Page 1: 2009-04-23 FNF PAK -  All About Fritz

All about FritzShaheed Zulfikar Bhutto Institute, Larkana

Olaf KellerhoffResident Representative Pakistan

Page 2: 2009-04-23 FNF PAK -  All About Fritz

All about Fritz Larkana, April 24th 2009Olaf Kellerhoff

Overview1. Who is Fritz?

2. What does Fritz do in thisworld?

3. How does Fritz do it in Pakistan?

4. Why does Fritz do it?

5. Discussion

Page 3: 2009-04-23 FNF PAK -  All About Fritz

All about Fritz Larkana, April 24th 2009Olaf Kellerhoff




offResident Representative Pakistan

Islamic History and Politics (MA) at Hamburg University

Missions abroadSomalia

Kosovo (3x)

Afghanistan (3x)


Page 4: 2009-04-23 FNF PAK -  All About Fritz

All about Fritz Larkana, April 24th 2009Olaf Kellerhoff

1. Who is Fritz?

Page 5: 2009-04-23 FNF PAK -  All About Fritz

All about Fritz Larkana, April 24th 2009Olaf Kellerhoff

Brief HistoryFriedrich Naumann

theologian and liberal politician

founder of the first school on civic education („Staatsbürgerschule“) in 1918

Co-founder of the German Democratic Party

1958 is founded by Theodor Heuss,first President of Germany

1963 begins international projects

Theodor Heuss

The Foundation

Main taskcivic education based on liberalism

1. Who 2. What 3. How 4. Why 5. Discussion.

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All about Fritz Larkana, April 24th 2009Olaf Kellerhoff

Political Foundations

Instrument to implement the will of the constitution: „The political Parties contribute to the formation of the political will of the people.“

Lesson from Weimar: Democracy needs convinced democrats, and this requires civic education

Pluralism: All political streams represented in parliament offer civic education via their foundations.

1. Who 2. What 3. How 4. Why 5. Discussion.

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All about Fritz Larkana, April 24th 2009Olaf Kellerhoff

The German Political Foundations

1. Who 2. What 3. How 4. Why 5. Discussion.

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All about Fritz Larkana, April 24th 2009Olaf Kellerhoff

party, faction and foundation

party:develops political objectives and raises political will to achieve those goals

faction:turns party will into parliamentary work

foundation:research and formulation of policiescapacitates political actorsraises political interest

1. Who 2. What 3. How 4. Why 5. Discussion.

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All about Fritz Larkana, April 24th 2009Olaf Kellerhoff

2. What does Fritz doin this world?

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FNF worldwide

Why? Who? What? Where?1. Who 3. How 4. Why 5. Discussion.2. What

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All about Fritz Larkana, April 24th 2009Olaf Kellerhoff

FNF Worldwide

1. Who 2. What 3. How 4. Why 5. Discussion.

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All about Fritz Larkana, April 24th 2009Olaf Kellerhoff

Contribution to development policy

Deficits in development are often home-made, caused by missing or weak institutions, bad governance and political pathologies

Development aid should not just focus on technical and financial aid but should aim to improve institutional framework conditions.

Political Foundations work with political actors and civil society to solve social and political problems

3. How1. Who 5. Discussion.2. What 4. Why

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All about Fritz Larkana, April 24th 2009Olaf Kellerhoff

3. How does Fritz doit in Pakistan?

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All about Fritz Larkana, April 24th 2009Olaf Kellerhoff

FNF in PakistanSince 1986 in Pakistan

Objectives: Liberal democracyCivic educationHuman rightsFree market economyPeaceful conflict solutions

Office after the suicide bomb attack at the Danish Embassy, Islamabad, June.2008.

3. How1. Who 2. What 4. Why 5. Discussion.

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All about Fritz Larkana, April 24th 2009Olaf Kellerhoff

FNF Office Pakistan

Resident RepresentativeOlaf Kellerhoff during talks

with the NGO Shehri-CBE

Muhammad AnwarAdministator

Program Coord.Munazza Batoola FGP seminar Office Assistant

Muhammad Nisar

Syed Hussain Shah during the FNF Earthquake realief, 2005.

3. How1. Who 2. What 4. Why 5. Discussion.

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All about Fritz Larkana, April 24th 2009Olaf Kellerhoff

Sustainable work through partnersCrucial Element is the self-responsible programme work of our partners. FNF trains, consults, interlinks and funds.

3. How1. Who 2. What 4. Why 5. Discussion.

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All about Fritz Larkana, April 24th 2009Olaf Kellerhoff

Seminars, Workshops & Consulting

1. Who 3. How 4. Why 5. Discussion.2. What

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All about Fritz Larkana, April 24th 2009Olaf Kellerhoff

4. Why does Fritz do it?

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All about Fritz Larkana, April 24th 2009Olaf Kellerhoff


socialismconservatismManifestation of continuityArose from catholicism: leader of community

Social control of private propertyno religion, everybody equalregardless his/her capabilities

liberalismFreedom and social responsibilityequal chances, freedom and own merit

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All about Fritz Larkana, April 24th 2009Olaf Kellerhoff

Liberal: Misuse and Misunderstanding

Liberal (from latin: liber – free): individual freedom & responsibility (self + social)

Libertarian: a person who upholds the principles of absolute and unrestricted liberty esp. of thought and action

Libertine: a person who is unrestrained by convention ormorality, one leading a dissolute life

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All about Fritz Larkana, April 24th 2009Olaf Kellerhoff

Focal issues of FNF 2008 -2011

Freedom and Property

Freedom and Civil Society

Freedom and the Rule of Law

3. How1. Who 5. Discussion.2. What 4. Why

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All about Fritz Larkana, April 24th 2009Olaf Kellerhoff

Focal issue: Property Rights

are universal

are a prerequisite for personal autonomy

empower citizens

prevent kleptocracy of small power elites

or populist expropriation policies

Help fight poverty by creating individual wealth

Lead to stable society and democracy

3. How1. Who 5. Discussion.2. What 4. Why

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All about Fritz Larkana, April 24th 2009Olaf Kellerhoff

Focal issues: Civil Society

Free and Responsible Citizensare the basis of a free civic society

are a prerequisite for power sharing and local autonomy

have a right to efficient and customer-oriented local governance

can develop their potential and help solving problems

do not need a “nanny state”

unburden governing bodies and the budget

accelerate development

3. How1. Who 5. Discussion.2. What 4. Why

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All about Fritz Larkana, April 24th 2009Olaf Kellerhoff

Focal issue: Rule of Law

is a prerequisite for stable societies and economies

safeguards citizens, enterprises and institutions

leads to transparency and helps combat corruption

Leads to equal opportunities for all citizens

Is the framework for economic growth and individualprosperity

1. Who 2. What 3. How 4. Why 5. Discussion.

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All about Fritz Larkana, April 24th 2009Olaf Kellerhoff

5. Discussion

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All about Fritz Larkana, April 24th 2009Olaf Kellerhoff


• Be the change you want to see around you!

• Islam and Liberalism

3. How1. Who 2. What 4. Why 5. Discussion.

Page 27: 2009-04-23 FNF PAK -  All About Fritz

All about Fritz Larkana, April 24th 2009Olaf Kellerhoff

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