Page 1: 343 · Ioannis Lykouris Dorota kycia Vasja Doberlet Milan Hristev Petar Abadjiev Sounak banerjee, India Stripes


REFLEXES Ltd • 22, Asen Hristoforov Str , 4004 Plovdiv, BULGARIA • +359 32 96 96 95; +359 888 30 47 46 • [email protected]

FIAPPatronage№ 2017/110

АPBPatronage№ 2017/002

HPSPatronage№ 2017/012

PSArecognition№ 2017-123

With the support of Plovdiv Municipality

On 18 - 20.05.2017 was held the judging of the Fourth International Photo Salon PLOVDIV in stock by:


Plovdiv, bulgaria, 20. 05. 2017

SEction participants photographs1 Open - (M) black and white, monochrome 166 2732 Open - (C) color 188 3283 Nature - (N) 145 3084 PHotojournalism (TRAD) - (PJ) 72 1245 Portrait & body - (PB) 112 1946 My town - (T) + Subtheme - European capitals of culture 1985 -2020 - (E) 111 183

t o t A L 343 1410

the jury members considered 4979 photographs, submitted by 388 participants, from 52 countries in all 6 sections:

From all of them, the jury team after discussions and debates determined following awards:

After 3 days, the jury team accepted in final selection a total of 1410 photographs,submitted by 343 participants, from 50 countries in all 6 sections as folowing:

1. Open – bLAck AND WHITE, MONOcHROME - 284 entrants - 1093 photos2. Open – cOLOR - 317 entrants - 1219 photos3. NATuRE - 178 entrants - 697 photos

4. PHotojournalism (TRAD) - 133 entrants - 505 photos5. Portrait & body - 213 entrants - 823 photos6. MY TOWN+ Subtheme 3 European capitals of culture 1985 -2020* (E) - 175 entrants - 642 photos


1 Ioannis Lykouris, MFIАP, HonEFIАP Greece

and members:

2 Dorota kycia, EFIAP, ESFIAP, AFRP Poland

3 Vasja Doberlet, MFIAP, EFIАP,p ESFIAP, MF-FZS Slovenia

4 Milan Hristev, AFIAP bulgaria

5 Ass. prof. Petar Abadjiev bulgaria


6 Yavor Popov, Art photographer bulgaria

Page 2: 343 · Ioannis Lykouris Dorota kycia Vasja Doberlet Milan Hristev Petar Abadjiev Sounak banerjee, India Stripes


REFLEXES Ltd • 22, Asen Hristoforov Str , 4004 Plovdiv, BULGARIA • +359 32 96 96 95; +359 888 30 47 46 • [email protected]

FIAPPatronage№ 2017/110

АPBPatronage№ 2017/002

HPSPatronage№ 2017/012

PSArecognition№ 2017-123

With the support of Plovdiv Municipality

S e c t i o n O P E N - B l A C k A N d w H I T E , M O N O C H r O M E ( M )

The lamb Travellers Workers with coal

S e c t i o n O P E N - C O l O r ( c )

The wild girl

S e c t i o n N A T u r E ( N )

Angels Flying moments

bearded reedling Reflection with dragonflies

S e c t i o n P H O T O J O u r N A l I S M ( T R A D ) ( P J )

Migrant life Teardrop Made in Harghita

S e c t i o n P O r T r A I T & B O d Y ( P b )

Glamorous visage Dimitras thoughts Izolda

Sec t ion M Y TO w N – (Т ) Theme 3 and European capi ta ls of cul ture 1985 -2020* (E ) Subtheme 3

Running at home Maramuresan wedding

B est presented author of Four th I nternat ional Photo Sa lon PLOVDIV 2017


Istvan kerekes, EFIAP/d1Hungary FIAP blue badge - bEST author of photo salon

Page 3: 343 · Ioannis Lykouris Dorota kycia Vasja Doberlet Milan Hristev Petar Abadjiev Sounak banerjee, India Stripes


REFLEXES Ltd • 22, Asen Hristoforov Str , 4004 Plovdiv, BULGARIA • +359 32 96 96 95; +359 888 30 47 46 • [email protected]

