
37 Stress Management Tips

Alternatives to Anxiety

1. Breath Easy

Breathing from your diaphragm oxygenates your blood which helps

you relax almost instantly.

2. Visualize Calm

Close your eyes , take 3 long & slow breathes then spend a few minutes

picturing a relaxing scene

3. Make time for a mini self massage

• Simply by massaging the palm of the hand in a circular motion you can reduce anxiety.

• This triggers a pressure point that helps to calm you.

4.Try a Tonic

• A study at Duke University found homeopathy effective in quelling anxiety disorders.

• Look for Stress formulas such as Nerve Tonic in your Health Food store.

• To find one contact the National Center for Homeopathy @ 703-548-7790

5. Say Cheese

• Smiling is a 2 way mechanism. We do it when we are relaxed and happy but it also can make us relaxed and happy.

• Smiling transmits nerve impulses from the facial muscles to the limbic system, a key emotional center of the brain. Tilting the neurochemical balance to calm.


6. Do Some Math

• Using a scale of 1 -10, assign a number to what is making you feel anxious.

• Most problems rate between a 2 & 5.

• In other words they are really not a big deal.

7.Compose a Mantra

• Devise an affirmation- a short clear positive statement that focuses on your coping ability.

• The next time you feel that your life is one disaster after another repeat it 10 times.

“I feel calm , I can handle this”

8. Be a fighter

• At the first sign of stress people often complain, “Why did this happen to me?”

• Feeling like a victim increases feelings of stress and helplessness.

• Instead focus on being PROACTIVE..don’t wallow in self pity.

9. Put it on paper

• Writing provides perspective• Divide a paper into two columns, on one side

list what you can change on the other side what you can’t.

• Then stop fretting over what you can not change.

10. Count to 10

• Before you say or do something you will regret, step away from the stressor and collect yourself.

• You can also look away or put a caller on hold• Use your time-out to take a few deep breaths,

stretch or recite an affirmation.

11. Switch to Decaf!!

• Wean yourself slowly from the negative affects of caffeine.

• Subtract a little morning coffee and add some decaf to it. Over the next weeks slowly increase the amount of decaf.

• Also consider to switching to caffeine free soft drinks.

• Limit the use of Energy Drinks as well

12. Just Say No

• Trying to do everything is a one-ay ticket to serious stress.

• Be clear about your limits and stop trying to please everyone.

13.Take a Whiff

• Oils of anise, basil, bay , chamomile, eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint, rose and thyme are all soothing.

• Breathe the oils whenever you need a quick stress release.

• Look for the oils in your local health food store or try a mail order company like Aroma –Vera.

14.Warm -up

• Try this tip: Rub your hands together vigorously until they feel warm. The cup them over your closed eyes for 5 seconds while you breathe deeply.

• The warmth and darkness are comforting!

15. Say yes to Pressure • Acupressure stimulates the same points as acupuncture,

but with fingers instead of needles. Try these three points:• The Third Eye- between the eyebrows where the nose

bridge meets the forehead.• The Heavenly Pillar- on the back of the neck slightly below

the base of the skull, about ½ inch to the left or right of the spine.

• The Heavenly Rejuvenation- ½ inch below the top of each shoulder, midway between the base of the neck & the outside of the shoulder blades.

• Breathe deeply & apply firm steady pressure on the points for 2-3 minutes. The pressure should cause a mild ache, but no pain.

16.Schedule Worry time

• Some stressors demand immediate attention, like a smoke alarm or a police car’s red lights.

• But many low grade stressors can be dealt with at a later time, when it is more convenient.

• File them away in a little mental compartment them deal with them when the time is right.

• Don’t let them control you!!!!!!

17.Boost Your Vitamin Intake

• Woman should take a dietary supplement that contains between 100 & 300 % of the recommended daily allowances.

• Avoid the Stress Formulas!! Too much of the B vitamins and nothing else.

18.Try Tea

• By now most of us know the calming properties of chamomile tea. But the calming properties of catnip, skullcap or kava kava also work!!

• Steep for 10 minutes to get the full benefit of the herbs…..

19.Take a Walk

• This forces you to breathe more deeply and move and improves your circulation.

• Step outside if you can.• The key is to get up and move!!!

20.Soak it up

• Nothing is more stress relieving than a hot bath..

• Try scented calming bubble bath, candles and soft music too..

21.Play a Few Bars

• A number of recent studies have shown that music can do everything from slow heart rate to increase endorphins.

• Good Bets…. Air on the G string, Beethoven’s Pastorale Symphony, & Chopin’s Nocturne in G….

22. Fall for Puppy Love

• In a study at the University of Buffalo of 100 women conducted last year, researchers found that, those who owned a dog had lower blood pressure than those who didn’t. If you don’t have a pooch volunteer at the local animal shelter or pet sit…Petting an animal for a few minutes can reduce stress.

23.Practice Mindfulness

• Helps to heighten your awareness of the moment.

• Helps you stay in the moment and not focus on the past or the future.

• Mindfulness leads to relaxation.

24.Dial a Friend

• Sharing your troubles can help give you perspective, help you feel cared for and relive your burden…

25.Say a Prayer

• Studies show that compared with those who profess no faith, religious or spiritual people are calmer and healthier.

• Prayer and spirituality can be a good coping mechanism.

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