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Prayers and Expectations for the New Year, 2012 from Leaders John Chung “Deuteronomy 10:12. And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God ask of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. This is my prayer.”

David Chang “My prayer for year 2012 is that I would give not my “Best”, but my “Whole-Heartedness” to God.”

Sam Yang “May all of us renew our relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ”

Jeff Kim “My prayer request is to let my cell group thrive and multiply by sharing our testimony with our co-workers, friends and family. I pray that each cell group member can bring one person to Christ this year.”

Daniel Paik “My general expectation: For God to reveal Himself so mightily, that it will compel us to take action! Sorry, it’s kinda Christianese. =D”

Wonbae Choe “I’m excited about what God is already doing through Holy Wave. 2012 will be a special year!”

January, 2012 No. 144

Published by Sa-Rang Community Church / Editor: C.Y. Jung / Editor In Chief : Heidi Ahn

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March 13, 2011 :: No. 141

January 2012 | www.sarang.com2

Family & Healing

Parallel RelationshipGod and Children :: Parent and Children by Karen Chong / HolyWave

The HolyWave Family & Healing Ministry held its Second Annual Parenting Seminar on November 5 and November 12, 2011. There was a great turnout of 58 participants who shared their positive feedback from their experience from the seminar. Topic of EQ The major topic of the seminar addressed “Emotional Quotient,” which focused on the importance of the Parents’ own self-awareness ability to be better parents, and how the Parents’ emotional and social statuses impact their children’s brain development in the aspect of relationship with others and emotional attributes. There’s no doubt that a person’s stance affects his/her view on relationship with God in their lives along

with relationship with their spouses and their children. Did you know that many of our world’s greatest leaders had high “EQ?” They may not have had high IQ in terms of what they knew, but they had the ability to relate well with others and be able to self-regulate their emotions which helped them develop self-confidence and self-awareness. At the parenting seminar, we also learned about our different parenting styles such you may be unconsciously practicing certain parenting approaches toward your child that you had learned or incorporated from your parents. During the fellowship and sharing, we were able to discuss our own beliefs, values and thoughts about parenting styles, which provided us with different insights into possible generational issues that we were not aware of.

Parents experiences reflect on children Each group had 8-10 participants who were grouped based on the age of their children and had a supportive forum to share their thoughts and experiences, and many questions. It was a support group in a sense because we brought up our life issues that we don’t normally bring up with our families or friends.

One participant shared of his realization that he was much like his own father who was a strong disciplinarian and also became aware that he was instilling fear and anxiety in his own child due to his learned rigid style of parenting. This awareness was a beginning for a positive change that will enhance the family’s relationship within the family dynamic. We supported and cared for one another, and listened to each other’s input. We shared the same goal and hopeful outcome, to become better parents and to raise our children in a healthy way to equip them for the world. It is most important to note that we parallel our relationship with our children to that of God and our relationship to Him as our Heavenly Father. As He disciplines His children for the good, with unconditional love and patience, we too do the same with our own children.


• If you eat something and no one sees you eat it, it has no calories.• If you drink diet soda with candy bars, the calories in the candy bar are cancelled out by the diet soda.• When you eat with someone else, calories don’t count as long as you don’t eat more than they do.• If you fatten up the people around you, then you look thinner.• Movie-related foods do not have additional calories because they are part of the entire entertainment package and are not part of one’s personal intake. Examples are Milk Duds, buttered popcorn, Junior Mints, Red Hots and Tootsie Rolls.


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A DotI may merely be a• But I have the world.

The passion and compassion that

I have stored in my heart for so long.

The over-due silence

Explodes into prayer utterings.

For it is His time.

I will not allow any hurts get in my way.

For I know the source of overcoming them;

He’s my strength.

He continues to discipline me

And grants me the perseverance,

To build character.

I may be only a•But, I pray for you,

And the world.

bring by Heidi Ahn ([email protected])


Meet Pastor John Park

He’s Buildingand Organizing Cells

A new family is in the church, and it’s no other than Pastor John’s. He’s married to a beautiful young lady, Hanna (his exact words), and they have an energetic 14month old son, Timothy. So far, the highlights of SaRang church experience since he has arrived is meeting new HolyWave members. He and two other HW pastors and two other leaders have spent hours after hours to organize and group cell groups families in the first few months.

