Page 1: 2021-2024 Sturt Public School SIP

Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024

Sturt Public School 4457

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Page 2: 2021-2024 Sturt Public School SIP

School vision and context

School vision statement School context

Sturt Public School aims to be a respectful, inclusive and creative environment, wherestudents and staff can become confident, resilient, self-reflective and successful life longlearners.

School context

Sturt Public School is located in the Wagga Wagga suburb of Kooringal. It has a studentenrolment of 374. Students come from a wide range of socio-economic backgrounds with11% of students identifying as Aboriginal and 13% from an English as an AdditionalLanguage or Dialect (EAL/D) background. There is also a 5/6 Opportunity Class.

The school's motto is "Strive to Achieve" and this drives the ethos of providing students witha broad range of opportunities to learn and grow, including extra-curricular opportunities inSport, Science, Technology and Creative and Performing Arts. The school has beenrecognised as a STEM showcase school. All these enable our students to excel through arange of different experiences.

The school culture is that of a strong community, with students, staff, parents andcommunity members working together to promote an empathic, inclusive and productiveenvironment. Parent feedback indicates a strong approval of current priorities and a needfor further parent teacher communication as student progress is tracked. This has beenseverely restricted due to the COVID pandemic.

Through our situational analysis, we have identified assessment and data skills and use, asareas to further utilise to ensure that teaching is at point of need. Work will take place onfurther developing quality summative and formative assessment tasks and data collectionpractices, to enable greater consistency of judgement across the school. Through theNAPLAN gap analysis, the school has identified system-negotiated target areas in Readingand Numeracy.

The Kagan program has already begun in 2020 and this, along with the introduction ofMastery Together, will be further developing collaborative and cooperative practices, both atstudent and staff level. These two programs will ensure valid, evidence based teaching andlearning, with maximum engagement.

The school continues to actively strengthen relationships with the Aboriginal community.

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Strategic Direction 1: Student growth and attainment


To regularly collect and analyse quality, valid and reliabledata, including feedback from students, in order toidentify student achievements and progress and informfuture teaching practice.

Improvement measures

Target year: 2022

Increase the proportion of students achieving in Top 2Bands in NAPLAN Reading by 3.9%

Target year: 2022

Increase the proportion of students achieving in Top 2Bands in NAPLAN Numeracy by 6.3%



To consolidate consistent school wide practices forassessment in order to monitor, plan and report onstudent learning. Formative assessment to be integratedinto teaching practice in every classroom.

Data Skills and Use

To ensure effective strategies and processes for dataanalysis are regularly used school-wide to identify studentachievements and progress in order to reflect on teachingeffectiveness and inform future school directions.

COVID support

A targeted approach in 2021, to address students placedin the Lower Middle to Second Top Bands in NAPLANand School Based Data, with Intensive Literacy andNumeracy sessions.

Success criteria for this strategic direction

Data collection and analysis is a regular process,informing modifications of teacher practice.

Teachers clearly understand, develop and apply a fullrange of assessment strategies (as, of and for learning) tomonitor student progress and determine teachingdirections.

Strategies to use data in planning, reflect research andbest practice, including ongoing timetabled monitoring,consistently across the school.

Evaluation plan for this strategic direction

The following data sources will be regularly analysed totrack progress and inform adjustments to teachingpractices as well as future directions.

NAPLAN data, Scout data, Student work samples,Literacy and numeracy PLAN2 data.

This will take place during timetabled Teacher Efficacy &Mastery sessions (TEaMs).

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Strategic Direction 2: Valid, evidence based teaching and learning


To consolidate a whole school approach to effectiveevidence-based teaching strategies where distributedinstructional leadership, mentoring and coaching are inplace and all teachers have expert contemporary contentknowledge.

Improvement measures

Target year: 2023

Increase the % of students achieving expected growth inNAPLAN Reading by 9%.

Target year: 2023

Increase the % of students achieving expected growth inNAPLAN Numeracy by 11%.


Effective Classroom Practice

Ensure all teachers have expert contemporary contentknowledge and student learning is data driven and basedon formative and summative assessment practices andlearning continuums. Timely, targeted intervention andfeedback for all students reflects best practice andstudents access tailored support, extension, orenrichment to maximise outcomes.

Mastery Together

Collaborative professional learning, coaching andmentoring, underpin innovative, evidence-based teachingpractice. The collaborative learning areas will be utilisedto facilitate master classes with explicit introductionfollowed by graded implementation groups, in order tomaximise individualised learning at point of need.

Success criteria for this strategic direction

Teachers routinely review learning with each student bothin class and on work submitted, ensuring all studentshave the opportunity to succeed.

Student feedback is elicited by teachers and informs theirteaching, ensuring optimum differentiation at point ofneed.

Teachers collectively establish a repertoire of innovativeand evidence based teaching methods, utilising thecollaborative areas through Mastery Together.

Evaluation plan for this strategic direction

Ongoing collaborative analysis of practice, data andcurrent research will inform adjustments to current andfuture teaching practices.

Data Sources: Check in Assessments, student worksamples, TTFM feedback, student and teacher feedback,meeting minutes, PDPs, classroom observations., SEFSaS.

This will take place during timetabled Mastery Togethersessions (MT).

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Strategic Direction 3: Wellbeing and Success for All


To ensure a high performance culture, with a clear focuson student progress and achievement and high qualityservice delivery, including the active pursuit ofopportunities for both students and staff to realisesuccess.

Improvement measures

Target year: 2022

Increase the % of students attending school more than90% of the time by 4%.

Target year: 2022

Staff have clearer mentoring and coaching roles and aremore confident to implement principles of evaluativethinking, as they continually monitor the impact of currentinitiatives.

Target year: 2022

Increase the percentage of students reporting positivewellbeing from Tell Them From Me Wellbeing data(advocacy, sense of belonging, expectations) by 4%.


Success for all students

Establishing a high performance culture where studentsare actively engaged in extra curricular activities,coaching and mentoring and leadership opportunities,with the support of both internal and external personnel.

Every student feels known, valued and cared for.

Success for all staff

Staff actively engaged in professional learning and strivingfor improvement at both individual and collective level.The PDP process supports evidence-based effectiveteaching strategies which drive student improvement.

Sustainable structures to support high performing staff togain higher level accreditation.

Success criteria for this strategic direction

All students have regular meetings with an identified staffmember who can provide mentoring, support andassistance to help them reach their full potential.

Student attendance level maintained and students areactively engaged in their learning both in the classroomand in extra curricular activities.

Staff have clear mentoring and coaching roles andimplement principles of evaluative thinking as theycontinually monitor the impact of current initiatives.

Evaluation plan for this strategic direction

The school will regularly analyze the effectiveness of theinitiatives in achieving the purpose and improvementmeasures. This analysis will guide the school's futuredirections:

Data Sources: Wellbeing and Behaviour data, Attendancedata, TTFM surveys, school based surveys and data,PDPs, involvement in high level accreditation.

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