Download - 27 July 2015


NEW DELHIConcerned over the high rate

of casualties in accidents, thegovernment will soon bring aRoad Transport and Safety Billand launch cashless treatmentfor mishap victims, PrimeMinister Narendra Modi saidtoday in his monthly radio pro-gramme while avoiding anymention of politics or the log-jam in Parliament.

In his 15-minute programme,he also hailed the armed forcesin the context of Kargil VijayDivas, paid tributes to the farm-ing community and praised sci-entists, besides saying that ateam of officials will pay aweek-long visit to theNortheastern states to under-stand the problems of theregion and address them.

He also invited suggestionsfrom the public which couldform part of his this year'sIndependence Day speech.

While talking about various

social issues, he avoided poli-tics at a time when Parliamentis unable to function because ofa deadlock with oppositiondemanding resignation ofExternal Affairs MinisterSushma Swaraj, RajasthanChief Minister VasundharaRaje and Madhya PradeshChief Minister Shivraj Singh

Chouhan over various contro-versies.

Talking about road accidents,he mentioned the case of ascooter rider lying bleeding ona road in Delhi with nobodyhelping him.

"Several people have beenwriting to me that I shouldspeak on road safety to create

awareness about it. When wesee the figures, we notice thatin India, an accident takes placeevery minute and a death due tothese takes place every fourminutes. Among the victims,one-third are in the age groupof 15-25 years," the PrimeMinister noted.

Keeping this in mind, thegovernment will soon bring aRoad Transport and Safety Bill,he said.

The government is also plan-ning other important measureslike putting in place a NationalRoad Safety Policy and RoadSafety Action Plan, he said.

A project under which cash-less treatment will be given toaccident victims, wherein thevictim does not have to worryfor the first 50 hours as to whopays the money for treatment,will also be launched soon, hesaid.

The project will be launched CONTD. ON PAGE 5

NEW DELHICBI today registered an

FIR in Vyapam scamagainst 38 accused includ-ing former Officer onSpecial Duty of MadhyaPradesh Governor RamNaresh Yadav for allegedirregularities in selectionof police officers.

CBI spokesperson saidhere that a case of allegedcriminal conspiracy, cheat-ing, forgery under IndianPenal Code, violation ofprovisions of InformationTechnology Act and underPrevention of CorruptionAct has been registered onthe basis of FIR registeredby Special Task Force.

FIR has been registered

against 38 persons includ-ing Pankaj Trivedi, thenController ofExaminations, Vyapam;Om Prakash Shukla, thenOSD to the Minister forTechnical Education;Dhanraj Yards, then OSD,Raj Bhavan; and NitinMohindra, then SystemAnalyst, Vyapam, sourcessaid.

As part of standard pro-cedure, CBI takes over theFIR of state investigationagency but its outcomemay or may not be same asthat of the state body.

The agency has regis-tered the FIR to probealleged illegalities


MUMBAITemperature: 310CPrecipitation:60%Humidity:84%Wind: 19Km/hr


Implement One Rank One Pension,tweets Arvind Kejriwal

Centre Mulling Crop Insurance Scheme:Union Minister Venkaiah Naidu

Sunny Leone wants to play asuperhero in her next film! P8

NEW DELHIBengaluru will become the

first city to have online policeverification process for pass-ports with its launch inNovember as part of a country-wide project that will cut downthe time required for issuing the


Online Police Verificationfor Passport to Start inNovember

CHENNAIThirty per cent of lawyers in

the country are fake, possessing'fraudulent' law degrees or non-practising persons, and weredegrading the profession, BarCouncil of India Chairman


30 Per Cent Lawyers inthe Country Fake: BarCouncil Chief

NEW DELHISix foreign airlines have

come under the lens of revenueauthorities here for allegedunderpayment of Service Taxbelieved to be worth severalcrores.

An inquiry has been initiatedby Directorate General of


Foreign Airlines UnderScanner for AllegedService Tax Evasion

NEW DELHIFormer Supreme Court judge

Justice (Retd.) Markandey Katjutoday said that there has been"gross travesty of justice" in thecase of Yakub Memon, the soledeath row convict and a co-con-spirator of fugitive DawoodIbrahim in the 1993 Mumbai serial blasts.

Justice Katju said after carefully studying the CONTD. ON PAGE 5

Gross Travesty of Justice in Yakub Memon's Case:Former Supreme Court Judge Markandey Katju

NEW DELHIPresident Pranab Mukherjee

will today embark on a two-dayvisit to Karnataka, where he willattend the centenary celebrationsof University of Mysore, besidesdedicating to the nation renovat-ed heritage building of NationalInstitute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences.

President Mukherjee will address a gathering of stu-dents at University of Mysore today, from where he


President Pranab Mukherjee Begins 2-Day Visit to Karnataka

SRINAGARFormer Jammu and Kashmir

Chief Minister Omar Abdullahtoday joined the debate overcapitat punishment to YakubMemon saying the critical ques-tion was whether the Mumbaiblast convict returned to India

on the back of an understanding."For me Yakub Memon's case is cut and dry. The

courts have convicted him and they have sentenced CONTD. ON PAGE 5

Did Yakub Memon Return to India onUnderstanding With IntellligenceAgencies: Omar Abdullah

NEW DELHIMoscow-based channel

Russia Today has been pulledup by the Information andBroadcasting ministry for air-ing a video clip containing sev-eral indecent shots last year.

The channel, which CONTD. ON PAGE 5

Russian Channel PulledUp by Government forIndecent Content

KOLKATAA Bagdogra-bound Air India

flight from Delhi with 115 pas-sengers on board today made asafe 'precautionary landing'here due to 'technical snag'.

"The Delhi-Bagdogra flight(AI-879) made a precautionary


Bagdogra-Bound Air IndiaFlight Makes PrecautionaryLanding in Kolkata


Weather ReportDELHITemperature: 330CPrecipitation:20%Humidity: 72%Wind: 19Km/hr

KOLKATATemperature: 320CPrecipitation: 80%Humidity:84% Wind: 11Km/hr

CHENNAITemperature: 390CPrecipitation:20%Humidity:52%Wind: 18Km/hr

BENGALURUUnion Minister M

Venkaiah Naidu todaysaid that the Modi gov-ernment holds the armedforces and their familiesin highest esteem and itis working hard on theOne Rank One Pension(OROP) scheme.

"It is a very importantissue. That should be set-tled... we are working onthat in principle ... wehold our armed forces inhighest esteem, theirfamilies also," UnionParliamentary AffairsMinister M VenkaiahNaidu said.

He was commentingon social activist Anna

Hazare's protest at JantarMantar in the nationalcapital on the issue.

Mr Hazare todayaccused the NDA gov-ernment of not fulfillingeven a "single promise"including implementa-tion of OROP scheme.

All issues cannot beresolved in a year andpeople have to under-stand NDA had "inherit-ed bad economy and it isunder repair", Mr Naidutold PTI.

On reports that the CONTD. ON PAGE 5

Government Working on One Rank OnePension: Union Minister Venkaiah Naidu

Vyapam Scam: CBIRegisters Case Against 38

Vol. 1 Issue: 311 Price: Rs.3:00 Reg. No: DELENG/2014/58212 Delhi Edition Pages: 8 Website: Email: [email protected]

NEW DELHIMany parts of India are set to

receive heavy to very heavyrains over the next two days,the Indian MeteorologicalDepartment said today.

Heavy to very heavy rainfallwould occur in parts of Gujaratregion, Rajasthan, MadhyaPradesh, Odisha, Karnataka,


Rains ForecastAcross India

MUMBAIConfident that reforms in

IPO market will improveease of doing business inthe country, Securities andExchange Board of India(SEBI) chief UK Sinha hassaid the regulator is alsodetermined to bring fraud-sters to book and hasattached assets worth Rs.2,000 crore to protectinvestors' interest.

Mr Sinha also said thatthe special court, set uphere to hear cases filed bythe regulator, would helpfast-track the prosecution

and recovery proceedingsagainst the defaulters andget the investors theirmoney back expeditiously.

A decision to set up spe-cial courts was taken fol-lowing amendments to theSEBI Act last year, which

also provided greater pow-ers to the SEBI in deliver-ing its mandate to protectthe interest of the investorsand regulate the capitalmarkets.

"A special court has been CONTD. ON PAGE 5


AGARTALAThe Indian govern-

ment has sanctionedaround Rs.1,000 crorefor a 15-km India-Bangladesh railway proj-ect, an official saidtoday.

The union governmenton Saturday communi-cated to Tripura that ithad sanctioned Rs 580crore to lay the rail tracksand acquire requiredland in Tripura,Transport SecretarySamarjit Bhowmik said.

The external affairsministry earlier agreed toprovide Rs 400 crore tolay the new tracks and to

acquire land inBangladeshi territory.

Union cabinet secre-tary Pradeep KumarSinha is looking after theexecution of the projectafter Prime MinisterNarendra Modi andBangladesh Premier

Sheikh Hasina discussedit during Modi's Dhakavisit June 6-7.

Mr Bhowmik toldIANS: "The alignmentand other technicalitiesof laying the 15.06 kmtrack to link Agartala


Special Court to Fast-Track Prosecution Cases: SEBI

NEW DELHIIn the wake of terror

groups using Internet toincite religious intoler-ance, the governmenthas ordered blocking ofat least 40 webpageswith inflammatory con-tent relating to a minor-ity community, includ-ing posts on socialmedia and popularvideo-sharing plat-

forms."Government has

issued order underI n f o r m a t i o nTechnology (Procedureand Safeguards forBlocking Access ofInformation by Public)Rules 2009 to blocksome...videos that couldincite minority commu-nity," an official source


PM Narendra Modi Speaks on RoadAccidents, Social Issues; Avoids Politics

Government OrdersBlocking Websites Inciting

Religious Intolerance

Rs1,000 Crore Approved forIndia-Bangladesh Rail Link

NEW DELHIAsking India to take

advantage of the periodahead of lifting of sanc-tions against it, Iran hasinvited Indian investmentsof about $8 billion in infra-structure projects therewithout wasting time in"cheap negotiations".

Asserting that Iran hasbeen a "reliable partner",Iranian Ambassador inNew Delhi GholamrezaAnsari said India shouldtake advantage of the timebefore the western coun-tries start making theirinvestments after lifting ofsanctions in the next 3-5months.

"India has always beenthere even during the diffi-cult time of sanctions.They should take advan-tage of their presence onthe ground. Otherwise itwill be a lost opportunity,"Mr Ansari told PTI in aninterview.

During his meeting withPrime Minister NarendraModi in Ufa, Russia, earli-er this month on the side-lines of the SCO (ShanghaiCooperation Organisation)Summit, Iranian PresidentHassan Rouhani had


Iran Seeks $8 Billion Indian Investments;Wants Expeditious Decision

DRASSThe Indian Army has

acknowledged that there is ashortage of ammunition, butsaid the government is seizedof the matter and attempts havebeen made to address the issue.

"See it has been reported inParliament, there is some short-ages of ammunition that existand lets not really direct it atany one or specific to one bor-der.

"The weaponry is common inthe Indian Army but there aresome shortages in some ammu-

nition and there are efforts totry and build up these stocks,"Army's Northern CommanderLt Gen DS Hooda toldreporters.

He said though the day-to-day operations of the armywould not be affected by theshortage, there needs to be ahuge build up.

"Frankly, it will not, sort of,effect the day to day opera-tion.That level of stocks isavailable.But if you are lookingat war time, then you need to


Army Facing Shortage ofAmmunition: Northern Commander

All eyes onwhether SC willchoose to hearRaman's word forclemency NEW DELHI

On Monday, the SupremeCourt will hear a “limited”plea by Yakub Memon, thelone death row convict 1993Mumbai serial blasts, thathis death warrant was issuedin undue haste before hislegal remedies wereexhausted.

But there is a high possi-bility that the hearing willnot be confined to just thispetition.

The Supreme Court bench CONTD. ON PAGE 5

Jamia Millia expands distance eduwing, doubles no of centresNEW DELHI

To meet the huge demand, Jamia Millia Islamia hasnearly doubled the number of study centres under itsdistance education wing from this academic session, forwhich admission begins on Monday.

"We had got over one lakh applications for the 6,500seats offered through regular mode. Seeing the hugedemand, we decided to increase the number of studycentres by nearly a double," Vice Chancellor TalatAhmed told PTI.

"In this regard, the number of study centres has beenincreased from 38 to 62 from the academic session2015-16 to cater to the needs of students living in differ-ent parts of the country," he added.

The Vice Chancellor said the central university is alsoconsidering increasing the number of courses offered inits Centre of Distance and Open Learning from the nextacademic session.

Meanwhile, admissions to distance education coursesfor this session will begin on Monday.

"The Centre for Distance and Open Learning (CDOL)will offer on-the-spot admission to eligible candidatesfrom tomorrow. Admission can be sought in eighteendifferent academic programmes at PG, UG, PGDiploma, Diploma and Certificate levels," Jamiaspokesperson Mukesh Ranjan said.

On-the-spot admission will be given at CDOL, JMI aswell as at other study centres located in Assam, Bihar,Haryana, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Manipur,Meghalaya, Maharashtra, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, UttarPradesh and other states.

"A candidate fulfilling the minimum eligibility crite-ria can fill in the admission form, attach the requireddocuments and demand draft of programme fees to takeprovisional admission on the same day," Ranjan added.

For Delhi/NCR centres, admission will be given at theuniversity only while for outside centres, admission willbe given at the study centre chosen by the candidate.

6,000 children reunited with familyNEW DELHI

The recent Salma Khan release Bajrangi Bhaijaanhighlights the story of a little girl who is reunited withher family in Pakistan. However, in real life too, thereare many such stories that deserve to be called “heroic”.

CHETNA, an organisation working for the welfare ofchildren, has since 2006 re-united nearly 6,000 childrenwith their families.

Its project, Dreams on Wheels, which started someyears back, has helped reunite children lost on railwayplatforms with their families. Cities covered under thisproject include Delhi, Jhansi, Mathura, Agra andGwalior.

Children found abandoned on platforms are first takeninto confidence by members of CHETNA, who try totalk to them about their family’s whereabouts and evenprovide medical attention if needed. The children arethen presented before the Child Welfare Committee. Incase a child is not able to explain the whereabouts ofhis/her family or the same cannot be traced, he/she staysin a children’s home. “The aim of the project is toensure that each child gets his/her right to a good lifethrough protection, family reunification, education,recreation, health and participation. The project hasbeen designed with the vision of creating a safe, child-friendly environment in the communities by creatingawareness and strong advocacy efforts,” said CHETNAdirector Sanjay Gupta.

