Download - 25.1 India

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In the Midst of Change

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TextilesMalnutrition Life Expectancy Literacy Rate

Key Terms

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TextilesCloth made by weaving or by knitting.

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MalnutritionPoor nutrition caused by a lack of food or an unbalanced diet.

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Life ExpectancyThe average number of years a person is expected to live.

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Literacy RateThe percentage of a population age 15 and over that can read and write.

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India’s GDP is $3.6 trillion, making it the

4th highest in the world. However, the standard of living is very

low because that $3.6 trillion is shared by all of India’s population (over 1 billion people), so each person would only get $3,300 if it were divided evenly.


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India is the second-most-populated

country in the world, with over 1 billion people.

India also has one of the world’s highest population growth rates.

By 2050, India is expected to be the world’s most populated country.

Key Features of India’s Population - Growth

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World Population Growth Rates

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About 72% of India’s population lives in

rural areas, that means nearly 300 million people lived in urban areas in 2000.

Using 2006 population figures, that equals the combined total populations of the United States, Russia, Mexico, and South Korea.

Key Features of India’s Population – Urban Areas

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About one fourth of India’s people lives

in poverty. In recent years, however, India’s middle

class has been growing. These people earn enough money to

buy goods and services that improve their lives, and are neither rich nor poor.

Key Features of India’s Population – Middle Class

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What is the population of


Why is India expected to be the world’s most populated country by 2050?

Reading Check 1

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1 Billion

It has one of the world’s highest population growth and birth rates.

Reading Check 1

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India has the second-fastest-growing

economy in Asia. The middle class provides a huge market

for goods and services produced and sold in India.

One of India’s major industries is computer software programming, and its computer software has become a major export.

A Growing Economy

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Products such as electrical appliances are

being manufactured in greater numbers. India also has a thriving film industry,

producing more films than any other country.

Textiles, or cloth, including silk and cotton, and gemstones are major exports for India.

The United States buys the largest share of India’s exports.

A Growing Economy (Cont’d)

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What are some major

industries in India?

How does India’s middle class help the country’s economy?

Reading Check 2

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Computer software programming,

film industry, electrical appliance manufacturing, textiles, gemstone and jewelry exporting.

They provide a huge market for goods and services.

Reading Check 2

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India must meet the challenge of

taking care of its growing population.

The millions of people born each year will need jobs, housing, health care, and education.

Food, water, and electricity will also be in higher demand.

Progress and Challenges

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In 1998, India tested nuclear weapons, and

Pakistan responded by testing its own nuclear weapons.

Fighting broke out between India and Pakistan again in 2003, followed by more weapons tests by both countries.

A cease fire in 2004 and continuing peace talks have brought new hope to the troubled region.

Progress and Challenges – Tensions with Pakistan

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Nuclear Weapons

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Disease and malnutrition, or poor

nutrition caused by a lack of food, are still problems for millions of Indian people.

However, the government has taken steps to improve health care, such as placing more government-paid doctors in rural areas and launching programs to protect people from certain diseases.

Progress and Challenges – Health Care

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Because of these measures, the

average life expectancy in India has increased from 53 years in 1981 to 63 years in 2003.

Life expectancy is the average number of years a person is expected to live.

Progress and Challenges – Health Care

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Life Expectancy

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A country’s literacy rate shows the

percentage of the population age 15 and over that can read and write.

In 1991, just over 50% of India’s population was literate.

In 2001, the literacy rate had risen to about 65%.

Progress and Challenges - Education

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Literacy Rate

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Education in India

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How have changes in health

care increased life expectancy in India?

Give some reasons that a nation would want its citizens to read and write.

Reading Check 3

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People are living longer because more

government-paid doctors are working in rural areas, and the government has launched programs that protect people from certain diseases.

Educated people and skilled workers can help the economy to grow.

Reading Check 3

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