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Improving the representation andconversion of mathematical formulaeby considering their textual context∗

Moritz Schubotz, Andre Greiner-Petter,Philipp Scharpf, Norman Meuschke,Howard S. Cohl, Bela Gipp


Mathematical formulae represent complex semanticinformation in a concise form. Especially in Science,Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, mathe-matical formulae are crucial for communicating in-formation, e.g., in scientific papers, and to performcomputations using computer algebra systems. En-abling computers to access the information encodedin mathematical formulae requires machine-readableformats that can represent both the presentation andcontent, i.e., the semantics, of formulae. Exchang-ing such information between systems additionallyrequires conversion methods for mathematical repre-sentation formats.

We analyze how the semantic enrichment of for-mulae improves the format conversion process andshow that considering the textual context of formu-lae reduces the error rate of such conversions. Ourmain contributions are: (1) providing an openly avail-able benchmark dataset for the mathematical formatconversion task consisting of a newly created test col-lection, an extensive, manually curated gold standardand task-specific evaluation metrics; (2) performinga quantitative evaluation of state-of-the-art tools formathematical format conversions; (3) presenting anew approach that considers the textual context offormulae to reduce the error rate for mathematicalformat conversions.

Our benchmark dataset facilitates future re-search on mathematical format conversions as wellas research on many problems in mathematical infor-mation retrieval. Because we annotated and linkedall components of formulae, e.g., identifiers, opera-tors and other entities, to Wikidata entries, the goldstandard can, for instance, be used to train methodsfor formula concept discovery and recognition. Suchmethods can then be applied to improve mathemati-cal information retrieval systems, e.g., for semanticformula search, recommendation of mathematicalcontent, or detection of mathematical plagiarism.

∗ A version of this paper was published at JCDL 2018:M. Schubotz et al., “Improving the Representation andConversion of Mathematical Formulae by Consideringtheir Textual Context”, in Proceedings of theACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries(JCDL), Fort Worth, USA, 2018.

1 Introduction

In STEM disciplines, i.e., Science, Technology, Engi-neering, and Mathematics, mathematical formulaeare ubiquitous and crucial for communicating infor-mation in documents such as scientific papers, and toperform computations in computer algebra systems(CAS). Mathematical formulae represent complexsemantic information in a concise form that is inde-pendent of natural language. These characteristicsmake mathematical formulae particularly interestingfeatures to be considered by information retrievalsystems.

In the context of digital libraries, major informa-tion retrieval applications for mathematical formulaeinclude search and recommender systems as well assystems that support humans in understanding andapplying mathematical formulae, e.g., by visualizingmathematical functions or providing autocomple-tion and error correction functionality in typesettingand CAS.

However, the extensive, context-dependent poly-semy and polymorphism of mathematical notationis a major challenge to exposing the knowledge en-coded in mathematical formulae to such systems.The number of mathematical concepts, e.g., mathe-matical structures, relations and principles, is muchlarger than the set of mathematical symbols availableto represent these concepts. Therefore, the meaningof mathematical symbols varies in different contexts,e.g., in different documents, and potentially even inthe same context. Identical mathematical formulae,even in the same document, do not necessarily rep-resent the same mathematical concepts. Identifiersare prime examples of mathematical polysemy. Forinstance, while the identifier E commonly denotesenergy in physics, E commonly refers to expectedvalue in statistics.

Polymorphism of mathematical symbols is an-other ubiquitous phenomenon of mathematical nota-tion. For example, whether the operator · denotesscalar multiplication or vector multiplication dependson the type of the elements to which the operatoris applied. In contrast to programming languages,which handle polymorphism by explicitly providingtype information about objects to the compiler, e.g.,to check and call methods offered by the specificobjects, mathematical symbols mostly denote suchtype information only implicitly, so that they needto be inferred from the context.

Humans account for the inherent polysemy andpolymorphism of mathematical notation by defin-ing context-dependent meanings of mathematicalsymbols in the text that surrounds formulae, e.g.,

Moritz Schubotz, Andre Greiner-Petter, Philipp Scharpf, Norman Meuschke, Howard S. Cohl, Bela Gipp

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for identifiers, subscripts and superscripts, brackets,and invisible operators. Without such explanations,determining the meaning of symbols is challenging,even for mathematical experts. For example, reliablydetermining whether [a, b] represents an interval orthe commutator [a, b] = ab − ba in ring theory re-quires information on whether [ ] represent the Diracbrackets.

Enabling computers to access the full informa-tion encoded in mathematical formulae mandatesmachine-readable representation formats that cap-ture both the presentation, i.e., the notational sym-bols and their spacial arrangement, and the content,i.e., the semantics, of mathematical formulae. Like-wise, exchanging mathematical formulae between ap-plications, e.g., CAS, requires methods to convert andsemantically enrich different representation formats.The Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) al-lows one to encode both presentation and contentinformation in a standardized and extensible way(see section 3).

Despite the availability of MathML, most Digi-tal Mathematical Libraries (DML) currently exclu-sively use presentation languages, such as TEX andLATEX to represent mathematical content. On theother hand, CAS, such as Maple, Mathematica andSageMath,1 typically use representation formats thatinclude more content information about mathemat-ical formulae to enable computations. Conversionbetween representation formats entails many concep-tual and technical challenges, which we describe inmore detail in section 2. Despite the availability ofnumerous conversion tools, the inherent challengesof the conversion process result in a high error rateand often lossy conversion of mathematical formulaein different representation formats.

