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    ' .--!l, bl'· of tbe Executive Committe!! of capbe of their rc.>j.!ular v1s1.1S to nll tbe Pewocratic Nation·at Cow· parts o(tbe c"unty and t b (' 1 r mittee, b}ld members of the Store close acquatntance with COildi· League of Young Pem,ocrats of t.ions. , Oklabow'll. at tbeir state conven· After much disc"ssion Ill u d tiori.lit Musk,ogee recently. lle ,wanv ~ugg-estions a d~(inlle de· cited statistics to indicate tbdt dsion was rea c b c g and Mr-. • • every two years betwel'n 1920 and l~'rencb, wbo is cbairwan of thr 1928 approximately 1 . .500.000 new Puhlic Welfare Dl!p(U! " cnuprra lion of the people ol cv..r} cnruruunny in tbc cnuntv.

    --·--The Bonus Loan

    • • ...... -. Edr. News: ( ll!>tlonAI Indaoutes Now a Sol'l'lct)

    ' I

    'l'be col ossa I rirofi ts of Cb ic:ago's In con versa lion wit b one of the beer rtog bnve just been put into Town Trustees it was learned cold biud figurt>s by Colonel Rob. t.hill tbe·dty will make every ef~ ert Isham Hanl1ol,ph. presil1ent of fort to have ten11nts ancl property till' Chicago Chamhl'r of CoPJ- owners ~ive the town a good clean IUt·rcl'. The statistk11 of t hi R up·~s souo as Spring opens u,p. notnriOll'\ tr.,ffk were gathered Tbe c1tv will not do the wurk, lor Cnlnnt•l l'!!otndnlpb by a ~roup but wtll at~k the tenants or pro• ol traiiH'd IIIVt"l'ig.tlors, und their pt'rl\' nwners In cJ,,·it 0'cl budd• autlii.'Jiticlt"f IS l!crllti.:d, bv thr, 1t1gs will. also be giV•·o attention, .uthorlly of the bus1nc·ss ·men I~ 1s to be hoped that everybody who COID!•osnl the sub·ct•UlmiUeu wtll lend a helping; band towards 'in charge of tbili wNk, making the city look altractivt.~

    'l'bl.' nu1oiJl'r "f !lak l'hC' city will set a good example ··~Sit'S In l'h•~u!!•t-iS SC'l at20,000 ~IDd b!lVC ItS Btf.t'Ctll kC'pt free fftl•sh. old cans, tobarro cdns, we· k•v,- w h a"r h · l!ll'atn• tbat r··~k5 etc It sH•rt>!l sclllllg candv he kh· OJ \lll'l. oum, t'oltml'l Cdlll couott, by rt·us·.o "' t ;, • · orium Tuesday, Mar. l~·ndu'"" rogram·~"l:'be buruaolld' riau allowed the cbtldren to watch

    the pigs. cat. "-Rcpicsentallvt Blac.k (Drm N Y. ).

    Meri Weatbersbee1 of Oklalto· A very sul!cesgful lind larudJ ma City. is here visiting his uncle altcudul meeting ol A n c b u · Curtis Weathersbee. Wnma,n's Club was beid on tht·. .... - - -

    Miss June Caldwell is es:pccted afternoon of Feb. 28 at the howc· to arrive howe this week from of Mrs U M. Bullard at Luna. Cincinnati, Ohio. It was voted to ~ve $2 50 toward~

    .. Miss Effie Do~le and Mr. Goodson attetJded Sunday tiuee in Cartizuz').

    G •o. tbr New Mc.>xaco bell to be plactd mat• io the Valley Forge ~ m•nhl

    lt was reported abmu balf of the. chauces oo quilt were sold. The

    a 11 d librarian reponed S uc,·; b Jokil week• added to library. F!ftefn hbr:trt

    cdds. ba V{> been issuerl !Iince J a o On Saturday of last weet, J. lqt to Hild'a Key, Jewel J1itw«,

    11. Vandervort was a visitor in Dot: Ingram. \Irs L('e S•ltl;J~•n, Carrizozo, Archie Lac{>y, All('n K!l{>, Eu)!enc

    MtS'O Cora Loyd was guest of KiUlruousi V Sbarlzer, \LtUdte

    Mts!les Mary Pickeu M.tudie Warden spent tbe end in El Paso.

    Mrs. Kuc this week, \Varden and s1x boys from the U f-'

    Mr. and Mrs. Pete Frame aud S. Public Survey. wllo~rl natn~!i Mr. J. M. FraUlc titotored to .. Car• arc not avail a blc rizozo last ,Saturday to see tb¢ After busitic·ss meeting, a snc;al a h o w 'l'l'be White Renegade" hour wns etlj•Jfed. A dellr::1ous featuring Mt. a11d M t s • 'red salad course was served. · Mts.

    . Wells, wbo1 are f't i en d s · ·of Grover Prtiett was a special gUe'lt, • the Fri\me rantily. .\ Ne:l!:t club hos1ess will be Mrs

    Mr. aud Mrs. Curtis Weathers· Belknap, who is platuiiug a s:. bee. Jackie -Weathersbee, Merl Pattictt•.s partv for dub mt?tnbt!rs

    ·. Weathersbee, Clay Lockett and aud few a additiortlil guc$tll. The Dee Foster made a tr1p to ltt Uleedug will be on Mare& HI h ..

    • Pa5o last Saturday .teturniug on Mt!i• Robert P'oagt! 'Visited ber tbe !ollowirtg Monday. parentt~,' Mr. and Mrs, J. l~ Hall.

    Mu. George ·Titsworth, of Mrs. Poage resideil in l>c,;ugla~. Capltu, tnd daughter, Mn. Ed• Arilona• ward Long. of isleta. N. M. were AndOUU¢~ml'nt is wade of .tbc

    Admission 25 and SOc

    • • -·-· --------~-=--

    priZe> of bt•er cnntr ... ," tlil'i"' Col· ooel Randon~,h tn Colli""r'!t Wel'kly. "ln the days bPfOrc AI Cat,one btcarue a.II·Jmwulul, tbtrc wt·re s~veral nvat f!angRUGS . ot )Jindtcd Supplies you W'al]t the· moat In Ser~fce, Qu111ity nmlln -v~lue. · .. . . . That's whnt you ~there. We entry- nu unu~tually Jntge s'oek of .nced~t ~i;ueb as: . st~IUcmnry, lltttoker eupplll!11

    ""1)lwit~e t'nndieil (roitct· ,~\ttfclt"!l RubberGqods

    . -

    "Cons1dcr Ga pnne'!l (ttofl ts 1 n hrer. IJe an1l hts qyodtcatc con· troJ the tlhclt bu'ltnesg f r o w manufacture to dt'\trlbutton They own a strlll!! of brewert\'9 and contrnl tbC" nu•!•U« of other" Tile bigUl'Sl l!('IU nf l'Sill'f19P IS protecttun. The ~:in'l! !It t·SittU:th· W!' c~n ru~kf' nf Hw ml'n d•rl'rt

    ' tv !)0 Cap J[Jt!'q vI vr•J I'\ 2 ()!Jl) tltlw far ht~ btlberr e.&ttnds tnto the pollee dcJJilrtwent ts a mattrr for coujt•cture. Strg a lttto'lt trtVIIII io cum pa rison with beet. It costs awr( to control the wbis'kev r a c k e t

    • than it ts ·wortb. "ltoodlum gangs in Chicago ·ha~e currupl• ed the Ia w enforcement ageocieR to a· degree that is tragic." be !lays, "but the Cot!lf'rstotte ol . . their powet is the sale of beer, not whiskey ...

    · 1'be bit add run driver and the writer of unou.ymous_ ietter& soul n~ah!lt. -· guests of Mts. Bel.k.ttap 'Mo"iid!lY wedditJg of Miss Carolynue. WJI•·

    aad Tu~day. Me$~:bm .. es Tits· sot~ aud Mr. George • Ska ''-'Kn ·1 worth at1d L()ng, accowp~niM by which took placf! in San M~!ldalilea lle\kuap ud. Pclleu. co. Ca!Jloruia, on '1'b!.lrt$day ... · ... .,. ..


    Rolland's Drug Store "Qaielt Sam, a wild eat's just

    ruu into tbe bouse with yn u I' . drote: ,to Vaughn aC ~hicb_ ,t1diut t9Ut• tl!e bride ,is th~ cbartn!ug Mn. Loag- bO;u·ded the. ttaln for daughter of Mt, :4tld Mtst ....... b -e· · ·· · Wa'tsoo '"· · •~l o~ ~ . ._ . . __ . .

