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2002-15 DATE: April 22, 2002 DOCUMENT TITLE: Supplemental Funding

Application Guidance for State and Regional Primary Care Associations and Primary Care Offices for Managing Health Center Growth and Quality: For use with PHS-5161-1 - FUNDING OPPORTUNITY

TO: State and Regional Primary Care Associations

State Primary Care Offices This Policy Information Notice (PIN) announces an opportunity for Primary Care Associations (PCAs) and Primary Care Offices (PCOs) to apply for supplemental funding to advance the goals of the President’s Initiative to Expand Health Centers. It also provides guidance to assist PCAs and PCOs in applying for these funds. In previous years, the Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) offered supplemental funding opportunities for a range of specific initiatives. This year, BPHC is consolidating numerous supplemental funding opportunities into one, entitled Managing Health Center Growth and Quality. This opportunity encompasses a wide range of activities that will expand and strengthen the health center network in a manner consistent with the President’s Initiative. Activities that have received separate funding in previous years may qualify for funding under this opportunity, provided that they are clearly linked to the critical elements for managing health center growth, as outlined by BPHC. The goal of this supplemental funding is to support and expand PCAs’ and PCOs’ capacity to advance the goals of the President’s Initiative to Expand Health Centers through the following strategies: • strengthening and expanding the capacity of existing health center grantees, • creating new access points, and • improving health status outcomes in all BPHC-supported programs through evidence-based

improvements in quality of care. In keeping with the President’s Initiative, applicants should present a multi-year vision and plan of action for accelerating State activities that successfully create new or expanded health centers relative to the needs in their State. Applicants are encouraged to consider refocusing their on-going activities as appropriate to support and align with their proposed plan of action to address health center growth and quality.

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Through its Division of Community and Migrant Health and Division of Programs for Special Populations, the BPHC will make approximately $3 million available in fiscal year (FY) 2002 for these activities. The BPHC expects to award approximately 25 to 40 supplements for approved proposals ranging from $75,000 to $150,000. This funding will be available for the period August 1, 2002 through March 31, 2003. The BPHC recognizes that many state strategies proposed in supplemental funding applications may require multiple years of support to achieve their goals. In view of this, the BPHC intends to commit to continued support of approved proposals through the grantee’s current project period, which in most cases extends through March 31, 2005. This future support will be offered to the extent that funds are available and that the grantee demonstrates sufficient progress on the goals set forth in their approved plans of action. Paper copies must be postmarked by May 17, 2002, and are to be mailed to:

Office of Grants Management Attention: PCA/PCO Supplemental Funding Applications Bureau of Primary Health Care Health Resources and Services Administration 4350 East-West Highway, 11th Floor Bethesda, MD 20814

Applications must be e-mailed to [email protected] by May 17, 2002. No exceptions to the due date or the mailing destination will be granted. If you have any questions about this PIN or the application process in general, there are several options for receiving additional information: • The BPHC’s Office of State and National Partnerships (OSNP) will sponsor two conference

calls to provide an opportunity for applicants to ask questions about applying for this funding. The times, dates, and call-in information for these calls will be distributed by email in the near future.

• You may contact your regional liaison in OSNP. Contact information for these individuals is contained in Appendix One.

• You may contact your project officer in the Field Office.

William D. Hobson Acting Director, Bureau of Primary Health Care


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DATE: APRIL 22, 2002



For use with PHS-5161-1

Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration

Bureau of Primary Health Care

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SECTION A: General Information About This Funding Opportunity ……………… 3

A1. Purpose of Funding A2. Amount of Funding Available; Performance Period; Eligibility To Apply A3. How This Funding Opportunity Differs from Previous Years A4. BPHC’s Eight Critical Elements for Health Center Growth A5. Option to Refocus On-Going Activities A6. Evaluation Criteria A7. Required Progress Reports

SECTION B: How to Prepare an Application …………………………………………. 8 B1. General Formatting Requirements B2. Summary of Items to Include in the Application Packet B3. Detailed Information on Each Item in the Application Packet