To advance research on mathematical formatconversion, we make the following contributions,which we describe in the subsequent sections:

1. We provide an openly available benchmark data-set to evaluate tools for mathematical formatconversion (cf. section 3). The dataset includes:

• a new test collection covering diverse researchareas in multiple STEM disciplines;

• an extensive, manually curated gold standardthat includes annotations for both presenta-

1 The mention of specific products, trademarks, or brandnames is for purposes of identification only. Such mentionis not to be interpreted in any way as an endorsement orcertification of such products or brands by the National In-stitute of Standards and Technology, nor does it imply thatthe products so identified are necessarily the best availablefor the purpose. All trademarks mentioned herein belong totheir respective owners.

tion and content information of mathematicalformulae;

• tools to facilitate the future extension of thegold standard by visually supporting humanannotators; and

• metrics to quantitatively evaluate the qualityof mathematical format conversions.

2. We perform an extensive, quantitative evaluationof state-of-the-art tools for mathematical formatconversion and provide an automated evaluationframework to support easily rerunning the evalu-ation in future research (cf. section 4).

3. We propose a novel approach to mathematical for-mat conversion (cf. section 5). The approach imi-tates the human sense-making process for mathe-matical content by analyzing the textual contextof formulae for information that helps link sym-bols in formulae to a knowledge base, in our caseWikidata, to determine the semantics of formulae.

2 Background and related work

In the following, we use the Riemann hypothesis (1)as an example to discuss typical challenges of convert-ing different representation formats of mathematicalformulae:

ζ(s) = 0⇒ <s =1

2∨ =s = 0. (1)

We will focus on the representation of the formulain LATEX and in the format of the CAS Mathemat-ica. LATEX is a common language for encoding thepresentation of mathematical formulae. In contrastto LATEX, Mathematica’s representation focuses onmaking formulae computable. Hence the contentmust be encoded, i.e., both the structure and thesemantics of mathematical formulae must be takeninto consideration.

In LATEX, the Riemann hypothesis can be ex-pressed using the following string:

\zeta(s) = 0 \Rightarrow \Re s

= \frac12 \lor \Im s=0

In Mathematica, the Riemann hypothesis can berepresented as:

Implies[Equal[Zeta[s], 0], Or[Equal[Re[s],

Rational[1, 2]], Equal[Im[s], 0]]]

The conversion between these two formats ischallenging due to a range of conceptual and technicaldifferences.

First, the grammars underlying the two rep-resentation formats differ greatly. LATEX uses theunrestricted grammar of the TEX typesetting system.The entire set of commands can be re-defined andextended at runtime, which means that TEX effec-tively allows its users to change every character used

Improving the representation and conversion of mathematical formulae

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for the markup, including the \ character typicallyused to start commands. The high degree of free-dom of the TEX grammar significantly complicatesrecognizing even the most basic tokens containedin mathematical formulae. In contrast to LATEX,CAS use a significantly more restrictive grammarconsisting of a predefined set of keywords and setrules that govern the structure of expressions. Forexample, in Mathematica function arguments mustalways be enclosed in square brackets and separatedby commas.

Second, the extensive differences in the gram-mars of the two languages are reflected in the result-ing expression trees. Similar to parse trees in naturallanguage, the syntactic rules of mathematical nota-tion, such as operator precedence and function scope,determine a hierarchical structure for mathematicalexpressions that can be understood, represented, andprocessed as a tree. The mathematical expressiontrees of formulae consist of functions or operators andtheir arguments. We used nested square brackets todenote levels of the tree and Arabic numbers in a grayfont to indicate individual tokens in the markup. Forthe LATEX representation of the Riemann hypothesis,the expression tree is:[


l (2

l s3

l )4

l =5

l 06

l ⇒7



l s9

l =10




l 213



e ∨15

l =16

l s17

l =18

l 019



The tree consists of 18 nodes, i.e., tokens, with amaximum depth of two (for the fraction command\frac12). The expression tree of the Mathematicaexpression consists of 16 tokens with a maximumdepth of five:[





ζ s23









< s28


] [29

Q 130

n 231


] ] [32



= s34




]] ].

The higher complexity of the Mathematica expressionreflects that a CAS represents the content structureof the formula, which is deeply nested. In contrast,LATEX exclusively represents the presentational lay-out of the Riemann hypothesis, which is nearly linear.

For the given example of the Riemann hypothe-sis, finding alignments between the tokens in bothrepresentations and converting one representationinto the other is possible. In fact, Mathematica andother CAS offer a direct import of TEX expressions,which we evaluate in section 4.

However, aside from technical obstacles, suchas reliably determining tokens in TEX expressions,

conceptual differences also prevent a successful con-version between presentation languages, such as TEX,and content languages. Even if there was only onegenerally accepted presentation language, e.g., a stan-dardized TEX dialect, and only one generally ac-cepted content language, e.g., a standardized inputlanguage for CAS, an accurate conversion betweenthe representation formats could not be guaranteed.

