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  • 7/28/2019 2012 in Science


    2012 in science

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    List of years in science (table)...2002.2003.2004.2005.2006.2007.2008...200920102011-2012-201320142015



    25 May 2012:SpaceX'sDragon spacecraft(pictured) becomes the firstcommercial spacecrafttorendezvous with theInternational Space Station.

    The year2012 involved many significant scientific events and discoveries, including thefirst

    orbital rendezvousby acommercial spacecraft, the discovery of a particle highly similar to thelong-soughtHiggs boson, and the near-eradication ofguinea worm disease. A total of72successful orbital spaceflightsoccurred in 2012, and the year also saw numerous developmentsin fields such asrobotics,3D printing,stem cell researchandgenetics. Over 540,000patentapplications were made in the United States alone in 2012.[1]

    2012 markedAlan Turing Year, a celebration of the life and work of the English mathematician,logician,cryptanalystandcomputer scientistAlan Turing.[2]In addition, 2012 was declared theInternational Year ofSustainable Energy for Allby theUnited Nations.[3]

    Contents 1 Events, discoveries and inventions

    o 1.1 Januaryo 1.2 Februaryo 1.3 Marcho 1.4 Aprilo 1.5 May
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    o 1.6 Juneo 1.7 Julyo 1.8 Augusto 1.9 Septembero 1.10 Octobero 1.11 Novembero 1.12 December

    2 Top 10 New Species 3 Prizes

    o 3.1 Abel Prizeo 3.2 Fundamental Physics Prizeo 3.3 Kyoto Prizeo 3.4 Nobel Prize

    4 Deathso 4.1 Januaryo 4.2 Februaryo 4.3 Marcho 4.4 Aprilo 4.5 Mayo 4.6 Juneo 4.7 Julyo 4.8 Augusto 4.9 Septembero 4.10 Octobero 4.11 Novembero 4.12 December

    5 See also

    6 References 7 External links

    Events, discoveries and inventions


    1 January 2012:NASA's twinGRAILsatellites (artist's impression shown) begin studying theMoon's gravitational field.
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    4 January 2012: scientists creategenetically engineeredsilkwormscapable of producing bulkquantities of steel-strongspidersilk.

    5 Januaryo Mae Jemison, the first femaleAfrican-Americanastronaut, is selected to head the

    DARPA- andNASA-sponsored 100-Year Starship project, which aims to conductresearch into the technological and human elements needed formannedinterstellar travel.[15]

    o American scientists report that they have bred the first-evermonkeysgrown fromcells taken from differentembryos. Such "chimeric" hybrids could give valuableinsights into the development of human embryos.[16]

    o A team of international researchers reports thatlow-resistivityelectrical wires canbe produced at thenanometerscale by chainingphosphorusatoms together andencasing them insilicon. In future, the development may permit the production ofefficient nanometer-scale electronics.[17]

    o A team of American, French and Italian researchers demonstrate workingtransistorsmade fromcottonfibers, doped with goldnanoparticlesand aconductive polymer. The invention could permit the creation of a range ofelectronic-fabric devices, including clothing capable of measuring pollutants, T-shirts that display dynamic information, and carpets that sense how many peopleare crossing them.[18]

    6 Januaryo The human brain's ability to function can start to deteriorate as early asage 45,

    according to a study published in theBritish Medical Journal.[19]o Scientists refute aGreenpeaceclaim thatgenetically modified cornhas caused a

    newinsect pest.[20]

    11 January 2012: astronomers report that nearly every star in theMilky Way galaxymay hostexoplanets(artist's impression ofUpsilon Andromedae dpictured).