    . . ... • •

    wife;.il · · H\Velt. be'U jtut hne to get


    $430 'l.,O $630 '· 0.11. ,_,..,,, p!o• ftrl;lu -.4 d:!INr.,. lf••t:R• -.1 •r_. r:r. ,..,.. Cl 1..JJ ~If. fou #eft tn:a, d l'arJ /IN II .aoJf Jotnt Plfl~OI .. • '""""aNa.t f,~:IAg F!ctt. .Su ,-oar 'otd c!#4.f.n 1~ c!•rdJ ..

    Carrizozo Home Laundry

    • Specializes in -FAMILY WASHING •

    Laundry called lor' and DeliiJered. •

    Phone 50

    ,£ -----=-- -!- ,_..!,_ ( -- -_..._..._:..::: . _, - ·y "· . -~-~-~---·~~~-~!'f.~~

    First National Bank CARlUZOZO, ·N'. M .•

    · w·· . . HEN you need money and .. , · , just . have to h a v· e

    it the only source you can en-tirely depend upon . is y o u r banka.ccount surt • savll(s AWJunt

    TfiE FlhS't NATlONAL SANK . - . . ... _\- '---·-· . . .. . ,.._.._.

  • ,,

    ' '

    ! ' ., •

    •· (I,·TY- c ~~v-·1-,(· f cy-.A' y· -1-0''' . SUPER . _-. JlK: .. . ,..) , .-__ ,- _ 11 S~RVICE;,~ . . , . ' . - - - ., . ' - . •


    ·';< ' . ,. J. . ' .

    IIIII ·' ' '- . \ ,· '·

    -Artcbo . ' .


    -Jobq an«l Jl~ Pille, $; P '~m· . ' . . ~ ployees. were ho~J:~e Sattmh.)(llU~

    - Sunday. · _ , · "

    Ril-l toll Sme-t--was_ •~ .dshor tit Is week,

    S'rank -Mi,mt&"o~J:~eiy, wM' r•· cet:ttly pqrc'Ql!eecl Pe~tllll;tgtoQ ranch, macle ·bll~Jinesll trip tOe .Roa•

    '• ' . . well last Weel!;. - · __ - . .


    - .. ' ~ . '

    . ;-

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    ·~o\lt\\1 .~Toe'&$:.·. W ... ,._ j, OFO .. . -


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    • '

    . . '

    Oil•, Grea.e•, CQ~l on, cieanin- Maptha ~d Pen .. etrailng Oil•, c,,. Grta•~ J,y.·high proiluro srea"' lng on Hijhd•-.~lic Lift: Car•, Motor• ~nd thaa•i• eleaned by ·pr,.•ur' ma ... ine, ·Vacumm A.Uaehment for: 4\loaning .. phol1tery, AJao lluga cleaned by:. Pre ..

    . . I .

    Ml!Sa Lila tee Dr•Jce was hotJae.·rt Fot. Home and Street that, ar~ Dis~ tinctly .Flattering · and fO· Economic~l. --

    " ,,. •

    , 1ure Vacam11_1. · · · "

    - WE.ALSO-.

    Carry a compl~te line of Auto Equipment such Jlll . Fan Belts, Auto Electrical P•rts, batteries, tiref; tubes, Brake J .. ining, etc. .




    and Starten · Over~ hauled and General Expert . Mechanical Repairing, Storage. T •. X i servict any-where. "




    guest or Miss ~!lwir~a Peters for tbe past seveflll d.ay!l.

    Mrfl. S. E .. Gil bert h1 '.,i,itlf:lg' ber daughter!l in San AnKeh>~ . Tens. , ·

    . !

    Miss Hilda Key spent' tbe'week• end in Copitau with ber pareot•· · Mu. R. E. P. ', Wardeg a n d dau&'blers bad as tbelt week•end guest, .Miss Etbel]obnaon.

    'rbc bdlcc:t b-all game• between girls of Carrizozo and A n e b o grade schools Jut Frida·y digbt reaulted in victory for Anebo • Scort> was 30 to 10-Amoug tbose witnc~>sing game from bere were Mrs. R. L. Hale and children, Mm. Lulu Hale, ·Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Htgbtower and children.

    • = • - ~- -~ ·· -·~ ··-- ·~~"'-= =-~ ~---~ ·- Mr. and t.lra. Duncan, Mrs, R .

    LOCAL AND PfRSONAL Sunday .School E. P. Warden, Virgil Peters and - - Cap. Straley. • .• Wubhlgton'a Rirlbda)'

    program at tbc Methodist Churt>b MeSdames Belknap and Kile · 1 · · entertninfid whb a dinner party -Mn. Sam G. Alll'n spent Wed· 10 Carrizozo lut Sunday wan a S d . , F b

    2 1 ar•ula y In El P.tRO. 1aucccas. 'l'bert~ were aevcnty uis pa.lUf ~1 ~venlng, e . d 11 t •'

    San $1.00 to $1.50 on Lattiea' prcaent for the claas llCriod and i atrtouc t leme wall c;rrael out and men'• alwc11 at J>OilHrtm's. more came in 1ime for the pro• n :euu, out cups an P a c

    (lram. The little lad~tand laaslea car 8• Mra. Nellie flunum and Mr. drencd 18 80 many'"''Gcorge. nod M~s. S. J Pruett and aon 1. A•

    Mrs. O•car Clouu were In El Martba Waahln(Clona, and tbe bave returned from El P a so PaM tb atne.

    The ronwnt 1!1 &an ot What ad-\'ctUaln& cspertlf dcdare ll one ot tbe most lntcr.slfo ad~;utl!ltng cam-~ ctcr lltagcd. l'tacUcallr ovoey dall1 and county 'kAt •cek· 11 ne'ttlll31lef in tho 001Ullt7 wlll be used as woU lU coUegil txlriod'i-cals aod Ur.ond:tl no•npa~::rt. Thfa

    _ mtnli:\1111 Ita to oo toflciwed bt an n~~tr-~"•••u~ ~dfilrti!llng drl~e. ~ --t••• tbrouah newtpo:~pc:s, tna~tntifna. radio 1111d outdMt dlsptur.

    Preachfn~ at Capitan

    -t.INC:OI..M., _ .... '· ·tnutoMPAU.

    ..,. ..

    Blanketi Comforts Men's Underwear Men's Work Clothing Men's Gloves Men's and Ladies HO!iery Men's shoes Men'sStVeaters · Men's sheepskin linedcoab Men's Hats

    ·Men's Caps Radiator Glycerine Ptestone _Grocerles,feed; painti,etc. ·_ Bathed Wire Flog Fence

    · Chicken Netting M&ILath Metal Rooting Building Paper Portland Cetnent Lime · SheetRock Sash Glass ' ))oars L\Ull~ .

    • •


    ·Our Prieea Are Reasonable· ,'l

    . . .... -- ~ . ' "" . -' - . " . . . . - - ,_ • < ' ... -.. ' .-- .. - . - .. , . - ,. -. -· ··-.

    IAe D~wortn (O.~ Inc. . .. . ,,

    • •

    ,· f&pitai~ H. 'M. • > ·ea··- a··-··· _N_-. M · -- --- ___ -~ - .rr zozo, --- -- __ • i -_ • • • ' . I 4 , ' · ANTU.ew, . -~- _rao


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    ~li.CI- N. Joat,. -Pm.. Car~. New 'Ktilti




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    • • I c.A:~Rtzozo, N~w ... MJb~Ico, 'Fiuo~Y. l\iARCil· 6~ t,a1

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    ! •. i.!.!,!ii. ' : .·.! '=~~~i.'.' =i'• !li Organiza.tion~

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    ; '" ~ . ~ ~... . ' ' ! ( ' . ' ! ! .. ' '·~!!!' ~. ·=·~~· ~~~=~~~!e!!!~· !!!:=~'~=~ !!!!!! !!!==~=~~~==:=:::=== ftext. fle~tiOO Depends A ~ak· city will set 11 goo~ txample ~~~S .approihnately 1.$0(),00'0 pew Public Welfare Department of ••asies tP Chicagn .Is set Bl20,000 and have tts streetR kept. free from votef'!l becall\e eligible1 increas· the Woman's Club was .selechd ThP.V '1cll lOU 000 b:Hrcls of beer rubbish, old s:ans, tobaccu cnns, ing wtlb tbl! ratio of· population ·til bke the .matter in bard. wul'l w.c• kly,-w hi c h mf'ans. -tbnt rucks etc. II stores selliug candy

    Mr. Shouse told of the tendL•n· tbe cooper a lion of the clu tJ; to be a ver•11:l' Ch 1cagoa n consumes tlla t is wra p~l\'d in paper eoq,ld r:.1 of tbe younger element of the "elect pmper commit•el's or r~, nearlt a pint a dav. ' It cosl!l tbt• have a rubbish b·•x sl'ttio,g coh· electorate tO take Cbtrge Of af• presenta.tiVCS in various parts ol bttt'f. flflldtctilc $l 811 to. brew ll ~t'nll!ntly tO their dnor, CblldrCn f.drs, and saicb "This is fiS it the county, who are to nscNtuin harrel ••f bt•er anc1 there nre ad· m•ght be taught to help kl'ep the· ab~"ld be, au#! I am glad to- St'l' .trtd report c.,ses .of dire ntc:d- tlillona.L manul.,cluring costs streets free hom wr

  • '

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    i) 1 " \{ ii .

