Page 1: 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 · 21/6/2020  · Father knows our every need (Ma 6:32). Indeed, He knows our every need oen beer than we understand our own needs. Think of

3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044

Parish Office: 480-893-8770 Children’s Faith Formation Office: 480-893-1160


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Page 2: 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 · 21/6/2020  · Father knows our every need (Ma 6:32). Indeed, He knows our every need oen beer than we understand our own needs. Think of

Corpus Chris Catholic Church www.corpuschris 2

Corpus Chris Catholic Church strives to be a welcoming community proclaiming the love of God and fostering a life-long personal rela onship with Jesus Christ and His Church through Scripture, Sacraments, and service.

Parish Office Hours Open by appointment only.

Children’s Faith Formation (Catholic Education) Office Hours: Open by appointment only.

Gift Shop Hours: C

M T Please check your email for the latest info sent via Flocknote regarding Mass times, procedures, and sign-up links. You must sign-up to attend the Saturday Vigil and Sunday Masses.

Saturday Vigil: 4:00 (In person)

Sunday: 8:00 (In person & Livestreamed)

[Distribu on of Holy Communion: 9:15-10:00am]

11:30 am (In person)

Daily Mass: Monday—Saturday: 8:15 am (In person & Livestreamed)

Tuesday: 6:00 pm (In person)

Friday: 6:30 (In person)

Confessions Confessions are now held in the church in the choir area and baptistry (when a guest priest is available). Please adhere to all posted safety protocols.

Tuesday: 5:00-5:45 Thursday: 7:00 –8:00 Saturday: 2:30 –3:30

Adora on The Adora on Chapel will be opened with limited hours from 9am-8pm, Monday—Thursday.

There are 8 chairs in the chapel, spaced 6-feet apart – please DO NOT move the chairs. There are no kneelers. While we are doing the best we can in providing sani zer and/or cleaning wipes, if possible, please bring your own to clean your space before you leave.

Clergy and Staff Members Rev. Reynaldo Clutario, Temporary Parochial Administrator [email protected]

Deacon Chris Kellogg [email protected]

Deacon Dennis Lambert [email protected] Website/Blog:

Retired Deacon Al Gaudio Retired Deacon Phil Simeone

Steve Mandarino, Parish Manager [email protected]

Carol Pavlak, Parish Office Manager [email protected]

Kathleen Foley, Parishioner Engagement Coordinator kathleen.foley@corpuschris

Christi Deg, Bulletin Editor chris .deg@corpuschris Bulle n submissions: bulle n@corpuschris

Linda McCormack, C. F. F. Office Manager linda.mccormack@corpuschris

Kathy Egle, Director of Evangeliza on kathy.egle@corpuschris

Denise Halloran, Dir. of Children’s Faith Formation denise.halloran@corpuschris

Grace Rivera, Coordinator of Youth Evangeliza on grace.rivera@corpuschris

John Deg, Director of Married Life Ministries john.deg@corpuschris

Matthew Henry, Director of Music & Liturgy ma hew.henry@corpuschris

Barbara Manning, Gift Shop Manager [email protected]

Ken Doering, Maintenance Supervisor ken.doering@corpuschris

Council Presidents Cynthia Smith, President of the Pastoral Council pastoralcouncil@corpuschris

Peter Rady-Pentek, President of the Finance Council

Page 3: 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 · 21/6/2020  · Father knows our every need (Ma 6:32). Indeed, He knows our every need oen beer than we understand our own needs. Think of

Twel h Sunday in Ordinary Time June 21, 2020 3


Our Father: pages 4-5 Pray for the Sick: page 6 Knights of Columbus: page 6 Father’s Day Novena: page 7 Catholic Charities: page 7 Anima Christi & Prayer to St. Michael: page 7 Frequently Asked Questions: page 7 For Your Consideration: page 8 Peter’s Pence: Back Cover

Parish Contribu ons

June 7, 2020

Tithing* Weekly Total........................................ $36,566.87 Weekly Budget.................................... $29,767.75 Weekly Surplus (Deficit)...................... $6,799.12

Fiscal Year-to-date Total ....................$1,460,322.86 Fiscal Year-to-date Budget................. $1,425,048.75 Fiscal Year-to-date Surplus (Deficit).... $35,274.11

*Includes Sunday collections, Online Giving, and mid-week tithing.