The reason is that neither the presentation lan-guage nor the content language always provide allthe information required to convert an expression tothe respective language. This can be illustrated bythe simple expression: F (a + b) = Fa + Fb. Theinherent content ambiguity of F prevents a deter-ministic conversion from the presentation languageto a content language. F might, for example, repre-sent a number, a matrix, a linear function or even asymbol. Without additional information, a correctconversion to a content language is not guaranteed.On the other hand, the transformation from contentlanguage to presentation language often depends onthe preferences of the author and the context. Forexample, authors sometimes change the presentationof a formula to focus on specific parts of the formulaor to improve its readability.

Another obstacle to conversions between typicalpresentation languages and typical content languages,such as the formats of CAS, are the restricted set offunctions and the simpler grammars that CAS offer.While TEX allows users to express the presentationof virtually all mathematical symbols, thus denot-ing any mathematical concept, CAS do not supportall available mathematical functions or structures.A significant problem related to the discrepancy inthe space of concepts expressible using presentationmarkup and the implementation of such conceptsin CAS are branch cuts. Branch cuts are restric-tions of the set of output values that CAS impose forfunctions that yield ambiguous, i.e., multiple mathe-matically permissible outputs. One example is thecomplex logarithm [14, eq. 4.2.1], which has an in-finite set of permissible outputs resulting from theperiodicity of its inverse function. To account forthis circumstance, CAS typically restrict the set ofpermissible outputs by cutting the complex plane ofpermissible outputs. However, since the method ofrestricting the set of permissible outputs varies be-tween systems, identical inputs can lead to drasticallydifferent results [5]. For example, multiple scientificpublications address the problem of accounting forbranch cuts when entering expressions in CAS, suchas [7] for Maple.

Our review of obstacles to the conversion ofrepresentation formats for mathematical formulae

Moritz Schubotz, Andre Greiner-Petter, Philipp Scharpf, Norman Meuschke, Howard S. Cohl, Bela Gipp

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Listing 1: MathML representation of the Riemannhypothesis (1) (excerpt).

<math><semantics><mrow>. . .

<mo id=”5” xref=”20”>=</mo>

<mn id=”5” xref=”21”>0</mn>

<mo id=”7” xref=”19”>⇒</ci>. . .</mrow>

<annotation-xml encoding=”MathML-Content”>

<apply><implies id=”19” xref=”7”/>

<apply><eq id=”20” xref=”5”/>. . .

<apply><csymbol id=”21” xref=”1”

cd=”wikidata”>Q187235 . . .


highlights the need to store both presentation andcontent information to allow for reversible transfor-mations. Mathematical representation formats thatinclude presentation and content information canenable the reliable exchange of information betweentypesetting systems and CAS.

MathML offers standardized markup function-ality for both presentation and content information.Moreover, the declarative MathML XML format isrelatively easy to parse and allows for cross referencesbetween presentation language (PL) and content lan-guage (CL) elements. Listing 1 represents excerpts ofthe MathML markup for our example of the Riemannhypothesis (1). In this excerpt, the PL token 7 corre-sponds to the CL token 19, PL token 5 correspondsto CL token 20, and so forth.

Combined presentation and content formats,such as MathML, significantly improve the accessto mathematical knowledge for users of digital li-braries. For example, including content informationof formulae can advance search and recommenda-tion systems for mathematical content. The qualityof these mathematical information retrieval systemscrucially depends on the accuracy of the computeddocument-query and document-document similari-ties. Considering the content information of mathe-matical formulae can improve these computations by:

1. Enabling the consideration of mathematical equiv-alence as a similarity feature. Instead of exclu-sively analyzing presentation information as in-dexed, e.g., by considering the overlap in pre-sentational tokens, content information allowsmodifying the query and the indexed information.For example, it would become possible to rec-

ognize that the expressions a( bc + dc ) and a(b+d)

chave a distance of zero.

2. Allowing the association of mathematical tokenswith mathematical concepts. For example, linkingidentifiers, such as E, m, and c, to energy, mass,and speed of light, could enable searching forall formulae that combine all or a subset of theconcepts.

3. Enabling the analysis of structural similarity. Theavailability of content information would enablethe application of measures, such as derivativesof the tree edit distance, to discover structuralsimilarity, e.g., using λ-calculus. This functional-ity could increase the capabilities of math-basedplagiarism detection systems when it comes toidentifying obfuscated instances of reused mathe-matical formulae [10].

Content information could also enable interac-tive support functions for consumers and producers ofmathematical content. For example, readers of math-ematical documents could be offered interactive com-putations and visualizations of formulae to acceleratethe understanding of STEM documents. Authors ofmathematical documents could benefit from auto-mated editing suggestions, such as auto-completion,reference suggestions, and sanity checks, e.g., typeand definiteness checking, similar to the functionalityof word processors for natural language texts.

Related work

A variety of tools exists to convert format repre-sentations of mathematical formulae. However, toour knowledge, Kohlhase et al. [26] presented theonly study evaluating the conversion quality of tools.Many of the tools evaluated in that study are nolonger available or out of date. Watt [27] presentsa strategy to preserve formula semantics in TEX toMathML conversions. His approach relies on en-coding the semantics in custom TEX macros ratherthan to expand the macros. Padovani [15] discussesthe roles of MathML and TEX elements for man-aging large repositories of mathematical knowledge.Nghiem et al. [13] used statistical machine trans-lation to convert presentation to content language.However, they do not consider the textual context offormulae. We will present detailed descriptions andevaluation results for specific conversion approachesin section 4.

