Page 1: 4.22.10 Towns Sentinel




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TCHS was 17th among 348 state schools in graduation rate

Ann B. Doran/ Sentinel photoErnie Freda of Young Harris, Ga. mans his station in the noonday sun at Bank of Hiawassee on Friday.!

Page 2: 4.22.10 Towns Sentinel

2AApril 22, 2010


Safe boating course to be held April 27, May 4 Sharp Memorial adds staff


Lauren Neal, Nancy Stevens and Michale Ackland join church

Dr. Broun’s Blog: Tax Day Is Here Again

Pro-American air

'Falling' to the left

City of Hiawassee invitation list for public hearing

• Continued from page 1A

Contributed PhotoNancy Stevens, Lauren Neal, and Mike Ackland.

Page 3: 4.22.10 Towns Sentinel

3AApril 22, 2010

DEBBIE WALKER, Subscriptions/ Circulation

FRANK BRADLEY, Publisher / Editor

ANN DORAN, Reporter

The Towns Sentinel (USPS 015364) is published weekly each Thursday. Subscriptions are $25 a year in Towns County; $45 out of area. Single copy price $.50. Periodical postage paid at

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In last week’s column, I urged both Democrats and Republicans to tone down the rhetoric, stick to the facts, and have civil debates about the serious challenges we face as a nation. I also mentioned that people should stop the spread of false and malicious emails. Well, it so happened I was on the receiving end of two such emails this week. I seem to get a lot of those in my inbox, and since most, though by no means all of my friends and family are quite conservative, the vast majority of what I receive is aimed at Obama and the Democrats in Congress.

!e first email suggested that Barack Obama never actually attended Columbia University where he claims to have graduated in 1983 before attending Harvard Law School. It said that NO ONE has ever come forward who actually remembers being there with him. Mysteriously, Obama has refused to release his transcript from the school or any of the papers he wrote while in attendance. !is dearth of information has led to wild speculation on the part of ultraconservatives. Did he lie about his education? It took me less than three minutes to type “Obama Columbia University” into Google, and right away, I was directed to a web site that debunks urban legends and other falsehoods. It turns out it is true that Obama has never released any papers from his time at Columbia, making it appear that he has something to hide. However, it is NOT true that no one remembers him from his time at the school. Columbia claims him as one of their graduates. A former professor remembers that he easily aced the class he taught in foreign a"airs. A school publication contained an article written by Obama. A former roommate has also come forward with information about their time there. And finally, there is no way Obama would have been admitted to Harvard Law School without having gradu-ated from somewhere!

!e second email claimed that Obama had cancelled the 2009 National Day of Prayer, held each year by Christians throughout the country, and then sanctioned a National Day of Prayer for Muslims on Capitol Hill. !is time I went to and checked it out. !e National Day of Prayer was not cancelled. Obama did decide not to have the public White House ceremony which was held annually during the eight years of the Bush administration. Instead, he signed a proclamation announc-ing the day of prayer and urged Americans everywhere to pray for their country and leaders. !ere was never a publicly-sanctioned National Day of Prayer for Muslims. !ere was a privately organized event for Muslims to pray for America that took place in the nation’s capital in September of 2009. A little something called freedom of speech allows them to do that, just as it allows Christians to gather around the flagpoles in communities all over America on the National Day of Prayer. We Christians had better not try to take that right away from others, because if we do, it will soon be taken away from us.

Frankly, what we know about Obama is enough to worry me – I don’t need people going around making stu" up! I don’t buy all these conspiracy theories and outlandish accusations. !ere are well-respected conservative journalists like George Will and William Kristol who would be all over these stories if there were anything to them. Occasionally, bloggers do uncover stories that turn out to be true and eventually get picked up by the mainstream media (like the ACORN scandal). Until that happens, it seems to me we should ignore rumors and speculation.

Such falsehoods are spread by members of both political parties. An-other email that made the rounds a few years ago claimed that President George W. Bush had the lowest IQ of any president from the past fifty years. !is information supposedly came from a study by an organization that does not even exist. It listed the twelve presidents that have served in the past 50 years in their order of IQ. Interestingly, all those with top IQ’s were Democrats, with Bill Clinton having the highest one of all!

I used to just delete these emails, but I am now engaged in a campaign to stamp out ignorance. As soon as I get one, I check it out on sites such as Snopes or !en I send the link to the person who forwarded me the email and suggest that they check out future emails for themselves.

!e Internet provides a wealth of valuable information. Unfortunately, it is also the source of rumors and outright lies. We all need to make it our personal responsibility to verify information before we pass it on to others.

