Page 1: 2015 sep-oct 1 - · 19/10/2015 - Announcement of New Bhakti Marga SA Website () 13-22/10/2015 - Navaratri & Dussehra at Maha Shanta Narasimha Temple & Maha Jwala

bhakti marga sa monthly newsletter sep-oct 2015

�30/08/2015-05/09/2015 - Gita Week at Maha Shanta Narasimha Temple�05/09/2015 - Krishna Janmashtami at Maha Shanta Narasimha Temple & Maha Jwala Narasimha Temple & Seva Program at Nkosi’s Haven, JHB (Children’s orphanage)�02/09/2015 - Awake Screening at Izulu Theatre, Sibaya Casino, KZN�03/09/2015 - Awake Screening at Izulu Theatre, Sibaya Casino, KZN�09/09/2015 - Awake Screening at Izulu Theatre, Sibaya Casino, KZN�14/09/2015 - Awake Screening at Suncoast Casino, KZN�28/08/2015 & 30/08/2015 - Awake Screening at The Bioscope, JHB�04/09/2015 - Awake Screening at The Bioscope, JHB�05/09/2015 - Awake Screening at The Bioscope, JHB�07/09/2015-21/09/2015 – Kumbh Mela in Nashik�08/09/2015 - Awake Screening at The Bioscope, JHB�12/09/2015 – Wellness Program: Laughter Yoga with Sharon Chetty at Maha Shanta Narasimha Temple�12/09/2015 - Om Chanting at Bharat Samaj Ves Mandir, Commundade Hindu, Maputo�17/09/2015 - Ganesh Chaturthi at Maha Shanta Narasimha Temple & Maha Jwala Narasimha Temple�19/09/2015 – Wellness Program: Group Kriya Session�20/09/2015 - Seva Project in Nelspruit�21/09/2015 - Radha Ashtami at Maha Shanta Narasimha Temple �26/09/2015 - Narasimha Yagna at Maha Shanta Narasimha Temple�28/09/2015 - Fullmoon Om Chanting at Maha Jwala Narasimha Temple�30/09/2015 - Maha Om Chanting with Swami Vishwachakradharananda at Kailash Math Ashram, Richards Bay�02/10/2015 & 03/10/2015 - Awake Screening at Living Yoga Studio, JHB�03/10/2015 - Discourse with Swami Vishwachakradharananda & Father Kumeran at the Maha Shanta Narasimha Temple�04/10/2015 - Yagna, Mother Lakshmi Abhishekam & Holy Communion with Swami Vishwachakradharananda & Father Kumeran at New Ashram Site�05/10/2015 - Satsang & Holy Communion in Malvern with Swami Vishwachakradharananda and Father Kumeran�08/10/2015 & 10/10/2015 - Swami Vishwachakradharananda's birthday celebrations�10/10/2015 & 11/10/2015 - Atma Kriya Yoga Course with Swami Vishwachakradharananda at Maha Shanta Narasimha Temple�10/10/2015 - Awake Screening at Eswarar Kovil Temple, JHB�18/10/2015 - Awake Screening at Bardolino Artists Retreat, Nelspruit�19/10/2015 - Announcement of New Bhakti Marga SA Website ( �13-22/10/2015 - Navaratri & Dussehra at Maha Shanta Narasimha Temple & Maha Jwala Narasimha Temple�24/10/2015 - Seva Project at Khauhelo Primary School, JHB�25/10/2015 - Awake Screening at Serendib Yoga Studio, Nelspruit�27/10/2015 - Fullmoon Om Chanting at The Living Yoga Studio, JHB & Sri Ayappa Seva Sungam, Malvern�30/10/2015 - Seva Project at Khuthalani Primary School in Holmbosh, KZN�31/10/2015-01/112015 - Atma Kriya Yoga Course with Swami Vishwachakradharananda, Bryanston, JHB


