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Chapter 2: Representations of Earth

Physical Physical GeographyGeographyNinth EditionNinth Edition

Robert E. Gabler

James. F. Petersen

L. Michael Trapasso

Dorothy Sack

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2.1 Location on Earth

•Maps and Mapmaking•History

•Language of location


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U.S. Landforms in 1954

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2.1 Location on Earth

• Size and Shape of Earth– Eratosthenes– Oblate spheroid

• Equator bulges outward due to earth’s rotation.

• Equator (12,758 km, 7927 miles) • Pole to pole (12,714 km, 7900


– Mt. Everest (29,035 feet)– Mariana Trench (36,200 ft)

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2.1 Location on Earth

• Globes and Great Circles– Great Circle– Hemispheres– Circle of illumination– Small circle– Great circle routes

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2.1 Location on Earth

• Latitude and Longitude– Coordinate system

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2.1 Location on Earth

• Measuring Latitude– Reference points: North

and South Pole– Reference Line: Equator– Latitude

• degrees North or south of equator

• Lines that run east and west

– sextant

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2.1 Location on Earth

• Measuring Longitude– Reference Line: Prime

Meridian– Longitude

• degrees East or West of Prime Meridian

• Lines that run north and south from pole to pole

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2.2 The Geographic Grid

• Geographic Grid: Lines of Latitude and Longitude– East to West lines are

also called parallels– North to South lines are

also called Meridians

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2.2 The Geographic Grid

• Longitude and Time– Time Zones: relationships

between longitude, Earth’s rotation, and time.

– Solar noon– Central meridian– Greenwhich Mean Time

(GMT), Zulu time, Universal time (UTC)

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World Time Zones

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2.2 The Geographic Grid

• International Date Line– Generally follows 180th

meridian– Jogs to separate Alaska

and Siberia as well as some pacific Island groups

– Going east across IDL, subtract a day

– Going west across IDL, add a day.

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2.2 The Geographic Grid

• U.S. Public Lands Survey System– Also called Township

range system– Divides towns based on

north-south lines called meridians and east-west lines called base lines.

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2.2 The Geographic Grid

• Township: square plot 6 miles on a side.– Divided into 36 sections

of 1 square mile.– Sections divided into

quarter sections– Quarter-quarter sections– Forties (each with an

area of 40 acres.

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Public Lands Survey System

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2.2 The Geographic Grid

• Global Positioning System– Uses a network of

satellites.– Determines latitude,

longitude, and elevation.

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2.2 The Geographic Grid

• Global Positioning System– Uses a network of

satellites.– Determines latitude,

longitude, and elevation.

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2.3 Maps and Map Projections

• Advantages of Maps– Spatial relationships– Enormous amount of

information– Limitless possibilities

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2.3 Maps and Map Projections

• Limitations of Maps– Impossible to present a

“spherical” planet on a flat surface.

– All flat maps are distorted.

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2.3 Maps and Map Projections

• Properties of Map Projections– Planar– Cylindrical– Cone

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2.3 Maps and Map Projections

• Shape– Conformal maps: correct

shape but incorrect size.– Example: Mercator

Projection• Compare Greenland and

South America• South America is 8 times


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2.3 Maps and Map Projections

• Size– Equal-area maps: correct

size but incorrect shape.– Essential when examining

spatial distribution of any element:

• People• Churches• Cornfields• Volcanoes

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2.3 Maps and Map Projections

• Distance– No flat map depicts

correct distance– On small maps,

distances errors are minor

– Equidistance: constant scale

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2.3 Maps and Map Projections

• Examples of Map Projections– Mercator Projection

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2.3 Maps and Map Projections

• Examples of Map Projections– Gnomonic Projection– Conic Projection

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2.3 Maps and Map Projections

• Compromise Projections

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2.3 Maps and Map Projections

• Map Basics– Title– Legend– Scale

• Verbal scale• Representative fraction• Graphic (bar) scale

– Distance

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2.3 Maps and Map Projections

• Scale– Small scale

• Large areas in a relatively small area

• Little detail• Large denominators

– Large scale• Small areas in greater detail• Smaller denominators

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2.3 Maps and Map Projections

• Direction– Magnetic north– Magnetic field– Magnetic declination– Isogonic map

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2.3 Maps and Map Projections

• Isogonic map

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2.4 Displaying Spatial Data and Information on Maps

• Thematic Maps– One feature (or a few related ones)

• Climate, Vegetation, Soils, Earthquakes, Tornadoes

– Discrete data• Point, area, or line

• Examples: school, roads, hurricane path

• Regions: discrete areas with common characteristics

– Continuous data• Element exists at all points on earth

• Examples: elevation, air temperature, air pressure

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• Discrete and Continuous data

2.4 Displaying Spatial Data and Information on Maps

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• Direction– Magnetic north– Magnetic field– Magnetic declination– Isogonic map

2.4 Displaying Spatial Data and Information on Maps

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• Topographic Maps– Contour lines: lines that

connect points of equal elevation

2.4 Displaying Spatial Data and Information on Maps

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• Gradient– Steeper (stronger)

gradient• lines are closer together• Example: steeper slope;

A to top of hill

– Smaller (weaker) gradient

2.4 Displaying Spatial Data and Information on Maps

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2.5 Modern Mapping Technology

• Digital Mapmaking– Digital elevation models

(DEM’s): computerized, 3-D view of topography.

– Vertical exaggeration

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2.5 Modern Mapping Technology

• Geographical Information Systems– Map layers– Data

• Geocoding: entering spatial data in relation to grid coordinates

• Attributes: specific features (e.g. name of river)

– Registration and Display

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• Visual Models: Salt Lake City, Utah

2.4 Displaying Spatial Data and Information on Maps

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• Visual Models: Cape Town, South Africa

2.4 Displaying Spatial Data and Information on Maps

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• GIS in the Workplace

2.4 Displaying Spatial Data and Information on Maps

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2.5 Remote Sensing of the Environment

• Remote Sensing: collection of information and data about distant objects or environments.– Digital image– Spatial resolution– Pixels– Megapixels

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2.5 Remote Sensing of the Environment

• Aerial Photography and Image Interpretation– Oblique– Near Infrared (NIR)

• Light reflected off of surfaces, not radiated heat.

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2.5 Remote Sensing of the Environment

• Specialized Techniques– Thermal Infrared (TIR)

• Patterns of heat and light• Day or night• Many weather satellites

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2.5 Remote Sensing of the Environment

• Specialized Techniques– Radar (Radio Detection And Ranging)

• Transmits radio waves and reads reflected energy signal

• Side-Looking Airborne Radar (SLAR)

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2.5 Remote Sensing of the Environment

• Weather Radar systems– produce map-like images of

precipitation– Penetrates clouds– Day or night– Reflects off raindrops (or other

precip.) producing a signal– Doppler radar – precip.

Patterns, direction of storm and speed of storm

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2.5 Remote Sensing of the Environment

• Multispectral Remote Sensing Applications– Using and comparing

more than 1 type of image

– Example: radar and TIR image

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Physical Geography

End of Chapter 2: Representations of Earth

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