
Discoverthe taste of

Employer branding toolkit and guidelines

Ferrero is anything but an ordinary company to work for. We want to clearly demonstrate this to top talent, positioning ourselves as an employer of choice so that we attract the best candidates to help continue our global success.

To help us achieve this, we have created a striking new recruitment campaign for you to use. This is based on a distinctive expression that we have carefully developed to communicate what Ferrero offers as an employer. This has been done in a way that is specifically designed to appeal to candidates’ aspirations – our employer value proposition.

This toolkit defines our employer value proposition, shows you some of the different communication materials we have produced for you, and will help you create any others you might need.

Please follow these guidelines carefully. Presenting ourselves consistently around the world will help us build a stronger global employer brand and communicate much more effectively Ferrero’s unique culture and values.

About these guidelines

Part 1: Presenting our campaign

Part 2: A guide to our recruitment communications

Part 3: Campaign asset library

1.1 Our employer value proposition

1.2 Our campaign

1.3 Discover our creative

1.4 Tone of voice

1.5 Who to contact to find out more

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Design elements

2.3 Copy

2.4 How to construct communications

2.5 Core Principles

2.6 Sample assets

3.1 How to use the library

3.2 Templates

3.3 Images

3.4 Backgrounds


Part 1: Presenting our campaign

To attract top talent and explain our employment offer consistently around the world, we need a clear definition of what makes us unique.We have carefully researched and developed the following expression of the diverse qualities that make Ferrero such an exciting an successful company:

Ferrero is anything but ordinary. A family company with a truly progressive and global outlook. Driven and dynamic yet always taking the long term view. A highly successful business that puts its products and people first, combining skills that take a lifetime to perfect with leading-edge technology.

We summarise all this in our employer value proposition:

Ferrero: a joy to discover

What makes us ‘a joy to discover’?• Many candidates are likely to know little about

Ferrero. We are a modest company that does not seek out publicity. Our employer value proposition acknowledges that, but turns it into a positive, building curiosity by suggesting that there is something great to discover, and inviting candidates into our extended family to find out more.

• This claim is also, fundamentally, true. When people find out about our products, who we are, how we work and how we behave, they are surprised and excited about the opportunities a future with Ferrero can offer them. We should never underestimate how special we are as a company and we should use this distinctiveness as a way of attracting people.

• Of course, the joy of discovery is also something that is at the heart of our products as well, for the people who work with them as much as for consumers who enjoy them. So this idea does not just express what people experience on discovering Ferrero as an employer, it reminds them what we are here for as a business too.

• Finally, the joy of discovery is an experience we know that our target audience is looking for at a time in their life when they are searching for employment – whether they are a graduate or a professional looking for a new role. They are making a big decision, and they want to feel that they are making the right one

Our employer value proposition 1.1

Our employer value proposition is supported by three pillars:Ferrero ForeverOur products are iconic and enjoy long term success because we have the perseverance required for perfection. In the same way, we care for the long term interests of our people. We strive to ensure people keep learning and growing as the company grows. Becoming Ferrero brings a quality to your life that stays with you forever.

Feeling FerreroFerrero puts people before process, because we believe striving for something special requires more collaboration than instruction. The distinctive values and strong sense of common purpose that define Ferrero also defines the way we work together, with passion, with mutual respect, putting collective success before individual ambition.

Fast ForwardOur products are enjoyed all over the world and our organization is becoming rapidly global as it welcomes an increasingly diverse range of talented new people into our extended family. Our continued growth in new markets presents exciting challenges for our people, alongside significant opportunities for career development and mobility.

Our employer value proposition 1.1

Based on research insights and an internal audit, we have created a single, overarching campaign idea to tie together all of our recruitment communications.Our campaign idea is:

Discover the taste of Ferrero

Why it works:

• This idea takes our employer value proposition that Ferrero is ‘a joy to discover’ and expresses it in a way that actively invites potential employees to explore Ferrero for themselves.

• The idea acknowledges that, for many candidates, Ferrero will not be well known as an employer, but presents this as an exciting opportunity for them.

• The reference to ‘taste’ is a reminder to people of our products, but it also suggests that Ferrero is a company you will come to love once you get to know us.

• Our campaign idea is also expressed in the imagery we have created, which shows potential candidates experiencing the joy of discovering the taste of Ferrero.

Our campaign 1.2

Discoverthe taste of

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem acc usan tium dolo remque lau da ntium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore verita t is et quasi ar chite cto beatae vitae dicta su nt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia Consequuntrat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nos trum ex erci tation em ullam corpo ris suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenerit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat Ferrero: a joy to discover

Sed ut perspic iatis unde omsd nis iste natus sit volup tatem acu fed ut perspic is unde omsit volup tatem acu ed ut perspic iatis unde omsd nis iste natus sit volup.