    9 Januaryo Human emissions ofcarbon dioxidewill defer the nextIce Age, according to a

    new study.[21]o Researchers in California develop a cheap plastic capable of removing large

    amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air. The new material could enable thedevelopment of "artificial trees" that lower atmospheric concentrations of CO2 inan effort to lessen the effects ofclimate change.[22]
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    10 Januaryo The 2012Consumer Electronics Showopens inLas Vegas,Nevada. Among the

    new products and technologies showcased are large-screenOLEDtelevisions,quad-coretablet computersand consumer-ready3D printers.(BBC)

    o Climate change, in the form of reduced snowfall in mountains, is having a majorimpact on mountainous plant and bird communities, through the increased abilityofelkto stay at high elevations over winter and consume plants, according to astudy inNature Climate Change.(Science Daily)(Nat. Climate Change)

    11 Januaryo An international team of astronomers report that each star in theMilky Way

    Galaxymay host "on average ... at least 1.6 planets", suggesting that over 160billion star-bound planets may exist in our galaxy alone. The team usedgravitational microlensingto discover the gravitational effects of planets orbitingdistant stars.(BBC)(

    o American astronomers discover three rockyexoplanetssmaller than Earth, thesmallest such worlds yet found, orbiting ared dwarfstar 130light-yearsfrom

    Earth.(Wired)o Researchers report the discovery of a naturalhormonethat has a similar effect to

    exerciseonmuscletissueburningcalories, improvinginsulinprocessing, andperhaps boosting strength.(Technology Review)(Nature)

    12 Januaryo Scientists formally describe the world's smallest knownvertebratespecies,

    Paedophryne amauensisafrogthat measures just 7 millimeters in length. Thespecies was first discovered inPapua New Guineain 2009.(The Guardian)(PLoSONE)

    o AUniversity of Connecticutresearcher who studied the health benefits ofresveratrol, a compound found inred wine, has been found to have falsified dataon numerous occasions.(Medical News Today)

    12 January 2012:Paedophryne amauensis, the world's smallest knownvertebrate, is formallydescribed.
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    13 Januaryo IBMresearchers successfully store a singlebitof data in a group of just 12

    supercooledironatoms; current commercialhard disksrequire over 1 millionatoms to store one bit of data. The breakthrough, which was achieved with the useof ascanning tunnelling microscope, may permit the production of ultra-high-

    density computerstorage mediain future.(BBC)(E-Commerce Times)o German scientists convert a gold sphere just 60 nanometres in diameter into an

    ultra-sensitivelistening device, potentially allowing the sounds of bacteria andother single-celled organisms to be recorded.(New Scientist)(Phys Rev. Lett.)

    14 JanuaryResearchers at theUniversity of Cambridgerepairmyelin sheathdamage inageing mice withmultiple sclerosisby injecting the blood of younger mice into them,reactivating the older mice's regenerativestem cells.(New Scientist)(Cell Stem Cell)

    15 JanuaryRussia'sFobos-GruntMartiansample returnspacecraft, which becamestranded in orbit after a post-launch malfunction in November 2011, re-enters Earth'satmosphere.(BBC)

    18 Januaryo

    Astronomers report the discovery of the most distantdwarf galaxyyet found,approximately 10 billion light-years away.(Christian Science Monitor)(Nature)o A British amateur astronomer discovers a newNeptune-sized exoplanet, just days

    after theBBC's Stargazing Live program makes a public appeal for volunteers toassist scientists in the search for potential exoplanets. Over 100,000 volunteers arereportedly taking part in the ongoing search.(BBC)

    o Archaeologists find a novel tulip-shaped fossil, formally named Siphusauctumgregarium, in theMiddle CambrianBurgess Shalein theCanadian Rockies. The20-centimetre-long creature reportedly possessed a uniquefilter feedingsystem.(Science Daily)(PLoS ONE)

    o A working9-nanometertransistoris developed byIBMengineers, demonstratingthatnanotubescould serve as a viable alternative tosiliconin futurenanoelectronicdevices.(Technology Review)(Nano Lett.)

    19 Januaryo Austrian researchers develop aquantum computercapable of performing

    calculations without revealing any of the data involved, using encoded strings ofphotonsdesigned to appear random. This method of "blindquantumcryptography" may permit sensitive data to be processed and transferred withoutany danger of interception or decryption, leading to ultra-securecloud computing.(New Scientist)(Science)

    o NASA data shows that in 2011, temperatures in the Arctic rose beyond the recordestablished in 2010setting a new record.(Skeptical Science)

    20 JanuaryVirologistsagree to a temporarily hiatus on experiments on theH5N1influenzavirus, due to fears that an airborne strain of the lethal virus could be used bybioterrorists.(New Scientist)(Science)

    22 Januaryo American researchers report thatnanoparticlescan be successfully engineered to

    mimic part of the body'simmune system, improving its response to vaccines.(BBC)(Nat. Mater.)
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    o An international team of scientists concludes that anthropogenicCO2 emissionsover the last 100 to 200 years have already raisedocean acidityfar beyond therange of natural variations.(Science Daily)(Nat. Climate Change)

    23 January 2012:stem cell therapyis successfully used to ease the symptoms ofblindnessin

    human volunteers (humanembryonic stem cellshown).

