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    The secret things belong unto the Lord our God. But those things which are revealed belong

    unto us and our chil dren for ever, that we may do the words of thi s law."- Deut. 29:29

    27 Minutes to Midnight2014 EDITION

    Take BackThe Prayer Blueprint for Shocking

    Breakthroughs in 2014

    One knock.

    One prayer bullet.

    In 2014 there is a way to:

    Ensure that everything you touch will prosper and multiply.

    Begin to sickness-proof, disease-proof, bully-proof, poverty-proof,

    debt-proof, even devil-proof your life and family. (You can start

    right after reading this Special Report).

    FINALLY disconnect your enemies from their source of power

    (Hint: Knowing how to do this will separate the overcomers from the


    This might soundsimplyoutrageous (to those hearing it for the first time) but

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    There is a GOLDEN PATHin front of you right now.

    With a specific set of prayers, to be prayed in a specific way and in a specific order, that

    will deliver the keys to the kingdom of Gods ever-flowing river of blessings, healing and

    divine visitations all through 2014.

    Take a look in the spirit now

    and you will behold a sight almost too wonderful to describe (on the one hand).

    On the other hand, if youre even remotely sensitive in the spirit, you will see that 2014 is

    getting ready to teach some people a few lessons very quickly

    if they make the mistake of wandering into the snake pit the enemy has been busy

    preparing for them.

    To be forewarned is to be forearmed.

    If you will pay attention for a few moments

    The Next 27 Minutes Can Change Your Life

    From: Elisha Goodman Thursday 3:15 AM

    (From the prayer trenches

    in the City of Roses)

    Calvary greetings

    I was disturbed.

    By the last email I just read.

    The subject line literally screamed at me:

    That scripture you sent me is just a lie!

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    Not only that. The last sentence in the email sent a tingle up my leg...

    left me scratching my head.

    So I decided to run a small test.

    By sending the exact same Scripture to someone else

    ... who was facing the exact, same problem (relationship trouble).

    Before I show you what happenedlet's look at this closely.

    The Golden PathI just referred to it a while ago.

    Weve been on it for years now.

    Right from the day they first stumbled on our prayer bullets on the Internet,

    thousands have embraced it.

    Some knowingly. Others unknowingly.

    But the results have been the same.

    Heres one:

    I joined this website about 2 months back but it seemed difficult for

    me to wake up at midnight and pray. BUT one day i spoke to a sister

    in Christ and we agreed that we want to change our lives. We started

    praying our prayer group has grown to now 4 ladies. Testimonies

    are coming in left right and centre. As in daily. each of the 4 ladies in

    the group has their own testimonies

    Heres another:

    God removed four out of five persons trying to cause me to lose my

    job. The prayer Let God arise and my enemies be scattered caused

    the Arm of God to move mightily. The principal was fired, the

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    assistant principal was removed from her office, and two co-workers

    that were sabotaging my work were sent to different locations

    And yet another --

    I had reached the end of everything and nothing was moving in my

    life. Your prayers are like a double edged sword they cut forward and

    backwards. In my place of work, my boss wanted me sacked for no

    apparent reason. In July he was sacked instead..."

    And another

    I've got testimonies, and more are still coming in answer to my

    prayers. The most powerful testimony is that I've grown in my walk

    with God and have learnt to trust Him totally, and for that, I see onlyHis glory.

    One more --

    Last Month my son who had been thrown out of hospital with incurable

    chronic respiratory diseases and the doctors condemned him to die! My son

    is 8 years and already knows this prayer point, You coffin spirits

    programmed to waste my life, receive divine judgment by fire now in the

    name of Jesus. Guess what!? He miraculous got healed last week and the

    doctors are having a hard time conceiving that in the minds

    Praise the LORD.

    That was then. This is now.

    What about TODAY?

    For the last 6 weeks of 2013, the LORD had taken me deeper into His prayer

    laboratory. Thats the reason I was so quiet. No daily emails. No prayer bullets, except

    for those in the DIAMOND Edition, Spousewell, Gold and Prayer Academy programs.

    At His direction, Ive spent hours and hours weaponizing our prayers, i.e.

    turning ordinary prayers into invisible machines that go out to perform strange works in

    the realm of the spirit.

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    These are prayers that deal with special situations, or what some people, even

    experts, might look at and dismiss as impossible (like the case of the 8-year old boy


    In the past year, anytime weve deployed special situations prayers CORRECTLY, the

    LORD never failed to answer them, sometimes in shocking and dramatic ways. To give

    you some idea...

    How they prayed and the answers they received

    From HIV Positive to Negative

    Within a Year

    I joined the prayer academy last year august and did not finish but I did the Esther

    fast and the health prayer points because my problem was HIV Positive.

    I went to check my status again last year and this year in April but they were still the

    same. On the 22-24th October i decided to do Esther fast and did the health prayer

    points in the mid night. Behold i started dreaming of my result being negative and being

    declared healed.

    Today 05 Nov 2013, I tested and i am HIV negative. Praise God.

    Thank you so much for the prayer points and may the Lord bless you. I realised that my

    healing delayed because i was not fully committed at that time i started praying and that

    the was still sin some areas of my life but immediately after fully submitting to God i

    received my breakthrough. Thank you Jesus.

    - Sister Precious

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    I Received A Phone Call From

    The President of My Country

    Man of God , allow me to join the masses who have seen the hand of God moving

    in their lives through your prayer program.

    I never doubted God's ability to overpower my enemies, the question though was

    when, as the journey of events and failure at the edge of my breakthroughs was

    a constant long strenuous protracted pattern, but I never waivered , I soldiered


    Trust, believing , obedience and faith have eventually paid off.

    Friday the 25th is a day I will forever cherish. I received a phone call from the

    President of my country to come to State House at 11:30, in short my long

    awaited confirmation appointment as the Head of 10 countries was affirmed in a

    mind boggling manner.

    Only God could have facilitated that favour. I remember my midnight prayer

    point amongst others for the last two weeks was: Oh Lord! I rise and arise as

    my enemies fall and fail.

    I would repeat that with utmost power and conviction for 15min praise the


    Sister NJ

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    After 35 Hours In Labour,

    Delivered Baby With 5-Minute Prayer

    May the Precious Name of the Lord be Praised. This time around, a few

    months ago I was expecting. When I was due my labour took me 35hrs. At

    about a few minutes to clock 35 hrs I was very tired, could not move or stand

    or even raise myself from the bed without the support of the midwife.

    But I remembered one thing that Elisha always said.

    Quote: Put on your crash helmet now and then I said this: my prayer

    gun has been reloaded and my trigger finger is itchy

    Blood of Jesus, wipe away all handwritingof delay and delivery

    complications from my life in the name of Jesus with my hands stretched up

    towards heaven.

    In just 5 minutes my had a sharp pain in my tummy piercing like an

    arrow, got out of my bed by myself while calling the nurse to come quickly,

    the baby was due for delivery.

    With pain I managed to reach the delivery bed in no time and just as I

    laid down all by myself without help from anyone, a healthy bouncing baby girl

    was brought to life. It took altogether 10 minutes and I was free singing and

    praising God.

    - Pamela Z.

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    "My Marriage Was Restored Mid-Way:

    Im Now A Living Testimony"

    Thank you Brother Elisha. I was raised in a highly religious way, until when my

    marriage fell apart and I came across your website looking for help with prayers

    I did not believe then that I could stand up and cry to God on my own and get hel

    God is great as I prayed the "Point by Point" bullets my marriage was restored mi


    I immediately stopped and joined the Prayer Academy where I learned to pray an

    witnessed the power of prayer and GOD in action and in charge over my life.

    I am now a living testimony to several colleagues of what GOD can do when we

    submit to HIM and when we stand up against the enemy. My mom even joined me

    12h00 and I coach her on how to fire the bullets.

    A colleague who I coached last week had a case scheduled for court postponed in

    favour of an amicable discussion amongst family members. I thank Our God who always mighty in battle and able to make a way where there is no way.

    - Sister Fulu

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    Debt Gone. Marriage Restored.

    New Home. New Car. Perfect Grade for Kids

    I take this opportunity to bless the name of the Lord. I was introduced to this site by

    the godparents of my two daughters early this year.

    I was in bad shape both physically and financially and I was unable to join the Prayer

    Academy sooner. But through the daily prayer bullets in your emails I have seen God

    transform my life and that of my kids drastically.

