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3DRepo4Unity: Dynamic Loading of Version Controlled 3DAssets into the Unity Game Engine

Sebastian Friston∗

University College LondonLondon, UK

Carmen Fan3D Repo LtdLondon, UK

Jozef Dobos3D Repo LtdLondon, UK

Timothy Scully3D Repo LtdLondon, UK

Anthony SteedUniversity College London

London, UK

Figure 1: Test scene used in our measurements being dynamically loaded from a remote version controlled repository using anewly developed 3DRepo4Unity library. �e building consists of 13k components and 4m vertices. Model courtesy of Skanska.

ABSTRACTIn recent years, Unity has become a popular platform for the devel-opment of a broad range of visualization and VR applications. �isis due to its ease of use, cross-platform compatibility and accessi-bility to independent developers. Despite such applications beingcross-platform, their assets are generally bundled with executables,or streamed at runtime in a highly optimised, proprietary format.In this paper, we present a novel system for dynamically populatinga Unity environment at runtime using open Web3D standards. Oursystem generates dynamic resources at runtime from a remote 3DRepo repository. �is enables us to build a viewer which can easilyvisualize X3D-based revisions from a version controlled databasein the cloud without any compile-time knowledge of the assets. Wemotivate the work and introduce the high-level architecture of oursolution. We describe our new dynamic transcoding library with anemphasis on scalability and 3D rendering. We then perform a com-parative evaluation between, a state of the art X3DOMbased renderer, and the new 3DRepo4Unity library on web browserplatforms. Finally, we present a number of di�erent applicationsthat demonstrate the practicality of our chosen approach. By build-ing on previous Web3D functionality and standards, our hope is to∗[email protected]

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal orclassroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributedfor pro�t or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citationon the �rst page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than theauthor(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permi�ed. To copy otherwise, orrepublish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior speci�c permissionand/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected] ’17, Brisbane, QLD, Australia© 2017 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.978-1-4503-4955-0/17/06. . .$15.00DOI: h�p://

stimulate further discussion around and research into web formatsthat would enable incremental loading on other platforms.

CCS CONCEPTS•Computing methodologies→ Graphics �le formats;

KEYWORDSUnity, 3D assets, 3D Repo, MongoDBACM Reference format:Sebastian Friston, Carmen Fan, Jozef Dobos, Timothy Scully, and AnthonySteed. 2017. 3DRepo4Unity: Dynamic Loading of Version Controlled 3DAssets into the Unity Game Engine. In Proceedings of Web3D ’17, Brisbane,QLD, Australia, June 05-07, 2017, 9 pages.DOI: h�p://

1 INTRODUCTIONCurrently, many virtual reality (VR) and visualization applicationsare built on top of the Unity game engine. However, loading 3Dassets at runtime, especially over the Internet, remains a challenge.Unlike dedicated WebGL-based environments on web browsers,Unity does not support streaming of common interchange dataformats. Rather, streaming assets at runtime is supported throughAssetBundles1. �is e�ectively de�nes an opaque, proprietary for-mat to deliver the assets in. �e time it takes to produce these assetbundle �les means in practice they must be pre-computed.

In the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) indus-try, frequent design changes, coordination meetings and importantpresentations to non-experts are typical. �us, quick and reliablevisualization of large, up-to-date 3D projects remains a challenge.


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Web3D ’17, June 05-07, 2017, Brisbane, QLD, Australia Friston et al.

Such issues are compounded by the fact that design teams—andthe 3D assets—are o�en distributed across di�erent time zones,organisations and platforms. To meet these challenges, some or-ganisations have explored leveraging commercial game engines2.�ese engines have been developed for many years, incorporatinglessons and features from many di�erent projects. �is is especiallytrue of Unity, which provides many bene�cial features and opti-mizations that are yet to appear in pure WebGL frameworks such as�ree.js (Cabello 2010), X3DOM (Behr et al. 2009) or XML3D (Sonset al. 2010).

Due to its large user base and ease of deployment, e.g. supportfor native distributions including custom drivers for non-consumerhardware, Unity was chosen as our test-bed. Previously, Unitysupported browser-based applications through a dedicated plug-in known as the Unity Web Player3. However, as of version 5.4,Unity decommissioned its Web Player in favour of indirect compi-lation into JavaScript assembly (Unity Technologies 2016b). �isfacilitates a more seamless and user friendly experience when dis-tributing Unity applications across the web. Due to the need forcross-language compilation steps, not all system and processinglibraries are supported in WebGL.

Overall, our aim is to democratize the creation and deploymentof 3D visualizations for users who are skilled in 3D content gen-eration, but who do not necessarily have the knowledge or timeto develop bespoke Unity applications. Such users not only in-clude engineers working with Computer Aided Design (CAD) andBuilding Information Modelling (BIM), but also independent gamedevelopers and hobbyists alike. By delivering a web-enabled plat-form, these professionals would be able to share their 3D sceneswith colleagues and collaborators without needing to transfer largeamounts of information in proprietary formats over traditional,manually-intensive distribution channels, such as �le-shares.