Youssef [28] addressed the semantic enrichmentof mathematical formulae in presentation language.He developed an automated tagger that parses LATEXformulae and annotates recognized tokens very sim-ilarly to part-of-speech (POS) taggers for naturallanguage. Their tagger currently uses a predefined,context-independent dictionary to identify and an-notate formula components. Schubotz et al. [19, 20]

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proposed an approach to semantically enrich for-mulae by analyzing their textual context for thedefinitions of identifiers.

With their ‘math in the middle’ approach, De-haye et al. [6] envision an entirely different approachto exchanging machine readable mathematical ex-pressions. In their vision, independent and enclosedvirtual research environments use a standardizedformat for mathematics to transfer mathematicalexpressions and numerical results between differentsystems.

For an extensive review of format conversionand retrieval approaches for mathematical formulae,refer to [18, Chapter 2].

3 Benchmarking MathML

This section presents MathMLben — a benchmarkdataset for measuring the quality of MathML markupof mathematical formulae appearing in a textual con-text. MathMLben is an improvement of the goldstandard provided by Schubotz et al. [24]. The data-set considers recent discussions of the InternationalMathematical Knowledge of Trust ( work-ing group, in particular the idea of a ‘Semantic Cap-ture Language’ [9], which makes the gold standardmore robust and easily accessible. MathMLben:

• allows comparisons to prior works;

• covers a wide range of research areas in STEM


• provides references to manually annotated andcorrected MathML items that are compliant withthe MathML standard;

• is easy to modify and extend, i.e., by externalcollaborators;

• includes default distance measures; and

• facilitates the development of converters and tools.

In section 3.1, we present the test collectionincluded in MathMLben. In section 3.2, we presentthe encoding guidelines for the human assessors anddescribe the tools we developed to support assessorsin creating the gold standard dataset. In section 3.3,we describe the similarity measures used to assessmarkup quality.

3.1 Collection

Our test collection contains 305 formulae (more pre-cisely, mathematical expressions ranging from indi-vidual symbols to complex multi-line formulae) andthe documents in which they appear.

Expressions 1 to 100 correspond to the searchtargets used for the ‘National Institute of Informat-ics Testbeds and Community for Information ac-cess Research Project’ (NTCIR) 11 Math Wikipedia

Task [24]. This list of formulae has been used forformula search and content enrichment tasks by atleast 7 different research institutions. The formulaewere randomly sampled from Wikipedia and includeexpressions with incorrect presentation markup.

Expressions 101 to 200 are random samplestaken from the NIST Digital Library of MathematicalFunctions (DLMF) [14]. The DLMF website contains9,897 labeled formulae created from semantic LATEXsource files [3, 4]. In contrast to the examples fromWikipedia, all these formulae are from the mathe-matics research field and exhibit high quality pre-sentation markup. The formulae were curated byrenowned mathematicians and the editorial boardkeeps improving the quality of the markup of theformulae.2 Sometimes, a labeled formula containsmultiple equations. In such cases, we randomly choseone of the equations.

Expressions 201 to 305 were chosen from thequeries of the NTCIR arXiv and NTCIR-12 Wikipediadatasets. 70% of these queries originate from thearXiv [1] and 30% from a Wikipedia dump.

All data are openly available for research pur-poses and can be obtained from mathmlben.wmflabs.


3.2 Gold standard

We provide explicit markup with universal, context-independent symbols in content MathML. Since thesymbols from the default content dictionary (CD) ofMathML4 alone were insufficient to cover the rangeof semantics in our collection, we added the Wikidatacontent dictionary [17]. As a result, we could referto all Wikidata items as symbols in a content tree.This approach has several advantages. Descriptionsand labels are available in many languages. Somesymbols even have external identifiers, e.g., fromthe Wolfram Functions Site, or from StackExchangetopics. All symbols are linked to Wikipedia articles,which offer extensive human-readable descriptions.Finally, symbols have relations to other Wikidataitems, which opens a range of new research oppor-tunities, e.g., for improving the taxonomic distancemeasure [25].

Our Wikidata-enhanced, yet standard-compliant,MathML markup facilitates the manual creation ofcontent markup. To further support human asses-sors in creating content annotations, we extended theVMEXT visualization tool [21] to develop a visualsupport tool for creating and editing the MathMLbengold standard.

2 Visit for a user guide.4

Moritz Schubotz, Andre Greiner-Petter, Philipp Scharpf, Norman Meuschke, Howard S. Cohl, Bela Gipp

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Table 1: Special content symbols added to LATEXML

for the creation of the gold standard.

No rendering meaning example ID

1 [x, y] commutator 912 xyz tensor 43, 208, 2263 x† adjoint 224, 2774 x′ transformation 205 x◦ degree 206 x(dim) contraction 225

For each formula, we saved the source documentwritten in different dialects of LATEX and convertedit into content MathML with parallel markup us-ing LATEXML [11, 8]. LATEXML is a Perl programthat converts LATEX documents to XML and HTML.We chose LATEXML because it is the only tool thatsupports our semantic macro set. We manually an-notated our dataset, generated the MathML repre-sentation, manually corrected errors in the MathML,and linked the identifiers to Wikidata concept entrieswhenever possible. Alternatively, one could initiallygenerate MathML using a CAS and then manuallyimprove the markup.

