  • Apr 1, 2013THE SYNERGIST | Les McKeown

    Topics > Leadership and Managing >

    3 Biggest Excuses of Wanna-BeLeadersIt's time to stop making a excuses. If you want to be a leader, there's nothingholding you back.

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    This is a familiar dynamic: After facilitating a coaching or training session,

    or after speaking at a conference, two groups of people form around the

    speaker in concentric circles. The first, inner group are leaders who want to

    know more. The second, outer group, hanging back a little meekly are the

    wanna-be leaders.

    The conversations I have with both groups are always fascinating. It's why

    I do what I do, after all. But interestingly, it's the conversations with the

    second group, the not-yet leaders, that most often follow the same pattern.

    You'd think that people who want to be leaders (but aren't yet), would each

    be in that position for highly individual and therefore unpredictable

    reasons. But mostly I hear people share the same three reasons over and

    over again, as to why they haven't yet started leading:

    1. I'm not in a leadership position. The most common reason wanna-

    be leaders give for not actually being a leader, is that they're not yet in a

    leadership position, which is usually defined (in their mind, at least) as

    having a team to lead, people to delegate to, or at least having some

    seniority in their organization.

    Here's the thing: Leaders aren't created upon arrival in a position. Leaders are

    recognized as such, and then placed in positions of leadership.

    If you're truly intent on being a leader, then that's precisely what you need to do: Lead.

    Now. From where you are. And if you can't take the CEO position and lead the

    organization--even if you can't even take a managerial position and lead the accounts

    payable department--there are a hundred other ways you can lead.

    Find ways to do what you do, better. Step in when others are uncertain. Be generous

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    and unsparing with your ideas, (thought-through) opinions and time. Take risks. Be

    creative and flexible. Above all, add value. And do it now, from where you are.

    2. I need someone's permission. This excuse comes in many varieties. Sometimes

    it's professional ("I don't have the letters after my name that my peer group have, so

    they won't respect my leadership"); sometimes it's organizational ("My boss / my job

    description / my daily activities aren't explicit about me being a leader, so I'll look

    presumptuous if I start"), and sometimes it's personal ("I'm only [some age] / I've

    never [accomplished some goal] / I didn't [go to some school / get some degree]").

    Look, to get started as a leader, the only person you need permission from is you.

    Yes, after you've begun to lead, you will need other people's permission, in the form of

    them accepting your leadership. And maybe you'll suck at it and your leadership career

    will be short-lived. But you'll never know until you start, and the only person who can

    fire the starting gun on your leadership

    3. I have this role model... / I can't find a role model... One of the most

    debilitating barriers to starting to lead is also one that's filled with irony--the chicken-

    in-a-headlight paralysis that can arise from either having a leadership role model who

    is frighteningly intimidating--or from having no role model at all.

    As with the other excuses above (yes, I've used them both in the past, many times), I

    know whereof I speak: My first professional mentor happened to be one of the most

    brilliant members of my (then) profession of his generation. And if I'd waited to come

    out of his shadow, I'd still be a rookie CPA making coffee for my colleagues.

    Then 30 years ago when I decided to leave the accounting profession to become a

    serial entrepreneur, I experienced what it's like to strike out into an occupation bereft

    of role models (this was long before the rise of the start-up zeitgeist, and serial

    entrepreneurs in the UK--where I then lived--were few and far between). The only

    way to get started get started.

    So if you're serious about starting your leadership career, there's one thing that you

    need to decide, today: Be your own role model.

    Les McKeown is the author of the bestseller "Predictable Success: Getting Y our

    Organization on the Growth Track--and Keeping It There" and is the CEO of

    Predictable Success, a leading adviser on accelerated organizational growth. His

    latest book is "The Synergist: How to Lead Y our Team to Predictable

    Success." @lesmckeown

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