In this paper, we set out to design, develop and test a novelway of populating a running Unity application with assets that aredynamically loaded from a representational state transfer (REST)application programming interface (API) over the Internet as shownin Fig. 1. �en, we compare the loading performance with anexisting visualization client based on declarative X3DOM using aset of experimental measurements. Even if the Unity application iscompiled into a highly optimized version of JavaScript that shouldoutperform unoptimized X3DOM, Unity comes with many librariesand additional processing overheads that may a�ect the loadingand display times of equivalent assets, as discussed in §8. Althoughour current implementation is based on X3D scene descriptors, inthe future it can be easily expanded to support emerging formatssuch as GL Transmission Format (glTF) (Khronos Group 2015) andDraco (Google 2017).

Contributions. Our contributions can be summarized as follows:(1) Design and implementation of a novel Web3D-based asset loader

on top of the Unity game engine.(2) Evaluation and comparison of the asset loading speed between and 3DRepo4Unity clients.(3) Validation of the proposed solution in a real-world scenario.


2 RELATEDWORKMany systems support dynamic loading of web-based assets atruntime. Early VR platforms such as Distributed Interactive Vir-tual Environment (DIVE) (Carlsson and Hagsand 1993) and Model,Architecture and System for Spatial Interaction in Virtual Environ-ments (MASSIVE) (Greenhalgh and Benford 1995) delivered assetsonline to support cooperation between geographically dispersedusers. However, they were based on decentralized peer-to-peerconnections.

VRML97 (Web3D Consortium 1997) and X3D (Web3D Consor-tium 2013) specify sub-scenes with Uniform Resource Locators(URLs), spli�ing data across multiple �les. �is reduces initializa-tion time compared to hard-coding assets within the HypertextMark-up Language (HTML) as done in early declarative 3D on theweb, c.f. (Behr et al. 2009; Sons et al. 2010). In such cases the entirescene had to be downloaded and parsed �rst, blocking the mainGUI thread and causing the browser to become unresponsive.

With the introduction of WebGL, such problems inspired a prolif-eration of 3D REST APIs and externalized �le formats. For example,AMD sponsored the rest3d initiative (Parisi and Arnaud 2011) thatproposed a uni�ed REST interface for all 3D assets online. Schieferet al. (2010) introduced a REST service integration for OpenSG andDobos et al. (2013) de�ned a REST API for XML3D. Nevertheless,large scenes still consist of hundreds of thousands of components.Although web browsers can fetch multiple XMLH�pRequest (XHR)requests in parallel, they only support several thousand at a time.�is led to the introduction of new �le formats such Shape ResourceContainer (SRC) (Limper et al. 2014) and Blast (Su�er et al. 2014). Tocope with large models, bounding interval hierarchies (BIH) wereutilized client-side for visibility culling (Stein et al. 2014) and Multi-Part X3DOM nodes for mesh batching (Scully et al. 2015). Based onsuch advances, (Mouton et al. 2014) demonstrated a scalable systemfor model-driven web services architecture targeting CAD online.Such e�orts culminated in the introduction of glTF (Khronos Group2015) with various extensions such as binary glTF (Cozzi et al. 2016)for bu�er views as well as streaming (Scully et al. 2016). Othersystems also interlinked various web assets, e.g. (Olbrich 2016) forX3DOM, (Schilling et al. 2016) for CityGML streaming to CesiumJSand (Lu et al. 2016) for crowd-sourcing of city models.

In contrast, large-scale virtual worlds such as SecondLife (Ry-maszewski 2007) and its open source C# derivative OpenSim hostmultiple worlds in a grid composed of hyperlinked regions. �isis based around a custom-built protocol for dynamic exchange ofassets over the Internet. Since these predate the most recent Web3Dformats, they support mainly sculpted primitives and bitmaps, butalso COLLADA �les. Similarly, Open Wonderland built in Javaprovides a shared online 3D space where users interacted with dy-namically loaded COLLADA �les, as well as 2D windowing systemsincluding presentations and web browsers from within 3D space.

Recently, systems such as Google Earth VR and Autodesk Livehave begun to support rendering web-based 3D assets in VR. �esesystems are proprietary and closed-source, though there are openinteroperability tools. For example RawKee is an open source add-in to Autodesk Maya that exports character animation and scriptinginto X3D.

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3DRepo4Unity: Dynamic Loading of… Web3D ’17, June 05-07, 2017, Brisbane, QLD, Australia

3 ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEWOur solution is built on top of the Unity game engine. Leveraginggame engines allows developers to quickly get started on platformswith all the basic features required to display a virtual world, mas-sively reducing non-recurring engineering costs. Further, a teamwill have access to the latest developments in computer graphicsthat would be beyond the abilities or budget of a smaller groupworking alone. Unity was chosen speci�cally because its licens-ing model has no up-front costs, is a popular choice for lower-endhardware, and its popularity provides ready access to a community.

