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hey jack, all work and no play?or how to succeed academically without really trying ... too hard

Presentation Notes
2014 Iowa Chapter Delta Chi Retreat – IMU January 25
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is life a crap shoot?

3rd time is a charm 3 branches of government3 strikes and you’re outluck (good and bad) in 3’s

#7 memory magic number7 days in a week7 deadly sinsjames bond is 007

...there are 3 ways to make 7

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random thoughts on if I knew...




Presentation Notes
Academic Success Random Thoughts
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work life balance?

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you can’t have everything...

where would you put it?

Steven Wright

Presentation Notes
Steven Wright You can't have everything. Where would you put it? Read more at
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off balance on purpose

Dan Thurmon

Presentation Notes
5 spheres – work, relationships, health, sprit, interests Off Balance On Purpose: The Future of Engagement and Work-Life Balance: Dan Thurmon at TEDxPSU As Dan was juggling, he explained to us that you must release one item in order to catch the ot her item. He is never actually holding more than one item that he is juggling at once! This was so powerful. It sometimes takes a visual exercise like this to snap us into realization. You have to be off balance to learn. One thing at a time quickly.
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you can have it all…

…just not at the same time



Social /Fraternal

Family & Friends

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it doesn’t get any easier

…you just get used to it (PR)



Presentation Notes
Treat school as your work week. and senior engineering curriculum)
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so gear up




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get inspired

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learn from the best, invent the rest

"Good artists copy, great artists steal.”

“Education is not the learning of facts, but

the training of the mind to think.”

Apple "has always been shameless

about stealing great ideas.”

Presentation Notes
Innovation happens at the intersection of knowledge domains Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. �-- Albert Einstein The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible.�-- Albert Einstein Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.�-- Albert Einstein If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.�-- Albert Einstein
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too soon old, too late smart

“ if the map doesn’t agree with the ground, then the map is wrong”

- Gordon Livinston

Presentation Notes Too soon old, too late wise Ben Franklin
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"We had a leadership factory where the choice could be made"

leadership is a choice

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it’s not a management theory

…it’s biology

Presentation Notes
This principle has been true since the earliest tribes of hunters and gatherers. It’s not a management theory; it’s biology. Our brains and bodies evolved to help us find food, shelter, mates and especially safety. We’ve always lived in a dangerous world, facing predators and enemies at every turn. We thrived only when we felt safe among our group. The biology is clear: when it matters most, leaders who are willing to eat last are rewarded with deeply loyal colleagues who will stop at nothing to advance their leader’s vision and their organization’s interests. It’s amazing how well it works. 
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leading from the gut

“gut instinct is ‘patternrecognition’ based on past experience”

-Jack Welch

Presentation Notes
“The only real valuable thing is intuition. The �intellect has little to do on the road to discovery.”—Albert Einstein
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don’t blink… go ahead blink

“you have to ask yourself, 'On what basis am I making a judgment?' ... If you have no experience, then your instincts aren't any good.”

- Malcom Gladwell

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intellectually speaking

“The only real valuable thing is intuition. Theintellect has little to do on the road to discovery.”

- A. Einstein

Presentation Notes
“The only real valuable thing is intuition. The �intellect has little to do on the road to discovery.”—Albert Einstein
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physical world

Presentation Notes
Thermodynamics and Systems Laws of open loop and closed loop behavior Cause and Effect and Predictability Linear Systems and Differential Equations Modeling via math and computers Distributed Systems Design Parallel Systems -> Grid Computing -> Cloud Today: Wolfram Alpha
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human behavior

Presentation Notes
Economics Is the study of behaviors and incentives Personality Differences, Predictability, Myers-Briggs World is Flat
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education & brains

Presentation Notes Gardner's five minds-disciplined, synthesizing, creating, respectful and ethical-are not personality types, but ways of thinking available to anyone who invests the time and effort to cultivate them: "how we should use our minds.“ The Whole New Mind developing and cultivating six senses: design, story, symphony, empathy, play, and meaning. Daniel Pink, the author of A Whole New Mind, observes that with increasing abundance, people want more unique products and services. Plain vanilla won’t cut it any more in today’s crowded marketplace: “For businesses it’s no longer enough to create a product that’s reasonably priced and adequately functional. It must also be beautiful, unique, and meaningful. 21st Century Skills 3R’s Reading, Writing, Arithmetic 7C’s Critical thinking and problem solving Creativity and innovation Collaboration, teamwork, and leadership Cross-cultural understanding Communications, information, and media literacy Computing and ICT (information and communications technology) literacy Career and learning self-reliance
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it’s not rocket surgery

