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  • 8/18/2019 23 Polymers & Adhesives 4


  • 8/18/2019 23 Polymers & Adhesives 4


    Polymers:• Defnition

     –Engineered materialscharacterized by large moleculesthat are built up by the joining

    together o smaller molecules

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    • Advantages: – Lightweight• Specifc gravity 1.11.! compared to "g


     – Ease o abrication• %an be molded& e'truded& cast& made intothin flms& ( applied as coatings

    • %an oten produce products in a singleoperation

    • E'cellent asormed suraces )lowfnishing cost*

    • Low abrication and tooling cost

    • Design versatility

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    Polymers: (Advantagescontinued)

     – +ood corrosion resistance

     – Electrical ( thermal insulator

     – ,ntegral color

    • %an be transparent

     – -ossible ease o assembly• Snap fts and sel tapping asteners

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    Polymers:• Limitations

     – Low strength )but may be oay instrength to weight ratio*

     – Low rigidity

     – /ot suitable or elevated temp• $002 is considered upper limit

     – -oor wear resistance

     – -oor dimensional stability – 3igh thermal e'pansion

     – Sensitive to moisture and radiation

  • 8/18/2019 23 Polymers & Adhesives 4


    Classifcation o Polymers:

    • Polymerization Mechanism: – 4ddition

     – %ondensation

    • Polymer Structure – Linear& %hain& or 2iber

     – /etwor& 2ramewor

    • Polymer Behavior

     – 5hermoplastic – 5hermosetting

     – Elastomer

  • 8/18/2019 23 Polymers & Adhesives 4


    Polymerization Mechanisms:

    • Addition – "onomers lin together to orm a

    polymer with a repeated unit& nownas a mer 

     – 4ctivators or catalysts initiate andterminate the chain

    • 6elative amounts determine the averagelength o the chain or degree o

    polymerization )7 o repeated units in thechain*

    • Degree o polymerization can range rom#$#$0

     –E'ample8 Ethylene


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    Addition mechanism

    he unsaturated dou!le !ond in themonomer is !ro"en to #roduce activesites$ %hich then attract additionalre#eat units to either end to #roducea chain


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    &nitiation andermination

    &nitiation o a#olyethylene chain !ychain'gro%th mayinvolve:

    (a) #roducing ree

    radicals rominitiators such as!enzoyl #eroide$

    (!) attachment o a#olyethylene re#eatunit to one o theinitiator radicals$ and

    (c) attachment oadditional re#eatunits to #ro#agatethe chain


  • 8/18/2019 23 Polymers & Adhesives 4


    Polymerization Mechanisms:

     – Co#olymers• 5wo di9erent types o mers are combined

    into the same addition chain

    • %opolymers oten have more desirable

    physical and mechanical properties

    • -roperties can be altered by changingproportions o the mers

    • E'ample8 :inyl chloride %;3

  • 8/18/2019 23 Polymers & Adhesives 4


    Addition erminology:

    • 2unctionality8 5he number o siteson a monomer wherepolymerization lins can orm. – 2 = 1  no polymerization

     – 2 = ;  linear polymers

     – 2 = < or more  networ polymers

    • Degree o -olymerization8 5he

    average number o mers in eachpolymer chain – D.-. = "olecular >eight o -olymer

      "olecular >eight o "er

  • 8/18/2019 23 Polymers & Adhesives 4


    Polymerization Mechanisms:

    • %ondensation -olymerization – 6eactive molecules combine with one

    another to produce a polymer plus a

    small byproduct molecule – 3eat& pressure& or catalysts may be

    re?uired to drive the reaction

     – E'ample8

    -henol @ ormaldehyde Aaelite@ 3;B

  • 8/18/2019 23 Polymers & Adhesives 4




  • 8/18/2019 23 Polymers & Adhesives 4


    Structure Classifcation:

    • Linear8 – %& B& or Si chains with 3& %l& 2 or

    benzene ring pendants

     – 4ll bonds within the molecule arestrong primary bonds

     – ,ntermolecular attraction is by weaer:an der >aals orces

     – 4lso mechanical tangling o the fbers

     – "echanical model8 the cottonball

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    Structure Classifcation:

    • 2ramewor – 4ll atoms are connected to one

    another by strong covalent bonds toorm a strong

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    (a) Linear. Many van der Waals bonding between the chains hold it together. Examples of linear polymers are

    polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene, nylon and the fluorocarbons.

