Page 1: 2009 Fall Wrestling Newsletter

Greetings to all. I hope everyone had a wonderful summer and had a chance to spend some quality time with their family and friends. I know I did.

As with any great organization, the key to success is its ability to eff ectively evolve. In fact, Coach Roger Reina used to tell his team that there is no such thing as being static – the wrestler or the team is either improving or in decline. I think that statement is true in many facets of our lives. As many of you know, the Grappler’s Club is going through a transition period. We, too, will either improve or risk becoming an ineff ective organization. I intend to do everything in my power to make sure it’s the former! Since taking over as President of the

Grappler’s Club, it has been a whirlwind of conference calls and meetings as we not only prepare for the upcoming season but position ourselves to be the best alumni organization in the land. My fi rst task has been to bring in new members with fresh ideas. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce these new committee chairs and their responsibilities. We had our fi rst board meeting, and I think all that were present would agree that it was extremely productive.

The board will consist of six Subcommittee Chairs, the Subcommittee members, several At-Large board members, and myself. The Subcommittees are as follows: Events, Finance, Mentoring, Communications, Marketing, and NCAA Correspondent.

Joe Malachowski will be the new Events Chair and will have his hands full with the many events that we plan to have in the years to come. Joe and his subcommittee board members will be responsible for organizing our alumni events and team banquet. This year we will focus on improving our event at Homecoming with the announcement of the return of the Alumni Match on Saturday, Nov. 7th. This year, however, the match will be alumni vs. alumni rather than alumni against current team members. We are currently looking for match-ups, so please send in the matches that you would like to see. We are also working out the details of a reunion following the home match vs. Lehigh (more to come). In addition, we plan to have a ‘meet the

coach’ night in NYC to give the alumni in the metropolitan New York area a chance to meet Coach Rob Eiter.

Recent grad Lior Zamir will take on the position of Finance Chair and will be responsible for fulfi lling our fundraising eff ort. Many people do not realize that the money we raise goes directly to the team to fund the annual operating budget. Last year our alumni did an extraordinary job of helping the team in one of the most challenging environments imaginable. However, we did fall short of our goal, and Coach Eiter was forced to cut his budget accordingly. For our team to stay competitive, we cannot let this happen again. The main issue is that many give at the end of the school’s fi scal year which unfortunately leaves the board scrambling at the last minute. Lior will be leading the charge to expand our donor base and to have donations made earlier. This will be a driving factor in the board’s overall success.

WrestlingFall 2009 Grapplers Club Newsletter

From Grapplers Club President Gary Baker, W’95...

Page 2: 2009 Fall Wrestling Newsletter

NCAA All-American Matt Herrington will be taking over as the Communications Chair. Originally, the only contact that the alumni had with the team was through these newsletters or by attending a match. Former Chair, Rich Hines, drastically improved the communications channel with the addition of weekly email updates. We would like to take it to the next level with the introduction of video highlights. While we are still working out the details, we will have a minimum of two online video presentations throughout the year so that regardless of your location, you can see the Red and Blue in action. Matt has several other innovative ideas that will continue to improve our communication eff orts.

There is nothing like competing in front of a crowd as it tends to bring the best out of you. With the resurgence of the program over the last two decades, we have developed quite a following. Naturally, we want to make it better. Nick Matteo has agreed to join the board as the Marketing Chair. As I stated to Nick, our goal is to showcase Penn Wrestling in the best possible light, and Nick is the right person to lead this endeavor. For example, he has proposed having local youth programs compete before home matches as well as having a youth league all-star match prior to one of our major competitions. This will bring the local and surrounding wrestling community to the Palestra and will help us build a strong fan base. Additionally, we are looking for other ways that we can help the community such as having a CHOP patient as an honorary

team member. This is a noble cause and one that I support wholeheartedly.

This year I have decided to have a subcommittee that will focus on the 2011 NCAA’s which will be held at the Wachovia Center in Philadelphia. Chris Hanlon has volunteered to head this venture. Several local alumni are currently working with the NCAA with regard to volunteers, the fan-fest and a dinner honoring NCAA Hall of Fame members. Our strong local ties and history of running successful tournaments will be invaluable assets to make the 2011 NCAA’s a record-breaking event. In return, we hope to ensure that all of our Penn supporters will have access to preferential seating.

It goes without saying that there is much work to be done. Each Subcommittee Chair is looking for volunteers, so please get in touch with us if you have ideas or would like to help. Without the support of the Subcommittee Chairs, it would be impossible for me to fi ll the shoes of Clinton Matter. I thank them immensely for taking the time to give back to the program that has given us all so much.