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    • • •• -~ ."f . ....

    . •.


    _,_ ,. (' . . .

    I . ! .• , j ' ~- ' ' ' . , .. J. _.._.·-·-·.-....-· 10 ;c~;. _I !I --~ll.-li4li[ tRI . l I ·J ·,_; ,· ' ! I . ·. : '!,_: _.'! / . .;:_, ~- ' ; ' - ' I: ... .-' '-' . ; : - L ; 11>-\. ' . '_; 1 J . ' ' ' - • -_ ':. -.:;"' ; I • 'f> j I ,1 ' ~.-I~ iJ ,.-~ II t again And tolk ltto old liWI!ll o•t-r. ...

    I rnt>l Jim llroWll. of !m'OI nnown, . Who ulf'd to he~ m)l' tl'llrllr;r.

    And nil:{) down In llldtllr-town I ron nrro.t# our .prl':tdlrr.


    throu&h the t:ltat artuder, add ou. IIPOQnflll ot bottu with two of tkmr

    T IU; roarwr food• and Ollrotll ...-.,. f;)urtJt or a euptul Nth ot milk and Jrtll b!e~~i!ed,. Mit and p~ to tutt>. ctablta are quito Dl'ft'SI:ll'J tn oar lllOlliiH. one •nd Gilt-halt tabiHpoon· • 'Cook t~bu untiJ the atahb to the diet and atould be C'twlT Jl'I'W at -all fu!a of tat, oatJot01trth tP&ll(IOOntul ot . !lour la 'lttll ~tfd. tbMt- add a ~ptlmN of the , .. r. Th• JOfl. •11100tb IIQda, oae t~lal oc ~t and i)ho tul ot rleh mllk atHJ wh!p 'Whb a dovt'r tooda wlll(:ll bal"e act rofi.Pilf do ~t IPurcJt of .. n,~vt ot ralllw til' 11ut& '" W.ter until Uibt. t•II!Jic trell!! exdte tile ~tfltaltte a«r. Olldwtlt•a SstuP. Pepam t. tha wort~• mOst ~p\ltar tantlt'e for .,.....,. ... ...,. ... ...,., ........... t · 1',.. '

    ' """ _..._-: -""' ~~... .

    ' ..

  • '


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    . ' ' • ..

    . . ·.. . . . . : . ~ : ·~·; .. : ; •• •

    ·. .


    DINlN&tt 12'~'')( 12'0''

    I t

    • Flrtt Floor Plan.

    . ly W. A. RADFORD a IITt!l'l•room bou~. tor the lllll room Kr. William A. ltadlor4 will •nawer II 10 placed that It Clln be made thor.

    tt•••Uo1111 ed clv• a4vlc:• FRED or oarhlt uMtul, eltber u a atadt, a COB'l' on all aubJ1eta perttJalo~r to practlc:&l bom• bulldlnl', tor tba uad· ~wine room. an emerpDcy bedroom •r• or t..hla paper. on account ot bla or other J;lUI'POit!l u OCCUIOil mat wtda expcrltnc.e aa editor, author an4 require.

    ~ manutacturer, be Ia. without doubt, tba Above atalra u1ero are three bed• blchut autborlt)' on all · tbue aub• roomt anA th• batllroO"' lt wUl ba Jact& ACdrua tJl lnqulrlu to William u u .... A. Jla4Cord, No. 40'1 South Dearborn noted that each of theae bedroomt atr .. t. Cblcaco, m .. acd oniJ lnclon two-cent atamp tor repl)'.

    . ,, .

    ,. . ~ 'WORL'Il. ·.wAR ··-

    . '

    _YARNS·· by Li•ut. Frank E. Hagaia:

    . '

    . 'lhe R~t Pil Tbey Didn't E~t. . . . ' · Julit llel'oro the ~Pll!rlean llh1r4 army m~rched tow11n1 .O!!rmun;v, att!tr the Armistice, a me• liei'J,;eamt of the Second 41vllllon1 atopped Ions enough In Bar-,le-Duc to · tinr'Sllln wltb a farmer. · · ,

    Tlle outcome of thl) nej;otlntlnna. was that thl) ~IIUallm) own~ 11 pig, tor whlcb the sergeant hJU swnt•J•!!d a· slick of augur, when It pulled. frciJ;ht Cqr the llhlne.

    A Thanksgiving dinner, with the pig ftl the ·chief tldbll on the tnhle. wu.11

    · tlln.nnt!d lmm~utely. :.tetmwnlle. nutlilng would be too t:Oouc. But Ute serJ~c:mt ,,mtlnu~ lP feed dcllcnc.ICll to Ills 'ulg. · llo Wllti:h~ Its {;'rowtb Jealously, und boost~ of lt.B lncre:tJIIng size nn•l. si,'I.!IUICSI.

    ~lcmbcr" of the temtmny bcl'llme In· ' tensely lnlerl'l!tcll tn the pig. "II paya

    tu have been· a tnrme1·," they snld ad· mlrlngl;v to tho mess sergeunL "Ynu sure know bow to take care of a pl.:. l.oc1k how It'• fattened already I" And 1 h&'1ergennt smiled cvmplneently,

    'l'wo duya bcforo Thanks~t1vlng the . outOt camp~ on tho· bllnka of t_he Alosclle. 'fhe tltno bad come to butcher th~ pig llld prepare the tea•r. Ordera were tf\Ven the lint cook to "brlnl In the meat."

    Aner a abort ubti!IJt~. tho c:oolt re-turned.

    "'Tbero'IJ be no pll for 'l'hankQ1r· IDi," old lbo eook brleftr, wltb a djrf7 look for the II!I'JtJint. .. lt'a out tb'"' all rf&ht but lt'a JOt nine little onM wltb Ill''

    • • • A Hard Mau. to Stop

    It II on1J In comparallnly re«'Dt rura that the Pl!OPlO of tblt teuntrr have diJtOvcre4 the poulblliUtJI In home detlgn baaed on French lll't'hl· tcetural atylu. Dut now we Oqd m11n1 llouaee. bot11 ·fargo and amall,

    Talk to any, DlllU'ber or one of the (OlllJIInltJI ot U1e One Uunclrcd and 'l'hlrty·firat lnrnntrr and ho wll1 tell JOU rhat tltelr' "'old man," Capt. tier-bert 11. Weimer, D. S. 0.. wu a bard man to atop. On October S. 11U8, Wht!n thl1 c:ompanJ waa ordered 'to ero11 the Afcuao rlrer nnd attack tho

    1-.. 1. eMrn,. e10 Ute other alcle. a wlthuJn•

    In the Frcnc:h at;rle 111d the7 aro al· most atw&)'a of outltatldlnr altrac-uro appcartnce. Tbe MJle a,. In gczn· mt, quite . almple with atuttO u a temmonlr pe4 ftnlah.

    In the a~mPIDrltlr pbotorrapb we lt!t one of thete botliU, the c!W.CU of whJch baa beea baed ot1 tlle FrtfldJ tne. The walla are of rougbo rtnllhed allttO, prart!caliJ vnoram~t. td except bJ tbe well.plattd openlnp for doora 111d wljuloWII. The root UntJI are t.ft'etU\'e 111d the entrance 'detatl pOutue$ a charm wbtdJ CID btlt be detetlbi!d bJ the word quaint.

