Page 1: 23 Ways to Use Twitter · 10/23/2016  · Twitter is great for keeping up to date with news and current affairs - quite

Ways to Use

Twitter Lists23Stacey Myers


Page 2: 23 Ways to Use Twitter · 10/23/2016  · Twitter is great for keeping up to date with news and current affairs - quite

1. Family and FriendsYou want to be able to easily keep track of family and friends you have on Twitter.

2. Keep an Eye onyour Competitors

Know what your competitors are up to and talking about. Remember youdon't need to be following people to have them on a list.Personally - I don't really view competitors as competitors - they are just morepeople for me to learn from and collaborate with.

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3. Location BasedPeople that live in your local area or an area you areinterested in marketing in. You can find these people bydoing a hashtag search - example #London or useTwitter's advanced search functionality and find themthat way.

4. People from a Course or Programyou are in

Add them to a list so you can support them by retweeting their posts.

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5. News and Current Events

6. Bloggers that you Follow or areof Interest to You

Twitter is great for keeping up to date with news and current affairs - quiteoften people are reporting it on Twitter before putting it out anywhere else.

I don't always want to subscribe to someone's email address but would like toknow what they are up to and posting about. Some blogs don't have RSS feeds

available (don't get me started on that!) and this is the next best thing. You canalso then share out their content if it is going to be relevant to the people that

follow you.

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7. Customers and ClientsPeople love it when you share their tweets - especially your clients andcustomers. You can also run some kind of client appreciation campaign so thatthey love you even more than they already do.

Another way I use this typeof list is when I am workingon Twitter strategy with aclient - I can easily check inand see what they are doingon Twitter. This way I caninteract with them and givethem instant feedback.

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Create a list of people that engage with you or retweet your content. Thenreturn the favour by retweeting back.

In the video IFTTT I show you how to set it up so that when people mentionyou on Twitter they automatically get added to a list.

8. Retweeters or Engaged Followers

Peoplelove it!!

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9. #HashtagsAdd people to a list that tweet with certain hashtags.This could be around a topic of interest, somethingrelated to your business or even an event or TV Show. #

10. Celebrities

Personally, I have absolutely no interest in followingcelebrities. If you do, though, this is a great way to keeptrack of them all in one place.

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11. 'Notice Me'

This list is where you put all the people you want tonotice you. This is very handy if you are wanting toguest blog or invite people to be on your podcast show.Business owners, with a lot of followers, areapproached every day asking them for something.

You can make yourself stand out by taking the time toengage with them and their content. This way whenyou do contact them they have an idea of who you areand already appreciate that you have taken the time todo more than just send them an email asking them todo something.

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12. Twitter Buddies

These people aren't necessarily peoplethat we know - they aren't friends orfamily but we chat with them quite abit on Twitter.

I don't have a lot of people on this list but there are some people that I chat tomore than others.

When they talk with me specifically it goes into my notifications but I alsolike to keep up with what they are doing so I can share out their content if itis relevant.

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13. Influencers in Your Niche

14. Accounts You Recommend

Find the influencers and thought leaders in yourniche. You can then use the list to keep up withthe latest in your industry or use it to sourcecontent that you can share with your followers.

Make a list of accounts that you could recommend to your customers orclients. You could then invite them to subscribe to the list. If it isrelevant, make sure you put yourself on the list.

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15. PeriscopersIf you aren't familiar with Periscope it is Twitter's livestreaming app. I have a list of people that I knowperiscope on topics of interest to me. That way I canquickly see who has scoped recently and if I want towatch the replay before it goes away. (The live stream isavailable for 24 hours)

If you are on Periscope and we haven't connected you can find me @staceylmyers.

16. Skills that You want to DevelopThis could be related to something in your niche or not. You might have acoaching business and want to learn how to build your sales funnel, blogbetter or be more effective at social media. Put people on the list that teachthe things you want to learn.

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17. Twitter ChatsTwitter chats usually revolve around a topic and a hashtag. There are literally

hundreds of Twitter Chats every week. Add the people that are interacting, in theones that are of interest to you. to a list. If you can't find a Twitter chat that you like

from the link below - simply search in Google for some more.

Here is a link to a Twitter Chat Calendar -

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18. Quotes and other InspirationPeople love to be motivated and inspired! Also, one ofthe easiest tweets to retweet is a quote or quote image.When I first started on Twitter and struggling to thinkwhat to tweet I would always go to my Quotes andInspiration list. Here I would always find something toretweet. To be honest, some days they were the onlytweets that went out - the retweets from my quotes list.

A great way to find accounts to put on your list is tosimply search for #quotes, #leadershipquotes,#motivationalquotes or anything else that is of interestto you. You can then look for the accounts thatspecifically tweet out quotes and pop them onto yourlist.

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This is similar to a Tweet Chat but it is all the people that have attended a certainevent - whether you were there in person or not.

Earlier this year there was the Periscope Summit. I couldn't attend the event livebut I kept watch on the hashtag over the weekend and was able to connect withhundreds of people that are interested in Periscope and live streaming.

19. People that Attended an Event

20. People You've Met Face to FaceWhen I lived in London I held a few 'Tweet Ups'. Basically anyone in the localarea that was on Twitter came together to meet up in person. I then put all ofthose people onto a list.

When I go to an event and meet people in person, I create a list for those peopleas well. It helps me keep them all in one place and I am then able to continuebuilding relationships with them.

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21. Subscribe to Other People's Lists

Another great way to benefit from lists is tosubscribe to ones that others have made. That wayyou get to benefit from the work that other peoplehave done for you.

When I go to people's profile I normally have alook to see if they have any lists. You would besurprised the number of people that aren'tbenefiting from lists. If they have any that are ofinterest, I then subscribe to them. If you aren't surehow to do that, I go through it in the video.

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22. Display on Your WebsiteYou might not know this butyou can actually displayTwitter lists on yourWordPress website. Theydon't even have to be yourown lists. I have included avideo on how to set these up.

The list shows up and peoplecan interact with thestream right there on yourwebsite. They can retweet,like or even follow you.

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23. Check your Marketing is on TrackOne way to check if your marketing andwhat you tweet about is consistent withwhat you want to be known for, is to havea look at the lists you have been put on - itis written as 'Member of'.

If the list names match your niche or whatyou want to be known for then that isgreat. If not, then you will want to starttweaking what you are tweeting so it ismore in alignment.

You can see from the lists I have been put on that people know me for what Iwant to be known for. These means that my marketing is on track.

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You should be well on your way to being a

Twitter List Master by now.  

Go Forth and Build Lists!

I would love to hear how you get on with your list

building efforts so be sure to catch me on Twitter

@staceylmyers and let me know.

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