Other Contribu ons

Children’s Envelopes…………………………... $1.00 Miscellaneous……….....…….......................... $45.00 Building Fund Collec on……...................... $199.00 Building Fund Balance……........................... $70,815.65

Text JOINCC to 84576 or visit us online at cc Sign-up for electronic newsle ers, emergency no fica ons, and other communica ons, such as when parish ac vi es will resume.

Find us on Facebook at phoenix

Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Corpus Chris Catholic Church Phoenix (h ps:// CatholicChurchPhoenix )

Monday, June 22, St. Paulinus of Nola, St. John Fisher & St. Thomas More

8:15 am Father’s Day Novena

Tuesday, June 23

8:15 am † Linda & Trudy Yusay 6:00 pm Father’s Day Novena

Wednesday, June 24, The Nativity of John the Baptist

8:15 am Father’s Day Novena

Thursday, June 25 8:15 am Father’s Day Novena

Friday, June 26

6:30 am Father's Day Novena 8:15 am † Derek K. Reynolds

Saturday, June 27, St. Cyril of Alexandria

8:15 am Father’s Day Novena 4:00 pm † Carol Prather

Sunday, June 28*

Parishioners, † Sr. Margaret Maureen, † Eugene Koukal, and Father’s Day Novena

* Sunday Mass Intentions previously scheduled will still be offered, but may be rescheduled due to various limitations.

How Can We Help You?

We have a list of volunteers willing to pick-up and deliver prescrip ons, groceries, and meals for other parishioners that are high-risk or otherwise unable to leave their homes.

Please email: [email protected] to coordinate services.

The Peter’s Pence Collec on will take place next week. It provides Pope Francis with the funds to carry out his charitable works around the world. The proceeds benefit our brothers and sisters on the margins

of society, including vic ms of war, oppression, and disasters. Please be generous. Visit for more informa on.

Dona ons can be dropped off in the collec on box using the designated envelopes for Peter’s Pence, or you may use the ONLINE GIVING system and select Peter’s Pence to give electronically.

Page 4: 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 · 21/6/2020  · Father knows our every need (Ma 6:32). Indeed, He knows our every need oen beer than we understand our own needs. Think of

Corpus Chris Catholic Church www.corpuschris 4

Today is Father’s Day and, therefore, a good day to discuss God as our Father.

God the Father is the first person in the Divine Trinity as He is the omnipotent, ever-present Creator of the entire universe. Because of this greatness

and grandeur, especially when juxtaposed to the humanity of God in Jesus, God the Father can sometimes seem distant or inaccessible. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Our heavenly Father loves each one of us so much and desires

deeply for us to turn to Him in in mate rela onship.

We can be certain of God’s love for us by virtue of the fact that He is, indeed, our Creator. Think about when you are personally in the role of creator. Do you garden, paint, knit, bake, cook, write, or play an instrument? When you do these things there is an in macy between you and that which you are crea ng. There is a natural ebb and flow of the process and you are keenly aware of the nuances in a way that no one else could understand in the same way. There is a harmony present. You do not feel distant, cold, and removed from the things you create. You love them and you likely love them deeply or you would not bother to create them. This is how God the Father relates to His own creation, though in a much deeper and more meaningful way. He profoundly loves not just Creation as a whole, but each individual one of us, as humanity is the crown jewel of His Crea on.

God told Jeremiah, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.” (Jer 1:5). In other words, He in mately knows each one of us before we were even a thought in our earthly parents’ minds. It can be both scary and comfor ng to be known by someone that well. On the one hand, our Father knows us so well that He knows the ugliest

- Jen Arnold, M.A. in Theology and Cateche cs

Page 5: 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 · 21/6/2020  · Father knows our every need (Ma 6:32). Indeed, He knows our every need oen beer than we understand our own needs. Think of

Twel h Sunday in Ordinary Time June 21, 2020 5

parts of us. He knows our sins and our shame which are typical-ly the parts of ourselves we want to hide from everyone. On the other hand, knowing that He knows all those dark places and loves us despite them is quite arguably the most comfor ng thought in the world. There is nothing we can do that would cause our perfect heavenly Father to not love us. If we allow that fact to truly penetrate our hearts so that we can rest in the assurance of His eternal love, we can be more at ease in our rela onship with Him.