Presentation Notes
But it is brain science
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just in time learning

Presentation Notes pretty soon I will have to google first thing in the morning to know how to do my job today
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Wanted: Question Asking Skills

“First and foremost I look for someone who asks good questions… I want people that can engage in good discussion. Who can look me in the eye and have a give and take.”

- Clay Parker, CEO

“It’s not how much you retain but how much they can explore. It’s how you ask the next question. I can look up anything but I can’t take it to the next level w/o pushing and exploring“

– Christy Pedra, CEO

Presentation Notes
First and foremost I look for someone who asks good questions… I want people that can engage in good discussion. Who can look me in the eye and have a give and take.
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who cares?

. “first and foremost, I look for someone who asks good questions… the ability to ask the right questions is the single most important skill.”

- Clay Parker, CEO

Presentation Notes Seven Survival Skills that all of our students will need to master in order to get a good job in the new “flat” world of work. “First and foremost, I look for someone who asks good questions,” Parker responded. “Our business is changing, and so the skills our engineers need change rapidly, as well. We can teach them the technical stuff. But for employees to solve problems or to learn new things, they have to know what questions to ask. And we can’t teach them how to ask good questions—how to think. The ability to ask the right questions is the single most important skill.”
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brains and rules

Presentation Notes Dr. John Medina is a developmental molecular biologist and research consultant. He is an affiliate Professor of Bioengineering at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Learn more. EXERCISE | Rule #1: Exercise boosts brain power. SURVIVAL | Rule #2: The human brain evolved, too. WIRING | Rule #3: Every brain is wired differently. ATTENTION | Rule #4: We don't pay attention to boring things. SHORT-TERM MEMORY | Rule #5: Repeat to remember. LONG-TERM MEMORY | Rule #6: Remember to repeat. SLEEP | Rule #7: Sleep well, think well. STRESS | Rule #8: Stressed brains don't learn the same way. SENSORY INTEGRATION | Rule #9: Stimulate more of the senses. VISION | Rule #10: Vision trumps all other senses. GENDER | Rule #11: Male and female brains are different. EXPLORATION | Rule #12: We are powerful and natural explorers.
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evolutionary senses

#3• every brain is wired


#11• male and female

brains are different

#2• the human brain

evolved, too

#9• stimulate more of the


#4• we don't pay attention

to boring things

#10• vision trumps all other


Presentation Notes
Rule #3: Every brain is wired differently. Rule #11: Male and female brains are different. Rule #2: The human brain evolved, too. ATTENTION | Rule #4: We don't pay attention to boring things. SENSORY INTEGRATION | Rule #9: Stimulate more of the senses. VISION | Rule #10: Vision trumps all other senses.
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power up memories

#1• exercise boosts brain


#12• we are powerful and

natural explorers

#8• stressed brains don't

learn the same way

#7• sleep well. think


#5• repeat to


#6• remember to


Presentation Notes
Rule #1: Exercise boosts brain power. Ruke #12: We are powerful and natural explorers. Rule #8: Stressed brains don't learn the same way.
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winners sweat

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winning the game

“success has little to do with being a genius workaholic, and everything to do with playing the game”

Presentation Notes
“success has little to do with being a genius workaholic, and everything to do with playing the game” Don't do all of your reading (tip number 1) "seeking out fun" (53) "laughing every day" (50) "staying in touch with friends" from home (37) "seek out phenomenal achievers" (47) "do one thing better than anyone you know" (11) "setting arbitrary deadlines" (58) "not taking breaks from work between classes" (65) "Make friends your #1 priority" (tip number 44) "emptying your in-box at the end of each day" (71)
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don’t do all of your reading

drop a class every semester

seek out phenomenal achievers

make friends your #1 priority

Presentation Notes
don’t do all of your reading drop classes every semester seek out phenomenal achievers become a club president make friends your #1 priority not taking breaks from work between classes do one thing better than anyone else you know
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things you need to do to• you have to do the hard things.