SECTION C: How and When to Submit an Application ……………………………. 13 C1. Instructions for Submitting the Application C2. Application Due Date


One: BPHC Office of State and National Partnerships Staff Contact Information Two: Checklist for Finalizing and Submitting an Application Three: Recommended Format for Performance Plan Four: Examples of Performance Measures for Managing Health Center Growth and

Quality Five: List of Field Office Staff to Whom Applications Should Be Mailed

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A1. PURPOSE OF FUNDING The Bureau of Primary Health Care’s (BPHC) central focus is to implement the President’s Initiative to Expand Health Centers while maintaining and improving the quality of care provided by existing health centers. This Initiative seeks to significantly impact 1,200 communities with new or expanded access points over the course of fiscal years (FYs) 2002 through 2006, and to provide services to an additional 6 million people. Furthermore, the Initiative aims to increase the capacity of health centers to provide a more comprehensive service delivery package that includes oral health, mental health and substance abuse services. The BPHC recognizes the key role that Primary Care Associations (PCAs) and Primary Care Offices (PCOs) can play in implementing the President’s Initiative. The funding described in this Policy Information Notice (PIN) is being made available to PCAs and PCOs to support and expand their capacity to advance the President’s Initiative, through the following strategies: • strengthening and expanding the capacity of existing health center grantees, • creating new access points, and • improving health status outcomes in all BPHC-supported programs through evidence-based

improvements in quality of care. The BPHC’s priority for this supplemental funding is to support specific state-based primary care infrastructure development activities that lead to appropriate expansion of existing health centers and development of new grantees. In keeping with the President’s Initiative, applicants should present a multi-year vision and plan of action for accelerating State activities that successfully create new and/or expanded health centers relative to the needs in their State. As indicated in Section A4, enhanced, expanded or new PCA/PCO activities proposed must be linked to one or more of the eight (8) critical elements necessary to achieve a coordinated and successful implementation of the President’s Initiative. As will be discussed further in Section B, applicants must present a performance plan that outlines State-based strategies that will clearly lead to success in implementing the President’s Initiative. Simply stated, successful applicants will be awarded funding that will position them as the premier planner, capacity builder and coordinator of the President’s Initiative in their State. In order to maximize existing resources, applicants should present plans for coordination with other appropriate State-focused Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) resources, as well as BPHC-supported technical assistance and training available through various sources. Please note that these funds may be used for the following purposes as long as they support the management of health center growth and quality: • to hire or contract for expertise • to provide training or technical assistance • to conduct analyses to be used in the initiative • to enhance information systems

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• to facilitate relationships with health professions educational institutions, etc. These funds may NOT be used to supplant existing funding, for operational support of health centers, or in a way that limits benefits to any type of health center grantee. Applicants will be expected to implement approved performance plans immediately upon receiving notification of grant award. A2. AMOUNT OF FUNDING AVAILABLE; PERFORMANCE PERIOD; ELIGIBILITY


• Total Amount of Funding Available: Through its Division of Community and Migrant Health (DCMH) and Division of Programs for Special Populations (DPSP), the BPHC will make approximately $3 million available in FY 2002 for activities to manage the growth and quality of health centers.

• Total Number and Range of Awards Available: The BPHC expects to provide

approximately 25 to 40 awards ranging from $75,000 to $150,000.

• Performance Period: Activities funded through awards for Managing Health Center Growth and Quality should be conducted during the period August 1, 2002 through March 31, 2003.

• Funding Commitment: Initial funding will be provided for an 8-month period. The

BPHC intends to commit to continued support of approved proposals through the grantee’s current project period, which in most cases extends through March 31, 2005. Continued support will depend on: • Availability of funds • Grantee’s success in meeting the approved performance goals outlined in the FY

2002 plan. • Success in advancing the overall BPHC goals of increasing approvable applications

for expanded capacity and new access points, increasing health center users, improving quality of care and health outcomes, and providing assistance to all BPHC-supported centers in the State.

