Download - 2008-11


November 2008


Meetings of


7.30pm on the second Tuesday of each month at the Wembley Community Centre (Joan Watters Building)

40 Alexander Street, WEMBLEY W.A.

Subaru 4WD Web Site:

WA 4WD Association (Inc):


2008 COMMITTEE (Home Phone) PRESIDENT: Simon Newton 9450-5953 [email protected]

SECRETARY: Robert Griffiths 9250-6270 [email protected]

TREASURER: Tony Richards 9386-7705 [email protected]

SOCIAL ORGANISER: Keith Wilcox 9344-6830

TRIPS CO-ORDINATOR: David Peck 9275-5617

EDITOR: Jim Wilcox 9306-8222 [email protected]

COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Peter Andruszkiw 9440-4075 Geoff Hayden 9447-5698 Martin Southwood 9349-0182 Keith Low 9459-3358 Wendy Griffiths 9250-6270

MERCHANDISE: Tony Richards 9386-7705

WEB MASTER: Karl Boeing 9341-5087 [email protected]

4WD ASSOC DELEGATE: Tony Richards 9386-7705

M’SHIP CO-ORDINATOR: Keith Low 9459-3358 [email protected] PROPERTY OFFICER: Peter Joensson 9447-3658

LIFE MEMBERS Fred Offer, Keith Anderson, Jonel Householder, Ray Stewart,

Ian Johnson, Peter Andruszkiw and Ron Caunce.

Presidents Report. November 2008 Welcome Folks to the final report for the Club year. The AGM is on Tuesday 11th of November and I look forward to meeting you then. The Annual Dinner is over for another year, congratulations to David Peck, taking the top honor of Club Member of the Year as well as a swag of other awards, some of which are designed to appeal to ones sense of humour! Our resident Paparazzi, Robert and Wendy took some great photos, there are a few classics in there, we may show them after the AGM is over and done. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend, being in Esperance on the night, part of training for my new job as a Tour Guide. So, from now on I could be away anywhere at anytime at a moments notice so continuing in the role of President is out of the question. Please consider filling this important but not difficult role at the AGM. All positions for Office Bearers and Committee will be for election and some such as Dave Peck, our trips coordinator have served 2 years and under our constitution must relinquish that position. At this point I may take the opportunity to thank our advertising sponsors for their support and Subaru Australia for their generous membership sponsorship package. Thanks to the Committee for making my job easy and standing in while I have been away and last but not least, you, our members for your enthusiasm, participation and great sense of humour on the Trips and Socials. Next year is the Clubs 30th Anniversary, lets do our very best to make it the best ever. Signing off for now. Simon Newton. Please bring along a plate to share after the AGM. The Club will supply Champagne and Orange Juice. A great way to socialize and talk to your newly elected Committee

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Well my two years as trip coordinator is up, and part of the reason I volunteered was to learn more about the places the club goes to. I have managed to do this and have some good times traveling around this great state of ours with a wonderful group of people, so thank you all. Thanks for voting me trip leader of the year for the Karijini to Coast trip, but part of the success of that trip must go to Ian who helped me with the preparation (which was fun in itself). The people who went along also played a big part in how good the trip was as the group was fairly small and everyone went out of their way to help and the group dynamics was really good. I must admit that being awarded the club member of the year for 2008 was a great honour and surprise which I never expected and it means more to me than I can say, so thank you all (again). Part of the reason I have thrown myself into the club activities is probably due to mid life crisis – getting back into touring the country and camping which I hadn’t done since before I was married, and part realizing my son Jason was quickly growing up and it was a good chance to spend some “quality time” with him and hopefully give him an appreciation of how lucky we are to live in W.A. The club atmosphere is a wonderful way of being able to do this and the depth and range of knowledge that you people have in so many areas is amazing and educational. The Lochada trip from October 9-13 was blessed by the best display of wildflowers in fifteen years according to the experts. It was another good trip with fewer members than we thought were going, but it turned out to be a comfortable number that did not put to much strain of the facilities there. We managed to get about eighty signs put up on the surrounding tracks and managed to find wells, mines, breakaways and many other interesting things that we didn’t know about. So we will just have to go back and

have a better look! DEC were very appreciative of the work that you all have put in (especially Reg, Jim & Simon) over the last three years and are keen to continue the relationship with the club. Sunday 22nd November is the week after the 4WD show and Peter traditionally takes us up to Lancelin for a play in the sand dunes. This is always popular with existing club members and a great opportunity for new members and visitors to learn the correct techniques for driving in the sand and what to do if you get stuck. Due to the lead up to Christmas and the other commitments that most people have we decided not to plan any trips in December. We have managed to pencil in a few activities into the New Year to get the new trip coordinator and committee started and I must admit the hardest part of the whole job I found was doing this monthly report. There was always lots of help with suggestions of places to go to and the same few trip leaders were always reliable in volunteering their experience. I think the lack of knowledge of where to go and experience was one of the things that I found a bit daunting at first being trip coordinator but here are always people willing to help. So lets see some new people give it a go like I did and maybe you will find it as rewarding as I have. Thank you for your support. See you out there David Peck