    (b) Branched. Sidebranch chains connect to the main ones during synthesis of the polymer. !hese reduces

    the pac"ing efficiency, so lower density.

    (c) Crosslinked. #d$acent linear chains are actually connected covalently bonding the chains. Many of the rubber

    materials consist of polybutadiene crosslin"ed with S atoms, the process is called vulcanisation

    (d) Network. Mer units with three active covalent bonds form %& networ"s. e.g. epoxies

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    Behavior Classifcation:

    •  5hermoplastics – 2or linear polymers& the mechanical

    and physical properties are largely

    determined by the :an der >aalsorces

     – 5hese plastics soten with increasingtemperature and become harder and

    stronger when cooled – 5he sotening and hardening can be

    repeated indefnitely& and nochemical change occurs

  • 8/18/2019 23 Polymers & Adhesives 4


     5hermoplastics )continued*

     – Aecause the molecules have di9erentlengths& thermoplastics materials donot have a defnite melting point& butsoten over a range o temperature

     – 4s the temperature drops& transitionsoccur

    • Li?uidCpour and cast& or injection mold

    • 6ubberyClarge amounts o plastic

    deormation are possible& can mold ore'trude

    • LeatheryCstronger and sti9er

    • %rystalline or glassy

  • 8/18/2019 23 Polymers & Adhesives 4


     5hermoplastics )%ontinued*

    • %ontrolling or modiying properties – "odel with cotton ball

     – 4lter properties by interering withslippage between fbers

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     5hermoplastics 4ltering -roperties

    • ,ncrease the degree opolymerization – Longer chains are stronger

    • se nonsymmetrical monomers – Larger side structures )‘bumps”*

    • EF8 %l in -:% )polyvinylchloride*

    • EF8 Aenzene groups in polystyrene

    • %rosslin adjacent chains• -romote crystallization

     – 5he parallel alignment o chainsenhances vander>aals bonding

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    y#e o monomer


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    *) easiest in sim#le monomers+) most li"ely for slo% cooling,) can occur as a result of


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     5hermoplastics 4ltering -roperties

    • Aranching – Aranching generally weaens due to

    lower density and greater chainseparation

    • %old woring – Arings chains into parallel alignment

     – Enhances vander>aals interaction

    • -roduce %opolymers

  • 8/18/2019 23 Polymers & Adhesives 4


    -eormation ohermo#lastics*) Stress initially straightens

    out the individual chains+) Continued stress then

    causes the chains to slide#ast each other (!rea" .ander /aals !onds)

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  • 8/18/2019 23 Polymers & Adhesives 4


     5hermoplastics )%ontinued*• -rocessing a 5hermoplastic

     – Easily molded when hot and sot

     – "old must be cooled to induce hardening

     – -roduction is slowed by heating and coolingo the mold

    • 6ecycling thermoplastics – , the various types o resins and additives

    can be separated& many thermoplastics canbe recycled into useul productsCusuallywith some downgrading in use

     – EF8 polyethylene )mil bottles* (polypropylene )twoliter soda bottles*

  • 8/18/2019 23 Polymers & Adhesives 4


    0orming o hermo#lasticPolymers


    y#ical forming #rocesses for thermo#lastic:(a) etrusion$ (!) !lo% molding$ (c) in1ectionmolding$ (d) thermoforming$ (e) calendaring$

    and (f) s#inning

  • 8/18/2019 23 Polymers & Adhesives 4


    Behavior Classifcation:

    •  5hermosets8 –

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     5hermosets )%ontinued*

     – Since deormation re?uires breaingo primary bonds• Strong& but brittle

     – %ompared to thermoplastics&

    thermosets are• Stronger

    • Sti9er

    • Lower in ductility

    • -oorer in impact

     – E'amples8 epo'ies& melamine&polyester& phenolics

  • 8/18/2019 23 Polymers & Adhesives 4


     5hermosets )%ontinued*

    • -rocessing thermosets – "olds operate at constant elevated

    temperature& but time is re?uired or the

    curing or “setting” reaction – Since the cured material has strength

    and rigidity even when hot& productremoval rom the mold is possiblewithout mold cooling

