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EFSUMB felt the need to develop a set of Guidelines for the use of elastography, gi-ven the growing general interest, number of available techniques and level of scien-tific evidence in this field, following a pro-cess similar to that utilized for CEUS non liver Guidelines already printed and the new Liver Guidelines (with WFUMB) in press. EFSUMB hopes these recommenda-tions will help users and would-be users of elastography to understand the basic

principles and limitations of the method and to apply it and successfully interpret the findings across the most commonly used clinical applications.

A meeting was held in Bologna on 7 & 8 September to finalise the manuscript. Ne-arly all the authors were present. The lead authors are David Cosgrove, Fabio Piscag-lia and Christoph F Dietrich. The paper comprises of the following sections:

▶ Basic principles of elastography hea-ded by Jeffrey C Bamber

▶ Liver headed by Ioan Sporea ▶ Endoscopic Ultrasound Elastography headed by Christoph F Dietrich

▶ Breast headed by David Cosgrove ▶ Thyroid headed by Joerg Bojunga ▶ Prostate headed by Jean-Michel Corre-as

▶ Gastro-Intestinal Tract headed by Odd Helga Gilja

▶ Musculo-Skeletal headed by Andreas Klauser

The co-authors are Fabrizio Calliada, Vito Cantisani, Mirko D’Onofrio, Elena Drako-naki, Mathias Fink, Mireen Friedrich-Rust, Jeremie Fromageau, Roald F Havre, Chris-tian Jenssen, Ralf Ohlinger, Adrian Saftoiu and Fritz Schaefer.

The manuscript looks at clinical applica-tions, clinical potential, pitfalls and limi-tations, offers practical advice and makes recommendations. It is anticipated that the ePub will be available before the end of the year and the publication in the jour-nal is anticpated in early 2012 either as a single paper or in two parts.

The project was supported by the ultra-sound Industry, to whom the authors and EFSUMB are grateful. The industry had, however, no influence in deciding the con-tent of the manuscript, which is solely un-der the responsibility of the authors. Re-

EFSUMB Guidelines and Recommendations in ElastographyReport from Meeting in Bologna

EFSUMB NewsletterEuropean Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology


Lynne Rudd36 Portland Place, London W1B 1LS, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 (0) 20 7099 7140 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7436 7934 Email: [email protected]

Fabio Piscaglia, EFSUMB President, Christoph F Dietrich, EFSUMB President Elect and David Cosgrove First Author of Elastography Guidelines.

Authors and industry at the Elastography mee-ting in Bologna Sep-tember 2012.

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presentatives from BK Medical, Echosens, Esaote, GE, Hitachi, Philips, Siemens, Su-personic and Toshiba attended the mee-ting and actively participated.

New Agreement Between EFSUMB and the United European Gastroenterology

EFSUMB and the United European Gastro-enterology (UEG) have set up a new agree-ment to describe the collaboration bet-ween the two federations, in particular re-garding the annual United European Gas-troenterology Week (UEGW). UEG ack-

nowledges the importance of the Ultra-sound Learning Centre at the UEG Week, where lecturers from EFSUMB have con-tributed for many years. Both EFSUMB and UEG wish to continue this successful co-

The Postgraduate Course on Ultrasound - A two-day pre-congress course with lectures and hands-on training.

The Ultrasound Learning Centre localised within the congress area where scanners and models are available throughout the congress for hands-on training with supervision of ultrasound experts.

operation. The Ultrasound Learning Cen-tre is currently organised in three parts:

The EFSUMB Executive Bureau has ap-pointed Prof. Dieter Nürnberg as Course Director. He is taking over the very impor-tant work Prof. Lucas Greiner has done through many years of faithful service. On behalf of EFSUMB and the European ultra-sound community I will take this oppor-tunity to extend our warmest appreciati-on to Prof. Lucas Greiner for the enormous efforts he has given this task to provide high level ultrasound education to a world-wide audience.

Furthermore, UEG and EFSUMB are wor-king together to foster a closer relation-ship aimed at promoting the best of edu-cation in ultrasonography and gastroen-terology and across the European com-munity regarding promotion, visibility and scientific contribution.

The UEG Scientific Committee welcomes any suggestions from EFSUMB as regards talks, symposia or common interest group meetings at UEG Week and vice versa.

It is my strong wish that through this ag-reement with UEG, EFSUMB can increase the impact of ultrasonography in the daily work routines of gastroenterologists to improve management of patients.

Odd Helge Gilja EFSUMB Hon Secretary

Three to four lunch lectures each day during the congress.

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