    I am no longer living in debts. I have believed God for big things and they have come

    to pass including the restoration of my marriage, a home and even a car, and perfect

    grades for my kids.

    I cant wait to join the prayer Academy. God bless U abundantly.

    - Mary W

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    Husband Back After 3 Years

    Please Teach Me More!

    Brother Elisha, you know very well in early 2010 when I started writing to you

    after my aunt introduced me to your website. I had lost hope and thought God

    had finally abandoned me when I needed Him most.

    My husband eloped with another man's wedded wife and his family fully

    supported him. He sold three cars we had first secretly then started openly to

    sustain that evil relationship and never supported me with out three children

    eve with a coin.

    Later I had to leave with my children in my had with only clothes on our

    bodies after a marriage of 10 years. I bought your ebooks and started praying

    as the spirit of God enabled me. some times I would go on

    from 11pm till 4am.

    Then God spoke to one of my brothers who was praying with me that He- Godwould lift me up through the work I am doing with children affected my armed

    conflicts in my community and He would make me travel to many many parts

    of the world.

    And yet I didn't even have a pass port that time.

    So Since that time till now I have travelled to the US 3 times, The Hague 2

    twice, Germany once, and these invitation to speak in high profile events like

    UN General Assembly, ICC, right now I have an invitation to Brazzaville

    Congo in Feb/2014 by the protocol office of the President.

    Elisha thank you for standing with me and teaching me to pray. In

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    2010 I begged God to give me grace to forgive my husband and also

    continually teach my children to forgive him as we prayed for him that God will

    have mercy on him and open his eyes to see Christ Jesus.

    Listen to this:first week of Jan/2013 my husband called from Bangladesh

    were he had run away to hide with that woman, asking if he can speak with

    me. He started by calling me by name, PLEASE FORGIVE ME, I wronged you

    and the children so much, please have mercy on me and forgive I spoke with

    the children and we allowed him back home.

    The first time he went with me and our children back to church, most people

    came to hug me and cried. Because no one thought he would come back after

    3 years and given the way he had mistreated me and the children.

    My children's prayer point was always that: Oh God send your angels to a rest

    daddy wherever he is, open his eyes to see you and bring him back home in

    Jesus mighty name... they would repeat that again and again each day we

    prayed together...

    I am waiting to storm the gates of 2014 with him together with our children.

    All praise Glory and Honour be unto the God Almighty who answers prayers...

    Elisha, thank you so so much for teaching me to pray.. please teach me


    - Name withheld on request.

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    Now Pregnant

    After 5 Years

    Amen coach. God bless you and your ministries so much. I will be updating you in

    Jesus name. To add since I joined your site in November 2013, we built a house, my

    husband had no job, he is working now, we entered our new home.

    Then am pregnant with a child after 5 years, Oh Coach!!!

    This is a Living God. Since I started midnight hour prayer my life has changed. I

    have more to say but am still hanging in there now for my miraculous baby to come

    my way in Jesus name.

    I love this prayer point written in prayer DNA book; O Lord, restore unto me the

    original divine instruction stolen from my life by satanic powers in the name of


    God bless you.

    - Sister X

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    "Mum Woke Up From Coma

    After 5 Weeks

    Thank you for your continued support in teaching us how to pray. I wrote an email

    to you on my mother's sickness who fell and got a stroke.

    After your advice on how to pray, I have continued praying and I can tell you that

    God answers prayers.

    My mum woke up from coma after a month and a week and now she can talk

    though not fully recovered her memory but we thank God for the miracle that God has

    given us.

    - Sister Lucy

    God Has Given Me A Man After His Own Heart

    After 5 Weeks of Prayer

    I am writing to glorify the Lord God almighty in the name of Jesus Christ. He has

    done it for me. He has given me a man after His own heart.

    I have been in a troubled relationship with a man who does not know the Lord for

    three years then he told me he does not want me anymore and I had to leave him in

    August 2011. Since then no man had ever proposed me and I am 37 years old.

    I joined the free singles prayer marathon on 3rd November 2013 and I started

    praying midnight prayers following the prayer bullets you have been sending me . I

    prayed with passion the way Hannah (Elkanah's wife) in 1 Samuel1:9-10 in the bible

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    I finished on 23rd November believing that God has heard me and that I have

    received my God given husband. Pastor Elisha, on 4th December while shopping I met

    a former friend, a youth pastor whom we used to fellowship together at church way

    back in 2008.

    We haven't been in touch for so long so we chatted and exchanged contacts. A

    day later He called saying he wanted to come to see me at my parents home. He

    proposed to me and today I can tell you I am humbled to have a man who have

    reverence and love for God as a lover and friend.

    He has introduced me to his family at church and at home I will update you on our

    wedding plans soon. Thanks pastor Elisha Goodman for being obedient to the Lord's call

    on your life you have helped me and many more others. These prayers really work ,in

    the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

    - DOREEN

    All the glory belongs to God as He continues to prove to us that HE is the same

    yesterday, today and forever.

    Now, I dont want to leave you with the impression that everyone receiveda

    breakthrough. Though many continue to send in breadth-taking testimonies like these

    ones, we also received angry emails from people who claimed that nothing seemed to

    work, in spite of all their prayers.

    Heres a little back and forth I had with someone who got really mad when things

    did not go the way she planned

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    "The Scripture You Sent Me

    Is Just A Lie !

    "I tried praying to our so called almighty God

    and he failed me. That scripture you sent is just a lie.

    He does not answer. Prayer and making your request

    known is useless. I prayed for my relationship and he

    never granted my request. God is a liar ask and you

    wont receive."


    Tough words.

    What was the Scripture that got her angst?

    Phil 4:6:

    Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication

    with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

    I was disturbed.

    Especially by her last sentence.

    So I decided to run a small test.

    By sending the exact same Scripture to someone else who had the exact, same

    problem she was struggling with (relationships).

    Meet this new person.

    Her name is Josephine.

    She followed my instructions to the letter. She took the time to use it properly during

    her prayers

    and... BOOM.

    She sent in the report shortly:

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    "The Prayers Have Done Wonders,

    My Husband Is Back!

    "Thank you Elisha, the prayers have done wonders!

    My husband is back and I'm seeing him changed, After 18 years

    of our marriage we started straining and stopped going to Church

    to together then we separated after another 7 years, now we are

    going to Church sitting on the same pew and praising the lord.

    He lost his job but we can see signs of the lord bringing it back,

    he is available to help and even what I thought was lost while in

    separation of 5 years since 2009 is finally restored.

    My joy is full and I thank you for the materials u provided

    and encouragement to pray. I know the lord answers prayers

    He is my best friend master and savior Jesus Christ."

    - Josephine G

    Same scripture.

    Used on the same problem - relationships.

    But two different outcomes.

    What accounts for this?

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    Please stay with me and youll soon discover what made the difference.

    Don't fall for other people's lies - And don't fall for your own


    But before we go one step further, we need to pause for prayers. Please close your

    eyes and take these three prayers with fire and thunder in your voice:

    Every garment making my l i fe to stink, be roasted by

    f ir e in the name of Jesus.

    Any entity sharing my life with me in the spirit, be

    destroyed by the thunder fire of God in Jesus name.

    My destiny jump out of every satanic cage in the

    name of Jesus.

    Any miracle that has eluded me as a result of doubt, be

    restored 7 fold in the name of Jesus.

    I plug myself in to the electri cal power gr id of the

    Holy Ghost.

    Praise the LORD. Now were ready to begin

    We will start today by addressing the question uppermost in the minds of many

    people today:

    Why are my prayers not getting answered? In spite of the fact that I've done

    all I can to fast and pray?

    Every year thousands ask thesamequestion. In one variation or the other.

    And every year I take the time to explain why many prayers go unanswered. There

    is now a special session of the Prayer Academy that addresses this question in great


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    For now I will just give the most uncomplicated answer. Please dont be fooled by

    the simplicity of this it is what accounts for 90 percent of prayer failures out there.

    After that question, we'll take a prophetic peek into 2014.

    Then well come to my personal favourite... what to do. All in all, we'll address 3

    burning questions that our readers have sent in (Im talking thousands of them).

    Question #1:

    Where did Lisa go wrong? Why has her prayer gone unanswered, whereas

    Josephine, using the same scriptures and prayers received her answers from the Lord? I s

    God partial?