48 per cent ‘satisfied’ withpolice

NEW DELHIAccording to a recent survey by Janaagraha Centre for

Citizenship and Democracy, almost half of Delhiitespolled in 2014 were “satisfied” with the police.

Just over 48 per cent of 2,800 respondents were eithersatisfied, or very satisfied or extremely satisfied withthe Delhi Police. About 19 per cent were dissatisfiedand about 31 per cent were neither satisfied nor dissat-isfied.

Meanwhile, the perception about police wasn’t allpositive.

Over 58 per cent said it was either always or neces-sary to have connections to get the police to do a partic-ular job. But, police officials said 80 per cent of all caseswere registered by members of the lower strata of soci-ety, where “connections” didn’t matter.

Cops may complain of long hours with little pay, butthey didn’t get any sympathy from Delhiites polled.Fifty-two per cent said the police were paid enough toable to do their job.

Special Commissioner of Police (Law and Order)Deepak Mishra said: “We have put emphasis on regis-tration of cases. Now, digital FIRs are being sentstraight to the complainants’ phones. Despite all that,we still have miles to go.”

The average Delhiites’ satisfaction with the police is afar cry from similar figures for the Chennai andMumbai Police forces with whom over 86 per cent and71 per cent respondents, respectively, said they weresatisfied.

DELHI NEWS2 NEW DELHI | MONDAY | JULY 27, 2015Fight For Right


NEW DELHIDelhi Chief Minister

Arvind Kejriwal onSunday expressed thehope that the central gov-ernment will soon imple-ment the One Rank OnePension (OROP)scheme.

In a tweet, he also paidtributes to soldiers whodied in the 1999 Kargilconflict.

A section of ex-service-men have been staging arelay hunger strike on theissue of pension heresince June 15.

Implement OneRank OnePension, tweetsArvind Kejriwal

NEW DELHICRPF, the country's largest paramilitary

force, has prohibited routine purchase ofliquor for its jawans and officers after itfound consumption of hard drinks washaving an "adverse" effect on the health ofthe troops.

The 3 lakh-strong force has now cen-tralised the process of procurement ofthese spirits like Whisky, Rum, Gin andVodka, taking the decision away from thefield formations to the force headquartersin the national capital.

An order issued recently in this regardsaid "henceforth no institutions (of CRPF)will purchase liquor as a routine measure"and any unit or formation which desires toprocure these hard spirits will have to geta clearance from the office of none otherthan the Director General (DG) on "eachoccasion on case-to-case basis."

The decision, sources said, was taken ata high-level meeting chaired sometimeback by CRPF chief Prakash Mishra. Themeeting deliberated on the rise in numberof deaths and illness related to abuse ofalcohol, which is sold at subsidised ratesin the force through a chain of canteens.

Over 40 non-operational deaths record-

ed in the field formations last year hadsome connection to the troopers' drinkingbehaviour, a senior official said.

Over 23 CRPF jawans have committedsuicide this year owing to a variety of rea-sons and consumption of liquor looks likeone, the official added.

The force is deployed for some of thetoughest duties in the internal securitydomain, including being the lead combatagency for anti-Naxal operations.

"Hence, it was decided to immediatelyput a halt on these unit and range levelpurchases. There were also reports ofsome unregulated procurement of liquorwhich is obtained under the paramilitarysubsidised quota," a senior official said.The order has, however, not found favourin certain quarters of the force as officialsargue this will lead to greater abuse ofalcohol by the personnel.

"Liquor has not been banned but its pro-curement has been put under strict regula-tion. It is common knowledge that in casesome purchases are required to be made,getting a clearance from the top officetakes time and hence this will lead to per-sonnel finding ways to get such drinksfrom elsewhere including from other para-

CRPF bans open purchase of liquor across units

NEW DELHIWith rain showers bring-

ing down the mercury inthe national capital,Delhiites on Sundayreceived respite from thehumidity persistent sincepast many days.

The minimum tempera-ture during the day settledat 27 degrees Celsius whilethe maximum was record-ed at 33.9 degrees Celsius,both normal for the season,a MeT official said.

Many parts in the nation-al capital received rainsover the past 24 hours,totalling to 5.8 mm till 8.30in the morning.

Also, rain showerswashed the city in theevening and 0.2 mm rainwas recorded by 5.30 PM,the official said.

Various parts of the city

including Palam (0.30mm), Pusa(2.0 mm),Safdarjung (5.8 mm),Lodhi Road (7.0 mm) andAyanagar(20.3 mm)received rain showerswhile others remained dry.

The humidity oscillatedbetween 63 and 95 percent. The weatherman has

forecast generally cloudysky with light rains inmany parts of the city overthe next 24 hours.

Yesterday, the maximumand minimum tempera-tures were recorded at 36.6degrees Celsius and 27.3degrees Celsius respective-ly.

Rain showers bringhumidity down in Delhi

Website: Email: [email protected]

NEW DELHISlamming the BJP gov-

ernment for a "rise incommunal tension",Congress leaderKRahman Khan has saidthat Prime MinisterNarendra Modi shouldsend a strong message tothose disturbing socialharmony by enactingtougher laws to deal withsuch cases.

"There is a rise in com-munal tension under theBJP rule. Riots happenedearlier also but then theysimmered at local levels.After the BJP govern-ment came into power,elements and organisa-tions related to his partyare making statementswhich are promotingcommunalism.

"It seems that they arereceiving support from

people inside the govern-ment," he alleged.

The former minorityaffairs minister suggest-ed that Modi's failure tospeak out about the inci-dents risked encouragingaggressive behaviour bysuch fringe elements andorganisations.

"The prime minister'swords and deeds do notmatch. He needs to comeout strongly against suchcomments. He shouldsend a strong message tothose trying to hamperthe communal harmonyin the country," he said.

Khan's remarks comein the wake of mediareports suggesting thatthe country saw a near 25per cent increase in inci-dents of communal vio-lence in the first fivemonths of this year com-

pared to the correspon-ding period of the previ-ous year when the UPAwas in power.

Khan also pitched forintroduction of theCommunal Violence Billin Parliament.

"India has a dark histo-ry of communal vio-lence. To curb such inci-dents, deterrent measuresare needed includinglegal ones... The Centreshould take steps forenacting stronger laws. Abill for this purposeshould be tabled inParliament," hesaid.

"My view has alwaysbeen that riots should becontrolled throughtougher laws only," hesaid.

Referring to theCommunal Violence Bill

brought during the previ-ous UPA regime, Khansaid, "The bill wouldhave effectively con-trolled riots... It was infavour of all."

Several state govern-ments had objected to thebill claiming it as anoth-er attempt to curtail thejurisdiction of the states.BJP had called it "anti-majority".

He also claimed thatMinority AffairsMinistry, under NejmaHeptullah, "achievednothing" in the past 14months.

"I had pushed for Wakfboards but now nothinghas been done in thisregard," he alleged.

"If they had continuedthe work started by us, itwould have been suffi-cient," he said.

Govt should enact tough laws againstcommunal violence: Rahman

NEW DELHIIn a flip-flop, St Stephen's

principal Valson Thampu whohad claimed that the PhDscholar, who had allegedmolestation by a professor,was not given part of herstipend, now says that "thegirl never bothered to collectthe cheques".

When the girl had visitedthe college on July 16 to col-lect her cheque, she wasdenied the same saying pay-ment of her stipend has notbeen approved by her supervi-sor, who is alleged to havemolested her.

Thampu, who was in Kochithen, had confirmed the same.

"I had personally handedover the stipend cheque to herin December, the cheque inquestion now is for the next

six months, which has notbeen issued as the documentsneed the signature of her PhDguide and he is not availableas I had 'advised' him not tovisit the college," he had said.

However, Thampu onFriday last posted on hisFacebook page, copies of twocheques issued on January 21and March 9, maintaining thatthe college never refused topay her the stipend but "shenever bothered to collect thecheques" and hence they gotcancelled.

"The complainant did notbother to collect them andthey have expired. The samehappened on the earlier occa-sion as well, when stipend forseveral months were not col-lected by her.

"Then also a complaint was

aired in public that StStephen's was 'penalising' herby holding back her stipend!The truth then, as now, wasthat she did not collect thecheque," he said.

The victim had approachedpolice last month, allegingthat she was molested bySatish Kumar, an assistantprofessor in the college'sChemistry department underwhom she was pursuing herresearch.

She had also accused col-lege principal Valson Thampuof "shielding" the teacherwhen the matter was reportedto him.

The girl had also made pub-lic a set of recordings whichshe claimed to have made dur-ing her meetings with theprincipal over the issue.

While Thampu, refused tocomment on the contradictorystatements made by himregarding the stipend, a groupof alumni slammed DU andSupreme Council of StStephen's college for inactionagainst the principal.

"The contradictory state-ments made by Thampu clear-ly show that he has been allalong lying through his teeth.His tone and tenor towardsHRD minister and BrindaKarat is disparaging.

"It is high time Delhi uni-versity and St Stephen'sSupreme Council tookThampu to task for deliberate-ly misrepresenting facts insuch a sensitive case," the OldStephanians Association, abody not recognised by col-lege said.

St Stephen's molestation case: Valson Thampu'sflip flop over molestation victim's stipend

NEW DELHIThe government’s deci-

sion to spend Rs.60 croreto scrap the Bus RapidCorridor (BRT) betweenAmbedkar Nagar withMoolchand Hospital insouth Delhi has takenmobility experts by sur-prise.

Experts believe the AamAadmi Party-led (AAP)Delhi government, whichdecided to dismantle the5.8-kilometere corridorearlier this week, shouldhave rather made efforts tomodify and redesign thecorridor which gave priori-ty to public carriage busesover private cars and two-

wheelers instead of bowingdown to the shrill cries ofthe area’s cars owners.

The system, whichexperts believed was not afull-fledged BRT but was abasic bus-way, was stillcarrying more than 10,000passengers every hour —much more than the com-bined number of peopleusing other modes of trans-port. It is widely heldamong experts that if theagencies concerned hadmade some modificationsin the BRT’s design, thecorridor’s acceptabilitywould probably have beenbetter.

“Delhi needs not six but

six hundred kilometres ofBRT, but of metro-quality— attractive and efficient,”said Shreya Gadepalli,Regional Director, Institutefor Transportation andDevelopment Policy, aglobal non-profit that pro-motes sustainable andequitable transportation.

According to Ms.Gadepalli, the initialdesign of Ahmedabad andIndore BRTs was similar toDelhi’s but significantmodifications were mademidway in the planningprocess.

The most significantamong these consisted ofmedian BRT stations with

electronic fare collectionprior to boarding buses, anew dedicated fleet withspecial features that pro-vide step-less boardingfrom stations, real-timepassenger information andmany other features madethese systems attractiveand efficient like a Metrobut at a fraction of the cost.

Designing a system well,she argued, can save a lotof money. Ironically, theDelhi government willspend as much money(Rs.60 crore) to scrap thesix-kilometre stretch asAhmedabad spent to buildits initial six-kilometres ofBRT.

“I hope DelhiGovernment and otheragencies learn from theirpast experience and createa metro-quality city-wideBRT system that meets theexpectation of its citizensand serves their needseffectively,” said MsGadepalli.

International mobilityexperts who have designedand studied BRT systemsacross the world, saidDelhi’s BRT was actually abasic busway system andneeded to adopt the fea-tures of a full BRT systemto get the best of it.

“New Delhi has made astart by providing the basic

infrastructure with thebusway. If the corridor hadfeatures of a full BRT sys-tem as delivered in citiessuch as Ahmedabad,Guangzhou (China) andCuritiba (Brazil) then theresults would have beentransformational,” LloydWright, a senior transportspecialist had told thisreporter.

The Delhi BRT lackedseveral important featuressuch as fare collectionbefore boarding the busand its integration withother modes of transport tobecome efficient andacceptable

Deve Gowda tofast in Delhi overfarmers' plightNEW DELHI

Former prime minister HD Deve Gowdawill sit on an indefinite fast from Monday inDelhi to protest the government`s apathytowards the plight of farmers, many of whomhave committed suicide due to severe indebt-edness.

"Gowda will sit on an indefinite fast fromMonday at Jantar Mantar in the national capi-tal to draw the government`s attention on thefarmers` plight, as he has not been given anopportunity to speak on them in parliament sofar," Janata Dal-Secular spokespersonRamesh Babu told IANS on Sunday.

The octogenarian JD-S supremo is a fifth-time lawmaker in the Lok Sabha from Hassanparliamentary segment, about 180 km fromhere.

"Though Gowda wrote to Lok SabhaSpeaker Sumitra Mahajan seeking time toraise the farmers` issue, there was no responsetill Friday while many distressed farmerswere resorting to suicide," Babu said.

The road less travelled


PATIALAChief Minister Parkash

Singh Badal today said hewould not allow to succeedany force inimical to thestate's progress and disruptits hard-earned peace.

"With their vested inter-ests, some people areactively working to bringblack days back in the statebut I assure you that theywill not succeed," MrBadal said while address-ing a gathering in Patialaafter installing BhagwanParshuram Chair forIndian literature andCulture at PunjabiUniversity.

He said in the past, thestate had suffered a lot dueto such conspiracies andthe SAD-BJP governmentwould foil any designsdetrimental to the state'speace and progress.

Mr Badal asked themedia and common publicto join hands to ensurepeace and communalbrotherhood in the stateand said division on reli-gious lines must be avoid-ed and it should not bemisconstrued as commu-

nalism.Asking people to refrain

from identifying gurus,saints, and seers on com-munal lines as "theybelong to all humanity" hesaid, people must over-come the parochial consid-erations of caste, colourand creed to celebrate allreligious functions.

Mr Badal said the gov-ernment follows Sikhgurus to carve an egalitari-an and secular society byobserving at state-levelfunctions days importantfor respective communi-ties.

The SAD-BJP alliance,he said, was always readyto redress the problemsfaced by any community inthe state, and that he wasalways available for thepeople and anybody couldmeet him at anytime forany work.

"Unlike my predecessorswho behaved likeMonarchs by maintaininga distance from the mass-es, I am always availableto the people to servethem," he added.