    'lboucb tllla boule Ia a amall ont!, mdlurlnJ but 20 teet bJ 24 teet on the foundation, lbJ nearly square plan llld the 4!COnOnlJ Of tp3t'll In dt!lll~ atrord a lttr~e atnOUDt ()f lntt!flor rpac::t!. Tllero are d,; J'O(ImJ and a aull room, wbleh prart!call1 mnliea It

    'Vindow Frames Should Be Given Close Attention

    .. t.cond Flotr Plan. ·

    tent&ltll u mpte doset. whlle a rai.J&. er unaaual fNlure Ia a ~11 lute c)o~t orr the batllroom. ·

    The rooma ot tbe 1lrlt floor foUow tlle tmtal arranrement of UtlnJ room. dllllnr room and kJteben In the mod•. tlm atJit of 1arae 11•1111 roo~ 111d temptet ell1clent kJtebm. Tbl'!re Ia a unfce entran(t at the aide ~t•lnr ado mtttance to the kitchen 111d the bU&-ment. At tho rear wlll be follnd, bar-man.lllnr In style wlth the bou~. a $tllrlllte. now an cssenUal p3rt ot ereq hou•~

    nre of Auslrlan 88'• and machine xun• greeted them. Captnln \Velme-r wna . uat nln&lnr 1111 men Into poal· tlon wh~n a m:~clalne KUD bullet pee~• trated hie ahoulder. Dut be carrle4 on.

    SuddeniJ the Oerruatu1 opened ap trom the ll!ft and trom behind tbt \Velmer detllehment. It wu trnllf>t!d on three eldes. A runner waa aent to battalion beadquartm fo1' ald. AI be lett. be uw C.ptaln Weltner wounded fn the scalp b1 a m11c.hlue JCUD bullet and he rtparleiJ tbl&, too.

    An order arrlYed fll1' the dlplaln to rttlre to a dretalnJC tllntfnn. De

    • 1111orcd ft. A plec:e ot abravnel wounded blm In the aide. Ue waa forced to hue tlle wotnd · d1'8100. De lett • lieutenant tn -:har.;e of the temp:1n1 and rushed away In ao am· buill net'.

    At the di'Hsln' ataUon thl'Y go\'• Wdmer temporat1 reltct. 'J'be sur. ifMbl m~nttoned hi! wo to J:o a llaAC bl'llllllllll, tnr hehltld the lines. So. at plswl'11 p•ltu. he lmrnrolntel.r fnrlmPr"• eomp:1ny l'l'm:ut;m "Clnl1 nn J.nnls-tJee eould k~p the 'nld mnn' fr••m .t:

    Tho English J~ntumllst, Ocorgo J. :. · · ·~-~·· ··· "~·~--nomnnes, zoolo~;lcml serretnrr ot Ulo'. ·Gurit·e· ld Tea. Llrlnenn society ot l.ondon. J~nglnntl, tells ot n 11kyo tllrrler thnt lmtrcl to . Was Your be wnshed. As limo went on, ·Ita , Gra.-dmotheir's Remedy n \'erslou to hnthlng hecmnll stron):er I~or every atom•, und strollgllr. At lnllt the do!: ho- nrh and lntestlnnt cnmo lill llerro nt tho \'ery sll;ht of lll. This good olll• water thnt tho ser\'Onts ot tho house :tnshlonod berb ·refJlscd point blank to glvo It n buth. llome rmnody tor Then me terrier's mlatress tried It c on • I p a ~Jon,

    Dcnver-"Mq son was broken out with bimples all over hl.s !nee. I was adv.1sed to

    · g i " o him Dr. horsrlt. Dut cnm she wns not ante. ms and , . writes Prescott ·t.ccky ot tho dep:lrt• o b or. oeranxe-Pierce's Ooldm· Medletl Dlscov· ory. Ilo fttnrted

    i taking It 11nd In . a abort time the · L o. IIWawertJa pimples 'bc_ga.n to disappt.-llosca Flre,roof Foreete So•tlt Aaufca U•lll•• Dollou. O~rmnn1 II nmklng Ill forc1te

    &nth Amerlta I• U1o on11 tenU· pmctknlly nrevroot by cnrc>ful plaa'-neot In whlcb no J)lacea bclOI! IICll J"'om to be a good lolt'r. Ton nro lng ot llltrcrent tn•ea ot tr«a.-lenl hne b~ !o_u_n_d_. ____ __;~•uro to !'!!:!I tin! knowt~~---...,.;..'~'ountry llome.


    ''Yott can bet your Bottom Dollar Germ-Processed Oil 4 won't fail you ~these cold ~ays''


    . .

    '.. . . . . •. ., ..




    - '


  • ... _,

    • •

    ; L" . .·In eo·· . ·ty' ~T .. ·.· (0$~. lltd Capitl!n) . PY b "g mco . un. .neYS llo'b •cort!a tol• low tigut¢; . Ch~•tion-Ciements

    JNO, A. HAL!J. • • Wt. u4 Nlin. t!it [,iunpk.ins..;.-o~Jd !Je di~·l!tJ'!>Ua , - ~, to Carriaozo, but tbe iecond half

    "--•;R~b~-~ ,·' ~.:~:.,~:'· 1;,1 '.t found tbia play belph:11a ··gaiost tbe.Carriaozl) d,efen•e, · Carrizozo-, bo,ever, wa~·conaiatetttly weak

    Carrizozo V "· Capitan

    +, .. . .

    • I . • .

    • . I I . ,. \ '

    ' ' -- ' ... •

    •• • •

    ~-,.. . •

    . '

    • -(C H. S.)

    Saturda7 night, February 28, Capitan met Carrlzoa:o on the Carri&ozo ln11k'et·ball .court Ia two a~ood l(amea. Capitan girl• bad not Joat a IC~tme for four yean but wt·re defeated 32 to :n ·by tbe Car• nz,,•o girl• In this game. lta~t ••·nson thue two •teams pla~ed four gttmell, Capitan winning . UHce and tyi,ng the last one. Thaa year they bave played three; tytng the ~rat_~v,d Capitan win• nwg the second. Carrizoao glr frel tb111 t!i tb'ctr biJigc~;t victory of tbc year-.. in fact their biggest

    at tbO» free•tbrow line, making oii1y 4 out pf 13 trials, w~ile Ca-it an ma~e 3 out o_l 5. Had adif~H atreagtb !)eea abown at the foul line the u.pec.t.Pf the eo fire game woul_d ban been changed. The amall number of fouls commUted

    Which is larger-.,.. the, white . bQICor tht[' blackf·. Don't

    ' answer too quickly. . • t• " '

    by the Carrizozo team can be at• trlbuted to the clean brand of ball


    • tbe boya diaplayed. Tbe final acore atood, Capitan 16, Carri• IOZO 10. .MAY. FOOL·YOU .

    • • 0

    Income Ta" R~ports · B.UT. - • • \l , -,· I


    March 15 ia the Jut date to tile • •

    Ytci.Qry' for DC'Vc•nl years.

    . ' Mr. 'I' a y lor of ICI Paso refereed

    Income tax report.t. Our pros• peroua . citizens abould aee tbat their returna are in • - YOUR TASTE fells ffle.Truthl

    tbc gatne, calling perhapa the '

    · ~,::t ~:~:.:~~t :o-:r:e;:r'·~~~:~:a~ ~~m;w;k'iui~Oij*~ 7car11. He prond a very able re• ~~"'C''I:MMJ'I't>JR'W';~;ilwltl

    • fore«'; and kn11w the ,rulea for girla ~br. 2-Texas' Independence pro• bnket·ball; r.ccognlaing inataniiJ claimed, 1836; Waahlngton be• · any and all violttiODII of the ruin. HiOII, aiege of Boston, n76; The game 1tuted with Katherine Battle of Copcnbarca, Lord Kdlt and G~orgia Pcckbnrn for; .Nelaoa deleata tbc-Danes,lfJUl; ward1, IJurothy Doaicr and Fraa• Peace of Paria between Fnnct en Char!u ccnterP, and Mary and Germady, 1871; Battle of

    · 1 .. ~"" ontl MtHI(uerlte Engliab San Stefano, between Ruasia K uuda. The i tria atarted tbt' and 1'urkey, 1878. came nrecdingl7 well and no Mar. 3-Fiorida admitted to the chaiii!CI were made untU Ia the Union 1845; Battle of Brier third IJUUicr wben wmtc Kelt' ·~creek, '1779; MiBS?Ltri Com• repl11ced Mary Lewis, ln the promise act admitting Mi11ourl fourth quartl'r WJIIie Kelt went. to the Union, 1920; Morse elec• to_ center and Mary Lcwla b~clr tric tefeJ(rapb grant by con• a• ~.:uard, and Dorothy Doalerout creaa, 1843; acta of congre11 Andrta Kunbrell replaced Katller admitting Florida and Iowa, tne Kelt In the Jut few wlnutu. 18•f.S. ·.