    Answer #1:

    Far from it. Lisa is suffering from something that is fast assuming epidemic

    proportions in this 21stcentury. Lets quickly get our bearing from Scripture before I go

    on to say something that might shock you.

    In Romans chapter 11 we read:

    (According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that

    they should not see, and ears that they should not hear;) unto this day. And David

    saith, Let their table be made a snare, and a trap, and a stumblingblock, and a

    recompence unto them: Let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see, and

    bow down their back alway. - Romans 11: 7-10

    Here it is

    Millions of modern-day believers are not only blind, but also deaf and dumb in the spirit.

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    Prayer is supposed to be a two-way street.

    You pray. Heaven responds.

    In many cases this response can be instantaneous. But you need eyes and ears in the spirit

    to see and hear what is going on.

    Why is this necessary?

    So you can change course, if need be. So you will not be praying amiss. So you can

    follow-up with the right prayers and ACTION.

    One of the questions I ask those who tell me they have prayed and prayed without any

    answers is this:

    What did you see and hear (in the spirit) during and/or after your prayers?

    In most cases I draw a blank. They do not know how to hear and see in the spirit.

    This is such a serious matter that we find the Lord Jesus in the Book of Revelation having

    a controversy with an entire church:

    Because you say, I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of

    nothing, and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and

    blind and naked, I advise you to buy from Me gold refined by fire so that you may

    become rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself, and that the

    shame of your nakedness will not be revealed; and eye salve to anoint your eyes so

    that you may see. Rev. 3:17 18.

    Let me put that in everyday language:

    Many believers are blind and deaf in the spirit.

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    As a result they cannot see or hear whats going on in the spirit when they pray.

    Many are praying amiss. When the Lord tells them to drop a particular prayer and go on to

    another, they cannot hear cannot sense anything and consequently miss out on Gods

    divine visitation.

    A man of God recently found himself in a very tight corner. Nothing he did worked.

    As he began to pray, the Lord told him to change his prayers. But he couldnt hear.

    So intently focused was he on what he thought was the problem that he did not hear the gentle

    voice of the Holy Spirit telling him he was headed in the wrong direction.

    When the Lord saw that the fellow was completely deaf in the spirit, He went to the daughter, a

    12-year old child, and gently whispered to her:

    Your daddy is praying the wrong prayers!

    After some hesitation, the child mustered up enough courage and approached the dad.

    And the following conversation ensued:

    Daddy, you are praying the wrong prayers.

    What makes you say that, he asked?

    Someone just whispered to me I believe its the Holy Spirit. He told me He has been trying to

    get your attention for a while.

    Quiet. Silence.

    Suddenly it all came to him. He had been feeling uneasy lately. Anytime he began to pray, he

    would feel that something was missing. He couldnt quite put his finger to it.

    Now with that, he didnt waste a moment. Falling onhis face, he began to cry out in repentance.

    After 15 minutes he heard the Voice.

    Telling him specifically what direction to go in prayer.

    Then he heard something else.

    A specific set of ACTIONS to take in order to break the backbone of that stubborn problem.

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    He jumped on it. Within 3 days, that fiery trial had turned into a glorious testimony.

    What was his problem?

    He was not paying attention in the spirit.

    Given todays watered-down Christianity, where many have left the substance to chase after

    shadows, believers who can truly hear and see in the spirit are fast becoming an endangered


    Instead what you see all over the place is the blind trying to lead the blind.

    The result is that many are giving and receiving fake prophecies. No iota of truth in them.

    Without exception, they will all end up in the ditch as Jesus said.

    Let them alone: they are blind leaders of the blind.

    And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. Matt 15:14

    This has given the enemies of the gospel great opportunity to blaspheme a situation where

    even a believer like Lisa here can openly say that the scripture is a lie should tell us something.

    The blind leading the blind

    Without controversy, one of the greatest treasures of being a follower of Christ (this side of

    eternity) is the ability to tune your spirit-man to the divine frequency of the Holy Spirit

    so you too can receive timely spiritual information that you need to remain an overcomer


    I have to tell you though:

    This takes discipline (something that many are not willing to do).

    It takes a hunger and thirst on your part. It takes holy determination.

    But the fruits are well worth it.

    Most of our prayer programs are designed to rapidly PUSH you, sometimes kicking and

    screaming, to the level of seeing and hearing in the spirit.

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    Because at that level you will become your own personal prophetyou will begin to prophesy

    into your life, and watch it come to pass.

    At that level, you will NOT need to run around looking for someone to prophesy to you or see

    visions for you, as most believers are currently doing.

    And this is important

    You will be saving yourself a lot of heartache.

    Because one of the ways that people run into strange problems is by going around collecting fake

    prophecies, out of ignorance of the spiritual realities around them.

    When you can hear clearlyin the spirit, no one will be able to deceive you. Or take you for a


    The problem of unanswered prayers will be a thing of the past. Powers that used to oppress you

    in the dream will think twice before they come after you.


    Because it will be suicidal for them to do so.

    See this recent example:

    Dear elisha,

    In the dream a giant was wrestling me, I tried to cut its hand but i realized

    they were of iron, then I discovered his stomach was of flesh then I jabbed

    the knife there and its intestines and offal's spilled out and i hurriedly

    severed them and he died I was mercilessly slashing someone with a

    sword until he died. Then I saw a snake it had just shed off its skin, I took a

    stick killed it and crushed it.

    - Peter M

    Please close your eyes and take this prayer with a loud voice:

    In 2014 I refuse to be a deaf and dumbprayer warrior in Jesus name.

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    Question #2:

    This same time last year, you said it was going to be a year of Spir itual Bypass. So many

    people on this site have testified how they literally bypassed all obstacles and hindrances topossess what the Lord had for them. Do you have any prophetic insights for 2014?

    Answer #2:

    Yes, but before we go there, we need to raise our spiritual temperature quite a bit. Please

    close your eyes and fire these 3 prayer bullets in quick succession:

    1. O Lord, recharge my genetic code with your fire in the name of Jesus.

    2. I am leaving behind the ordinary level of promotion in Jesus name.

    3. I wipe off all my records from the satanic databases in Jesus name.

    Thank you LORD.

    The best way to describe the year 2014 is this


    Year of Special Situations

    Lets begin with this spectacular Scripture. In 2 Kings Chapter 3 we read:

    But Jehoshaphat said, Is there not here a prophet of the LORD, that we mayinquire of the LORD by him? And one of the king of Israel's servants

    answered and said, Here is Elisha the son of Shaphat, which poured water

    on the hands of Elijah. And Jehoshaphat said, The word of the LORD is with

    him. So the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat and the king of Edom went down

    to him.

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    And Elisha said to the king of Israel, What have I to do with you? get you to

    the prophets of your father, and to the prophets of your mother. And the

    king of Israel said to him, No: for the LORD has called these three kings

    together, to deliver them into the hand of Moab.

    And Elisha said, As the LORD of hosts lives, before whom I stand, surely,

    were it not that I regard the presence of Jehoshaphat the king of Judah, I

    would not look toward you, nor see you. But now bring me a minstrel. And it

    came to pass, when the minstrel played, that the hand of the LORD came on


    And he said, Thus said the LORD, Make this valley full of ditches. For thus

    said the LORD, You shall not see wind, neither shall you see rain; yet that

    valley shall be filled with water, that you may drink, both you, and your

    cattle, and your beasts.

    And this is but a light thing in the sight of the LORD: he will deliver the

    Moabites also into your hand. And you shall smite every fenced city, and

    every choice city, and shall fell every good tree, and stop all wells of water,

    and mar every good piece of land with stones.

    And it came to pass in the morning, when the meat offering was offered,

    that, behold, there came water by the way of Edom, and the country was

    filled with water.

    - 2 Kings 3:11-20

    What is a Special Situation?

    In the passage we just saw three misguided kings who suddenly realized that the issue

    staring them in the face was beyond their ability to solve. In panic they began to look for

    someone who could hear from the LORD.

    And see clearly into the realm of the spirit.

    Because when push comes to shove, the one who can hear from the LORD correctly will

    always carry the day. Today, people are stumbling around in the dark, without divine direction

    and without any inkling of what the Lord might be saying. Or doing. They derive no comfort or

    joy from the Scriptures. They are not interested in the message of holiness. All their ear is itching

    to hear is blessings, miracles, breakthroughs.