1 - Bhakti Marga SA Monthly Newsletter Sep-Oct 2015

BM Weekly Calendar Shri Maha Shanta Narasimha Temple - KZN Shri Maha Kripalu Gayatri Devi Temple - KZN






Om Chanting 6.30pm

Satsang 7.00pm

Youth Meeting

Yagna and at 2.00pmAbhishekum

Satsang 7.00pm

Om Chanting 6.30pm

Abhishekum every 3rd Saturday at 5.30pm

Shri Maha Jwala Narasimha Temple

Abhishekum, Yagna &Satsang on Saturdays

2.00pm - 5.00pmFullmoon Om Chanting - monthly

(Alan Manor - JHB)

“People don't respect nature; we take things for granted. We can't blame western culture because in the west people do take great care of nature. If your material (side) is not good, how can you concentrate on the spiritual side? If on the outside everything is beautiful, it helps to concentrate on the inside. Nature uplifts you; it helps to raise your soul to a higher dimension. When nature sees things are getting imbalanced, she will balance herself, and when she balances herself, that does not mean this will be good for mankind.” ~ Sri Swami Vishwananda

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2 - Bhakti Marga SA Monthly Newsletter Sep-Oct 2015


bhakti marga sa monthly newsletter sep-oct 2015


On the 5th of September Bhakti Marga JHB celebrated the birth of our Beloved Lord Krishna. This is a very special time for devotees as it symbolizes a time where the light and love in our hearts overtakes the darkness of our minds. When this transformation happens we are one with ourselves, our True beloved.

We celebrated this auspicious day starting off with Guru Puja to our beautiful Krishna, Sri Swami Vishwananda. We also did an abhishekam on Jwala Narasimha, where he was dressed in magnificent robes and showered with flowers and lovely garlands. All day there were many devotees and festivities at the temple. Everyone worked lovingly together to make this spectacular event possible.

Bhakti Marga's Seva program began around lunchtime. We chose to feed the residents of Nkosi's Haven – which is an orphanage for children, moms and their babies infected with Aids. 150 children, teenagers, moms, caregivers and volunteers were fed a delicious vegetarian meal. No one left empty handed as all kids were gifted a party pack filled with sweets and love from our devotees, the adults was super excited they got a party pack too! The best part was after lunch, the residents of Nkosi's Haven took the devotees to their recreation rooms where the moms and kids performed beautiful gratitude and thank you songs for the gifts and love they had received. It was a very touching moment for everyone.

Our official celebration started at 6pm with 56 types of Krishna's favorite foods being offered, both savoury and sweet delights. Swami Vishwaparanthapananda gave a discourse on the story of how Krishna was born. He helped us look at the life of this incredible master and see that even though he was born under the worst circumstances (in prison and on an inauspicious day), he attained freedom. He is showing us that through love and acceptance of all our circumstance this is indeed possible.

Swami Vishwaparanthapananda did a yagna where all devotees got a chance to offer samagri into the fire, setting our intentions to surrender the obstacle of our minds to the Lord.

Our main event was an abhishekam of the beautiful Ladoo Gopal. We were blessed to be able to all individually offer panch-amrit to his sweet form. The whole night there were bhajans being sung about the sweetness and beauty of Krishna, we all danced and sang and celebrated His life with all the love in our hearts. We ended the night with a very sumptuous feast prepared lovingly by the devotees of Bhakti Marga. An amazing time was had by all, everyone left feeling more full of love and devotion than when they arrived at temple. Jai Guru Dev. !!!!