    ' "


    • •


    The final acore waa 32 toll. Thr Mar. 4-Tbomu Jeacraou inauc· 1876; Battte,. or Pea Ridge, Httkt tf Salt .t' Real Eltatt ico. Ctrla crc1Jit their auccesa to tbeu ·. Utited 1801; The British Uouat Attkans~•· J862; peace signee) Uadtr FKttlttvt DtcrM Alao all right, title and· inter• atrong doterminallon, bard work of Commooa resolves to cud the betwren Germany aad Fiolud, . eat of thi delt!adauta fa tbe fol• at pracllce and the loyal aupport; .American war, 1782; the c:on• 1918. .. lt'oUce Ia hereby rtiven that by lowiuK coatracte to purchase hand of tbe publtc. Carrixoxo girls 1 atitution goes into operation, Mar. 8-Stamp Act paned 1765; Ylrtue of the decree of 'torecloaure from ~he State of New Mexico, bne not lost • game on the borne; 1189; Emperor Frana Josef pro- lhllway sullpeotloo b r l d g e; aud order ofaale dated and enteted to-wit: . court thtll yur. They will pia f. c:Ja.ima a conatllutlon for Aua• NiagarA,. Falls opened 1855· 'tbe lllh day of December, 1100, b7 No. 304·A: SV. Sec. 6, NE~" b t hi ' • ' 'i tbil Dletrlet Court oHbe Thfrd Jud· ,. • ..

    u one more gau1e .t a aeu•tJ · tria, 1849. the Raw V(rgu:lia sinks the 1 Ictal District ofthe State of N 1 w Sec. 20. T. 1 S., R 15 E. and a ad t bat at Corona on March 14 ~1. Mar. S -Eiiaabetb B Browning, Cuf9berland and Coogrb!l, 1862;: Mexico, witbfn and lor the W~ Set. 9, T. 1 S., R. l"• -.. . ~·~~»~J:li~ ~-~

    UMtOUf AISIUCT .· 8BJtt sm-Jt SrtJi ot~ec. a~j ·· · , IH. . · · · · NltJlt·NU SlCJ( *-*4 SW"

    . . SJtK or. :s.c .. 2.5_ ._~n . ii 1~ • ~ · flT£1 (Q.Mt.lft · · li. R.l41C.~ N~ M. P .. _W •• ia'.

    tt ... ....;.. .. 1~ ............ ~ Li~tc:. C()•Ut)'•'Nif•Meztco; ,gv.,_ .... ~>~~-~ ,_lt~ ;aU~(~ •. '.lit 1\. l l:t. · •• Mk JO~ Pfq. .. . *" ~n · · · _ ""lr·.a· ............. '..., .. : ..... u..,.,;,l~- . 1. :R, U ... , N. lL. .r. M., Ia · "" ·(._. ~, ..... "'""' 1 ""ott aoe tout· .lfaw· Afu-~... .. ~ .•.

    The '

    l':~u Ever Made I >~' . .

    ·· -ISA·' ••

    ":; ,•



    A tug~ ct.Q titt you can~t eqtull for mileage and looks· at dollarr mor!, • · A .lifetime ,g\t!iftnteed Goodyear ; -Pathfin

  • ' I .


    .. : ~; ·. : • !, , ;~! ,, ... , ! • :,.~' , . , • .,, : . I~ ! ,II; : ~1, •l'> .ADDITIONAL LOCAL

    io' " " ' •• '' . _, ..... ...

    " . I · I . . · · . M.~ts Q~I:.!H'.· Clo~t!le . ~c:t~Jrned

    · W~dl!;e~q~y from .!l !lbort vi~Sit in 1 .~1 ~~s~. ·

    ' .. . ' ' . • •

    . '

    ' ' ' ' . .


    '• ' '

    ' . . . .. .. ' . ,__ .


    ' ' '

    - -- . . '* ' - . • ' . ' . -•\0., . " - .

    ' I

    _:J .. .. "!--- ·• •

    ..~-, ... ~, .. -,,-,..,, .. -r~,_OURlNG's

    Ca.r•znzo won 11Jr finn gaJDe at the duuract baskct•ball iourna• ment, an Alamogordo t.a~t .night. Tbts Iii encuurugang. and the team•bas the beat wisbes of the c:ottlmuntt~ for ultuna tc victory.

    . Mrs' A. \V. Adam• tattle in last Fraday trott1 \V .urea, Aril:ona, aud 111 the guest of the Pll.apps fawaly. Mra Adams has many ftUHldli among our older r~atdeots, bavJng tt1ade Carru:oio her howe for 1\. number of years. . '

    The \Vomart'~t Missionary So· .:tety ;a prl!po~riug a.ud Wtll present '* plaJ 'rursday lligbt, Fcbruarx .il7. at the Htgb School Auduor•. iuttl, cntlth:d "Wanted, A Man ... i Cut of Cbaraetera, etc, will ap· j pear m ucxl weck'a llltue • 1

    Mrs. J A Garnett and Miss u Charlotte K\'11 wt•rc here Monda7 :; · from Pic:acbo. · Tbev returned in·· . , the evening, aecott1panied by


    Mrs. Garner, a daughter of Mrs. · G.srnett, o nd who IS a Wl"m!Jer of

    the Countv Board of Education and bad attended the board Uleet•

    0 / ing tbat day. ' ), - John B. McManus, was bere'

    Saturday from Albuquerque. He, ¢allle in the night before. and, ~aa7ing stock in tbe mud bet weco 1 \here and Corona, was not at allj C:Ottlplimeatary concerning our I

    .. •



    J. '' . ' t ~~·.P•:

    • '

    • •

    WE buve been In th~ to1Jitcco business a long time down here at Winston-Salem,~nd we take u lot of pride in the quality of the dl{ai'cttes we mnke. · ·

    While we buve spent a good mnny million dollars advertising Camels, we've always held to· tht> old fashioned iden tllnt the thing that really counts is 'vhat we put into our _cigarette and not what we say about i\.

    • • If we Jmow anything nbout tobacco, and we

    think WC do, c,,n)cJs contain the ciJOiccst Turk-ish. nnd tht> mellowest, ripest domestic leaves

    "I that mont>y can buy. . , .

    In fnct we bnve every reas~o .be proud of tht> quality of CnmL•l!t us they come from the fnNory, hut tht• remark of on old friend of ours lrum Dcnn•r tJome timl" ugo cmphosizcd a poiqt thnt hu.'i bcl'n the problem or the clgatctto laulmtry for)ctm!• --As lu· iuhnlcd tl1e smolce from n Camel we t!'ne l~im in our Offill(!& one morning, l1c alsbed with wry l'ddcnt enjoyment and then asked Joll.iur,ly. "\'naat Js this, a spcciul blend re-wd·c,I for Camel cxccu.tivcs?"

    uecrtalnly not," we tolcllalm. ''This packnge c•f Cnrnl'ls wns bought at the corner •tore till• monliug.!'

    · "\l'cU, u be rmld, "I've been a dyed In the wool Cumrl smol~cr for n gootl mnny years, but upon nty &oUt lll(Wer got'a clgatctle rut cood rut thW in J)enn•r. If you would give tb~reat or the iforld tbt~ kind of Camels you €f11 bere in Winston• 'tulem, you our;ht to huve all the clr;arctto bual• ~eu there b."·


    "EnT stn~incnt simply ~m· agnit\ tlte dgtt~tto · industty•s moat important problem. Tbc mcu·e wo thought about itt the sllJ'Cr 1ft' '\t"ctc that he 1raB dead zolgbt, and. that somc1Joac1 ontethinr; rnuat be dom~.

    J)cfiVl'l' U~asli1l t;eUin~ a (air bt't'nlt.. Ncitlt~r ht fact "'os uuy other town. The onty pco• ple 1rbn rt'ally ltttew ltow ~ood C:unl'l!J('ouldbc,wcrctl!c•folks rir::bt hen" in:Wi.rulton-S::!lcm.

    That \fM due !o a faetor no •I •

    ' . . . .