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    And therein lies the clue to a big secret.

    In 2014, believers who CONTINUE to compromise with sin will suddenly find their

    heavens turn to brass. Even if they are experiencing some blessings today, all that will dry up

    sooner or later. In their panic, they will begin to run around seeking for help.

    That is Special Situation #1.

    Then there is the case of those who have rejected and ridiculed the gospel for years. In

    2014 the LORD will create Special Situations that will drive them to seek Him in desperation.

    All their proud arguments against God will suddenly evaporate, as those things wherein

    they have trusted begin to fail them one after the other.

    That is Special Situation #2.

    (I really love this one)

    When the LORD wants to destroy all your enemies in one fell swoop, he will allow them

    to gather together and begin to fight you. Then just when they think they are winning, the LORD

    shall arise and scatter them unto desolation.

    That is Special Situation #3.

    Then there is this

    At the national and international level, 3 strange happenings will give some of the

    proudest individuals (and even nations) on earth a sober moment to rethink their ungodly agenda.

    Thus a great window of opportunity to win souls will be thrown wide open-- for those who are

    alert and sensitive in the spirit.

    That is Special Situation #4.

    Because of these Special Situations, those who have a track record of hearing and

    speaking the mind of God will be in veryhigh demand. Believers like you will be much sought

    after by other family members, by your co-workers, and even by those in power andauthority.

    Because their source of power will fail them.

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    And the spirit of the Egyptians within them will be emptied out, and I

    will confoundtheir counsel; and they will inquire of the idols and the

    sorcerers, and the mediums and the necromancers Isa 19:3

    None of that will work. To show that the LORD is really serious about this, He says:

    Therefore once more I will astound these people with wonder upon wonder;

    the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will

    vanish. Isa 29:14

    You see, this is why Im not moved when the merchants of ungodliness of this present

    age appear to be winning all the arguments in the public square. In 2014 they will not know what

    hit them.

    The LORD is about to use a combination of Special Situations to discomfit them, silence

    them, and scatter them without remedy.

    On a personal level, when you see strange things going on that you cannot make head or

    tail of, then you need to realize that the LORD is about to do His strange works.

    That is not the time to break down, or become discouraged and quit.

    Rather you should rejoice. And roll out the Special Situation prayers were about to

    introduce shortly.

    The keyword for this year is: Take Back

    You will Take Backall that the enemy has stolen from you all these years. In fact your

    Special Situationsprayers can force them to pay back as much as 7 fold. And you will NOT

    suffer loss in 2014 in Jesus' name.

    Should you choose to accept the challenge and come with us, you will be sharing

    testimonies on this site shortly.

    Question #3:

    What are these Special Situation prayers ... and how should they be used to help us

    possess what God has for us in 2014?

    Answer #3:

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    Special Situation prayers are prayers to help us achieve 3 things:

    #1: Recharge to re-fire

    #2: Disconnect your enemies from their source of power

    #3: Learn the secret of the forerunner

    #1: Recharge to Re-fire

    Remember the opening prayer we prayed at the beginning?

    I plug myself into the electrical power grid of the Holy Ghost.

    Holy Spirit is the Power of God operating on the earth today. He runs an invisible

    spiritual Power Grid than spans the entire universe and beyond. Those who are connected to

    this power grid are the undefeatable ones.

    They are the ones advancing the cause of Christs Kingdom today.

    In the Scripture we read, the prophet Elisha first had to connect to this Power Grid

    before he could rise to the occasion. What he did here is very instructive.

    He said:

    But now bring me a minstrel. And it came to pass, when

    the minstrel played, that the hand of the LORD came on him. 2

    Kings 3:15

    One Bible commentary says Elisha called for the harpist to play on his instrument

    that it might calm his spirits, and render him more susceptible of the

    prophetic influence. To be able to discern the voice of God, and the

    operation of his hand, it is necessary that the mind be calm, and the

    passions all in harmony, under the direction of reason; that reason may be

    under the influence of the Divine Spirit.

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    The hand of the Lord came upon him - The playing of the harpist had the

    desired effect; his mind was calmed, and the power of God descended upon

    him. Clarkes Commentary

    One of the reasons many believers hardly hear the Voice of the Lord is because they are

    too noisy. Everywhere you turn there is noise. If it is not the phone, it is the TV or the Internet.

    A noisy generation cannot hear God speak. We need to be calm, and have our spiritual

    ears attuned to the Spirit before we can hear what He is speaking to us.

    Next comes praise and worship. You want to connect to the divine power grid? You must

    become a person of praise. You must learn to tarry in His presence in worship.

    For our prayers to have great impact in the days ahead

    We need to be spiritually recharged daily so we can load our prayer gun and fire under

    the precise directive of the Spirit.

    No one understood this better than the Prophet Elisha.

    With a simple prayer he overpowered an entire army. He healed the sick, raised the dead,

    and brought an end to a gruesome famine that had ravaged the entire nation.

    All because he was totally connected to the power source of Heaven.

    Right now you have an OPEN INVITATION to connect to this divine power grid so you

    can prevail over all the Special Situations in 2014.

    #2: Disconnect your enemies from their source of power

    Your enemies have their own power sources too. To deal with them decisively you

    need to disconnect them from their sources of power.

    The old prophets, most notable Elijah, were great experts at this. If you read the Bible

    carefully you will discover that at Mount Carmel, Elijah made sure that the prophets of baal,

    400 of them, were completely cut off from their power source.

    No wonder he was able to mock them without any repercussion whatsoever:

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    About noontime Elijah began mocking them. Youll have to

    shout louder, he scoffed, for surely he is a god! Perhaps he is

    daydreaming, or is relieving himself.Or maybe he is away on a

    trip, or is asleep and needs to be wakened! So they shouted

    louder, and following their normal custom, they cut themselveswith knives and swords until the blood gushed out. They raved all

    afternoon until the time of the evening sacrifice, but still there was

    no sound, no reply, no response.

    1 Kings 18:27

    In 2014, when you find yourself facing a Special Situation, you must move quickly to

    disconnect your enemies from their source of power.

    By the way, the devil has also taught his agents how to disconnect people from their

    source of power.

    At times he uses cheap sex (remember Samson), or food (think Esau), or even something

    like anger (Moses).

    Now Samsons case was especially tragic. The satanic agent clearly told him what her

    assignment was.

    The rulers of the Philistines went to her and said, See if you can lure himinto showing you the secret of his great strength and how we can overpower

    him so we may tie him up and subdue him. Each one of us will give you

    eleven hundred shekels of silver.

    So Delilah said to Samson, Tell me the secret of your great strength and

    how you can be tied up and subdued. Judges 16: 5-6

    She openly said: Tell me the secret of your power so I can destroy you!

    Amazing, isnt it?

    He tried to hold out for a while but she persisted and eventually wore him down.

    Then she said to him, How can you say, I love you, when you wont

    confide in me? This is the third time you have made a fool of me and havent

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    told me the secret of your great strength. 16 With such nagging she prodded

    him day after day until he was sick to death of it.

    17 So he told her everything. No razor has ever been used on my head, he said,

    because I have been a Nazirite dedicated to God from my mothers womb. If my

    head were shaved, my strength would leave me, and I would become as weak as

    any other man.

    18 When Delilah saw that he had told her everything, she sent word to the rulers of

    the Philistines, Come back once more; he has told me everything. So the rulers of

    the Philistines returned with the silver in their hands. 19After putting him to sleep

    on her lap, she called for someone to shave off the seven braids of his hair, and so

    began to subdue him.


    And his strength left him.

    20 Then she called, Samson, the Philistines are upon you!

    He awoke from his sleep and thought, Ill go out as before and shake myself free.

    But he did not know that the LORDhad left him.- Judges 16: 15- 20

    Mission accomplished!

    Samson has just been DISCONNECTED from his source of power.

    As I write this, many believers are already sleeping on the lap of Delilah. Outwardly, they

    are still making empty noises to impress ignorant persons, but as far as God is concerned, they

    have been disconnected.

    Dont let that be your story in 2014.

    Please close your eyes and pray like this:

    I refuse to be disconnected from my source of power in the name of Jesus.