Last, I would like to say a few words about our Coach, Rob Eiter. It has been a pleasure to get to know and work with Rob and his wife, Courtenay. They work endlessly as a team to make our program better. I am confi dent that with their leadership, Penn Wrestling will rise to the top and will prepare our young men for the challenges on the mat as well as in career development. After all, this is what sets our program apart.

I hope you are as excited as I am for the new season to begin,

Gary BakerGrappler’s Club President

The Mentoring Program has been offi cially up and running for the last fi ve years through the leadership of 1974 grad Rick Bowe. Rick has spent countless hours creating the guidelines to implement his vision. Recently, we reviewed what has and has not worked thus far. To improve the success of the program, we have implemented a new plan whereby each incoming freshman will immediately be teamed up with a recent graduate. This young alumnus will communicate with the freshman throughout his fi rst two years at Penn and will be a true mentor to help the student with all aspects of career development. Don’t we all wish that we had such an opportunity when we fi rst came

to Penn! This program was introduced at the team’s annual picnic in early September where the young alumni met with the incoming freshman. Provided that the student-athlete commits to the program, the young alumni will use our strong alumni association to aid in intern and job placement. Rob Hitschler, a recent graduate of the mentoring program, will work closely with Rick as the Alumni Coordinator.

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Greetings to all,

I trust everyone’s summer was fun and enjoyable. I was a little upset with the “mild” summer temperatures, but I still found a few days to enjoy the shore with my family! It was a busy summer for PENN Wrestling – we started a summer wrestling camp in a new location (Stockton College in southern NJ) and will look to expand to 2 more locations for the summer of 2010. This year’s camp was a success and the whole team came back to help and get some hard trainingof their in. We had some big news happen at the end of the summer with

the hiring of Matt Valenti as my other assistant coach. After spending two years away from PENN, Matt was ready to return home and help bring PENN Wrestling back to a place of national prominence. Matt has been great since returning and we are all excited to have him back.

We expect big results from this year’s squad! Below is our weight-by-weight summary for this year’s team. We have a nice combination of young and old talent and there is plenty of competition in the room right now! They have all been training very hard in this pre-season conditioning phase, and are ready to get on the mats. I hope to see many of you in the stands – whether home or away – as I promise our team will be ready to wrestle!

125lbs — Senior Rollie Peterkin will be the front-runner for this spot. He is a two-time NCAA qualifi er reaching the round of 12 both times. Sophomore Mark Rappo and freshman Reid Oshiro will look for starting time throughout the year.

133lbs -- Junior Bryan Ortenzio and sophomore Dan White will again battle for the starting position. Sophomore Zach Ellis will move up from 125lbs this year and add further depth to a strong weight.

141lbs — Junior Zach Kemmerer will step into a starting role this year.

149lbs — Senior Cesar Grajales, a three-time NCAA qualifi er will look to earn a spot on the podium this year. Junior Jake Hunter will push Grajales and freshman Troy Hernandez will further solidify a very tough weightclass.

157lbs — Senior Matt Dragon looks to make a step up to the next level this year. A three-time NCAA qualifi er, Dragon will be supported by sophomore T.J. Polacek, who moves up from 149lbs.

165lbs — Juniors Tommy Timothy and Gabe Burak are expected to battle for the starting spot this year. Rounding out a solid weight class are newcomers Shane Milam and Mike Steltenkamp.

174lbs — Two-time NCAA Qualifi er Scott Giffi n looks to improve on his previous successes. Sophomore Cory Beaver will provide solid support after spot starting at 184 and 197lbs last year.

184lbs — After competing at 197lbs last year, junior Thomas Shovlin will wrestle at 184lbs this year. Providing support at this weight will be freshman Harrison Cook.

197lbs — Freshman Micah Burak will step into the starting role at 197lbs this year after a successful freestyle off season.

285lbs — Senior Tyler Blakely looks to take control at heavyweight spot after starting last season.

Rob Eiter, Head Coach of Wrestling

Josh Henson, C’02, Assistant Coach Matt Valenti , C’ 07, Assistant Coach

From Coach Eiter...