Mr Badal said the stategovernment has spentnearly Rs. 1000 crore for

perpetuating the rich cul-tural and historical legacyof state by creating a net-work of several memorialsviz Virasat-e-Khalsa, BabaBanda Singh Bahadur WarMemorial, ChottaGhallugara and VaddaGhalugarra memorials.

Besides, several otherstate of art memorials likeJang-e-Azaadi, WarHeroes Memorial-cum-Museum, Baba JiwanSingh Memorial, Sri GuruRavidass memorial were inline.

Mr Badal said the soleaim of constructing thesememorials was to keepyounger generationsabreast with glorious andrich cultural and historiclegacy of the state.

Also on the occasion heurged the Centre to intro-duce 'Crop InsuranceScheme' to safeguardfarmers' interest. He saidhard working and resilientfarmers have over- exploit-ed available naturalresources in - fertile soiland water - to make thecountry self-reliant infood.

NEW DELHIDefence Minister Manohar

Parrikar today led the nation in pay-ing homage to the Kargil war heroesby laying a wreath at Amar JawanJyoti in New Delhi.

Along with Mr Parrikar, ArmyChief General Dalbir Singh Suhag,Air Chief Marshal Arup Raha andNavy Vice Chief P Murugesan alsopaid tributes to the martyr's on the16th anniversary of India's victory inthe Kargil war.

Several events are planned at armycentres across the country to cele-brate the Kargil victory and payrespect to the over 400 soldiers whowere martyred in the Kargil war.

Mr Suhag who had yesterday visit-ed the Kargil War Memorial in Drassyesterday had said the armed forceswill not let another Kargil-like con-flict to take place.

Though the celebrations to mark

the 16th anniversary of India's victo-ry in the Kargil War, also called VijayDiwas, began on July 20, the mainfunctions are planned for today.

The Kargil war, which began inMay 1999, lasted for more than twomonths before Pakistani soldiers, a

bulk of them drawn from its NorthernLight Infantry, and irregulars with-drew from the mountain tops theyhad occupied overlooking theSrinagar-Leh highway.

In the conflict, the Indian Armylost 490 officers, soldiers and jawans.

Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar Pays Tributeto Kargil Martyrs at Amar Jawan Jyoti

KOTAThe 'Head and Neck

cancer' is among the topmost cancers affectingIndian men and the thirdmost common ailmentamong women, a study byIndian Council of MedicalResearch has found.

The 'Head and Neck'cancers or Head NeckSquamous Cell Carcinoma(HNSC) usually begin inthe squamous cells thatline the moist, mucosalsurfaces inside the headand neck (for example,inside the mouth, nose andthroat).

The study further men-tions that oral cancer is thecommonest among allHNSC cancers.

Around 50 per cent ofthe affected people diewithin 12 months of itsdiagnosis. Throat Cancer(Pharynx and Larynx) is

next to oral cancer interms of prevalence, itsaid.

The HNSC cancer hasbeen linked with increasedconsumption of tobaccoincluding gutka and panmasala.

As per a 2014 study con-ducted by Johns HopkinsBloomberg School ofPublic Health and WorldHealth Organization onthe impact of banning oftobacco in India, 90 percent of respondents (gutkausers) desired that thegovernment should banthe manufacturing, saleand distribution of allforms of smokeless tobac-co.

The study was conduct-ed with 1,001 current andformer gutka users and458 tobacco productretailers in eight states -Assam, Bihar, Gujarat,

Karnataka, MadhyaPradesh, Maharashtra,Odisha and Delhi.

The survey also foundthat of the respondentswho continue to use pre-packaged gutka (availableillegally), 50 per centreported they consumeless since the ban and 80per cent believed that banwill motivate them to quit.

According to the Indexof Industrial Production(IIP) data, output of tobac-co, including cigarettes,bidis and chewable tobac-co products, declined by12.1 per cent in March2015 since the last year.

But experts complainthat the ban imposed onchewable tobacco by vari-ous states is ineffective inbringing a larger changeas both pan masala andtobacco are freely avail-able in markets.

The government shouldincrease taxes over tobac-co products and impose atotal ban over them tocheck the consumption ofthe same, Dr RC Sahani,chairman of SamvednaFoundation of Kota, anNGO working in this sec-tor said.

Dr Pawan Singhal,Associate Professor, SMSHospital noted that since90 per cent of HNSCCcancers are related totobacco, alcohol and arecanut usage, they are highlypreventable.

They can be preventedand cured if detectedearly, he said.

The experts added that,however, millions of peo-ple suffer from delayeddiagnosis, inadequatetreatment, inappropriaterehabilitation and pallia-tion.

Head and Neck Cancer MostCommon Among Indian Men: Study

Website: Email: [email protected]

Won't Allow Forces Inimical to Peace Succeed:Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal

NEW DELHIAccusing the govern-

ment of “arrogance andobduracy”, the Congresson Sunday put the onus onPrime Minister NarendraModi for functioning ofParliament after a nearwashout of MonsoonSession’s first week withopposition adamant on res-ignation of ExternalAffairs Minister SushmaSwaraj and two BJP ChiefMinisters.

“Culpability and grossabuse of office in helpingLalit Modi, the Indianfugitive, by both Swarajand Rajasthan ChiefMinister Vasundhara Rajeare evident. Their explana-tions are weak-kneed andmeaningless in view ofproven criminality.

“Onus now lies upon thePM to take action by plac-ing smooth functioning ofParliament above theparochial interests of the

BJP. Therein lies the test ofhis leadership and loftypromises on which he rodeto power,” partyspokesperson RandipSurjewala said.

Parliament has witnesseda washout since the mon-soon session began on July21 with Congress-ledopposition aggressivelypressing for ouster of Ms.Swaraj, Ms. Raje, as alsoMadhya Pradesh ChiefMinister Shivraj SinghChouhan, rejecting thegovernment’s offer for adebate.

Asking the governmentto listen to the oppositiondemand for fixing account-ability on Ms. Swaraj for“gross impropriety andabuse of office,” formerUnion Minister AnandSharma attacked the gov-ernment for “stonewallingthe justified demand ofaccountability by opposi-tion in Parliament”.

Holding that theParliament can start func-tioning immediately afterthe Prime Minister invokesestablished set of standardsand procedure in the mat-

ter, Mr. Sharma said,“There cannot be differentset of rules for the BJPgovernment. Parliamentcould not function in thefirst week because of arro-gance and obduracy of thePM.”

“Equally important isthat the Prime Ministertakes cognisance of theVyapam scam which can-not be termed as a stateissue as students as well asresidents of many States ofIndia are among those whohave died under suspiciouscircumstances,” Mr.Sharma said. He said thatthe Opposition wantsParliament to function, todeliberate on many issueswhich concern the peopleand rued that it is not righton the part of the govern-ment that senior leaders ofthe treasury benches“heckling” leaders of theopposition and disruptingproceedings.

Congress puts onus of functioning of Parliament on Modi

NEW DELHICBI on Sunday regis-

tered an FIR in Vyapamscam against formerOfficer on Special Dutyof Madhya PradeshGovernor Ram NareshYadav and 37 others foralleged irregularities inselection of police offi-cers.

CBI spokesperson saidhere that a case of allegedcriminal conspiracy,cheating, forgery underIndian Penal Code, viola-tion of provisions of

Information TechnologyAct and under Preventionof Corruption Act hasbeen registered on thebasis of FIR registered bySpecial Task Force.

FIR has been registeredagainst 38 persons includ-ing Pankaj Trivedi, thenController ofExaminations, Vyapam;Om Prakash Shukla, thenOSD to the Minister forTechnical Education;Dhanraj Yards, then OSD,Raj Bhavan; and NitinMohindra, then System

Analyst, Vyapam, sourcessaid.

As part of standard pro-cedure, CBI takes overthe FIR of state investiga-tion agency but its out-come may or may not besame as that of the statebody. The agency has reg-istered the FIR to probealleged illegalities com-mitted in Madhya PradeshPolice Subedar/SubI n s p e c t o r / P l a t o o nCommander recruitmentexamination conductedby Vyapam in 2012.

CBI files FIR against MP Governor’s former OSDJAMSHEDPUR

Jharkhand Pradesh CongressCommittee (JPCC) today saideducation and health sectors werethe worst affected sector in thestate.

The previous governments ledby Babulal Marandi, ArjunMunda, Madhu Koda or HemantSoren as well as the presentregime headed by Raghuvar Dashave never bothered to improvethe prevailing condition of educa-tion and health sector, JPCC sec-retary SRA Rizvi Chabban said.

Mr Chabban said the initiativeundertaken by the Raghubar Dasgovernment to fill the vacant post

of teachers in the state was "insuf-ficient and inadequate" while theinfrastructure of these two sectorwas in bad shape.

Mr Chabban told PTI that theeducation in Urdu mediumschools in the state was badlyaffected owing to shortage ofmore than 3000 teachers.

Justifying his point, MrChabban said East Singhbhumdistrict was considered as mostdeveloped district of Jharkhandbut the condition of governmentschools was in bad shape.

Altogether, there were 58 gov-

ernment high schools in the dis-trict, out of which 11 schoolshave been upgraded as Plus twoschools, he said.

As per the government provi-sion, each plus two school havesanction post of one head masterand 10 teachers. On that count,there should have been 11 headmasters and 110 teachers butunfortunately, the district hasonly 56 teachers, he claimed.

None of the 11 plus two schoolhave a full-fledged head masterand were being managed by act-ing head master, he regretted.

Congress Criticises Raghubar Das Government Over Education, Health in Jharkhand


ment is mulling a cropinsurance scheme as partof its policy to addressproblems plaguing farmersand the agriculture sector,Parliamentary AffairsMinister M VenkaiahNaidu said today. This waspart of its thrust on four Isfor the sector - irrigation,infrastructure, interest rateand insurance, he said.

"What is to be done is weneed to go for agriculturecrop income insurance...that is the need of the hour.So the government is look-ing into that," he told PTI.

The Minister, on a visitto a village on the outskirtsof the city which he hadadopted, earlier held ameeting with agriculturalscientists at the Universityof Agricultural Sciences.

He, however, said theCentre and the statesshould join hands to imple-ment the insurance schemebecause vast resourceswere requiresd for it.

"Unless Centre andstates join together in thescheme, it is not easy toimplement because theresources required is vast

and the sector is a chal-lenging sector," he said.

The Centre was going togive Rs. 8,50,000 crorerupees, but that may not besufficient, he added.

Government was alsolooking at ways to furtherreduce the interest rate onfarm loans and UnionFinance Minister ArunJaitley had been asked tolook into it, he said.

"We are looking atreducing interest rates fur-ther... I had asked theFinance Minister to reducethe rates - he says unlessthe economic situationimproves and growth rateincreases... (it can't bedone)," he said.

On solving loan relatedproblems in agricultural

sector, Mr Naidu said theCentre wants to reverse thetrend of farmers availingloans from private money-lenders to financial institu-tions.

"The World Bank studysays only 45 per cent of thefarmers are getting loansfrom institutions. Theremaining loans they aregetting from privatelenders, so we want toreverse that," he said.

On farmer suicides, MrNaidu advised Opposition,especially Congress, not topoliticise the issue, butfocus on solvingproblems.

"These suicides are notof recent happenings. Theyhappened under Congressregime, they happened in

NDA regime, and are alsohappening in BJP andCongress ruled states. So,let us not try to score polit-ical points," he said.

He appealed to farmersnot to take the extreme stepas that would not solvetheir problems but onlyinflict more pain on theirfamilies.

The Minister rejected theidea of waiving farm loanssaying it was a temporarysolution.

Mr Naidu said the firstyear of NDA governmentfocused on revival of theeconomy with a thrust oninfrastructure and this yearit had decided to focus onagriculture, particularlyirrigation.

"We held a meeting atthe top level with thePrime Minister andFinance Minister, and wedecided this year our focusshould be on agriculture,particularly irrigation," hesaid.

The Centre had allocatedRs. 50,000 crore for irriga-tion, but this was not suffi-cient, he said, adding, therewas also a need for spend-ing more on Research andDevelopment.

Centre Mulling Crop Insurance Scheme:Union Minister Venkaiah Naidu

NEW DELHIThe National Green Tribunal has pulled

up NHAI and Haryana Government forthe excessive delay in construction ofEastern and Western PeripheralExpressways, which will ease traffic con-gestion in the capital.

"You are into this since 2008, still youhave not commenced work. Tenders areyet to be floated. What kind of efficiencyis that? You are an expert body for build-ing roads and this is what you are doing.Does it speak well of your organisation?

"This is something very bad. You keepon giving undertakings to courts. Whenwill you finalise the award of contract?You cannot put at stake the life of people,"a bench headed by NGT ChairpersonJustice Swatanter Kumar said, slammingthe National Highways Authority of India(NHAI). The Tribunal was hearing a caseof air pollution in the capital.

The construction of Eastern PeripheralExpressway is being carried out by NHAI,

while the work on Kundli-Manesar-Palwal (KMP) or Western PeripheralExpressway is being handled by HaryanaGovernment.= Haryana Governmentinformed the bench that the work on the52-km Kundli-Manesar section has beeninitiated and would be completed byJanuary, 2016.

"You have taken years to decide whethera contract should be given or not. Todaythere are machines for everything.Nobody thinks of that... The highest courtof India has given you orders and still youare reluctant. The Supreme Court has beenvery kind, we will push it harder," thebench observed after NHAI officials saidthat the expressway is likely to be com-pleted by July, 2018.

The green panel, which has set a dead-line of maximum one year for disposal ofcases relating to environmental issues,said that considerable time has passedsince the Supreme Court order and now itwants the matter to come to a "final stage".

Eastern Peripheral Expressway: NationalGreen Tribunal Pulls Up NHAI Over Delay

Securitybeefed up out-side Salman’sresidenceMUMBAI

To avoid any untowardincident followingBollywood superstarSalman Khan’s tweetsdefending Yakub Memon,the death row convict inthe 1993 Mumbai blastcase, police in Mumbaihave beefed up securityoutside the actor’s resi-dence in suburban Bandra.

“We have tightenedsecurity outside SalmanKhan’s residence to pre-vent any untoward inci-dent,” DCP (detection)Dhananjay Kulkarni said.

The 49-year-old actorsaid that an “innocent” isbeing hung for the crimesof his brother.