    #3: Learn the secret of the forerunner (a.k.a. double blessings)

    This is a closely guarded secret in the spirit realm. Once you learn this, it will totally

    change the way you look at things.
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    Here goes

    In the realm of the spirit, blessings are released in twos. As soon as these blessings are

    released, in response to our prayers, or by the supreme act of God, opposing forces are called

    into play.

    Their mission is to divert, steal, and destroy BOTH blessings if possible. If the recipient

    remains watchful and prayerful, he or she will receive the first blessing.

    Then she will relax, not knowing that there was a second blessing meant for her, still in

    transit in the spirit.

    In most cases, the second blessing never gets to their intended destination. Instead it gets

    diverted into satanic warehouses in the spirit, for onward distribution to agents of darkness.

    Thats why you should begin to pray like this:

    Any power using my glory to prosper,

    fall down and die in the name of Jesus.

    You can do so much with this piece of classified spiritual "intelligence." For a start, you

    can promptly withdraw your portion using Special Situations prayers.

    You see, I was a victim of this covert activity for so many years until the LORD taught

    me what Im sharing here today.

    When you look in the Scriptures you will see, for example, that Noah was told to bring

    things two by two into the ark he had built.

    When Jesus began to send out his disciples to preach the Good News He sent them out in


    Then there is the widows gift in Luke 21 please ask the Spirit of God to open your


    The enemy has been robbing Christians blind for ages.

    The prayers you are about to see will put a stop to all that. Whats more, it will help you

    to recover what youd lost in the past. Please note that what youve just read isthe kind of divine

    spiritual knowledge the devil tries desperately to hide from his victims.

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    But once you understand what is going on in the spirit, it is much easier to stake your

    claim on what is rightfully yours and take it back, byforce if necessary.

    Heres another thing to note:

    Before any of your blessings would even manifest in the physical, God will always send aforerunner blessing just to prepare you to receive.

    It is important to be in tune with the Spirit so you can recognize these forerunners when

    they show up.

    In the Scripture we find this to be true as well.

    Before the LORD could send His most precious gift to mankind, what did He do?

    He first sent a forerunner in the person of John the Baptist.

    Are you expecting a powerful blessing from the LORD?

    Then learn to watch out for the forerunner. It might be a person, or thing, or a Special


    There are prayers to help you key into this and they are called: Special Situations


    How to Pray into 2014

    We have a perfect model in the Bible. James 5:17-18 says this:

    Elijah was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed

    earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the spaceof three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave

    rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit. James 5: 17-18

    This is Special Situations at its finest.

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    This verse begins by reminding us that Elijah was a man like us. Meaning he didnt have

    two heads, three legs or four arms. He wasnt especially tall or short.

    He was just an ordinary manlike you and me.

    But then after a gruelling, exhaustive preparation he rose up and set up a SpecialSituation.

    At a place called Mount Carmel. Im sure you know the story. Its in 1 Kings 18.

    He was greatly outnumbered. But that didnt stop him.

    Because he was totally connected to his Power Source.

    Let me ask you:

    Are you connected to your Power Source?Right this minute?

    This year if you want to see the fruits of your prayers, it's not enough to say, I am born


    It's not enough toprovethat you have faith.

    It's not even enough to fast and pray, and quote all the right Scriptures.

    You need something extra.

    Let me illustrate with a recent field report.

    Sister Tari and her husband live in Australia.

    She had been struggling for years in a low-paying job, working like an elephant and

    eating like an antthe situation with most people today.

    Many people would have accepted that situation, thinking (erroneously) that it is the will

    of God for them to suffer and live in poverty.

    But this sister would have none of it.

    Lets see what she did

    Dear Elisha,

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    I was struggling in a job where I was not getting promoted no

    matter how hard I worked and the salary was so low. The whole

    year I would apply for a job, in some instances I would be told

    straight away that I was not successful but in one instance I

    went for an interview were the whole office knew i was the rightperson for the job, however I was not offered the position for no

    valid reason. After suffering 7 job application disappointments, I

    decided to try your thanksgiving prayers and the Dr Jane prayers

    for a job.

    I applied for a role on 4 November 2013 and was told that the

    role had already been filled thats when we decided it was time to

    take the big guns out . We started the prayers with my husband

    on 5 November and on 8 November a previous supervisor

    informed me that she knew of another organisation hiring for the

    same jobs that I was looking for.

    I put in my resume on 11 November and they rang the same day

    to do a phone interview, after wards they said they want to do a

    video interview as the manager was located in another city.

    Later they called back saying thr manager was excited to speak

    to me and was going to fly into my town to meet me and


    So on 18 November they did the interview with another lady on

    the panel who kept asking if i had a degree or diploma in

    financial planning etc (I only have a degree in commerce) so it

    made it seem like I had deficiencies to perform the role.

    Afterwards my husband and I kept praying and thanking God for

    giving us the power and anointing to get the job.

    We commanded the spirit of failure at the edge of breakthrough

    to die in the name of Jesus. We also asked the Lord to roll awayevery barrier and reproach to my job in Jesus name.

    Four days after the interview they rang to offer me the position,

    they asked what salary i would like, they offered me a 6 figure

    salary, and that they would pay for the diploma and degree in

    financial planning which I don't have. I will be given a work

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    mobile, laptop as well as a bonus. What a turnaround, what

    would have impeded me from getting a job has now become my

    additional benefit.

    Thank you for your ministry of empowerment and

    enlightenment. My people perish for lack of knowledge. There

    are forces that hinder the manifestation of the blessings, they

    need to be commanded to crash and burn in Jesus name.

    Sister Tari, Australia

    Please spend a moment thinking about this, dear reader.

    Consider the fact that she had already suffered a string of disappointments.

    Consider the fact that they were trying to make her feel inadequate for the role.

    Consider the fact that failure was already staring her in the face.

    Do you want to know what it takes to turn a disaster into a winner in 2014?

    Stay with us for a moment

    Why your prayers should

    be loud and mean in 2014

    I said this last year. I will repeat it here.

    Because it is so important .

    Please listen carefully.

    One of the secret ways the devil tripped up a lot of people after storming the gates last year

    was to wait for a few weeks for their prayer temperature to cool down.

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    Then he moved in stealthily and craftily renewed the bondages that they had worked so very

    hard to break during the prayer sessions.

    How can that be?

    It should come as no surprise that the enemy has a complete record of your spiritual history(and that of your family going back many generations) already in his archives.

    He knows the triggers to pull and the buttons to push in order to throw the gates of your life

    wide open for his demons to rush in and regain control.

    - For many, many people it is demonic rage and anger, transferred from

    generation to generation through the bloodlines.

    - For some it is a corrupted foundation of sexual perversion / immorality

    (youll be shocked to know how many believers have been captured by Internet

    pornography, for instance).

    - For others it is uncontrollable appetite for food (many people are scared of

    our programs because of the fasting).

    Now if you are uninterested in holiness then I suggest that you do NOT even start to pray

    the way I teach.

    Because it can bring major complications into your life.

    Please close your eyes and take these 2 prayers:

    - I will NOT go back to my own vomit in the mighty name of Jesus.

    - Any power assigned to make a shipwreck of my faith, Holy Spirit, release

    your security angels to track them down and kill them inJesus name.

    Ill be frank with you

    Your prayers should be loud and mean in 2014.

    As we get on the Golden Path

    with specific prayers to deal with every conceivable situation you might be facing

    right now, there is a DIVINE sequence we've been given to follow.

    Heres the order of events:

    Level 0 - Storming the Gate of 2014 (public event for all)

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    Level 1 - Prayer Academy (Sign up required for access)

    Level 2 - Diamond Edition (Signup required for access)

    Level 3 - Golden Journey (24-Hour Blog members only)

    Level 4 - Special Situations Cont'd ( to be announced)

    How To Be An Overcomer

    With This Years Prayers

    Before we storm the gate of 2014, you will have to spend time preparing yourself so you can

    connect to your Power Source for the upcoming prayer battle at the midnight gate.

    As we approach the start of the program on December 30, 2013, there are 2 simple, but

    VERY crucial, steps you must take, if you really want to see the finger of God manifest

    speedily on your behalf:

    Simple Step #1:

    Make Doubly Sure JESUS

    Is the Captain of Your Ship"Not by works of righteousness which we have done,

    but according to his mercy he saved us, ..." - Titus 3:5

    No matter how far you may have strayed from the LORD this year, He wants you

    back NOW. He is able and willing to forgive your sins, cleanse you and give you a fresh

    new start in 2014... if only you'd go on your knees and cry out for His mercy NOW. YES,

    it is up to you to open the door of your heart for Him to come in and do a work of

    transformation in your life right now. Please take a moment to do this, if you need to.

    before you even think of proceeding to the next step.

