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International Postgraduate Admission

University of Ulsan

Rising to the Challenge

Sharing the Success

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Programs Offerd for Admision

College MajorCourse

Master's Doctoral

Humanities/Social Sciences

Korean Language and Literature ● ●

Korean Language for Foreigners ● ●

History &Culture ● ●

Cultural Heritage &Culture Contents(Interdisciplinary program) ● ●

Philosophy ● ●

Economics ● ●

Public Administration ● ●

Social Welfare ● -

Law ● ●

Police ● -

Business Administration ● ●

Natural Sciences

Mathematics ● ●

Physics ● ●

Chemistry ● ●

Biological Science ● ●

Child & Family Welfare ● ●

Housing & Interior Design ● ●

Food &Nutrition ● ●

Clothing & Textiles ● ●


Mechanical & Automotive Engineering ● ●

Aerospace Engineering ● ●

Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding ● ●

Ocean Engineering ● ●

Industrial Management Engineering ● ●

Electrical Engineering ● ●

Computer Engineering ● ●

Information Technology ● ●

Medical & Biological Engineering(Interdisciplinary program) ● -

Chemical Engineering ● ●

Industrial Chemistry ● ●

Bio-Engineering ● ●

Materials Science & Engineering ● ●

Civil Engineering ● ●

Environmental Engineering ● ●

Architecture ● ●

Architectural Engineering ● ●

Urban Planning ● ●


Instrumental ● -

Voice ● -

Composition ● -

Oriental Painting ● -

Western Painting ● -

Sculpture ● -

Industrial Design ● -

Textile·Fashion Design ● -

Digital Contents Design ● -

Visual Communication Design ● -

Interior & Spatial Design ● -

Physical Education ● ●


Medicine ● ●

Medical science ● ●

Biomedical Engineering ● ●

※ MS-Ph.D Integrated Course is applied only for the department offering Ph.D courses.

※ MS-Ph.D Integrated Course is not open for the School of Medicine.

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Basic Qualifications

Course Qualifications


& Doctoral)

Foreigners whose parents are also foreigners

Anyone who has received or expects to receive a Bachelor’s degree before August 2014, or whose educational credential is considered to be equal to a Bachelor’s or higher degree by ordinance

Those who have an academic advisor at the time of application


Foreigners whose parents are also foreigners

Anyone who has received or expects to receive a Master’s degree before August 2014, or whose educational credential is considered to be equal to a Master’s or higher degree by ordinance

Those who have an academic advisor at the time of application

Language Proficiency Criteria

Field of Study Qualifications

HumanitiesSocial Sciences

Business Administration

[Korean] TOPIK(Test of Proficiency in Korean) Level 3+ * TOPIK Level 4+ for the Korean Language major

[English] TOEFL PBT 550+, CBT 210+, iBT 80+, IELTS 5.5+ or TOEIC 650+

Natural SciencesEngineering

Arts / SportsMedicine

[Korean] TOPIK(Test of Proficiency in Korean) Level 2+

[English] TOEFL PBT 450+, CBT 120+, iBT 40+, IELTS 4.5+ or TOEIC 500+

* Language proficiency certificates or score reports will only be accepted when tests are taken up to two years preceding the application start date.(May 2, 2014)

Required Documents


DetailsMaster’s / Combined Doctoral

Application ● ● Print out the forms from online.(After completing the on-line application)Purpose Statement ● ●

*1) Certificate of Bachelor’s Degree ● ●

Official notarization and translation (into Korean or English) required (Not applied to the documents issued by Korean universities)*1) For Chinese applicants, refer to below.

*1) Certificate of Master’s Degree - ●

Transcript for Bachelor’s Course ● ●

Transcript for Master’s Course - ●

Certificate of Language Proficiency ● ●The test date should be within 2 years from the beginning of the applying semester.

Letter of Recommendation ● ●Download the template from UOU Global Homepage.( → Admissions → Overview → Forms&Downloads)

*2) Letter of Pledge ● ●

Degree Verification Report ● ●

Copy of Advisor’s Letter of Pledge ● ●The original should be submitted by the advisor to UOU International Office.

*3) Documents for Financial Status ● ● Translation(into Korean or English) should be provided along with the original.*4) Certificate of Family Relationship ● ●

Copy of Passport ● ●

Household Register(居民戶口簿) ● ●Only for nationals of the People’s Republic

of China who stay in outside of Korea

Copy of National ID ● ●

Two Colour Photos (3cm*4cm) ● ●

*1) Applicants who are expected to receive academic degrees from Universities in Korea by August 31, 2014 can

submit either ‘Certificate of Expected Graduation’ or ‘Certificate of Expected Degree Conferment’.

