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BRussELs, 20 NovEMBER 1978

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Opening Statement of

His Excellency, Prof. Dr. Mochtar Kusumaatmadja,

ASEAN Spokesman and Minister of Foreign Affairs,

Republic of Indonesia,

at the ASEAN-EC Ministerial Meeting,

Brussels, 20 November 1978

Mr. President,

Your Excellencies,

Ladies and gentlemen,

Since the ASEAN-EC dialogue was initiated

in Brussels some six years ago as the first exercise in

ASEAN's external relations, the joint search for a

meaningful and mutually beneficial pattern of co-operation

has steadily been pursued. Both sides have shown the

confidence and responsibility needed in their efforts to find

the'right direction towards a more concrete form of eo-


Today a milestone has been reached in the

short history.of ASEAN-EC relationship. For the first time

the five ASEAN Foreign Ministers are meeting with the

Foreign Ministers of the nine member States of the EC and

with the EC Commission in the very city where in 1972 the

dialogue was started.

I am therefore pleased

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I am therefore pleased and honoured to be

given this opportunity to express, on behalf of my ASEAN

colleagues and on my own behalf, our appreciation to the

Community and for the dedicated contribution of its

officials in organizing this high-level meeting. I would

also tike, on behalf of the ASEAN delegates, to convey my

sincere thanks to you, Mr. President, for the kind words of

welcome in your address and for the presence in this meeting

·, C•f Mr. Roy Jenkins, President of the Comrnission.

ASEAN feels happy to be the first regional

g~puping in Asia to enter into an inter-regional discussion

of this nature which I consider to be a special significance,

since it reflects the increasing attention the EC is giving .

to its relationship with ASEAN.

We in ASEAN see the purpose of the Ministerial

Meeting as two-fold: firstly, it may be possible for us

through an exchange of views and ideas to define with more

clarity the future pattern of ASEAN-EC co-operation thereby

giving it a new direction; and secondly, that our discussions

may enable us to identify areas of co-operation where we can

develop relations of increased substance on the basis of

equality and mutual understanding, complementing and re-

inforcingthe existing bilateral links between the ASEAN

countries and the member States of the European Communities.

In the light of

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In the light of recent new initiatives and

increased contacts· and consultations between leaders of l.rl

ASEAN member states and their counterparts ~ neighbouring

countries which are bound to have a positive effect on the

situation in the area as a whole, the holding of this

discuision at Ministerial level with a view to establishing

closer ties between the two regional groupings as a

contribution to further promote peace and stability is felt

as appropriate and timely.

On the other hand, although the termination

in 1975 of the long Indo-China war .has given rise to hope

that a period of tranquility would set in for the area of

South-East Asia, further events have not borne out such

optimism and have led us to look at the situation with

serious concern. The continUOU?conflict between neighbouring

countries ·in Indo-China and the growing tension betv1een

them and outside powers are not conducive to the preser-

vation of peace and stability in the area.

ASEAN feels that such conflicts and tensions

have to be resolved in a peaceful way between the parties

concerned without outside interference. The alternative

would only be an escalation of the present situation into

a major flare-up of hostilities that would slow down or even

undo the process of rehabilitation and reconstruction that

have just been started.

Any development therefore

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Any developmept therefore, which could lead

to instability is.of direct concern to ASE&~ as this would

affect the interest of the ASEAN countries both individually

and collectively. ASEAN is fully aware of the potential

risks posed by such developments. It has therefore become

more conscious and more firm in its determination to pursue

and realize its basic objectives as embodied in the Bangkok

·Declaration, through the creation of a peaceful, prosperous

and resilient community through collective efforts in the

economic, social, cultural and scientific fields.

ASEAN has not been established as a security

organization, nor is it meant to be a political bloc. It

is an associatio~ which is not against any country or nation.

Nor is it directed against any ideology, be it economic or

political. Its basic thinking about the future remains

unchanged, i.e. the commitment to do its utmost to ensure

that all countries of South-East Asia, irrespective of

political, ideological or social systems, may be able to

co-operate in bringing peace and prosperity to their people.

It was disheartening for ASEAN that despite

its repeated assurances which were substantiated by actions,

a degree of suspicion has prevailed until recently amongst

the Indo-Chinese and certain countries outside the region

as to the real objectives of ASEAN. · It is therefore

.encouraging to note that those misunderstandings now appear

to have been replaced

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to have been replaced by a more constructive attitude on eho ... nqed

the part of those ·countries. They have now ~de@ their

anti-ASEAN rhetoric into acceptance of ASEAN's aims and

purposes, thereby showing understanding for ASEAN's concept

of a Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality.