  • 8/18/2019 23 Polymers & Adhesives 4


  • 8/18/2019 23 Polymers & Adhesives 4


    Behavior Classifcation:

    • Elastomers – 4 special class o linear polymers with

    high elastic deormation& such as arubber band

     – Elasticity is not the stretching obonds& but the uncoiling o twisted orcurled molecules

     – %rosslining can be used to restrict

    viscous How and tailor properties• Sot ( He'ible  hard ( brittle

    • Bnce crosslined& cannot uncrosslin

    • E'ample8 :ulcanization o rubber by

    sulur crosslins

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  • 8/18/2019 23 Polymers & Adhesives 4


    ailoring Pro#erties hroughAdditives:

    • 4dditive agents& such as fllers&plasticizers& lubricants& coloring agents&stabilizers& antio'idants& antistaticagents& Hame retardants& and

    reinorcement can be incorporated intopolymers to8 – ,mprove properties

     – 6educe costCe'tenders

     – ,mprove moldability

     – ,mpart color

     – -revent deterioration in variousenvironments

    • Pro#erty com#arison8

  • 8/18/2019 23 Polymers & Adhesives 4


    • Pro#erty com#arison8

    -olymers versus "etals

    Material Condition TS (ksi) E(106psi) Elo

    Polyethylene   Branched 2 0.025 90-650

    Polyethylene   Crystallized 4 0.100 50-800

    Polyvinyl chloride   Cl-sides 8 0.35 2-40

    Polystyrene   Benzene-sides 0.500 1-3

    Bakelite   !ra"e#$r% 1.0 1

    Aluinu   &nnealed 13 10.0 15-30

    10!0 steel   &nnealed 5 30.0 30

  • 8/18/2019 23 Polymers & Adhesives 4


    Structural Adhesives:

    -olymers orm the basis o the

    structural adhesives and come romall three behavior amilies8

      5hermoplastic hotmelt glues

     5hermoset twopart epo'ies

    Elastomer silicone bathtub caul

    Structural Adhesives

  • 8/18/2019 23 Polymers & Adhesives 4


    Structural AdhesivesTreendous advances have "een ade recently in the developent# use#

    and relia"ility o$ structural (i%e% load&"earin') adhesives%

    se has increased rapidly# even in such uality& and dura"ility&conscious

    areas as the autootive and aircra$t industries%

    Both etals and nonetals can "e "onded# as *ell as the plastics and


    Structural adhesives span the entire ran'e o$ polyeric types and $ors#includin' theroplastic resins (such as hot elt adhesives)# therosettin'

    resins (like the epo+ies)# and arti$icial elastoers (like silicones)%

    They can "e applied in a variety o$ $ors# includin' drops# "eads# pellets#

    tapes# and coatin's# and are availa"le in the $or o$ liuids# pastes# 'els#

    and solids%

    Curin' is the process "y *hich the properties o$ the adhesives are

    chan'ed# and ay involve condensation reactions# polyeri,ation# or


    Curin' can "e "y eans o$ heat# radiation or li'ht# oisture# activators#

    catalysts# ultiple&coponent reactions# or co"inations o$ these%

    Soe o$ the coon types o$ adhesives include

  • 8/18/2019 23 Polymers & Adhesives 4


    1% Epo+ies' )hese "ay *e sin+le c$",$nent resins that

    cre #ith heat $r t#$ c$",$nent "itres that tilize s$"e

    /$r" $/ crin+ a+ent.

    -% Cyanoacrylates' )hese are liid "$n$"ers that

    ,$ly"erize #hen s,read int$ a thin /il" and are in the

    ,resence $/ "$istre. )he c$""ercial “s,er +les” are in

    this /a"ily. Crin+ is at r$$" te",eratre.

    .% Anaero"ics' )hese are $ne c$",$nent "aterials that,$ly"erize #hen sht $// /r$" $y+en in the ,resence $/ a

    "etal catalyst. $"e $/ these adhesies can een *$nd

    thr$+h $il /il"s.