However, the requirements overlap between video games andconstruction visualization is not perfect. Developers leveraginggame engines must be prepared to work around design decisionsthat in some cases are actively detrimental to visualization appli-cations. For example, the assets forming a game world are mostlystatic and highly constrained ahead of time. �is allows the en-gine to make pre-computations and assumptions for the sake ofperformance. It also means support for loading arbitrary assets atruntime is minimal, if it exists at all. �is is true of Unity, which hasan additional complication in that its API is not thread-safe makingasynchronous loading extra challenging. �us, the architecture ofthe proposed solution consists of three independent systems: i) 3DRepo version controlled Web3D repository, ii) Unity game engine,and iii) 3DRepo4Unity stand-alone C# library.

3.1 3D Repo3D Repo (Dobos and Steed 2012), a domain-speci�c open sourceversion control system, has evolved from an XML3D based (Sonset al. 2010) visualization to a AngularJS and X3DOM (Behr et al.2009) based commercial platform, (Scully et al. 2015). Withthe advent of glTF, 3D Repo added experimental support for web-based streaming and direct GPU memory manipulation (Scully et al.2016) in JavaScript and WebGL. �e core of the platform consists ofseveral interconnected systems. A C++ processing back-end loads,decomposes and optimizes industrial 3D models. �ese are storedin a polymorphic Binary JSON (BSON) collection within a NoSQLdatabase in 3D Repo’s internal scene graph format. �is residesalongside a revision history and various highly optimized Web3Ddata representations. A Node.js web server provides dynamic webpages and exposes a REST API. �e API can be queried for vari-ous resources including user pro�les, projects, histories, revisions,scene graphs, externalized meshes & textures, etc., all in multipleformats and encodings. Most of these are generated on demand,depending on the requested data representation (XML, JSON, SRC,glTF, etc.). However, such responses can be cached server-side.�is is typically bene�cial as data storage is, in general, cheaperthan CPU processing time. Although 3D Repo does not providedirect 3D editing functionality, users can upload revisions and postcomments within them. �e comments themselves follow the BIMCollaboration Format (BCF) standard (buildingSMART 2016) bybuildingSmart.

3.2 UnityUnity is a well known game development framework. It consistsof a real-time rendering engine with support for systems such asaudio, physics simulation, user input and networking. Developers

build applications using the Unity Editor, in which they interactdirectly with the Unity engine’s systems using a graphical userinterface (GUI), rather than building a scene graph in code. �eeditor then builds distributables targeted at a number of platforms.Unity itself is closed source, but its licensing is friendly to small andmedium enterprises (SMEs) as the revenue sharing model allowsfull access to almost all its features with no upfront costs.

A Unity application is based around a scene graph, formed ofGameObjects. As explained in Section 3.2, all application function-ality exists as an element of one or more GameObjects. �e Editorsupports many common 3D interchange formats. However, theseare converted at design time to native types, before they can interop-erate with Unity’s systems. Similarly, Unity supports optimizationssuch as static batching, but this requires the assets and scene graphto be de�ned at compile time. While it is possible to create nativeresources at runtime, not all the importer functionality is present.

Programming paradigm. Unity utilizes the component basedmodel for engine design. It contains multiple systems, controlled bya�aching Components to objects in the scene graph. Componentsare instances of managed classes that form the Unity API. For in-stance, a Component may integrate with the rendering pipeline todraw geometry or play audio. �e engine does not have a compre-hensive central static API. However, some low-level functionalityis accessible via speci�c interfaces. For example, it is possible tomake calls analogous to a subset of OpenGL that operate below therendering pipeline. Generally, each system is treated atomically andas a black-box, with behaviours controlled through the managedComponents only.

�us, a developer writes the behaviour of an application by creat-ing their own Components. �ese are instances of Unity’s MonoBe-haviour class, which is a generic base class capable of integratinginto the Unity scene graph on a GameObject. �e class includesmethods to be overridden which are essentially callbacks. Withinthese methods, the developer may interact with the programmaticAPI of other Components, or execute any other code as desired.Developers write these Script Components in C# or JavaScript, withthe Unity Editor automatically invoking the C# compiler and inte-grating the binaries into an application with a common runtime.

3.3 3DRepo4Unity LibraryWhile Unity does support runtime loading of assets, the implemen-tation is not �exible enough for our requirements. �e dedicatedAPI is only designed to work with bundles of assets delivered in aproprietary format (Unity Technologies 2016c). �e importers fortypical interchange formats are only available within the editor, notat runtime. For example, textures can be loaded from byte arraysbut meshes must be constructed manually.

Over time, 3D Repo has evolved to deliver scene content in X3Dsupported formats, thus the new Unity based client must be ableto interpret the X3D scene description. Although Unity supportsmodifying the scene graph dynamically, its programming modelis single threaded. Unity does have the concept of co-routines,but these are designed to distribute execution of a single functioncall across multiple frames, rather than multiple threads (UnityTechnologies 2016a). Unlike heavily optimized game models, theenvironments loaded by 3D Repo are large and unoptimized; with

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assets delivered between potentially thousands of Hypertext Trans-fer Protocol (HTTP) API calls across a wide-area network withvarying latency. Hence, support for multi-threaded loading is nec-essary to ensure the user interface remains responsive.