To help in your decision of what you would like to do to help keep your club running

DUTIES OF OFFICE BEARERS President. Chair club meetings and oversee all operations of the club. Secretary. Keep meeting minutes and handle correspondence. Treasurer. Responsible for all club finances. Editor. Produce club magazine and distribute to Members. Social Organizer. Responsible for the co-ordination of social activities. Trips Co-ordinator. Responsible for planning and co-ordination of club trips. Committee. (5) Responsible for overall planning of trips, keeping the Clubs property and maintaining the clubs library. The above list of office bearers are the minimum required to run the club. Our present Property Officer is unable to continue in the role and we will need someone to take over this important club position. We would also like someone to take on the role of Environmental \ PR Officer. Duties would be to bring to the committee’s attention anything that may affect the future of the club such as Government, Water Corp, DEC submissions and co-ordinate a response if thought necessary.

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4WD SHOW 14,15, 16, Nov 2008 The Club will again be at the 4WD and Outdoor Show on the third weekend in Nov. The format as I understand will be the same as last year from our standpoint, though I think we may be in a different location. We will have the same tent and again will have our photo display. Some have already given me some of “this years pics” whilst others hopefully will pass some on to me. Volunteers are again needed to man/woman/person the stand over the three days. For our purposes we break the day into two and try to have around 3-4 people in each session. This allows for a wander around the grounds. Let me know if you can help. Friday morning Friday afternoon Saturday morning Saturday afternoon Sunday Morning Sunday Afternoon Ring me, email me and I will organise a roster. Those on the roster will gain free entry. Peter ANDRUSZKIW

LANCELIN SAND DUNES Nov 23 The annual Lancelin sand day is upon us again. A day to prac-tice those sand driving skills for those who have done some sand driving and to acquire those skills for those who are doing it for the first time. Each one of these days is a training day for all skill levels. Each time we visit the dunes they are different and always to be re-spected. With all the work going on in the Wanerroo townsite will meet at the 10th Lighthorse memorial a few km’s outside of Wanerroo on the left going out . This used to be our popular meeting point some years back. This means that if you want to get something from the shops you will need to plan for it or wait until we get to Lancelin Once we are in the Dunes we will not come out until mid after-noon Meet : !0th Lighthorse meeting spot, approx 800m past Flynn Rd Time: 8.30 for a 8.45 get away Bring: hat, sun screen, closed in footwear preferred, camera, picnic lunch Ring me if you have any queries Peter ANDRUSZKIW


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TICKETS $20 PRE SOLD $25 AT GATE ������������������������������������������������������������������������ ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������


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Lochada Report.

This was another trip that went very well indeed with the usual efficient organization of Reg and Gail Woods. The weekend peaked with 19 people. A great BBQ on Saturday evening pro-vided and cooked by DEC staff and their wives, an absolutely sterling effort giving us all the chance to meet each other for a chat. Over the 6 days we split into 2 groups to go out, GPS log the tracks on Lochada, Karara and Kadji-Kadji stations and put up track signs in addition to the signs at the old bores and windmills we did on previous trips. When this is put together a map will be produced for the first time that is informative and above all, accurate. Over 80 signs provided by DEC but named by the club were in-stalled covering several thousand kilometers visiting the far flung reaches of the properties. Many of the tracks we have never driven before as we found windmills, tanks and mines (thankfully not the Military type, though a tank would be handy to tackle the Warriedar property) not marked with our previous signage. The weather was good and the flies were friendly but despite be-ing late in the season the wildflowers were the best for many years now the drought seems to have broken. Hopefully we can look forward to good winter rains next year which will make the display even better. A tremendous job done by all those who attended. Simon Newton.