    , ........ ,. Jlq:vl•r Co •· Corona r 0 ad W4Q tbe ''worst iu

    1 - ··-·· ..... ~-· ....... -~-~~·- .. _ ·~--=·-·&· -wow-" · &-· , ·~··#~·--~· ~ .. ~ .. -.. ~ ..... , =.~ ... ~ ..

    tbe state." l' Claimed by Deat~ Christian Sebale wu born in Entertain at Cards 1 •• -~---Wanted, at ·onca.-..OLD. SOE'T, . _ Fnn!do~~ GettnlUl.£.-c:$eptember _

    b d .. . ·t b"U .. d tor wrap· pin~ • ~o. 1856. ltc came to fht!i eoull• M T E A . d !! sueets. o ... ~.. t" Christian Scbale, fMw£>rly •. try and bad lived in N-ew Mexico r!l. • rm,,tronl{. asststc Mrs Lopez who wus recent Y II k . • f Whi 0 k. . . . by bl'r· daughter, \J rs, E I s i e . , · •. .. ..... ' . .·. d 1'bis need we nown cattzen-o te ·a ~· and the snutbwest wanJ years. . .u.,. $('verely bdurne • b de d but for tltepast ten yeats II te~t· He was married to Miss Edith P~den, and Mrs. o .. uta G•lkPy, ~~~ plessm((, au_ .. must e rl'~ re dent of g, Ptlso. died tn the latter .Begg in 1886 E'cven children itlh.•rtaint'd at cards last Saturday liiUueihateJy, tu btder to tnsul"e city Tuesday, March 3 Funeral were btlttt to tbe uuiott, nine of night at the 'V.-''ttt''re Apart• the recoYet.t of tbe unfortunate &ervices were conducted in .l£1 . .. . . ment;. About tbnty gue~t~,. hi• ·wi)ft1ll1•. :Bring this. mate,rial _u Paso Marcb 4i :ind tbe body ship• whow •. with . tbe 'ffUe, sc~~vt•: c1udiug both ladies and S(entle• ·soba ._. pUs!lible to Paden s Drug ped tliat tWening to this polut, George SehaJe, Mofeucf, Artsoua, men, "trere preaetlt. A delicious -Stor~. , for interment in the White Oaks Mra George l)isiuger, Hillsboro, tbree·course tune.beou wAs llt!tv~d

    I .Ziegler Bto!I:-Sprlng purc~a~· cem~terj' Ute. following day. 'Rev. New Mexh:o;. Mrs•. Wa,ae Vall at the co~tu~iott of tbe gutntg. ing~r ate beilig plated on e~'htbt· Jno, L;, I,awS•Jil Clltlducted tbetS!!boyck, \Vhlt¢ Oaks; Mn. Jane • 1 ., ...., t

    • · ·t d t • t h ,.,. k L 1 ~· D dt s.r.-o. i.\'1• "tanklin B :u:k tioll and the public tl UIV\ e 0

  • . r ' I < ..

    • . I '

    ·I'O····- ··' ' ' ' ; ... , . ·, I .

    .. . ,_ ~


    . . • .

    . - C'Vefl_b in· t.he ·z,ives of Little Jfen .. ·.

    • "·


    C:ap• • - ... . . . '

    • ;J'

    ' w .. 0.1

    ____ ,_ -

    FINNEY OF THE FORCE Finney Wouldn't Have Wamed Her

    ' .

    Felix Bawls Him Out


    i ' ~ \


    1/1. .;/ ,

    ' ,


    • • •


    '· -- . -----'--- ; ,' ~ .

    -" '· ·- (·

    . ' ' ., . ' -· . . ·' ' -. ' .

    · Southwest News Items ' . ·' (1pgtfn'lle4 ~tort o..,. t~~ .Pilrt of. Afl~

    EllP prraur.d.tli:>u• to ~ttoo: J,"e•hhin~• ot[otlJ.~r llllt.tell 11ot tQ elimo w ·AJ>l~:oM llll$f!af4h-- pt e~v.lo,VXlel!t b ut;ed ·br .tll' .Arlzou• In(luall:lul (!pngfeli,, "" ~-. Wll llhCephel.'derll \vero . tlrowne~l 11e tmtr mill's. ~ortb. ot :Pl\oen~ wheu · "" In whlcb: ~e;v were attl,lmp.Un~; to 1croae the tl()~·llw;olll!n V~!1le rtver b~~Jt9 }rom ~ AAbJ!I ~114 9-1~2:41!1. ·

    'l'h.e. S!lnate hillf p1U1se4 tlle. JIQUIIO bill a'llthqrtz:lns Prellltlellt noover to ~tablillh tbe Canqq tle chell)' national monument within the Navajo ·lndlnn - - ~ . re~n·atlon In Arl:~~oua J!l Apache county.

    TM to11rtl1 Q1.1&rterl;r ~~:~cutlvl! bollrd ~c~tln~r ot ~e New Mexico Cattle Growllr•' ..Uaoclatlon wlll bo held In Las VcgM on MarcJt 3, The ann pal L"e~ventlon wm convene on th11 .IIIUllO ol}ate.

    The New Mexico House of Reprcnen· tatlves by " \'Ote of 37 ·to 7 ~ssed a • mcasnrQ to aubmlt tile question or reo' pe11l ot the dey sccUo•1 oUbe 11tate con· atllutlon to a vote ot the people two ;years from now. '

    Tho apllt playing acnsoo, trJe1l for two Yfars, ll~s been abolished b)' th11 Arizona. State Bllsebl\11 League. Action WM tgl,l:pn to bring In a No~;nles club to replace Mlnml, wlllch dub now '' defunct.

    Alpha J>)lJ Cf.l lit to bd l1iii Greek nnmo for the ".Airizonll Pioneera' Club," nowly formed elub tor the ·collcctlnt and t•rescnlnr or historical reeord• and rollcs or tho ploncere ot Ancona, at tho Stnte Teuchera' College In FinK• a tart.

    l!IIJJ 1.furs;nn•t Reeve•,· hcac,J or tho New Mexico Jltale bureau of ehlld wet • tare, aatd that the St. Louis dlvlalon ot the Red Cros1 bad appcqprlated '1.000 to be uaed ror tile retlct or between tort1 and fltt7 dcaUtuto ta.mlllea In Hobbtl, N. lo(.

    I. I .... - . '' .. '. -' ' ' ·_- ·,_" . -, ' .:. ' ''. J· -. . .' .. , .• . , .. " ,"

    ··: \;:r~·," .. ~ .. . ~ . '• . . '

    • ' . . . . . ......

    HQw' tO ESCaPet . ' . . . . ' ' .. . ·· .. : . '

    ~ .-;--.-· . . . . .t.,_.

    I • .,. • ..

    1 Avcdd 1o tar • posstbl• the .Places when •u lftltt. .,. anost likely t• be sRfHCI~ over-crowded can and .,.abllc .1u11tlnl PJ~J ov ... heat"', stuf!>' rooms.

    ' r..,.._.,,. ·--• •

    2 . Be 'careful of . close ccmtac:t with othel'f and ' btWare of all c:cpuJhers and snttztnJ bna .. tfm,uah tht nose, aet fresh air, t,ut ~void drafts or chllllnlo ·

    . .. ~

    '.} .

    -. 3

    Get lots of rest. &t pltrlt)' of cltruJ fruits. Knp tho bowels open. Take· tXtl'll precau-tion to Ilua. lit. ttaletmtil 1rd.· rt¢fllU1 iltonetatd u ~W commlMlooer of • · illllrs b a cottsrll•:iollal tn• Yeatltatlou, 1114 Job Collfuo 1ru Jda d!.l&r •ceuer, . · . :&tereU Bo'I\')Jtd, J'ort ~ Ark., and J'&\e lr~cture. halllitt trom tlle lomt. ot lit'kal In the wu .Ute, are bulldocalnt abd calf roptnr thAlli• ploia1; )l't!IPt!Ctil'6Jt, of the t&tlte-Wftll&11.11c workl. "l'he l" .Arboallar were named 1datG~lb.s 1a tlaeJt res~ tlt.l!' llatta11t tfle cOii'ft!iUota of ike :M. Ut

  • ·• I

    . -


    e ·-~' : . . . • a1ns~ o • a··m·· . . . ~- - " - .· • . ' • •

    Bv. JAMES . OLIVER . CUR WOOD • • ' • ••

    • ' .

    house In St. Loula 1treet." l'eter said whit~ &Pen bad take~ up U1e loer~~Uve TJiE STORY' Tonteur wrote Ia every letter to .his business ellon what·