Responsibilities. In response to these challenges, we designedour solution to be as decoupled from any Unity-speci�c design-decisions and data types as possible. Furthermore, we aimed tocompartmentalise the main responsibilities to reduce friction duringfuture maintenance. �ese responsibilities are:

(1) API translation and abstraction of the server by the Web Client(2) Multi-threaded scene data import by the Importer(3) Application-agnostic scene representation with the Portable

Scene Graph(4) Loading the scene data into Unity with an ISceneGraphTran-

slator implementationWe decided to build a .NET library, separate from Unity itself.

�is allows the library to be reused outside of Unity in contextssuch as automated test suites, as well as in other applications.

�e interface to Unity itself is deliberately kept narrow. �elibrary presents a C#API suitable for use by Unity Script Com-ponents. �e API consists of a set of methods presented by the3dRepoEngine object, and an internal scene graph. 3dRepoEngine’s

methods are high level, suitable for binding directly to a GUI per-mi�ing a user to control the loading process. �e library handlesall communication with the server by requesting and parsing scenedata into the internal platform agnostic scene graph. �rough acallback mechanism, Unity iteratively synchronizes this internalgraph with its own as explained in §6. �e callback is made eachframe, during which any new data is incorporated into the nativeUnity scene. �e graph is designed to be as simple as possibleso that converting it to a native representation requires minimaloverhead and all application-speci�c code can remain within Unity.A data �ow diagram is shown in Fig. 2, showing how the solution’scomponents can be grouped at a high level into each responsibility.

4 WEB CLIENT�e web client consists of RepoController and its dependencies,as illustrated in Fig. 2. �ese classes together translate the 3D RepoREST API into a C#API that is used throughout the remainder ofthe solution. All interaction with the server takes place through aRepoController instance. �is in turn uses a number of resourcesto exchange HTTP requests, maintain a session and a local cache.

RepoController is a wrapper around the 3D Repo REST API.It emits HTTP requests based on method calls, and parses theJavaScript Object Notation (JSON) responses into equivalent nativeobjects. �at is, it is a managed wrapper around the API publishedby 3D Repo. Higher-level functionality, such as navigation throughrevisions, is performed by 3dRepoEngine using RepoController,which is stateless.

�e 3D Repo API uses cookies to maintain a session. �eseare managed by HTTPClient. HTTPClient is what synthesizes theHTTP requests and interoperates with the operating system’s net-work stack. It has no application-speci�c functionality, other thankeeping the 3D Repo cookie. It was created only because the targetversion of .NET did not have a su�ciently capable client built in.

Figure 2: Simpli�ed Data Flow Diagram of 3DRepo4Unity.

Resource Management. RepoController does not parse any datathat is not part of the 3D Repo REST API speci�cation. All scenedata is passed as raw byte-streams to SceneImporter as Resource-Streams. 3D Repo is designed to deliver scenes in X3D which ise�ectively an Extensible Markup Language (XML) for describingfully interactive 3D scenes. X3D uses Uniform Resource Identi�ers(URIs) to identify resources and sub-trees, and resources may beshared between multiple nodes. To emulate the natural behaviourof a web browser, HTTP requests are routed through an instance ofURICache to avoid downloading the same resources multiple times.URICache caches server responses as instances of SharedResource.SharedResource instances receive server responses, downloadinglarge assets on separate threads, and provide a thread-safe API tothe streams. ResourceStream instances wrap this API in a stream-like object for use by native .NET classes. As the REST API is used tomake requests for changing data, such as revision and branch infor-mation, RepoController only routes a subset of requests throughURICache.

High-level API. Unity interacts with the library by instantiat-ing 3dRepoEngine. 3dRepoEngine has methods for logging inand out of the server, and requesting revisions. �e intent isfor these methods to be high-level enough that they could bebound directly to GUI controls and by keeping them separate fromRepoController, new conceptual uses of the API can be easilyadded to the engine as it evolves. When a call to one of the high levelmethods is made, 3dRepoEngine will invoke the appropriate RESTcalls in RepoController and route the responses to an instanceof SceneImporter. SceneImporter will parse the responses, loadthe scene data and deliver it to Unity as described in §5 and §6.

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3DRepo4Unity: Dynamic Loading of… Web3D ’17, June 05-07, 2017, Brisbane, QLD, Australia

5 PORTABLE SCENE GRAPHUnity receives scene data through our portable scene graph, whichconsists of a hierarchy of PortableSceneNodes. �ese nodes mayhave geometry and materials a�ached to them, just like the nativeUnity scene graph. �e portable scene graph classes are highly rigidand simplistic, encapsulating only the bare functionality used by 3DRepo scenes. Members are strongly typed with implicit semantics tomake the conversion to native equivalents straightforward. �esetypes will change as 3D Repo evolves (see §6.1 and 6.2).

�e portable scene graph addresses the challenges of asynchro-nous loading in Unity. It is designed so that branches can be con-structed in parallel and then merged together. Node methods areinherently thread-safe, with each branch having a context object,i.e. a mutex, that locks critical sections when a branch is updated.�e context object can also be used to lock the entire branch ex-ternally, such as when single-threaded applications such as Unityneed to traverse the entire graph. When a branch is gra�ed ontoanother, it adopts the parent’s context and from then on is seen asone branch. �is approach decouples the thread-management ofthe scene graph from that of the scene importer, simplifying both.