FIAPPatronage№ 2017/110

АPBPatronage№ 2017/002

HPSPatronage№ 2017/012

PSArecognition№ 2017-123

With the support of Plovdiv Municipality

S e c t i o n O P E N - B l A C k A N d w H I T E , M O N O C H r O M E ( M )Award, Author, country,

Name of the workPhotography

Award, Author, country, Name of the work

PhotographyAward, Author, country,

Name of the workPhotography


PSA GOLD medal

HPS GOLD medal

Raul VillalbaArgentina

Face to face

Ya kuang china Desire

Yuliy Vasilevbulgaria

border of Hope



HPS honourable


Veselin Atanasov, bulgariaWinter

Lajos Nagy Romania The band

Hengki Lee Indonesia

Over The Horizon


PSA bRONZE medal FIAP honourable mention

Samir Al busaidi Oman

Oman Desert

Miran(shoresh) Mobasheri

Iran bakhshali

Ruslan bolgov Lithuania

The black Mask

FIAP honourable mention

PSA honourable mention

Academy of Photography GOLD medal

kam chiu Tam canada

Racing at Welland

Dimitar Petrov bulgariaLook me

Peter Olfert Germany

Ona above all

FIAP honourable mention

PSA honourable mention

APb incentive diploma

Xueqiu Li china


Szilard Varga HungaryIn Silk #7

Martin Malies united kingdom

Peak Snow

FIAP honourable mention

PSA honourable mention

The best author

of section Veselin Atanasovbulgaria

Rafael Podobnik Slovenia Man with Scythe

Yushan Li china

Sediment Peak


J u R Y I N c E N T I V E D I P L O M A S :

Ioannis Lykouris Dorota kycia Vasja Doberlet Milan Hristev Petar Abadjiev

Teodora Dimitrova, bulgaria What lives inside

Helmut Resch, Austriachristin Portrat 1

Samir Al busaidi, OmanAlone27

Veselin Atanasov, bulgaria Ships from stone

Raul Villalba, ArgentinaWild horses

Page 4: 343 · Ioannis Lykouris Dorota kycia Vasja Doberlet Milan Hristev Petar Abadjiev Sounak banerjee, India Stripes


REFLEXES Ltd • 22, Asen Hristoforov Str , 4004 Plovdiv, BULGARIA • +359 32 96 96 95; +359 888 30 47 46 • [email protected]

FIAPPatronage№ 2017/110

АPBPatronage№ 2017/002

HPSPatronage№ 2017/012

PSArecognition№ 2017-123

With the support of Plovdiv Municipality

S e c t i o n O P E N - C O l O r ( c )Award, Author, country,

Name of the workPhotography

Award, Author, country, Name of the work

PhotographyAward, Author, country,

Name of the workPhotography


PSA GOLD medal

HPS GOLD medal

Miroslav Mominski bulgaria

St. Haralambos

Veselin Atanasov bulgaria

Mist of spring

Alexandrino Lei Airosa china

Story Teller 02



HPS honourable


Miran(shoresh) Mobasheri Iran

Man Shepherd

kostadin Madzharovbulgaria

The cross

Achim koepf Germany

Lofoten 318


PSA bRONZE medal

FIAP honourable mention

Isolde Stein-Leibold Germany


Junjie chen china curves

Saeed ArabzadehIran

Fire In Desert

FIAP honourable mention

PSA honourable mention

Academy of Photography GOLD medal

Jianping LichinaHome

Ruslan AsanovbulgariaThe arch

Alexey Suloev Russia

Two in the Galaxy-uSA Arizona

FIAP honourable mention

PSA honourable mention

APb incentive diploma

Leonid GoldinIsrael

Fashionable shoes

Hanju Zhuchina

Red lip and sweet wine

Hengki Lee Indonesia

blue Lullaby

FIAP honourable mention

PSA honourable mention

The best author

of section Alexey Suloev Russia

Massimo Tommi Italy

Notte Magica

Alexey Suloev Russia

Aloft of Mars-uSA Arizona


J u R Y I N c E N T I V E D I P L O M A S :