With Assembly electionsround the corner inBihar, very soon we

will be flooded with opinionpolls and exit polls, with eachone making estimates aboutwhich party or alliance will winhow many seats. It will be busi-ness as usual — political partiesshown as winning the electionsor being ahead will applaud thepolls while parties shown as los-ing will question the poll results.Poll-bashing continues evenafter results are declared andeven when the actual results maybe close to what opinion poll orexit poll predicted. Poll-bashingis more a matter of habit or onthe basis of the perception thatthe polls must be wrong ratherthan on the basis of a simplereality check of comparing thepoll prediction with the actualresults.

Ask anyone how accurate theexit polls are and there will be anautomatic reply that they arehorribly wrong. Old memoriesdie hard, and perhaps that is pri-marily what plagues exit pollstoday. Even though the 2004 LokSabha elections are about adecade old now, people stillremember that the exit polls gotit horribly wrong then, whenthey predicted victory for theBJP-led National DemocraticAlliance but the actual winnerturned out to be the Congress-ledUnited Progressive Alliance.

More often right

The myth that exit poll fore-casts are always wrong needs tobe broken, as election forecast-ing in Indian elections has cer-tainly come a long way since2004. In the last few years, mostsurveys have consistently man-aged to make fairly accurate seatprojections. Let us look at pro-jections for state assembly elec-tions in the last few years to

understand this. How accuratehave surveys been in the pastfew years? Is there a pattern inthe error made by pollsters? Canthis be connected to any paralleltrends in Indian politics?

We analyse here seat forecastsfor elections held in 19 States inthe last five years by a commonset of agencies to comment uponthe accuracy of seat forecasting.

A ‘poll of polls’ — basically anaverage of multiple projectionsby various agencies — has beencompared with the actual resultsto estimate the accuracy of thepolls. The pollsters failed to cor-rectly identify the trend in onlytwo elections — Assam in 2011and Punjab in 2012 — whenmost agencies predicted the win-ner wrong. Even in these elec-tions, there were some agenciesthat went against the commontrend to identify the correct win-ner. In terms of accuracy, we findthat the accuracy rate wasgreater than 90 per cent in eightelections. These were essentiallythe smaller States with clearbipolar contests. In most elec-tions, the forecasts were fairlycorrect and the accuracy rate fell

between 70 per cent and 90 percent. In terms of seats, pollsterswere off the mark on only threeoccasions — Assam (2011),Manipur (2012) and Delhi(2015).

Getting the margins right

What stands out is that theaccuracy of pollsters has beenrelatively lower in elections that

saw decisive verdicts. Analystsseem to be clearly underestimat-ing the seat share of the winningparty. In 8 out of the 11 electionsin which the accuracy rate waslower than 90 per cent, pollstershad underestimated the seats ofthe winning party. In the last fewyears, there has been a rise in theseat share of the winning partiesin assembly elections, and par-ties have started getting decisivevictories. As elections becomemore one-sided, it becomes easi-er to project the winner but thechallenge of getting the scale ofvictory correct remains difficult.

There could be two possibleexplanations why pollsters havenot been able to perfectly projectthe magnitude of victory in case

of decisive verdicts. The first isthat pollsters often tend to beconservative in their estimatesand consciously refrain frommaking ‘bold’ projections. Evenwith a correct vote share esti-mate, most pollsters remainwary of predicting that a party islikely to get more than 90 percent of seats in a keenly contest-ed three-way contest. The sec-ond explanation mainly revolves

around an unconscious omissionby pollsters. In 7 out of the 8elections in which pollstersunderestimated the winner, therewas a rise in the seat-to-voteratio. What happened probablywas that many pollsters got theseats wrong despite correct voteshares because they had beenunable to anticipate a change inthe seat-vote ratio.

Election analysis and estimat-ing vote shares and seats are notakin to gazing into a crystal ball.Conducting a survey for record-ing people’s vote choice is justone stage of the larger process ofmaking projections. Estimatingseats is a completely differentstage and requires distinct statis-tical skills. The process is

dynamic, as political formationsand alliances keep changing.

The upcoming Bihar election,for instance, is going to be verydifficult for pollsters to predict.The alliances of parties havechanged dramatically between2010 and now. The two mainregional parties Janata Dal(United) and Rashtriya JanataDal, which have contested sever-

al elections against each otherover the last few decades, haveformed an alliance this time. TheBJP, which had been a juniorpartner till the last assemblyelection, is now leading analliance of its own, and will becontesting the highest number ofseats among all major parties.Ram Vilas Paswan has alsochanged sides between the twoassembly elections, all of whichpose challenges for poll predic-tions.

Sanjay Kumar is a professorand currently Director of the

Centre for the Study ofDeveloping Societies (CSDS).Pranav Gupta is a researcher

with Lokniti, a CSDS researchprogramme.

MONDAY | JULY 27, 2015

A subsidy and some questions

An opinion on polls


The U.S.’s National PublicRadio (NPR) recently featuredan article entitled “Egg War:

Why India’s Vegetarian Elites areAccused of Keeping Kids Hungry.”On the face of it, the concernexpressed by the writer was legiti-mate: the nutritional needs of poorschoolchildren in Madhya Pradeshfollowing the State government’sdecision to remove eggs from themenu. But, as the rather judgmentalterm “vegetarian elites” suggests, thearticle seems to be more about per-petuating a common misperceptionin reporting on India, that somehowvegetarianism is an “upper caste”Hindu ploy to make the poor in Indiastarve. After all, just a few daysbefore that, The New York Timesaddressed the beef ban issue with theheadline, “Saving the Cows, Starvingthe Children”, complete with a photoof a woman offering a pranam to acow.

The irony, as readers have pointedout already, is that both NPR andNYT have usually been liberal whenit comes to coverage of the disastrousimplications of a global meat diet forthe environment, not to mention ani-mal lives. When it comes to Indiathough, not only have these environ-mental and animal ethics aspectsbeen ignored, but a wholly insultingedifice of distortion and disdain hasbeen erected on that silence aboutwhat “diet” issues are all about.Using the cliched and colonial tropeof starving children, we are offeredone more lesson in how Hinduism issomehow responsible for all that iswrong in India today.

Wrong formulation

Let us examine the idea of “vege-tarian elites” more closely. This hasbecome a part of commonsense in theWest, and in the well-educated sec-tions of the Indian intellectual andmedia communities too. As the NPRarticle says, quoting a much cited2006 survey of diet in India, “vege-tarianism is limited to privileged,upper caste Hindu communities.”

Given the general association of dietand caste in India, this might appearto be true, and sustain the wholeaccusation of a vegetarian elite mak-ing children starve.

However, what this formulationmisses out on is one key question:how vegetarian really are Indianelites? If you walk into the mid- toupscale restaurants or in many of the

hundreds of malls that dot urban andsmall town India today, where the“elites” go to eat, do you see themajority really eating only vegetarianfood? On the contrary, the moreexpensive the place, the more likelyit is skewed heavily towards non-vegetarians. It is not just about per-sonal choice either, but a social anddemographic reality. If you look atthe most influential, and politicallypowerful communities in most Statesin India today, is their “traditional”diet likely to be vegetarian or non-vegetarian? For example, in myhome state of AndhraPradesh/Telangana, the ruling elitecastes are non-vegetarian. Those thatare traditionally vegetarian are prob-ably a minority among them.

Conversely, if “vegetarianism islimited to privileged, upper casteHindu communities”, how do weaccount for a vegetarian PrimeMinister who happens to come froma less than privileged, backward castebackground? How do we account forthe saints, gurus and just ordinarypeople from slums and villages whorenounce meat for its innate vio-lence? And even among Hindus who

do eat meat, how do we account forthe fact that for many of them there isa great deal of traditionally ingrainedrespect in their practices about what,when, and how much they would eat?None of these realities is consideredwhen what is being produced inreportage is not so much an honestdiscussion but a relentless perpetua-tion of Hinduphobia.

“The realities of culture, ethics, anddiet in India are far more complicat-ed than what some static and simplis-tic four varna oppressor model taughtto middle school American childrenmight proclaim.”

Hinduphobia needs to be under-stood not only as a systematic denialof Hinduism in academic and media

discourses, but also as an integralpart of a broader distortion in theglobal, modern commonsense onnature, animals, diet, and life itself.By reducing social problems, evenserious ones like malnutrition, to anahistorical fantasy narrative thatblames Hinduism, and by failing tointrospect on the assumptions aboutcarnivory formulated in other landsand times, the “Hindu elite vegetari-

an myth” feeds a failing propagandafor violence. The effect of such pro-nunciations is palpable. It is not sur-prising to find Western readers,unaware of the nuances of Indian cul-ture, jump to offer simplistically,racist comments like “lose the reli-gion and eat some beef,” even on theusually intelligent media like NPR.

The real need now is for reportersand academics to cultivate enoughrespect for their work and for the sub-jects of their study so that somethinguseful can really be done for the chil-dren of India, and the world.

Caste in flux

The realities of culture, ethics, anddiet in India are far more complicat-

ed than what some static and simplis-tic four varna oppressor model taughtto middle school American childrenmight proclaim. The reality neitherAmerican textbooks nor nationalnewspaper columnists seem to beaware of though is the fact that castesand cultures have been in great fluxin India, traditionally, and profoundlyand rapidly so since Independence.Even if much more still needs to bedone for the poorest, the simplisticmyth of a static, caste-dictateddietary system cannot be taken seri-ously any longer. Unfortunately, inthe popular Western imagination,caught up with delusions of its ownagency and the lack of any such forthe other, the realities ofSanskritisation and Mandalisation inIndia are too much of a headache toacknowledge. We find that old, per-vasive Western notion, the “whydon’t the starving Hindoos just eat allthose cows instead of praying tothem” now informing serious debateson Indian news media as well.

Way of life

The problem today is that the rightin India lacks the intellectualresources to invest in an Indic narra-tive of decolonisation, much as itsyounger minds want to. Whether it isa cause, or an effect, I do not know,but it also often lacks the heart too togo about what it thinks is a restora-tion of ancient Hindu glory in a wiseand compassionate manner, celebrat-ing its bans not as efforts to help ani-mals or the environment but as les-sons taught to “those people”. Assomeone who sincerely hopes thatthe right will grow up, I have no hes-itation saying that. The bigger prob-lem though is the intellectual inertiaand malaise that has allowed an old,colonial, racist mythology aboutIndia to become synonymous withthe progressive, anti-casteist positionin India today. To put it simply, Ithink the beef bans and beef festivalsboth miss the point by fighting overrights (real or imagined) bestowed bythe past on the present. It has to beabout the present preparing for afuture where one day we might well

wake up with a start, as we did aboutsecond-hand smoke, about the need-lessness of the mass industrialslaughter of animals, birds, and sea-life that we routinely accept as aglobal way of life today.

For such a realisation to dawn, wehave to proceed carefully on how wetreat debates about diet and identityand not presume to pass off oriental-istic homilies like “In India, you arewhat you eat” or about how “scrip-tures (that most of us hardly know orfollow) prescribe notions of purity.”We must not dismiss what is perhapsthe oldest, living, continuous tradi-tion of vegetarianism in the world asmere superstition. Such an appropria-tion and denial though has alreadyhappened in Western discourse,which increasingly highlights animalrights but somehow turns its back onIndia’s past and present. Eminentscholars like Steven Pinker, after all,hasten to add to their pet theoriesabout how the West helped reduceviolence in the 20th century littledetails like how even if the Hindusavoided meat it wasn’t because ofanimal rights concerns but justbecause they believed in reincarna-tion.

The facts are simple. All of Indiamay not have been vegetarian all thetime. But the importance given tovegetarianism in Indian life for thesimple reason that our ancestorsknew we could live without taking ananimal life, is an enormous leap inhuman civilisation that the modernWest has had a very tough time com-ing around to accept.

Sadly, even as the West is outgrow-ing the limitations of its own reli-gious and secular mythologies abouthumans and animals, we find some ofour own experts now playing into amedieval mindset, even in the guiseof fighting one.

(Vamsee Juluri is a professor ofmedia studies at the University ofSan Francisco and the author ofRearming Hinduism.)

A meatless argument

EDITORIAL4 NEW DELHI | MONDAY | JULY 27, 2015Fight For Right

Fight For Right

The Central government’s decision this week toextend the interest subvention scheme on bankloans given to land-owning farmers at 7 per cent

is essentially a welcome move. This is especially so in acontext where there is no real clarity on how the currentmonsoon will turn out to be, running at a deficit of 7 percent as it does currently. With an additional subventioncomponent of 3 per cent to encourage timely repayment,farmers can effectively avail themselves of up to Rs. 3lakh at just 4 per cent interest. This scheme, basicallyoffering a sort of agricultural subsidy, has been in placesince 2006-07, with the subvention component fluctuat-ing between 1.5 and 3 per cent. With agricultural yieldlevels and incomes per acre falling or languishing, theneed to extend such loans to farmers at low interest lev-els admittedly exists. However, what is less clear is thepurpose for which many of these loans are being put to.The Reserve Bank of India recently initiated an investi-gation into the apparent diversion of agricultural loansfor unintended purposes. It would appear that farmers’existing debts to money-lenders, weak supervision ofcredit utilisation and the categorisation of gold loans asagricultural loans are creating significant grey areas andavenues for loan amounts to be used for purposes otherthan farming. At certain points of the cropping cyclefarmers need large amounts of money and they turn tomoney-lenders, who charge high rates of interest andoften insist on their loans being re-paid first — whichforces farmers to divert a part of the subsidised bankloans to repay them. Some farmers put the amounts infixed deposit accounts to earn higher interest than whatthey pay. Most farmers do not earn enough to meet theirneeds, including consumption expenditure, and so theseloans serve as an auxiliary source of income. The govern-ment needs to recognise the fact that the system of inter-est subvention will increasingly finance consumptionrather than farming, and take one of two steps. It couldinstruct banks to step up scrutiny on the use the loan isbeing put to. Or it could rethink the manner in which itwants to subsidise farmers. Implementing direct transfersto bank accounts and investing in research and develop-ment to bolster crop yields should serve the same pur-pose that the low-interest loans currently serve. This stepwill have the added advantage of potentially improvingthe plight of farmers. The soft loans are a good idea thatneeds to be managed and supervised well in order toensure that the intended outcomes are ensured, and thatthey help address actual distress in the field.