Scene loader. When instructed by the host, 3dRepoEngine willrequest the X3D scene for a revision by issuing the appropriatecalls to RepoController, in accordance with the published 3DRepo API. 3D Repo delivers X3D with additional third-party for-mats such as SRC (Limper et al. 2014), and typical image textureformats. �e raw response data is routed to the SceneImporter.�is class and its dependencies parse the raw data into portablerepresentations of basic assets (geometry and textures) that canbe loaded into Unity, or any other real-time engine. Once theX3D scene is parsed, SceneImporter traverses the generated sceneDocument Object Model (DOM) and translates it into our portablescene graph. New scene graph nodes are created as new X3D nodesare encountered, and the recursive traversal methods take instancesof both ensuring that nodes are added in the correct place. It is alsoin SceneImporter where the semantics implied by an X3D typeare used to translate the scene elements into concrete types.

Multi-threaded support. �e actual SceneImporter used by thelibrary is an asynchronous subclass. Simple conditionals decideif a given DOM node should be imported in its own thread. Forexample, Inline nodes, which contain sub-scenes, or nodes refer-encing geometry, are imported in new threads. �is is becausethere may be a non-trivial delay while dependencies for a node aredownloaded, during which time other nodes could be processed. Italso allows for simultaneous downloads of resources, that furtherreduces perceived latency. If an import is aborted or su�ers anerror, the AsyncSceneImporter aborts its workers before destruct-ing, and these aborts are propagated, recursively terminating allthreads until only the root remains. To retrieve the imported scenedata, the application needs to traverse the portable scene graph.�e mechanism to do so is for an application to provide a callbackin the form of an ISceneGraphTranslator instance (see §6). �eapplication assigns this as a member of the 3DRepoEngine, thencalls an update request method that blocks until pending updates tomain graph are made. �e graph will not be locked while the geom-etry is downloaded, since AsyncSceneImporter would construct

the nodes outside of the main graph and only then append themonce complete. When permissible, the update method locks thegraph and a method of the ISceneGraphTranslator interface iscalled. �is loads the changes in the graph into the host application.�e update request call is simply a helper method. It retrieves anyworker exceptions, the state of the import, and handles lockingof the graph. It directly calls the ISceneGraphTranslator updatemethod, however, and so both this and the update method executein the same thread. Finally, ISceneGraphTranslator is responsi-ble for translating portable scene graph into a native one.

6 UNITY IMPORTAs multiple AsyncSceneImporters run in parallel, and indepen-dently download resources of varying sizes, the order in whichdi�erent branches of the DOM/scene are completed is arbitrary.For example, a scene root node with of a set of Inline child nodescould be traversed long before the nodes themselves complete inseparate threads, as they may have “heavy” geometry to download.�us, each AsyncSceneImporter builds a portable scene branchindependently. Once a DOM has been exhausted, the branch isgra�ed into the main portable scene graph referenced by the initialAsyncSceneImporter instance.

�e instance of ISceneGraphTranslator is invoked by Unityevery frame through the update request method, which runs inthe main Unity thread. On each invocation, the update methodtraverses the Unity scene graph and the portable scene graph in lock-step. For each level of the graph, it a�empts to match any portablegraph child nodes to existing Unity GameObjects, the native Unityscene graph node type. �e order of the child nodes may changebetween the graphs, so matching is performed based on node names.An alternative would be to give each Unity node a componentstoring a unique identi�er (UID). If a corresponding Unity nodecannot be found, a new one is created. Regardless of whether ornot matching nodes have been found, the traversal continues for alltheir children. �is is because new nodes may be added at any depthand so the entire graph must be traversed to ensure all changesare incorporated. To make this process more e�cient, the portablegraph is furnished with �ags allowing both individual nodes and thegraph as a whole to signal in what ways, if any, it has changed sincethe last call. �ese are cleared by the ISceneGraphTranslatorimplementation. It is within the ISceneGraphTranslator objectas well that native Unity Mesh and Material types are created andadded to the native scene. Nevertheless, it is important to note thatthis lock-step traversal happens only while the assets are beingloaded over the Internet so it has zero e�ect on the renderingperformance therea�er.

6.1 Geometry ImportAlthough many X3D nodes describe visible geometry, 3D Repoutilizes only the ExternalGeometry node, which references an SRCmesh. �is is mainly to avoid large amounts of data being storeddirectly within the scene graph de�nition which would signi�cantlyincrease the perceived lag when parsing an X3DOM page. SRCwas designed for transmission of indexed face data, primarily asa delivery rather than a data interchange format. It interoperates

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closely with WebGL so that its data can be directly loaded onto thegraphics processing unit (GPU).

Despite the low-level arrangements of SRC being suitable forWebGL and OpenGL ES, it becomes more complex with Unity’smore abstract API. While Unity does support runtime creationof meshes, it constructs GPU bu�ers with di�erent layouts basedon the available vertex channels and shader capabilities. To im-port geometry, SceneImporter passes SRC forma�ed streams tothe SRCImporter which in turn parses them into an equivalentmanaged type. �en, using the information in the SRC header, theinterleaved mesh data is extracted into individual but contiguouschannels. Finally, the semantic information from the header is usedto assign these to speci�c members of the portable mesh type.