Ioannis Lykouris Dorota kycia Vasja Doberlet Milan Hristev Petar Abadjiev

Radu Stanese, Romania convicted to Five Senses

kai Hypen, Finland Taking off

Sounak banerjee, India blue Mountains

Miroslav Mominski, bulgaria Land

Maria koutzarova, canada The tree on the beach

Page 5: 343 · Ioannis Lykouris Dorota kycia Vasja Doberlet Milan Hristev Petar Abadjiev Sounak banerjee, India Stripes


REFLEXES Ltd • 22, Asen Hristoforov Str , 4004 Plovdiv, BULGARIA • +359 32 96 96 95; +359 888 30 47 46 • [email protected]

FIAPPatronage№ 2017/110

АPBPatronage№ 2017/002

HPSPatronage№ 2017/012

PSArecognition№ 2017-123

With the support of Plovdiv Municipality

S e c t i o n N A T u r E ( N )Award, Author, country,

Name of the workPhotography

Award, Author, country, Name of the work

PhotographyAward, Author, country,

Name of the workPhotography


PSA GOLD medal

HPS GOLD medal

Felipe Foncueva Spain, Fishing

Jinzi Song, china, blowing in the wind

bob Devine, uk, Great grey owl hunting in snow



HPS honourable


Yu Deng, chinaMine 1

Yi Wan, china 5Monkey 87

Istvan kerekes, HungaryFlying moments


PSA bRONZE medal FIAP honourable mention

Veselin Atanasov bulgariaAmong the colors

Senrong Hu, chinaDance partner

Isolde Stein-Leibold, GermanyTiger Working

FIAP honourable mention Wildlife medal

Academy of Photography GOLD medal

Majdi Naser Al Naser Saudi Arabia, call of Elk

Zhanxiang Shao, china blue Magpies in spring

Wei Fu, canadaIt is mine

FIAP honourable mention PSA honourable mention

APb incentive diploma

Pelagia Vrentzoy, GreeceThe desert‘s light

Elva kP Jung, Hong kong Fat Girl

Alexey Suloev, Russia White dance – canadaFIAP honourable mention PSA honourable mention

Qiang Lv, chinaExpecting

Peter Olfert, GermanyTired hunter #2

FIAP honourable mention PSA honourable mention

The best


of sectionFelipe Foncueva

SpainLajos Nagy, RomaniaGrey heron fishing 09

Atanas kulishev bulgariaFaerie spring 4 photographs

J u R Y I N c E N T I V E D I P L O M A S :

Ioannis Lykouris Dorota kycia Vasja Doberlet Milan Hristev Petar Abadjiev

Sounak banerjee, IndiaStripes of Nature

Hsiu-chin LeeTaiwan, Turf war

Piotr Gorny, PolandThrough the keyhole

Junjie chenchina, care

Elva kP Jung, Hong kong cheetah Family

Page 6: 343 · Ioannis Lykouris Dorota kycia Vasja Doberlet Milan Hristev Petar Abadjiev Sounak banerjee, India Stripes


REFLEXES Ltd • 22, Asen Hristoforov Str , 4004 Plovdiv, BULGARIA • +359 32 96 96 95; +359 888 30 47 46 • [email protected]

FIAPPatronage№ 2017/110

АPBPatronage№ 2017/002

HPSPatronage№ 2017/012

PSArecognition№ 2017-123

With the support of Plovdiv Municipality

S e c t i o n P H O T O J O u r N A l I S M ( T R A D ) ( P J )Award, Author, country,

Name of the workPhotography

Award, Author, country, Name of the work

PhotographyAward, Author, country,

Name of the workPhotography


PSA GOLD medal

HPS honourable


Nikos kikakis Greece

O Agonas

Andrey Trifonovbulgaria

Male horo

Radila Radilova bulgaria

Time stopped


PSA SILVER medal Academy of

Photography GOLD medalkeith Elgin,

united kingdom underfoot

Hsiu-chin Lee, TaiwanIndia bathing festival


PSA bRONZE medal Iliadis Achilleas

Greece Enaeria PyrosvesiIstvan kerekes

Hungary Made in Harghita

Istvan kerekesHungary

Migrant life

FIAP honourable mention PSA honourable mention APb incentive diplomabekir Yesiltas