    !% Acrylics' ne ,$ssi*ility here is t$ a,,ly adhesie t$

    $ne sr/ace and catalyst t$ an$ther. )hese can *e st$red/$r s$"e ti"e *t #ill *$nd at r$$" te",eratre ,$n


    /% rethanes' er"it lar+e de+ree $/ elastic strain.

    Soe o$ the coon types o$ adhesives include

    Soe other coon types o$ adhesives include

  • 8/18/2019 23 Polymers & Adhesives 4


    6% Silicones' Cre /r$" the "$istre in the air t$ /$r" a

    ery /lei*le l$#-stren+th seal.

    % 2i'h&teperature adhesives' esi+ned /$r se nder

    eleated te",eratre serice c$nditi$ns.

    3% 2ot&elt adhesives' )hese are ther"$,lastics #hichs$/ten $r lii/y #hen heated and reharden ,$n c$$lin+.

    4% Evaporative' 7ater $r a s$lent ea,$rates t$ leae a

    s$lid resin. a",les' c$-ce"ent "$del +les.

    10%Pressure sensitive' ch as r**er ce"ent $st-it

    $tes etc.

    Soe other coon types o$ adhesives include

    Advanta'es o$ Adhesives

  • 8/18/2019 23 Polymers & Adhesives 4



     &dhesies hae a n"*er $/ adanta+es #hen c$",ared t$ the

    alternatie "eth$ds $/ :$inin+ sch as #eldin+ *razin+ s$lderin+

    "echanical :$ints /asteners s,$t #elds shrin% /its etc.

    1. &ll "aterials $r c$"*inati$ns $/ "aterials can *e :$ined.

    )hese "aterials can readily acc$""$date di//erences in

    ther"al e,ansi$n $r c$ntracti$n.

    2. ;$inin+ can *e ,er/$r"ed at l$# te",eratres. )here is n$

    heat a//ected z$ne.

    3. )hin $r delicate "aterials can *e :$ined.

    4. )he entire :$int area can *e *$nded. )his ,r$ides +$$d

    stress distri*ti$n $er the entire :$int area. )he l$#er

    stren+th $/ the adhesie is c$",ensated *y the increasedarea $/ the *$nd ne,ensie

    6. ?i+ht #ei+ht :$inin+

  • 8/18/2019 23 Polymers & Adhesives 4


    Advanta'es o$ Adhesives & continued

    . )he "aterial is a ther"al and electrical inslat$r.

    8. )he adhesie als$ acts as a n$ise sh$c% and i*rati$n

    da",er. )his can sere t$ enhance the /ati+e li/e $/ the


    9. )he adhesie ,r$ides a c$rr$si$n *arrier. Bein+ a

    n$nc$ndct$r it *rea%s +alanic cells.

    10. )he adhesie als$ seres t$ seal the :$int a+ainst

    ,enetrati$n *y "$istre +ases and /lids.

    11. )here is sally little sr/ace ,re,arati$n reired. >t is

    ,$ssi*le t$ *$nd directly t$ $ides and r$+h sr/aces areactally *ene/icial since they ,r$ide enhanced +ri,,in+.

    12. ?ess ,recisi$n is reired in :$int /it-,. )he adhesie /ills

    the aria*le +a,s.

  • 8/18/2019 23 Polymers & Adhesives 4


    5iitations o$ Adhesives

    $"e $/ the si+ni/icant li"itati$ns are'

    1. )he adhesies are +enerally n$t sta*le a*$e 350@!.

    )here/$re they sh$ld n$t *e sed /$r c$nditi$ns $/

    eleated te",eratre serice.

    2. )he :$ints are di//iclt t$ ins,ect /$r ality. !e# $/ the

    standard n$ndestrctie tests #$r% /$r the ,$ly"eric-

    *ased adhesies.

    3. C$nsistent reslts reire c$ntr$l $/ the sr/ace

    ,re,arati$n adhesie ,re,arati$n a,,licati$n and crin+.

    4. )he li/e e,ectancy $/ the :$ints is hard t$ ,redict.

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