Page 1: 4 Tips for Writing Outstanding Web Copy

for WritingOutstandingWeb Content4T


1 Include KeywordsDo keyword research based on your industry & find a relevant keyword or phrase. Use it:

- In your blog title

- In the first paragraph

- 1-5 times in the body

- In the image alt text

- In the meta description

2 Take Note of Content LengthMake sure your content is 300-500 words at a minimum. Content longer than 2,000 words ranks better in SERPs.

3 Format Your Posts to be Web-FriendlyBreak up big paragraphs of text & keep chunks 1-3 sentences long. Format posts using:

- Headings and subheadings- Bulleted and numbered lists- Bold and italic to emphasize important points- Images to break up text and provide supporting visuals

- Bold Italic

4 Use Internal and External LinksIncorporate both external links to others’content as well as internal links to yourown within every blog post.

Your Site A Popular Blog


The TakeawayIf you follow these four basic tips for writing web

copy, you’ll be well on your way to gaining afollowing, increasing web prospects,

and closing more sales.

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