Leah Ward Sears is believed to be on President Obama’s short list for the US Supreme Court due to the recently announced retirement plans of Justice Stevens. I was invited by my daughter to a reception for Sears, then Chief Justice of the Georgia Supreme Court. Ward Sears is the first female chief justice in the United States and the first African American in Georgia to be elected to state wide o#ce.

My daughter works for Cornell University and was arranging a meeting of Alumni in the Atlanta area with the Chief Justice, a Cornell graduate. My daughter’s invitation was contingent on my promising to NOT ask any questions until the cameras were o".

Ward Sears gave a passionate discussion including the breakdown of the black family and the need for more government funding to teach black fathers to be more responsible. During her presentation, she blamed Ron-ald Reagan for the breakdown of the black family.

I asked her why she blamed Ronald Reagan. She said that he was governor of California when no-fault divorce was passed by the CA state legislature.

I replied, “!e breakdown of the family is not just a black problem. You mentioned in your speech that by 1972, 70 percent of all black children were being born out of wedlock. Well today more than 25% of all white children are also born out of wedlock.”

“In 1965, the year that the Great Society legislation was passed, less than 10% of black children were born out of wedlock and 80% of all black children lived in a home with two parents. But that legislation destroyed that because the government gave a 14-year-old girl who got pregnant and had a child out of wedlock, a free separate dwelling away from her parents, free food, medical and dental services plus money for expendi-tures. It gave an incentive to be irresponsible.”

“Until people recognize what caused the problem, it will never be fixed.”She actually fell back and put her hands up as if to protect herself and kept repeating, “I could not disagree with you more!” But it appeared to me that she had never heard that argument and was processing it.

One of the biggest problems I find with Liberals is that they have been so indoctrinated and self-isolated that they are not even aware that philo-sophical opponents might have a fact based logical point of view. !ey really have no idea what conservatives actually think.

Typical of many Liberals, the topic was immediately changed and I was interrogated. Being the only white person left in the group, I was asked “What do you think the about the Reverends Jackson and Sharpton?”

I replied without hesitation, “!ey are pimp extortionists and if I were black I would be ashamed to think that anyone would consider that they represent me!” !ere was a long uncomfortable silence until a black wom-an blurted out, “!ank you, thank you, finally a white man who is not afraid to speak the truth.”

You would be surprised what will happen when you refuse to keep quiet about politically incorrect o" limit topics. Someone might learn something.

Do you remember the movie called !e Producers? !e down-and-out director was fleecing little old women by selling them shares in his next play. Of course, he grossly oversold the number of shares and had to look for a play that was sure to fail. !at way, he got to pocket the money and “comfort” the little women over their poor luck. !ey never knew the game was rigged – until the play turned out to be wildly suc-cessful.

I was reminded of this play upon finding that Goldman Sachs, the most trusted and admired Wall Street investment firm, was charged with rigging the investment game against its own clients. !e firm has been charged with bundling very poor investment grade debt and sell-ing it to their clients, all the while collaborating with a hedge fund man-ager, with whom they jointly selected the poor investments to bundle, and knowing this manager was betting the debt would go into default. !e hedge fund manager made over one billion dollars in 2008 while Goldman Sachs clients took a severe beating in the financial markets.

According to the Wall Street Journal, these charges may prove to be the tip of the iceberg for many of the top investment firms on Wall Street. Most people are probably not surprised by this reckless and un-ethical behavior as we have come to expect our financial system to be overloaded with greed. Since the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999, institutions that previously were prohibited from engaging in both commercial and investment banking were allowed to merge and expand into any type of financial transaction. !e floodgates of hell were opened and it only took ten years before they brought this country to its knees.

!e Democrats are trying to address the financial abuses of Wall Street and to prevent another financial collapse. After the banking collapse of 1929, Congress passed the Glass-Steagall Act in 1932 and 1933 (two di"erent acts addressing the banking system and named af-ter the sponsors, Carter Glass, D-VA, and Henry Steagall, D-AL) and the e"ect was to regulate banking. !e provisions of both acts were successful until its shortsighted repeal in 1999. For what appear to be specious reasons, Republicans are opposed to the Democratic plans to re-regulate the financial industry.