3D Repo also utilises the X3DOM MultiPart (Scully et al. 2016)node. Its purpose is to support submeshes as a form of mesh batch-ing. In addition to the actual mesh data, de�ned by an ExternalGeo-metry node or similar, an array is provided that assigns each primi-tive to a particular submesh, and materials are assigned on a sub-mesh basis. In the X3DOM runtime, these indices are used to lookupmaterial properties in the fragment shader. Unity has a native sup-port for submeshes, so the mesh importer uses the array to groupindices into submeshes a�er the geometry has been transcoded. Allportable mesh nodes have at least one ‘submesh’, which containsfaces. If created within a MultiPart node, these are subsequentlysplit into a set of submeshes before the portable mesh is returned.

6.2 Material ImportX3D has a number of material de�nition options, including theability to specify arbitrary shaders. Again, we support only thesubset required by 3D Repo. 3D Repo uses the X3DMaterialNodeexclusively. �is node explicitly de�nes a set of basic materialproperties such as di�use and emissive colors, and texture maps.�ese properties are parsed directly into the portable material typeby SceneImporter. Within Unity, a small subset of shaders areused for all materials, chosen depending on whether the materialshould support features such as transparency or texture mapping.All material node parameters have analogues in these shaders. Still,translating materials between runtimes is typically a signi�cantchallenge. Even when the same lighting models are used, there areusually di�erences in the implementation. �is is because individ-ual parameters cannot be used directly and some sort of conversionheuristic needs to be applied. �e use cases of 3D Repo are typicallytolerant of simplistic materials and lighting however, making thesubset of properties used in 3DRepo4Unity tenable. Fortunately,constraining the server to X3DMaterialNode makes material im-port quite simple. �e exception is the handling of textures. �oughURICache allows reuse of locally cached byte arrays, if these wereto be passed to an image parser multiple times, it would still resultin multiple copies of the same image in memory. �us, we introducea TextureManager instance, which caches images based on URI inSceneImporter. X3DMaterialNode is part of the X3D speci�cation,so unlike geometry, it is handled by the SceneImporter. By reusingthe same parsed image references, the ISceneGraphTranslatorcan similarly reuse a dictionary of references to re-use the samenative images once loaded in Unity.

Figure 3: 3D assets are dynamically loaded into a runningUnity application over the Internet. Upon loging in usingthe same credentials as in, the system lists allavailable projects (le�) and enables the users to hot swapthem on the �y. Branches and revisions can be selected us-ing drop down menus (top middle).

7 USER INTERFACE AND DEPLOYMENTUnity provides native support for building 2D GUIs. Widgets arerepresented by GameObjects in the main Unity scene graph andhave components that interoperate with Unity’s systems to auto-matically size and place themselves. Navigation throughout the3D environment is done with traditional video game paradigms.�e 2D GUI in our case has the responsibilities of authenticationand se�ings management, as well as navigating a project’s revisionhierarchy. �e GUI, shown in Fig. 3, mimics the 3D Repo browser-based client. Unity has a component based programming model,described in §3.2, so that various elements of the Unity applicationare independent by nature. Yet, to make an intuitive UI, a notionof a state is required. For example, if the user is not logged in, noother widgets should be visible. �us we introduce UIManager asa component which shows or hides individual aspects of the UIdepending on the state of the system, and the user’s preferences.

Environmental controls. 3D Repo revisions do not contain de-tailed ambient environment geometry or lighting. Further, descrip-tions of such environments are for now very application-speci�c.For example, some runtimes may support a limited number of ba-sic lights, while others use high-dynamic-range imaging (HDRI)environment maps. Ambient environments, therefore, are handledentirely on the Unity side. Its shader system supports environmentmaps, basic lights, and a number of options for dynamic globalillumination. �ese can be speci�ed dynamically, just like scenegeometry, so this functionality could be extended in the future.Builds could also be made with customer-speci�c environments. Anumber of basic environments are built into the solution. �e revi-sions do, however, support precon�gured viewpoints, and these arerepresented within the portable scene graph. When encountered,the scene translator will alter the camera transform to mirror them.

7.1 WebGL CompilationSince Unity 5.4, the Webplayer has been phased out in favour ofnative WebGL support. �is is achieved by translating Unity game

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code into C++ using IL2CPP which is then further compiled intoJavaScript using emscripten (Unity Technologies 2016b). Whilstcreating a Unity WebGL build is as simple as changing the targetplatform on the SDK, there are several limitations to consider.

