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One-YearInteractiveDaily DevotionalQUIET TIME


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One-YearDaily DevotionalWord of Life Local Church MinistriesA division of Word of Life Fellowship, Inc.Don Lough – Executive DirectorJack Wyrtzen & Harry Bollback - FoundersJohn Collins – Director, Local Church Ministries

Publisher’s Acknowledgements:Writers and Contributors:Barry Beebe, Robbie Fischer, Jeff Harkins, Angel Hartzler, Beth Horst, Chelsea Huizing, David and Amanda Kirabira, Maggie Losee, Whitney Miller, Amy Powley, Jason and Cindy Skeffington, Andrew Wood, Lindsey Young Editor: Cindy SkeffingtonCurriculum Manager: Don ReichardCover and Page Design: Jon Eger

© 2016 All rights reserved. Published by Word of Life Local Church Ministries. A division of Word of Life Fellowship, Inc. The purpose of Word of Life Fellowship worldwide is the evangelization and discipleship of youth through various means consistent with the Holy Scriptures to strengthen the church of Jesus Christ. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission of the publisher.

ISBN - 978-1-935475-56-9

Printed in the United States of America

USA P.O. Box 600 Schroon Lake, NY 12870 [email protected] 518-494-6000

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The Bible Changes YouThe Word of God is the most powerful weapon that every Christian has. It changes us as we read it, think about it, and do what it says. God, through His Holy Spirit, also uses the Bible to speak to us. He takes the words written in the Bible and tells us what He wants us to know for our lives. Quiet Time Interactive is designed to help you spend time in God’s Word. Maybe you think you can’t understand the Bible, or it seems too overwhelming for you. Don’t worry, this quiet time tool is made to help you understand how to read the Bible and actually get something out of it, even if you’ve never read it before! It may seem hard to spend time reading the Bible, but it really isn’t. God will help you, this quiet time is a tool to help you, and your small group leader, parents, or pastor can help you, too. With so much help, you really can’t mess this up.

Quiet Time Interactive is designed

to help students just like you

spend time in God’s Word.

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Getting StartedIf you’ve never read the Bible before or had your “quiet time” (time spent alone with God) or done “devotions” (another word for spending time in the Bible), there are some things that you should keep in mind. First, it is great to spend time in the Bible every day, but when you are first starting out, don’t worry about that! Seriously, if you are trying to do something new, you always have to learn how to do it and get good at it. It’s the same with quiet time. It will take you some time to get the hang of it and make it a habit in your life. Do you have to think about how to eat? Or how to walk? NO! There was a point when you first learned those things, and you fell a lot, couldn’t walk, and slapped food all over your face. But now you’ve developed a habit of doing those things without even thinking about them.

There will eventually come a time when devotions/quiet time will be like that too. You just have to keep at it and not worry about doing it perfectly. One great thing about God is that He loves you so much that He doesn’t expect you to be perfect. He just wants you to spend time with Him just the way you are right now. In fact, that’s what quiet time is all about: spending time with God. In order to be friends with someone, you have to do two things: talk to them and listen as they talk to you. God talks to you when you read the Bible. You talk to God when you pray to Him. Quiet time is all about learning how to develop a deeper relationship with God: learning how to listen to Him (by reading the Bible) and learning how to talk to Him (by praying to Him).

That’s what Quiet Time

is all about: spending

time with God.

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Start by PrayingSo you will start by spending some time praying to God. Praying is really easy; you just close your eyes and tell God what’s on your mind. (Actually you don’t even have to close your eyes, but it does help you from being distracted.) God really cares about you and everything that’s happening in your life. Even if it doesn’t seem like a big deal, God does care about it. He even knows the number of hairs on your head! Just start talking to God, and you are praying; it’s that simple. It might feel a little weird because you can’t see God, but He is always with you wherever you go. That means you can pray at any time. You may also feel more comfortable writing your prayers down in a journal. Then you can look back and see how God answered those prayers.

What should you pray about? You really can pray about anything and everything. You can pray for certain people on specific days of the week. Make sure to also think of something to thank Him for; a thankful heart is truly a happy heart. Another great idea is to ask God to help you understand the Bible, and ask Him to help you obey it after you read it. That’s it! Now that you’re done talking to God, it’s time to let God start talking to you.