University of Pennsylvania Wrestling

2009-2010 Schedule


14th - Bearcat Open - Binghampton, NY22nd - Keystone - 10 am

28th - @ Northeast Duals – Albany, NY


6th - @ Penn State Open - 9 am 11th - @ Maryland - 7 pm

29-30th - @ Southern Scuffl e


9th - Rider – 12 pm / Binghamton – 2 pm 16th – UVA – 1 pm23rd - @ PITT - 2 pm

23rd - Clarion (North Allegany HS) - 7 pm 31st - @ Hofstra


6th - @ Brown 10 am / Harvard 3 pm13th – CORNELL – 1pm

14th – COLUMBIA – 1pm 20th - @Princeton – 1pm

21st – LEHIGH – 1pm


6-7th – EIWA – @ Lehigh18-20th – NCAA Tournament – Omaha, NE


14th - Bearcat Open - Binghampton, NY222222ndndnd - KK Keyeeeeystsstononne eee -- 101010 a aammmm

282888thttt - @@@ Norororrthththhheaeaast Duaaalslslsls – AAAlbany, N N N NY


6th - @ Penn State Open - 9 am 111111ththth - @@ @ MM Marararylylylanananddd - 777 pmpmpm

29-30thth - @@@ SSoSo ttuthhehernrnrnnn SS SScucc ffl e


9th - Rider – 12 ppm / Biinghaaamtonn – 2 pm 16thh – UVAVAVAAA – 11 11 pm23rd -- @ PPPPPITITITT T T - 222 pmpmpm

2232 rd - Clarion (NoNoorrrtrtrth AAllegany HS) - 7 pmmm 31ststst - @ HHHofstra


6th - -- @ @ @ BrBB own 10 am / Harvarararddd 3 33 pm1311 ththth ––– CORNELL – 111pmpmpm

14thhh ––– CCCOLOLO UMBIIIAA A – 1p1p1pm 20th - @@@PrPP innncececetooonn n – 1ppppm

21st – LEHIHIHIGGGH – 1pmpmm

Page 4: 2009 Fall Wrestling Newsletter



Josh C’02 and Jenn Henson added a new member to their family on August 6th, 2009 with the birth of their fi rst child, a boy, Malachi James Henson. He weighed 8lbs 10 ounces.

Both Jenn and Kai are doing well.


Dustin Wiles, C’06 and his wife Steph'Annie welcomed their fi rst child Annie Sue in the world on August 31st , 2009


Brian, C’96 and Amy Eveleth had their second son Andrew Myers on September 2nd, 2009.

Andrew weighed 10lbs 0 ounces.


Roger Reina, C’84 WEV’05 joined TicketLeap in April 2009. Founded by Penn & Wharton Alumnus Chris Stanchak,

TicketLeap ( is a Philadelphia based technology start-up delivering online and onsite ticketing and registration solutions. Roger is in sales and focused on

building the company's athletic markets, ranging from high school sports to the professional and Olympic levels. Roger

can be reached at [email protected]


To all, it has been an exciting year at the Lewis manse. In May I celebrated my 50th reunion and enjoyed seeing old friends and visiting the campus. So many changes (and I am back almost every Homecoming!). Additioanlly my

second grandson, Max, arrived. I'm still working in Marketing Research (I enjoy it) -- it keeps me current. Best to all past and

present grapplers. Here's to a successful season. Go Quakers! Best Regards,

Jay Lewis, W’59Passenger & Shipping Institute Miami, FL


In February of this year Chris Hanlon C’04 and Erin Montgomery C'04 were engaged to be married. A fall 2010

wedding is planned.


Craig Wright graduated from UMDNJ- New Jersey Medical School in April. He started his residency in Orthopedic

Surgery in July for Seton Hall University at St. Joseph’s Medical Center in Paterson, NJ.

Do you have a story to share?Do you have a story to share?

If you have a story or an update you If you have a story or an update you

would like to share with the Wrestling would like to share with the Wrestling

community please send an email tocommunity please send an email to

Joe Neary at [email protected]. Joe Neary at [email protected].

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The time has come to pass the torch to some new blood here at the Information arm of the Grapplers' Club. It has been a fabulous run for me and I appreciate the many kind comments and conversations I've had over the last fi ve odd years -- as well as the continuing support from us all for what I feel is a great vision for an athletic program.

The new Editor/Moderator/Director of Information is Matt Herrington -- and he is already hard at work for the PWF. Over the last couple of years I've gotten to know Matt better and better and I am very pleased to be turning the reins over to him.

If you care to get in touch or keep in touch my email is: [email protected]

Please note that all replies to the group email will go to Matt Herrington at this time, nothing passes through me except through my personal email above. Please also note that the gmail account we started this all off with, while functional, is not checked on any regular basis.