Libraries support. Due to the restrictions of JavaScript and webbrowsers, not all features supported within Unity are supported inWebGL. For instance, some external JSON libraries and the .NETXML Deserializer are not supported. However, the most criticalones are System.�reading and System.Network. Due to the lackof multi-threading, we can no longer support loading of scene datain parallel. Nevertheless, some level of asynchonrous processingcan still be achieved due to reliance on JavaScript. In comparisonto a desktop version, the HTTP client also requires a full rewriteto utilise UnityEngine.WWW instead of System.Net. �is mapsdirectly onto the XHR request with a JavaScript-like control �owusing UnityEngine.Coroutine and yield. �us, scene fetching func-tionality had to be adapted in a way where the work is only donewhen the data has been yielded, using callback functions. Notealso that whilst C# supports function pointers originating from in-stanced objects, WebGL supports only static functions, like nativeC++. To further maintain a valid session, the application needs toprovide a session cookie with every request. Due to web browserrestrictions on the header, it is not possible to manually extract andinsert this cookie on a XHR request in a WebGL build. Credentialrequest withCredentials header is also not natively supported.As of Unity 5.5, the only way to achieve this is to utilize a plug-inscript to add withCredentials into the header (Unity Technologies2016d).

Memory allocation. Unity in WebGL manages its own memoryby requesting a block from the browser’s heap at the initializationstage. �is is known as the Unity Heap. �ere, it handles all memoryallocation inside the Unity Engine. �e size of the heap is con�guredat compile time, thus the Unity WebGL consumes a constant amountof memory. To increase the memory usage, the build would have tobe recompiled, with a maximum allowed size of 2039MB. �is hasproven to be a di�cult restriction for our use case, as the sizes ofBIM models could be either too small or too big. A naıve solutionwould utilize the biggest possible memory bu�er, meaning clientswith small models would still be consuming a large amount ofmemory while large models could run out before being initialized.

8 EVALUATION AND DISCUSSIONFig. 1 shows our 3DRepo4Unity library loading assets from a re-mote location over time. �e users are able to successfully log in,maintain a session and retrieve any projects that are already storedwithin the web server as further shown in Fig. 3. To eval-uate the usefulness of such an approach in day-to-day engineering,we have developed a VR application on top of this library for thepurposes of health and safety induction (being demonstrated inFig. 4). Many commercial engines, including Unity, have inbuiltsupport for popular VR headsets. �is allows the same solution tobe used for navigation on desktops and in VR through con�gurationof only a few se�ings. In our construction site o�ce deployment,the project delivery coordinators who are skilled in 4D planning

Figure 4: Health & safety induction using 3DRepo4Unity attheM5 highway site o�ce of Balfour Beatty and Vinci in theUK. Project video available online at

Figure 5: �e same test 3D scene as shown in Fig. 1 visualizedin based on X3DOM. For the purposes of our ex-perimental evaluation, all user interface features have beendisabled to match the 3DRepo4Unity base performance.

using so�ware packages such as Synchro and Autodesk Navis-works were able to upload their custom site-speci�c 3D modelssuccessfully, de�ning speci�c vantage points and exclusion zonesthroughout the existing web interface. �ese assets werethen loaded using the 3DRepo4Unity desktop VR application fortraining purposes.

Experimental evaluation. To compare the loading speed and per-formance of 3DRepo4Unity, we have performed an experimentalevaluation on a medium sized 3D model as shown in Fig. 5. As abaseline, we used the existing platform running X3DOM.Against this, we compared the 3DRepo4Unity compiled in WebGLmode as well as the o�-the-shelf WebGL Unity with the modeldelivered in native Asset Bundle data format. Median values from�ve separate runs are reported in Fig. 6. �ese were calculatedto reduce the in�uence of outliers. Each timing consists of therespective engine’s initialization time, fetching of the 3D assets,and subsequent GPU loading via built-in timestamp printouts.

Unity has a longer initialization period as it requires the Engineand Heap to initialize. Note that whilst the graph shows the Asset

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Figure 6: Median values over �ve runs of time to screen (inseconds) between 3DRepo4Unity and Asset Bundle acrosstwo popular web browsers. X3DOM timings act as baseline.

Bundle version taking longer to initialize than 3DRepo4Unity, theAsset Bundle version was compiled without stripping the engine,i.e. discarding libraries which are potentially not being utilized. �elibraries within the engine that are required for the Asset Bundles towork are not known at compile time, thus if we were to strip downthe engine, it might be missing critical functionalities for them toload correctly. �is is something that can be improved upon in thenear future. Consequently, the size of the Asset Bundle engine issigni�cantly higher than that of 3DRepo4Unity. �e 3D Model weused in this experiment has a comparable size in X3D Format vsAsset Bundle which uses LZ4 compression, thus we would envisagethe fetching period to be similar in our timings. However, it isclear that 3DRepo4Unity, fetching the same �les as X3DOM, tooksigni�cant longer to perform the XHR requests. It is unclear why thedi�erence exists especially without deeper understanding of howUnity translates the application code into JavaScript. Nevertheless,we suspect that one of the reasons may be due to the compiled codenot utilizing the asynchronous nature of JavaScript, unlike X3DOM.Overall, our implementation is comparable in performance to thenative Asset Bundle support which in itself is a very positive result.What is more, we found that Asset Bundles even on medium sizedconstruction models take a long time to generate. In the particularcase of building shown in Fig. 1, it has taken over �ve hours togenerate. Consequently, we do not consider the small run timeperformance gain being worth the preprocessing requirements.

