Page 1: 2015 Selected Undergraduate Works

Alex ReedUndergraduateSelected Works

Bachelor of ScienceArchitecture


Page 2: 2015 Selected Undergraduate Works

0 2Collage Exploration


0 4Queen City Club Interior Alteration

revit, photoshopcommunication, leadership, teamwork

composition, color, organization

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t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s0 1 Corryville Library Explorationdrafting

0 3HP Hood Facility Additionrevit, autocadcommunication, leadership, integrity

0 5Rowhouserevit, photoshop, illustratordesign, site research, visual organizationspacial hierarchy, climatic incorporation

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Page 5: 2015 Selected Undergraduate Works

C o r r y v i l l e L i b r a r y E x p l o r a t i o n2013 ; hand drafted in micron on traceassignment - visit the Corryville Branch Library, take notes, sketch, then turn it into a 1/8” = 1’ scale floorplan

01c o r r y v i l l e l i b r a r y e x p l o r a t i o n 0 12013 hand drafted with ink on tracebasic assignment focused on documentation and measurement skills by exploring a local library and recreating it’s floorplans.

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foreground, middle ground, and background

C o l l a g e 0 2 e x p l o r a t i o n

2012adobe photoshop and illustrator

project focused on composition and collage. students were asked to explore the local art museum, choose a work of art and recreate the piece digitally by distinguish-

ing specific visual organizations present in that work.

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C o l l a g e E x e r c i s e s

material and texture

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0 3 h p h o o df a c i l i t y a d d i t i o n

2014 revit & autocad

provided with a set of existing facility drawings, I was asked to construct a milk plant in

Winchester ,Virginia. i modeled the additions and modifications of the facility under a project architect’s supervision; i produced, annotated, and issued schematic

design and design development documents. with collaboration from in-house engineers.

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q c c i n t e r i o ra l t e r a t i o n 0 42014revit and adobe photoshopassisted in the alteration of a private cincinnati club interior. provided with an initial Revit model of the space, I produced and annotated a series of construction documents and details under the eye of the project architect.

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Page 15: 2015 Selected Undergraduate Works

upon completion of construction documents, hixson was asked to provide a poster illustrating the changes planned for the

restaurant. using revit and post production photoshop work, i

assisted in the creation of a series of renders that we felt

represented the atmosphere appropriately. To evoke a more elegant and intimate feel, we

focused on a consistent contrast and warm color palette against a

dark background. project to be completed end of

march 2015.

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family desires:natural light and tall ceilings

views for inspirationisolated private spaces

space to entertain guests and host intimate receptions

narrative: the first two major issues

incorporated into the project were suf-ficient day lighting and plentiful

views. this began with a climatic site analysis and an exploration of spacial

organization. I played first with the idea of spacial

organization in conjunction with maximizing views: the sky, the

adjacent skyline, or a combination of the two.

to create an additional inspirational view to the private

spaces in the rear of the building, i encased the middle in glass

to create a conservatory. this space serves as a desirable backdrop for many of the private rooms as well as creat-ing a visual screen and layer of pri-

vacy for those same rooms.

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r o w h o u s e2015 revit, adobe photoshop and illustratordesign one of three consecutive rowhouses for cincinnati symphony conductor, Louis Langree.

c o n v i n g t o n , k y0 5

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Page 19: 2015 Selected Undergraduate Works

working in section was the primary exercise through the semester. this convention was used to explore blending the taller, public spaces with the more enclosed spaces of the opposite side of the residence. i looked at lev-els of “transparency” by both view of the other side of the residence and amount of literal viewports and open-

ings to the space.

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Page 21: 2015 Selected Undergraduate Works

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