
Disclosure Thoughts from 2014Richard Dolan

Note from 2021• The following slides were developed for a lecture I gave in 2014 while in Brazil.

They are just a segment of a broader lecture I delivered, this part dealing with the goals of UFO disclosure as I saw it at the time.

• What’s interesting to me now in 2021 is that, to my mind, the analysis still seems essentially sound.

• I argued that UFO Disclosure won’t be “allowed” to happen until a much greater clampdown of global information has occurred. By 2014, this had not yet happened.

• Personally, I still do not think we are quite there yet, although clearly much closer to a 24/7 total control system than we were seven years ago.

• For many years I have seen the implementation of some form of global totalitarianism as the ultimate direction of our society. Not freedom but control. I realize not everyone agrees with this but it has been my belief for some time.

The Probable Scenario

• Retrievals of exotic (e.g. alien) technology and bodies

• Signficant classified engagements. • Necessity for absolute secrecy. • Control over media, academia,

science • Creation of black budgets. • Illegal/criminal financing. • Runaway secrecy — goes private. • Secret technology programs.

• Weaponizing technologies in global competition.

• Creates a Two-Class System • Breakaway civilization. • Desperate attempt to catch up. • Hiding energy and propulsion

breakthroughs — and more. • Disclosure paralysis: terrified of

criminal charges. • Terrified also of the global

transformation, after disclosure.

The goals of our handlers

The goals of our handlers

• Ownership of the planet’s resources • Competition with each other • Creation of a new political paradigm • Knowledge that the sh*t will hit the fan (probably) • Need for control over global population • Access to secret technology • UFO/ET

“The extraterrestrial question is the secret sauce that flavors the bad meal known as geopolitics.”

UFO secret is only part of the larger picture for them.

The goals of our handlersProblem: Social awareness sparked by the web.

Solution: Control the web.

Therefore, before any sort of “disclosure”….

The Race:

Freedom of the People or Total Control.

• Formalize a breakaway financial structure (NAFTA, GATT, TPPA, TAFTA, etc. etc.)

• Create transnational (corporate-friendly) legal structures.

• This means the end of nations as we know it. • Replacement of national government with

corporate structure. A new system of royalty. • Strong resistance from rivals (Russia, China),

resulting in an undeclared war, esp. with Russia.

The End of Nations

Enforce intellectual property rights (and hence no free file sharing).

Total surveillance and intimidation.

Turn the web into TV

Creation of continuous false flag events.

Thus maintaining total control over global intellectual life.

The Disclosure Goal

To achieve it as a 24/7 all-encompassing virtual fascist society.

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