His very expectation of the HW congregation is to see people making an impact for Christ in their workplace, at home, and at school. Other than working at the church, and spending time with his family, he loves snowboarding and golfing. He also enjoys going to a coffee shop and read. by Heidi Ahn

A New Choir in KDC: Third Service In the house of worship of KDC, to accommodate parents who stay at with their children, there is a new choir during the third service, 11 A.M. It is led by Jae Shu, a musician and music teacher who has served in the HolyWave choir as the associate director for past 4 years. The rehearsals are on Sunday morning at 9AM and 1 PM in the Hyssop Hall. All ages and voices are

welcome. It is a smaller choir with already some dedicated members who have the first church attitude. They will be singing praises in various styles, from traditional to contemporary.

Contact Person : Lee, EunKwang - [email protected]


Let’s all go for a casual bike ride after Vision Worship. We will meet in the upper parking lot of the Fullerton Courthouse. We will leave at 8:30am. We plan to make this a monthly event. Feel free to invite others for fellowship and some exercise!Contact Jeff Kim for more information: (310)874-2231


Post Vision Worship Trail RideFullerton Loop1275 North Berkeley Ave. Fullerton, CA 92832 Saturday, February 4 / from 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM

◀ Jae Shu

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March 13, 2011 :: No. 141

January 2012 | www.sarang.com4


Sam has been leading the Holy Wave worship for the past three and a half years. He has been with the SRCC through the E-high and E-college, but his personal encounter with the Lord came when he was 20 years old. In 2008, while he was serving as a missionary in Japan, he was invited to join Holy Wave as the new worship leader. Having a deep understanding of God’s love and forgiveness is what drives Sam to be a passionate worshiper. Jane is the up and coming worship leader. She recently graduated from Biola with a degree in Journalism. She spent her high school years in Japan, where her parents are serving as missionaries. She has been involved in praise ministries ever since the sixth grade.Amy has been with the praise team since the launch of the Holy Wave ministry. She experiences heavenly joy and freedom when she worships the Lord wherever she is – on the stage on Sunday worship, at home, or in the car. Jun is an anointed guitarist who adds a special flavor to the worship music. His walk with the Lord began when he was in 7th grade while he was attending Sa-Rang Church in Korea. He usually has a quiet demeanor and cool composure, but he occasionally throws in unexpected comments that can make

others LOL. Other members of the team include Andrew (drum), Ariel (vocal), Jae and David (bass guitar).

Q. How do you prepare for the Sunday worship?A. A worship leader must be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading. My philosophy is that God has an apt word for his people every time His people gather. It is the preacher’s job to discern what that message is. The worship leader as well as the team is the supporting cast. We need to discern what God’s message is as well as to how he desires to move. Many hours throughout the week is spent on literally “bugging” God about what songs to sing for the upcoming corporate worship. This is so that the preacher as well as the team enters into God’s perfect will and leading. We find that too often, worship leaders will chose songs simply based on their personal desire of what they want to sing which often times has nothing to do with the sermon. Song selection is especially challenging for our congregation because we need to reach out to a diverse group of people with different cultural backgrounds as well as generations. The songs are selected by Friday upon a final session of prayer and review of the sermon

outline and text and the team meets on Saturday mornings for rehearsal. The team will start with a time of worship in the form of singing followed by praying in intercession for the following day’s service.

Q. Any words of encouragement to the Holy Wave congregation? How can they give their best worship?A. Preparation is the key! It leads to expectation! Prepare your heart, your mind, attitude, and even your physical body. I often tell my praise team members not to skip their devotions on Sunday mornings. God may already start to move from your devotions. When you come to worship connected to the Lord, you will experience a deeper level of worship and intimacy. We will miss out a lot on God’s power if we don’t prepare and come with expectation. As a practical application, be mindful of what you do the night before and the morning of the worship service and be on time for worship service. Our desire is for all of us to enter into the depths of God’s presence, lose ourselves in worship, and find ourselves in the most intimate setting with God which is in the Holy of holies.