The present favourable atmosphere in the

relations between ASEAN and its neighbours may justify a

feeling of confidence that their new attitude could be taken

as a positive response to the hand of friendship and eo-

operation extended by ASEAN since the end of the war in Indo-

China. This change of attitude has raised the hope that

peaceful coexistence, good neighbourliness and a wider area

of co-operation among all the countries of South-East Asia

may eventually materialize which \vould be conducive to the

acceleration of the economic development of the ASEAN


Mr. J?resident,

After a decade which was marked by a deliber-

ately slow and cautious approach, ASEAN has made clear that

it has the political will to develop itself into an economic

grouping regionally organized but open for co-operation

with the rest of the world. With the adoption of the

Declaration of ASEAN Concord during the first meeting of the

ASEAN Heads of Government in Bali two years ago, ASEAN

countries have now

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countries have now entered .into a period of intensified ·

collaboration in basic commodities, food and agriculture,

trade, industry, transportation and other areas of irnpor•

tanceto the development of the ASEAN region.

The economies of the ASEAN nations are more

or less export oriented; that i~, a significant percentage

of their respective domestic product is derived from trade.

But trade among the ASEAN nations constitutes less than a

fifth of their total trade. It is only logical and desir­

able to correct this, thus contributing to the strengthening

ot the bonds of commerce. ASEAN has taken the necessary

steps to stimulate. the desired intra-ASEAN trade.

An agreement of ASEAN Preferential Trading

Arrangements wassigned by the ASEAN Foreign Ministers at

their special meeting on 24 February 1977 commemorating

the first ASEAN Summit.

The Agreement provides for an overall frame­

work to expand intra-ASEAN trade and is a significant step

to accelerate economic co-operation in ASEAN. Under the

Agreement, co-operation in trade will be effected through

the instruments of long-term quantity contracts, purchase,

finance support at preferential interest rates, preference

in procurement by government entities, extension of tariff

preferences, liberalization of non-tariff measures on a

preferential basis, and other measures.

Rice and crude oil

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Rice and crude oil are the first two basic

commodities for which ASEAN countries accord preferences

under the preferential trading arrangements. Products of

the ASEAN industrial projects, as well as products of the

approved ASEAN industrial complementation scheme shall be

the subject of this preferential trading arrangements.

The ASEAN countries have been negotiating the exchange of

preferences. The first batch of products covering 71 items

on which concessions have been agreed upon has now been

increased to about 1000 product items.

To accelerate the exchange of trade preferences

and to accord preferences to ASEAN products vis-a-vis

similar products from non-ASEAN sources, ASEAN has agreed

.that future trade negotiations be focussed on the exchange

of trade preferences on products with good potential for

import substitution possibilities in ASEAN.

It is hoped that through the adoption of

various measures intra-ASEAN trade could be increased.

Notwithstanding the fact that ASEAN's combined economic

growth is among the most dynamic of any developing group of

nations and that it is a major source of many key products

and raw materials, it cannot be denied that the ASEAN

region is still being faced with economic problems of con­

siderable magnitude. Staggering problems of rural poverty,

the assurance for adequate food supply for its rapidly

growing population,

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growing population, unemployment, problems of trade and

commoditie.s require solution on an international basis.

In this context, ASEAN countries have also been undertaking

regular consultations with each other and have adopted

joint approaches to world economic problems in various fora.

In view of the vital importance of commodity

matters to ASEAN, various steps have been taken to accelerate

international efforts to overcome commodity problems.

· Priority attention has been given to the stabilization of

prices and earnings of commodities produced and exported by

ASEAN. In this regard, the ASEAN countries have consistently

supported the Integratad Programme for Commodities, including

the establishment of the .Common Fund. In pursuance of the

mandate contained in the Declaration of ASEAN Concord that

priority should be given to commodity agreements, ASEAN has

acted as a catalyst to accelerate the establishment of these

arrangements for commodities; including rubber which are of .

interest to ASEAN.

Mr. President,

ASEAN recognizes the fact that its viability.

as an economic unit still depends on the extent of the eo-

operation from outside the region. It is, therefore, not

at all strange that ASEAN has internationalized its approach

to economic problems. It has recognized at a very early

, stage the interdependent

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stage the interdependent character of a global economy.

Through the export of primary and manufactured products,

access to capital, technology and management know-how of

the developed countries, the ASEAN countries realized the

benefits they can derive from closer relations with the

major economies of the world.

ASEAN is convinced that dialogues with

developed countries are important meanB of enhancing re­

lations with them and constitute a framework within which

the developed countries can co-operate with ASEAN in the

latter's economic development. In addition to its relations

with the EC, ASEAN has established formal dialogues with:

Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan and the United States,

for discussing co-operation in various fields including

industry, trade and finance.

While ASEAN in its external relations has set

up a pattern of workir.•g arrangements with a number of

countries outside its own area the EC on its part has like­

wise its own relationship with other groupings beyond its

region. The fact of global interdependence impels us to

look for ways and means to bring about a firmer economic

link-up between the two regional groupings.

