Download - 2D Game Work Flow


Philip Norris Wynne 2D Game Work Flow

2d game workflow

The idea for the 2D game was to make a SideScroller game, where a SpaceShip would travel throughout space fighting and defending itself from other SpaceShips, The idea for the enemys were quite similar to the main player, as shown below. The image above shows the finished game when it has just stared, im still in the testing faze to make sure the game works without issues, it was also to

see if the game would work well when in game.

The image above on the left is to show what Player 1, the sprite will look like when playing in the game. The image above is the last design I had for the player1 sprite. The image above on the right is the final design of the Enemy ship.

The image to the right shows how you implemented Movement into the game, you made the game check the keyboard for the movement key, for example “W”, to see if the player need to move, this would move the player up in a certain speed (In this case speed 8).

Philip Norris Wynne 2D Game Work Flow

This image shows the start of the making of the map. It is where the player would be placed to spawn in when the game begins, this is how you would be able to control the player with the code from before.

This image is to show how I coded Player 1’s ability to shoot. This makes the sprite shoot from the centre of its player model in the correct direction.

Philip Norris Wynne 2D Game Work Flow

This image was to show the coding that went into making Player 1 ‘s SpaceShip look like it had real jet engines firing from its thrusters.

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