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  • 7/21/2019 21807 Ch17


    Gene Regulation inGene Regulation in


  • 7/21/2019 21807 Ch17


    Outline of Chapter 16Outline of Chapter 16 There are many steps in gene expression and regulationThere are many steps in gene expression and regulation

    can occur at any one of themcan occur at any one of them

    Genetic and molecular studies show that most regulationGenetic and molecular studies show that most regulation

    affects the initiation of RN transcriptsaffects the initiation of RN transcripts

    !tudies of genes for lactose utili"ation!tudies of genes for lactose utili"ation Negati#e regulation $ %locks transcriptionNegati#e regulation $ %locks transcription

    Positi#e regulation $ increases transcriptionPositi#e regulation $ increases transcription

    &N %inding proteins acting on RN polymerase at promoter are main&N %inding proteins acting on RN polymerase at promoter are main

    agents of regulationagents of regulation

    ttenuation of expression $ tryptophan pathwayttenuation of expression $ tryptophan pathway Gene expression is fine tuned %y premature termination ofGene expression is fine tuned %y premature termination of


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    Outline of Chapter 16Outline of Chapter 16 Glo%al regulatory mechanisms'Glo%al regulatory mechanisms' E.E.coliscolis

    response to heat shock is an example of theresponse to heat shock is an example of the

    %acterial a%ility to coordinate the expression of%acterial a%ility to coordinate the expression of

    different sets of genes dispersed around thedifferent sets of genes dispersed around the

    chromosome(chromosome( )icroarray analysis is an important new tool for)icroarray analysis is an important new tool for

    detecting changes in gene expression in response todetecting changes in gene expression in response to

    en#ironmental changesen#ironmental changes Comprehensi#e example' *owComprehensi#e example' *ow Vibrio choleraeVibrio cholerae

    regulate their #irulence genesregulate their #irulence genes

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    RN polymerase is the key en"ymeRN polymerase is the key en"yme

    for transcriptionfor transcription

    RN polymerase in#ol#ed in three phases ofRN polymerase in#ol#ed in three phases of

    transcriptiontranscription +nitiation $ sigma su%unit , core en"yme -two alpha. one %eta.+nitiation $ sigma su%unit , core en"yme -two alpha. one %eta.

    and one %eta/ su%unit0and one %eta/ su%unit0 inds to promoter. unwinds &N. %egins polymeri"ation of %asesinds to promoter. unwinds &N. %egins polymeri"ation of %ases

    complementary to &N templatecomplementary to &N template

    2longation $ mo#ement away from promoter sigma su%unit2longation $ mo#ement away from promoter sigma su%unit

    released. polymeri"ationreleased. polymeri"ation

    Termination $signal reached %y RN polymeraseTermination $signal reached %y RN polymerase Rho dependent termination $ Rho factor recogni"es se3uence in mRN.Rho dependent termination $ Rho factor recogni"es se3uence in mRN.

    %inds to it. and pulls it away from RN polymerase%inds to it. and pulls it away from RN polymerase

    Rho independent termination $ stem loop structure formed %y se3uenceRho independent termination $ stem loop structure formed %y se3uence

    of 45 %ases with a run of 6 or more /s signals release of RNof 45 %ases with a run of 6 or more /s signals release of RN


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    Fig. 16.2

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    Translation in prokaryotes starts %efore transcriptionTranslation in prokaryotes starts %efore transcription


    +nitiation sites for translation signal ri%osomes to %ind near 7/+nitiation sites for translation signal ri%osomes to %ind near 7/end of mRN while downstream transcription is still occurringend of mRN while downstream transcription is still occurring

    Polycistronic mRNs often lead to the translation of se#eralPolycistronic mRNs often lead to the translation of se#eral

    genes at the same time from one mRN transcriptgenes at the same time from one mRN transcript

    The regulation of gene expression can occur at manyThe regulation of gene expression can occur at many

    stepssteps inding of RN polymerase to promoterinding of RN polymerase to promoter

    !hift from initiation to elongation!hift from initiation to elongation

    Release of mRN at terminationRelease of mRN at termination

    Posttranscriptional sta%ility of mRNPosttranscriptional sta%ility of mRN

    2fficiency of ri%osomes to recogni"e translation initiation sites2fficiency of ri%osomes to recogni"e translation initiation sites

