
33 Steps Check List to Producing Apparel1. Concept phase; an idea becomes inspiration2. Sketch created3. Market niche is determined -- (along with business plan and financial plan for startups)4. Fabrication and trims chosen 5. Design translated into specifications (flats, measurement etc.)6. Fabrics, trims, and other components approved and sample quantities ordered7. Pattern made8. Sample garment sewn9. Sample garment tested for fit, and alterations made to pattern. (note: steps 6-8 may need to be repeated but should not be more than twice or there is a problem)10. Final sample produced11. Production costed (Confeccion)12. Sales samples and color options sent to sales reps. (research and planning for next season begins)13. Resulting orders are then used to determine production material quantities as well as to procure funding (factoring)14. Production quantities of fabrics, trims, and components ordered.15. Final production pattern made16. Production samples produced (Sew by)17. Patterns graded18. Marker made for each size, and keyed to pattern repeat19. Fabric unrolled and inspected for flaws20. Cutting tickets made21. Fabric layered and cut22. Garment pieces bundled with sewing tickets23. Bundles given to sewers24. Constructed garments sewn and finished25. Final pressing26. Final quality control inspection27. Garments tagged and hung28. Packing slip and invoice created29. Ordered garments pulled and packed for shipment30. Orders shipped with strict attention to vendor compliance specs31. Invoices sent to retailers 32. Garment displayed at retail33. Consumer acceptance Stock Portafolio Portafolio Ajustado (Parcial Diseno) Desarrollo de concepto (Desde Diseno) Modelo de Reemplazo (Ingenieria Inversa) Licitacion

Por que Planear la Produccion?

Optimizing machine efficiency by reducing changeover time and number set-ups Advance planning of machine stoppages for periodic maintenance Optimizing

production order allocation considering all constraints in terms of material, operations, and manufacturing resources What-if simulations and hypothetical planning

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