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November 2008

S M T W T F S Sun 1st Committee Meeting Sat 8,9th Bush dance (see page 9) Tues 11 Annual General Meeting Fri 14 - Sun 16 4WD show(see page 7) Sun 23rd Lancelin, fun in the sand (see page 11)

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December 2008

S M T W T F S Wed 3 Committee Meeting Sat 6 Xmas Party at Rob & Wendys Tues 9 General Meeting

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January 2009

S M T W T F S Wed 7 Committee Meeting Sun 11th: Beach run Tue 13 General Meeting 24,25,26 LWE Blackwood area

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Potential members are most welcome to come along on any Club activities before joining. Please phone the Trip Leader for further information.

Register with the trip leader if you are wanting to join a trip or social. Also contact the trip leader if you have to cancel, as we don’t want to wait for someone who does not turn up!

Some trips are ideas only and may be subject to change. Some of the later trips need trip leaders – volunteers please.

SCHOOL AND PUBLIC HOLIDAYS School Holidays: 27th Sept to 13th October. 18th Dec to Feb 2nd Public holidays: Dec 25,26th Jan 26th, March 2nd, April 10,13th

February 2009

S M T W T F S Wed 4 Committee Meeting Tue 10 General Meeting Sun 15 Day trip Sat 21 social Sat 28-2nd LWE camping trip

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March 2009

S M T W T F S Wed 4 Committee Meeting Tue 10 General Meeting Sun 22 Fiddles and Nibbles (get ready for your Easter trip)

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Report on Fun Day on the Gravel With an eclectic mix of Foresters and WRXs and drivers ranging from L Platers to the very experienced we took over the airstrip cum police driver training ground just outside the town of Gingin. What an excellent venue. Its length and width meant that everyone could play around, driv-ing hard on ball-bearing gravel through tight turns and sudden stops without risking an intimate experience with a tree or shrub.

The courses designed by Ian Johnson and Nina McLaren put everyone through their paces. The sharpness of the course, when travelled at speed, provided everyone with a timely reminder that even all-wheel drive vehicles can be put into a slide or skid.

ABS brake systems also got put to the test with drivers getting a re-minder of the on-off nature of ABS when the brakes are pushed hard on a surface with much less traction than bitumen.

Despite low clouds, a brief shower and a light but definitely cool breeze the day was very cheerful.

L Plater Sarah had her first go at driving the family Forester. Firstly heading off from the main event for a supposedly sedate drive in order to get used to the feel of gravel. With her mother’s encouragement she was soon zooming up the gravel and braking hard. The tutoring obvi-ously worked because she was soon going through all the courses, first with either mum or dad beside her and finally on her own.

For the first timers (including myself) it was an excellent experience. Particularly learning that high speed will not get you through as quickly as a slightly slower speed and greater accuracy/better timing on the tight turns. It also provided a great opportunity for the inner-hoon to emerge – as more experienced club members showed with their handbrake turns.

The four courses used on the day all involved tight turns, slalom runs and parking in sheds. The latter fortunately made out of ‘witches hats’ as nearly everyone took out a shed wall or two! The dust flew in spec-tacular fashion and occasionally a car would disappear in the dust it threw up as the driver executed a tight turn.

Special thanks to everyone who brought up traffic cones and markers, these were essential to the success of the day. And also a big thank you to everyone who helped with the timing, especially Teleah Wilcox. We all enjoyed seeing how fast we went and how much we improved the second time around. As the timekeeping was unofficial there were no rankings of who came first and who came last, but if you want something delivered quickly it would appear that Nina is a very good choice!

The only downside of the day came at the end when we were in-formed that the area was no longer available to the public and that the only reason we had managed to get in was that the gate had acciden-tally been left unlocked. While this news did not affect the fun we got out of the day (although, consequently, we did leave a little earlier than planned); it does mean that the club will have to find a new venue for future similar events.

Thanks Ian and Nina for organising the day.

Stephen, Jenny and Sarah Boylen

Barrabup Sanctuary Sunday 28th September We all woke to the sound of the many birds in the area and had a leisurely breakfast as we had decided to watch the boats that were due past at 8 o’clock in the longest power dinghy race in the world. The Blackwood Classic 250 is a three day time trial covering some 250 kms of the Blackwood River, commencing at Bridgetown, pass-ing through Nannup and Sues Bridge, and finishing at the river mouth at Augusta We gathered on the river bank just below Simon & Anne’s campsite which was a good location as the river narrowed and did an S bend which made it more interesting to watch as the boats sped past throwing up fishtails of water. Mid morning we went for a drive to Barrabup pool and Workers pool, along the way we stopped several times to admire some of the many or-chids in the area. After lunch Simon & David took their canoes up to the designated launching point which was a couple of hun-dred meters from the campsite at the end of a long pool. They went for a paddle upstream until they came to the next narrow section and the current increased in speed and decided that was a good place to turn around. Getting out was interesting as the bank was muddy and slippery but they were pleased to have been able to do it without getting wet, as the river was very cold. Looking forward to a hot shower we were disappointed to find the water was nice and hot but you only had a short time before it faded to a dribble, Simon & John later had a fiddle with the heater and mentioned what they found to the owner who was going to fix it. That evening the campfire was again the centre of attention as the size of the logs provided as firewood meant that it was a ripper fire. David Peck