I will continue to function as an At-Large member of the Grapplers' Club, so you may hear from me in that capacity down the road. I also still hope to make a competition or two a year and see the Red & Blue and alums in person.

It really has been a fabulous time for me, and I appreciate all you do for the program and all the wonderful memories and help I've had from so many in doing a fun bit of work for the Grapplers' Club!


(L to R) Richard, Davis, Jonie, John Rhett, Reina

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Original Hometown: Cambridge, NY

Current Hometown: Wayne, PA

Family: Matt and Allyson Herrington were married on May 30th, 2009 in upstate New York.

Current Job:

Financial Analyst at Fairmount Partners

Most memorable Penn Wrestling Moment:

I have so many unforgettable moments during my career at Penn. The one that stands out the most would have to be pinning Travis Frick from Lehigh for 5th place at the NCAA Championships. I had come back from shoulder surgery the year before and had lost to Frick twice in overtime matches that year. That match was a culmination of all the hard work and time I had put in to getting back on the mat along with letting go and allowing myself to wrestling my absolute best.

Why were you interested in serving on the Penn Wrestling / Grapplers’ Board?

Wrestling has always been such a big part of my life. After college I think all wrestlers look for ways to stay involved in the sport in their own way. Being on the Grapplers’ Club Board will allow me to remain close to the sport as well as give back to a program that has given so much to me. My goal is to build on the tremendous job Rich Hines did in improving the communications capabilities of Penn wrestling. There are quite a few young new members on the board this year and I am excited to work with them to continue our fi ght to make Penn the best wrestling program in the country. There are a number of new initiatives that we will be undertaking this year to help improve the communications division. Along with the Fall and Spring newsletters and match updates which will be sent out via numerous communication channels we will also be producing and distributing a video webinar which will be a great way for Penn fans to get a behind the scenes look at how the team is doing and catch up on the latest action!

If you could challenge any Penn Alumni to a wrestling match during this falls homecoming who would it be and why?

I would challenge Lior Zamir because his only off ense is an eye poke.


Celebrated his 90th Birthday on October 23rd!


After wrestling from 1937-41 and graduating

from Wharton he enlisted in the US Navy and

was an Ensign, both in Italy & the Pacifi c.

After the war, he worked in his families retail

auto supply store & started a Commercial Real

Estate Development fi rm.

Please join us in wishing Robert a

Happy 90th Birthday!

Page 6: 2009 Fall Wrestling Newsletter

Gary K. Baker, W'95 - PresidentClinton Matter, C’97 W’97 - President Emeritus

Matthew P. Herrington, W’07 - Communications ChairmanLior Zamir, W’08 - Development Chairman

Richard F. Bowe, C'74 - Mentoring ChairmanJoseph P. Malachowski, C’98 - Events Chairman

Nick Matteo, C‘07 - Marketing Chairman

Robert C. Hitschler, C’08 - Mentoring CoordinatorChristopher G. Hanlon, C'04 - NCAA Coordinator

At Large MembersJosh Bailer, C’97

Robert Benz,C’74 Lawrence D. Cofsky, C’91 W’91Richard B. Hines, C’95 GED’97

Edward M. McBride,W'96Paul E. Oppenheimer,W'52David Pottruck, C’70 WG’72Roger A. Reina, C'84 WEV'05

The University of Pennsylvania Wrestling program is committed to the pursuit of

excellence in all endeavors pertaining to student life - athletic, academic and personal

development.  Through this commitment, the program aims to simultaneously produce

a consistent Top 5-10 team fi nisher in the NCAA’s, position ourselves for a top four NCAA

fi nish, with multiple high All-Americans and serious NCAA title contenders, provide the

infrastructure necessary for all to fully realize their potential through the elimination

of any programmatic or self-imposed limitations, and foster the development of high

character in all those affi liated with the program.


Page 7: 2009 Fall Wrestling Newsletter

Join 21other wrestling alumni

including Grappler’s Club Board

member and former Head Coach

Roger Reina C’84 WEV’05, on the

Penn Athletics Mentoring Network

and start connecting today!


It’s tough out there. The current economic climate has caused countless companies to eliminate jobs and scale back their internship programs. Although talented and eager to work, our current student-athletes and recent graduates face grim prospects. They are in need of a helping hand and those who understand the value that a Penn athlete can bring to their workplace. Franklin Field, the Palestra, the Boathouse, Sheerr Pool, Warren and Rhodes fi elds, Hutchinson Gym, Meiklejohn Stadium, Ringe, Levy and Lott Tennis Courts have been the training grounds where the work-ethic, the intelligence, and the grit and determination of our current-student athletes has been forged. Our student-athletes are anxious to perform at the next level in the business world and your involvement can help make the critical diff erence.

