Page 1: 3b  the respiratory system

3b- The Respiratory System.

Page 2: 3b  the respiratory system

3b- The Respiratory System.

Index. 1.New words 2.Breathing and parts of the

respiratory system. 3.Phases of breathing. 4.Activities. 5.Experiment.

Page 3: 3b  the respiratory system

1. New words.Unit 3(b): Human body.

Airways- vías respiratorias.Nassal passages- fosas nasales.Pharynx- faringe.Larynx- laringe.Trachea- traquea.Bronchus /bronqui- bronquios.Bronquiole/bronquioles- bronquiolosAlveolus/alveoli- alveolos.

Page 4: 3b  the respiratory system

1. New words. Lungs – pulmones. Diaphragm-diafragma. Inhalation- inalación Exhalation- exhalar It warms-calienta It moisteus- humedece It filters- filtra Inhaled-inhalado

Unit 3(b): Human body.

Page 5: 3b  the respiratory system

1. New words. Vocal cords- cuerdas vocales. It reaches- alcanza. Network- red. Branches- ramas. Exchanged- intercambio. Increase- aumentar. Relaxes- relajar. Keep- mantener.

Unit 3(b): Human body.

Page 6: 3b  the respiratory system

2. Breathing and parts of the respiratory system.

-By breathing we obtain the oxygen our cells need to work and excrete the carbon dioxide our cells produce as a residue.

Unit 3(b): Human body.

Page 7: 3b  the respiratory system

Unit 3(b): Human body.

-The airways- the nassal passages, the pharynx, the larynx, the trachea, the bronchi, the bronchioles and the alveoli.

The lungs- are separated from

the abdomen by the diaphragm.


Page 8: 3b  the respiratory system

Unit 3(b): Human body.

There are two phases when you are breathing:

3.1- Inhalation.3.2- Exhalation.

3-The phases of breathing.

Page 9: 3b  the respiratory system

Unit 3(b): Human body.

The air enters into the nasal passages and continues down the alveoli.

The diaphragm contracts. The volume of lungs increases. The oxygen passes into the blood,

which distributes around the body. The carbon dioxide in the blood passes

to the alveoli.

3.1 Inhalation.

Page 10: 3b  the respiratory system

Unit 3(b): Human body.

The diaphragm relaxes and the lungs get smaller.

The air full of carbon dioxide is expelled through the airways.

3.2. Exhalation.

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Unit 3(b): Human body.

Page 27 (3)

Page 27 (1 and 2)

4. Activities.

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