• Organizations that are Eligible to Apply: All PCAs and PCOs are eligible to apply for

this funding. A3. HOW THIS FUNDING OPPORTUNITY DIFFERS FROM PREVIOUS YEARS In previous years, the BPHC offered supplemental funding opportunities for a range of specific initiatives, such as mentoring, special populations initiatives, and oral health systems development. The PCAs and PCOs submitted separate applications for each type of opportunity, and funds awarded were restricted for that purpose only. In addition, BPHC solicited and funded

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applications for State-Initiated Proposals, which were innovative initiatives developed by PCAs and PCOs to meet the unique needs of their State. This year, BPHC is consolidating numerous supplemental funding opportunities into one. Managing Health Center Growth and Quality is a general category that encompasses multiple activities that serve to expand and strengthen the health center network in a manner consistent with the President’s Initiative. A wide range of activities – including many that have been funded separately in previous years – can qualify for funding under this opportunity. However, to receive favorable consideration, it is essential that the applicant clearly demonstrate the link between proposed activities and the critical elements for managing health center growth, as outlined by BPHC. (See Section A4 for a discussion of these elements.) A4. BPHC’s EIGHT CRITICAL ELEMENTS FOR HEALTH CENTER GROWTH The BPHC is developing a Program Assistance Letter (PAL) on Health Center Growth that describes the structure of the President’s Initiative and the expectations for those groups working in partnership with BPHC on health center growth. (Please see BPHC PIN numbers 2001-18, 2002-06, and 2002-10, which address specific requirements of funding opportunities.) The Health Center Growth PAL describes eight (8) critical elements necessary to achieve a coordinated and successful implementation of the Initiative, building on the partnership BPHC has established in States through PCAs and PCOs. Those elements are: 1. Identification and Verification of Need 2. Community Development 3. Board Development 4. Workforce Development 5. Capital Financing (Facilities) 6. Operating Systems (Clinical/Business Management, Information Management Technology) 7. Outreach To and Adaptation of Services for Special Populations 8. Leveraging Resources (Federal, State, Local and Private) As will be discussed further in Section B, all activities supported through this funding must directly advance at least one of these eight critical elements. Activities that do not support any of these elements will not be eligible for funding. A5. OPTION TO REFOCUS ON-GOING ACTIVITIES All PCAs and PCOs currently receive on-going funding from BPHC for use in specified activities. Guidance for applying for these funds was provided in PIN 2002-03 and 2002-05. Funding for Managing Health Center Growth and Quality will be made through a supplemental grant award. It is imperative that activities supported through this supplemental funding are coordinated with and directly complement the activities supported by on-going BPHC funding.

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If appropriate, applicants should propose to refocus their on-going activities to ensure that they are integrated with the activities proposed in their supplemental application, and that both types of activities focus on the goal of managing the growth and quality of health centers. Examples of ways that on-going activities could be refocused and aligned with growth activities supported by supplemental funding include:

• Outreach and Enrollment: Applicants may choose to increase their emphasis on identifying and bringing into care in health centers the hard to reach populations that reside in or migrate through the service area (e.g., homeless persons, elderly persons, foreign-born or low-wage residents with language barriers, migrant-seasonal farmworkers, and uninsured low-income children.) Furthermore, the adaptation of services and service delivery for special populations may be a necessary strategy in your State.

• Community Development: Applicants may choose to increase their focus on assisting communities in the development and submission of Letters of Intent and Health Center grant applications, organizational/board development, partnerships between investors and providers, etc.

• Market Place Analysis (included in core funding): MarketPlace Analysis (MPA) funding may be used to support Phase One Statewide Strategic Planning (SSP) efforts during off-years when MPA is not conducted. Note that SSP efforts must involve every BPHC-funded grantee in the State.

In preparing your application, you are encouraged to consider refocusing your on-going activities as necessary to support the proposed plan of action to address health center growth and quality. Updated narratives on current on-going activities will improve our ability to view your submission as a comprehensive strategy for growth and quality. If you choose to make major adjustments in the focus of any of your current on-going activities, you must prepare a brief narrative describing the changes to your current Workplan that is on file at BPHC. These narratives must be included in your application, as Item E. (See Section B2 for a complete list of documents to include in your application.) A6. EVALUATION CRITERIA Funding recommendations will be based on several criteria, including:

• Past performance and capacity; e.g., progress in Community Development efforts, success in identifying and meeting clear performance goals, extent of collaboration among members.

