
2nd GSID International Congress

Italian Study Group on Craniomandibolar Disorders

(Gruppo di Studio Italiano Disordini Craniomandibolari -


Info and Registration: PIERRE SERVICE srl - Tel +39 (0)583.952923 - Fax +39 (0)583.999624 - [email protected]


Abstracts submissions (posters and short communications): please send to [email protected]



Marina di Carrara, Italy, 3-4 June, 2016

CarraraFiere, Sala Marmoteca




Congress presentation

Over the recent years, bruxism has emerged as a phenomenon that is capable of jeopard-

izing the integrity of the stomatognathic structures (i.e., teeth, jaw muscles, temporoman-

dibular joints) and the success of teeth- or implant-supported restorations. For this rea-

son, there is a growing interest in studying the various bruxism activities. In particular,

there have been many attempts to get a deeper insight into the etiology and pathophysi-

ology of bruxism, with the aim to achieve a better definition of the best diagnostic and

management strategies.

Past beliefs about the role of deviations in dental occlusion were wrong, and it is now ac-

cepted that bruxism does not have a peripheral etiology related to dental occlusion. In-

stead, it is a central phenomenon related with a combination of factors, with particular

importance of psychological issues in the etiology of awake bruxism. As far as sleep-

related bruxism is concerned, it has been shown part of sleep arousals, which are micro-

awakenings occurring in the transition to lighter sleep stages. From a therapeutic view-

point, the best available strategies aim to reduce the potential harmful consequences: a

“multiple-P” approach (e.g., plates, pills, psychology, and physiotherapy) is the standard

of reference.

Current concepts support the need for discriminating between the different motor phe-

nomena grouped together under the umbrella term “bruxism”, namely jaw/teeth clench-

ing and teeth grinding. Based on these premises, currently accepted guidelines require a

bruxism measurement to achieve a definite diagnosis, in order to identify the anamnestic

predictors as well as the clinical signs and symptoms associated with bruxism activities.

Within these premises, this dental meeting will be entirely based on an interactive debate

between the speakers and the participants on various bruxism topics. During the event,

Frank Lobbezoo and Daniele Manfredini will give a full-day course on the current evidence

on bruxism and its applicability in the clinical setting. On the next day, other renowned

speakers will introduce workshops on two clinically relevant topics (i.e., bruxism in chil-

dren, bruxism and prosthetic treatment) to be commented interactively with the co-

chairmen and the attendants. The ultimate goal is avoiding frontal lessons in favour of

more productive communication platforms to close the gap between research findings and

clinical practice on this very emerging phenomenon.

In short, this congress, under the marvelous natural framework of the white marble quar-

ries, will be an unmissable event to get an updated report on the available scientific evi-

dence on bruxism, with the ultimate aim to provide strategies for their integration in the

everyday practice of dental clinicians.

See you in Marina di Carrara!

Congress program

Day 1 – Friday June 3rd, 2016


9.00-10.15 Bruxism diagnosis and etiology (Frank Lobbezoo)

10.15-10.45 Interactive discussion: the challenge of differential diagnosis and etiology

10.45-11.15 Coffee break and poster exhibition

11.15-12.30 Bruxism diagnosis in the dental office (Daniele Manfredini)

12.30-13.00 Interactive discussion: is definite diagnosis possible at chairside?

Light Lunch

14.00-15.15 Bruxism management and clinical consequences (Frank Lobbezoo)

15.15-15.45 Interactive discussion: is bruxism a treatment-demanding disorder?