Joao Taborda, Portugal Portuguese Women II

FIAP honourable mention PSA honourable mention Nikos kikakis Greece

Fotia k EntasiRadila Radilova bulgariaProtest

Teodora Ivanova, Greece А waiting for the parade

FIAP honourable mention PSA honourable mention

The best


of section Nikos kikakis Greece

Ruslan bolgov Lithuania Exchange

Georgios MytilinosGreece

Defte Labete Fos4 photographs

J u R Y I N c E N T I V E D I P L O M A S :

Ioannis Lykouris Dorota kycia Vasja Doberlet Milan Hristev Petar Abadjiev

Avgoustis Tatakis, Greece Old lady

Marcel Van balkenNetherlands, 886 - Protest

Nikos kikakis, Greece Polemontas

Andrey Trifonov, bulgaria Yordanov day

Mary Avedissian, bulgariaEpiphany in Plovdiv

Page 7: 343 · Ioannis Lykouris Dorota kycia Vasja Doberlet Milan Hristev Petar Abadjiev Sounak banerjee, India Stripes


REFLEXES Ltd • 22, Asen Hristoforov Str , 4004 Plovdiv, BULGARIA • +359 32 96 96 95; +359 888 30 47 46 • [email protected]

FIAPPatronage№ 2017/110

АPBPatronage№ 2017/002

HPSPatronage№ 2017/012

PSArecognition№ 2017-123

With the support of Plovdiv Municipality

S e c t i o n P O r T r A I T & B O d Y ( P b )Award, Author, country,

Name of the workPhotography

Award, Author, country, Name of the work

PhotographyAward, Author, country,

Name of the workPhotography


PSA GOLD medal



Raul Villalba Argentina The clown

bedros Azinyan bulgaria


Gerhard boehm Germany

Duo 5 - SW



honourable mentionNatalya Trotsevich

Russia Goddess Selene

Marcel Van balken Netherlands



PSA bRONZE medal Roberto Soares-Gomes

brasil PortalIsolde Stein-Leibold

Germany curly head

Manfred kluger Germany

Spring of life-1

FIAP honourable mention

PSA honourable mention

Academy of Photography GOLD medal

keith Elgin united kingdom Pointe Of View

Dimitrina Andreeva bulgaria I’m not

Eva Lambropoulou Greece Fear of aging ii

FIAP honourable mention

PSA honourable mention

APb incentive diploma

Hakon Gronning, Norway Lulu on wooden planks

Dilyana Gergova bulgaria Street portrait

benny Rytter Denmark

come here

FIAP honourable mention

PSA honourable mention

The best author

of section Manfred kluger Germany

kiril Hristov, bulgaria Sadness

Teodora Dimitrova bulgaria, 290 - Dara 4 photographs

J u R Y I N c E N T I V E D I P L O M A S :

Ioannis Lykouris Dorota kycia Vasja Doberlet Milan Hristev Petar Abadjiev

Roberto Soares-Gomesbrasil, Nude

Istvan kerekes, Hungary Dimitras thoughts

Hakon Gronning, Norway bunker flow of light

Angel Nenov, bulgariaTimelessness

Zlatko Latev, bulgaria composition

Page 8: 343 · Ioannis Lykouris Dorota kycia Vasja Doberlet Milan Hristev Petar Abadjiev Sounak banerjee, India Stripes


REFLEXES Ltd • 22, Asen Hristoforov Str , 4004 Plovdiv, BULGARIA • +359 32 96 96 95; +359 888 30 47 46 • [email protected]

FIAPPatronage№ 2017/110

АPBPatronage№ 2017/002

HPSPatronage№ 2017/012

PSArecognition№ 2017-123

With the support of Plovdiv Municipality

Sec t ion M Y TO w N – (Т ) Theme 3 and European capi ta ls of cul ture 1985 -2020* (E ) Subtheme 3Award, Author, country,