Now Read the BibleLook at your quiet time and look at the verses chosen for that day. If you aren’t sure where the book is in the Bible, you can look in the front of your Bible to find the page number for that particular book of the Bible. Or an even easier way is to just use a Bible search engine or Bible app and type in the passage of the day and hit enter. You can read it right from any mobile device if you want.

The next step is to follow the questions, check boxes, and fill in the blanks that are on the page of your quiet time. Quiet Time Interactive is made to help you go through each verse and think about it more deeply. Some of the questions are made to help you think about the way you think and do things. There might be a question like, “Am I one of those people who always has to be right?” Be honest and check the box if that is true. Being honest with yourself and with God is the key to really benefitting from your time in the Bible. So really think as you answer the questions.

Then Apply It to Your LifeNow that you prayed, heard from God as you have read through the Bible passage, and answered the questions, the last step is to apply it to your life. Applying God’s Word is where you take what you read and determine to live it out. For instance the quiet time might say something like, “I choose this specific word to characterize me today.” Choose one word and keep it in your mind that day. Maybe the word you choose is “honest.” That day as you go to school, hang out with friends, or talk to your parents, think about how God wants you to be honest and try to tell the truth. That is what it means to apply the Bible to your life. It means to take what you learn and determine to do it TODAY.

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Ideas to Help You Obey the BibleHere are some great ways to help you apply the Bible to your life:

Use social media to share the quote at the bottom of the page or post about what you learned that day.

Tell some friends, small group leader, parents, or pastor about what you learned.

Write down what you learned somewhere and read it a couple of times a day.

Create a reminder on your phone that will pop up and remind you what you learned at a specific time during the day.

Text a friend what you learned and ask them to text you back about what they learned.

That’s it! You made it! Congratulations, you just had an awesome time with God by praying and reading the Bible, and now you’re going to go live it out today! Amazing! It’s really that easy!

Set an Achieveable GoalNow that you have finished your first day of quiet time, the last thing you’ll want to do is think through your schedule and decide when is the next time you will have your quiet time with God. Make it a consistent time each day, and make sure it will be a time when things are quiet and you can really think. Now set a goal for how many days a week you want to have your quiet time. As humans, we always do better when we have a real goal that we are trying to achieve. So make a goal, like four or five days a week (or more!), and tell someone what your goal is. When you tell someone else, it makes your goal real. Then write your goal down and put it somewhere to remind yourself to do it.

As you keep praying, reading, and applying, you will be amazed at how God changes your life!

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“A clean heart won’t let your mouth speak dirty. Purify your heart, and you will cleanse your speech.” - Anonymous

TRUTH: PSALM 51:1-19


SUNDAYOn a scale of 1-10 how often do I give an excuse when I get caught in sin?

1=Never; it’s always my fault. 10=All the time; it’s never my fault.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Against whom have I sinned lately? __________________________

Psalm 51:2David asked God to wash him and cleanse him, knowing that God would be faithful. How confident am I that God will forgive the wrong things that I have done?

n Somewhat confident that God will forgive me if I ask.

nSomewhat confident that God will forgive me if I do enough good actions to cover the sin.

nVery confident that God will forgive me when I ask.

nVery confident that God will forgive me if I do enough good actions to cover my sin.

Psalm 51:10“Create in me a clean heart.” Do I need to ask God to create in me a clean heart right now? nYes nNo nI will do so.

Psalm 51:12Name specifically a time that I could feel the joy of God’s salvation: ___________


Psalm 51:13Our lives are filled with stories of God’s redemption that will help others if we share these stories. The person that I need to talk to today and share my story of God’s forgiveness with is: ____________________________

Psalm 51:15For my lips to praise God today, I will go out of my way to look up this song and listen to it: ______________________________________________________________.

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“Words have the power to build up or tear down. Don’t build yourself up by tearing down another.” - Kaylene Mathews

Psalm 52:1-2It must have been hard for David when Doeg the Edomite treated him badly; it has been hard for me lately because I feel like ______________________ has treated me badly, and it really hurts.

n When someone hurts me, I hang on to the pain.

n When someone hurts me, I am always quick to forgive.

Psalm 52:3When a friend that I trust lies to me or about me:

n It doesn’t bother me too much.

n It bothers me a little, but I can get over it.

n It really impacts me; trust is important to me.

n All I can think about is getting even with that person.

