Page 1: 2nd Newsletter of 4th National Selection Session of EYP Russia

INTERstellaR|ISSUE no 2

Page 2: 2nd Newsletter of 4th National Selection Session of EYP Russia


You are studying at the universit y and for every singe project and research you have to go to the library and spend a lot of t ime there instead of using the Internet for searching the informat ion from any place you want to be. Addit ional to that , you cannot instant ly communicate with your professor by email, which means that if you have any mistakes in your work, you would have to spend another whole lot of t ime for complet ing it . No Internet means no books, textbooks and assignments. If in real 20 16 we can carry any electronic device with us, than in imagined 20 16 we have to carry tons of books and papers, which is obviously not as comfor table as just carrying one device in your bag. And how would you live without Web storages and other important web sites?

Imagine 20 16 without the Internet :

There is a life outside

the internet?

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An extremely busy businessman, who travels the wor ld for work and doing assignments while being in d ifferent par ts of the wor ld has to make calls to gather informat ion, has to always look for a fax telephone to manage important documents, cannot hold online meet ings with colleagues, has to learn news only by TV, radio and newspapers which is not always quick enough. A person wants to plan his holiday, f ind a place to go to, book a hotel, buy t ickets, make a research of interest ing places to visit , read feedback from people who has already done similar things dur ing their tr ips.

In real 20 16 it is hard to imagine, how to do this without the Web. Use travel agencies? Buy t ickets in a special place? Have feedback only from the people you know (you might not even find any acquaintances that had the exper ience)? Book a hotel by phone or book only when you arr ive to your dest inat ion? Research only from book that might not be up to date? Let?s return back now. Of course we face such problems as Internet bulling, children spending t ime with devices rather than enjoying an outside walk, faster thinking which might lead to less concentrat ion, huge distract ion from real life? But consider ing the facts that we had above, everyone should chose for themselves whether to use the Internet or not , whether to keep up with today?s paste or to have your own paste.

By Mar ia Nikif irova

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There are several ent it ies that claim to be an independent nat ion or state but are not off icially recognized by wor ld governments or ma jor internat ional organizat ions which are called micronat ions. Basically it means that a person or some just decided to create his own state and don?t g ive a damn about internat ional norms. Actually, it can be not a land obligator ily. For example, Bjorn Socialist Republic in located on a b ig stone, which looks like a tractor, on the lake in the south of Sweden. Similar ly the Mary Pr incess Free Island has it s terr itory on a depth of about 60 meters in the middle of At lant ic Ocean.

Explor ing the Micronat ions

Ask yourself a quest ion, ?Have I ever thought about my own state?? Yes, it sounds weird. But some people had and, moreover, have fulf illed their dreams. You st ill don?t understand what is it talked about? So, let me explain you.

The existed micronat ions were created for the d ifferent reasons. For instance, social or economic simulat ions, new-country projects, exercises in fantasy or exercises in personal enter tainment or self-aggrandisement . Nevertheless, they have a number of common features. They may have a structure similar to established sovereign states, government inst itut ions, off icial symbols and cit izens, and even terr itor ial claims. The Aer ican Empire, for instance, claims sovereignty over a vast d isconnected terr itory, w hich includes a square kilometre of land in Australia, a house-sized area in Montreal, Canada (containing the "Embassy to Everything Else" and nobody but the cit izens have an idea w hat it is) , a colony on Mars, the nor thern hemisphere of Pluto, and an imaginary planet . Ambit ious, isn?t it? Also, some of microstates don?t hesitate to wage wars to other countr ies, both real states and micronat ions. The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands, w hich was established as a symbolic polit ical protest by a group of gay r ights act ivists, declared the war on Australia, w hose government d idn?t take new ?state? ser iously, though.

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Several micronat ions have issued coins, f lags, postage stamps, passports, medals, and other items, which are rarely accepted outside of their own community.