Monday Sept:29th. Day 3. It was lovely to wake to the sound of birds twittering and the gentle trickle of the river as it meandered through the camp. The sun was shining, a great start to the day being my birthday and Jan-ina's also. It was Gary's the previous day so we had all helped him cele-brate that night. With breakfast out of the way we said goodbye to several of our fellow campers who unfortunately had work commitments the following day. We caught up with them at the local bakery mid-morning when we drove into town to make 'phone calls etc. The meat pies were very tasty and in great demand. Returning to camp Simon noticed a sign post pointing to 'Wildflower drive' which hinted at the promise of spring flowers. We left the cars along the track and continued on foot, stopping to admire the colourful array of flowers that grew everywhere in just about every colour of the rainbow. I regretted not having my book on wildflowers with me but took several photographs and hope to learn the names later. Following a lazy lunch Jon and Simon decided to fix the hot water heater so that we could all have a decent shower. After a bit of tinkering and banging Simon was heard shouting with glee. One by one we all took turns at a lazy hot shower...what a luxury. I shared around a fruit cake which I had forgotten about so we had a 'Birthday tea' after all. By this time there was only Simon, Anne, Dawn, Jon and myself left in camp. Weatherwise it was the best day thus far and we lazed around reading etc until it was time to cook dinner. once the dishes were done the fire was stoked up and again we sat recalling past adventures until a light sprinkling of rain indicated that it was time for bed. It was a great weekend in good com-pany and in an Idyllic spot. Can't wait to go there again.

Val Hunter.

For Sale

Subaru Brumby 1989 white 220 000kms. At some point in its life someone has spent way too much money on this vehicle, but you can benefit. Tow bar, Bull bar, 2 inch lift kit, 14inch rims (currently running low profile tyres so the speedo is accurate) tray has front and rear carry bars (rear removable), EA82 L (SOHC) series motor, timing belts were done around 20,000kms ago with 5 speed gearbox, long range fuel tank total capacity around 80 litres. Registered till april 09 and has a govt immobilizer fitted. Runs and drives well although with some typical EA82 valve train clatter. Also available but not currently fitted is a small supercharger with all associated manifolds, carb, air cleaner ready to bolt straight on for cough “off road use”. I would prefer to sell the lot but make an offer. There is a couple of small bubbles of rust coming up just above the LH guard and the body has been “hung up” off road by a previous owner and it has some dents and scrapes underneath to prove it. It needs a general tidy up inside but otherwise it’s a good little vehicle. Its just some how I have ended up with three cars and several motorcycles for one person and I need the parking space, re-duce the annual rego bills and I don’t really have the time to spend on this car which it deserves. Vehicle is currently located in Australind. I am more than happy to email any photos you may require and can help arrange Perth delivery if required. I can be contacted on 0427353006 I am however fly in/fly out so leave a message and I will get back to you eventually. $3400 but make an offer (plus supercharger) Murray Hehir


THE SUBARU 4WD CLUB OF W.A. INC. Please send articles to the Editor by the Thursday before the end of the month (earlier is better). Email: [email protected] in Word format or plain text; Soft copy articles preferred by email, diskette or CD. Subaru 4WD Club WA Website:

Free Tyres Free

! x Bridgestone Dueler H/T 205/70R 15(original equipment). 1 plugged puncture, 40% tread remains). 1 x Bridgestone Turanza ER30 215/60R13 (road pattern, 30% tread re-mains). Subaru size. Both very good second spare tyres. Phone to collect: - Ian 0419 936 566 Trigg

The Subaru 4WD Club of WA Inc Minutes of October 2008 General meeting

Held on Tuesday 14th September at The Joan Walters Centre Wembley

Meeting Opened: 19:36 Attendances: 17 Apologies: Dawn Chivers, Bob & Dianne Harison, Les & Helga Smith Visitors: Allan Asplin Previous Minutes: Accepted taken as read Business Arising: Nil Correspondence in:

