


1. To identify and distinguish among government agencies and their role in food safety

2. To analyze and apply the laws set by government agencies

3. To understand restaurant liabilities and how they affect the consumer and proprietor


Oversees• All domestic & imported food sold in interstate

commerce including eggs, but excluding meat & poultry

• Bottled Water

• Wine beverages with less than 7% alcohol

U.S. Department of U.S. Department of Health and Human Health and Human ServicesServices


Food Safety Role• Inspect food production establishments and

food warehouses• Review safety of food & color additives before

marketing• Review animal drugs for safety

U.S. Department of U.S. Department of Health and Human Health and Human ServicesServices


Food Safety Role• Monitor safety of animal feeds used in food

producing animals• Develop codes, ordinances & models for food

producing establishments to follow• Establish good food manufacturing practices &

other production standards

U.S. Department of U.S. Department of Health and Human Health and Human ServicesServices


Food Safety Role• Work with foreign governments to ensure safety

of certain imported food products• Request manufacturers to recall unsafe food

products & monitors those recalls• Takes appropriate action against establishments

that violate enforceable actions

U.S. Department of U.S. Department of Health and Human Health and Human ServicesServices


Food Safety Role• Conducts research on food safety• Educates industry & consumers on safe

food handling practices

U.S. Department of U.S. Department of Health and Human Health and Human ServicesServices


Oversees• All foods

Food Safety Role• Investigates, with local governments, official

sources of food-borne disease outbreaks• Maintains a nationwide system of food-borne

disease surveillance• Develops & advocates public health policies to

prevent food-borne diseases

Center for Disease Center for Disease Control and PreventionControl and Prevention


Food Safety Role• Conducts research to help

prevent food-borne illness• Trains local and state food

safety personnel

Center for Disease Center for Disease Control and PreventionControl and Prevention


Food Safety &

Inspection Service

Oversees• Domestic and imported

meat and poultry related products

• Processed egg products (generally liquid, frozen & dried egg products)

U.S. Department of U.S. Department of AgricultureAgriculture


Food Safety Role• Inspect food animals for

diseases before and after slaughter

• Inspect meat and poultry slaughter and processing plants

U.S. Department of U.S. Department of AgricultureAgriculture

Food Safety &

Inspection Service


Food Safety Role• Monitor and inspect

processed egg products

• Collects & analyses samples of food products for microbial, chemical contaminants and infectious and toxic agents

U.S. Department of U.S. Department of AgricultureAgriculture

Food Safety &

Inspection Service


Food Safety Role• Make sure all foreign

meat & poultry processing plants that export to the U.S. comply with U.S. standards

• Seek voluntary recalls of meat and poultry processors of unsafe products

U.S. Department of U.S. Department of AgricultureAgriculture

Food Safety &

Inspection Service


Oversees• All domestic foods & some imported

Food Safety Role• With U.S. colleges & universities, develop

research and educational programs on food safety for farmers & consumers

Cooperative State Cooperative State Research, Education & Research, Education & Extension ServiceExtension Service


Oversees• All foods

Food Safety Role• Maintain database of

computer software, audiovisuals, posters, games, teaching aids and other materials on preventing food-borne illnesses

National Agricultural National Agricultural LibraryLibrary


Oversees• Drinking Water

Food Safety Roles• Establish safe drinking water

standards• Regulate toxic substances

and wastes to prevent their entry into environment and food chain

U.S. Environmental U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyProtection Agency


Food Safety Roles• Assist states in monitoring

quality of drinking water and finding ways to prevent contamination

• Determines safety of new pesticides, sets tolerable levels for pesticide residue in foods

U.S. Environmental U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyProtection Agency


Oversees• Fish & seafood

Food Safety Roles• Through its fee-for-service

Seafood Inspection Program, they inspect and certify fishing vessels, seafood plants and retail facilities

National Oceanic and Atmospheric


U.S. Environmental U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyProtection Agency


Oversees• Alcoholic beverages

except wine beverages containing less than 7% alcohol

Food Safety Role• Enforce food safety laws

governing production and distribution of alcohol

Bureau of Alcohol,Tobacco & Firearms

U.S. Department of the U.S. Department of the TreasuryTreasury


United States

Customs Service

Oversees• Imported Foods

Food Safety Role• Works with other

federal agencies to ensure all goods entering and exiting U.S. comply with U.S. laws

U.S. Department of the U.S. Department of the TreasuryTreasury


Oversees• All foods

Food Safety Role• Prosecute companies and

individuals suspected of violating food safety laws

• Seize unsafe food products not yet circulating in the marketplace

U.S. Department of U.S. Department of JusticeJustice


Oversees• All foods

Food Safety Role• Enforces laws that

protect consumers from unfair, deceptive or fraudulent practices, including deceptions in advertising

Federal Trade Federal Trade CommissionCommission


Oversees• All foods within their jurisdictions

Food Safety Role• Work with FDA and other agencies to implement

food safety standards for fish, seafood, milk and other foods produced within state borders