    !ta%ility of polypeptide product!ta%ility of polypeptide product

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    The utili"ation of lactose %yThe utili"ation of lactose %yE. coliE. coli''

    model system for gene regulation model system for gene regulation

    The presence of lactose induces expression of the genesThe presence of lactose induces expression of the genes

    re3uired for lactose utili"ationre3uired for lactose utili"ation +nduction+nduction$ stimulation of protein synthesis$ stimulation of protein synthesis

    +nducer+nducer$ molecule that stimulates synthesis$ molecule that stimulates synthesis 8actose8actose$ inducer of genes for lactose utili"ation$ inducer of genes for lactose utili"ation

    1975s and 1965s $ Golden era of %acterial genetics1975s and 1965s $ Golden era of %acterial genetics d#antages ofd#antages ofE. coliE. coliand lactose utili"ation systemand lactose utili"ation system

    Culture large num%ers of %acteria allow isolation of rare mutantsCulture large num%ers of %acteria allow isolation of rare mutants 8actose genes not essential for sur#i#al -can use glucose as car%on8actose genes not essential for sur#i#al -can use glucose as car%on


    +nduction increases expression 1555 fold making mutant identification+nduction increases expression 1555 fold making mutant identification


    Color changes usingColor changes using :galactosidase en"yme -e(g(. OPNG. ;:gal0 make:galactosidase en"yme -e(g(. OPNG. ;:gal0 makemeasurement of expression le#els efficientmeasurement of expression le#els efficient

  • 7/21/2019 21807 Ch17


    Coordinate repression and induction of three genesCoordinate repression and induction of three genes

    re#ealed %y studies of lactose:utili"ation mutantsre#ealed %y studies of lactose:utili"ation mutants

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    Complementation nalysis of mutants identifiesComplementation nalysis of mutants identifies

    lactose utili"ation geneslactose utili"ation genes

    )onod et al( isolated many 8ac)onod et al( isolated many 8ac::mutants una%le tomutants una%le to

    utili"e lactoseutili"e lactose Complementation analysis identified three genesComplementation analysis identified three genes

    -lac>. lac?. and lac0 in a tightly linked cluster-lac>. lac?. and lac0 in a tightly linked cluster

    Fig. 16.5

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    2xperimental e#idence for repressor protein2xperimental e#idence for repressor protein

    +solated mutant in+solated mutant in lacIlacIgenegene

    Constituti#eConstituti#emutant $ synthesi"edmutant $ synthesi"ed ::

    galactosidase and lac permease e#en in a%sencegalactosidase and lac permease e#en in a%sence

    of lactose -inducer0of lactose -inducer0

    lacIlacImust %e amust %e a repressorrepressor$ cells must need$ cells must need lacIlacI

    protein product to pre#ent expression ofprotein product to pre#ent expression of lacYlacY

    andand lacZlacZin a%sence of inducerin a%sence of inducer

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    +nducer releases repressor to trigger+nducer releases repressor to trigger

    en"yme synthesisen"yme synthesis

    ddition of lactose inducer causedddition of lactose inducer caused $$

    galactosidase synthesis to continuegalactosidase synthesis to continue

    Conclusion' +nducer %inds to repressor soConclusion' +nducer %inds to repressor so

    repressor can not %ind to &Nrepressor can not %ind to &N

    llostericllostericeffect : inducer %ound toeffect : inducer %ound to

    promotor changes conformation of proteinpromotor changes conformation of protein

    so it can not %ind to &Nso it can not %ind to &N

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    Repressor has %inding domains forRepressor has %inding domains for

    operator and for the induceroperator and for the inducer

    Fig. 16.7

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    Changes in the operator can alsoChanges in the operator can also

    affect repressor acti#ityaffect repressor acti#ity

    Fig. 16.8

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    Proteins act inProteins act in transtrans