• Proposed performance plans; e.g., are goals ambitious but achievable? Do the selected activities appear well-suited to the current needs and opportunities in the State? To what degree will these activities lead to measurable progress on the proposed performance goals, such as those outlined in Appendix Four?

• Need and opportunities in the State; e.g., what is the level of need in the State and/or targeted areas? Do the proposed strategies clearly relate to the needs and opportunities as identified through the State’s MPA, unmet needs analyses, and other activities?

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• Extent of collaboration; e.g., does the applicant describe collaborative efforts that will reduce duplication of effort across and within States, provide additional resources to support the proposed activities, etc.?

A7. REQUIRED PROGRESS REPORTS All recipients of this supplemental funding will be required to report on their progress twice annually through the Semi-Annual Report (SAR) mechanism. Recipients will be asked to report on their progress on the performance goals that they outlined for themselves in their performance plans. They may also be asked to report on other measures identified by BPHC. In addition, other periodic updates may be solicited by the Office of State and National Partnerships (OSNP) on behalf of the DCMH and DPSP.

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This section provides detailed information on how to prepare an application for funding for Managing Health Center Growth and Quality. See Section C for information on how and when to submit an application. B1. GENERAL FORMATTING REQUIREMENTS Applicants are requested to:

1. Provide information in the order and format described in these instructions. 2. Start each new part or subpart on a new sheet of paper (i.e., insert page breaks

between each part/subpart). In addition, applications and appendices must:

1. Be typed single-spaced in standard size black type (not to exceed 15 characters per inch) on 8 2 X 11 paper that can be photocopied;

2. Be serially numbered starting with the Table of Contents; 3. Have the applicant’s name and current, correct grant number in the upper right

corner on every page; 4. Use conventional border margins; 5. Use only one side of each page; 6. Be secured with rubber bands or paper clips; 7. Not use spiral bound or glued binders; 8. Not have photo reductions; 9. Not have oversized documents, posters, videotapes, cassette tapes, or other

materials, which cannot be photocopied; and 10. Not use color print or graphics.

B2. SUMMARY OF ITEMS TO INCLUDE IN THE APPLICATION PACKET The following is a summary of all documents required to complete your application. Each item is discussed in detail in the following section. In addition, a checklist of these documents and the final submission steps is included at Appendix Two.

Item A: SF 424 Face Page Item B: Budget Form SF 424A, Sections A & B Item C: Budget Narrative Item D: Performance Plan (consists of three sections: a Summary, a Narrative

Overview, and Tables of Proposed Goals, Activities, and Outcomes) Item E: Revisions to Workplan for On-going Funding (if any)

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• The SF 424 Face Page is contained in the PHS-5161-1 grant application form, which can be obtained at

• It is critical that applicants use the current and correct grant number. • ITEM B: Budget Form SF 424A, Sections A & B, for period August 1, 2002 through

March 31, 2003 You must submit a budget form SF 424-A, with Sections A and B completed, for the total amount of funding that you are requesting for this initiative. Please note the following points:

• The budget form SF 424A is contained in the PHS-5161-1 grant application form, which can be obtained at

• This budget total should be for the exact amount of your request for FY 2002 funding for the requested initiative.

• Expense information MUST be broken down into the following categories:

1. Personnel and Fringe Benefits 2. Equipment 3. Supplies 4. Travel 5. Contractual 6. Other: Itemize all costs in this category and provide sufficient information to

facilitate allowability determinations.

• ITEM C: Budget Narrative for FY 2002 You must submit a budget narrative to accompany your SF 424-A. Instructions for completing a budget narrative are found in the instructions for the PHS 5161-1 grant application form (which also contains the SF 424-A). • ITEM D: Performance Plan: The most critical element of an application will be the proposed performance plan. There is a recommended format to be used to present your plan. This format is located at Appendix Three, and will also be available on the OSNP web site ( The remainder of this section provides guidance on preparing your performance plan.