ASEAN is confident that the intensification

of the existing co-operation between ASEAN and the EC is

for mutual benefit of

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for mutual benefit of both regional groupings for the

following obvious reasons.

ASEAN offers numerous opportunities for

Europe'·· and on the other hand Europe is a very important

trade and development partner of ASEAN. The abundant re­

sources, the large populatianand the strategic location of

ASEAN open up greater opportunities for economic co-operation

between the two regions. ASEAN offers a potential huge

market of about 240 million people, \'lhich is comparable to

the collective population of the EC. In terms of economic

g;owth, for the past ten years, the ASEAN countries have

been experiencing a growth of not less than 7% per annum.

'rhis is well above the average for developing countries.

Nith regard to ravv materials and commodities,

ASEAN is presently the world's largest supplier of natural

rubber, tin, tropical woods, palm oil, copra and pepper,

accounting for more than 75% of world exports. In addition,

ASEAN is also an important exporter of mineral products. Ne,

therefore, hope that Europe will eo-operate vli th ASEAN in the

processing of those raw materials which are available in

ASEAN countries. ·The EC with its technological capability,

management and organizational ability would be in a good

position to co-operate with ASEAN in accelerating their

industrialization progranmes especially those relying on

ASEAN's raw materials.

By locating processing

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By locating processing facilities in the

ASEAN region, Europe would obtain greater assurance of.a

stable and regular supply of raw materials. In addition,

the European industries will at the same time enjoy the

advantag~s of relatively low-cost but efficient labour.

We recognize the importance of foreign investment, particu-

larly private investments, in the development of ASEAN

economies and in accelerating and diversifying their indus-

trial capacities. In .this regard, it would be in the mutual

interest o·f the two regions, to further promote European

investment in ASEAN.

For this reason ASEAN appreciates the EC 's

efforts to promote European investments in ASEAN and notes,

in particular, the 2nd ASEAN-EC Industrial Co-operation

Conference to be held in Jakarta 26-28 February 1979.

Industrialization programmes of ASEAN have

been sustained resul tL·~g in the diversification of their

export products. The increase of manufactured products as

a result of the successful implementation of their indus-

trialization programmes has now createa the problem of access

to:marKet. In this connection, I have to reveal ASEAN's

concern over measures adopted or which might be adopted by

the EC which could have an adverse effect on the export of

ASEAN's products to the EC. Against this background, ASEAN

appreciates the EC's readiness to seek ASEAN's views prior

to the imposition of such measures.

ASEAN is fully aware

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ASEA-~ is fully aware that the EC has practical

experience in the impiementation of measures to stabilize

export earnings of some developing countries and therefore

would appreciate it if the EC would assist ASEAN in establish­

ing a STABEX type-arrangement for ASEAN with its major trading

partners. Since ASEAN is concentrating on development efforts,

there will undoubtedly be a greater need for an increased

transfer of technology. In this respect ASEAN expects the

Comn1unity to encourage increased co-operation in va~ious

fields of science and technology between the relevant insti­

tutions in both regions.

One of the main objectives of ASEAN development

policy is to raise the standard of living of the people.

ASEAN countries strongly believe in individual_and collective

self-reliance and that the primary responsibility for their

economic development lies with the ASEAN countries themselves.

They also realize, however, that ·economic development could

be g~eatly accelerated with the help of industrialized

countries. ASEAN therefore welcomes development co-operation

with industrialized countries. The realization of ASEAN

industrial projects as a means to enhance self-reliance and

to strengthen_ regional co-operation is of economic and

political importance to ASEAN. It would therefore be

appreciated if the EC undertakesefforts to encourage the

financing o£ such projects from financial sources within

the EC.

As said earlier,

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As said earlier, ASEAN attaches great

importance to this first ASEAN-EC Ministerial Meeting.

ASEAN-EC relations have so far been conducted through the

Joint Study Group. It is also recognized that the activ­

ities of the Joint Study Group have been very beneficial

to both sides. However, it would be in the mutual interest

of the EC and ASEAN to work further towards establishing a

formal frame-workof their relations based on a co-operation

agreement. Steps towards this end should be taken as soon

as possible .

The need for such co-operation between the EC

and ASEAN based on an equal partnership is the more evident

if we think of the responsibilities that we have undertaken

.to provide our respective peoples with the basic guarantees

of human dignity and prosperity. In the final analysis this

will only contribute further to bringing peace and progress

for the whole of mankind.

ASEAN feels that its confidence in the success­

ful outcome of this meeting is being shared by the EC and

that the foundations for an EC-ASEAN partnership is being

laid here and now.

Thank you, Mr. President.

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