Since there is no generally accepted definitionof expression trees, we made several design decisionsto create semantic representations of the formulae inour dataset using MathML trees. In some cases, wecreated new macros to be able to create a MathML

tree for our purposes using LATEXML.5 Table 1 liststhe newly created macros. Hereafter, we explainour decisions and give examples of formulae in ourdataset that were affected by the decisions.

• did not assign Wikidata items to basic mathe-matical identifiers and functions like factorial,\log, \exp, \times, \pi. Instead, we left theseannotations to the DLMF LATEX macros, becausethey represent the mathematical concept by link-ing to the definition in the DLMF and LATEXML

creates valid and accurate content MathML forthese macros [GoldID 3, 11, 19, . . . ];

• split up indices and labels of elements as childnodes of the element. For example, we representi as a child node of p in p_i [GoldID 29, 36, 43,. . . ];

• create a special macro to represent tensors, suchas for Tαβ [GoldID 43], to represent upper andlower indices as child nodes (see table 1);

• create a macro for dimensions of tensor contrac-tions [GoldID 225], e.g., to distinguish the three



dimensional contraction of the metric tensor ing(3) from a power function (see table 1);

• chose one subexpression randomly if the originalexpression contained lists of expressions [GoldID


• remove equation labels, as they are not part ofthe formula itself. For example, in

E = mc2, (?)

the (?) is the ignored label;

• remove operations applied to entire equations,e.g., applying the modulus. In such cases, weinterpreted the modulus as a constraint of theequation [GoldID 177];

• use additional macros (see table 1) to interpretcomplex conjugations, transformation signs, anddegree-symbols as functional operations (identi-fier is a child node of the operation symbol), e.g.,* or \dagger for complex conjugations [GoldID

224, 277], S’ for transformations [GoldID 20],30^\circ for thirty degrees [GoldID 30];

• for formulae with multiple cases, render each caseas a separate branch [GoldID 49];

• render variables that are part of separate branchesin bracket notation. We implemented the DiracBracket commutator [ ] (we omitted the index_\text{DB}) and an anticommutator { } by defin-ing new macros (see table 1). Thus, there is adistinction between a (ring) commutator

[a,b] = ab - ba

and an anticommutator

{a,b} = ab + ba,

without further annotation of Dirac or Poissonbrackets [GoldID 91];

• use the command \operatorname{} for multi-character identifiers or operators [GoldID 22].This markup is necessary because most of theLATEX parsers, including LATEXML, interpret multi-character expressions as multiplications of thecharacters. In general, this interpretation is cor-rect, since it is inconvenient to use multi-characteridentifiers [2].

Some of these design decisions are debatable.For example, introducing a new macro, such as\identifiername{}, to distinguish between multi-character identifiers and operators might be advanta-geous to our approach. However, introducing manyhighly specialized macros is likely not a viable ap-proach. A borderline example of this problem is ∆x[GoldID 280]. Formulae of this form could be an-notated as \operatorname{}, \identifiername{}

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Figure 1: Graphical user interface to support the creation of our gold standard. Theinterface provides several TEX input fields (left) and a mathematical expression treerendered by the VMEXT visualization tool (right).

or more generally as \expressionname{}. We in-terpret ∆ as a difference applied to a variable, andrender the expression as a function call.

Similar cases of overfeeding the dataset withhighly specialized macros are bracket notations. Forexample, the bracket (Dirac) notation, e.g., [GoldID

209], is mainly used in quantum physics. The anglebrackets for the Dirac notation, 〈 and 〉, and a verti-cal bar | is already interpreted correctly as “latexml —quantum-operator-product”. However, a more pre-cise distinction between a twofold scalar product,e.g., 〈a|b〉, and a threefold expectation value, e.g.,〈a|A|a〉, might become necessary in some scenariosto distinguish between matrix elements and a scalarproduct.

We developed a Web application to create andcultivate the gold standard entries, which is availableat The Graphical UserInterface (GUI) provides the following informationfor each GoldID entry.

• Formula Name: name of the formula (optional)

• Formula Type: one of definition, equation, rela-tion or General Formula (if none of the previousnames fit)

• Original Input TEX: the LATEX expression asextracted from the source

• Corrected TEX: the manually corrected LATEXexpression

• Hyperlink: hyperlink to the position of the for-mula in the source

• Semantic LATEX Input: manually created se-mantic version of the corrected LATEX field. Thisentry is used to generate our MathML with Wiki-data annotations.

• Preview of Corrected LATEX: preview of thecorrected LATEX input field rendered as SVG inreal time using Mathoid [23], a service to generateSVG and MathML from LATEX input. It is shownin the top right corner of the GUI.

• VMEXT Preview: rendering of the expressiontree based on the content MathML. The symbolin each node is associated with the symbol in thecross-referenced presentation markup.

Figure 1 shows the GUI for manual modifica-tion of the different formats of a formula. Whilethe other fields are intended to provide additionalinformation, the pipeline to create and cultivate agold standard entry starts with the semantic LATEXinput field. LATEXML will generate content MathML

based on this input and VMEXT will render the gen-erated content MathML afterwards. We control theoutput by using the DLMF LATEX macros [12] and

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our developed extensions. The following list containssome examples of the DLMF LATEX macros.

• \EulerGamma@{z}: Γ(z): gamma function,

• \BesselJ{\nu}@{z}: Jν(z): Bessel function ofthe first kind,

• \LegendreQ[\mu]{\nu}@{z}: Qµν (z):associated Legendre function of the second kind,

• \JacobiP{\alpha}{\beta}{n}@{x}: P (α,β)n (x):

Jacobi polynomial.