Jesus tells us that our heavenly Father knows our every need (Ma 6:32). Indeed, He knows our every need o en be er than we understand our own needs. Think of an earthly father and child rela onship (whether it be your own or another). There are

mes when the child wants something, but the father, in his wisdom knows that it is not in the best interest of the child and therefore refuses the child whatever it is. Or, perhaps a toddler or a teenager is distraught for a particular reason, but cannot ar culate why. The father can provide insight, or he ins nctually knows how to respond to his child lovingly and in a way that brings instant comfort. God has these same insights, to an even greater extent, into each of our lives. How often do we find ourselves unable to articulate or even to understand what it is that we need? These are the moments we should turn to God in prayer and allow Him to be a

perfect Father to us. Likewise, when He denies us something which we think we need in the moment, we must trust that He has better insight and perspective on the ma er and is only doing what is in the best interest of our eternal soul.

Most of those who are reading this reflection are adults. Perhaps you have raised, or are raising a family. Perhaps you have had a successful career. Maybe you set out to accomplish certain life goals and did very well achieving them. While all of these things are wonderful human achievements, they are not our own. When we explore ourselves in rela on to God the Father, we are nothing but mere, li le, helpless children. This sort of humility can be a hard pill to swallow. We would not have anything at all but for the grace of our heavenly Father. Therefore, “Jesus asks for childlike abandonment to the providence of our heavenly Father who takes care of his children’s smallest needs.” (CCCC #305). Whatever your state in life, consider yourself a small child at the feet of your Father, asking Him to an cipate and provide for your every need and to trust that He will do that for you. “Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’…Your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well.” (CCCC #305, Mt. 6:31-33). Jesus again uses a child as an example when He drew a child close and said to His disciples,

“Truly I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” (Mt. 18:2-4). He is reiterating the fact that we must humbly submit ourselves to the will of our Father who knows what each of us needs, even better than we know ourselves. Doing so will only earn us a greater eternal reward in heaven.

As we celebrate all of the wonderful fathers in our lives today, we might consider carving some me out to prayerfully acknowledge our rela onship with our heavenly Father, who loves us infinitely more than any earthly creature ever could. Is there an aspect of your life where you could become more childlike and surrender yourself more to your Father? Can you express gra tude for your Father doing what is best for you, even if it is painful or not what your own will wants? Can you explore ways to deepen your Father/child relationship with God? Finally, can you deepen your love for your Father just by virtue of the fact He is your Father? The more opportuni es you can find to draw close to your Father, the more abundantly blessed you’ll become.

Page 6: 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 · 21/6/2020  · Father knows our every need (Ma 6:32). Indeed, He knows our every need oen beer than we understand our own needs. Think of

Corpus Chris Catholic Church www.corpuschris

Father McGivney to be Bea fied! Priest launched interna onal lay movement,

died in 19th century pandemic On May 27, the Va can announced that Pope Francis approved the promulga on of a decree recognizing a miracle a ributed to the intercession of Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney. He was a Connec cut priest who the founded the Knights of Columbus. He served his flock during the pandemic of 1890, before becoming ill himself and dying of pneumonia. The pope’s ac on means that Father McGivney can be declared “Blessed,” the step just prior to sainthood. An addi onal miracle a ributed to Father McGivney’s intercession will be required for his canoniza on as a saint. McGivney is best known for founding the Knights of Columbus in 1882. Nearly a century before the Second Vatican Council, his prescient vision empowered the laity to serve Church and neighbor in a new way. Today, the Knights of Columbus is one of the largest Catholic organiza ons in the world, with 2 million members in North and La n America, the Caribbean, Asia, and Europe. The miracle recognized as coming through Father McGivney’s intercession involved an unborn child in the United States who in 2015 was healed in-utero of a life-threatening condition after prayers by his family to Father McGivney. A date will soon be set for the bea fica on Mass, which will take place in Connec cut. It will include the reading of an apostolic le er from the Holy Father and the bestowing of the tle “Blessed” on Father McGivney. Earlier this year, in an address to the Knights of Columbus Board of Directors, Pope Francis said the organiza on has been faithful “to the vision of your founder, Venerable Michael McGivney, who was inspired by the principles of Chris an charity and fraternity to assist those most in need. The Knights of Columbus continue to practice those principles today, 118 years after our founding. We con nue to serve God and our community. It’s what we do! It’s who we are!