This is an example of the creative work that we have developed to help you recruit fresh talent into Ferrero.

We have written guidance on how to write copy for your recruitment communications.

Here you can show the brands that are relevant in your market.

Use this headline message consistently across all our recruitment communications.

All our recruitment communications should use this warm, passionate red background.

The most prominent logo must always be Ferrero, so that it is completely clear who the communication is coming from.

Always push candidates to

You should sign off all our recruitment communications with the line ‘Ferrero: a joy to discover.’

The spot of chocolate on the lips; the glimpse of the tasting tongue – you will find all these elements in each of the images we have shot for this campaign.

Discover our creative 1.3

The way we talk to candidates about careers at Ferrero has a big impact on what they think of us and our reputation. Because it is not just what we say that matters; it’s how we say it.

Here are some principles that underpin our communications, which all stem from our employer value proposition.

• Be exciting. Ferrero is a discreet business so we cannot assume candidates are familiar with us as an employer. We need to use evocative, emotional language to create an exciting sense of exploration and discovery as people come to understand the possibilities of a career with us.

• Be approachable. We want people to understand that we are a welcome company, so that we are genuinely a joy to discover. So all our communications should reflect the warmth and respect we have for each other.

• Be clear. We want to make it straightforward for people to discover Ferrero, so we always use simple, straightforward language that is accessible and easy to understand.

Tone of voice 1.4

For further information about our employer value proposition and our new recruitment campaign please contact our employer brand team.

Kathryn Callowe: [email protected]: +352 (3497) 119 780

Fabio Dioguardie: [email protected]: +352 (3497) 119 011

Who to contact to find out more 1.5

Part 2: A guide to our recruitment communications

We want to make it as easy as possible for you to create effective recruitment communications.

In this section, you will find guidelines on how to use all the different elements of our campaign in communication materials ranging from press adverts and leaflets, to presentations and exhibition stands.

To make things easy, we have created a full range of templates available to adapt online. You can find out more about how in section 3 of these guidelines in our campaign asset library.

Introduction 2.1

The Ferrero logo has two variants.

1. Gradient type This version can only be used on colored backgrounds.

2. Gradient type with reflection This version can only be used on a white background. This is the version to use in the white brand bar at the base of each execution.

1. 2.The Ferrero logo

2.2Design elements

You must never alter the Ferrero logo in any way.

Flip Stretch

Rotate Colorize

Do not alter the Ferrero logo

Do not

2.2Design elements

You must always leave a clear space around the Ferrero logo so it is legible.

1. 2.The Ferrero brand safe area

1. Take the ‘E’ from the logo and scale it up by 115% to calculate your safe area.

2. Take the ‘E’ from the logo, reduce the scale by 70% then double the width for the top safe zone. To calculate the base exclusion area, double the height and width of the 70% ‘E’.

2.2Design elements

Brand barThe brand bar must always include:

• Ferrero logo (reflection version).

• A minimum of four and a maximum of seven product logos.

Within the brand bar:

• Product logos will differ depending on relevance in each market.

• Product logos may differ in each execution.

• None of the product logos should stand out more than the Ferrero logo.

• No product logo should stand out more than any other.

• Evenly space the product logos using the width of the ‘E’ from the Ferrero logo as a guide.

• Vertically centre the product logos using the height of the white brand bar.

• Horizontally centre the product logos using the left edge of the white brand bar and the left edge of the Ferrero logo.

Working out the size of the brand bar and its contents:

• Size of the Ferrero logo is calculated by dividing the width of the artwork by 4. Also, it is vertically centred using the height of the white brand bar.

• Height of the white panel is 2.5 x the height of the increased 120% ‘E’ from the Ferrero Logo.

• Left and right margins should be 1 x the width of the increased 120% ‘E’ from the Ferrero logo.


100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%



2.2Design elements

Typefaces Headlines

Call to action & URL


Font: Arial - Bold

Font: Arial - Regular

Font: ITC Avant Garde Gothic - Bold

• Smallest point size on A6 format is 23.75pt• Leading is set purposefully tight • Tracking set at -40


Font: Arial - Bold Italic

Body copy

Font: Arial - Regular

• Smallest point size on A6 format is 7pt• Leading set 1.5/2pt more than the point size • Tracking set at 10






We have chosen strong, clean and modern typefaces for use in all our communications.

2.2Design elements

ColorsWe have developed a simple, focused color palette to help achieve a distinctive and recognizable look to our communications.