The DLMF web pages, which we use as one ofthe sources for our dataset, were generated from se-mantically enriched LATEX sources using LATEXML.Since LATEXML is capable of interpreting semanticmacros, generates content MathML that can be con-trolled with macros, and is easily extended by newmacros, we also used LATEXML to generate our goldstandard. While the DLMF is a compendium for spe-cial functions, we need to annotate every identifierin the formula with semantic information. Therefore,we extended the set of semantic macros.

In addition to the special symbols listed in Ta-ble 1, we created macros to semantically enrich iden-tifiers, operators, and other mathematical conceptsby linking them to their Wikidata items. As shownin Figure 1, the annotations are visualized using yel-low (grayscaled in print) info boxes appearing onmouseover. The boxes show the Wikidata QID, thename, and the description (if available) of the linkedconcept.

In addition to naming, classifying, and semanti-cally annotating each formula, we performed threeother tasks:

• correcting the LATEX string extracted from thesources;• checking and correcting the MathML generated

by LATEXML;• visualizing the MathML using VMEXT.

Most of the extracted formulae contained con-cepts to improve human readability of the sourcecode, such as commented line breaks (%〈newline〉),in long mathematical expressions, or special macrosto improve the displayed version of the formula, e.g.,spacing macros, delimiters, and scale settings, suchas \!, \, or \>. Since they are part of the expres-sion, all of the tested tools (including LATEXML) tryto include these formatting improvements into theMathML markup. For our gold standard, we focus onthe pure semantic information and forgo formattingimprovements related to displaying the formula. Thecorrected TEX field shows the cleaned mathematicalLATEX expression.

Using the corrected TEX field and the semanticmacros, we were able to adjust the MathML out-

put using LATEXML and verify it by checking thevisualization from VMEXT.

3.3 Evaluation metrics

To quantify the conversion quality of individual tools,we computed the similarity of each tool’s output andthe manually created gold standard. To define thesimilarity measures for this comparison, we builtupon our previous work [25], in which we definedand evaluated four similarity measures: taxonomicdistance, data type hierarchy level, match depth, andquery coverage.

The measures taxonomic distance and data typehierarchy level require the availability of a hierarchi-cal ordering of mathematical functions and objects.For our use case, we derived this hierarchical orderingfrom the MathML content dictionary. The measuresassign a higher similarity score if matching formulaelements belong to the same taxonomic class. Thematch depth measure operates under the assump-tion that matching elements, which are more deeplynested in a formula’s content tree, i.e., farther awayfrom the root node, are less significant for the overallsimilarity of the formula, hence are assigned a lowerweight. The query coverage measure performs a sim-ple ‘bag of tokens’ comparison between two formulaeand assigns a higher score the more tokens the twoformulae share.

In addition to these similarity measures, we alsoincluded the tree edit distance. For this purpose,we adapted the robust tree edit distance (RTED)implementation for Java [16]. We modified RTED toaccept any valid XML input and added math-specific‘shortcuts’, i.e., rewrite rules that generate lower dis-tance scores than arbitrary rewrites. For example,rewriting a

b to ab−1 causes a significant differencein the expression tree: Three nodes (∧,−, 1) are in-serted and one node is renamed ÷ → ·. The ‘cost’for performing these edits using the stock implemen-tation of RTED is c = 3i + r. However, the actualdifference is an equivalence, which we think shouldbe assigned a cost of e < 3i+ r. We set e < r < i.

4 Evaluation of context-agnosticconversion tools

This section presents the results of evaluating exist-ing, context-agnostic conversion tools for mathemat-ical formulae using our benchmark dataset MathML-ben (see section 3). We compare the distances be-tween the presentation MathML and the contentMathML tree of a formula yielded by each tool to therespective trees of formulae in the gold standard. Weuse the tree edit distance with customized weightsand math-specific shortcuts. The goal of shortcuts is

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eliminating notational-inherent degrees of freedom,e.g., additional PL elements or layout blocks, suchas mrow or mfenced.

4.1 Tool selection

We compiled a list of available conversion tools fromthe W3C6 wiki, from GitHub, and from questionsabout automated conversion of mathematical LATEXto MathML on Stack Overflow. We selected thefollowing converters:

• LATEXML: supports converting generic and se-mantically annotated LATEX expressions to XML/HTML/MathML. The tool is written in Perl [11]and is actively maintained. LATEXML was specifi-cally developed to generate the DLMF web pageand can therefore parse entire TEX documents.Notably, LATEXML supports conversions to con-tent MathML.

• LATEX2MathML(a.k.a. LATEX2MML): a small Py-thon project to generate presentation or contentMathML from generic LATEX expressions.7

• Mathoid: a service using Node.js, PhantomJS

and MathJax (a JavaScript display engine formathematics) to generate SVG and MathML fromLATEX input. Mathoid is currently used to rendermathematical formulae on Wikipedia [23].

• SnuggleTEX: an open-source Java library devel-oped at the University of Edinburgh.8 The toolcan convert simple LATEX expressions to XHTML

and presentation MathML.