1. Town of Cambridge – confirmation of hire fee charges still at the old "Community" rate ($48.00) 2. Town of Cambridge – invoices for room hire @ $48.00 3. Town of Cambridge – public liability/hire confirmation form to be signed (Tony) 4. Town of Cambridge – letter indicating previous $48.00 invoice was in error, and a replacement $62.00 invoice attached -5. West-pac – deposit slip book 6. Flying doctor info booklet 7. Westpac Statement – balance $5,212.90 8. 4WD Adventure show info pack, and reminder 9. Environment and Conservation newsletter Aug & Sept 10. Mag. Twin Diffs, Sept, 4WD WA 11. Mag. Network News, Autumn, VKS-737 Radio Networks 12. Mag Subaru 4WD Vic. Sept & October 13. Mag. Drive Torque, Oct-Nov, Subaru & Rec 4wd club 14. Mag. Suba News, Oct. Subaru 4WD Qld 15. Expo print - invoice $140 (October mag) 16 Membership - Chris & Elaine Lewis - Chq $50 17 Membership - John & Coralie Magor - Chq $50

18 Membership - Barbarra & Stuart Knott - Chq $50 19 Membership - Quentin & Erin Donald - Chq $50 20 Bruce & Dale Montgomery - End of membership notification

21 Town of Cambridge - Request for certificate of Public Liability In-surance 22 Evakool Product catalogue & Promo (Cool boxes)

Correspondence out: 1. (Tony) Thank you letter for the approval of our classification as “Community” for the 2008/09 financial year.

2. (Tony) Hall Booking confirmation (Town of Cambridge) Business Arising: Nil Treasurer’s report: (in Tony's absence) Reconciled Balance: $5071.79 Year End Balance: $51011.75 Remaining Bush dance tickets must be sold Tonight Business Arising: Nil Editor’s Report : Next mag will be done remotely, please continue to send editorial contributions by email. Membership Report: Total 48 (plus 7 life). Please contact Keith if you don't have your badge yet - if attendign the annual dinner, then badge will be available then. Otherwise remain-ing badges will be mailed out. Please note that membership fees are now due - and are needed by AGM if you intend to vote. Trips

· Mooliabeenie - Excellent trip - full report in mag · LWE Barrabup - A 'top spot' we were the only ones on the

camp site. Watched boats in AM, Workers Pool & Barrabup pool in PM.

· Lochada - Despite heat and flies, a great time had by all. Ex-cellent BBQ layed on by DEC - more food than could be man-aged. 80+ Signs erected, possibly the best wildflower season in 15 years.

· Annual Dinner (Saturday week) Keith will be getting meal or-ders tonight.

· 4wd show -A roster for the weekend will be arranged. A$ print-able photos required please.

· Sunday 22nd November - Lancelin for a play in the sand dunes. See trip coordinators report in mag.

Saturday 6th December - Christmas Party at Robert & Wendys. Our 2nd chance to see the lights syncronised to music. R & W will supply nibbles & salads - please bring along some meat and desert.

Simons Simpson trip is neary full (max 6 cars) - this will be final-ised next month.

Web More trip reports please, Nina has put up some pages on the WA flora

& Fauna (under trips & photos) Property Peter & Ursula are moving house and so we need a new property officer. Volunteers needed please. 4WD Association Notes from Tony: 4WD Association – I attended the September meeting: (a) They want a Club contact phone number they can give out to any-

one who rings the Association enquiring about our Club. Also put on their website. On a show of hands, most Clubs seem to have a Club number. They want to buy Clubs a prepaid mobile phone for $59.00. If a Club already has a Club number, they would get $59.00 off their next levy invoice. The whole idea is for a Club to have a number that does not change and can be handed from one Club member to another. There will be a vote at the next meet-ing. What do we think? Decided – to vote against, but if motion passed, we would take phone put on a voicemail message directing the caller to ring a landline num-ber, which we could/would change from time to time, as appropriate.

(b) They still need someone to act as Land Issues Manager and an Association nominee to join the Off-road Advisory Committee for which a sitting fee of $140.00 is paid.

(c) Web manager – 2,399 page loads for August and 925 unique visi-tors.

(d) Need photos for National 4WD Council website.; Are we inter-ested?

(e) 4WD Show – Association will now not be there. (f) Small trailer sold for $585.50. DTP equipment to be disposed off

to highest bidder – ca be inspected on 9/10 between 9.30 and 11.00.

(g) Bush dance tickets need to be returned by October meeting! General Business Next month is AGM - as many as possible please attend. Position de-scriptions will be put in mag. New positions of Environmental Officer will be made. Meeting Closed 20:20


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