Perry Bromwell, C’87, a former Men’s Basketball Assistant Coach (2006-2009), who has helped Penn Student Athletes acquire summer interships and career opportunities during his tenure, will now focus solely on all aspects of student athlete mentoring including alumni networking events, career workshops, the PAMNet website and so much more!

Using PAMNet, you can register, create a profi le, network with your peers and our current student athletes. We plan to increase overall PAMNet participation and continue to develop Penn student athlete mentoring during an anticipated, exciting 2009-10 season! We encourage you to get involved and get connected to great talent and fi ne representatives of the University and its athletic teams. To contact Perry, call 215.898.4717 or email [email protected].

Only 20 out of over 1000 Wrestling

alumni participate on PAMnet!


Help us reach 70 members

or 7% by June 30, 2010!If you have questions about the

mentoring program please contact

Rick Bowe or Rob Hitschler.

Page 8: 2009 Fall Wrestling Newsletter

Grappler’s Club Inner Circle

What is the Grappler’s Club Inner Circle?

The Grappler’s Club Inner Circle is a group of Leadership level donors making gifts of $2,500 or higher per fi scal year the Wrestling Program’s annual fund.

What makes $2,500 a leadership gift?

This leadership level is more refl ective of the increased costs associated with maintaining a premier nationally focused program that have built up over the past decade.

What types of recognition are given to Inner Circle members?

A leadership gift of $2,500 qualifi es not only for Inner Cirlce membership but membershpi in the R. Tait McKenzie Society, which makes up leadership donors who give to any priority within Penn Athletics, and the University’s Benjamin Franklin Society BFS, which makes up leadership donors who give to University annual operating funds, both programs have set a common membership standard of requiring a $2,500+.

What are the benefi ts of membership in the R. Tait McKenzie Society? - Listing in the departmental honor roll of donors in the Weightman Calendar

- Access to 5 home pre-game hospitality tents in Franklin Field prior to Penn Football games

- Access to selected pre-game hospitality opportunities around home basketball games

- Access to a selected pre-game hospitality opportunity around a home baseball game

- Specifi c premiums related to Penn Wrestling: - Recognition in all home match programs

- Guaranteed access to game programs and match notes prior to home matches (reserved especially for our Inner Circle members)

- Priority access to purchase NCAA National Finals tickets

- Priority access to complimentary Parking for Inner Circle members who RSVP in advance (on or by the Thursday before a home match) that they will be attending that given weekend’s home match

- Priority access to complimentary tickets (2) for for Inner Circle members who RSVP in advance (on or by the Thursday before a home match) for selective high profi le home matches during the season (those selected matches will be determined before the end of August)

- New Inner Circle Recognition Pin

Inner Circle

2009 Members

(July 1, 2008 - June 30,2009)

Grappler’s Club

Inner Circle

Gary K. Baker, W'95

Guy M. Blynn, W'67

Richard F. Bowe, C'74, parent

Jerry M. Cudzil, C'97

Lorie E. Cudzil, C'97, GED'98

Michael A. Cudzil, C'97

Nicole A. Cudzil, C'99

Kenneth M. Elefant, W'91

Stephen Freier, W'70, WG'73

Jonie M. Hines

Richard B. Hines, C'95, GED'97

Joanne M. Judge

Susan Kendall

Thomas A. Kendall, W'77

Nicholas Lobaccaro, W'91

Phyllis S. Mack, parent *

William L. Mack, W'61, parent *

Brett E. Matter, W’00Brett E. Matter, W’00

Shannon MatterShannon Matter

Clinton A. Matter, C'97, W'97

Kourtney Matter, C'98

Edward M. McBride, W'96

Karen T. Nemeth-Bowe,

CW'77, NU'77, parent

Paul E. Oppenheimer, W'52, parent

Angela D. Ortenzio, parent

Robert Ortenzio, parent

David S. Pottruck, C'70, WG'72, parent

Emily S. Pottruck, parent

Wayne Renneisen, L'59

Kay B. Renneisen

Michael L. Schiff man, C'67

George A. Weiss, W'65, parent

Lydia B. Weiss

Laurence J. Wolf, EE'82

William J. Young III, C'58, parent

Page 9: 2009 Fall Wrestling Newsletter

The Division of Recreation and Intercollegiate Athletics wishes to thank the generous donors listed below who have helped us raise $203,000 in the 2009 fi scal year which ran from July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009.