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    Simple Step #2:

    All Secret Sins Must Go

    (And I do Mean ALL)

    Realize that God sees your heart even now. He knows what you do in secret. Jesus

    Christ died on the cross to pay for your sins, mine and that of the whole world.

    Of course this might sound like foolishness to the people of the world (In the secular

    world I meet sophisticated people all the time who say so).

    But you know the Bible says:

    For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us

    who are being saved it is the power of God. 1 Cor.1:18

    Since you have read up to this point, I believe you are NOT one of those who are

    perishing. So I want to congratulate you for that

    About our Lord Jesus Christ, we are assured this:

    "Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree ..." -- 1 Peter 2:24

    "Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood," - Rev. 1:5

    I must warn you that if you follow these 2 simple steps above with all sincerity

    before even firing the opening shots,you may not be able to handle the flood of peace

    and joy that will invade your heart... not to mention the testimonies to follow.

    Last year by this time I challenged those who went through these simple steps

    diligently to get ready for an overflow of breakthroughs in their lives. Before we got

    to DAY 3 of the program, our testimony inbox was filling up so fast we had to redirect

    people to go to the blog to post their testimonies under the COMMENT section with their

    own hands!. Praise the LORD who delights in answering the prayers of His people.

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    Prayers to Storm the Gate 2014 Edition

    Here's Your 14-Day Prayer

    Plan At The Gate of 2014

    This year we will begin our close-out prayers at the midnight hour of Monday,

    December 30.

    We will enter into the New Year, firing on all cylinders, prayingferventlyand

    aggressivelythrough December 31 to New Years Day, January 1, 2014.

    We will continue our prayers every day and night till Sunday January 12, 2014.

    A total of 14 days.

    Then well change the realm of our prayers, as we enter Level 1(for those

    ALREADY signed up).

    To All Our Prayer Eagles...

    From December 30, 2013 fasting is compulsory (unless you have a medical condition

    that precludes fastingplease check with your doctor).

    All prayer eagles on this site are to embark on afasting-prayerprogram as follows:

    Mon, Dec. 30, 2013 - Partial fast (morning until 2:00 or 3:00 PM

    as the LORD gives you the grace).

    Tues, Dec.31, 2013 - Start ofEsther FastDAY 1

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    Wed, Jan.1, 2014 - Esther FastContd DAY 2

    Thurs, Jan.2, 2014 - End ofEsther Fast(6:00 PM)DAY 3

    Fri, Jan. 3, 2014 - Partial Fast (Morning till 3:00 PM)

    Sat, Jan. 4, 2014 - Partial Fast (Morning till 3:00 PM)

    Sun, Jan. 5, 2014 - Partial Fast (Morning till 3:00 PM)

    Mon, Jan. 6, 2014 - Partial Fast (Morning till 3:00 PM)

    Tues, Jan.7, 2014 - Partial Fast (Morning till 3:00 PM)

    Wed, Jan. 8, 2014 - Partial Fast (Morning till 3:00 PM)

    Thurs, Jan. 9, 2014 - Partial Fast (Morning till 3:00 PM)

    Fri, Jan.10, 2014 - Partial Fast (Morning till 3:00 PM)

    Sat, Jan.11, 2014 - Partial Fast (Morning till 3:00 PM)

    Sun, Jan.12, 2014 - Partial Fast (Morning till 3:00 PM)

    Very Important:

    The Proper Way to Break a Fast

    You should not eat heavy meals at least 2 days before a long fast. Rather you

    should take MORE fruits and drink a lot of water.

    When you break your fast, you should never break with solid food. You must

    break slowly. DO not take any cold water or drinks. Warm water is preferable. Eat fruits

    such as oranges, paw-paw, etc. for a while and drink a lot of water before attempting to

    eat any solid food.

    When you have been on a long fast, you will need some days to slowly break. For

    instance, if you fasted for 7 days, youll need another 3 days to slowly break meaning

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    in the following 3 days you should be on a diet of fruits and water, before introducing any

    heavy food.

    This is because the end of a long fast is the most delicateaspect of a fast. For

    those who did not conquer their appetite during the fast, there is a danger that they might

    overeat right after

    the fast, thereby causing severe problems for themselves.

    In the event of that happening, quickly stop eating and begin another fast without

    food and water for at least 2 days and you should be alright.

    Please NOTE that this is not a medical prescription. Always seek the advice of

    your doctor before taking any action that could affect your health. What I have just said

    here should NOT be taken as medical advice.

    Now to the prayers

    All the prayers should be prayed AT THE MIDNIGHT HOUR. You should also

    find time during the day to continue with the prayers.

    If, however, because of your work schedule, you are not able to pray at the

    midnight hour, then you should pray VERY early in the morning before 6:00 AM.

    No excuses.

    If you do this diligently, you will surely experience the visitation of the LORD, the

    One who ordained this program.

    Finally it is time to review our yearly message to prepare us for the gate of the

    New Year...

    --> Start of Review

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    For those who are here for the first time

    heres a quick review from previous years

    There are 3 fundamental principles that you need to arm yourself

    with, as we prepare to crossover into the New Year.

    Heres theVERY first one. And you need to apply it diligently at the

    gate i.e. midnight December 31, 2013. (The rest I will continue to

    teach step by step in the Prayer Academy and 24-hour blog).

    If you're ready, let's go...

    We'll open this section with a short prayer. Please just close your eyes

    where you are now and take this singular prayer point with fire in your


    "O LORD, open my spiritual understanding today in the name of

    Jesus. Amen."

    Well take off by looking at the popular story of the ten virgins. In

    Matthew 25:1-10 we read:

    "Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins,

    which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.

    And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.

    They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:

    But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

    While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And atmidnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye

    out to meet him.

    Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And the

    foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.

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    But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for

    us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.

    And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that

    were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut."

    This is a familiar story.

    Two phrases are of particular interest to us here

    (i) At midnight there was a cry made...

    (ii) And the door was shut...

    Here is Key #1...

    Midnight is the time when " doors" are shut against people in the spir it.Key #2

    It is also a time when satanic cries are made against people by the

    evil powers operating along the bloodlines of many families.

    Please hold these thoughts while we back up to Psalm 24:7-10:

    "Lift up your head, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting

    doors; and the King of glory shall come in.

    Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD

    mighty in battle.

    Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting

    doors; and the King of glory shall come in.

    Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of


    Again we see the word doors but this time, at the appearance of

    a Superior, Sovereign Power...

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    Instead of being shut, the door (and gates) are being

    commanded to open.

    Putting what weve read so far together, we arrive at the

    inescapable conclusion that doors can be opened and shut in the spiritualrealm.

    In many places in the Bible, we see references to doors and gates.

    For instance we find them at the at the entry point to cities (1 Kings 17),

    temples (Acts 3), prisons (Acts 12), and palaces (Esther 5).

    At the gates of the city, important decisions and verdicts were handed

    down. Controversies were settled there. Financial transactions were

    sealed there. Honour was bestowed at the gate. Blessings were

    pronounced at the gate and curses were issued as punishment for

    offences at the gate.

    In fact the gate played such a pivotal role in the life of any

    community that in times of war

    The enemys first order of business was to seize control of the gate!

    Whats this got to do with the New Year?

    You can liken the New Year to a well-fortified city with a strong

    gate. The gate is the entry point into the city.

    For the purpose of this discussion...

    The door or gate of the New Year is currently shut. It is supposed to

    swing open IN THE SPIRIT at 12 midnight on December 31st


    Notice that I used the words, supposed that is what shouldhappen in an ideal situation...

    The reality, however, is that for most people, the gate of the New

    Year never opens to them spiritually it remains tightly shut against

    them year after year, often without their knowledge!

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    Why is this so?

    The Bible reveals that there are invisible horsemen setting

    themselves in array at the gate (Isaiah 22:7).

    And here's the SECRET:

    The entrance or gate to the New Year is the midnight hour of

    December 31.