    23 Januaryo South Korean scientists developtouchscreensthat can recognise the existence and

    concentration ofDNAmolecules placed on them. The invention could allow thedevelopment ofsmartphoneswith the ability to diagnose users' medicalconditions.(ABC)(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl.)

    o The Lancetreports that a human medical trial ofembryonic stem cellssuccessfully eased a degenerative form ofblindnessin two volunteers, andshowed no signs of any adverse effects.(Medical Xpress)(The Lancet)

    o Brain scans of people under the influence ofpsilocybin, the active ingredient inmagic mushrooms, have given scientists the most detailed picture to date of howpsychedelic drugswork.(Imperial College London)(PNAS)Brit. J. Psychiatry

    o Scientists demonstrate aterahertz antenna100 nanometers across30,000 timessmaller than the previous smallest antenna. The invention could permit theproduction of lightweight, handheld devices able to accurately scan for bombs,chemicals and even subcutaneoustumors.(ExtremeTech)(PopSci)(Nat. Photon.)

    24 Januaryo Earth is struck by the largestsolar stormsince 2005, creating hugeauroraeand

    potentially interfering with satellite communications worldwide.(BBC)o A nest ofdinosaur eggs100 million years older than the previous oldest site is

    found inSouth Africa. The fossils are of theprosauropodspecies

    Massospondylus, a relative of the long-neckedsauropods.(BBC)(PNAS) 25 January

    o University of Washington scientists report that injectingsulfateparticles into thestratospherewill not fully offsetclimate change.(Science Daily)(J. Climate)

    o A study inJapanfinds thatgreen teacan significantly reduce disability in theelderly, likely due to itsantioxidantcontent.(MedicalXpress)(Am. J. Clin. Nutr.)

    26 JanuaryAmerican researchers successfully "cloak" a three-dimensional object,making it invisible from all angles, for the first time. However, the demonstration works
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    only for waves in themicrowaveregion of theelectromagnetic spectrum.(BBC)(N. J.Phys.)

    27 January 2012: the most detailed 3D image of theAmazon rainforestyet produced ispublished.

    27 Januaryo An international team of scientists reports thatgraphene, already widely known

    for its conductive properties, is also able to selectively filter gases and liquids.The material could thus potentially find use in industrialdistillationand waterpurification.(BBC)(The Register)(Science)

    o A study published in the journal Carcinogenesis shows that in both cell lines andmouse models,grape seed extract(GSE) kills head and neck cancer cells, whileleaving healthy cells unharmed.(MedicalXpress)(Carcinogenesis)

    o Using an airborneLIDARsystem, scientists produce the most detailed 3D imageof theAmazon rainforestyet recorded, allowing the accurate measurement of the

    rainforest's ecoystem and rate ofdeforestation.(The Guardian)o 2012 BX34, an asteroid between 8 metres (26 ft) and 11 metres (36 ft) across,

    passes within 60,000 kilometres of the Earth, performing one of the closestasteroid flybys yet recorded.(BBC)(NASA)

    o British animators develop a newalgorithmicmethod of creating highly realisticCGI trees, allowing films and video games to easily display realistic 3D foliage.(New Scientist)(ACM Trans. Graph.)