Why does it bother me so much when people lie about me? __________________


Psalm 52:4List some words that devour: ______________________ _____________________

______________________ ________________________ ______________________

List some words that build up: _____________ _______________

___________________ ___________________ _______________________

Today, I will try not to use any of those words that devour when talking to others, and I will commit to using only words that build up others. nYes nNo

Psalm 52:8What has God used in my life lately to show me His steadfast love?


Psalm 52:9How often should I praise/thank God? _____________________________________

How often do I actually praise God? _______________________________________

Right now I am praising God for ___________________________________________




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“The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’” ~ Psalm 53:1

Psalm 53:1

“The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’”

When someone tells me there is no God my first instinct is to:

n Get angry with them and walk away.

n Get angry and argue with them.

n Use God’s Word to show them that they are wrong.

n Pray for them and feel sorry that they are misled.

What good approach should I use to talk to someone that I know who does not believe in God? _________________________________________________________

n I’m not sure; I’ll ask my youth leader or another trusted adult.

I recall a conversation I once had with someone who didn’t believe in God. If I could do it over again, I would change this one thing:


I know that I have a relationship with God, but when someone else does not, I feel:

n Responsible to fix them and make them believe in God.

n Disappointment for them since they don’t know what they are missing out on.

n Indifferent… it simply does not affect me when someone else does not believe in God.

Is there anything about my life that someone would see and instantly know that I have a relationship with God? nYes nNo

If so, what is it? ________________________________________________________

If not, why not? _________________________________________________________

I will talk with a trusted adult about my need to have a relationship with God. nYes nNo

One person that does not believe in God that I will commit to pray for everyday:


I’ll take a minute right now, look around, and recognize at least three things that I can only attribute to God being active in my life.

______________________ ______________________ ______________________



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I am thankful to God for His provision, even before I see it.

David was being chased by Saul and had just been turned in by people that he thought he could trust.

Psalm 54:1 A time that I was wrongly accused was: ____________________________________


How did I respond?______ A. Retaliation B. Anger C. Prayer

What made it so difficult was: _____________________________________________

How should I have responded? ___________________________________________

What may have happened if I took it to God first instead of reacting the way that I did? ___________________________________________________________________

Psalm 54:3 These strangers had not set God before them. When I encounter people who do not use God and His ways as a measuring stick, I:

n Have a free pass to treat them as I wish because they have no respect for God.

n Should work extra hard to stay godly, even though they don’t care, because this may be the only time someone represents God to them.

n Feel indifferent. I treat everyone the same.

Psalm 54:4 Has there been a time when I can honestly say that God was the upholder of my life? nYes nNo

Psalm 54:6-7 David was in the middle of being hunted by Saul. He was asking God to protect him, and in his belief that God would deliver, David made an offering to God for the way God always provided for him.

What can I do as a freewill offering to God to thank Him for His provisions for me? ______________________________________________________________________




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TRUTH: PSALM 55:1-14

Sometimes we all need the wilderness to spiritually regroup.

Psalm 55:1-2 Am I restless when I don’t feel like God is answering me?

n Yes, I struggle with being patient.

n No, I have learned to wait on the Lord.

n I tend to wait only a short time for God to answer and then take matters into my own hands.

Psalm 55:6-7 David said he wished he had wings to fly to the wilderness to find rest. God used the wilderness through Scripture as a place where people would find spiritual regrouping. Sometimes we all need the wilderness for a little spiritual regrouping. When I find myself in need of spiritual regrouping, I __________________________


Psalm 55:12 Here, David was referring to his trusted friend Ahithophel who left David to serve his son Absalom against David (2 Samuel 15).

It is one thing to be betrayed by people I do not know or trust, but it hurts much more when it is a close, trusted friend.

I was hurt most when my trusted friend ________________________ betrayed me. Getting over a betrayal takes many steps. Today I need to take this next step (Circle one.):

A. Let go of the bitterness that I have been holding toward that friend.

B. Choose to forgive them.

C. Contact them, let them know I was hurt by them, and that I have chosen to forgive them.

D. Begin to restore a relationship with them.

I will spend time today praying for that person that betrayed me. I will not be praying for God’s judgment on them though; I will be praying for God’s blessings. n Yes, I will do this.



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“Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you.” ~ Psalm 55:22

Psalm 55:17 David spoke to God in the morning, noon, and evening. When do I find that I can most consistently spend time with God? ___________________________________

Something I once prayed about non-stop (morning, noon, and evening) and saw God answer was: _______________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________________ .