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3 - Bhakti Marga SA Monthly Newsletter Sep-Oct 2015

‘AWAKE - THE LIFE OF YOGANANDA’ MOVIE SCREENING - KZN - REFLECTIONS BY SUE NAIDOOAwake, the documentary on the life of Paramahansa Yogananda, indeed brought about an enormous Awakening in the lives of many! When I was tasked with this project by Swami, I immediately accepted without any questions or hesitation. The venerable Yogananda has always been close to my heart and after visiting the YSS in Mumbai, a greater connection was made. So this was really both humbling and exciting to have been chosen to be an instrument to showcase the life of Paramahansaji. As the preparation progressed, I found that there was something awakening in me as well. Just like Yogananda who had complete faith in his Guru, so too did I learn to have that same kind of faith in mine. The softness, love and discipline that is displayed between Yogananda and his guru Sri Yukteshwar Giri, translated between Swami Vishwachakradharananda and myself. Without a moment's trepidation, it was then decided that this was a brilliant opportunity and perfect platform to introduce my Guru, a true Kriyaban, to KZN and his gift of Atma Kriya, the much sought after technique spoken of in The Autobiography of a Yogi.Three screenings were agreed upon at iZulu Theatre, Sibaya, completely at no cost, by the generosity of Logan Moodley and a further 2 screenings at Suncoast Cine Centre, were gifted to us by the kindness of Dinesh Naidoo. Gurudev's blessing upon them both!!! Once our advertising kicked in and the word spread, an overwhelming interest was received. It was truly a blessing to have met such wonderful devotees of Yogananda and the many that had read the Autobiography of a Yogi, and was searching for the Kriya technique referred to in the book. Many friends were made. On our opening night, Swami was greeted by a host of media, television and press core. Interviews took place at Sibaya's private boardroom. Swami was then ushered to his lavish and resplendent meet and greet with socialites, dignitaries and celebrities. Swami addressed the guests with much warmth and humility. Many fell in love with his Divine energy right there and then. It was really so special and heart-warming to see my Guru giving and receiving so much love.We then proceeded to the theatre in grand style, ushered by the contingent operations staff of Sibaya. Here again Swami was introduced to more than 300 guests, some of whom were lucky enough to chat to him after the movie. It was a resounding opening night. The presence of all the great masters including Swami Vishwananda together with Swami, permeated and electrified the auditorium. Guests were enthralled and are to date speaking of their experience. On night 3 regardless of Swami being away on Kumbh Mela, his presence was felt by all his devotees. The energy was unsurmountable and everyone felt it, most especially the guests. There was so much love in the theatre. True Bhakti Marga ethos! The documentary was well received. It depicted the life and trials of Yogananda and his unwavering dedication and obedience to his Guru. His journey to Awaken and help mankind transcend despite the adversity and resistance that he had faced.

To see live footage of Yogananda was indeed a huge gift to all his devotees. His penetrating gaze overwhelmed many to a point of tears. The depiction of Yogananda merely scratched the surface of his greatness and distinction. Although this book was written some 70 years ago, it is still a staple at many a bedside. His quote, “when I'm gone, my teachings will be your Guru” come to mind. What was brilliant for Bhakti Marga KZN, was the inclusion of all the devotees in the event. This created a spirit of community and fellowship for us all. The common thread was the love for and of our Guru. Most importantly was our realisation that our Guru transcends any other relationship and the importance thereof.

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bhakti marga sa monthly newsletter sep-oct 2015

This month Bhakti Marga had the huge privilege of bringing to our communities the magnificent movie AWAKE, the life of Spiritual master, Paramahansa Yogananda. This was such a joy to organize knowing how many hearts and lives the legacy of Yogananda will touch. We had 5 screenings at The Bioscope, a really trendy independent theatre in the Centre of JHB city.

Every screening was fully booked and sold out 2 weeks before the opening date. We organized this event to raise funds for our Spiritual organization, Bhakti Marga founded by our Guru Sri Swami Vishwananda .The money raised will contribute towards our service to selected charities, to help us spread our Guru's teachings through OM Chanting, Simply Meditation and Atma Kriya Yoga and to contribute funds towards our new ashram opening up in KZN, Durban.