    29 JanuaryUsingstem cellsgenerated from patients withschizophrenia,bipolardepressionand othermental illnesses, scientists at theUniversity of Edinburghcreateneuroneswith brain tissue genetically identical to the person's brain. The breakthroughcould allow new treatments for mental illnesses to be accurately tested without

    endangering patients.(The Guardian) 30 January

    o AUnited Nationsreport warns that time is running out to ensure there is enoughfood, water and energy for a rapidly risingworld population. By 2030, the worldwill need at least 50 percent more food, 45 percent more energy and 30 percentmore water, according to estimates.(Reuters)(UN)

    o The BritishRoyal Navybegins development of a new anti-missile defencesystem, the Sea Ceptor, capable of intercepting and destroyingsupersonicmissiles
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    within an area of 500 square miles (1,300 km2). The system is likely to enterservice by 2017.(BBC)

    o American researchers report thatultrasoundwaves can be used effectively to killsperm, potentially offering a newmale contraceptivemethod.(HealthcareGlobal)(Reprod. Biol. Endocrinol.)

    oOzonefrom anthropogenicair pollutionin North America leads to the annual lossof 1.2 million tonnes ofwheatin Europe alone, according to a study published byBritish universities.(PhysOrg)(Biogeosciences)

    o A NASA study reports that changes insolar activitycannot be responsible for thecurrent period ofglobal warming. The sun's totalsolar irradiancehas in recentyears dipped to the lowest levels recorded during the satellite era.(ScienceDaily)(Atmos. Chem. Phys.)

    o According togenetic studies,modern humansseem to have mated with "at leasttwo groups" ofancient humans:NeanderthalsandDenisovans.(New York Times)(Nature)

    31 January 2012: American scientists demonstrate a method of decoding human thoughts bystudying thesuperior temporal gyrus(indicated).

    31 Januaryo American scientists successfully demonstrate a method of decoding thoughts by

    studying activity in the human brain'ssuperior temporal gyrus, which is involvedin linguistic processing. Using this method, a device which reads and transmitsthe thoughts of brain-damaged patients could become a reality in the future. (TheTelegraph)(BBC)(PLoS Biol.)

    o MicrochipdesignerAMDlaunches itsRadeon HD 7950graphics card, based on a28 nanometermanufacturing processa more advanceddie shrinkof the current32 nanometerstandard.(The Inquirer)

    o Poyang Lake, China's largest freshwater lake, has almost completely dried up dueto a combination of severedroughtand the impact of the recently builtThreeGorges Dam.(The Guardian)

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    3 February 2012: theVery Large Telescopearray enters operation in northernChile.

    1 FebruaryResearchers report that the eruption ofsupervolcanoescould be predictedseveral decades before the event by detecting the seismic and chemical signs of a massivemagmabuildup.(BBC)(Nature)

    2 Februaryo TheEuropean Commissionissues a 225-million-euro(US$330 million) contract

    to an Anglo-German consortium for eight additional satellites to expand Europe'sGalileosatellite navigation system.(BBC)

    o Astronomers report the discovery of a largeexoplanetorbiting within thehabitable zoneof a star 22 light-years distant. This is the fourth potentially life-supporting exoplanet discovered since May 2011.(San Francisco Chronicle)

    o Researchers reportedly create the world's thinnest pane ofglass, a sheet of siliconand oxygen just three atoms wide. The glass formed in an accidental reactionwhen the scientists were synthesizinggrapheneoncopper-coveredquartz.(ScienceMag)(Nano Lett.)

    3 Februaryo TheEuropean Southern Observatorysuccessfully activates itsVery Large

    Telescope(VLT) by linking four existing optical telescopes to operate as a singledevice. The linked VLT is the largest optical telescope yet built, with a combinedmirror diameter of 130 metres (430 ft).(BBC)

    o Physicists at Germany'sMax Planck Instituteunveil amicroscopethat can imageliving brain cells as they function inside a living animal.(PhysOrg)(Science)

    o American scientists demonstrate a medical procedure that may allow patientssuffering fromnervedamage to recover within weeks, rather than months oryears. The procedure makes use of a cellular mechanism similar to that whichrepairs nerveaxonsininvertebrates.(Science Daily)(J. Neurosci Res.)

    o MITresearchers develop high-temperaturephotonic crystalscapable of efficientlyconverting heat to electricity, potentially allowing the creation of pocket-sized

    microreactors with ten times the efficiency and lifespan of current commercialbatteries. As photonic crystals are already a relatively mature technology, the newinvention could be commercialised in as little as two years.(ExtremeTech)

    o ALancetstudy reports that globalmalariadeaths may be badly underestimated,giving a revised 2010 malaria death toll of 1.24 million. By contrast, the WorldHealth Organisationestimated that 655,000 people died of malaria in 2010.(BBC)(The Lancet)

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