Penn Wrestling Fiscal Year 2009 Honor Roll

Names in BOLD denote Inner Circle membership giving level

* Denotes gifts to the wrestling endowment

$10,000 and AboveRichard F. Bowe, C'74, parent

Karen T. Nemeth-Bowe, CW’77, NU’77, parentMichael A. Cudzil, C'97Nicole A. Cudzil, C'99

Susan KendallThomas A. Kendall, W'77

Nicholas Lobaccaro, W'91Clinton A. Matter, C'97, W'97

Kourtney Matter, C'98Angela D. Ortenzio, parent

Robert Ortenzio, parentDavid S. Pottruck, C'70, WG'72, parent

Emily S. Pottruck, parentMichael L. Schiff man, C'67

$5,000 to $9,999Guy M. Blynn, W'67Jerry M. Cudzil, C'97

Lorie E. Cudzil, C'97, GED'98Joanne M. Judge

Phyllis S. Mack, parent *William L. Mack, W'61, parent *

Paul E. Oppenheimer, W'52, parentGeorge A. Weiss, W'65, parent

Lydia B. Weiss

$2,500 to $4,999Gary K. Baker, W'95

Kenneth M. Elefant, W'91Stephen Freier, W'70, WG'73

Jonie M. HinesRichard B. Hines, C'95, GED'97

Brett E. Matter, W’00Shannon Matter

Edward M. McBride, W'96G. Wayne Renneisen, L'59

Kay B. RenneisenLaurence J. Wolf, EE'82

William J. Young III, C'58, parent

$500 to $999Bandele I. Adeniyi-Bada, W'00

Jeremy K. Bailer, C'98Joseph W. Bailer, parent

Randall J. Braunfeld, C'99Daniel P. Butler, C'99

Jennifer R. Butler, C'98Lawrence D. Cofsky, C'91, W'91

Robert L. EiterAmy M. Eveleth

Brian C. Eveleth, C'96Michael W. Fickell, W'01

Monica M. Fickell, C'01, NU'03Henry C. Franklin, C'91

Stephen R. Freidberg, C'56 *Thomas J. Gilmartin, WEV'88

Dean S. Haines, W'61Douglas M. Harrold, EE'89, W'89

Brian J. Heisler, C'65William E. Hildebrand III, C'68

Margaret E. MatterTheodore S. Matter, CHE'39Yoshiyuki Nakamura, W'02

Derek J. Pijut, C'95Randall R. Reedy, EE'78

Roger A. Reina, C'84, WEV'05Steven L. Roth, W'66, parent

Mark G. Schlitt, C'82, W'82G. Leonard Shea, W'55

$1,000 to $2,499Anne J. Allman, C'88Lee R. Allman, C'88

Margo K. Blutt *Mitchell J. Blutt, C'78, M'82, WG'87 *

J. Andrew Bowe, C'72Nancy S. Bowe

Stephen C. Brody, C'89Michael R. Capobianco, W'73

Jean P. Charles, W'87Kevin M. Cofsky, W'92, G'97, L'97

$1,000 to $2,499Robert L. Benz, C’74, parent

Marie Uberti-Benz, RES’82, parentHaswell M. Franklin, parent

Barrett W. Freedlander, C'62, parentLaura L. Freedlander, parent

Gary D. Giegerich, W'85D. Christopher Le Vine, C'79

Victoria Le Vine Christopher K. Lindsey, ENG'99Edwin J. Olmstead, C'69, M'73 *

Leonard J. Pruzansky, W'73Frances R. Rockwell, parent

John R. Rockwell, W'64, WG'66, parentMaria L. Saladino, GAR'01

Todd A. Sycoff , W'89Paul C. Velekei, C'06

Lynn Vital-Herne Jeff rey Waters

$250 to $499Robert M. Aiken, Sr., ED'64, GED'66, parent

Bertha L. AikenJoshua R. Bailer, C'97

Barry A. Bear, C'87Murray L. Becker, W'55, parent

Ivan Bergstein, C'87Jane E. Biggs, HUP'75, parent

Robert H. Biggs, CHE'72, parentAlan M. Black, W'60, parent

Donna L. Black, Lawrence D. Cook, AR'61

Richard A. Dabbs, C'92Joseph N. DiGiacomo, GM'84, parentGeorge N. Dorshimer, CE'72, GCE'74