The movie was spectacular; you could feel the presence of Greatness in the little theatre. What I found profound about Yogananda's life is that he followed his Guru's instruction in spite of enormous hardships. He wanted to be free and live in India surrounded by his beloved disciples at The Ranchi School for boys but, He chose to listen to God and move to foreign land where he never spoke English or knew any western customs. Yogananda's faith was exemplarily after his organization crashed and the West seemed to turn their backs on him; he went back to India to see his Guru. His heart yearned to stay there yet He knew he had to go back to the West and finish what he started. There he established the Self Realization Fellowship in California and created a monastic order for where he could teach the science of Religion and Kriya Yoga. Awake showed how Meditation and spirituality goes far beyond the idea of what we see as yoga in the west. It is not about Yogic postures or exercise but rather exercise and discrimination of the mind and ego in order for our hearts to fully open to the power of love. It was such a huge success that we are booking another 3 screenings to satisfy some very disappointed people who missed out. As usual our Bhakti Marga Book shop attracted much attention and many works of Yogananda's as well as Sri Swami Vishwananda's was sold. It was fantastic to be a part of the opening of doors for people to see a glimpse of their own potential. Jai Guru Dev!!!!!


17/09/2015 - GANESH CHATURTHI AT MAHA SHANTA NARASIMHA TEMPLE“In the spiritually receptive, loyalty to the guru rises spontaneously when the disciple’s heart is bathed in the aura of the guru’s unconditional love. The soul knows that it has found at last a true friend, counselor and guide. The disciple strives therefore to reciprocate the guru’s unconditional love, especially when tested, even as the faith and loyalty of Jesus disciples were often tried with non-understanding. Many were with Jesus at the feasts and sermons but how few at the cross.” ~ Paramahansa Yogananda

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5 - Bhakti Marga SA Monthly Newsletter Sep-Oct 2015


20/09/2015 - SEVA PROJECT IN NELSPRUIT REFLECTIONS BY SIVESHNEE VARDANThey have so little, yet they are all smiles. Not much to look forward to on this cold day in the Lowveld but big hearts to welcome you into their humble homes. This is the community of Nelsville.

Bhakti Marga South Africa a spiritual organisation headed by Swami Vishwachakradharananda were welcomed by one of the community's regular caregiver Florence who had announced to community members that there will be food parcels and gifts that will be dropped off. It was then that we met the community of Nelsville.

Florence accompanied us to the various homes to meet with community members. They welcomed us with open arms and were ever so grateful for what they have received. A story to inspire everyone, how people have so much to offer but, have so little themselves.

WHAT IS SEVA?Seva means "selfless service". It is a way to give back from yourself, to open up one's own heart, and to make it easier to see God in each and every person around us. This service can take many forms, and they all have one purpose: “We are all running after the Love of God, but what is the Love of God? The Love of God is the Love that you can express. You express Love towards the Divine, of course, but it doesn't have to be only to God, but to anyone who needs help. As it is said, if you want to experience the Love of God, help, do charity. This will open the heart, because when you do charity, you don't think of yourself, you think of serving. That's what Christ said "The least you do to my brothers, you are doing it unto me." The little you do to someone who really is in need, you are doing it to the Lord. In return, He is giving you much more. In return He is filling your heart with lots of Love.” – Sri Swami Vishwananda

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24/10/2015 - SEVA PROJECT AT KHAUHELO PRIMARY SCHOOL, JHB REFLECTIONS BY EMILIA ARNERIUSOn Saturday 24th of November a group of Bhakti Marga matajis came together for a morning of Seva at a primary school in Soweto. There were a lot of jitters as most of us were going to be interacting with a classroom full of children for the first time. An incredible devotee, Yoga, who works with schools across Soweto, designed a beautiful lesson plan that gave the devotees the tools to make it easy and fun. We arrived at the Temple at 9am to load our cars with all the supplies donated by the Bhakti Marga group: oranges, crisps, cold drinks and sandwiches made with love by a group of 5 to 9 year olds at a play date the day before. Our next stop was the primary school in Soweto where we were greeted by hundreds of running, laughing and cheering children.The Principal of the school, together with his teachers and a few parents, welcomed us with such love and quickly organised the children into neat lines. A beautiful prayer was sung and everyone was ready to start our morning of fun. We filled the little tummies with a sandwich and a drink and then the children were divided into their classes. Yoga had kindly given each of us a lesson plan that suited our grade and skilfully crafted the Little Red Riding Hood story into a great teaching about “stranger danger” and differentiating between good and bad. The one language that flowed in every single lesson and from every single pupil was the language of love. At the end of the morning once the children were sent home with an orange and a packet of crisps after a fantastic English interaction, every single devotee felt as though they had received so much more from the children than we could have possibly given them in return.