Website: Email: [email protected]

The myth that exit poll forecasts are always wrongneeds to be broken, as election forecasting in Indian

elections has certainly come a long way since 2004. Inthe last few years, most surveys have consistently man-

aged to make fairly accurate seat projections. Let uslook at projections for state assembly elections in thelast few years to understand this. How accurate havesurveys been in the past few years? Is there a pattern

in the error made by pollsters? Can this be connected toany parallel trends in Indian politics?

The problem today is that the right in India lacks the intellectual resources toinvest in an Indic narrative of decolonisation, much as its younger minds want to.Whether it is a cause, or an effect, I do not know, but it also often lacks the heart

too to go about what it thinks is a restoration of ancient Hindu glory in a wiseand compassionate manner, celebrating its bans not as efforts to help animals orthe environment but as lessons taught to those people . As someone who sincere-ly hopes that the right will grow up, I have no hesitation saying that. The biggerproblem though is the intellectual inertia and malaise that has allowed an old,colonial, racist mythology about India to become synonymous with the progres-sive, anti-ccasteist position in India today. To put it simply, I think the beef bansand beef festivals both miss the point by fighting over rights (real or imagined)

bestowed by the past on the present.

5 NEW DELHI | MONDAY | JULY 27, 2015Fight for right

PM Gurgaon, Jaipur and Vadodara and then

to Mumbai, Ranchi, Rungaon and Mauryanational highways.

Army up huge amount of stocks. There are

some shortages and the government isseized of it. The MoD is seized of it andthere are attempts (to address that)," hesaid.

On the implementation of One Rank OnePension (OROP), he said the governmenthas accepted it and "I am hopeful that it willcome".

Lt Gen Hooda said the force understandsthe requirements of its soldiers and wasextremely sensitive to their needs.

"Frankly, the military is such an organisa-tion where the bonding is close. The kind ofwelfare that we look into, basic items are allthere for the soldier.

"Let me tell you that as far as the require-ment of the soldiers is, everyone isextremely sensitive to their needs and theone sole agenda of the senior officers is thatthe guy on the border has what he needs,"he said.

All eyes ...of Justices Anil R. Dave and Kurian

Joseph may use the hearing on Monday as aplatform to trigger the court's exceptionalpowers under Article 32 of the Constitutionand take cognisance of an article written bya former R&AW top officer B. Ramanfavouring clemency to Memon for co-oper-ating with investigating agencies to unravelthe blasts probe.

The article, if found true, serves as astrong “mitigating factor” to re-consider thedeath penalty awarded to Memon. The apexcourt could take a re-look at the sentencingin the light of the new circumstances, andconsider commuting his death sentence tolife.

“The article is in public domain, and sothe court under Article 32 can suo motutake cognisance of a document of thatnature. Without discounting the tragedy ofthe blasts, Memon did provide valuableinformation about Pakistan involvement inthe blasts, in the training and handling ofexplosives. Evidence was collected on thebasis of information given by him. He per-formed valuable services to the nation, andif we had promised him that this would betaken as a mitigating factor in court, we asa nation should keep our promises,” senioradvocate and Rajya Sabha MP K.T.S Tulsisaid.

Mr. Tulsi is one of the signatories in apetition submitted before the President tore-consider the death penalty to Memon.

But strangely, it was left to Mr. Raman toexpose Memon's co-operation with theagencies and highlight it as a mitigating cir-cumstance for clemency. Why has Memonhimself been singularly quiet about thesecircumstances and not seek clemency ontheir strength even as successive courts dis-missed his appeals, review petitions andcurative petition.

“May be he did not know the implicationof the fact that his help to the agencieswould be a mitigating circumstance in courtfor commuting death penalty. May be hewas precluded from saying anything. Maybe his lawyer did not present it in courts...There are many points which the apex courtshould consider now,” a legal expert, saidon the condition of anonymity.

Former Supreme Court judge, JusticeK.T. Thomas, said it is time to re-considerthe majority decision of the Supreme Courtin the Bachan Singh case, which upheld thedeath penalty as constitutional.

In re-considering Memon's death penalty,the Supreme Court has to also follow theprinciple set out in its April 2013 judgmentin Shanker Kisan Rao Khade vsMaharashtra case that capital punishmentcan be awarded only if there is “zero miti-gating circumstances” favouring the con-vict.

Again, the judgment held that deathpenalty should not be given merely becausethe judge concerned thinks it fit. The awardof death penalty should be “society-cen-tric”, that is the litmus test is whether thesociety will approve the awarding of deathsentence or not. To accomplish this, thecourt has to look into variety of factors likesociety’s abhorrence, extreme indignationand antipathy to the crime.

“Courts award death sentence since situa-tion demands so, due to constitutional com-pulsion, reflected by the will of the peopleand not the will of the judges,” the SupremeCourt held.

Rs1,000 Crore...with Bangladesh's Akhaura railway sta-

tion has been changed by top engineers andrailway officials."

"In order to reduce the land requirement,a proposal to lay 3.7 km of track on viaducthas been accepted by the central govern-ment."

Of the 15 km, five km falls in IndianTerritory and the rest in Bangladesh.

Tripura Transport Minister Manik Deysaid: "The new railway connectivitybetween Tripura and Bangladesh will boostsocio-economic, trade and business tiesbetween the two countries."

The 1,650-km distance between Agartalaand Kolkata would be reduced to 515 kmonce the rail track is constructed throughBangladesh.

Iran Seeks $8...offered India a bigger role in its strategic

infrastructure projects including ports, rail-roads and highways and sought investmentsto the tune of USD eight billion, Mr Ansarisaid.

"Prime Minister Modi was very positive.People here are very positive. But what Iam trying to convey is that it should trans-late into action and we should not waste ourtime in cheap negotiations. We need tomove forward."

"Iran is a reliable partner for the business.It used to be so for a long time (before sanc-tions) and the sentiments and attitude espe-cially towards India is positive... Indiainvesting in Iran is obvious fruitful businessfor Indians," the envoy said.

He also said PM Modi government'sfocus is on connectivity which coincideswith Iran's government policy and thereforeIran has asked India to get into major proj-ects like building strategic ports likeChabahar, constructing big highways andrailroads.

The two countries reached an agreementin May this year to develop the Chabaharport in Southeast Iran. India's ShippingMinister Nitin Gadkari and his Iraniancounterpart Abbas Ahmad Akhoundi signeda $85 million deal for India to lease twoexisting berths at the port and use them asmulti-purpose cargo terminals.

Under the new proposal, India can helpbuild second and third terminals at the portas well as railway connections into the restof Iran.

The project is expected to increase tradeand economic engagement between the twocountries. Although India and Iran original-ly agreed to develop the project in 2003,both nations failed to make much progresson this front due to Western sanctions onIran linked to its controversial nuclear pro-gramme.

Chabahar port will allow India easieraccess not only to Afghanistan but also toCentral Asia -- an energy-rich region that isvery appealing to energy-starved India -- bybypassing Pakistan.

Indicating that the West-imposed sanc-tions will be lifted in next 3-5 months, pur-suant to a nuclear deal between Iran andWestern countries reached earlier thismonth, Mr Ansari said all big Europeancountries like Germany, France and otherswould seize on the opportunity to invest inIran and asked India to take advantage ofthe "right time" now.

The envoy also said that many Indiancompanies have expressed business interestin various fields and negotiations going onin different fields.

India has maintained a trade relation withIran despite the sanctions, especially interms of crude oil imports.

As per the industry estimates, India hasbeen Iran's second biggest oil customerafter China. Iranian oil has been importedby private as well as public sector refinersin India.

Government Working...government was trying to collect infor-

mation to show the presence of underworlddon Dawood Ibrahim in Pakistan, Mr Naidusaid even if the government had details, itwouldn't be good to reveal them.

"The government is trying its best to gethim back. He is responsible for heinouscrime and massacre of the people. Even ifwe have details it is not good to reveal themunless you are able to get him," he said.

Taking a jibe at Congress on the matter,the union minister said, "Who is responsi-ble for allowing Dawood to go out of India,first? Under whose regime and who was theChief Minister?"

Vyapam Scam...committed in Madhya Pradesh Police

Subedar/Sub Inspector/PlatoonCommander recruitment examination con-ducted by Vyapam in 2012.

It is alleged by the Special Task Forcewhich investigated the matter that Vyapamofficials manipulated the OMR answersheets by taking them out of the strongroom in these examination.

STF had alleged that the OMR sheetswere intentionally left blank and numberswere awarded to the candidate.

These sheets were later filled accordingto the numbers awarded to the candidates,CBI sources said.

CBI has registered 13 FIRs linked toVyapam scam after Supreme Court handedover probe to it early this month.

Government Orders ...said.The order to block the online videos,

dated June 29, was issued to all Internetservice providers, who have now blockedmost of such posts. However, a few of themare still accessible and the Internet serviceproviders claim these can not be blockedtotally as they have been posted through a'secure Internet protocol'.

"We can not block all videos and websitesbecause they are on https (secured) website.The DoT is well aware of the technicalissues regarding this," a top official at oneof the Internet service providers said.

The DoT issued another order on July 8,directing the ISPs to block the social mediaaccounts and posts, as well as videos post-ed on popular video-sharing platforms,which were found to be containing contentaimed at inciting a particular minority com-munity in the neighbouring countryMyanmar.

In December also, the government hadordered blocking of 32 websites on nation-al security concerns, as they were allegedlycarrying anti-India material from terrorgroups such as ISIS (Islamic State of Iraqand Syria).

The websites that faced the crackdown atthat time included some popular video shar-ing platforms, while some of them havebeen allowed to function after removing theobjectionable content.

The websites were purportedly containingmaterial about an alleged ISIS member,who was arrested by NIA, and three otherssuspected to be associated with other terrorgroups.

Sources said the websites were beingused to induce Indian youth to join ISIS andfor spreading news about purported deathof certain persons while fighting AlliedForces in countries like Afghanistan andIraq.

Special Court...set up in Mumbai. We have started filing

cases there," the SEBI Chairman said.Mr Sinha said that the new powers have

been very helpful to SEBI in delivering itsmandate and for bringing to book thedefaulters including those defrauding thegullible investors with illicit money-pool-ing schemes promising huge returns.

"The good thing has been that on collec-tive investment schemes, there is a claritythat anything more than Rs. 100 crore is aCIS. Earlier this was not clear.

"This is one major thing that has hap-pened. Our power of recovery has alsohelped us. We have already attached morethan Rs. 2,000 crore worth of assets.Thirdly, a special court has been set up," MrSinha told PTI in an interview.

As per the available data, SEBI has initi-ated more than 2,100 attachment proceed-ings in over 700 cases so far under the newpowers.

These proceedings include attachment ofbank and demat accounts, attachment ofmovable and immovable properties,appointment of receivers for managementof attached properties and arrest and deten-tion of defaulters.

SEBI can now pass attachment orders andlaunch recovery proceedings against fraud-sters and market manipulators, includingthose running illegal deposit schemes.

While SEBI was established more than 25years ago, it has got direct recovery powersrecently to act against those refusing to paypenalties and other dues.

Earlier, SEBI had to follow a time-con-suming process of filing prosecutionagainst defaulters and fraudsters, and thenumber of defaulters refusing to pay thedues had crossed 1,300 last year.

Gross Travesty ...judgement of the court he finds that the

evidence on which Memon has been foundguilty is "very weak".

"This evidence is retracted confession ofthe co-accused and alleged recoveries," hesaid.

Regarding retracted confessions, he saidthat "everyone knows how confessions areobtained by the police in our country bytorture."

Justice Katju further said that torture issuch a terrible thing that one will confess toanything under torture.

"Joan of Arc confessed to be a witchunder torture. Moreover in Yakub Memon'scase the confession was retracted," he said.

Regarding recoveries, he said anyonehaving knowledge of working of policeknows that such alleged recoveries areoften planted.

On June 21, the Supreme Court had dis-missed the curative petition of Memonclearing the decks for his hanging.

However, on June 23, Memon againmoved the Supreme Court seeking stay ofexecution of his death sentence.

Did Yakub Memon...him. We can comment, not challenge," Mr

Seth had tweeted. Following the Omar'stweet, Mr Seth said it is the travesty of jus-tice if the court had not taken into consider-ation the reports that Memon had returnedto India following an understanding withsome intelligence officials.

Former Research and Analysis (RAW)officer B Raman, in an article written in2007, had written that Memon, whose cura-

tive petition was rejected by the SupremeCourt earlier this week, had cooperatedwith the establishment in the Mumbai blastscase.

President Pranab...will come to Bangalore where he will

inaugurate the celebrations to commemo-rate 100 years of the Karnataka Chamber ofCommerce and Industry.

On Tuesday, the President will attend thesecond annual convocation of CentralUniversity of Karnataka at Kalaburagi.

Later, he will inaugurate the MagnetoEncephalography Equipment at NationalInstitute of Mental Health and NeuroSciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore. He willalso dedicate to the nation renovated her-itage building at NIMHANS.

Online document from a month at present

to just a week.The Home Ministry is working on a proj-

ect under which the head of district police -- SP or DCP -- will be given access to data-bases of National Population Register,Aadhaar and the Crime and CriminalTracking Network System (CCTNS) toenable online verification of identity,address and criminal record, if any, of theapplicant.

The police officer will match biometricdata, photo, and address of the applicant inthe NPR, Aadhar data and check criminalantecedent on CCTNS, a comprehensivedatabase for crimes and criminals that con-nects around 14,000 police stations acrossthe country.

The project will be launched in Bengaluruas Karnataka has a robust police databasecalled Police IT.

This is part of a comprehensive plan tointegrate the database of the ExternalAffairs Ministry with the Home Ministry'sCCTNS across the country.

"When the system is finally put in place,we hope that police verification will takeless than a week from present a month inmost of the places," a Home Ministry offi-cial said.

There have been complaints of delay inmaking a fresh passport or getting the oldone renewed. This, officials said, was pri-marily due to delay in getting the policeverification report.

At present, the passport office follow adecades-old system of sending verificationrequests to the District Superintendent ofPolice's office which, in turn, forwards therequest to the police station concerned.

Allowing the CCTNS database to be usedfor the benefits of passport applicants willeliminate the time-consuming process ofpolicemen personally visiting homes.

CCTNS synchronises databases of securi-ty organisations and it would be easier forthe law enforcement agencies to track downa criminal moving from one place to anoth-er.