�e results in Fig. 6 also show that X3DOM performs signi�cantlybe�er than Unity on WebGL. X3DOM, being a poly�ll WebGLrenderer, bene�ts from its ability to utilize the browsers’ parallelloading functionality in full. What is more, it renders X3D natively,whereas Unity has to transcode X3D or even its own Asset Bundlesinto GameObjects at runtime, yielding a longer GPU propagation.Requiring nearly one minute from pressing a bu�on to seeing the�nished rendering on screen, such an approach would still need tobe optimized further to be truly usable in real world.

Finally, it is important to note that 3DRepo4Unity consumes dou-ble the amount of memory in comparison to Asset Bundle version.�is is expected as the implementation we chose requires an extracopy of the scene graph in the form of the PortableSceneGraph. As

mentioned in §7.1, Unity WebGL builds are limited to 2GB of mem-ory which severely limits the size of models that can be renderedon the platform. �us, in a commercial environment, we may haveto sacri�ce interoperability for performance. However, we alsonoticed that the Unity engine has good memory management; oncethe scene is loaded onto the GPU, the CPU memory consumed ingenerating the scene graph is garbage collected, allowing more CPUmemory to be used to perform other functionalities. In contrast,X3DOM will permanently hold onto the CPU copy of the scene.

Advantages. In our implementation, the SRCImporter is sepa-rate to the scene importer. �is is because the SRC format is inde-pendent of X3D, but also because it enables geometry importers tobe added and extended more easily, especially once 3D Repo fullymoves to another format such as glTF, c.f. (Scully et al. 2016). By�rst transcoding geometry data to a more generic representation,changes to the portable mesh type can be made more easily andconversion to this type remains independent of a particular geome-try parser which is a plus. Although our current implementationsupports only a small subset of the X3D speci�cation, there is intheory no reason why it would not be possible to extend the libraryto support the entire X3D feature set. Special care would have tobe taken when accommodating embedded actions, animations andscripts. �is would enable designers and non-programmers to cre-ate interactive 3D scenes using ready-made Web3D tools. It wouldalso provide greater interoperability with existing systems acrossthe Internet. Nevertheless, for our current requirements in the AECindustry, our standard support for geometry, mesh batching andtextures is all that is required. What is more, the current Unity We-bGL implementation does not support built-in XML parsers whichmakes any X3D-based import functionality limited to non-browserdeployments only (see §7.1 for further details). With the adventof glTF and its inclusion of a scene graph, it is also questionablewhether full support for X3D would be necessary. However, as itstands, our 3DRepo4Unity library should be able to seamlessly loadmost X3DOM-based assets on desktops.

Limitations. �e main limitation of Unity on the web is the over-head associated with initializing and running the required librariesin a web browser. In comparison to direct WebGL implementationsof X3DOM, there is a signi�cant delay when loading the assetsremotely as well as when uploading to the GPU. In addition, Unitydesign decisions sometimes lead to con�icts between following thehighly compartmentalised paradigm and achieving optimal per-formance. For example, to keep our solution �exible, the objecthighlighting behaviour in the browser is implemented in Unityas a second render pass using stencils, rather than a modi�cationto the shader itself (which would require modifying all shaders,now and in the future). �is decoupled design is in-keeping withUnity’s programming model and is more �exible. For example, thehighlighting behaviour can be altered on a camera by camera basis,by changing the a�ached component. �is could be used to drawdi�erent highlights in VR than on the desktop, or perhaps none atall. With no dependencies in the primary materials and renderingpipeline, it is easier to upgrade to the latest Unity materials, andalso integrate third-party extensions. However, it requires that thegeometry must be drawn twice. Given the sizes of many 3D Reporevision scenes, this is not a trivial consideration.

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9 CONCLUSIONSIn this paper we have devised, implemented and tested a novelmethod for dynamic loading of Web3D assets from a REST API overthe Internet into the Unity game engine at runtime. Although Unitysupports loading assets at runtime, our implementation is more�exible, platform agnostic and can be extended to other engines.�is implementation was evaluated in an experiment whereby thestate-of-the-art X3DOM-based client was compared andcontrasted with 3DRepo4Unity as well as native Asset Bundle im-plementations using WebGL. �is showed that our implementationprovides comparable performance while unleashing the power andcapabilities of a fully-�edged game engine on the web. Our hope isthat this and similar work will stimulate further development andsupport for open Web3D standards in popular game engines soon.

Future work. Soon, we plan to expand our implementation withsupport for glTF so that the 3D Repo SRC-based API can be phasedout. �en, we will a�empt to add streaming and memory manage-ment capabilities akin to (Scully et al. 2016) so that theoreticallyunlimited virtual environments can be traversed in real-time overthe Internet despite limited server infrastructure. Furthermore, themove towards physically based rendering (PBR) on the web will bea signi�cant bene�t for the transfer of materials between runtimes,as the scope for interpreting individual parameters in PBR is byde�nition narrow. Unity has already moved their material systemto PBR, and common formats for their material descriptions arealready proposed for the web, c.f. (Sturm et al. 2016).

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS�is project has been funded by Innovate UK under the Infrastruc-ture Systems grant No. 102813 for which we are grateful. 3D Repoopen source initiative has been also kindly supported by EIT Digitaland Digital Catapult in the UK.

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