Applicants who are expected to receive academic degrees from Universities in foreign countries should submit

“Provisional Degree Certificate”

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< NOTE (For those who currently stay outside Korea) >

*1) In case the applicant received the degree from the University in China, P. R., the applicant can substitute the

certificate with the ‘Verification Report’(學位認證報告). ‘Verification Reports’ can be issued from one of these two


a. China Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Development Center (

b. Confucius Institute in Seoul, Korea (

* Chinese Embassy in Korea does not provide document verification services.

*2) Only for those who submitted the ‘Certificate of Expected Graduation’ or ‘Provisional Degree Certificate’.

*3) Documents for Financial Status should meet one of these two criteria.

a. Applicant’s bank statement indicating a minimum balance of USD 10,000 that has been deposited in the account

up to 1-6 months or a certificate of exchange or remittance of USD 10,000 to Korea. (The minimum deposit

periods differ from countries; contact the Korean Embassy in applicant’s country for the detailed information.)

b. Sponsor’s bank statement meeting the above conditions, sponsor’s Certificate of Financial Support (Download from

UOU Global Homepage) and sponsor’s Certificate of Income in case the sponsor is a Korean National.

* In case the sponsor is a professor of UOU, applicant does not need to submit the Document for Financial Status.

(The professor will submit documents to UOU International Office.)

*4) Official birth certificates regarding nationality and the relationship between the applicant and his/her parents. China, P.

R. Nationals are exempt from submitting these documents when they have got whole family, including both the

parents, registered on the ‘Household Register’(居民戶口簿).

< NOTE (For those who currently stay in Korea) >

*1) In case the applicant received the degree from a University in the 21 countries listed below or the applicant is the

National of those 21 countries, the applicant should got the certificate or the diploma notarised in order to prove the

legal validity by one of the following ways.

a. ‘Apostille Verification’ (Only in case the degree certificate is issued by a University located in a country where the

Apostille Verification is available.)

b. Consul Verification from the Embassy (or Consulate) of the Candidate’s Country in Korea

c. In case the applicant received the degree from the University in China, P. R., or the applicant is the National of

the China, P. R., the applicant can substitute the certificate with either the ‘Verification Report’(學位認證報告)

issued by ‘China Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Development Center’(中華人民共和國教育部學位與研究生教育發展中心) or Consul Verification from Korean Embassy(Consulate General) in China, P. R.

* 21Countries: Ghana, Nigeria, Nepal, Mongolia, China, P. R., Myanmar, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan,

Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Iran, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Thailand, Peru, and the Philippines.

*2) Only for those who submitted the ‘Certificate of Expected Graduation’ or ‘Provisional Degree Certificate’.

*3) Documents for Financial Status should meet one of these two criteria.

a. Applicant’s bank statement indicating a minimum balance of KRW 15,000,000.

b. Sponsor’s bank statement meeting the above conditions, sponsor’s Certificate of Financial Support (Download from

UOU Global Homepage) and sponsor’s Certificate of Income in case the sponsor is a Korean National.

* In case the sponsor is a professor of UOU, applicant does not need to submit the Document for Financial Status.

(The professor will submit documents to UOU International Office.)

*4) Official birth certificates regarding nationality and the relationship between the applicant and his/her parents. China, P.

R. Nationals are exempt from submitting these documents when they have got whole family, including both the

parents, registered on the ‘Household Register’(居民戶口簿).

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Category Amount Requirements for Thesis Defence


of Tuition

[Master’s] 1) Humanities/Social Sciences - Submission of at least 1 SCI-level(SCI, SSCI, A&HCI, SCIE, etc.) paper or - Submission of at least 2 KCI-level(KCI, etc.) papers or - Publication or translation of at least 2 books(including joint works) 2) Others except for Humanities/Social Sciences - Submission of at least 1 SCI-level paper or - Submission of at least 2 KCI-level papers

[Doctoral] - Publication of at least 2 SCI-level papers or - Publication of at least 1 SCI-level paper and 2 KCI-level papers or - Publication of at least 4 KCI-level papers

AF-285% of Tuition

[Master’s] 1) Humanities/Social Sciences - Submission of at least 1 KCI-level paper or - Publication or translation of at least 1 book(including joint works) 2) Others except for Humanities/Social Sciences - Submission of at least 1 KCI-level paper

[Doctoral] - Publication of at least 1 SCI-level paper or - Publication of at least 2 KCI-level papers

BF50% of Tuition

[Master’s] - At least 1 presentation at nation-level conferences or - TOPIK Level 4+

[Doctoral] - Publication of at least 1 KCI-level paper

CF20% of Tuition

Refer to each department’s regulations(Discuss with the advisor)

DF N/A Refer to each department’s regulations(Discuss with the advisor)


※ Entrance fee applies to all applicants (Except for Korean Government Scholarship Grantees)※ The above scholarship is not applied to the applicants who are employed in Korea with a working visa. These applicants may apply for an Industry scholarship(10% of Tuition).