    1 em~" nod the number wbll'h

    but evetl the ash were bl'ing clenred flo cnmo to know ·proplo nlon1 the 11\'l'r, thl're WIUI the pos811"Jfl! ~rll "of i f/1 lnCt>rted In tbot blank nn;r. . • lllcbelleu .but was nlwnr• ronsrlollll wnnderln& sr:nlp hunters anjl be ooTcr


    lpaoo Tnrlt>• trow lh·o to Autumn came. nnl! with It a ~:"r~nt ht> wall not t>ndrely uno ot them. tJred ot urging Uenrt nniJ t;e nt tllete maturer days of ~;olden rlpenes11, him peNII&tc•l In lila mernor7 nnd kt>pt or tho •elo;ncurlt>. i Ootumbl4. l!o.ot •lrudr fnrcout as ~the ot 11rat fro!ta. ot painted hnnlwood r~.>calllno; this truth. lie OJ!ked Jeemt and nenrl to come i V,IUI4:!r ot tho Wellt," woa CTCB more

    · fomtJJ. and or crl11p,. tnn"y air wben l.ato In AUi.'1llll ot the accond 1enr to· his drill, noll ·that tbey did not ro- !l'tfl011"1l from the tnct tlmt It bad In lu all Ute ~cmecl wJuvt>natl'd un•l hill ot her nhlii'Dnrlng at n tom! Uepalblb l:ntnly announced tbnt hi' ITcro on their way to Quebec, with tho cntOJitropho 10 nror. It delighted him " the«kr bad tho llapny l~•lllrntloo ·to could no lont;er delay hla drpa!1ure exception of Tontenr, who remained to tblnk tl1nt bl• own ronlliJeDN waa·~ &ITa a "twin parr)"" t~ whiC'h nil twlnl tor tbe far frontiers ot l'ennuylvnnln for the bnrvellliD;: ot c:rop& A tort• a romCort to her. alld t}le l!::ll:erneu were lndtro. ··lho fl!lln. mnc· 11nd the Ohio. wbt>ro bla ob!l.:nllollll 011 nl;;bt ntter ttlt>; hod ;one. Peter told with wbleh sho ne«>Pted bit oplnloot 1 In& In oco from two mont~ to forty· . • 1 tradtr rolled blm. C'.nthcrlne tTill hltn about Tolnetto nnd l'nul Tache. lll ~ aolr:!.e: ~eo~~~ed hl~11to ~0 ~ ti 11ro 1"nn. ""f!C on band with tt;o roo 1 T thl c 11 11 ff Iowa fam rcltHlo of t\ hldl 1.11 r:ol!ow, r.1!lt'J u.o 'llent tor a while, then cried softly to llo hll!J sr:nreel7 reeo;;nlU'd Tolnettc. ron w · ell$ :1 co~ ere· ll· · nlt of na lntl?n:Min;; groop p!.:n1o- • 0 • •· oune u a. • • blaatoflll:ut', t p to thi.JS ••omt tho t;erselt. Jtems dreu bat'k whero hill be llllr.l. Sho had grown taller and trlllgcnt lklool1a In giYinJ; f":llleme:~t to l"tlfb. and mueb ~food pu!JIIe>tr tor 11'1 goN the dlttlnttlcn of being Amtr· pro«'u It cormlll. J'or r~m.:o n'nlnn undo Yon!d. not aeo him y to ti:o En;:aab flJrt ~ tr, Wl're adm!ttcd to tho bar to~tflt'l' -and Allblt. born In 11t4; Fiord and em tb: m:ll't 03turn!!,r, t!:t> oatur Iced tbat het woolrJ cenT nt:nlu remain ho coll!lldered himself to bo thllt. 0

    1° Gyro~"'· tbttu:t e trotvell~:t ln:o 'i ancl tbe tJC!YI phc:;!ot:l'llpl:on rua!Jd to ~!~::.· :::: 1': ~:;: •• : ;:n t::d b=~~~ layt>r borlltll, us ndtt rtnn Into c:onslder- ('l:ltllcrlne. S!:o '«lUI 0~~ leu confltloot l~ll!l 'to W~t • l•olnt fn rNC>t:t renn • ot tt:e two ttillit ('tlrtlo!lll ate Jn:nPwosslvanla oo!d!t>r, ll.illtd ntor Ore.. have a dctuble (r.o PI" lntandtdl) bl:l.lto;l"!:erea. wh:fh pr~ 10 foro albab WJI rocc. uo hod stolEn orr c:ooloes! to her attitUde! to\T'llrd him. bnd coree lcto hl!r lifo wbJch a!:e ~:ros · OloteaUI 'ttl!e.rr.r daring the Wcrld dlatlnc:tlcn. Not cml'l ara t11'7 twlnt 1-' .. h II ... lf tro " . • , u ao,. a c.n tJ ettllt', o .. coarse • " ....., " - ... "' I h -• t T " u" l>a """"' ""~ way bomo diu e Jill •allllt' o were tralnlll' 'lritb the!r tldera. abe I ~rorded the fad that "tl:Elr as:polnt· day onl'l thrH tlmeel They ara tllown a~tt:!r of "'ftc ,-... o.OG'J' o wm; tloati) at lilil wort and at tlle m(mJnJ tho toll7 ot hll tbougllr. about Tolnettto. •llld. ac~ It did not aeef:l r~bt " Knl:'nt u beUeved to be the flNJt desll• ~IJovo he!llnf the wP w111eh they -n ru1g ned '"The nlolc;;y of Twlna. dort.l with •blc:b he wu ttnlggllng Ewe.a If abo cere not amlllng oo Tarbe Jtemt ehootd !lot bit amlJtllf them. ~ cntloa of twil::J enr 80 ~!!P... at a recent "'Twin .. Rauntt·U,," hell wl:l!k It an1 core than btl tarber. ;: ('S!~&Ucr.ll en au:::e of tile t:lUdl·VU'b-" , '"''b!a atatecuJt bolda good 10 prlo- slhlll'. howuer. for qulldropleta to b

    0 e : ~itom!a JJclzool n 1~r or tW ~" ,Utto::~ tan cenr be to-.&1 lo twins of U:" crl;;naJ •pllf, In tt:elr tum divided.

    ,l!e::u:e and maklnt himself more el!!• tog to blm a deeper anti core ocde,.. ael,nenrle. . • • . brna!ftut tt:e tart that It hod hh:le Uil!erect aen• cor lo twWI of tte T!:e tA=ta uen::ao cue. panlr 1.!-o:· •. dent In tbelr sp«tb, t:e wo. aliO atoodln"' paulan for hll rr:oUler, aod To thl.t mrgHl!deoo ~~bab ~~t:o:::1e; ' Hta ct twrns to no l:'nrollc:~t of 300 Ml!::e Bel: bal.rlot tTMnare tor Ulelr a::!a- and ":lrtJY r.-!;ataotlllttd by • " 13' pbUcto;!hJ ma o ""'"""o:t.. c to "' -tlll.t'• (l Pft' CE'Il.t. s:ol!tttly' Lo;;:m. ~m.: tnt~maJ t111a. Tbcs. we IIM::J ., .. ~fdllnt and UstEtllog tor the s!gru~ n toll~>r .-mr.pre!leralcm of the ct~ble r.atherlt:e ,tte daJ' wu, nl:::l;. ·og w~o :,:, ,.,_. r....,..,rtt'd 12 """'ira cf twlcs bl to bt' jOJUecd b)' uylog: •Soeb t111tlll I"K'Ora ot U:e Uce. of the wor:::a:o w!:o of hiMeo danJI!l'l agatnn wblcb his qolllitles lo blt fatber. te wu harassed Jeens wo~d be- COII!pelll!d to ~gbt ant! _ .. .,.. ,..,.. ..- &are Urth to elght dJI!dt'l'n at one Co-•e·· ...... _.....,,~,1 wiml!d blm. 11. • t CU!U na hf b he · , .. _ . lltl ttaroUn::.Ellt of r.~ a I~U!e oTer 8 are ldentlral tw1t:JJ In whldl the uc:e 1 ... 1 1 .. .. o -~ ...... ~- """' by a ron •t'tlcn o e · o 'II' c re- tf".llt he wonuJ !:ATe to ~ o-e llc!e n r .....,t. hands or feu of dtlfwent lod.OrldOAt. tice, tt atw r«4Ued. o "'' 1 c .... oee )fost at tbe Indians '«~1'1! from tbe ,.~•e-* to c~tller. aod (O:lfded ctllt ... • .. _ to -'"--p'".. .,. ... _ •"·t ttl P" o.cD -.M;.. -- t"~· 1• •~ =Uo::ed In all .,_.. " Of' '"'e ow~ aed c:cttl odd!Ucnal mad& tlute that they alwnys rome mlnd!l of ·the people of tte CoiotJI~ of wsr under tt.e nag of Vraoee aid H k!cl:s M hriet are ger.eratly ~· c::entJor.ed a!Jon•. An1"f8 1• lhll wm n;:tt on Ule ~ld dtaz;nte over ttl' ttiroiih that i)iift ofForoldden •air~ · and New Fmnee u ro-tbe ~rnrety of tben;~rt ~t be. trg'bi tor the ~EDt· ~ ~" "t'rattraJ- n:t tttr4tfro· · probahly ft!T~ mr ~ ffltetio:: for-i~ relotlYe lmJX!rtatlr-e ot l:.t':'>'d:ty ar:d which Jfepalf»Jt bad predleted would the struggle wt.lcb wu fmptt~dlog:. t!sb. AI a front! be'· " vrat• . LfJn