Sometimes I need intense prayer, and other times I can look around for friends and acquaintances that are in a time of intense need for prayer.

Today I will contact ___________________________ and commit to praying for them specifically.

Someone who often covers me in prayer when I need it is ____________________ .

n Today I will send them a note to thank them for being there for me.

Psalm 55:21 What word picture do I see here? _________________________________________


What are my words like? _________________________________________________

Psalm 55:22 Two burdens that I would like to cast on the Lord today are:


______________________________________________________________________ .

Practice makes progress:



Today I am thankful for: __________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________________ .

Today I am praying for: ___________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________________ .

TRUTH: PSALM 55:15-23



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TRUTH: PSALM 56:1-13

“If you look for the bad in mankind expecting to find it, you surely will.” ~ Abraham Lincoln

Psalm 56:1 I know what it feels like to have attackers oppress me all day long, or at least it has felt like that in the past. What are two things mentioned in this passage of which I need to remind myself when these difficult times come?

Verses 3 and 11 say ___________________________________________________

Verses 4 and 10 say ___________________________________________________

Psalm 56:4 David specifically stated that he praised God’s Word. I know that the Bible is God’s living Word and can impact my life any time I give it the chance to. A time in my life that I clearly saw God’s Word make an impact on me was ____________________


I will spend time today praying and thanking God for giving me His Word.

n I will check off this box when complete.

Psalm 56:4, 11 Twice in this chapter David asked, “What can man (flesh) do to me?” David spent a large portion of his life running from men who wanted to harm him.

n I am learning, like David, to look beyond the flesh and realize that my battles are spiritual.

n I struggle with seeing past the flesh. I instinctively believe that my troubles are with people, and I struggle with fear of man.

I wonder if I am alone in the way that I feel. Today I will go out of my way to ask the above question of my parents and write their answer here:


Psalm 56:6 Abraham Lincoln said, “If you look for the bad in mankind expecting to find it, you surely will.” Much like David, I feel like there are people watching my every move waiting to point out my failures.

n This makes me stressed as I attempt to be perfect when they are watching.

nThis makes me so angry because I want to point out their faults to the whole world.

nThis makes me sad for them, and it gives me an opportunity to pray for my enemies.



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The following chart displays the passages for this year’s quiet times. All quiet times cover the same passages each day so the whole family can stay connected to God’s Word. Two optional schedules have been included or you can create your own for your family or group.