• MathToWeb: an open-source Java-based web ap-plication that generates presentation MathML

from LATEX expressions.9

• TEXZilla: a JavaScript web application for LATEXto MathML conversion capable of handling Uni-code characters.10

• Mathematical: an application written in C andwrapped in Ruby to provide a fast translationfrom LATEX expressions to the image formats SVG

and PNG. The tool also provides translations topresentation MathML.11

• CAS: we included a prominent CAS capable ofparsing LATEX expressions.

• Part-of-Math (POM) Tagger: a grammar-basedLATEX parser that tags recognized tokens withinformation from a dictionary [28]. The POM




305 305288 295 305


290305 305




























it D



Average Distance of Presentation SubtreeAverage Distance of Content SubtreeSuccessfully Parsed LaTeX Expressions

Average of Structural Distances & Successfully Parsed Expressions

Figure 2: Overview of the structural tree editdistances (using r = 0, i = d = 1) between theMathML trees generated by the conversion toolsand the gold standard MathML trees.

tagger is currently under development. In thispaper, we use the first version. In [5], this versionwas used to provide translations LATEX to the CAS

Maple. In its current state, this program offersno export to MathML. We developed an XML

exporter to be able to compare the tree providedby the POM tagger with the MathML trees in thegold standard.

4.2 Testing framework

We developed a Java-based framework that calls theprograms to parse the corrected TEX input datafrom the gold standard to presentation MathML,and, if applicable, to content MathML. In case of thePOM tagger, we parsed the input string to a generalXML document. We used the corrected TEX inputinstead of the originally extracted string expressio(see section 3.2).

Executing the testing framework requires themanual installation of the tested tools. The POM

tagger is not yet publicly available.

4.3 Results

Figure 2 shows the averaged structural tree edit dis-tances between the presentation trees (blue) andcontent trees (orange) of the generated MathML filesand the gold standard. To calculate the structuraltree edit distances, we used the RTED [16] algorithmwith costs of i = 1 for inserting, d = 1 for deletingand r = 0 for renaming nodes. Furthermore, the

Moritz Schubotz, Andre Greiner-Petter, Philipp Scharpf, Norman Meuschke, Howard S. Cohl, Bela Gipp

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1,00 10,00 100,00 1000,00









Performance of Tools

Duration in Seconds

Figure 3: Time in seconds required by each tool toparse the 305 gold standard LATEX expressions inlogarithmic scale.

figure shows the total number of successful transfor-mations for the 305 expressions (black ticks).

We consider differences of the presentation treeto the gold standard as deficits, because the mappingfrom LATEX expressions to rendered expressions isunique (as long as the same preambles are used). Alarger number indicates that more elements of anexpression were misinterpreted by the parser. How-ever, certain differences between presentation treesmight be tolerable, e.g., reordering commutative ex-pressions, while differences between content trees aremore critical.

Also note that improving content trees may notnecessarily improve presentation trees and vice versa.In case of f(x + y), the content tree will changedepending whether f represents a variable or a func-tion, while the presentation tree will be identical inboth cases. In contrast, ab , a/b, and a/b have differentpresentation trees but identical content trees.

Figure 3 illustrates the runtime performance ofthe tools. We excluded the CAS from the runtimeperformance tests, because the system is not pri-marily intended for parsing LATEX expressions, butfor performing complex computations. Therefore,runtime comparisons between a CAS and conversiontools would not be representative. We measured thetimes required to transform all 305 expressions in thegold standard and write the transformed MathML

to the storage cache. Note that the native code ofLATEX2MML, Mathematical and LATEXML were calledfrom the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and Math-oid was called through local web-requests, whichincreased the runtime of these tools. The figureis scaled logarithmically. We would like to empha-

size that LATEXML is designed to translate sets ofLATEX documents instead of single mathematical ex-pressions. Most of the other tools are lightweightengines.

In this benchmark, we focused on the structuraltree distances rather than on distances in semantics.While our gold standard provides the informationnecessary to compare the extracted semantic infor-mation, we will focus on this problem in future work(see section 6).

5 Towards a context-sensitive approach

In this section, we present our new approach thatcombines textual features, i.e., semantic informationfrom the surrounding text, with the converters toimprove the outcome. Figure 4 illustrates the processof creating the gold standard, evaluating conversions,and how we plan to improve the converters withtree refinements (outside the MathMLben box). Ourimprovement approach includes three phases.

1. In the first phase, the Mathematical LanguageProcessing (MLP) approach [19] extracts semanticinformation from the textual context by providingidentifier-definiens12 pairs.

2. The MLP annotations self-assess their reliabil-ity by annotating each identifier-definiens pairwith its probabilities. Often, the methods donot find highly ranked semantic information. Insuch cases, we combine the results from the MLP

with a dictionary-based method. In particular,we use the dictionaries from the POM tagger [28]that associate context-free semantics with thepresentation tree. Since the dictionary entries arenot ranked, we use them to drop unmentionedidentifier-definiens pairs and choose the highestrank of the remaining pairs.

3. Based on the chosen semantic information, weredefine the content tree by reordering the nodesand subtrees.

Currently, the implementation is too immatureto release it as a semantic annotation package. In-stead, we discuss the method using the followingselected examples that represent typical classes ofdisambiguation problems:

• Invisible operator disambiguation for the timesvs. apply special case.• Parameter vs. label disambiguation for subscripts.• Einstein notation discovery.• Multi-character operator discovery.

12 In a definition, the definiendum is the expression to bedefined and definiens is the phrase that defines the definien-dum. Identifier-definiens pairs are candidates for an Identifier-definition. See [19] for a more detailed explanation.