    &N sites act only in&N sites act only in ciscis

    TransTransacting elementsacting elementscan diffuse throughcan diffuse through

    cytoplasm and act at target &N sites oncytoplasm and act at target &N sites on

    any &N molecule in cellany &N molecule in cell

    CisCisacting elementsacting elementscan only influencecan only influence

    expression of ad@acent genes on same &Nexpression of ad@acent genes on same &N


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    Three experiments elucidateThree experiments elucidate ciscisandand transtrans

    acting elements using =/ plasmidacting elements using =/ plasmid

    +nduci%le synthesis+nduci%le synthesis

    lacIlacI,,gene encodes agene encodes a

    diffusi%le element thatdiffusi%le element that

    acts inacts in transtrans%y%y

    %inding to any%inding to any

    operator it encountersoperator it encounters

    regardless ofregardless ofchromosomal locationchromosomal location

    Insert Figure 16.9ahere

    Fi . 16.9 a

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    ll operator sites -O,0ll operator sites -O,0e#entually occupied %ye#entually occupied %ysuperrepressorsuperrepressor

    lacIlacIsupperrepressor cansupperrepressor cannot %ind inducernot %ind inducer lacIlacIss mutant encodes amutant encodes a

    diffusi%le element thatdiffusi%le element that%inds to operator%inds to operatorregardless of chromosomalregardless of chromosomallocation -trans actinglocation -trans actingelement0element0

    Insert Figure 16.9bhere

    Fig. 16.9 b

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    Presence of OPresence of O,,plasmidplasmid

    does not compensatedoes not compensate

    for Ofor Occ

    mutation onmutation on%acterial chromosome%acterial chromosome

    Operator isOperator is ciscisactingacting


    Insert Figure 16.9chere

    Fig. 16.9 c

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    The Operon TheoryThe Operon Theory

    The playersThe players

    laczlacz.. lacYlacY.. lacZlacZgenes that split lactose into glucose and galactosegenes that split lactose into glucose and galactose

    Promotor site to which RN polymerase %indsPromotor site to which RN polymerase %inds

    cis acting operator sitecis acting operator site

    trans:acting repressor that can %ind to operator -encoded %ytrans:acting repressor that can %ind to operator -encoded %y lacIlacIgene0gene0

    +nducer that pre#ents repressor from %inding to operator+nducer that pre#ents repressor from %inding to operator

    Fi . 16.10 a

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    The Operon TheoryThe Operon Theory

    RepressionRepression +n a%sence of lactose. repressor %inds to operator which+n a%sence of lactose. repressor %inds to operator which

    pre#ents transcriptionpre#ents transcription

    Negati#e regulatory elementNegati#e regulatory element

    Fig. 16.10 b

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    The Operon TheoryThe Operon Theory

    +nduction+nduction 8actose present8actose present

    llolactose %inds tollolactose %inds to


    Repressor changes shapeRepressor changes shape

    and can not %ind toand can not %ind tooperatoroperator

    RN polymerase %indsRN polymerase %inds

    to promotor andto promotor and

    initiates transcription ofinitiates transcription of

    polycistronic mRNpolycistronic mRN

    Fig. 16.10 c

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    Positi#e control increasesPositi#e control increases

    transcription oftranscription of lacZlacZ.. lacYlacY. and. and lacAlacA c)P %inds toc)P %inds to

    CRP -c)PCRP -c)P

    receptor protein0receptor protein0

    when glucose is lowwhen glucose is low

    CRP %inds toCRP %inds to

    regulatory regionregulatory region

    2nhances acti#ity2nhances acti#ity

    of RN polymeraseof RN polymeraseat lac promotorat lac promotor

    Fi . 16.11

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    !ome positi#e regulators increase!ome positi#e regulators increase

    transcription of genes in only one pathwaytranscription of genes in only one pathway

    AraCAraCis a positi#eis a positi#e

    regulator for allregulator for all

    ara%inose genesara%inose genes

    which %reak downwhich %reak downsugar ara%inosesugar ara%inose

    8oss of function8oss of function

    mutation results inmutation results in

    little or nolittle or noexpression of genesexpression of genes

    Fig. 16.12

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    )olecular studies help fill in details)olecular studies help fill in details

    of control mechanismsof control mechanisms Radioacti#e tag attachedRadioacti#e tag attached

    to lac repressorto lac repressor Repressor fromRepressor from lacIlacI,,cellscells

    purified and mixed withpurified and mixed with

    operator &N. cosedimentoperator &N. cosedimentoccurredoccurred

    Repressor fromRepressor from lacIlacI,,mixedmixed

    with mutant operator &N.with mutant operator &N.

