  • 7/26/2019 4-AMEC-Procedure-for-the-Election-of-the-2015-Board.pdf


    (4) AMEC Procedure for the election of the 2015 board: AMEC 2014 AGM

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    AMEC Procedure for the Elect ion of the Board

    Dear Member

    The Annual General Meeting of the International Association for Measurement and Evaluation ofCommunication (AMEC) will be held from 14:15-15:15 on Thursday 4

    thDecember, 2014, at the offices

    of Gorkana Group at 140 Old Street, London, EC1V 9BJ. AMEC extends its thanks to Gorkana Group fortheir hospitality. For directions, see thislink.(Immediately prior to this meeting a Extraordinary GeneralMeeting (EGM) will be held from 13:45-14:15).

    Under the rules which form part of the Memorandum and Articles of the Association, half of the Boardresigns each year. Therefore, the number of vacancies and directors who will retirethis year are:

    Full Members: 6 Vacancies

    Retiring Directors: Barbara Bassi, LEco Della Stampa SpaEvgeniy Larionov, Ex LibrisJerry Ward, Press DataMike Daniels, Salience InsightPeter Granat, CisionPeter Low, Precise

    Associate Members: 0 Vacancies

    Individual Members: 1 Vacancy

    Retiring Director: Stuart Fraser

    Al l of the above are eligible for re-election subject to the Ar ticles o f Associat ion. Nominations arenot restricted to the nominees own organisation and you are encouraged to nominate as manycandidates as you wish.

    Remaining on the Board will be:

    Full Members:

    Aseem Sood, Impact Research and Evaluation. Francois Nicolon, Kantar Media.

    Jeremy Thompson, Gorkana Group.

    John Croll, iSentia.

    Sergi Guillot, Acceso Group.

    Associate Members:

    Daniel Schaible, BurrellesLuce.

    Elayne Phillips, DEFRA.
  • 7/26/2019 4-AMEC-Procedure-for-the-Election-of-the-2015-Board.pdf


    (4) AMEC Procedure for the election of the 2015 board: AMEC 2014 AGM

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    Seats on the Board are open for election. Please carefully read these notes below to help make theprocedure easy to follow.

    1 Seats open for election this year are as follows:

    a. 6 Full Memberdirectors

    b. 0 Associate Memberdirectors

    c. 1 Individual Memberdirector

    2 Nominations are now required to fil l these vacancies and shou ld be received by AMEC,scrutineers and to arrive not later than 17.00 (GMT) on Friday 31st October 2014. Please e-mail to:[email protected] andjuliewi [email protected]

    3 Nominations should be made using the attached form, signed and then e-mailed [email protected] andjuliewi [email protected] .You may make as manynominations as you wish, but please use a separate form for each one. Self-nominations arewelcome and may be counter-signed (see Article 58) on receipt in the AMEC office. In the case ofanother person whom you may wish to nominate please indicate whether their prior consent has

    already been given.

    4 Nominees must attach to the nomination form a personal statement to support their nomination butboth documents must reach AMEC no later than 17.00 (GMT) on Friday 31

    stOctober 2014.

    5 If the number of nominations exceeds the number of vacancies in any one category a ballot will bearranged by e-mail. This will take place in the period Monday 3

    rdNovember to 1700 (GMT) Monday

    17thNovember, 2014.

    6 In the ballot all members will be invited to vote only in their own category of membership. BarryLeggetter and Julie Wilkinson have been appointed as scrutineers by the Board.

    7 Members may vote only if their membership dues have been fully paid.

    8 The responsibilities of each elected Director will be determined by the Board after the AGM.


    Board Meetings are held predominantly through conference calls 4-6 six times per year. Directors mustappoint Alternates to attend a Board meeting on their behalf if they are unable to attend.

    Barry Leggetter, FCIPR, FPRCACEO & Company Secretary

    Julie WilkinsonExecutive Assistant, PA to the CEO


    13thOctober, 2014

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

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