Financial Supports

1. Tuition fees are free for AF-1 students

2. Special R.A. Scholarship Program

- Master’s degree courses : Approx. $400 ~ $500/month

- Doctor’s degree courses : Approx. $700 ~ $800/month

※ The amounts are subject to change after consultation with your advising professor

3. All the students can reside in the dormitories. (Approx. $100 ~ $150/month)

Deadline for Application and Contact Information

▣ Deadline for Application

May 16, 2014

▣ Contact Information

Anh Chaihong(UOU International Office)

E-mail : [email protected] / [email protected]

Tel : +82-52-220-5954 / Fax: +82-52-224-2061

Address : International Office, University of ulsan, 93 Daehak-ro, Nam-gu, Ulsan 680-749, Republic of Korea

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University of Ulsan(UOU) at a Glance

1. Founder: Ju-yung Chung

(Founder of Hyundai Group)

2. Chair, Board do Directors: Mong-joon Chung, Ph.D.

- Former Vice President of FIFA

- Former President of Hyundai Heavy Industries

- Member of the National Assembly of Korea

3. School Foundation: Hyundai Heavy Industries

(Legal owner and financial sponsor of UOU)

4. Rankings

- 1st in Job Placement (2009)

- 1st in Educational Capacity Consolidation Project Evaluation (2008)

- 1st in Student-Faculty Ratio (2008)

- 1st in SCI Citation Rate (2007)

- 8Th in SCI National Ranking (2008)

- 9Th in Scholarship Issued among Private Universities (2009)

- 7Th in Engineering-Focused Universities (2009)

5. Facts & Figures

- Faculty : 1,002 professors

- Students : 13,000 students in 12 colleges

2,000 students in 6 graduate schools

- International Partners : 127 institutions in 27 countries

- International Students: 400 students from 26 countries

6. Location (City of Ulsan)

- Ulsan Metropolitan City (population of 1.1 million)

- Largest Income per Capita in Korea (US $40,000)

- The Industrial Capital of Korea

(Shipbuilding, Car manufacturing, Petro-chemical, etc.)

- Corporations in Ulsan :

Hyundai Motor Company, Hyundai Heavy Industries,

SK Chemicals, LG Chemical, S-Oil, etc.

- Neighboring Cities :

Gyeongju: An old millemium Capital of Shilla

Dynasty(57BC-935 AD)

Busan: Second largest city in Korea

UOU’s Special Programs

For the world’s top tier departments!

Hyundai Heavy Industries, the world’s largest shipbuilding

company gives a full support to the following selected


More than US $16 million for 5 years for research,

education and scholarships, faculty recruitment and

international cooperation is provided.

Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering

- Naval Architecture

- Ocean Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

- Mechanical & Automotive Engineering

- Aerospace Engineering

Electrical Engineering

- Electrical Engineering

- Computer Engineering

- Information Technology

- Biomedical Engineering

For the world’s top tier departments!

KCC, Korea’s leading Petro-chemical company givers a

full support to the Department of Chemical Engineering &


More than US $13 million for 5 years for research,

education and scholarships, faculty recruitment and

international cooperation is provided.

Chemical Engineering and Bio-Engineering

- Chemical Engineering

- Bio-Engineering

- Industrial Chemistry

For the world’s best College of Medicine!

Asan Medical Center, one of the Korea’s best medical

center gives a full support to the College of Medicine!!

College of Medicine at University of Ulsan affiliates with

Seoul Asan Medical Center and 6 other Asan Medical

Centers across the country.

The Asan Medical Center is known for performing

world-class heart surgeries.

Medicine (Asan Medical Center)

- Medicine

- Nursing

UOU FacilitiesInternational Hall

- International House

- Global Lounge

- International Conference Hall

Asan Sports Center

- Swimming Pool

- Gym

- Indoor Golf

- Cafe

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In Patrnership with Hyundai Group

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