!e main reason Republicans say they oppose the proposed regula-tions is that they will lead to more taxpayer bailouts of Wall Street. !ey are referring to a provision that requires financial firms to pay into a $50 billion fund that would be used to wind down any too-big-to-fail firm that was collapsing, thus preventing a taxpayer bailout. !e industry is being charged to bail itself out so that taxpayers no longer are forced to repeat the bailouts of 2008, a most distasteful matter. !is “bailout fund” is little di"erent from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) that was created in 1932. Banks pay into the FDIC and that money is used to handle failing banks, of which Georgia has had an abundance since 2008. !e FDIC is no more a taxpayer bailout for the banks than is the proposed bailout fund for large financial institutions.

In my opinion, too many Democrats and Republicans in Congress are beholding to Wall Street. It will be a miracle is substantial re-regula-tion is passed but at least the Democratic plan, though weak, is stronger than the Republican plan. Republicans have decided, even on impor-tant matters like this, to continue to be the Party of No, or as Sarah Palin says, hell no. !ey are making a big mistake taking the side of Wall Street – and make no mistake about it, that is exactly what they are doing. Main Street plays second fiddle in the Republican Party.

For the life of me, I cannot understand the Republican worship of free markets. !ey speak of the wisdom of the markets and how free markets will regulate themselves, as if free markets have a mind of their own. However, men run the markets, rig the markets, defraud the mar-kets, and pursue greed without regard to ethics or morality. We must have the markets, but we need transparency, honesty, and ethical be-havior. It is a sad commentary on man that regulations are necessary to curb unbridled greed. I would hope Congress would re-pass the Glass-Steagall Acts of 1932 and 1933 and be done with it. !ese acts worked well for over 60 years; bring them back. Let us separate commercial from investment banking for the last time.

What is the International Code Council? !e organization that publishes the codes that our states have adopted. Your building inspector en-forces these codes when inspecting your construc-tion.

Does this mean we will all have to build by this new code? Not unless the state government or local county adopts this code as law. !e In-ternational Code Council writes many di"erent codes, and our governments choose which ones they want to make law. !ey also might revise them to suit their own jurisdiction. Perhaps the government could make this an option instead of a requirement.

Why is this news important to us? First be-cause it can substantially change green building here in the mountains and throughout the rest of our country. At this time, if you want to build and you want your building certified green, you must

choose between several green building programs like Tennessee Valley Authority's Energyright Program, Western North Carolina's HealthyBuilt Home Program, Southface Institute's Earthcraft House Program, or LEED. Each program has its advantages and disadvantages. Usually you must find a builder that is approved to build under this program. You also need someone to inspect and certify that your building meets the program's re-quirements during various stages of construction.

If the new green building code is adopted where you live, it would be enforced by your building inspectors. !is would make green building cer-tification much more accessible to all. But this would come at a cost. !e inspectors would need extensive training. !e local building departments would need access to expensive testing equipment to test the home and the ductwork for air leaks.

!ere is another reason this is important to us. Right now the International Code Council has published a draft of this code on their web site for public review and comment. If you are concerned

with this issue, you can download your own copy, study it, and email back the changes you would like to see.

People in the construction industry like to complain about building codes. But if they have a valid complaint they can do something about it. !ey can submit their idea to the International Code Council. If the council's engineers see that the complaint has merit, if a change would not raise building costs too much, if it would improve construction, they just might change the code.

For your copy of this new code: Click on “Codes, Standards, and Guidelines” then “International Green Construction Code.” Download your own copy.

!is column also invites your input. Email me your questions and ideas.

Richard C. MacCrea is the director of !e Green-ing of Andrews Valley, a program of Andrews Valley Initiative. He works in the field of energy e"cient, green building design. [email protected]


Page 4: 4.22.10 Towns Sentinel

4AApril 22, 2010

Leon Henson

04/12/10 12:28 R-2 Duncan Rd. Medical14:16 R-1 Brasstown Manor Medical

04/13/1012:11 E-1, R-1 Bear Meat Rd Rubbish Fire19:08 R-1,4 Fly Rod Ln. Medical19:26 E-4 Hwy 76 E Landing Zone20:05 R-1 T/C School Medical23:47 R-1 Garrett Rd. Medical

04/14/10 01:42 R-1 Holiday Inn Medical14:47 R-1 Zell St Medical

04/15/10 13:08 E-1,R-1, E-2 Cedar Cliff Rd Fire Alarm17:56 Utility-1 Hwy 339 Motorcycle Accident 17:58 R-1 Ackerman Cir. Medical

04/16/10 00:46 Utility-1 County Shop Control Burn

04/17/10 13:49 R-2 Cold Springs Rd Medical19:41 E-6 Big Sky Dr Fire Alarm22:23 R-2 Hwy 66 Medical

04/18/10 13:57 E-6,T-1 Clay Co. N/C Mutual Aid22:20 R-2 King Cove Rd Medical

Towns County Fire Report

Towns County Arrest Report

April 11, 2010-April 18, 2010

04/11/2010William Anthony Haley, DOB:

10/05/1982 of Murphy, NC.Arrested for driving under the influ-

ence of driving on roadways land for vehicles to drive right side.