    no cosediment occurredno cosediment occurred

    Fig. 16.13

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    )any &N:inding proteins contain)any &N:inding proteins contain

    a helix:turn:helix motifa helix:turn:helix motif

    TwoTwo AA:helical regions:helical regions

    separated %y a turn inseparated %y a turn in

    the protein structurethe protein structure

    *elix:turn:helix motif*elix:turn:helix motif

    fits into ma@or groo#efits into ma@or groo#e

    of &Nof &N

    )ost repressor)ost repressorproteinsproteins

    Fig. 16.14 a

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    !pecific amino acids in the a:helix determine!pecific amino acids in the a:helix determine

    the %inding specificity of repressor proteinsthe %inding specificity of repressor proteins

    *y%rid BB:P44 repressor engineered to ha#e amino acid*y%rid BB:P44 repressor engineered to ha#e amino acid

    se3uence that will %ind to %acterial #irus BB andse3uence that will %ind to %acterial #irus BB and

    %acteriophage P44%acteriophage P44 Fig. 16.14 b

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    )ost regulatory proteins are)ost regulatory proteins are


    More than one

    binding domain

    DNase footrint

    identifies bindingregion

    DNase cannot

    digest rotein

    co!ered sites

    Fig. 16.15 a

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    The looping of &N is a commonThe looping of &N is a common

    feature of regulatory proteinsfeature of regulatory proteins

    AraCAraCacts as %oth aacts as %oth arepressor and acti#atorrepressor and acti#ator No ara%inoseNo ara%inose

    inding toinding to araOaraOandand

    araIaraI11causes looping andcauses looping andpre#ents RN frompre#ents RN fromtranscri%ingtranscri%ing

    ra%inose presentra%inose present AraCAraC %inds to%inds to araIaraI11andand

    araIaraI44%ot not to%ot not to araOaraO( RN( RNpolymerase interacts withpolymerase interacts witharaCaraCat theat the araIaraIsites andsites andtranscri%es genestranscri%es genes

    Fig. 16.16

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    *ow regulatory proteins interact*ow regulatory proteins interact

    with RN polymerasewith RN polymerase

    Negati#e regulators -Negati#e regulators -laclacrepressor0repressor0

    Physically %lock &N:%inding sites of RNPhysically %lock &N:%inding sites of RN


    Positi#e regulatorsPositi#e regulators

    2sta%lish physical contact with RN2sta%lish physical contact with RN

    polymerase enhancing en"yme/s a%ility topolymerase enhancing en"yme/s a%ility to

    initiate transcriptioninitiate transcription

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    sing the lac> gene as a reporter ofsing the lac> gene as a reporter of

    gene expressiongene expression

    Reporter gene $ protein encoding geneReporter gene $ protein encoding gene

    whose expression in the cell is 3uantifia%lewhose expression in the cell is 3uantifia%le

    %y techni3ues of protein detection(%y techni3ues of protein detection(

    =usion of reporter gene to cis acting=usion of reporter gene to cis acting

    regulatory regions allows assessment generegulatory regions allows assessment gene

    acti#ity %y monitoring amount of reporteracti#ity %y monitoring amount of reporter

    gene productgene product

  • 7/21/2019 21807 Ch17


    =usion used to perform genetic studies of the=usion used to perform genetic studies of the

    regulatory region of gene ;regulatory region of gene ;

    Fig. 16.18 a

    C iC ti

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    Creating aCreating a

    collection ofcollection of

    lac>lac>insertions ininsertions in



    Fig. 16.18 b

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    se of a fusion tose of a fusion to

    o#erproduce a geneo#erproduce a gene


    Fig. 16.18 c

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    The attenuation of gene expression' =ine tuning of theThe attenuation of gene expression' =ine tuning of the trptrp

    operon through termination of transcriptionoperon through termination of transcription

