Page 1: 2014WinterOlympics: SecurityConcernsinSochi · • History(of(the(Olympic(Games(• Overview(of(the(2014(Winter(Games(• Russian(Security(Preparaons(• Public(Relaons(Agencies(Handling(the(Olympics

2014  Winter  Olympics:  Security  Concerns  in  Sochi  

5  Golden  Rings  Kristen  Busby  Katherine  Hill  Emma  Massey  

Katherine  Regele  

Page 2: 2014WinterOlympics: SecurityConcernsinSochi · • History(of(the(Olympic(Games(• Overview(of(the(2014(Winter(Games(• Russian(Security(Preparaons(• Public(Relaons(Agencies(Handling(the(Olympics


•  History  of  the  Olympic  Games  

•  Overview  of  the  2014  Winter  Games  

•  Russian  Security  Prepara?ons  

•  Public  Rela?ons  Agencies  Handling  the  Olympics  

•  Public  Rela?ons  During  the  Games  

•  Public  Rela?ons  AEer  the  Games  

•  Recommenda?ons  

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History  of  the  Olympics  

•  History  and  Tradi?on  •  The  Bidding  Process    •  Previous  Security  Concerns  – 1972  Summer  Olympics  –  Munich,  West  Germany  – 1996  Summer  Olympics  –  Atlanta,  Georgia  – 2004  Summer  Olympics  –  Athens,  Greece    


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Overview  of  2014  Winter  Games  

•  Selec?on  process  •  Security  concerns  leading  up  to  the  games    – Volgograd    – Black  Widows    – Dagestan  shootout    

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Russian  Security  PreparaJons  

•   “Ring  of  Steel”    •  Increased  security  at  transporta?on  hubs  •  Over  100,000  in  security  force    –  Including  military  personnel    

•  Sonar  technology    

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Public  RelaJons  Agencies  Handling  the  Olympics  

•  Problem:  lack  of  coordina?on  •  John  Tibbs  Associates  –  Bidding  process,  proofreading,  edi?ng  

•  CROS  –  Public  Rela?ons  Services  Supplier  

•  IOC  Official  Media  Guide  –  Contacts  for  IOC,  Sochi  2014  CommiWee,  and  Worldwide  Olympic  Partners  

•  M&C  Saatchi  –  First  agency  of  record  for  US  Olympic  CommiWee  

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Public  RelaJons  During  the  Games  

•  Ring  of  Steel  – Special  forces,  surveillance  – Limited  vehicular  access  – Concentric  circles  (Jeff  McCracken)  

•  Transit  points  •  Required  creden?als  •  Tracking    

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•  Warnings  about  wearing  U.S.  gear  •  Ethical  controversies  –  Invasion  of  privacy  – Collec?on  of  DNA  samples  during  Black  Widow  inves?ga?on  

Public  RelaJons  During  the  Games  

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Public  RelaJons  ALer  the  Games  

•  No  acknowledgement  of  success  by  Russia  •  Failure  to  capitalize  on  public  rela?ons  opportunity  

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RecommendaJons  –  Research  

•  Research  – Previous  Olympic  Games  with  similar  concerns  – Other  global  events,  such  as  World  Cup  

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RecommendaJons  –  ObjecJves  Impact  Objec,ves    1.  To  create  favorable  media  coverage  of  future  Olympic  Games  by  more  

effec?vely  monitoring  the  web  and  social  media  chaWer.  For  example,  monitor  TwiWer  hashtags  to  see  if  there  exist  any  public  rela?ons  problems  that  need  to  be  addressed  (i.e.  #SochiProblems).    

2.  To  increase  public  awareness  of  security  measures  in  place  at  future  Olympic  Games.    

3.  To  be  more  transparent  about  public  rela?ons  efforts  and  campaigns  surrounding  future  Olympic  Games.  

4.  To  coordinate,  across  the  board,  future  public  rela?ons  efforts  surrounding  the  Olympic  Games,  both  on  the  behalf  of  par?cipa?ng  countries  as  well  as  sponsoring  companies.    

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RecommendaJons  –  ObjecJves  Output  Objec,ves    1.  To  increase  controlled  media  output  for  the  Interna?onal  Olympic  

CommiWee  by  a  specific  percentage,  in  the  form  of  press  releases,  published  interviews,  website  updates  and  press  conferences.  

2.  To  hire  a  public  rela?ons  agency  of  record  for  the  Interna?onal  Olympic  CommiWee  specifically  designed  to  handle  security  concerns  and  poli?cal  threats.  

3.  To  increase  the  social  media  presence  of  the  Interna?onal  Olympic  CommiWee  by  a  specific  percentage,  in  order  to  accurately  inform  the  public  of  security  threats  at  the  Games  in  a  ?mely,  prompt  manner.  

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RecommendaJons  –  Programming  

•  Develop  a  key  message  and  theme  for  the  event  

•  Respond  to  social  media  •  Distribute  news  releases  frequently  and  in  a  ?mely  manner  

•  Hold  press  conferences  to  show  transparency  

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RecommendaJons  –  EvaluaJon  

•  Monitor  social  media  accounts  – Respond  in  a  ?mely  manner  

•  Transparency  •  Evaluate  informa?onal  objec?ves  – Measure  media  impressions  and  message  exposure  

•  Evaluate  output  objec?ves  – Measure  frequency  and  content  of  controlled  and  uncontrolled  media  produced  

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