• You have to make the call you’re afraid to


• You have to get up earlier than you want to

get up.

• You have to give more than you get in return

right away.

• You have to care more about others than they

care about you.

• You have to fight when you are already

injured, bloody, and sore.

• You have to feel unsure and insecure when . .

Presentation Notes you have to do the hard things. You have to make the call you’re afraid to make. You have to get up earlier than you want to get up. You have to give more than you get in return right away. You have to care more about others than they care about you. You have to fight when you are already injured, bloody, and sore. You have to feel unsure and insecure when playing it safe seems smarter. You have to lead when no one else is following you yet. You have to invest in yourself even though no one else is. You have to look like a fool while you’re looking for answers you don’t have. You have to grind out the details when it’s easier to shrug them off. You have to deliver results when making excuses is an option. You have to search for your own explanations even when you’re told to accept the “facts.” You have to make mistakes and look like an idiot. You have to try and fail and try again. You have to run faster even though you’re out of breath. You have to be kind to people who have been cruel to you. You have to meet deadlines that are unreasonable and deliver results that are unparalleled. You have to be accountable for your actions even when things go wrong. You have to keep moving towards where you want to be no matter what’s in front of you.
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just do it

“we do what you have to do in order to do what we want to do.”

Presentation Notes
We do what we have to do in order to do what we want to do.
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habitual rituals

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10,000 hour practice

Presentation Notes
Outliners: The Story of Success
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schedule is not a dirty word






make a schedule

make it a habit

Presentation Notes
prepare proven pattern plan practice predict produce
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free up time & energy

“...any behaviour that can be reduced to a routine is one less behaviour that we must spend time and energy consciously thinking about and deciding upon. Habits therefore free up time and energy for other matters.”

Presentation Notes The Power of Habits 1. Conserving mental energy – any behaviour that can be reduced to a routine is one less behaviour that we must spend time and energy consciously thinking about and deciding upon. Habits therefore free up time and energy for other matters. 2. Three-part loop. In the author’s own words: “first, there is a cue, a trigger that tells your brain to go into automatic mode and which habit to use. Then there is the routine, which can be physical, mental or emotional. Finally, there is a reward, which helps your brain figure out if this particular loop is worth remembering for the future”. 3. Changing habits. This is of course the part that most of us want to understand. Once habits are set they can be very difficult to change. In fact, studies indicate that once habits are formed in the brain, they become encoded in the structures therein, and can never truly be eradicated – only replaced with a stronger habit.
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changing your ways

a. set habits can be very difficult to change. b. once formed in the brain, they become encoded in the

structures thereinc. can never truly be eradicated – only replaced with a

stronger habit

Presentation Notes
Changing habits. This is of course the part that most of us want to understand. Once habits are set they can be very difficult to change. In fact, studies indicate that once habits are formed in the brain, they become encoded in the structures therein, and can never truly be eradicated – only replaced with a stronger habit.
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In 21 days

i. first, there is a cue, a trigger that tells your brain to go into automatic mode and which habit to use.

ii. then there is the routine, which can be physical, mental or emotional.

iii. finally, there is a reward, which helps your brain figure out if this particular loop is worth remembering for the future

Presentation Notes
“first, there is a cue, a trigger that tells your brain to go into automatic mode and which habit to use. Then there is the routine, which can be physical, mental or emotional. Finally, there is a reward, which helps your brain figure out if this particular loop is worth remembering for the future”. keep the reward, change the habit
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faster and faster and faster

Presentation Notes
innovation and transformation linked
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second half of the chessboard

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Thomas Friedman – If I had a Hammer There's no guarantee that we'll be able to find these new jobs.
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but you will remember

this time forever

this is a very short period of your life...

Presentation Notes
This is a very very short period of your life - but you will remember it like it was forever
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7 steps





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3 to remember

Presentation Notes
Animal house – forget it, he’s on a role Star Wars – great kid don’t get cocky Caddyshack – thank you very little
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