    The presence of tryptophan acti#ates aThe presence of tryptophan acti#ates a

    repressor of the trp operonrepressor of the trp operon

    trpR gene produces repressortrpR gene produces repressor CorepressorCorepressor$ tryptophan %inds to trp repressor$ tryptophan %inds to trp repressor

    allowing it to %ind to operator &N and inhi%itallowing it to %ind to operator &N and inhi%it


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  • 7/21/2019 21807 Ch17


    Termination of transcription fineTermination of transcription fine

    tunes regulation oftunes regulation of trptrpoperonoperon

    trpRtrpR::mutants are not constituti#emutants are not constituti#e Repressor independent change inRepressor independent change in trptrpexpressionexpression

    Two alternati#e transcripts lead to differentTwo alternati#e transcripts lead to different

    transcriptional outcomestranscriptional outcomes 8eader se3uence can fold in two different sta%le8eader se3uence can fold in two different sta%le

    conformationsconformations Tryptophan present $ ri%osome mo#es 3uickly past codons inTryptophan present $ ri%osome mo#es 3uickly past codons in

    leader allowing stem:loop to form terminating transcriptionleader allowing stem:loop to form terminating transcription

    Tryptophan a%sent $ ri%osome stalls allowing normal stem loopTryptophan a%sent $ ri%osome stalls allowing normal stem loop

    structure to form and transcription proceeds normallystructure to form and transcription proceeds normally

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  • 7/21/2019 21807 Ch17


    Glo%al regulatory mechanisms coordinate theGlo%al regulatory mechanisms coordinate the

    expression of many genesexpression of many genes

    Normal sigma factor -Normal sigma factor -D5D50 %inds to RN polymerase and0 %inds to RN polymerase and

    recogni"es se3uence in promoter to initiate transcriptionrecogni"es se3uence in promoter to initiate transcription

    *eat shock disa%les*eat shock disa%les D5D5

    Product ofProduct of rpoHrpoHgene.gene. 44%inds to se3uence in promoter of%inds to se3uence in promoter of

    heat shock genes when heat stressed and starts transcriptionheat shock genes when heat stressed and starts transcription

    Fig. 16.21 a

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    =actors influencing increase in=actors influencing increase in 44acti#ity after heat shockacti#ity after heat shock

    +ncrease in transcription of the rpo* gene+ncrease in transcription of the rpo* gene +ncrease in the translation of+ncrease in the translation of C4C4mRNmRN

    stemming from greater sta%ility of rpo* mRNstemming from greater sta%ility of rpo* mRN

    +ncrease in the sta%ility and acti#ity of the+ncrease in the sta%ility and acti#ity of the C4C4protein( Chaperones &na

  • 7/21/2019 21807 Ch17


    hat ena%les transcription ofhat ena%les transcription of 44during heat shockHduring heat shockH

    Normal temperatures.Normal temperatures. rpoHrpoHgene -encodesgene -encodesC4C40 has promoter se3uence recogni"ed %y0 has promoter se3uence recogni"ed %y D5D5

    which starts transcriptionwhich starts transcription

    *igh temperatures -no*igh temperatures -no D5D5

    0 a different promoter0 a different promoter

    se3uence of these3uence of the rpoHrpoHgene is recogni"ed %y agene is recogni"ed %y a

    different sigma factor.different sigma factor. 4B4B

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    E. colisE. colisheat shock response is controlled %yheat shock response is controlled %y

    alternati#e sigma factors that recogni"e differentalternati#e sigma factors that recogni"e different

    promoter se3uencespromoter se3uences

    lternati#e sigma factors %ind to RN polymeraselternati#e sigma factors %ind to RN polymerase

    as temperatures change to start transcription ofas temperatures change to start transcription of

    heat shock proteinsheat shock proteins

    The induction of alternati#e sigma factors thatThe induction of alternati#e sigma factors thatrecogni"e different promoter se3uences ser#e asrecogni"e different promoter se3uences ser#e as

    glo%al control regulatory mechanisms inglo%al control regulatory mechanisms inE. coliE. coliand many other %acteriaand many other %acteria