Name of the workPhotography

Award, Author, country, Name of the work

PhotographyAward, Author, country,

Name of the workPhotography


PSA GOLD medal

HPS honourable


Petar Shipchanov bulgaria

Hisar kapiya

Samuele boldrin, Italy La Defense 06 – Paris

Luis Alberto Franke Argentina

Amanece chalten


PSA SILVER medal Academy of

Photography GOLD medalShenghua Yang, china

Fascinated in stilted building

Valentina Stan, Romania Winter in Istanbul 2


PSA bRONZE medal Luis Alberto Franke,

Argentina Reflejos de AmsterdamJacques Heritier

France Ville Futuriste

Marcel Van balken Netherlands, 895 - Railway

station, Madrid

FIAP honourable mention PSA honourable mention APb incentive diplomaRobin Yong

Australia Havana Street Scene

Giorgos Tsigkas Greece

See you (Athens)

FIAP honourable mention PSA honourable mention Leonid Goldin Israel

Night under the bridgeYuliy Vasilev bulgaria

Music for Deaf 6

Efstathios Zeinis Greece

Silent Melody

FIAP honourable mention PSA honourable mention

The best author of main theme

The best author of subtheme

4 photographs 4 photographs

Roger JourdainFrance

Jean boulanger France

Homan Heidari khayat Iran

4614 - colosum

Leonid Goldin Israel

682 -Daily tram

J u R Y I N c E N T I V E D I P L O M A S :

Ioannis Lykouris Dorota kycia Vasja Doberlet Yavor Popov Petar Abadjiev

Angel Nenov, bulgaria berlin

Amin Dehghan, IranSkating rink

Sounak banerjee, IndiaMen who stare at goats

krisztian kovacs, Hungary Trees in town

bekir Yesiltas, Turkey Alone winter

Page 9: 343 · Ioannis Lykouris Dorota kycia Vasja Doberlet Milan Hristev Petar Abadjiev Sounak banerjee, India Stripes


REFLEXES Ltd • 22, Asen Hristoforov Str , 4004 Plovdiv, BULGARIA • +359 32 96 96 95; +359 888 30 47 46 • [email protected]

FIAPPatronage№ 2017/110

АPBPatronage№ 2017/002

HPSPatronage№ 2017/012

PSArecognition№ 2017-123

With the support of Plovdiv Municipality

AwardsAward, Author, country,

Name of the workPhotography

Voucher for tourist services (on amount of 500€) by DAN Travel EOOD

Jean boulanger, France chimere Notre Dame

Honorable Diploma of Plovdiv Municipality (for all sections)

Lubomir Argirov, bulgariaJordan‘s day

Special diploma of Plovdiv 2019 Foundation

Ruslan Asanov, bulgariaHills under the supermoon

Incentive Diploma by komitet RODOLIubIE (bulgarians selection)

Radila Radilova, bulgariaA game

Plaquesfor The best presented

authors and clubs by organizerReflexes Ltd.

1. The best presented FOREIGN AuTHORLuis Alberto Franke, MFIAP, EFIAP/p, EsFIAP, GMPSA, Argentina

2. The best presented buLGARIAN AuTHORVeselin Atanasov

3. The best presented buLGARIAN AuTHOR from PLOVDIVAndrey Trifonov

4. The best presented PHOTO cLubShangtuf Image & Art club of Taizhou, Zhejiang, china

Plaque “best artist of the Salon“ by Hellenic Photographic Society Lajos Nagy, EFIAP/d1, MPSA, Romania

Plaque for The best presented PHOTO cLub in Section Photojournalism (TRAD) group Hellenic Photographic Society, Greece

Incentive Diploma by Reflexes Ltd.for photography from MATERA

Pietro Amendolara, Italy Matera 1

Incentive Diploma by Pc clinic Ltd.

Hanju Zhu, chinaRed lip and sweet wine

Special award of Fourth International Photo Salon PLOVDIV 2017 (Cup +500€) by Reflexes Ltd.

Ya Kuang, China Desire

C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s t o a l l w i n n e r s ! A n d g o o d l u c k i n n e x t e d i t i o n !

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