Pray for the Sick

John C. Cooper, Gloria Costello, Sheri Doering, Kayla Ellison, Matt & Maryann Fazio, Randy Frost, Dcn. Al Gaudio, Dee Gordon, Pat Hungerford, Jim King, June McNaught, Ana Minelli, Bob Mueller,

Ben Oeverndiek, Jim Oliver, Stephanie Siatta, Frank Spadafore, Dennis Sullivan, Betty Tamisiea, and all who are suffering from the Coronavirus


Sunday, July 26, 2020 7:30 – N In Rooms 5 & 6

Contact Gary Kwapiszeski at 480-940-1800

or visit

(Sponsor Code: corpuschris ) to schedule on-line.

Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, Corpus Chris Council 10062, serving God and our community. This is who

we are! This is what we do!

For eligibility ques ons or

to schedule a dona on, call 877-25-vital or visit us at

Donors will receive a free assay to detect the presence of Covid-19 antibody in their blood, in addition to a chance to win a Volkswagen Tiguan.

Page 7: 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 · 21/6/2020  · Father knows our every need (Ma 6:32). Indeed, He knows our every need oen beer than we understand our own needs. Think of

Twel h Sunday in Ordinary Time June 21, 2020

St. Vincent de Paul “Monetary Dona on Only” Water Drive!

July 4th – August 30th

(Actual bo led water will not be accepted during this water drive.)

Have you ever given a bo le of water to a person in need through your car window? St. Vincent de Paul can help mul ply your kindness.

In the last five years (as of January 2020) the number of people living on the street has nearly tripled to 3,767 in Maricopa County. With temperatures rising and the added complication of COVID-19, street relief has become even more cri cal. You can help bring relief to those living in extreme vulnerability and thirs ng to make it through another day in the unforgiving Arizona heat.

This is your window. Will you reach through and touch 80 lives?

Help by donating today and demonstrate your mercy. Please place your donation in the large white Donation Box located in the church vestibule. All proceeds placed in this box will be designated for bo led water, which will be distributed to those in need throughout the valley.

Your generosity and con nued support are truly appreciated.


Frequently Asked Ques ons A C P P

How do I register? All Catholics living in the Parish area are invited to register in the Parish. Registration forms can be filled out via our parish website.

Adults 18+ need to be registered separately from their parents in order to get married, have their own children baptized, or be Godparents or Sponsors.

In order to be a Godparent or Sponsor or to receive discounted tui on rates at Catholic Schools, one must be a registered Catholic and ac ve in the parish, which is indicated by use of contribu on envelopes or the Online Giving program.

How do I have my child Baptized? Before scheduling the date, please leave a message for Carol Pavlak in the Parish Office. A preparation class is also required for parents prior to the child’s Bap sm. This poten ally may be fulfilled via an online course during this current situa on.

How do I request Anointing of the Sick? Please call the Parish Office at 480-893-8770 DO NOT WAIT until someone is very near death to have the person anointed! Although Anointing of the Sick was once known as “Last Rites,” wai ng un l a person is near death could risk that person not being able to receive the Sacrament if he or she should pass away prior to the priest being able to arrive. Anointing of the Sick can only be administered while the person is still alive. To limit exposure and spread of the virus, Communion to the Sick is not available during this me. The Sacrament of Anoin ng is s ll available for those approaching the end of life.

How do I get married in the Church? The Diocese of Phoenix requires a NINE MONTH marriage prepara on process. Email John Deg, Director of Married Life Ministries, so he can go over the process. Do NOT set the date un l approved by John as it cannot be guaranteed.

Catholic Chari es Refugee Resettlement Program wel-comes refugees with homes furnished by community do-

na ons along with other support to help them through the steps to become produc ve members of their new communi es. You can support by adop ng a family during the holidays, organize fun fundraisers or drives at your church, school or community and more! To begin your mission in welcoming a family in need, call Dawn Dishman at [email protected] or call 602-749-4463 and visit us at www.catholicchari “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me,” - Ma 25:35

Father’s Day Novena

To enter the names that you would like to include in our Father’s Day Novena,

please visit: h ps:// -cath-church/forms/


Page 8: 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 · 21/6/2020  · Father knows our every need (Ma 6:32). Indeed, He knows our every need oen beer than we understand our own needs. Think of