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    )icroarrays $ a tool for unco#ering)icroarrays $ a tool for unco#ering

    changes in gene expressionchanges in gene expression

    Cellular responses to glo%al en#ironmentalCellular responses to glo%al en#ironmental

    changes can %e measured %y microarraychanges can %e measured %y microarray

    analysis of mRN isolated from culturesanalysis of mRN isolated from cultures

    grown in different en#ironmental conditionsgrown in different en#ironmental conditions Comparisons of wild:type cultures withComparisons of wild:type cultures with

    strains containing mutations in keystrains containing mutations in key

    regulatory regions help identify genes andregulatory regions help identify genes and

    regulatory elements in#ol#ed in response toregulatory elements in#ol#ed in response to

    specific en#ironmental changesspecific en#ironmental changes

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    Fig. 1.13

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    Regulation of Iirulence Genes inRegulation of Iirulence Genes in V.V.


    acterial agents of cholera sense changes inacterial agents of cholera sense changes in

    en#ironment and transmit signals toen#ironment and transmit signals to

    regulators that initiate. enhance. diminish.regulators that initiate. enhance. diminish.

    or repress expression of #arious genes(or repress expression of #arious genes(

    Three regulatory proteins $ ToxR. Tox!.Three regulatory proteins $ ToxR. Tox!.

    and ToxT $ turn on the genes for #irulenceand ToxT $ turn on the genes for #irulence

  • 7/21/2019 21807 Ch17


    2xperiments generate model for regulation of2xperiments generate model for regulation of

    #irulence genes in#irulence genes in V. choleraeV. cholerae

    Cloned two genes encoding su%units ofCloned two genes encoding su%units of

    cholera toxin'cholera toxin' ctxActxAandand ctxBctxB

    )ade)ade ctxAlacZctxAlacZreporter gene fusionreporter gene fusion

    Created #ector li%rary ofCreated #ector li%rary of V. choleraeV. cholerae

    genomic &Ngenomic &N


    E. coliE. coli

    to perform geneticto perform genetic


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    +solated a gene that regulates expression of+solated a gene that regulates expression of ctxctxoperonoperon TransformedTransformedE. coliE. colicontainingcontaining ctxlacZctxlacZconstruct with clonesconstruct with clones

    containingcontaining V. choleraeV. cholerae&N&N

    Clones that contain a positi#e regulator should turn onClones that contain a positi#e regulator should turn on ctxlacZctxlacZconstructconstruct

    +dentified+dentified ToxRToxR. a transmem%rane protein. a transmem%rane protein

    +dentified+dentified Tox!Tox!. helps. helps ToxRToxRform dimers which helps it %ind to &Nform dimers which helps it %ind to &N

    hat genes doeshat genes does ToxRToxRregulateHregulateH

    Gene fusions created to constituti#e promoterGene fusions created to constituti#e promoter =usion introduced into strains of=usion introduced into strains of V. choleraeV. choleraewithwith lacZlacZrandomly insertedrandomly inserted

    around the genomearound the genome

    +dentified intermediate regulator gene+dentified intermediate regulator gene ToxTToxT. a transcriptional acti#ator. a transcriptional acti#ator

    that %inds to promoters of many genes. includingthat %inds to promoters of many genes. including ctxctx

    ToxRE! or ToxT can acti#ate the ctx genes that produce toxinToxRE! or ToxT can acti#ate the ctx genes that produce toxin

    ToxT alone acti#ates additional #irulence genes which encode pili andToxT alone acti#ates additional #irulence genes which encode pili and

    other proteinsother proteins

    Transcription of ToxT is regulated %y ToxRE!Transcription of ToxT is regulated %y ToxRE!

  • 7/21/2019 21807 Ch17


    Fig. 16.22

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    nanswered Juestions Remainnanswered Juestions Remain

    hy is there a cascade -ToxR and ToxT0 ofhy is there a cascade -ToxR and ToxT0 of

    regulatory factorsHregulatory factorsH

    hat &N se3uence in the promoters doeshat &N se3uence in the promoters does

    ToxR recogni"eHToxR recogni"eH hat is the signal that/s makes the cholerahat is the signal that/s makes the cholera

    %acteria start to coloni"e the small%acteria start to coloni"e the small

    intestineHintestineH *ow does ToxR regulatory protein find*ow does ToxR regulatory protein find

    %inding sites on the chromosomeH%inding sites on the chromosomeH

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