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Navaratri is a celebration of The Feminine Aspect of God, The Divine Mother. It is a nine-day celebration that focus's on the 9 Different aspects of Divine Mother. On the spiritual path we need each aspect in order to fight the great battle between our ignorance/ego and the ultimate reality of Love. As the form Durga through her grace she removes miseries, burns impurities and helps us attain our true selves. As a mother all she wants for all her children is to come home to her and love her unconditionally the same way she loves us. These 9 days are a process of Purification of our minds so we can begin to see her in our hearts.

Bhakti Marga in JHB celebrated 3 nights of Navaratri at our Narasimhadev Temple in Alan Manor. It was a beautiful festival where the devotees made lavish Prasad (food offerings) for Ma, which included her favorites Jackfruit, Sweet, meats, pure with sweet rice and an amazing selection of seasonal fruit. Each night of celebration we performed a yagna (fire ceremony) and abhishekam on Durga Ma in her different aspect (bathing the deity). Our first day, all the devotees wore orange to signify Chandraghanta Devi. “Chandraghanta spreads calmness and eternal peace all around Her, but to someone who is wicked, She is terrifying. If your mind is negative, all things around you will be negative. But if your mind is clear, pure and calm, all around you will be calm.” – Sri Swami Vishwananda. We sang bhajans to our beloved Ma, and the temple was filled with her divine love and joy.

Our second night of celebration we all wore Blue or Peacock Green to honor Katyayani Devi. Traditionally on this night we focus on how the Divine Mother herself is in everything. Manifested in all plants, men and woman equally. We all had a chance to do an abhishekam on the form of Durga. It was a beautiful opportunity for all the devotees to be involved and bath and dress Ma with the same care and love we would do for our own mother. Our beloved Guru Sri Swami Vishwananda summed up the role of Katyayani Devi.

”Each day of Navaratri now, what are we going through? What is happening? You are purifying yourself. Purifying through many lives of impurities so that once you are cleansed, the Lord can reveal Himself within your heart, and the Lord can give Himself to you. Because the Lord doesn't reveal Himself just like that. He reveals Himself only when you are ready. And the biggest barrier which one has is the mind. The mind always notices the differences: you are woman, you are man, you are rich, you are poor, you are black, you are white. The mind is in constant judgement. As long as you run with the mind, the mind has its power. But when the mind is disarmed from that through Nama Japa or through certain challenges or certain sadhanas, then you transcend this mind. When you transcend this mind, the Lord reveals Himself. First He reveals Himself inside of your heart. Then He reveals Himself outside through the people around you. Then He reveals Himself in grand form: the whole world as Him.” –Sri Swami Vishwananda.

The last and final night of Navaratri we all wore Red to celebrate Siddhidatri Devi. The prabhu's had the opportunity to worship and give Ma an abhishekam while the other devotees sang and danced together celebrating Durga's glorious Triumph over evil the Demon Mahishasura. This signifies our own small triumphs everyday against our habits, attachments and desires.

Swami Vishwananda said, “Siddhidatri grants the eighteen siddhis, the eighteen successes in life; She gives success in everything. So whatever you wish, by Mother's Grace, you will be successful, whether it is in business, in finances, in a relationship, or anything else.” It was a very special time for all of us, a beautiful celebration of Love, freedom and a reminder of what we truly want in our lives and the sacrifices of our ego's desires that ultimately make us realise we are free and one with our Divine Mother.

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bhakti marga sa monthly newsletter sep-oct 2015

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