WEEK 1 Psalms 51:1-56:13 Aug 28 - Sep 3 Jan 1 - Jan 7

WEEK 2 Psalms 57:1-63:11 Sep 4 - Sep 10 Jan 8 - Jan 14

WEEK 3 Psalms 64:1-68:35 Sep 11 - Sep 17 Jan 15 - Jan 21

WEEK 4 Psalms 69:1-72:11 Sep 18 - Sep 24 Jan 22 - Jan 28

WEEK 5 Psalms 72:12-76:12 Sep 25 - Oct 1 Jan 29 - Feb 4

WEEK 6 1 John 1:1-2:27 Oct 2 - Oct 8 Feb 5 - Feb 11

WEEK 7 1 John 2:28-4:21 Oct 9 - Oct 15 Feb 12 - Feb 18

WEEK 8 1 John 5:1-3 John 14 Oct 16 - Oct 22 Feb 19 - Feb 25

WEEK 9 Numbers 1:1-8:18 Oct 23 - Oct 29 Feb 26 - Mar 4

WEEK 10 Numbers 8:19-13:25 Oct 30 - Nov 5 Mar 5 - Mar 11

WEEK 11 Numbers 13:26-20:12 Nov 6 - Nov 12 Mar 12 - Mar 18

WEEK 12 Numbers 20:23-35:25 Nov 13 - Nov 19 Mar 19 - Mar 25

WEEK 13 Colossians 1:1-2:15 Nov 20 - Nov 26 Mar 26 - Apr 1

WEEK 14 Colossians 2:16-4:18 Nov 27 - Dec 3 Apr 2 - Apr 8

WEEK 15 Amos 1:1-Obadiah 21 Dec 4 - Dec 10 Apr 9 - Apr 15

WEEK 16 Isaiah 1:1-9:7 Dec 11 - Dec 17 Apr 16 - Apr 22

WEEK 17 Isaiah 10:16-26:21 Dec 18 - Dec 24 Apr 23 - Apr 29

WEEK 18 Isaiah 28:5-35:10 Dec 25 - Dec 31 Apr 30 - May 6

WEEK 19 Mark 1:1-3:12 Jan 1 - Jan 7 May 7 - May 13

WEEK 20 Mark 3:13-5:20 Jan 8 - Jan 14 May 14 - May 20

WEEK 21 Mark 5:21-7:13 Jan 15 - Jan 21 May 21 - May 27

WEEK 22 Mark 7:14-9:29 Jan 22 - Jan 28 May 28 - Jun 3

WEEK 23 Mark 9:30-11:11 Jan 29 - Feb 4 Jun 4 - Jun 10

WEEK 24 Mark 11:12-13:23 Feb 5 - Feb 11 Jun 11 - Jun 17

WEEK 25 Mark 13:24-14:65 Feb 12 - Feb 18 Jun 18 - Jun 24

WEEK 26 Mark 14:66-16:20 Feb 19 - Feb 25 Jun 25 - Jul 1

Quiet Time Schedule Options


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The following chart displays the passages for this year’s quiet times. All quiet times cover the same passages each day so the whole family can stay connected to God’s Word. Two optional schedules have been included or you can create your own for your family or group.


WEEK 27 Zechariah 3:1-14:8 Feb 26 - Mar 4 Jul 2 - Jul 8

WEEK 28 1 Corinthians 1:1-3:15 Mar 5 - Mar 11 Jul 9 - Jul 15

WEEK 29 1 Corinthians 3:16-7:9 Mar 12 - Mar 18 Jul 16 - Jul 22

WEEK 30 1 Corinthians 7:10-10:11 Mar 19 - Mar 25 Jul 23 - Jul 29

WEEK 31 1 Corinthians 10:12-12:20 Mar 26 - Apr 1 Jul 30 - Aug 5

WEEK 32 1 Corinthians 12:21-15:11 Apr 2 - Apr 8 Aug 6 - Aug 12

WEEK 33 1 Corinthians 15:12-16:24 Apr 9 - Apr 15 Aug 13 - Aug 19

WEEK 34 1 Thessalonians 1:1-3:13 Apr 16 - Apr 22 Aug 20 - Aug 26

WEEK 35 1 Thessalonians 4:1-5:28 Apr 23 - Apr 29 Aug 27 - Sep 2

WEEK 36 2 Thessalonians 1:1-3:18 Apr 30 - May 6 Sep 3 - Sep 9

WEEK 37 Lamentations 1:1-5:22 May 7 - May 13 Sep 10 - Sep 16

WEEK 38 1 Timothy 1:1-4:8 May 14 - May 20 Sep 17 - Sep 23

WEEK 39 1 Timothy 4:9-6:21 May 21 - May 27 Sep 24 - Sep 30

WEEK 40 Acts 1:1-3:11 May 28 - Jun 3 Oct 1 - Oct 7

WEEK 41 Acts 3:12-5:32 Jun 4 - Jun 10 Oct 8 - Oct 14

WEEK 42 Acts 5:33-8:13 Jun 11 - Jun 17 Oct 15 - Oct 21

WEEK 43 Acts 8:14-10:8 Jun 18 - Jun 24 Oct 22 - Oct 28

WEEK 44 Acts 10:9-12:25 Jun 25 - Jul 1 Oct 29 - Nov 4

WEEK 45 Acts 13:1-15:12 Jul 2 - Jul 8 Nov 5 - Nov 11

WEEK 46 Acts 15:13-17:21 Jul 9 - Jul 15 Nov 12 - Nov 18

WEEK 47 Acts 17:22-20:12 Jul 16 - Jul 22 Nov 19 - Nov 25

WEEK 48 Acts 20:13-22:30 Jul 23 - Jul 29 Nov 26 - Dec 2

WEEK 49 Acts 23:1-25:27 Jul 30 - Aug 5 Dec 3 - Dec 9

WEEK 50 Acts 26:1-28:31 Aug 6 - Aug 12 Dec 10 - Dec 16

WEEK 51 2 Peter 1:1-2:22 Aug 13 - Aug 19 Dec 17 - Dec 23

WEEK 52 2 Peter 3:1-Jude 25 Aug 20 - Aug 26 Dec 24 - Dec 30

Quiet Time Schedule Options


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