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SECTION ONE – Summary of Performance Plan

Section One summarizes of the activities you are proposing, the elements they fall under, and the amount of funding you are requesting for each element. To complete this section, please check each element under which you are proposing activities. For each checked element:

• indicate the approximate amount of funding you are requesting for the activities under that element only.

• provide a brief (i.e., one sentence per activity) description of the activities you are proposing under that element.

SECTION TWO – Brief Narrative Overview – Maximum of 3 pages

Section Two should provide an overview of your long-term vision (for this year and the next two) for managing the growth and quality improvement of health centers in your State. This overview should briefly outline: 1. The statewide needs that you plan to address through health center growth and quality

strategies. 2. The strategies and activities you are proposing to address these needs. 3. Your on-going BPHC-supported resources and activities upon which the proposed activities

listed below will build.

SECTION THREE – Tables of Proposed Goals, Activities, and Outcomes, Categorized by Critical Element

The third section should consist of a series of tables describing your vision, proposed activities, proposed outcomes, and budget needs for managing health center growth and quality during the remainder of FY 2002 and in FY 2003 and FY 2004. A format for this table is presented at Appendix Three. The remainder of this section provides narrative instructions on the information to include in your tables. In preparing your tables, please group all activities and outcomes according to which of the eight critical elements (as identified by BPHC – see Section A4) they address. Note that if an activity does not directly contribute to advancing at least one of these critical elements, it is not eligible for funding. You may list several activities and outcomes under the same element. There is no minimum or maximum number of elements under which you should group your activities; the number that you choose to focus on should reflect the unique needs and potential in your State. However, for each element you list, you must address each of the sub-headings.

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As stated above, the activities and strategies listed in this section should build on and be clearly integrated with: • Existing, on-going grant resources and capacity in the State. • Activities that are currently being funded through on-going BPHC funding. This includes:

core activities; outreach and enrollment activities; community development activities; assessments of need; State health planning activities; and Market Place Analysis.

The following discussion addresses each part of the table. #1. ELEMENT: This should be one of the eight critical elements identified by BPHC as part of the President’s Initiative to Expand Health Centers. (See Section A4 for a listing.) A. Long-Term Outcomes and Strategies:

1. Describe the outcomes that you will strategically achieve during the remainder of FY 2002 and in FY 2003 and FY 2004. To the extent possible: • state your vision in quantitative terms (e.g., thee new health centers in Somerset

County) • state it in terms of increased and expanded health centers and services and improved

quality • link it to the examples of performance measures listed in Appendix Four for this

critical element

2. Outline the general strategies you plan to implement to achieve these goals.

B. Year One Action Plan: List:

1. Specific activities you will undertake in Year One to start moving towards your long-range goals.

2. Specific outcomes/deliverables you will achieve. Please note that:

• Your outcomes/deliverables should be: • Concrete • Measurable • Realistic to be achieved by March 31, 2003.

• Examples of performance measures are included at Appendix Four. You are encouraged to consider these measures when developing your plan.

• You will be asked to report in your SAR on each outcome you identify. • The likelihood of your receiving funding in future years for these activities

will be partially determined by your success in achieving your objectives. 3. An evaluation plan and target due dates for each proposed outcome/deliverable.

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4. Any issues that may potentially delay the implementation of this plan, and strategies to address them.

• Applicant must demonstrate the ability to begin implementing approved performance plans immediately. Any delays in hiring or anticipated procurement barriers should be identified and strategies presented to address any delays.

C. Year One Budget: Indicate the total amount of funding you will need in FY 2002 to

achieve the proposed outcomes under this critical element. (Note that in the budget section, you will be asked to break out your budget by spending category, but not by outcomes or elements.)

D. Resources Needed in Future Years: Describe the resources you will need in FY 2003 and

FY 2004 to achieve the goals and vision outlined under “A,” above.

• Item E - Revisions to Workplan for On-going Funding (if any) Please refer to Section A5 to determine if you should propose any revisions to your current Workplan.