State & Local State & Local Government AgenciesGovernment Agencies


Food Safety Role• Inspect restaurants, grocery stores and

other retail food establishments• Also inspect dairy farms, milk processing

plants, grain mills and food manufacturing plants within local jurisdiction

• Place embargos (prohibit sale) on unsafe food products made or distributed within state borders

State & Local State & Local Government AgenciesGovernment Agencies


Purpose of Food Code• Safeguard public health• Provide safe food

Laws & Policies Laws & Policies Governing Food SafetyGoverning Food Safety


Laws & Policies Laws & Policies Governing Food SafetyGoverning Food Safety

Hazardous Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)

• Identifies critical control points of food safety throughout its lifetime in the restaurant

• Critical control points include:

1. purchasing and receiving

2. storage

3. preparation

4. holding

5. serving


Federal Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act

1997 (FDCA)

• Protects consumer's health, safety and


Laws & Policies Laws & Policies Governing Food SafetyGoverning Food Safety


Federal Meat Inspection Act (FMIA)

• Regulates inspection procedures, adulteration and branding of meat by meat processors and related industries

Laws & Policies Laws & Policies Governing Food SafetyGoverning Food Safety


Poultry Products Inspection Act (PPIA)

• Assures public that poultry products are wholesome, not adulterated, and properly marked, labeled and packaged

Laws & Policies Laws & Policies Governing Food SafetyGoverning Food Safety


Egg Products Inspection Act (EPIA)

• Assures public that egg products are wholesome, not adulterated, and properly marked, labeled and packaged

Laws & Policies Laws & Policies Governing Food SafetyGoverning Food Safety


Federal Insecticide, Fungicide & Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)

• Assures public that agents used will not affect the wholesomeness or adulterate the products it contacts

Laws & Policies Laws & Policies Governing Food SafetyGoverning Food Safety


Food Quality Protection Act 1996 Food Quality Protection Act 1996 (FQPA)(FQPA)

• Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) amended FIFRA and FDCA

• These amendments changed how EPA regulates pesticides

Laws & Policies Laws & Policies Governing Food SafetyGoverning Food Safety


Section1: Section1: QuizQuiz


1. The acronym FDA stands for:a) Food and Dietary Association

b) Food and Dairy Administration

c) Farmers and Domestic Animals

d) Food and Drug Administration



2. The FDA’s food safety roles involve all of the following except:

a) Review animal drugs for safety

b) Monitor safety of animal feeds used in food producing animals

c) Inspect food production establishments and warehouses

d) Maintain a nationwide system of food-borne disease surveillance



3. The acronym CDC stands for:a) Center for Disease and Cancer Prevention

b) Center for Disease Control and Prevention

c) Chicken Dietary Control Center

d) Center for Domestic Cows



4. The CDC oversees the protection of what type or types of foods:

a) Meats and meat products only

b) Poultry and poultry products only

c) Seafood and seafood products only

d) All foods



5. (T/F) The CDC conducts research to help prevent food-borne illness.

6. (T/F) The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) oversees the protection of seafood and seafood related products.



7. List four food safety roles the Food Safety and Inspection Service is responsible for:

1. _________________________________

2. _________________________________

3. _________________________________

4. _________________________________



8. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for all the following food safety roles except:

a) Establish safe drinking water standardsb) Regulates the length of grass in pastures

where animals are raised for food purposes

c) Determines safety of new pesticidesd) Regulates toxic substances & wastes to

prevent their entry into the environment and food chain



9. The letters NOAA stand for:a) National Organization of American Ancestorsb) National Oceanic and Asian Administrationc) Northern Ocean Aquatic Associationd) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration




10.The NOAA oversees which of the following food types:

a) Meat and meat productsb) Poultry and poultry productsc) Fish and seafood productsd) Bottled water and water based products


Restaurant Food Restaurant Food Safety Control Safety Control



• Wear hair restraints• Make sure uniform,

apron, hands, forearms and fingernails are clean

• Wash hands before starting work and whenever necessary

Restaurant Food Safety Restaurant Food Safety Control ProceduresControl Procedures


• Wash hands and exposed skin for at least 20 seconds

• Do not work if you have an open wound, a cold or any other communicable illness

• Do not work if exposed to E. Coli, Salmonella or Shigella

Restaurant Food Safety Restaurant Food Safety Control ProceduresControl Procedures


• Do not work if exposed to Hepatitis A

• Handle dishes, glasses and silver by their bases

• Store tableware in a clean dry place at least six inches from ground

Restaurant Food Safety Restaurant Food Safety Control ProceduresControl Procedures


• Wipe tables & counters with cloth rinsed in sanitization solution

• Bring clean utensil to replace fallen one• Avoid unnecessary contact with soiled

surfaces• Keep dirty dishes away from foods to be

served• Pour refills without touching rim of the glass

or cup• Notify guests that clean plates are to be

used each time they return to self-serve areas

Restaurant Food Safety Restaurant Food Safety Control ProceduresControl Procedures