Richard Phillip Perdue, DOB: 01/06/1963 of Hiawassee, Ga.

Arrested for no charges stated.Gary Artiss Segars, DOB: 12/29/1969

of Hiawassee, Ga.Arrested for no charges stated.

04/12/2010Misty Rose Wilson, DOB: 10/16/1076

of Young Harris, Ga.Arrested for Theft of Motor Vehicle.

04/13/2010Chrystal Dawn Rhodes, DOB:

01/11/1975 of Warne, NC.Arrested for Possession of Marijuana

and drug related objects.Jessica Louise Robinson, DOB:

08/02/1987 of Young Harris, Ga.Arrested for driving while license


04/14/2010Willie Joe Gibson, DOB: 08/16/1981

of Hiawassee, Ga.Arrested for Probation Violation.Misty Nicole Shook. DOB:

04/13/1978 of Young Harris, Ga.Arrested for Probation Violation.Misty Rose Wilson, DOB: 10/16/1976

of Young Harris, Ga.Arrested for Theft by stolen proper-

ty.Travis Wayne Pugh, DOB:

01/02/1975 of Warne, NC.Arrested for drug related items and

Possession of Marijuana.

04/15/2010Chasity Brook Casey, DOB:

11/18/1981 of Hiawassee, Ga.Arrested for Theft by Shoplifting -2

counts.Travis Dwayne Gibson, DOB:

01/29/1986 of Blairsville, Ga.Arrested Speeding-35 Zone, 15-19

over and driving on suspended license.Calvin Stroud, DOB: 12/01/1971 of

Hayesville, NC.Arrested for driving under the influ-

ence, open container/ Passenger area , driving on roadways laned for, and use of safety belts in Passengers.

04/16/2010William Dean Moss, DOB:

04/12/1967 of Hiawassee, Ga.Arrested for Driving under the influ-

ence.Michelle Gallagher Peterson, DOB:

12/18/1958 of Hiawassee, Ga.Arrested for disorderly conduct.

04/17/2010Paulino Vasquez Lopez, DOB:

07/22/1971 of Hiawassee, Ga.Arrested for Licenses Required,

Surrender of License.Amy Nicole Campbell, DOB:

02/15/1980 of Hayesville, NC.Arrested for Expired License.Lisa C. Daniel, DOB: 10/20/1964 of

Fayetteville, Ga.Arrested for Possession,

Manufacturing, Distribution of a con-trolled substance or Marijuana Penal, Possession of Marijuana- Misdemeanor, Possession & use of drug related objects.

Ismael Ramirez Reynoso, Jr. DOB: 05/31/1957 of Jonesboro, Ga.

Arrested for driving on roadways laned for traffic, Possession of Marijuana, Misdemeanor, Possession, Manufactured, Distribution, Etc of Controlled substances or Marijuana, Penal. Possession and use of drug related objects, Operation of vehicle without current plate.

04/18/2010Margot G. Ghanes, DOB: 04/14/1955

of Young Harris, Ga.Arrested for D.U.I. /Alcohol, and

required position & methods of turning at Intersections.

New 'twist' in the law may help your mom

Larry Prather

Everyone a winner at contest

Contributed PhotoJunior Division: Levi Sherman, Caden Smith. Senior Division: Austin Arro-wood, Jonathan Trenton Carver, Marjorie Hat!eld , Heather Poole, Morgan Ricketson, Becca She"eld, Je# Stewart

Lura Bellamy Eden

Towns County Deed TransactionsApril 15-16, 2010


Page 5: 4.22.10 Towns Sentinel


706 896-2818 & 706 896-3678 FaxSunday School . . . . 9:30 AMWorship Service . . . 10:45 AMWed. Bible Study . . 6:00 PM

Senior Pastor Jim BlairDirector of Music and Worship

Hope Horkavy

Praise God Together With Us!1139 US Highway 76, West

“ On the Hill “

P. O. Box 609Hiawassee,GA 30546

TURPIN’S WRECKER SERVICELocal & Long Distance Towing

Light & Heavy Duty Towing706-896-4138

828-389-0832 (NC)Available 24/7

Mossy Bo!oms Cafe 1620 Hwy 76 W Hiawassee, GA


Register Now! “Ballet”, “Tap”, “Jazz” and MORE!