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This section contains information on how to submit an application, and when it is due. You may refer to Appendix Two for a summary checklist of items to include in the application and the steps to submit it. C1. INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTING THE APPLICATION Applicants are requested to submit their full application on paper, and also to submit subparts of their applications electronically, as follows: Paper Copies of Complete Application

• You must submit the original (signature) and two copies of your complete application to:

Office of Grants Management Attention: PCA and PCO Supplemental Funding Applications Bureau of Primary Health Care Health Resources and Services Administration 4350 East-West Highway, 11th Floor Bethesda, MD 20814

• To facilitate processing, email your complete application to the HRSA Field Office (see Appendix Five for the address).

Electronic Submission

• Applicants are requested to submit their budget narrative, performance plan, and changes to their workplans for on-going funding (Items C, D, and E) electronically to [email protected].

• Please save each Item as a different file, and use the following system to name each file before submitting it to [email protected]: {State abbreviation}_{PCA or PCO}_{Item number }.extension

Example: If the Alabama PCO submitted a budget narrative (Item C) in Microsoft Word (which uses the file extension “.doc”), it would be labeled:

“AL PCO C.doc” Their Performance Plan (all three sections) would be named: “AL PCO D.doc” Changes to the current workplan would be (E) would be: “AL PCO E.doc”

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C2. APPLICATION DUE DATE • The paper application must be postmarked on or before May 17, 2002. • The electronic documents must be sent by COB May 17, 2002. • No exceptions to the due date or the mailing destination will be granted.

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Phone: 301-594-4488 Fax: 301-480-7833 Web page:

Director: Cafazza, John 301-594-4485 [email protected] Deputy: Spector, Lynn 301-594-6014 [email protected] Staff Contact Information Chase, Stacey 301-594-4489 [email protected] Dugas, Scott 301-5941-0817 [email protected] Holleran, Cheryl 301-594-4482 [email protected] Householder, Sharon 301-594-4881 [email protected] Lepkowski, Jo 301-594-2620 [email protected] Lumsden, Susan 301-594-4472 [email protected] Meiman, Colleen 301-594-4486 [email protected] Molina, Diolinda 301-594-4484 [email protected] Williams, Art 301-594-4120 [email protected] PCA/PCO Liaison (by region) Regions 1, 7, 9 Scott Dugas Regions 2 & 3 Susan Lumsden Regions 4, 5, 10 Art Williams Regions 6, 8 Cheryl Holleran Contact Person by Topic General Information Stacey Chase Community Development Scott Dugas Learning Teams Cheryl Holleran, Susan Lumsden, Art Williams,

Scott Dugas National Partnerships: Susan Lumsden and Lynn Spector MarketPlace Analysis/SSP Susan Lumsden Mental Health & Oral Health Cheryl Holleran Outreach & Enrollment Art Williams PCA/PCO Workgroup - Content Colleen Meiman PCA/PCO Workgroup - Logistics Sharon Householder, Jo Lepkowski Semi-Annual Reports Art Williams Symposium - Content Colleen Meiman Symposium - Logistics Sharon Householder, Jo Lepkowski Grants Diolinda Molina

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This Appendix contains a checklist of the final steps for preparing and submitting an application for the funding opportunity announced in this PIN. For detailed information on how to prepare and submit each of the items on this list, see Sections B and C. 1. COMPILE THE APPLICATION PACKET

Ensure that your application packet contains each of the following items: ____ Item A: SF 424 Face Page ____ Item B: Budget Form SF 424A, Sections A & B ____ Item C: Budget Narrative Item D: Performance Plan – includes the following three sections: ____ D1. Summary _____ D2. Narrative Overview _____ D3. Tables of Proposed Goals, Activities, and Outcomes (one table for

each element) ____ Item E: Revisions to Workplan for On-going Funding (if any)


___ By May 17, 2002, mail the original (signature) and two paper copies of your

complete application to the following address: Office of Grants Management Attention: PCA/PCO Supplemental Funding Applications Bureau of Primary Health Care Health Resources and Services Administration 4350 East-West Highway, 11th Floor Bethesda, MD 20814

___ By May 17, 2002, email your complete application to your HRSA Field Office.

See Appendix Five for the address.