Officials said that if the online police ver-ification system becomes successful, gov-ernment plans to extend it to other activitieslike verification of tenants, domestic ser-vants, new government recruits and evenfor background checks of prospectiveemployees by companies and foreignembassies.

30 Per Cent Lawyers...Manan Kumar Mishra has said.He also said 20 per cent of persons sport-

ing lawyers robes did not have proper lawdegrees.

"Thirty per cent of all lawyers are fake,who either hold fraudulent degrees or arenon-practising persons and 20 per cent ofthose who sport lawyers robes do not haveproper degrees," he said addressingLawyers Meet 2015 on Saturday evening.

He pointed out how a former Delhi LawMinister himself had a fake law degree.

"Fake lawyers and non-practising lawgraduates are degrading the standards of theprofession", he said adding BCI'sCertificate and Place of Practice(Verification) Rules 2015 was one of thesteps taken by it to filter fake, non-practis-ing and bad elements from the court cam-puses and bar associations.

The initiative brought out in January thisyear was aimed at checking if someone onthe rolls of Bar Council was in real practice.

BCI, statutorily empowered to takeaction, was in the process of weeding outbad elements from the rolls (of advocateswith BCI), he said.

"Strikes on petty issues have become aregular phenomenon due to such persons,we are serious about this and will take stiffaction," he said.

Mr Mishra's views comes months afterthe Tamil Nadu Bar Council unearthed afake law degree racket.

Foreign Airlines ...Central Excise Intelligence (DGCEI) offi-

cials against these airlines for allegedly notpaying Service Tax of 12.36 per cent (now14 per cent) on fee charged by them fromcustomers on excess baggage, additionalfare difference, date change, reissue of tick-et, no show and refunds, official sourcessaid.

Instead, they were paying Service Tax of4.94 per cent on these services by wrong-fully claiming 60 per cent abatement givento them under a 1994 amendment which is"in relation to transport of passenger byair", they said.

The abatement is, however, available onlyon payment of Service Tax on basic fareand fuel surcharge.Therefore, the ServiceTax on basic fare and fuel surcharge is to becharged at 4.94 per cent and not on otherservices including cancellation chargesalso, the sources said.

The airlines have been asked by theDGCEI to provide details like amount ofService Tax collected and paid under vari-ous heads, they said.

The alleged evasion may run to severalcrores.The exact quantification will be doneas investigation progresses, the sourcessaid.

Besides these airlines, the DGCEI offi-cials have also requested data fromInternational Air Transport Association(IATA), a trade association representing air-line industry worldwide, they said.

The probe is not limited to these sixgroups and it will be expanded to covermany other foreign and domestic airlines,the sources said.

Russian Channel...apologised for the mistake and assured

that it will be more careful and vigilantabout the content exhibited in India, wasissued an advisory to adhere to Programmeand Advertising Codes, according to theMinistry.

In its advisory, the Ministry said a showcause notice was issued to the channel afterit was noticed that in December last year itran visuals which appeared offendingagainst good taste and decency.

Responding to the notice, M/s LamhasSatellite Services Limited,as the distribu-tion partner of Russia Today, submitted thatthey did not intentionally or unintentionallytry to vilify the portrayal of women in gen-eral and that the show was an extract ofanother program purely based on abstract,experimental artistic pursuit as depicted inthe clip.

It added that the channel did not aim atobjectification of women in a detrimentalway while also apologising on behalf of thechannel.

The company also said that they hadinstructed Russia Today Channel to strictlyabide by the Cable TV Regulation Act andit had assured to be more careful and vigi-lant about the content exhibited in India.

A representative of the channel alsoappeared before an Inter MinisterialCommittee (IMC) which looked into thematter and admitted that it was a mistake ontheir part to telecast the programme.

The representative added that the pro-gramme was telecast during late hoursunder the impression that it would bewatched by adult persons only and thus,would not be treated as a violation.However, she regretted the entire incident,the ministry order said.

Examining all aspects, the IMC felt thatRussia Today TV appeared to be ignorant ofsome rules as they were referring to'Watershed hour' concept which may bethere in some countries but it not a part ofthe Programme Code.

It, however, noted that the channel hadapologised and expressed willingness toabide by rules in future. Emphasising that aforeign TV channel needs to be aware ofrules of the country in which they broad-cast, the Committee also noted that this wasthe first show cause notice for RussiaToday, indicating that they normally havefollowed the Programme Code.

The IMC recommended issuing of an"Advisory" to Russia Today TV channel.

Following the recommendation, the I&Bministry in the advisory issued this monthasked Russia TV channel to adhere to theProgramme and Advertising Codes and becareful with regard to content to be telecaston the channel.

Bagdogra-Bound Air...landing at the NSC Bose International

Airport here safely with all 115 passengerson board," an Air India spokesman said inKolkata.

"Because of a suspected technical snag,the Bagdogra-bound plane was diverted tothe city airport and made 'precautionarylanding' at around 1.35 PM," he said.

"All 115 passengers were later taken totheir destination Bagdogra by a changedaircraft," the spokesman said.

Airport sources later said the technicalsnag was a leakage in the aircraft'shydraulic system.

Rains Forecast ...West Bengal and Konkan-Goa belt during

the next 48 hours starting from Sunday,National Weather Forecasting Centre chiefBrahma Prakash Yadav said.

Heavy rainfall would occur at isolatedplaces over Jammu and Kashmir, HimachalPradesh, Uttrakhand, Nagaland, Manipur,Mizoram and Tripura, he added.

Till July 22, rainfall was below normal by12 per cent, he added

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SCIENCE & TECH6 NEW DELHI | MONDAY | JULY 27, 2015Fight for right

India's RelianceIndustries Ltd willlaunch its ambitious

4G telecoms venture inDecember through a directphysical presence in over1,000 "Jio Centers" andwill also sell self-brandeddevices under its retailunit, the company dis-closed in a post earningspresentation on Saturday.

The energy conglomer-ate run by the country'srichest man, MukeshAmbani, re-entered thetelecoms sector in 2010and has already investedover $15 billion (roughlyRs. 96,162 crores) inbuilding the country'slargest 4G broadband net-work, with commercialoperations expected tostart in December.

The company will start"extensive" beta testsacross the country in thenext few weeks to test itsnetwork, joint chief finan-cial officer V. Srikanth toldreporters on Friday, afterthe company posted esti-mate-topping first quarterprofit boosted by its high-est gross refining marginin six years.

Reliance will use a two-pronged strategy for ensur-ing device availability,using open market as wellas self-branded devicesunder its retail unit's elec-

tronics arm, RelianceDigital.

"Reliance Digital wouldbe a catalyst by makingavailable entry level toultra premium 4G LTEsmartphones... in drivingthe device ecosystem inIndia for Jio," the compa-ny said.

The much-delayedlaunch and investment inthe venture has drawn crit-icism, but Ambani allayedsome concerns when hetold shareholders in Junethat the Jio network willroll out with coverage toabout 80 percent of thecountry's population.

(Also see: Airtel CouldLaunch Branded 4GSmartphones to CounterReliance Jio)

Apart from the 1,000 'JioCenters,' the company willhave 500,000 connectivityoutlets and 1 million addi-tional recharge outlets atlaunch, the company'spresentation said.

It has also engaged withglobal smartphone brandsincluding Apple, Samsung,Huawei and Xiaomi toensure availability of 4Gdevices and pocket routersacross price ranges, thecompany said.

Reuters had reported in

1. Neurospora is used as genetic material becauseA. it has short life cycle of 10 daysB. the product of single meiosis can be easilyanalysedC. meiotic products are linearly arranged in the formof ordered tetradsD. is a diploid fungus

2. Phloem is a tissue found inA. reproductive organs of animals B. plantsC. insects D. mammals

3. N2 content is kept constant in the biosphere due toA. N2 fixation B. industrial pollutionC. nitrogen cycle D. absorption of N2

4. out of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates present in acell membrane, what is true?

A. Lipids are maximumB. Carbohydrates are minimumC. Carbohydrates are maximumD. All three are in equal proportion


Answer: 1(A), 2(B), 3(C), 4(B)

TODAY’S STARARIES Plans to get some long-neglected tasks done around the house or yard

may be interrupted by a phone call from someone dear who lives faraway. You might be so excited by the call that you are no longer in theright frame of mind to finish your work once the conversation ends. Don'tworry. You can always get the tasks done later.

TAURUS Plans to get together with a close friend or romantic partner might goawry due to circumstances beyond your control, Taurus. Sudden eventscould necessitate being out of touch. You might have to face delayswhen you're trying to make arrangements. Don't give up - you will reachyour goal but just a little later than you'd hoped. Accept things as theyare and change your schedule. These things happen.

GEMINI A member of your household has perhaps been withholdingsome negative emotions for a long time. He or she may finally letloose with everything today. This could prove disconcerting,Gemini, as you probably had no idea this was going on. Somehonest talk is definitely in order. Try to show that you understand.All should be fine in the end.

CANCER An unexpected and perhaps unwelcome call or email from a co-worker might mean you have to work some extra hours, Cancer.This could be frustrating. You may feel that someone is takingunfair advantage of you. If you aren't up to doing it, say no. Thiswon't affect your long-term standing with this person. Otherwise,grit your teeth, dig in, and think of it as a favor.

LEO You may have been saving up for something you really wanted, Leo,when an unexpected expense compels you to spend some of your sav-ings. This could cause some gloom. Make sure you've exhausted all ofyour other options before digging into your nest egg. Appearances couldbe deceiving. There could be other resources at your disposal that youdidn't immediately think of.

VIRGO Some hidden problems in your house could suddenly appear,Virgo. This could involve plumbing, electricity, or the walls. Repairsare definitely indicated. It's best if you see to them right away ratherthan wait. The problem will only escalate if neglected. It's probablybetter to call in professionals than to try to do it yourself. Things likethis are a drag, but they happen.

LIBRA Some strange communications could come your way today, Libra.Hang-ups or blank emails could have you wondering who the personis and what they want from you. This is probably due more to prob-lems with phone lines or Internet connections than to anything else,so don't waste time worrying. If you think you know who's trying toreach you, wait until tomorrow and contact him or her.

SCORPIO A group you're affiliated with could find some discrepancies in theirfinancial records and ask you to check into it, Scorpio. This is prob-ably due more to mistaken entries or lost pages than to any majordisaster, but solving it will set everyone's mind at ease. Don't besurprised if you have to dig through little scraps of paper buried inthe bottom of files. It will be worth it, though.

SAGITTARIUS Secrets that someone close has been trying to keep hidden could comeout today, Sagittarius. This may or may not be something Earthshaking,but either way, some quick damage control might prevent them frombecoming common knowledge. The people around you are more under-standing than you know, so express how you feel. By tomorrow it shouldbe old news. Take care of business and all will be well.

CAPRICORN Some strange news concerning friends who live far away couldcome to you secondhand today, Capricorn. Attempts to reachthe people in question may prove fruitless, at least now. Withholdjudgment about what you hear until you talk to your friends, asmuch of what is passed on to you is likely to be misinformation.Tomorrow you should have better luck reaching them.

AQUARIUS Some rather unsettling insights into a friend's thoughts and feel-ings could come to you today. Your intuition is keener than usual,Aquarius, so trust your instincts about everyone, even strangers.Disconcerting though it may be, the experience will increase yourunderstanding of others and enable you to deal with them in theright way. This could strengthen your relationships.

PISCES A disagreement with a friend or family member could cause confu-sion and hurt feelings if it isn't nipped in the bud. Communication isthe key, Pisces. Avert misunderstanding by explaining in detailexactly what it is you need or what you're prepared to give. Don'tassume everyone knows this already. Do this in person if you can.Phone or email might not be as effective.

Xiaomi had recently slashed theprice of the 64GB variant of theMi 4 in India to Rs. 17,999 and

now the company has moved to make theprice cut permanent. The price was earli-er valid only for Friday but Xiaomi Indiatweeted to confirm that the new price ishere to stay.

To recall, the Xiaomi Mi 4 64GB vari-ant was launched in India carrying a pricetag of Rs. 23,999. The smartphonereceived its first price cut in April, bring-ing the price down to Rs. 21,999, fol-lowed by another price cut last monthwhen the price was slashed to 19,999.

The Xiaomi Mi 4 (Review | Pictures)runs on MIUI 6 based on Android 4.4KitKat. It is powered by a quad-coreQualcomm Snapdragon 801 processorclocked at 2.5GHz alongside 3GB ofRAM. The Mi 4 sports the same 5-inchfull-HD display (1080x1920 pixels)found on the Mi 3; although this time thecompany has used a JDI OGS full lami-nation display. There is a 13-megapixelrear camera and an 8-megapixel front-facing camera on the Xiaomi Mi 4, withboth sporting Sony's stacked CMOS sen-sors. The smartphone is backed by a3080mAh Li-ion battery.

The Xiaomi Mi 4 also comes in 16GBstorage capacity, which is now availableat a price of Rs. 14,999.