Ages 3 to Adult, Beginner to ExpertBrasstown Dance Academy

Now Accepting New Students706-379-2651

On US 76 on the hill across from the EMC in Young Harris

Dance Classes

Strut’s Shoe StoreMen - Women - Children

Come in and browse: Jewlery, Socks, Tees, Handbags, & Belts

706-896-20021374 US Hwy, 76E - Hiawassee GA


5AApril 22, 2010

Presenting Donors May Enter A Drawing To Win A Cruise For Two

Donors ‘cruise into summer’ by donating with the Red Cross


Towns and Union Counties !e summer season is always the most relaxing and fun – sun, sand and plenty of smiles. What many don’t realize is that during the busy summer season, blood donations often decline due to vacation and summer activities, while the need for blood remains constant. !e American Red Cross is asking do-nors to “Cruise Into Summer” by donating blood or platelets.

!e campaign, which runs from April 1 to June 30, 2010, gives each person who presents to do-nate blood or platelets with the Red Cross an opportunity to enter a drawing for the chance to win a cruise for two. By donating early

in the season, blood donors can donate two or more times during the summer months, helping en-sure blood is available for patients throughout this critical time.

• Wednesday, May 12 Union County High School

Blood Drive (604 Panther Circle, Blairsville)

8:30 am to 1:00 pm Please call (706) 745-2216

for more information or to sched-ule an appointment.

• Wednesday, May 19 Union General Hospital Blood

Drive (214 Hospital Circle, Blairsville)

8:00 am to 5:00 pm Please call Amber Pruitt or

Mary Murphy at 745-2111 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Walk-Ins Welcome! Appoint-ments preferred.

• !ursday, May 27 Chatuge Regional Hospital

Blood Drive (110 Main Street, Hiawassee)

12:00 pm to 4:30 pm Please call (706) 896-7179 for

more information or to schedule an appointment.

Walk-Ins Welcome! Appoint-ments preferred.

Every two seconds, someone in the United States needs blood. !e Carolinas Blood Services Region of the American Red Cross pro-

vides lifesaving blood to 103 hos-pitals and must have 1,600 people give blood and platelets each week-day to meet patient needs.

Blood can be safely donated ev-ery 56 days. Most healthy people age 17 and older, or 16 with pa-rental consent, who weigh at least 110 pounds, are eligible to donate blood and platelets. Donors who are 18 and younger must also meet height and weight requirements.

For more information or to sched-ule an appointment to donate at a nearby donor center, call 1-800-RED CROSS (733-2767) or visit

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6AApril 22, 2010

• Continued from page 1A

• Continued from page 1A

Contributed photoMarilyn Pierce, President, Towns Friends of the Library; Debbie Phillips, Librar-ian, Towns County Library, Hiawassee; and Donna Howell, Director, Mountain Regional Library, Young Harris, stand among the many volumes of books avail-able for patrons to use. Friends of the Library have been able to purchase 85% of new books, audio books and other materials for the libraries in recent years.

NGMC recieves certi!cation as primary stroke center

Page 7: 4.22.10 Towns Sentinel

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Page 8: 4.22.10 Towns Sentinel

8AApril 22, 2010

TCES Star Students

Towns County Middle School Girls are the Soccer CHAMPIONS!!!!!!! TCMS Girls sealed a per-fect undefeated season of games at their tourna-ment last Saturday, April 17th.

Lakeview Academy could not overcome the solid power of the "LADY INDIANS!" Makayla Underwood seen throw-ing in the ball (right) was the top scorer all season.

We are proud of our girls & give a big "THANKS!" to Coach Paula Whitehead!!!! All the best for next year!

-Kim Patterson

Back Row: L-R: Russell Cox, Colten Shook, Chad Jones, Tyler SiscoFront Row: L-R: Tatiana Baldwin, Mikayla King!

Back Row: L-R: Melissa Caldwell, Taylor Osborn, Tristin Dyer, Ben EdwardsFront Row: L-R: Ti"any Mitchell, Josh Collins, Sadie Eller, Hunter Ingram

Back Row: L-R: Dalton Denmark, Brett Denton, Kayden McClure, Connor Kel-ley, Corbin Henderson, Johnny DonnellyFront Row: L-R: Courtney Arrowood, Maddie Sutton, Alexis Oakes

Citgo Food Mart reopens!

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