Susan J. DorshimerJames E. Dunster, C'81

Brad D. Esson, W'93Jeff rey W. Eveleth, C'05Matthew I. Feast, W'05F. Frederic Fouad, C'85

Michael P. Friedman, C'92, CGS'01Andrew R. Hall, C'79Benjamin Hatta, C'98

David G. Kline, C'56, M'60Donald F. Leatherwood II, C'82, M'87, RES'93

Andrew B. Matter, parentAnne E. Mavor, NU'87, GNU'91

Murray K. McComas, W'58, parentDaniel J. McDonald, C'93Michael H. Monheit, W'85

Christopher D. Olmstead, C'64Andrei A. Rodzianko, ENG'99, W'99

Eric J. Schwarzbach, C'00J. Michael Shanaman, parent

Stephen E. Wall, CHE'72

Page 10: 2009 Fall Wrestling Newsletter

Penn Wrestling Fiscal Year 2009 Honor Roll$100 to $249

Lori T. Amico, C'97Nicholas F. Amico, C'97Mark R. Andrews, W'90

Richard J. AntonucciMicah B. BarnettDorothy S. BondScott W. Bowker

James A. Brennan, C'00Wendy L. Brill, C'99, D'03

Ethan H. Bullock, C'04Brian D. Butler, W'95

Lori ButlerPeter Carpi, EE'00

Seth L. Cohen, C'77, W'77, WG'78Charles R. Davies, EE'85

Joseph A. De Angelo, parentAlbert A. Donzanti, CHE'61

John R. Doubman, C'62, GED'65James D. Dwyer, W'55

Brian C. Eveleth, Sr., parentMark A. Forgeron, W'84

Donald E. FreyNancy S. Gardiner, W'78

Joseph T. Geeb, EE'68David L. Goldrich, C'58

Arthur H. Greenberg, EE'58Christopher G. Hanlon, C'04

Robert C. Hitschler, C'08David C. Hoefner, ENG'91

Hannah HuseDryver R. Huston, ME'80

Laurence J. Hutt, C'72Peter J. Ingersoll, W'75

Thomas O. Jones, CE'54, WG'58, parentEleni Kousoulis, C'92Lowell H. Lamb, W'57

Bruce R. Lederman, W'64, parentEllie K. Lederman

Scott A. Marshall, ENG'94Robert A. Matthews, Jr., ED'48

Alexander C. McClennan, EAS'97Gerald D. Miller, C'61, parent

Barton T. Murphy, ENG'97Bradley T. Murphy, C'97

Sherman R. Reed III, W'52Barry J. Reimenschneider, ED'52Vernon Reingold, W'47, parent

$1 to $99William Abesh, C'43, D'46, parent

David S. Azzolina, C'78, G'91, GR'96Marion W. Bear, ED'58, parentMerwyn S. Bear, ME'58, parent

Ellan R. Bernstein, parentLeonard A. Bernstein, C'80, W'80, parent

Herbert Brener, W'38, L'41Marc L. Cooper, EE'66, WG'68, parent

Stephen T. Dexter, C'65Robert S. Eisbruck, W'97Garry L. Feldman, C'67

Norman N. Gevanthor, W'62, parentDeborah D. Goldberg, C'93, GED'01

W. Kent Haydock, W'49David S. Herman, C'89

Donald H. Herpen, WEV'66, CGS'69Caryn Hetherston

Gordon B. Hetherston, EE'76, GEN'79, WG'79James E. Hirsch, W'53

Hugh C. Howarth, C'57, D'60Elkan M. Katz, W'67, WG'68Linda R. Katz, CW'69, WG'82

Robert A. Katz, GED'75Mason D. Lenhard, W'05

Mickey J. Littmann, W'56, parentDonald C. Lucas, CHE'77

Lynn W. Lucas, C'79Joseph P. Malachowski, C'98

$100 to $249Nathan D. Resnick, W'72, parent *

Edwin G. Robb, C'57Mary L. Robb

H. Hickman Rowland, Jr., W'62Peter M. Schantz, C'61, V'65

Sean R. Seagreaves, C'97Christopher E. Shull, C'83, WG'95

Lisa B. Shull, C'84John C. Spencer, W’91Jack E. Sullivan, CE’48

Matthew P. Valenti, C’07Brad Warner

Karen V. WarnerDavid Wechsler

Louise E. Wechsler, V’79Russell M. Weimar, C’52Michael J. Willner, C’84

Theodore M. Wong, ME’69Marvin B. Woolf, W’52

Melvin J. Zimmer, W’51, parent

$1 to $99Howard H. McConnell, W'47

David J. Moskowitz, W'71, parentWilliam H. Pestke, W'68, G'86

Walter E. Powell, EE'51Sarah N. Roth

William A. RothMary A. Rudolph, parentRaymond P. Sanford, C'66

Robert M. Schlakman, W'82Wendell L. Schollander, W'66, WG'68

Bernard A. Segel, C'51Robert M. Taubman, W'41

Alan C. Thomas, C'81James Thorington II, C'51Lewis J. Wallace, Jr., C'79


Did you know that you may

be able to have your gift

matched by your employer

by following a few

simple steps?