Xiaomi Mi 4 64GB IndiaPrice Cut Is Now Permanent

12:00AM MasterChefIndia : Extra Class01:00AM Ye HaiMohabbatein01:30AM Iss Pyaar Ko

Kya Naam Doon...Ek Baar Phir02:00AM Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai02:30AM Veera: Ek Veer Ki Ardaas03:00AM Tu Mera Hero03:30AM Suhani Si Ek Ladki04:00AM Saath Nibhaana Saathiya04:30AM Tere Shehar Mein05:00AM Diya Aur Baati Hum05:30AM Nisha Aur Uske Cousins06:00AM Iss Pyaar Ko Kya NaamDoon...Ek Baar Phir06:30AM Ye Hai Mohabbatein07:00AM Tu Mera Hero07:30AM Veera: Ek Veer Ki Ardaas08:00AM Suhani Si Ek Ladki08:30AM Tere Shehar Mein09:00AM Diya Aur Baati Hum09:30AM Ye Hai Mohabbatein10:00AM Saath Nibhaana Saathiya10:30AM Tu Mera Hero11:00AM Veera: Ek Veer Ki Ardaas11:30AM Iss Pyaar Ko Kya NaamDoon...Ek Baar Phir12:00PM Diya Aur Baati Hum12:30PM Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai01:00PM Ye Hai Mohabbatein01:30PM Tu Mera Hero02:00PM Diya Aur Baati Hum02:30PM MasterChef India03:00PM Tere Shehar Mein03:30PM Suhani Si Ek Ladki04:00PM Saath Nibhaana Saathiya04:30PM Nisha Aur Uske Cousins05:00PM Veera: Ek Veer Ki Ardaas05:30PM Iss Pyaar Ko Kya NaamDoon...Ek Baar Phir06:00PM MasterChef India06:30PM Suhani Si Ek Ladki07:00PM Saath Nibhaana Saathiya :Ab Tak Ka Safar07:30PM Ye Hai Mohabbatein08:00PM Tu Mera Hero08:30PM Nisha Aur Uske Cousins09:00PM Diya Aur Baati Hum09:30PM Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai10:00PM Tere Shehar Mein10:30PM MasterChef India11:00PM Ye Hai Mohabbatein11:30PM Tu Mera Hero __________________________

12:00AM Teleshopping02:00AM Jodha Akbar02:30AM Kumkum

Bhagya03:00AM Jamai Raja03:30AM Doli Armaano Ki04:00AM Baba Ramdev Ka Yog05:00AM Narayan Seva Sansthan05:30AM Dera Saccha Sauda06:00AM Sant Nirankari Mandal06:30AM The Faith show

07:00AM Kumkum Bhagya07:30AM Service Wali Bahu08:00AM Satrangi Sasural08:30AM Jamai Raja09:00AM Kumkum Bhagya09:30AM Jodha Akbar10:00AM Service Wali Bahu10:30AM Hello Pratibha11:00AM Doli Armaano Ki11:30AM Satrangi Sasural12:00PM Jamai Raja12:30PM Kumkum Bhagya01:00PM Service Wali Bahu01:30PM Doli Armaano Ki02:00PM Satrangi Sasural02:30PM Jamai Raja03:00PM Kumkum Bhagya03:30PM Hello Pratibha04:00PM SaReGaMaPa L’il Champs04:30PM Bandhan....Sari UmarHume Sang Rehna Hai05:00PM Jodha Akbar05:30PM Qubool Hai06:00PM Kumkum Bhagya06:30PM Service Wali Bahu07:00PM Bandhan....Sari UmarHume Sang Rehna Hai07:30PM Hello Pratibha08:00PM Jodha Akbar08:30PM Jamai Raja09:00PM Kumkum Bhagya09:30PM Qubool Hai10:00PM Satrangi Sasural10:30PM Doli Armaano Ki11:00PM Service Wali Bahu11:30PM Jamai Raja _________________________

12:00AM Best ofSavdhaan India: IndiaFights Back : UP FightBack Now

01:00AM Supercops vsSupervillains... Shapath

02:00AM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back : UP Fight BackNow

03:00AM Mahakumbh - Ek RahasayaEk Kahani ! : Kahani Rudra ki

04:00AM Supercops vsSupervillains... Shapath

05:00AM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back : Punjab FightBack now

06:00AM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back : UP Fight BackNow

07:00AM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back : 11 @ CrimeAlert

07:30AM Mere Rang Mein RangneWali

08:00AM Mahakumbh - Ek RahasayaEk Kahani ! : Kahani Rudra ki

08:30AM Comedy Classes09:00AM Dream Girl Ek Ladki

Deewani Si09:30AM Mere Rang Mein Rangne


10:00AM Mahakumbh - Ek RahasayaEk Kahani !

10:30AM Comedy Classes11:00AM Dream Girl Ek Ladki

Deewani Si11:30AM Mahakumbh - Ek Rahasaya

Ek Kahani ! : Kahani Rudra ki12:00PM Best of Savdhaan India:

India Fights Back01:00PM Best Of Savdhaan India :

Mumbai Fights Back02:00PM Best of Savdhaan India:

India Fights Back : 11 @ CrimeAlert

02:30PM Dream Girl Ek LadkiDeewani Si

03:00PM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back : UP Fight BackNow

04:00PM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back

05:00PM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back

06:00PM Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back

07:00PM Dream Girl Ek LadkiDeewani Si

07:30PM Mere Rang Mein RangneWali

08:00PM Mahakumbh - Ek RahasayaEk Kahani !

08:30PM Kalash09:00PM Laut Aao Trisha09:30PM Dream Girl Ek Ladki

Deewani Si10:00PM Comedy Classes10:30PM Savdhaan India: India

Fights Back11:30PM Mahakumbh - Ek Rahasaya

Ek Kahani ! __________________________

12:00AM SoundShuffle0 1 : 0 0 A MTeleshopping

06:30AM Morning Music Mocha07:00AM Morning Music Mocha08:00AM Jump Starter09:00AM Morning Music Mania10:30AM Tweet Your Beat11:00AM Bindass Juke Box12:00PM Yeh Hai Aashiqui01:00PM Halla Bol (2)02:00PM Love By Chance03:00PM Teleshopping03:45PM Bounce04:00PM Yeh Hai Aashiqui05:00PM Fb Jukebox06:00PM Yeh Hai Aashiqui07:00PM Halla Bol (2)08:00PM Love By Chance09:00PM Halla Bol (2)10:00PM Yeh Hai Aashiqui11:00PM Love By Chance __________________________

12:00AM Bade AchheLagte Hain12:30AM Teleshopping01:00AM Ring Wrong

Ring01:30AM FIR

02:00AM Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo02:30AM Lapataganj03:00AM Parvarrish - Kuchh Khattee

Kuchh Meethi03:30AM Bade Achhe Lagte Hain04:00AM Saas Bina Sasural04:30AM Kuch Toh Log Kahenge05:00AM Entertainment Ke Liye

Kuch Bhi Karega06:00AM Teleshopping07:48AM Filler08:00AM Teleshopping08:24AM Teleshopping08:48AM Filler09:00AM Ring Wrong Ring09:30AM Bade Achhe Lagte Hain10:00AM Gutur Gu10:30AM Lapataganj11:00AM Entertainment Ke Liye Kuch

Bhi Karega12:00PM Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo12:30PM FIR01:00PM Bade Achhe Lagte Hain01:30PM Saas Bina Sasural02:00PM Parvarrish - Kuchh Khattee

Kuchh Meethi02:30PM Kuch Toh Log Kahenge03:00PM Lapataganj03:30PM FIR04:00PM Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo04:30PM Bade Achhe Lagte Hain05:00PM Parvarrish - Kuchh Khattee

Kuchh Meethi05:30PM Saas Bina Sasural06:00PM Gutur Gu06:30PM Ring Wrong Ring07:00PM Jeannie Aur Juju07:30PM FIR08:00PM Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo08:30PM Lapataganj09:00PM Parvarrish - Kuchh Khattee

Kuchh Meethi09:30PM Saas Bina Sasural10:00PM Bade Achhe Lagte Hain10:30PM Kuch Toh Log Kahenge11:00PM Entertainment Ke Liye Kuch

Bhi Karega ___________________________

0 1 : 0 5 A MChakradhaar02:55AM Shikari: The

Hunter05:30AM Ram Jaane07:55AM Dulhan Hum Le Jayenge10:50AM Hulchul02:05PM Garam Masala05:05PM Bandhan08:00PM Bhaag Milkha Bhaag_________________________

12:51AM Filler04:09AM Tere

Mere Phere06:15AM Manjunath08:57AM Thunderball11:39AM Monsters vs. Aliens01:36PM Deewana04:52PM Main Khiladi Tu Anari08:00PM Ishq11:00PM Quantum of Solace

Reliance to LaunchTelecom Venture With

Over 1,000 Stores Your fears are notc o m p l e t e l yunfounded. Mobile

phones can actually causecancer, says a study.

A metabolic imbalancecaused by radiation fromyour wireless devicescould be the link to a num-ber of health risks, such asvarious neurodegenerativediseases and cancer, thestudy suggested.

This imbalance, alsoknown as oxidative stress,is defined as "an imbalancebetween the production ofreactive oxygen species(ROS) and antioxidantdefence" by the authors.

The hazardous effects ofradiation from wirelessdevices could be realisedthrough the "classicalmechanisms" of oxidative

impairments in living cells,the researchers said.

The study, published inthe journalElectromagnetic Biology& Medicine, exploredexperimental data on themetabolic effects of low-intensity radiofrequencyradiation (RFR) in livingcells.

Study co-author Igor

Yakymenko from theNational University forFood Technologies said theoxidative stress due to RFRexposure could explain notonly cancer, but also otherminor disorders such asheadache, fatigue and skinirritation, which coulddevelop after long-termexposure.

"These data are a clearsign of the real risks this

kind of radiation poses forhuman health,"Yakymenko said.

"ROS are often producedin cells due to aggressiveenvironments, and can alsobe provoked by ordinarywireless radiation," headded.

In 2011, the InternationalAgency for Research onCancer classified RFR as a

possible carcinogen forhumans. But clear molecu-lar mechanisms of sucheffects of RFR were a bot-tleneck in acceptance of areality of risk.

Yakymenko and his col-leagues call for a precau-tionary approach in usingwireless technologies, suchas cell phones and wirelessInternet.

Wireless Devices May Cause Cancer: Study

Website: Email: [email protected]

Nasscom Fridaysaid there was aneed to protect

the country's interestsin services and technol-ogy even as WTOmembers ratified theneed to change the 18-year old InformationTechnology Agreement(ITA).

"These trade agree-ments give access toIndia's market to com-panies globally. So thequestion is what we aregetting in return andwhether our servicesare getting the recipro-cal access," NasscomPresident RChandrasekhar said onthe sidelines of a RetailSummit organized byIndian Chamber ofCommerce (ICC) inKolkata.

According to him,restrictions and con-straints are coming upoutside the trade agree-ments like movementof technically skilledpersons, or even themovement of data.

India is yet to be asignatory to the new


"What is happeningin trade is happening,but restrictions arecoming up outside thetrade agreements. Ithink it is important thatwe need to ensure thatprotect our interests inservice and technologyeven as these globaltrade agreements arereached," he added.

The agreement is toupdate the WTO's ITAthat adds more than 200products to the list ofgoods covered by zerotariff and duty freetrade.

Some of the duty freeproducts include com-puter software and soft-ware media, videogame console, printer

ink catridges, GPS andmedical devices amongothers.

Chandrashekhar alsosaid the Indian infor-mation technology sec-tor was expected to logsix per cent growth inits hiring rate.

The current employeestrength in the sector isaround 3.5 million.

Nasscom Wants India toProtect Its Own Interest on ITA

SPORTS7 NEW DELHI | MONDAY | JULY 27, 2015Fight for right Website:

Email: [email protected]

NEW DELHIConfident about India’s prepa-

ration for the upcoming WorldChampionship, chief badmintoncoach Pullela Gopichand saidthe home shuttlers have the bestchance of winning multiplemedals at the prestigious tourna-ment next month.

For the first time, India willhave a World No. 2 and WorldNo. 3 in Saina Nehwal andKidambi Srikanth respectivelyparticipating in the WorldChampionship when it getsunderway at Jakarta in Indonesiafrom August 10-16.

“We stand a good chance towin medals at multiple eventsthis time but having said that, itis the World Championship, wehave to deliver to win and it isimportant to perform on that par-ticular day and ranking doesn’tmatter. But we can say that wehave a few players who can get

into the medal slot,” saidGopichand.

“We had a good training campfor the event. There is(Parupalli) Kashyap, Srikanth,(PV) Sindhu, (HS) Prannoy. Ofcourse Prannoy has just recov-ered from his injury but I amhappy with the way he is pro-gressing and he would be play-ing the event,” he added.

A Commonwealth Gameschampion, Kashyap has beenblowing hot and cold this seasonbut his last outing saw himdefeat World No. 1 Chen Longof China at Indonesia in June.

Asked about Kashyap,Gopichand said: “I think physi-cally, it is always a challenge forKashyap because of his bodytype. He has asthma also. But heputs in a lot of effort on the courtand in my book he is playing thebest badminton right now.”

We stand a good chance to winmedals at World C’ship: Gopi

ISLAMABADWell aware that he has reached

the business end of his interna-tional cricket career, PakistanTest captain Misbah-ul-Haq isplanning to call time if the much-awaited series against archrivalsIndia happens at the end of theyear.

“I know very well that there isnot much cricket left in me. Yes,I want to play a few more Testmatches as I look forward to lifebeyond cricket. But there is aplan. If the series against Indiahappens, I want to play that seriesand probably retire from interna-tional cricket. So India series canbe my last one,” the 41-year-oldMisbah told PTI during an inter-action.

Having already retired fromT20 Internationals and ODIs,Misbah spoke about the pros andcons of being an internationalcricketer, who only plays thelonger format.

“You can view this aspect fromtwo sides. If I talk about the diffi-cult part of it, it is the gaps thatmight affect a cricketer’s form.Take a player, who plays all threeinternational formats. That crick-eter is playing round the year andis effortlessly switching from oneformat to other.

“But when you are just playingTest cricket, it becomes a chal-

lenge since there will be gaps.You straightaway cannot get intothe groove but it’s hard work asyou don’t have it easy in Testcricket. That’s the difficult part,”feels Misbah, who recently pliedhis trade in domestic T20 forCaribbean Premier League sideSt. Loucia Zouks.

“Now, coming to the positiveaspect of playing only Test crick-et… There are enough gaps for

you to think, just go back to thedrawing board and work on yourgame.”

“When you constantly playthree international formats roundthe year, there might be technicalerrors that develop in one’s game.Once you get time off from thegame, you can take correctivemeasures,” said Misbah, who has4000 runs from 52 Tests and5122 runs from 162 ODIs.

For Misbah, one of the biggesthighlights of his internationalcareer would be leading his coun-try to their highest-ever run-chase against Sri Lanka atPallekele achieving the 377-runfourth innings target.

“It was a very big achievementfor us,” said Misbah, whose owncontribution was an unbeaten 59including a six that ended thematch.

“It was probably one of thebiggest achievements of my

international career, being a partof such a win. It is never easy tochase a target of 377 in the fourthinnings. You also have to keepthis in mind that Sri Lanka had avery good bowling attack. Youneed to have a disciplined mind-set and execute your plans insuch a big chase. It was reallysatisfying,” said Misbah.

The Pakistan captain is alsoecstatic about the emergence ofYasir Shah as a match-winningleg-spinner and feels that he hasthe potential to be a world beater.

“Yasir is a very talentedbowler. He has shown what he iscapable of. What I would expectfrom him is consistency over alengthy period of time. If he canshow this type of consistency inthe coming years, he will countedamong the top-class leg-spinnersin world cricket. The other areathat he would also have to workon is adapting to various condi-tions,” Misbah concluded.