Do you enjoy listening to worship music or Christian radio? Perhaps 20 minutes of worship time on Sunday is not enough for you. Listening through the internet is a great way of immersing ourselves in God’s presence any time of the day. One way is to replay our Sunday worships through our church website (

If you want more variety, there are several on-line music streaming services that you can listen for free or commercial-free with

a nominal monthly fee. Another option is through the internet radio such as Pandora ( You could subscribe to any group that you like, and it also plays the music by other artists that are similar in style.

If you want to listen to the songs that we typically sing on Sundays at the Holy Wave worship, then you could subscribe to the following artists’ stations among number of others: Hillsong, Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman, Starfield, David Crowder Band, Integrity

Christianity 24 HOURS World Wide Worship

January 2012 | www.sarang.com4

Let the Praises Ring

by Justin Choi ([email protected])

We met with Sam, Amy, Jane and Jun, four of the members of the Holy Wave praise team.

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Awana 2012: Reaching Out to the Youth Know, love, and serve the Lord.

worship, Charley Hall, Passion, Lincoln Brewster.

Grooveshark ( is another site for streaming media service. Interface is simpler, reminiscent of Google, and you could get a list of all available music by an artist that you searched for. The current popular program is Spotify (, which requires you to install an application and it’s a bit more involved. It is set up similar to iTunes, but gives you more

tools for searching for the music that you want.

Youtube ( is a good resource for listening as well as viewing recorded music video or worships. Search for a channel with the musical group that you want to listen to. Use search keywords such as “Hillsong Channel”.

For those of you who are trying to learn how to play the songs on your guitar, there are

also Youtube sites such as “New Song Café” that will teach you how to play the music.

Here are additional links where you can directly access contemporary worship resources: ;

“In God we make our boast all day long, and we will praise your name forever.”

Psalm 44:8 | January 2012 5

If you happen to come to church during the mid week, you may run into children in colored vests and leaders in vintage law enforcement uniforms. Then you begin to wonder what scouts are then shouting in a large group.

More than 60 years of history Every Tuesday night at 7PM, more than two hundred children gather at the main sanctuary for the Awana program. For more than 60 years, Awana ministry has been training the youths in biblical truths and leadership. It began as a children’s program at the North Side Gospel Center in Chicago in 1941. Lance Latham, North Side’s senior pastor, collaborated with the church’s youth director, Art Rorheim, to develop weekly clubs that would appeal to churched and non-churched kids, lead them to trust Christ for salvation and grow them in enduring faith and service to God. An interesting trivia fact is that their uniform is based on 1930-40’s Chicago police uniform. Awana ministry at Sa-Rang Community Church began more than fifteen years ago. There are currently three age groups in this ministry. Three to four year toddlers

are called Cubbies, Kindergarteners to 2nd graders are called Sparkies, and the upper elementary school children are called T & T (Truth and Training).

The next generation, the faithful followers of Jesus Christ

One of our church’s core vision is to raise the next generation as faithful followers of Jesus Christ. Awana ministry instills in youths a clear identity as Christians through various activities such as bible memory, games and training handbooks.

It effectively prepares the youths for the service of the Lord through team exercises and learning to boldly sharing the gospel. During the second semester of every year, a number of lay leaders are invited to speak to the children to share insights and wisdom of living as followers of Christ in the real world.

These counseling times and community building activities are invaluable for the youths in setting their goal and gaining perspective in life. Awana aims to build an Army of God who will stand up for God’s truth and proclaim His good news to all people.

Serving Awana Ministry at Sarang

Awana ministry at Sa-Rang is currently led by Heejung Song, who has been serving as the Commander for the last three years. Both of her children have been trained through the Awana, and they are now serving as leaders. She has witnessed firsthand how this ministry has benefitted her children to grow in faith and leadership. She encourages Holy Wave members to support the ministry by sending their children, and volunteering as leaders. Supports from parents are crucial to this ministry. For further inquiries, please contact Heejung Song at 714-309-3386 or Pastor Jeremy Kwon.

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