    The truth remains that this gate is the point of the hottest spiritual

    battle you can think of.

    Whoever takes control of the gate in the crucial first few seconds of

    the New Year determines what happens throughout the entire year!

    WhatIm sharing with you is well-understood by the children of

    darkness. No wonder our Lord Jesus once said (in Luke 16:8b):

    for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than

    the children of light.

    At the critical midnight hour of December 31st, the children of this

    world (darkness) that Jesus is referring to here will be busy taking off in

    their evil aircraft and making evil prophetic pronouncements to capture

    the entire year (and shut the gates of the next 12 months against ignorant


    At this exact same time, most modern day believers will be dancing

    and partying the night away!

    Unknown to them, at this critical hour of midnight when the new

    year is being delivered (think of a woman in labour), whatever decrees

    are issued (good or bad) have the capacity to alter the destiny of an

    individual, family or nation.

    You remember how many prophecies of greatness that Christians

    usually receive at the beginning of every year?

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    How many of them ever come to pass?

    You know why?

    At the most critical first few seconds of the New Year, the enemy

    gets busy "shutting the gate" by issuing ungodly decrees against people,

    using words anointed with satanic power!

    No wonder:

    Doors of opportunity remained tightly shut throughout the


    The heavens refuse to open and pour out the expected

    blessings in abundance.

    Divine benefits refused to manifest...

    Divine helpers were nowhere to be found

    Most prayers went unanswered... leaving many believers

    scratching their heads.

    If you keep records of all the wonderful prophecies received every

    year (like I do) youll realize that most of them never come to pass.

    It doesn't matter how many great men or women of God prophesied.


    Because most Christians allow the enemy (either out of ignorance or

    sheer laziness) to take control of the GATES when it mattered most

    ... at the critical moment of transition when most people are inslumber.

    You see, in the spiritual realm, just one seconds delay can cost a

    person an entire year.

    Like the prayer points you will see shortly, if you were to pray them

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    at any other time of the year, you wont achieve the same results.

    Thankfully, the Lord has not left us ignorant. He has given us a

    battle plan.

    If we execute on this plan diligently...

    These 90 minutes AT THE GATE can save us 9 months of

    frustration, disappointment and sorrow.

    --> End of Review

    At This Point

    I'm led to release the power of the spoken blessing on a VERY special group of

    people on this site... they are hidden co-laborers with me in the Vineyard.

    They help make testimonies like this happen:

    I Had Already Given Up On Life,I wanted To Commit Suicide

    I thank God that I came to know about your site i usually say it was a real divine

    connection. I had already given up in life to a point that i had declared to commit suicide.

    I was on my way to work when just happened to sit next to a lady who was reading your

    prayer points i got so moved by the prayers points then she invited me to your site.

    Since then i have really seen God i am totally encouraged and i have come to know that God

    loves His people and He can use anything to save you like He did to me.

    -Name Withheld to Protect Identity

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    To All Our Partners in 2013:

    A Very Special "THANK YOU"

    ... And a Prayer

    First and foremost

    I want to thank the Holy Spirit for enabling all the powerful praise reports, and for usin

    them to glorify the name of Christ Jesus... and to encourage believers everywhere. I give H

    all glory and honour in Jesus' name.


    I want to say "Thank You" to all OUR PARTNERS...

    The Bettys, Mercys, Bridgets, Taras, Michaels, Eunices, Kendras, Sonias, Patricks

    Wybos (and all the precious others)...

    ...those whose hearts the LORD has touched who diligently supported this ministry al

    through 2013.

    It is because of your support that this message is now going out to tens of thousands o

    people all across the earth.

    It is because of your support that the children of God are able to share thousands of

    testimonies on this site.

    Because of your financial support and your prayers, we are able to send these daily

    messages to believers in 117 countries ... you are truly co-labourers in the Lord's vineyar

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    Every testimony on this site will stand as a memorial before the Throne of Grace, livin

    PROOF of your faithfulness, forever speaking favour on your behalf.

    Even when I never asked, the LORD has spoken to your hearts and you have obeyed Hi

    voice by sending in a portion of your tithes, offerings and gifts monthly to help keep the sit

    forums and blogs humming with heavenly activity day and night.


    I may not know you or what your circumstances are (but the LORD sure knows YOU)

    and the thousands of fresh praise reports on this site will CONTINUALLY stand as a memori

    before HIM...

    ...reminding Him of your work of faith, your labour of love, and your patience of hope

    following our Master, Jesus Christ.

    Here's my prayer for you

    LORD, Your Word tells us in Mark 9 verse 41:

    'For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink in My name, because you belong to Chri

    assuredly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.'

    As friends remember and send gifts to one another this season, O LORD GOD, my Fathe

    according to this Word...

    ...remember all your precious children who have supported this ministry throughout

    2013 through their gifts, tithes, offerings, volunteer work, and their prayers.

    LORD, I ask that You send them a surprise gift this season. Send them divine helpers

    today and let the voice of their offering CONTINUALLY speak mercy, compassion and favor a

    the days of their lives.

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    The Prayer Blueprint for Shocking

    Breakthroughs Throughout 2014

    For reasons of space and time, we can only pray a tiny fraction of these prayers here.

    But right after the 14-day prayers at the gate of 2014, we will continue (without any

    break) with the follow-up programs Ive mentioned already.

    Please allow me to get

    something off my chest

    If I were to pastor your church (obviously that is far-fetched) everyone would get

    at least a taste of being a prayer eagle.

    In Jesus name.

    To you our partners, I now pronounce this blessing:

    The LORD bless you and keep you. The LORD make His face shine upon you and be

    gracious unto you. The LORD will lift up His countenance upon you and establish you in shalo

    In Jesus' name.

    The LORD bless you out of Zion. HE will bless your staff of bread, and open the window

    of heaven and pour forth a thousand-fold increase in response to your giving in Jesus' migh

    name. Amen.

    -- elisha

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    It will taste bitter to most people. And that's fine. No harm, no foul. But for

    some... it will be SWEET nectar.

    A thrill like nothing else they've ever experienced before.

    Being a prayer eagle will take you places in 2014 ... and RELEASE to you things

    that were previously denied, delayed or diverted to someone else. Now if you want to

    excel at anything, you need TRAINING. Without proper training, you will just be beating

    the air... ... and wasting YOUR time. Please DECIDE to take the time to learn HOW to

    pray result-oriented prayers in 2014. It took me 16 long weary years to pray the way I

    teach here ... and I'M STILL LEARNING.

    REMEMBER After performing miracles and walking with Jesus day inand day

    out, the disciples said: "Lord, teach us to pray,

    just as John taught his disciples."

    If you are NOT greater than the disciples who walked with Jesus, you too should

    learn to PRAY.

    Make that a priority this year. It is never too late to start.

    FIRST Prayer Academy for 2014 is just around the corner.

    If you have never joined, I can't begin to tell you what you're missing.

    Just 3 weeks into the program, and you will understand where some believers go


    ... so you can AVOID making their mistakes.

    Please click below for more details:

    Thank you for your precious time and attention.

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    Be An Overcomer in 2014

    Midnight Prayer Coach


    Forward to as many people as possible (as a free New Year gift

    - they will be sharing testimonies if they follow through with the program!)

    Invite them to join us at the gates of 2014. It is FREE.

    PPS: First Prayer Academy2014 Edition: Starts January 25

    "Coaching for Prayer Eagles"


    Start Here

    Prayers to Storm the Gate of 2014

    Day ONE Monday, Dec. 30

    A Day of 3 Things

    Scripture Ingredient: Isaiah 58: 6-11

    Is this not the fast which I choose,

    To loosen the bonds of wickedness,

    To undo the bands of the yoke,
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    And to let the oppressed go free

    And break every yoke?

    Is it not to divide your bread with the hungry

    And bring the homeless poor into the house;

    When you see the naked, to cover him;And not to hide yourself from your own flesh?

    Then your light will break out like the dawn,

    And your recovery will speedily spring forth;

    And your righteousness will go before you;

    The glory of the LORD will be your rear guard.

    Then you will call, and the LORD will answer;

    You will cry, and He will say, Here I am.

    If you remove the yoke from your midst,The pointing of the finger and speaking wickedness,

    And if you give yourself to the hungry

    And satisfy the desire of the afflicted,

    Then your light will rise in darkness

    And your gloom will become like midday.