• Heat small quantities of food at a time• Stir frequently• Heat food close to service time• Use preheated foods whenever possible

when preparing hot foods• Avoid crowding the refrigerator• Vent hot foods in an ice bath

Restaurant Food Safety Restaurant Food Safety Control ProceduresControl Procedures


• Use pre-chilled foods when preparing cold food items

• Store cooked foods over raw foods• Never thaw raw foods at room temperature• Thaw foods under refrigeration in leak proof

containers to prevent cross-contamination• Thaw foods under cold running water

Restaurant Food Safety Restaurant Food Safety Control ProceduresControl Procedures


• Use a different knife when cutting meat, poultry, seafood & vegetables

• Use a different cutting board when dealing with meat, poultry, seafood & vegetables

• Do not eat, drink, smoke or chew gum in food preparation areas

Restaurant Food Safety Restaurant Food Safety Control ProceduresControl Procedures


• Wash dishes properly• Make sure all surfaces that come into

contact with food are clean and sanitized• Control pests that can infest areas of the


Restaurant Food Safety Restaurant Food Safety Control ProceduresControl Procedures


Restaurant Restaurant LiabilitiesLiabilities


Warranty of merchantability• merchantability means that food is of

average quality and fit for sale

Foods free of foreign substances• foreign / natural test – if object found is

natural to the food no violation has been committed (e.g., chicken bone in chicken pot pie)

Restaurant Liabilities to Restaurant Liabilities to CustomersCustomers


False Food Claims• refers to health and

nutritional benefits• methods of preparation

Truth–in–Menu Laws• elimination of misleading food

advertisements• elimination of fraudulent food

claims (e.g., Maine lobster must come from Maine)

Restaurant Liabilities to Restaurant Liabilities to CustomersCustomers


Food Labeling• mandatory labeling for all

packaged foods

• standardized serving sizes

• labeling of fat content

• labeling fiber content

• labeling of RDA

• limitations on health claims

Restaurant Liabilities to Restaurant Liabilities to CustomersCustomers


Admitting Customers• do not discriminate based on race,

color, religion or national origin

Safe Environment

Customers with Disabilities• accessible approach• access to goods & services• access to restrooms• any other measures necessary

Restaurant Liabilities to Restaurant Liabilities to CustomersCustomers


Occupational Safety & Health Act of 1970 (OSHA)• give all injured employees medical help

• workplace free of hazards

• inform employees about hazardous chemicals

• allow inspections to ensure a safe workplace

Restaurant Liabilities to Restaurant Liabilities to CustomersCustomers


Section 2: Section 2: QuizQuiz


11.(T/F) When observing proper food safety procedures in a restaurant an individual should wash their hands for at least 15 seconds.

12. (T/F)As an employee of a restaurant you should always handle clean glasses, dishes and silverware by their bases



13.When thawing out raw foods an individual should follow all of the following procedures except:a) Never thaw raw foods at room temperatureb) Thaw foods under refrigeration in leak-proof

containers to prevent cross-contaminationc) Thaw foods under cold running waterd) Thaw meat and poultry in the same




14.Merchantability means:a) Food is of average quality and fit for sale

b) The person who is selling you the food is a licensed merchant of food products

c) Refers to the method of preparation of the foods being sold in the restaurant

d) The elimination of fraudulent food claims



15.If an individual finds a thumb tack in his pizza, the restaurant has violated which of the following restaurant liabilities it has to its customers:a) Truth – in – menu laws

b) False food claims

c) Food labeling

d) Foods free of foreign substances



16. If you are dining in a restaurant and are served a fried chicken salad with a bone in it and the menu states that the chicken in the salad is skinless, boneless and grilled, which of the restaurant liabilities to customers have been violated? Justify your response.



17.The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) ensures that all employees are entitled to all of the following except:a) Medical help when injured

b) Workplace free from hazards

c) Information concerning hazardous chemicals

d) A ride home from work



18.(T/F) Hazardous Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) is a food safety procedure that identifies critical control points of food safety from purchasing and receiving to serving it to guests in a restaurant.



19.(T/F) The Federal Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act’s (FDCA) mission is to help protect the merchant’s health, safety and pocketbook.

20. (T/F) The FSIS is responsible for enforcing the Egg Products Inspection Act and the Poultry Products Inspection Act.



21.The Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) was an amendment to which of the following sets of government food safety policies:a) FIFRA and the FDCA

b) FIFRA and the FMIA

c) FIFRA and the EPIA

d) FIFRA and the PPIA



Center for Disease Prevention and Control. 2002.Cooperative State Research, Education & Extension Services. 2002.Federal Trade Commission. 2002.Food and Drug Administration. 2002.Food Safety and Inspection Service. 2002.Food Safety, A Team Approach.

2002.Gateway to Government Food Safety.

2002.National Agricultural Library. 2002.US Customs. 2002US Department of Commerce (National Oceanic & Atmospheric

Administration). 2002US Department of Justice. 2002.US Environmental Protection Agency. 2002.US Treasury (ATF) 2002.The Curriculum Center for Family and Consumer Sciences. Texas Tech

University. 2002.



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