For more information about

your employer’s program

please visit


Thanks you for your support!

Parents Supporting Wrestling

Larry M. Borowsky, C'76, parentPamela L. Borowsky, parent

Ralph A. Ellis, parentMichael K. Giffi n, parent

Timothy M. Shovlin, parent

Page 11: 2009 Fall Wrestling Newsletter

You can count on my support for Penn Wrestling in FY10!

_____I would like to make a one time gift by check:

Please make checks payable to the “Trustees of The University of Pennsylvania”

_____I would like to make a one time or reccuring gift by credit card:

MasterCard Visa Discover American Express

Name on card (please print)________________________________ Credit Card Number__________________________________

One time payment of $_______ Expiration Date: ____________________________________ Security Code_______

Recurring Payment of amount $_______ per month/year (circle one) for _______months/years (circle one)

Your annual gift provides the coaching staff

with the ability to purchase equipment, travel

to away games, recruit the best talent

and so much more.

This fi scal year the team need to raise

$240,000 to meet its fi nancial needs.

What do we need to get

to $240,000 in FY10?

One (1) gift at the $30,000 level

One (1) gifts at the $25,000 level

Six (6) gifts at the $10,000 level

Eight (8) gifts at the $5000 level

Twelve (12) gifts at the $2,500 level

Twenty Five (25) gifts at the $1000 level

Thirty (30) gifts at the $500 level

Forty (40) gifts at the $250 level

Fifty (50) gifts at the $100 level

Where can you fi t in to help ?

Please participate.

2009 Fall Wrestling Newsletter

Page 12: 2009 Fall Wrestling Newsletter

Penn Athletics DevelopmentWeightman Hall North235 S. 33rd StreetPhiladelphia, PA 19104


If you haven’t recieved an email update from Coach Eiter we might not have your current email address. If you would like to get the latest Penn Wrestling news please send an

email to Joe Neary at [email protected]


Josh Henson, C’02 enters his fi fth consecutive year and seventh overall as an assistant coach at Penn after returning to West Philadelphia in 2005.

Two-time NCAA champion and three-time All-America Matt Valenti, C’07 enters his fi rst year back with the Quakers as an assistant coach.

A 2000 graduate of Harvard, Nate Ackerman returns as a volunteer assistant coach. A four-time letterwinner for the Crimson, his accomplishments on the mat were not limited to collegiate wrestling as he was an accomplished member of the British national team.

WRESTLER YEAR WEIGHT HOMETOWNBeaver, Cory SO 174 Gettysburg, PA Blakely, Tyler SR 285 Bellefontaine, OH Borowsky, Martin D JR 125 Bala Cynwyd, PA Burak, Micah FR 197 Colorado Springs, COBurak, Stephen G. JR 165 Colorado Springs, CO Cook, Harrison FR 174 Mount Kisco, NY Dragon, Matt SR 157 Dallas, PAEllis, Zachary SO 133 Rochester, NYGiffi n, Scott JR 174 Berlin, NJ Grajales, Cesar SR 149 Brandon, FL Hernandez, Troy FR 149 Branchville, NJ Hitschler, Colin SR 197 Glenside, PA Hunter, Jake JR 149 Harrisonville, MO Kemmerer, Zachary A. JR 141 East Greenville, PAMilam, Shane FR 165 Sparrows Point, MDOrtenzio, Bryan A JR 133 Camp Hill, PAOshiro, Reid FR 125 Honolulu, HI Peterkin, Rollie SR 125 Wellesley, MAPolacek, Thomas John FR 157 Johnstown, PARappo, Mark SO 125 Holland, PA Shovlin, Thomas JR 184 Harrisburg, PA Steltenkamp, Michael FR 165 Bloomfi eld Hills, MITimothy, Thomas JR 165 Brandon, FL White, Daniel SO 133 Dayton, NJ

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