    And the LORD will continually guide you,

    And satisfy your desire in scorched places,

    And give strength to your bones;

    And you will be like a watered garden,

    And like a spring of water whose waters do not fail.

    This is very important.

    We are going to fast like the prophets and apostles of old.

    A day before you begin the fast,you will first give alms.

    Please look around for the needy in your community and bless them generously. You can

    give them money. You can buy groceries for them.

    You can make or buy clothes and other valuable items for them. This kind of action, if

    motivated by love, always attracts the attention of heaven (see scripture above).

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    Our LORD taught us exactly how to give in Matt. 6:1-4:

    Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise

    you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven.

    So when you give to the poor, do not sound a trumpet before you, as thehypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be

    honored by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full.

    But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right

    hand is doing, so that your giving will be in secret; and your Father who

    sees what is done in secret will reward you."

    This is a key foundation of biblical fasting. And you need to do this before you even

    begin the program.

    Day 1:

    A Day of Repentance

    The very first step to take is acknowledge that you have made mistakes in the past

    and sinned greatly against the LORD.

    Then you go to Him in with godly sorrow and deep repentance in your heart,

    confessing your sins and the sins of your ancestors, following Danielss godly example

    in Daniel 9.

    Here Daniel was praying for the restoration of Jerusalem. You should follow that

    model and in place of Jerusalem, substitute your family and your divine destiny.

    This is such a crucial FIRST step. You must do it slowly, all day and possibly during

    the night too.

    Confess your sins one by one.

    Mention them by name, especially sexual sins.

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    Do not forget the hidden sins of the heart, chief among them mentioned in Gal. 5:19-


    And ask GOD for forgiveness and mercy. For those sins one by one.

    Believe that the LORD has forgiven you as He has promised in His Word.

    Please note that the Holy Spirit will remind you of many unrepented sins. You need

    to repent of them all if you REALLY want to see results in this program.

    This is what will set the tone and lay the foundation for the rest of this 14-day


    It is what will activate divine intervention in every area of your life the LORD has

    been waiting a long time for you to get on your knees and do this properly and


    Day 1:

    A Day to Renounce...

    After thorough repentance (please note that repentance can last for hours) then you

    will be positioned to renounce your involvement in ungodly associations.

    Here's a good example:

    If you were a member of any ungodly fraternity or cult group at any time (or you

    know that your parents or ancestors were), you many want to pray like this:

    1. Lord, I repent of my involvement with this ........ group (mention the name).

    2. I ask for your forgiveness. Please wash me clean with the blood of Jesus Christ.

    3. Holy Spirit, please help me never to go back to my own vomit.

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    4. I hereby renounce my association with this ..... group in Jesus' name (mention the


    5. I reject all the properties of this evil group in my possession and I command the

    fire of God to burn them to ashes in Jesus' name.

    I bind all the spirits, powers, entities, strongholds associated with this group and I

    cast them out of my life forever by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ. In Jesus'

    name I command these powers to loose their hold upon my life right now. I cancel

    every evil claim of ownership upon my life in Jesus Christ name.

    6. I silence every evil voice speaking against my life from the camp of the wicked by

    the power in the blood of Jesus.

    7. I appropriate the blood of Jesus to cleanse me from every consequence of my

    involvement in ___

    8. I renounce every coffin spirit, spirit of false martyrdom, assault, rape, gang

    attacks in the name of Jesus.

    9. I renounce and reject occult signs, symbols and jewelry in the name of JesusChrist.

    10. I renounce all curses on my eyes, stomach/womb, body, hands, legs, in Jesus'


    11. Thank You LORD for answering my prayers.

    Day 1:A Day of Thanksgiving & Praise

    Take a moment to praise and worship the LORD.

    Start by singing praises to the Lord and worshiping Him for a long time

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    After that begin to pray like this with a loud voice:

    1. From today, whatever I do in word or deed, I do all in the name of the Lord Jesus,

    giving thanks to God and the Father by him. (Col.3:17)

    2. I join the heavenly hosts to say: "We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty, the

    One who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and have

    begun to reign. (Rev 11:17)

    3. I give thanks always for all things to God and the Father in the name of our Lord

    Jesus Christ (Eph 5:20)

    4. I add my voice whenever the living beings give glory and honor and thanks to the

    one sitting on the throne,the one who lives forever and ever (Rev 4:9).

    5. In every thing I give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning

    me (1 Thes 5:18).

    6. I give thanks to the Father, who has qualified me to share in the inheritance of the

    saints in Light. ( Col 1:12)

    7. I give thanks to the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endures for ever.Ps


    8. I give thanks to the LORD and proclaim his greatness; the whole world mus hear

    what he has done.Ps 105:1

    9. I give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever.Ps


    10. Save us, O God our Savior; gather us and deliver us from the nations, that we may

    give thanks to your holy name, that we may glory in your praise."1 Chr 16:35

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    11. I arise to give thanks to you because of your righteous judgments.Ps 119:62

    12. I enter His gates with thanksgiving And His courts with praise, blessed be your holy

    name.Ps 100:4

    13. You are my God, and I give thanks to you; my God, I honor you highly.Ps 118:28

    14. In the day of my deliverance, I will say: Give thanks to the LORD, call upon his

    name, make known his deeds among the peoples, proclaim that his name is exalted.Isa


    15. Open to me the gates of righteousness; I shall enter through them, I shall give thanks

    to the LORD.Ps 118:19

    16. I thank you for answering my prayer and giving me victory!Ps 118:21

    17. But we your people, the sheep of your pasture, will give thanks to you forever; from

    generation to generation we will recount your praise.Ps 79:13

    18. With my mouth I will give thanks abundantly to the LORD; And in the midst of

    many I will praise HimPs 109:30

    19. "I will praise you, O LORD. Although you were angry with me, your anger has

    turned away and you have comforted me.Isa 12:1

    20. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are

    Your works, And my soul knows it very well.Ps 139:14

    21. To you, O God of my fathers, I give thanks and praise, for you have given me

    wisdom and might, and have now made known to me what we asked of you, for you have

    made known to us the kings matter. Dan 2:23

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    22. I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me

    faithful, appointing me to his service.1 Tim 1:12

    23. The LORD lives! Thanks be to my rock! May God, the rock of my salvation, be

    glorified2 Sam 22:47

    24. I give thanks always for all things to God the Father through our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Eph 5:20

    25. God, the God of Israel, is awe-inspiring in his holy place. He gives strength and

    power to his people. Thanks be to God!Ps 68:35


    Day TWO Tues, Dec. 31

    Scripture Ingredient:

    Psalm 102:2

    Hide not thy face from me in the day when I am in trouble; incline thine ear

    unto me: in the day when I call, answer me speedily.

    Today's Prayers Will Be

    In 4 Sessions:

    Today is the day to conf ront the Gate of 2014.

    That would happen later in the evening.

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    But before that, there a very crucial activity you need to carry out FIRST.

    Session ONE:

    During the Day

    You will go before the LORD today and explain to Him why you are going on this

    prayer-fasting journey.

    He says in Isa. 41:21:

    Present your case, says the Lord. Set forth your arguments,says the King of Jacob.


    After giving Him the reasons why you are going on this program, the next thing is

    for you to do set specific times for your prayers.

    These are the times you can bring your prayer requests before the LORD.

    Suggested times include: 12 midnight, 3a.m, 6a.m, 9 a.m., 12 noon, 3 p.m., 6 p.m.

    Depending on your work schedule, please select some hours that you can stick to.

    Then lift up your voice to heaven at those hours and see what the LORD will do.

    Session TWO: 11:33 PM - 11:55 PM

    Session THREE: 11:55 PM - 12:30 PM

    Session FOUR: 12:45 AM - 1:30 AM

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    SESSION TWOTuesday (11:33 PM 11:55 PM)

    NOTE:You will start these prayers at exactly 27 minutes to midnight on Tuesday,

    December 31, 2013.

    1. Every evil cry of ancestral idols against my destiny, be silenced now by

    the blood of Jesus.

    2. Satanic accusation against me at the gate of my father's house, be

    cancelled by the power in the blood of Jesus.

    3. Any contrary power demanding worship or sacrifice from me, I present

    to you the Cross of Christ and the Blood of Jesus.

    4. Every problem with long tail afflicting my life, be consumed by the f

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