Corpus Chris Catholic Church www.corpuschris 8

For Your Considera on Ma hew Henry: I am so grateful that the members of my parish, Corpus Chris Catholic Church, have been so effusive in their sacrificial love and their support of the less fortunate and the most vulnerable! Our current mission of keeping people physically safe (as safe as possible in current conditions) and helping people to conquer their fear and/or anger in returning to the Mass and the Sacraments has been at the forefront of every decision we have prayed on and implemented. I am grateful for the pastoral leadership and guidance of Fr. Chad and now Fr Rey as well! This post takes it to a whole other level in explaining additional financial and familial burdens we can unknowingly inflict on others when we ignore the pleas to wear a mask, observe physical distancing, washing/sanitizing hands, etc... Our Catholic Christian faith demands that we make necessary sacrifices for the good of those less fortunate than ourselves! Please take a moment to read and pray about it...especially if you struggle with "following the rules." Kris n Bird (Execu ve Director of Burning Hearts Disciples in Wisconsin): I ended up getting contacted last week by a contact tracer confirming I had exposure to someone who tested positive. I am nearing the end of the isolation time requested by our County Health Department. But, I have had some time (isolated away from even my family) to really think and reflect on a few things, and I'd like to share a few of those reflections with my fellow Catholics. In my county right now, if anyone tests positive for the virus, they are asked to provide a list of the people they may have exposed (been within 6 feet, not wearing a mask, for more than 10 minutes). Each exposed person is then asked by the health department to isolate for 14 days. When you choose not to follow the temperature, distancing and masking protocols at Mass, I'm asking you to consider that the only risk here is not just potentially spreading the virus. Let's say you test positive. Even if no one gets the virus from you - or if those who do have a mild case, and recover quickly without any long term damage - there is still an impact that isolation and quarantine will have on those you have exposed - an impact that will *disproportionately* affect the poor. Do you know if the man you shared a pew with at Mass can afford to take 14 days off of work? Do you know if he will get paid for those 14 days? Do you know how the single mother you hugged without a mask in the parking lot will isolate from her children for 14 days? Do you know that your parish might have to shut down all access to the sacraments for 2 weeks because you refused to wear masks, refused to maintain 6 ft of distance from your pastor after Mass and received on the tongue? I understand that you have certain convictions around mask wearing. I understand that it is hard, and perhaps even causes you physical distress. I understand that you disagree with it on a fundamental level, that you feel like it takes away your rights and attacks human dignity. l understand that you don't trust any of research studies showing that masks are effective. I understand that you hate wearing masks (for what it's worth, I do too). I have had many loving, compassionate conversations where I have spent time listening to the reasons why following the guidelines or recommendations your pastor and Bishop have laid out for you is abhorrent to you. I'm just asking that you consider that when you choose not to wear a mask, the message you are (I'm sure unintentionally) sending is that everyone else is supposed to just be okay poten ally not having ANY sacraments for 2 weeks at their parish, okay with poten ally losing income or even a job, okay with poten ally infec ng family members in a home without enough space to effectively isolate from one another - all so that you can 'assert your convictions.' Having a "preferential option for the poor" as a core tenet of our Catholic moral teaching means that "those who are oppressed by poverty are the object of a preferential love on the part of the Church" (Libertatis Conscientia, 68). So, when our parish or diocese presents these guidelines or recommendations "in the spirit of Christian charity," they are reminding us that these guidelines exist not to trample on our liberty, treat us all like we are infected, spread a spirit of fear. They exist to help us live the moral imperative of the Church to put the needs of the poor and vulnerable first - to show them preferential love. If you find mask wearing at Mass to abhorrent, contrary to your dignity, or just want to assert your right to not wear one, I'd just ask that you please take a moment to listen to the teachings of our Church and consider the impact your decision may have on those to whom we are morally required to care for - over an above our own desires, convictions, or even rights. "In teaching us charity, the Gospel instructs us in the preferential respect due to the poor and the special situation they have in society: the more fortunate should renounce some of their rights so as to place their goods more generously at the service of others. (Blessed Paul VI, A Call to Action [Octogesima Adveniens. . . ], no. 23) Still, when there is a question of defending the rights of individuals, the poor and badly off have a claim to especial consideration. (Pope Leo XIII, On the Condition of Labor [Rerum Novarum. . . ], no. 37) The needs of the poor take priority over the desires of the rich; the rights of workers over the maximization of profits; the preserva-tion of the environment over uncontrolled industrial expansion; the production to meet social needs over production for military purposes. (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Economic Justice for All, no. 94)

Page 9: 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 · 21/6/2020  · Father knows our every need (Ma 6:32). Indeed, He knows our every need oen beer than we understand our own needs. Think of

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