEmployee objects.

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Static methods

public class MainIsStatic {

int a; void foo() { a = 3; } public static void main(String arg[]) {

MainIsStatic x = new MainIsStatic(); MainIsStatic y = new MainIsStatic();; }}

Conceptually,there are twofoo()’s. Therereally are twoa’s and there isonly one main().

x’s a is 3 and y’s a is 0.

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Passing Primitive Parameters

void foo(int a) { // changes to a are local to foo()}

You can’t pass a pointer to an int (like c).You can’t pass a reference to int (like c++).You can just pass an int.

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Passing Object Parameters

void foo(Object a) { // changes to the Object referenced by a // are known outside of foo().}

We can’t pass the object itself (like c++)We can’t pass a struct by value (like c)We can only pass a pointer to an Object.

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2. The BigInteger Class

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Object-Oriented Programming and Java’s BigInteger Class

• Abstraction The focus is on “what” not “how”.• Encapsulation Information hiding is used to promote modularity and the use of abstractions.• Polymorphism We may want to treat an object not as an instance of its specific type but as an instance of its base type.• Inheritance OOP promotes code reuse via the “is-a” relationship.• Composition OOP promotes code reuse via the “has-a” relationship.

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Using Java’s BigInteger Classimport java.math.*;public class TestBigInts { public static void main(String args[] ) {

BigInteger x = new BigInteger("1234567890123" + "45678901234567890"); BigInteger y = new BigInteger("93939393929292" + "9191919191919192");

BigInteger z = x.multiply(y); System.out.println(z);



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The toString() method

public class BigInteger {

public String toString() {

// Returns the decimal String representation of this // BigInteger. // Overrides: toString() in class Object }}

A BigInteger “is a”Object.

The println() methodcalls toString().


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Another Exampleimport java.math.*;import java.util.*;

public class TestBigInts {

public static void main(String args[] ) {

BigInteger m = new BigInteger(4,10, new Random(2456)); BigInteger n = new BigInteger(4,10, new Random(94));

if(m.compareTo(n) < 0) System.out.println(m + " < " + n ); else System.out.println(m + " >= " + n ); }


bitLength - bitLength ofthe returned BigInteger.

certainty - a measure of the uncertainty that the caller is willing to tolerate. Prob(prime) = 1-(2-10).

A Random objectassists with the computation.

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Consider compareTo()if(m.compareTo(n) < 0) System.out.println(m + " < " + n ); else System.out.println(m + " >= " + n );

public class BigIntegerextends Numberimplements Comparable

Comparable is an interface that BigIntegerimplements.

The BigInteger classtherefore has a methodcalled compareTo().

Any method foo(Comparable x) canbe called with a BigInteger.

Inheritance and Polymorphism

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Another exampleimport java.math.*;public class TestBigInts {

public static void main(String args[] ) { BigInteger m = new BigInteger("34"); foo(m); } public static void foo(Number n) { long x = n.longValue(); x++; System.out.println("x = " + x); }}

BigInteger extendsthe abstract Number class.

No problem

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Compositionimport java.math.*;

class BigFraction {

private BigInteger numerator; private BigInteger denominator;

public BigFraction(BigInteger num, BigInteger denom) {

numerator = num; denominator = denom; } public BigFraction(String num, String denom) {

this(new BigInteger(num), new BigInteger(denom)); }

A BigFraction“has-a” BigIntegernumerator and a BigInteger denominator.

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Composition (cont.)public String toString() { return numerator + "/" + denominator; }}

public class TestBigInts {

public static void main(String args[]) {

BigFraction x = new BigFraction("1","2");

System.out.println(x); }}

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