So does the already ment ioned The Gay Kingdom of the Coral Sea or, for example, the f irst internet -based micronat ion named W ir t land. If you are above 18, you can apply for it s ID card via W ir t land?s off icial web-site.

By the way, most of the microstates follow the same medium to gain new cit izens. The really cur ious par t is how the micronat ions are ruled. Let?s look on Ladonia, which claimed terr itory is par t of the natural reserve of Kullaberg in southern Sweden. It s government is joint ly led by a tr i-annually elected President and a Queen who is crowned once and reigns for life. The Cabinet Ministers are the legislat ive body in Ladonia, and they par t icipate in debates and vote on proposals via the Internet . Also the country pay a lot of attent ion to the tour ism: 40 .0 0 0 tour ists visit Ladonia annually because of it s wooden huge sculptures called Nimis.

By Alisa Petrova

w hen ?the dog ate my homework? not an excuse anymoreThe wor ld has rapid ly become dig ital, and young people are the leaders of the new trends and technology that might make var ious other items outdated. As young adults normally turn to d ig ital gadgets for amusement and schoolwork, the f ield of educat ion might change too.

In past t imes students were only carrying paper notebooks, pens and pencils to school. These days, students have dig ital devices such as computer tablets, laptops, wise phones, and some other d ig ital gadgets. Moreover, text messaging has replaced convent ional modes of everyday conversat ion.There are a lot of posit ive aspects to going dig ital. Typing does go quicker for good keyboard users, w hich a lot of children have turn out to be because they have basically grow n up with comput ing devices at home. That makes taking notes much easier.

If notes and projects are stored in a computer, there is less probabilit y of them being lost , par t icular ly if signif icant f iles are regular ly backed up. Informat ion stored in a computer can effor t lessly be altered into numerous different formats, perhaps making it less d iff icult to study. Texts can be converted into graphs or char ts with a lot of word processing software. Learners can cut and paste essent ial quotes or illustrat ions into essays and so on, preserving t ime on homework.

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W hen it comes to streamlining backpacks, electronic readers and some other products remove heavy books. That can be viewed as a huge benefit to learners who have grown familiar to carrying around lots of books.As a lot of teachers use online resources, for example e-mailing and publishing tasks on a personal web page, students pract ically need to keep up with the occasions with some kind of device that provides Internet access.Opposed to this, going dig ital can have some drawbacks. The drop of w r it ing by hand is one of those. In a d ig ital age, people are not as likely to w r ite letters manually. Although dig ital interact ion does encourage social connect ions on some degrees, there are some who claim that spending a lot of t ime looking at a monitor and keyboard badly affects the social element of going to school and studying in a classroom.Digital gadgets can be great studying instruments, but they likewise give quite a few distract ions to learners. W hen a student is meant to be taking notes on a notebook in the classroom, they might be using their laptop to download music, browse social networking sites, watch videos, or check out celebr it y news.One thing is bad about d ig ital educat ion that All this gadgets have implied calculators that enable children to think by themselves. Teachers are often joking about that and encouraging kids to study algebra. ?it ?s important to learn maths because someday you might accidentally buy a phone without a calculator ?. No honey you were not downloaded you were born!



"Not ever sure who I am crushing on "

"Evelyn is the Sexiest "

"Georgians are the BESTS "

"Evelyna is in love with Dan

p.s and does not let anybody come to him "

"Anastasia Eliseeva is hot "

"I Love you Nast ia E. "

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"Not ever sure who I am crushing on "

"Evelyn is the Sexiest "

"Georgians are the BESTS "

"Evelyna is in love with Dan

p.s and does not let anybody come to him "

"Anastasia Eliseeva is hot "

"I Love you Nast ia E. "

Ed i t or Tamar Sut idze ( GE )Video-ed i t or Veronika Mchedlishvili (GE) Journal ist s Daan Brouwer (NL )Alisa Petrova (BY )Anton Nikolaev (RU) Mar ia Nikiforova (RU)

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