3. SUBMIT ITEMS C, D, and E BY E-MAIL ____ Save electronic copies of Items C, D, and E using the following system:

{State abbreviation}_{PCA or PCO}_{Item number }.extension Example: If the Alabama PCO submitted a budget narrative (Item C) in Microsoft Word (which uses the file extension “.doc”), it would be named “AL PCO C.doc”

By COB May 17, 2002, email these items to [email protected]:

____ Item C - Budget Narrative ____ Item D - Performance Plan (includes all three sections) ____ Item E - Revisions to Workplan for On-going Funding (if any)

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General Information:

• An electronic version of this format is located on the OSNP website at

• See Section B3 for detailed instructions for using this format. • Put a header in the upper right corner of each page, indicating your organization’s name and

current grant number. • Insert a page break between each section, and between each element in Section Three. • Add as many rows as necessary, and/or adjust the size of the boxes, to provide all relevant

information. • In Section Three, you should complete a separate table for each element under which you are

classifying proposed activities. Insert a page break between each element. Format: SECTION ONE – Summary of Performance Plan State: PCA or PCO: Total Funding Applied for: ___ 1. Identification and Verification of Need

• Funding requested for this element: $ • Brief (i.e., one sentence) summary of major activities/outcomes proposed:

___ 2. Community Development

• Funding requested for this element: $ • Brief (i.e., one sentence) summary of major activities/outcomes proposed:

___ 3. Board Development

• Funding requested for this element: $ • Brief (i.e., one sentence) summary of major activities/outcomes proposed:

___ 4. Workforce Development

• Funding requested for this element: $ • Brief summary of major activities/outcomes proposed:

___ 5. Capital Infrastructure (Facilities)

• Funding requested for this element: $ • Brief summary of major activities/outcomes proposed:

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___ 6. Operating Systems

• Funding requested for this element: $ • Brief summary of major activities/outcomes proposed:

___ 7. Outreach To and Adaptation of Services for Special Populations

• Funding requested for this element: $ • Brief summary of major activities/outcomes proposed:

___ 8. Leveraging Resources

• Funding requested for this element: $ • Brief summary of major activities/outcomes proposed:

SECTION TWO – Brief Narrative Overview (3 page limit) See Section B3 for a description of information to include in this section SECTION THREE – Tables of Proposed Goals, Activities, and Outcomes, Categorized by Critical Element

ELEMENT #1: Specify A. Long-Term Outcomes and Strategies: Outcomes to be Achieved by March 31,

2005: General Strategies to Achieve these

Goals: 1.


2. 2.



B. Year One Action Plan

Activity Outcome/Deliverable Target Due Date

Evaluation Plan













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Issues That May Impede Immediate Implementation of Plan

Strategy to Address Issue





C. Year One Budget for This Element Amount Purpose (staff, travel, etc.) 1.






$ TOTAL for Year 1 D. Resources Needed in Future Years Year General Goals Staff Needed

(Indicate number of FTE & type of qualifications)

Financing Needed (Indicate potential source)

Other Resources

Needed (describe)

FY 2003

FY 2004

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EXAMPLES OF OVERALL PERFORMANCE MEASURES 1. Increased numbers of Letters of Intent from community-based organizations indicating their

desire to apply for grant funding under the Consolidated Health Centers Program. 2. Increased numbers of approvable applications for grant funding under the Consolidated

Health Centers Program. 3. Increased leveraging of State, local and other resources. 4. Increased number of users (both uninsured and from vulnerable populations) at health

centers. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE MEASURES FOR THE 8 CRITICAL ELEMENTS 1. Identification/Verification of Need

• Extent of participation in MPA and SSP by Bureau-supported programs. • Use of data from MPA and/or SSP to focus health center growth and improve quality. • Identification and use of new data sources/methodologies to determine or verify need. • Enhanced focus on identifying/verifying need among specific vulnerable populations.

2. Community Development

• Number of communities to which you are providing technical assistance (TA) on creating or expanding a health center.