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Gold Standard






Annotated MMLAnnotated MML

LaTeXMLMML ComparisonMML Comparison






β β


Language Processor

Identifier &





β π ζ

Figure 4: Mathematical language processing is the task of mapping textualdescriptions to components of mathematical formulae (Part-of-Math tagging).

Learning special notations like the examples aboveis subject to future work. However, we deem itreasonable to start with these examples, since ourmanual investigation of the tree edit distances showedthat such cases represented major reasons for errorsin the content MathML tree.

Previously, the MLP software was limited to ex-tracting information about identifiers, not generalmathematical symbols. Moreover, the software wasoptimized for the Wikipedia dataset. We thus ex-panded the software for this study to enable parsingpure XHTML input as provided by the NTCIR tasksand the DLMF website. Achieving this goal requiredrealizing a component for symbol identification. Wechose the strategy of considering every simple ex-pression that is not an identifier as a candidate for asymbol.

For our first experiments we tried to improvethe output by LATEXML, since LATEXML performsbest in our tests and it was able to generate contentMathML. Moreover, with the newly developed se-mantic macros, we are able to optimize MathML ina pre-processing step by enhancing the input LATEXexpression. Consequently, we do not need to developcomplex post-processing algorithms to manipulatecontent MathML.

As part of this study, we created a custom stylesheet that fixes the following problems: (1) use ofthe power symbols for superscript characters unlessEinstein notation was discovered, (2) interpretationof subscript indices as parameters, unless they arein text mode; for text mode, the ensemble of mainsymbol and subscript will be regarded as an identifier,(3) symbols that are considered as a ‘function’ areapplied to the following identifier, rather than beingmultiplied with the identifier.

First experiments using these refinement tech-niques have proven to be very effective. We havechosen a small set of tem functions for performingthe refinements and to show the potential of thetechniques. Of those 10 cases, with simple regularexpression matching, our MLP approach found fourcases, where the highest ranked identifier-definienspair was ‘function’ for at least one identifier in theformula. In these four cases, the distances of thecontent trees decreased to zero with all previouslyexplained refinements enabled.

While this is just a first indication for the suit-ability of our approach, it shows that the long chainof processing steps shows promise. Therefore, we areactively working on the presented improvements andplan to focus on the task of learning how to generate

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mappings from the input PL encoding to CL encod-ing without general rules for branch selection as weapplied them so far.

6 Conclusion and future work

We make available the first benchmark dataset toevaluate the conversion of mathematical formulaebetween presentation and content formats. Duringthe encoding process for our MathML-based goldstandard, we presented the conceptual and techni-cal issues that conversion tools for this task mustaddress. Using the newly created benchmark data-set, we evaluated popular context-agnostic LATEX-to-MathML converters. We found that many converterssimply do not support the conversion from presen-tation to content format, and those that did oftenyielded mathematically incorrect content representa-tions even for basic input data. These results under-score the need for future research on mathematicalformat conversions.

Of the tools we tested, LATEXML yielded thebest conversion results, was easy to configure, andhighly extensible. However, these benefits come atthe price of a slow conversion speed. Due to itscomparatively low error rate, we chose to extend theLATEXML output with semantic enhancements.

Unfortunately, we failed to develop an auto-mated method to learn special notation. However,we could show that the application of special selec-tion rules improves the quality of the content tree,i.e., allows choosing the most suitable tree from aselection of candidates. While the implementation ofa few selection rules fixes nearly all issues we encoun-tered in our test documents, the long tail of rulesshows the limitations of a rule-based approach.

Future work

We will focus our future research on methods for au-tomated notation detection, because we consider thisapproach as better suited and better scalable thanimplementing complex systems of selection rules. Wewill extract the considered notational features fromthe textual context of formulae and use them to ex-tend our previously proposed approach of construct-ing identifier name spaces [19] towards constructingnotational name spaces. We will check the integrityof such formed notational name spaces with meth-ods comparable to those proposed in our previouspublication [22] where we used physical units as asanity check, if semantic annotation in the domainof physics are correct.

Acknowledgments. We would like to thank AbdouYoussef for sharing his Part-of-Math tagger with usand for offering valuable advice. We are also indebted

to Akiko Aizawa for her advice and for hosting us asvisiting researchers in her lab at the National Insti-tute of Informatics (NII) in Tokyo. Furthermore, wethank Wikimedia Labs for providing cloud comput-ing facilities and hosting our gold standard dataset.This work was supported by the FITWeltweit pro-gram of the German Academic Exchange Service(DAAD) as well as the German Research Foundation(DFG, grant GI-1259-1).


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� Moritz SchubotzAndre Greiner-PetterPhilipp ScharpfNorman Meuschke

Universitatsstraße 1078464 Konstanz, Germanymoritz.schubotz , andre.greiner-petter ,

philipp.scharpf , norman.meuschke(at)

� Howard S. CohlNational Institute of Standards and

TechnologyMission Viejo, CA 92694, U.S.Ahoward.cohl (at) nist dot gov

� Bela GippUniversitatsstraße 1078464 Konstanz, Germanybela.gipp (at) uni-konstanz dot de

Moritz Schubotz, Andre Greiner-Petter, Philipp Scharpf, Norman Meuschke, Howard S. Cohl, Bela Gipp

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