
#ClimbForCAN presents

24-HOUREVEREST ICE WALL CHALLENGEwith Sir Chris Bonington & Doug Scott CBE

Friday 12th June 2015 King Kong Climbing CentreKeswick, Cumbria


An incredible opportunity to join a 240 person expedition led by Sir Chris Bonington and Doug Scott CBE to climb the height of Everest (8,848m) at King Kong’s indoor ice wall. On the 12th June 2015, the team will attempt to climb King Kong’s ice wall over 1,000 times within 24 hours

This special event celebrates the forty year anniversary of the first British ascent of Mount Everest in 1975, led by Sir Chris and summited by Doug. All donations and funds raised will go to the Community Action Nepal (CAN) Earthquake Appeal.

For more info and to join, visit: LIKE us on

Nepal needs our helpOn 25th April, a massive 7.8-maginitude earth quake and aftershocks occurred in Nepal. Over 8,000 people are known to have died. The final total may reach an estimated 15,000. Fearing more aftershocks, people are surviving outdoors with no shelter or sanitation. Food and water will soon run out.

Remote mountain villages have been flattened and completely cut off by avalanches and landslides. Reaching survivors is difficult and dangerous. With few helicopters available many villages are still waiting for help.

Why support CAN?Community Action Nepal (CAN), is a charity founded by Everest mountaineer Doug Scott CBE, is already helping Nepal.

For 20 years CAN has provided nurses, Health Posts, teachers, schools and poster rescue shelters serving 250,000 people in remote villages across Nepal. In the worst hit regions such as Langtang, Gorkha and Helambu these vital community buildings been completely destroyed or badly damaged – but worse still homes have been reduced to rubble.

Doug Scott says, “Lives have been devastated, homes destroyed, families bereaved and children orphaned. It is so incredibly sad. Despite all that has happened I am optimistic. The Nepalese are resilient and resourceful. But they need our help. Please support the ‘Sir Chris Bonington Community Action Nepal Everest Challenge’. Any money you give to CAN goes straight to the coal face. Please help. Whatever you can give goes a long way. Thank you”.

How is CAN helping?

• CAN has trained Nepali nurses, teachers, building experts, and community workers currently helping with the immediate relief needs.

• CAN has already organised food and medical supplies to be distributed.

• CAN nurses are working from temporary Health Posts in their villages or at ‘disaster refugee’ camps in Kathmandu.

• CAN is fighting to get scarce helicopters used to maximum effect.

• CAN’s camping and trekking gear has been distributed to those in need.

• Temporary school classrooms to be open by June.

How can YOU help raise money?

• Sponsorship opportunities for businesses.

• A unique opportunity to experience a night on a portaledge or in a tent in sub zero temperatures (approx -20°C), eating expedition rations and drinking hot beefy Bovril. Limited places!

• 240 fund raiser places up for grabs to take part in Sir Chris & Doug’s 24-hour Everest Ice Wall Challenge on 12th June.

• If you can’t make the Everest Ice Wall Challenge but want to get involved you can #climbforCAN by setting your own challenge. However big or small, whether it’s climbing stairs, climbing frames, climbing walls, climbing mountains, ropes… it doesn’t matter. Make it fun and share your challenge on Facebook and Twitter, then nominate your friends to do their #climbforCAN.

Donatations to CANDonations made to CAN’s Earthquake Appeal go directly to the village communities in need. 100% of donations will go to relief and rebuilding of these communities. CAN’s admin and running costs are met by other funds.

Donate to CAN: or Text CCAN75 then your donation amount to 70070

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