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Visa  Innova*on  Grants  

Informa*onal  Webinar  December  6th,  2012  

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Webinar  Agenda  

1.  Introduc*ons  2.  Grant  Objec*ves  3.  RFP  Process  and  Timeline  4.  Ques*on  and  Answer  

3  5  10  


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1.  Introduc*ons  

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Bill  Brindley      

Chief  Execu*ve  Officer      


Doug  Sabo    

Head  of  Corporate  Responsibility    

 Visa  Inc.  


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2.  Grant  Objec*ves  

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Why  Electronic  Payments?  


Sources:  See  Sources  for  text  and  photo  credits  in  appendix  

Source:  USAID    

Argen*na  decreased  government  payments  leakages  with  its  shiZ  to  electronic  payment  cards.    A  survey  revealed  that  government  employees  who  

admit  to  taking  bribes  dropped  by  92%    

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Cost  Savings  

A  democracy  and  governance  program  in  Kenya  began  using  M-­‐Pesa  (a  mobile  money  product)  to  pay  the  per  diems  and  travel  expenses  of  program  par*cipants,  reducing  the  cost  per  training  by  an  average  of  90%.      

Why  Electronic  Payments?  

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AZer  the  2010  earthquake  in  Hai*  incidents  of  theZ  of  cash  transfers  fell  by  more  than  50%,  due  to  the  use  of  mobile  money    

Why  Electronic  Payments?  

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During  a  cash  transfer  program  in  Niger,  it  was  found  that  beneficiaries  receiving  funds  via  mobile  phones  were  traveling  3  km  less  to  receive  their  

disbursements  than  those  receiving  them  in  cash  

Why  Electronic  Payments?  

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Financial  Inclusion  

Bolsa  Familia,  a  Brazilian  condi*onal  cash  transfer  program  that  uses  electronic  benefit  cards  to  disburse  funds  has  enabled  over  8  million  

individuals  to  save  funds  in  bank  accounts  linked  to  the  cards  

Why  Electronic  Payments?  

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What  do  we  mean  by  Electronic  Payments?  

Payment  Type   Yes   No  

Card  Based  Payments   ✔  

Mobile  Financial  Services     ✔  

Cloud  Payments     ✔  

Bank  Transfers  (EFT/ACH)     ✔  

Physical  Cash     ✔  

Checks     ✔  

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Juhudi  Kilimo  Example  

Where?   Who?    

Transi*on  from  Cash:  Juhudi  Kilimo  began  u*lizing  mobile  payments  to  disburse  and  collect  loans  form  clients  using  the  bulk  payments  and  bill  payments  services  of  M-­‐Pesa  

Source:  Michaels,  Lore7a.    “Kenya  Case  Studies  in  e-­‐Payments”  United  States  Agency  for  InternaEonal  Development  and  Accenture  Development  Partnerships,  November  2011      

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Niger  Condi*onal  Cash  Transfer  Example  







May June July Aug Sept

Total Cost of Cash Transfer Distribution Program by Month (Euros)

M - transfer Manual cash

Where?   Who?    

Transi*on  from  Cash:  An  emergency  response  program  to  droughts  in  Niger  lead  to  a  pilot  condi*onal  cash  transfer  program  that  distributed  some  funds  via  mobile  phones    

Source:  Aker,  Jenny,  Boumnijel,  Rachid,  Mclelland,  Amanda  and  Tierney,  Niall.    “Zap  it  to  me:  Short  Term  Impacts  of  a  Mobile  Cash  Transfer  Program”  Center  for  Global  Development    September  2011  

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3.  RFP  Process  and  Timeline  

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November  2012  

December  2012  

January  2013  

February  2013  

Informa*onal  webinar  session  held  on  December  6,  2012  

RFP  released  to  the  public  on  November  26,  2012  

Proposal  wri*ng      

Proposal  deadline  on  January  9,  2013  at  11:59  pm  PST    

No*fica*on  of  grant  awards  

Process  and  Timeline  

Proposal  reviews  

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4.  Ques*on  and  Answer  Sec*on    

                                                             Email:  innova*[email protected]  

 RFP  URL:  hjp://­‐innova*on-­‐grant  


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•  Transparency  Sta*s*c:  Banking  the  Poor  via  G2P  Payments,  report  by  CGAP  and  DFID.      •  Cost  Savings  Sta*s*c:  Michaels,  Lore7a.    “Kenya  Case  Studies  in  e-­‐Payments”  United  States  Agency  for  

InternaEonal  Development  and  Accenture  Development  Partnerships,  November  2011  Photo:  Click  Here  Blog,  h7p://­‐it-­‐on-­‐my-­‐mobile-­‐tab/  

•  Security  Sta*s*c:  CGAP,  Mobile  Money  in  HaiE:  Strategies  for  a  MulE-­‐CompeEtor,  MulE-­‐Industry  Market.  Photo:  Mercy  Corps    

•  Convenience  Sta*s*c:  Aker,  Jenny,  Boumnijel,  Rachid,  Mclelland,  Amanda  and  Tierney,  Niall.    “Zap  it  to  me:  Short  Term  Impacts  of  a  Mobile  Cash  Transfer  Program”  Center  for  Global  Development    September  2011  Photo:  Concern  Worldwide    

•  Financial  Inclusion  Sta*s*c:  Global  Savings  and  Social  ProtecEon  IniEaEve,  New  America  FoundaEon  h7p://­‐familia    Photo:  Vanderiel,  Almeida/AFP/Ge7y  Images    



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