Misbah ‘might retire after India series if it happens’

NEW DELHISri Lankan opener

Tillakaratne Dilshan onSunday joined an elite clubof cricketers by crossingthe 10,000 ODI run-markduring the 5th ODI againstPakistan at Hambantota.

The stylish right-handerhas now become 11th bats-man overall and the fourthSri Lankan to cross themark of 10,000 runs in 50-overs cricket.

Before Dilshan, onlythree Islanders -- KumarSangakkara, SanathJayasuriya and MahelaJayawardene -- have man-aged to achieve the feat.

The 38-year-old, reachedthe landmark when he tooka single off Shoaib Malikto move to 55, beforebeing run out on 63.

The aggressive batsman

took 293 innings to featurehimself among the topscoring batsmen of alltime, boasting an averageof about 40.

The top run-scorer in thisformat is Sachin

Tendulkar, with 18426runs under his belt. The listalso includes big nameslike Rahul Dravid, BrianLara, Ricky Ponting,Sourav Ganguly,Inzamam-ul-Haq andJacques Kallis.

LONDONRafael Nadal heads back

to the comfort of clay nextweek as the strugglingSpaniard attempts toresolve the crisis that hasgripped his game.

The 29-year-old is topseed at the Hamburg Openbut his decision to play aEuropean clay tournamentwith the US hardcourt sea-son just around the cornerhas baffled many.

"It`s obvious that the sit-uation is different," saidNadal on Saturday.

"I have lost more (thisyear) than in the last 10 or11 years."

In a testing 2015, Nadalhas seen his world rankingslump to 10 -- his lowest in

a decade -- and lose hisFrench Open title where hehad been champion ninetimes.

He has already beendefeated 12 times this year,including just a secondcareer loss at RolandGarros and a second roundexit to German journey-man Dustin Brown atWimbledon.

In 2014, Nadal was beat-en just 11 times. He wasdefeated only seven timesin 2013 and lost a mere sixmatches in the whole of2012.

"I need to accept that it isa new situation and face itwith a good attitude andkeep working hard toreturn to a good level,"added Nadal.

Tillakaratne Dilshan becomes 4th SriLankan to get past 10,000-run mark in ODIs

NEW DELHIBotswana’s Nijel Amos laid

down a marker ahead of nextmonth’s World Championships bywinning a highly-anticipated 800metres showdown with KenyanOlympic champion David Rudishaat the Diamond League onSaturday.

The unorthodox 21-year-oldAmos, who also beat Rudisha inLausanne this month, clocked atime of 1:44.57 following a strongsurge down the home straight.

Returning to the OlympicStadium where he set the worldrecord in 2012 — described as thegreatest 800 metres race ever —Rudisha, still recovering frominjury, finished second in1:44.67.

Jamaica’s Elaine Thompson lefta strong field floundering in herwake as she cantered to victory inthe 200 metres in a time of 22.10— over two tenths of a secondahead of second-placed ToriBowie.

The results: Men: 400m: 1.Wayde van Niekerk (RSA) 44.63,2. David Verburg (USA) 45.01, 3.Christopher Brown (Jam) 45.22;800m: 1. Nijel Amos (Bot)1:44.57, 2. David Rudisha (Ken)1:44.67, 3. Adam Kszczot (Pol)1:44.85.

Mile: 1. Asbel Kiprop (Ken)3:54.87, 2. Matthew Centrowitz(USA) 3:55.03, 3. AyanlehSouleiman (Dji) 3:55.06; 400mhurdles: 1. Michael Tinsley (USA)49.02, 2. L.J. van Zyl (RSA)49.27, 3. Niall Flannery (Gbr)

49.53; 3,000m steeple: 1.Conseslus Kipruto (Ken) 8:09.47,2. Jairus Kipchoge (Ken) 8:09.81,3. Paul Kipsiele Koech (Ken)8:12.13; 4x100m relay: 1. GreatBritain 38.32, 2. France 38.34, 3.Europe 39.23; Long jump: 1.Marquis Dendy (USA) 8.38m, 2.Zarck Visser (RSA) 8.21, 3. GregRutherford (Gbr) 8.18; Pole vault:1. Renaud Lavillenie (Fra) 6.03m,2. Shawnacy Barber (Can) 5.93, 3.Augusto de Oliveira (Bra) 5.81.

Women: 100m final (wind: +0.1m/s): 1. Dafne Schippers (Ned)

10.92, 2. Blessing Okagbare (Ngr)10.98, 3. Murielle Ahour (Civ)11.01.

200m (wind: -0.3 m/s): 1. ElaineThompson (Jam) 22.10, 2. ToriBowie (USA) 22.32, 3. CandyceMcGrone (USA) 22.70; 800m: 1.Eunice Jepkoech Sum (Ken)1:58.44, 2. Sifan Hassan (Ned)1:59.46, 3. Lynsey Sharp (Gbr)1:59.57.

5,000m: 1. Mercy Cherono(Ken) 14:54.81, 2. Molly Huddle(USA) 14:57.42, 3. Janeth Kisa(Ken) 15:10.66; Long jump: 1.Shara Proctor (Gbr) 6.98m, 2.Jazmin Sawyers (Gbr) 6.66, 3.Jana Veldàkovà (Svk) 6.51; Polevault: 1. Nikolta Kiriakopolou(Gre) 4.79m, 2. AnzhelikaSidorova (Rus) 4.79, 3. EkaterniStefandi (Gre) 4.62.

Shot put: 1. Michelle Carter(USA) 19.74m, 2. Valerie Adams(Nzl) 18.59, 3. Cleopatra Borel(Tri) 18.53; Javelin: 1. MadaraPalameika (Lat) 65.01m, 2.Barbora Spotakova (Cze) 65.00, 3.Kimberley Mickle (Aus) 63.39.

Amos beats Rudisha again in 800mLONDON

Wayne Rooney got on the scoresheet asManchester United scored a morale-boost-ing 3-1 friendly victory over Europeanchampion Barcelona here on Saturday.

Rooney, Jesse Lingard and AdnanJanuzaj got United’s goals to settle anentertaining game in front of 68,416 fansat the Levi’s Stadium, home of the NFL’sSan Francisco 49ers.

Rafinha scored a late consolation forBarcelona in the 90th minute, lashinghome a shot before Januzaj nettedUnited’s third just 30 seconds later.

Barcelona, missing superstars LionelMessi and Neymar after its exertion in theCopa America, was left ruing a series ofchances which hit the woodwork.

Barcelona could have been 2-0 up with-in the opening minutes, Luis Suarez crash-ing a free-kick off the post safter only fourminutes with United goalkeeper David DeGea beaten. Moments later De Gea waspressed into action when Sergi Robertoburst through only to shoot directly at theUnited keeper with the goal at his mercy.

United made Barcelona pay for its early

profligacy in the seventh minute whenRooney headed the Red Devils into thelead, punishing slack marking to powerAshley Young’s corner into the net pastMarc Andre Ter Stegen. The goal boostedUnited and it grew in confidence, withMemphis Depay’s movement and inter-play again catching the eye for United.

NEW DELHIBengaluru Bulls shook

off its tentativeness todefeat Puneri Paltan 31-26in their ProKabaddiLeague match at the NetajiIndoor Stadium here onSaturday.

Led by captain WazirSingh, the Pune side madea few good raids to keepits nose in front. Manoj

Kumar, who did well indefence, came up with a‘super tackle’ to helpPaltan get the Bulls all out,the lona lifting the team to10-4 in the ninth minute.

Paltan, who enjoyed aslight edge in the first partof the match, led 13-12 athalf-time.

The change of ends saw

Bulls inten-sify theire f f o r t st h r o u g hc a p t a i nM a n j e e tC h h i l l a r ,whose paceand physi-cal thrustput theP a l t a ndefence onthe back-foot.

R a j e s hMondal andR a k e s hN a r w a ladded teeth

to the Bulls attack as theteam earned a ‘lona’ in the27th minute to open up afour-point gap (22-18).

Bulls kept widening thelead and it was 27-19 afterNarwal made a super raidand got three Paltandefenders out in the 32ndminute.

Bulls, with their thirdwin in four outings, have15 points from four match-es and remained third.Paltan suffered their fourthconsecutive loss and wereat the bottom of the tablewith three points.

Dabang Delhi registeredits second consecutivewin, beating BengalWarriors 32-21. KashilingAdake (6 points) and RohitChoudhary (6) led theDabang attack while skip-per Ravinder Singh Pahalwas solid in defence.

Warriors also saw two oftheir key players sufferinjuries — captain DineshKumar and defenderNilesh Shinde. The lattersuffered a neck injurywhile trying to tackleChoudhary, and had to bestretchered off and admit-ted to a local hospital.

Bulls powerpast Paltan

Man United downs Barcelona

Rafael Nadal heads backto clay to salvage season

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From a headache to a back ache, yourhealth can suffer in all sorts of ways,when your digestive system is off. In

addition to digestive disorders such as irrita-ble bowel syndrome (IBS), bloating, consti-pation, diarrhea, heartburn or gas, you mayalso experience food allergies, weight gain,eczema, exhaustion, and asthma.

If unattended to, these symptoms can man-ifest into chronic health conditions. Here are10 natural ways to heal your digestive system.


Let's start at the beginning. Good digestionstarts in the mouth.When you chew your foodwell, it eases the work required from yourdigestive system, so your body can focus onother tasks instead.


Fermented and cultured foods are high ingood bacteria and eating them will help youregenerate your gut flora naturally. Thegreater the variety of fermented and culturedfoods you can include in your diet, the better.Try eating fermented vegetables, kimchi, orpickle.If you have a severe gut disorder, goslow. Allow c time for your internal environ-ment to change and for your digestive systemto become stronger.


You can heal your digestive system by sup-porting your liver to work efficiently andeffectively. Aside of abstaining from alcohol,which is poison to your digestive system, tryto boost your intake of liver-loving foodssuch as carrots, beetroot and green leafy veg-gies and freshly squeezed juices.


Many people with digestive disorders areextremely dehydrated. If that is an issue foryou, try increasing your water intake now.With summer looming over our heads, youdon't have a choice really.Go for fresh nimbu

paani, coconut water and fruit juices to helpyou quench your thirst and stay hydratedthrough the day.

Herbal green teas are another great way tohydrate and heal your body. Peppermint, gin-ger, fennel and fenugreek are known for theirdigestive supporting properties. If you'relooking for a coffee substitute, try dandeliontea with milk.


Had a crazy busy day at work and invari-ably an upset stomach? How's that related?Well, stress doesn't just wreak havoc on yourmind; it can mess with your digestion.

There are many ways to reduce stress, thefirst being by giving yourself per mission todiscover what kinds of relaxing activitieswork best for you.Easy and gentle activi tiessuch as meditation, pranayam, yoga,listeningto soothing music, walking and naps help toreduce stress levels.


A gentle detox on a regular basis can be agreat way to reset your entire digestive sys-tem. Consider including aloe vera and amlajuice in your detox. According to Ayurveda,the concoction helps with digestive issues.


Glutamine is one of the most importantnutrients that you can give your body as itsupports the repair and regeneration of theintestinal lining in your body and also soothesinflammation. You can find glutamine in sup-plement form and it's also found in foods suchas meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, beets,beans, spinach, parsley and fresh vegetablejuices.But do not opt for supplements as mostcontains chemicals, which upset the stomach.Doesn't help the cause.


Probiotics are the good bacteria that havebeen shown to improve gut health. They areeasily available in yoghurt. Have a bowl withyour lunch.


Moving on from diet,and food trends, buildknowledge of your own body, listen to it, sothat you can eat and live in a way that servesyou. Understanding your body will put you incharge of your own health, so you can makechoices based on what works best for yourbody.If you're experiencing health disorders,understand that your body is trying to com-municate with you. Listen to your body anduse these 10 healing ideas to re-balance andheal your digestive system.

9 natural ways to improve digestion

Moonlight pro-duction pres-ents yet

another interesting storyof a girl named lillywho hailed from a smalltown and wanna getrich, successful overnight. But,will she orwon't she? Stay tuned,promos to out soon.Samira Raza, in mainlead with supportingcast Reet, Roopa,Sahiba, Akanksha andGagan Deep Singh.Param of Moonlightproductions is veryhopeful that this smallbudget entertainer willdo big in the industry.

This small budget entertainer willdo big in the industry: Param MLP

Website: Email: [email protected]

SunnyLeonewants toplay asuperheroin her nextfilm!Actress Sunny Leone, known for

her bold roles in films, hasexpressed a desire to play super-

hero in a movie. The 34-year-old for-mer adult star was asked by one of herfans on Twitter if she wanted to play asuperwoman character.

“Sunny which is your dream role inyour career? Playing a superwomen’scharacter? #EqualPartnerships,” the fanasked. The “Ek Paheli Leela” starreplied saying, “Yes I want to play asuperhero @lovleypayel #equalpartner-ship.”

Sunny made her Bollywood debut inPooja Bhatt’s erotic thriller “Jism 2? in2012. She has also starred in films like“Jackpot” (2013), “Ragini MMS 2?(2014) and “Ek Paheli Leela” (2015).Currently Sunny’s hosting the eightseason of popular dating reality showSplitsvilla which is aired on MTV.

Salman Khan‘s controversialtweets have landed him in asoup a day prior to the hearing

of 2002 hit and run case. Now howwill that affect the proceedings of thecase is something we will knowtomorrow but whether or not it willimpact the dream run of his latestfilm Bajrangi Bhaijaan is somethingwe can definitely tell. We spoke totrade analyst Akshaye Rathi to know

the fate of BB after Salman’s com-ments on Yakub Memon’s hangingand it seems he feels anything canhappen.

Talking exclusively with us, Rathisays, “I don’t think this chaos willaffect Bajrangi Bhaijaan‘s box officenumbers. In fact, this could give riseto a new wave of publicity for thefilm. Unless someone creates a

ruckus and demands a ban on it, BBdoesn’t have anything to fear.” Sothere you go! Salman’s sudden com-ments on Yakub’s hanging are nothreat to BB‘s run at the box office.

So those who were a bit concernedthat Salman’s infamous tweets cancause harm to Bajranigi Bhaijaan‘scollections, you can rest assured thatnothing of the sort will happen.

Will Salman Khan’s support for Yakub Memonharm Bajrangi Bhaijaan’s box office collections?

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