15.45-16.15 Coffee break and poster exhibition

16.15-17.30 Bruxism and pain: still an unsolved issue? (Daniele Manfredini)

17.30-18.00 Interactive discussion: the bruxism, pain, and psychosocial factors triangle in

the dental clinics

Day 2 – Saturday June 4th, 2016

Workshop discussions: HOW TO GET DEEPER INTO…

Topic 1 – Bruxism in children

9.00-10.00 An overview of bruxism in the pediatric age (Junia Serra-Negra)

10.00-10.30 Interactive discussion and short communications: assessment and management

of bruxism in the youngsters

10.30-11.00 Coffee break and poster award ceremony

Topic 2 – Bruxism and prosthetic treatment

11.00-12.00 Prosthodontic management of bruxism patients: concepts, rationale, and clinical

cases (Fabio Carboncini, Maurizio Zilli)

12.00-12.30 Interactive discussion and short communications: management of tooth wear

Congress lecturers

Prof. Dr. Frank Lobbezoo graduated cum laude as dentist in 1988 from the University of

Utrecht (UU), The Netherlands. In 1992, he obtained his PhD degree from the UU, after which

he worked for three years as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Montreal in Quebec, Can-

ada. As of September 1996, he works at the Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA),

The Netherlands, where he was appointed as a full professor in 2005. In 2014, he was appoint-

ed as Chair of the Department of Oral Health Sciences and Vice-Dean of ACTA. Frank Lobbezoo

is specialized in TMD/Orofacial Pain, Past President of the European Academy of Craniomandibu-

lar Disorders (EACD), and President of the International RDC/TMD Consortium, a Network of the

International Association of Dental Research (IADR). Frank Lobbezoo authored more than 200

papers in the field of bruxism and temporomandibular disorders in journals indexed in the Med-

line database. He also co-authored several textbooks on the same topics.

Prof. Dr. Daniele Manfredini received his DDS from the University of Pisa, Italy in 1999, a MSc

in Occlusion and Craniomandibular Disorders in 2001 from the same University, and a PhD in

Dentistry from the ACTA Amsterdam, The Netherlands, in 2011. On January 2014, the Italian

Ministry of University and Research (MIUR) appointed him as Professor by scientific production

at the age of 38. Since 2006, Daniele Manfredini has been Assistant Professor and coordinator of

the research projects at the TMD Clinic, Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Pado-

va, Italy. Currently, he holds teachings in Prosthodontics and Temporomandibular Joint Physio-

pathology as well as in Gnathology and Bruxism at the School of Dentistry, University of Padova.

Daniele Manfredini authored more than 130 papers in the field of bruxism and temporomandibu-

lar disorders in journals indexed in the Medline database. He also edited the book “Current con-

cepts on temporomandibular disorders” (Quintessence Publishing, 2010), including contributions

from 45 world-renowned experts, and co-authored several textbooks on the same topics.

Prof. Dr. Junia Serra-Negra, DDI, MSc, PhD in Pediatric Dentistry is currently Associate Profes-

sor at the Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, Universidade Federal de Minais

Gerais, Brasil. She is also the Pediatric Dentistry Director of Graduate Program in Dentistry of the

Universidade Federal de Minais Gerais. In 2016, she completed her Post-Doctoral stage at the

School of Dentistry, University of Padova. Junia Serra-Negra authored more than 20 papers in

journals indexed in the Medline database, focusing mainly on the theme of bruxism in children.

Dr. Fabio Carboncini received his DDS degree from the University of Siena, Italy, in 1985. He

has been Clinical Teacher at the Postgraduate Program in Periodontology of the same University

during the years 2004-2011. He has been an active member of the Italian Academy of Prosthetic

Dentistry (AIOP) since 2003. He has been the AIOP Incoming President during the years 2013-

2014 and he is the current President for the years 2015-2016. He has lectured extensively on

various prosthodontic and implant dentistry topics at national and international events. He also

coauthored the recent book “Il bruxismo nella clinica odontoiatrica” (Quintessenza Edizioni,


Dr. Maurizio Zilli received his MD degree from the University of Trieste, Italy, in 1982. He is an active member of the Italian Society of Periodontology (SIdP) and the Italian Academy of Pros-thetic Dentistry (AIOP). He has been the AIOP Incoming President during the years 2019-2010 and President during the years 2011-2012. He has been also member of the AIOP Scientific Committee and currently serves within the Committee for the Evaluation and Acceptance of new Members. He is Visiting Professor at the Post-Graduate School of Oral Surgery, Universi-ty of Trieste, Italy. He has lectured extensively on various periodontal

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