• Headlines and subheads

• Content panels

• Subheads and body copy

• Swatch used within background gradient

• Swatch used within background gradient

Ferrero Dark RedCMYK (0,100,80,40)

Ferrero RedCMYK (100,80,20,0)

Ferrero GoldCMYK (20,40,80,0)

Ferrero BrownCMYK (0,100,100,75)

2.2Design elements


Legal copy

So that we speak consistently across all our communications, we have written a range of copy for you to use.

In all our recruitment communications, we use our campaign headline. Applying this consistently, whenever we talk to new people, will strengthen our message and help people remember us.

Our campaign headline is:

Each market is responsible for including any appropriate legal copy.

Discover the taste of Ferrero

Sign-offIn all our recruitment communications, we use our employer value proposition as a sign-off. Applying it consistently will help people recognize and remember us.

Our sign-off is:

Ferrero: a joy to discover

Body copyWe’ve written a guide to applying our tone of voice in section 1.4 of these guidelines.


Sed ut perspic iatis unde omsd nis iste natus arror sit volup tat em acu san tium dolor emque laudalaudantium, sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam vol uptsfg fdgm quia vo lup tas sit aspentium, sunt explicabo. Nemo enim iam vol uptsfg fdgm quia vo lup tas sit asper natur aut od it aut fugit sed quia. Oremque laud anti m, surror sit volup tatem accusantium dolorsam sol up.

Sed ut perspic iatis unde omsd nis iste natus arror sit volup tat em acu sant ium dolor emque laudantium, sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam vol uptsfg fdgm quia vo lup tas sit asper natur aut od it aut fugit sed quia. Oremque la ud anti m, surror sit volup tatem accusantium dolorsam sol up sfgemque qu ela udan tium, solore mque laudau tan ium, sant eunt. Ferrero: a joy to discover

Sed ut perspic iatis unde omsd nis iste natus sit volup tatem acu. Fed ut perspic iatisn de omsd nis iste natus sit volup tatem acu ed ut perspic iatspic iatis unde omsd.

Discoverthe taste of

URLThe URL to the recruitment site must always be used. Always use the colours specified in these guidelines.

Font: Avant Garde Gothic - Bold

Font: Arial - Regular

Font: Arial - Bold

Font: Arial - Bold

Call To ActionThis should always be used at the end of the main body copy. Always use the colours specified in these guidelines.

Headline & LogoThe headline and logo lock up is not variable. Always use the colours specified in these guidelines.

Body CopyBody copy is editable. Ensure our tone of voice is used when writing new copy. Always use the colours specified in these guidelines.

Brand bar Use a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 7 product logos.

Refer to the design guidelines in section 2.2 for further details.

Model Always use imagery from our selection of photographs. They should always sit to the left of the design and should not be cropped too closely.

Social media logos Use a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 4 logos.

Award logos Use a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 3 logos.

Background The glow of the background should sit directly behind your chosen model. Always use the colours specified in these guidelines.

Legals Legal copy can be included if relevent to your market.

This section gives you specific details on how to construct on-brand recruitment communications, correctly using all the elements of our campaign.

To make it quick and easy for you, we have created many templates available on Papirfly.

However if what you need is not among our templates, please use the guide that is closest to what you want to help design your assets.

How to construct communications 2.4

Use this quick summary to remind yourself of the key elements of our recruitment campaign, and how to apply them effectively.

Do• Always use imagery from our selection of


• Always use our campaign headline ‘Discover the taste of Ferrero’.

• Always use our tone of voice if you are writing new copy. See section 1.4 for guidance.

Do not• Do not crop too close on images – you should

always be able to see the intriguing look, the spot of chocolate and the tasting tongue.

• Do not use different colored type. Always use the colors specified in these guidelines.

• Do not use different colored backgrounds. Always use the colors specified in these guidelines.

2.5Core principles

A3 Poster

Sample assets 2.6

Discoverthe taste of

This is sample copy for illustrative purposes only. Luptatetatem aipsa qucc usagn tium dolo remque lau da ntium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore vem aipsa qucc usagn tium dolo remque lau da ntium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore verita t is et quasi ar chite cto besatae vitae dicta snt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed.

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Ferrero: a joy to

A4 Factsheet

Sample assets 2.6

Discoverthe taste of

Factsheet title goes here

Sed ut perspic iatis unde omsd nis iste n tatem acu fed ut peratus sit volup tatem acu fed ut perspic is unde tatem acu fed ut per omsit volup tatem acu ed ut perspic iatis unde d nis is. Ferrero: a joy to discover

Subhead styleThis is sample copy for illustrative purposes only.Tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna nisi aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostr esse ud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Subhead styleDuis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in vol uptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.• Do eiusmod tempor incididunt

ut labore et.

• Dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, nostrud.

• Exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip nisi ut.

Subhead styleEx ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. • Do eiusmod tempor incididunt

ut labore et.

• Dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud.

• Exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip nisi ut ullamco laboris.

Subhead styleConsectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud.

Exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.

Subhead styleConsectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud. Exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.

Discover a fast growing business with a long term view.

Pull Up Banner

Sample assets 2.6

This is sample copy for illustrative purposes only. Ad sumquia ectur, aritiun tiatur, nosam eostiae ipsum aut ad ma sequunt audam vendige ntemquibus intio.

Ferrero: a joy to

Discoverthe taste of

Sample assets 2.6

Business Card

A joy to discover

KATHRYN CALLOWGlobal Employer Branding Manager[Insert address here], [Insert address here], [Insert address here], [Insert address here]+352 (3497) 119 780 [email protected]

Sample assets 2.6

A4 Press Ad

This is sample copy for illustrative purposes only. Ad sumqut ad ma sequunt psuaudam vepsudige ntemqu ibus iuia ectur, aritiun tiatur, nopsusam eostiae ipsum aut ad ma sequunt audam vendige ntemquibus intio. Et officipsuam aut ad vollecum harum et quatur apsud ipsum aut ad ma sequunt audam vendige ntemquibus intio.

Ferrero: a joy to

Sed ut perspic iatis unde omsd nis iste natus sit volup tatem acu. Fed ut perspic iatis unde omsit volup tatem acu ed ut perspic iatis unde omsd nis iste natus sit volup tatem acu perspic iatis un.

Discoverthe taste of

Sample assets 2.6

A5 Postcard

Discoverthe taste of

Discover a global business with family values. Ferrero: a joy to discover

Ferrero puts people before process, because we believe striving for something special requires more collaboration than instruction. The distinctive values and strong sense of common purpose that define Ferrero also define the way we work together, with passion, with mutual respect, putting collective success before individual ambition.

Discover for yourselfIt in voluptate ehenderit in voluptat:

Stand 342 Address 1 Address 2 Address 3.

This is sample copy for illustrative purposes only. Dehenderit in voluptate velit uis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate ehenderit in voluptate velit essevelit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla. adipisicing elit, sed do eiuadf od teor incididunt.

Dolor ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur dehenderit in voluptate velit uis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate ehenderit in voluptate velit essevelit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla. adipisicing elit, sed do.

Sed ut perspic iatis unde omsd nis iste natus sit volup tatem acu fed ut perspic is unde omsit volup tatem acu ed ut perspic iatis unde omsd nis iste natus sit volus unde omsd nis iste natuatis unde omsd nis iste nats sit vperspic iatis unde omsd n.

Sample assets 2.6

Leaderboard Banner

Looking for something different from your career?

Discover the taste of

Sales Team Leader wanted

Sales Team Leader wanteduDiscover careers at Ferrero: a joy to discover

Sample assets 2.6

Letter Template

Part 3: Campaign asset library

Here you can find out where and how to download the resources you need to create your own recruitment materials, as you need them.

The library has three sections:• Templates• Images• Backgrounds

How to use the library 3.1

To make it quick and easy for you to create on-brand recruitment communications, we’ve created a library of templates that you can customise according to your needs.

We have created templates for the most commonly used assets, but if what you need is not here, please make sure you follow the guidelines in section 2 of this document when creating your own assets. Be sure to have these approved by the contacts listed on in section 1.5 before you use them.

How to use PapirflyWe have created a number of helpful videos to show you how to create recruitment communications using Papirfly. You can watch these on the Papirfly website, at [URL TBC]

Or you can watch them on the intranet at [URL TBC]

Templates 3.2

We have shot a selection of photographs for you to use in recruitment materials in all markets.

All of these images feature the three key elements:• The intriguing and teasing look• The spot of chocolate on the lips• The glimpse of a tasting tongue

Images 3.3

We have shot a diverse range of male models for you to choose from, to help you create recruitment communications suitable for your market. These will be available for use on Papirfly.

Marcus Nadim

Mark Adam James




Male models 3.3









We have shot a diverse range of female models for you to choose from, to help you create recruitment communications suitable for your market. These will be available for use on Papirfly.

Female models 3.3

We have specially created background images to sit behind the photography in all our recruitment communications.When positioning these behind a model, always make sure the warm glow sits behind the model’s head.

Backgrounds 3.4

Landscape backgroundPortrait background

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