• Number of communities you work in that submit Letters of Intent and/or applications for new or expanded health centers; number of these applications are approved; number of persons who gain access as a result of new or expanded health centers in these communities.

• Increase in the number of communities that send representatives to pre-application workshops.

3. Board Development

• The number of boards created or reconfigured to better reflect the populations being served within a specific health center, region, or State.

• The number of communities that have received TA or training on how to develop an effective board.

• The number of opportunities created for enhancing expertise, knowledge and performance of boards.

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4. Workforce • Creation of a job bank for all vacancies in health centers • Number of new internships, rotations, etc., created in health centers • Number of agreements in place with educational/training institutions including colleges

of medicine, pharmacy, nursing, dentistry, etc. • Provision of leadership development opportunities (e.g., clinical, administrative, finance)

for both current and potential health center staff. • Increase in the number of specific types of providers (e.g., dentists, mental health

professionals) who work in health centers. • Reduced turnover of health center staff. • Reduction in the average number or length of vacancies in health centers.

5. Operating Systems

• Creation and/or provision of training, TA and other educational opportunities to enhance and improve the management, clinical and fiscal performance of health centers.

• Creation of opportunities for information systems training. • Targeted investments in information technology staff to support BPHC

initiatives/programs • Evidence of coordination/collaboration among health centers in the State to streamline or

improve the efficiency of their operating systems. • Number of health centers and health center networks that successfully implement Health

Disparities Collaboratives. • Increase in the number of health centers that receive JCAHO accreditation. • Number of health centers and health center networks that increase patient access to

comprehensive pharmacy services. 6. Capital Financing

• Number of buildings successfully developed or refurbished. • Demonstrated relationship with Capital Link or facility financiers. • Number of assessments completed on potential facilities. • Training or TA provided to communities interested in facility development.

7. Outreach to and Adaptation of Services for Special Populations

• Numbers of targeted populations who receive access to care. • Demonstrated functional relationship with State school health or homeless organizations. • Additional clients enrolled in Medicaid or Medicare by outreach or eligibility workers.

8. Leveraging Resources

• Dollars leveraged (specify source and purpose). • In-kind resources leveraged (specify type, source, and purpose). • Relationships established with funders. • Dollars saved through use of sponsored pharmaceutical assistance programs

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LIST OF FIELD OFFICE STAFF TO WHOM APPLICATIONS SHOULD BE MAILED REGION I Roderick King, MD Field Director, Region I JFK Federal Office Bldg., Room 1826 Boston, MA 02203 Phone: (617) 565-1470 [email protected] REGION II Ronald Moss Field Director, Region II 26 Federal Plaza, Room 3337 New York, NY 10278 Phone (212) 264-2664 [email protected] REGION III Bruce Riegel Division Director, Region III 150 S. Independence Mall West Philadelphia, PA 19106-3499 Phone (215) 861-4419 [email protected] REGION IV John Awalt Division Director, Region IV Sam Nunn Federal Center 61 Forsyth Street, SW Suite 3M60 Atlanta, GA 30303-8909 Phone: (404) 562-4124 [email protected] REGION V Deborah Willis-Fillinger, MD Field Director, Region V 233 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 200 Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: (312) 886-3904 [email protected]

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REGION VI Jay McGath Division Director, Region VI 1301 Young Street, Suite 1040 HRSA-1 Dallas, TX 75202 Phone: (214) 767-3171 [email protected] REGION VII Hollis Hensley Field Director, Region VII Federal Office Bldg. 601 East 12th Street Room 1728 Kansas City, MO 64106 Phone (816) 426-5226 [email protected] REGION VIII Jerry Wheeler Field Director, Region VIII Federal Office Bldg. 1961 Stout Street, Room 498 Denver, CO 80294 Phone (303) 844-7877 [email protected] REGION IX Antonio Duran Division Director, Region IX Federal Office Bldg. 50 UN Plaza San Francisco, CA 94102 Phone: (415) 437-8072 [email protected] REGION X Sharrion Jones Field Director, Region X 2201 6th Ave., RX-23 Seattle, WA 98121 Phone: (206) 615-2491 [email protected]

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