    Thtl wb1ter be went farther In bls · dallt at pro~. tf:e forces Of J.he two the Long f.Jfle. a free wao!f~ uf U:e " a! atii!Qit the uce ttrre. bot the prod· nlng seem to ho!Cl t!:C! de• lhl!t tll~> adp~ fo lofeo"1 by dat!'erent tao· &chenturlnpo CeptAIJJ Plpe:. the old countries In Amerll'tl 'KI!'tl 'on the toresta. •' teatber-stoetbll trainEd to " crt c.f .two lite celLiit, Tlle7 W1 be ldtntlre !'.0 11eu tied to the 111Iores of l.ake «'- rr.t tw~OJ. or tbla nc:nter tl:e ral4'$ of tor ~ fttlt Umt>. no 'frill • !(ODe • sums •ere bettJg expended br both . wbtiJ t~ att ~me n~. ~ Btt fo t!le eatE' ot .. ldenUral" twinS. iC!mbllltl('() betWt:!ED Ule tlg!.lt ll!li! ~efl trm WE'te rattrnllri1 tntereAtin~flnt week~ ptanned with hll frl.•nds to sides tot human hair th:tt seore.s or ITO B& COJ>>"i'lNVED.t j It U a tar ditft>:'l'nt tu!Uer: tor thPf btllfeil of one pe.B1ln. A• ,a tn.:Utf'r of ttl:lt ct Oe.:~£ar a.o1l G~r;;fann Kelly. make a lbll(er' UpcdiUon th!' follow· · . . . . -- . - ~ ~ ..... ~- .. . . n ~~ JltCi!Offil bJ tte spl.jU!a;; ot a~ tAct. I{JellldcJ ger:emll!f, . lt:e ti'Sf'm- l2rot:er had beEn &t!t~ptl'd when l!:e Inc )'Ml', as far a!l Crown l'•· ut and, !HHHIIill*ll-~**"..t*."~*_!!IUU_~~-U';_UUIUUIII!Cn_u••!•.•~W.J!•~ ; tltCVte tt'll. '11:e; ate lnvnrtably ot blan~ between tfle ictmttw.l twlt!s 15 111"lUI 1,..0 · f('txn oid,• Grotgtnna at

    ~~= ~~ ;!:d~~ot~~: ·;e /o~ I $~-;le Strategy That Ended Frogs' "i alkfeat" l ~ = '!ft:~d~~~b:~r;:.or:~:~;;~:~= it~:~~_:~ ~!~~~n!~:~ ron:;ll;o!.~: ;;~ some dt)'. On thts l!XCUHJinl• he U· · . . ·· ·· · · · r, &c:!.dt)'. Jb, rotorzo;; Jand t S>ht.- the vt~U:ra a.:r.w.t # . t:l!!rlttd n~tn· tln:>IT dltrt>re'nt. Ar.d t£t they are as &>erteiiOld the ~sf tbrill ot d:w :et. for t••ct. re£~Jtle IUy•pools om.tmeot fh• t~111 We ~ ill the b()te1 %«1ilfi4'L ~tal ~taUt. tmt 111 tttl:ltaJ .proc:ett~ tneto'. even ~~ . ,ll!entUnt · ''1;nll. niP:Sr'ly atlke as· thto.t ~WM bt>, not (;1)17 'Vhlta ~~· lUid mr Cat. '"'th t~r . .' u . . . 'moUll bost~lrr bJ Pallit· A sbai'J)Sllooter •u we eest ~· et:IOUOM! ""tttcu ar:a Io .ottler .1ab- th(tte llnJ auerot e.~!"" tM•n. • ~,.. tu bttt In tfu! tt:tttu of whom 'Ireta j'ount brave" uho_ h:nl gro.m~ or • ~a the lilt poolt are no- u,ent. hat fle woke np more ~e ;, de ,...,-.. 1:hi"j', •~7 Utetallt two. tod1 hrlr_a b!111"t~ the ~a. !!e'en °': n:en!al drt~u and IClf ."!'it:~· 111 .... ...., •. ~ .'"' a..rf,.lll; tfltl Codta'1 wtrilt lfc:e;al,r . · ·'lJMt -~ 11'0\R t- ~~ ... - ~-- ·,..n. ........... - feet vs; tJMt. U.Ue!tl IJl~t!n••· U4 ~~ .t~~t.tetret JaW. • b • ftlt mc.ett~ .ltl. th ~taJ .S. -...,... tt. twtr~JH.-

  • ~~40"\~~~~ ..... ~-~~,.-,"' .... ,_ .... ......,..,...,.. __ "_ ... ,;~-~..-~-·_..,;.;;_,_.._ __ :_,_;:_,:.. __ .::._ .::..~-~•~ ::glllf~--""""'111!111!11!111!1111!111!11! .. 11!. ill!. 11!!1 ll!iii\1111¥1!111!1&1!1!114 1111!3!1!1111 iilll!. ~.· II!ILII!IXIIIIU OPOII!'l. 11!11 . .ii!IIJ~_L_ l!!f$"'# .. #'[email protected]'1!-JIJ.~-,UJI!!.'C"'!!-Alll"l•lll'.'f!lh .. ~4!"" . ..,L--'.-.:""''' ""':':""'". '""':.'•_:..,, '""' :....,-'. :~---rr·-. -~·· -,.,,. !7J.."tk:C--' ·~,. · ,:j_--~ "-··. ,.,;_~~~ -~-. •· • . , ~· ., 1,~:_ . ..,. ;'~"',.~,_, • .:,;;,-..,..~~-;-w,""""ff'. .,_,.,;1,.,.;j.,.~

    . flx tbean ~Pi · . . · · · · WiH CopeJ;UJd' b ... 'Qeep · gplng

    t!>. Capltab.;o.,.,on uo·•re back after t h (l lt1 ;l u. ..

    ' " Mrs. Hlcka, from Globe,. Arl·

    ~oriJs, visited ber daurbter, Mrs, HePry.'Pcebles, ·• few 'clays. .. Mr. V•ll Pelt aayiS • bacb~lor's life is not what HfiS' .c:racke4 PP to be He .ad mite he'll . appre(:late hi !I' wife when . abe tet•nns from ber visit.· · ·


    ALL WORK AnD MATfRfAlS POSITIVUY · · re here Mon• St H d ch Mra D D Ttlf.toy viaited E I day from UJopt>r Ruirlotto, nod np· · OpS ea a e p 4 ,o thia. week pearcd hl'lou• the County Board in Five MinuteS

    ·· of Edltcntion in thl' iniHcnt of · - · Mr. 1 nd Mra. J i mun I,.cc and tbca'r ecboo• district.

    A Woncforfuf l"ormula l!ncfe Aohtt chlldrt-n were In El Pno t b c . and P•lna Almoat Llkt lMaglo. ftnot of tbe week. 'Mra Conway C.ollina c n m l' 8omethlng Better and ••fer

    . · • down S11turdav froru 'J'ucumcari Thounnda or mta aliCl womeu Lout8 Naida Red Ctn von Shfl'J• · ~r• now atopptnr throbblnr, atclc,

    ' to visit her mothC'r, Mro. T. E. dlny, apllttlu. hea4achll, aa weU m•n. wu in town Monr, Mrs. E!nh• aa tho ox.cruclaUor patu ot rheu•


    .. '

    • <


    ' ' . I

    ' .

    ' : " •

    • • • •

    • . ,

    Perfor•••ance, too, pro11es Chevrolet . '

    the Great Americas Value Tho new Chcnolet Six b a be. perl'~»~er, It malut•ln• hl,th road topeecb ·~ • low, eaa,.•worklns CD&lno •peed. I~ 50-bone-power enaJno OPftll,.tell 'lt!th ~ eeonom,.. Six (l1Uudera·eDahJo:roa tocl'ftp atong,aooelc:nte, climb hllle, 10 lutooi!«nd do It aU emoothl1, qulctl7 with little ahlntns of ceue. Step Into a.

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