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Usually the result of a forced union between an ogre and a

human, the half-ogre is a rare being often unfairly maligned

simply because of their heritage. A half-ogre has the

impressive physical attributes of their ogre parent —

incredible strength and formidable size — combined with the

greater intellect and sensibility from their human ancestry.

With their pale yellow to ochre-colored skin, prominent brow,

large lower tusks, and massive, hulking form, it’s impossible

to mistake a half-ogre for anything other than perhaps an

undersized ogre.

Half-ogres stand over 8 feet in height and have stocky,

muscular bodies that typically weigh in at about 450 lbs.

While considerably smaller than full-blooded ogres, half-

ogres still tower over most other people, and what may seem

like a feat of great strength for a human or a dwarf is

probably a fairly mundane task for a half-ogre.

For many half-ogres, life is pain and misery starting from

birth, and every morning that they wake up is a victory unto

itself. For those raised in the wilderness by an ogre tribe,

For many half-ogres, life is nothing but a series of struggles

from birth. Those raised in the wilderness by an ogre tribe

have a miserable upbringing, viewed as weak, pathetic runts

and never shown an ounce of love. These unfortunate souls

are regularly battered and beaten, and are just as likely to be

killed by a member of their family for an imagined offense as

they are by enemies of the clan. Half-ogres living amongst

humans fare only a little better, often leading isolated lives

shunned by civilized folk who are equal parts consumed with

fear by and riddled with disgust at their monstrous heritage.

Those half-ogres that manage to survive to maturity are

necessarily independent people, relying on their own

instincts and wary of the motives of others. While a half-ogre

may be stand-offish and short-tempered, those who show

them kindness and have the patience and willingness to earn

their trust will discover that half-ogres can be some of the

most steadfast and loyal friends.

Your half-ogre character has a number of traits in common

with all other half-ogres.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and Constitution

scores increase by 2, and one ability score of your choice

decreases by 1.

Age. Half-ogres mature faster than humans, reaching

adulthood at around age 12. They age at a notably accelerated

rate and as such do not often live beyond the age of 65.

Alignment. Half-ogres have a tendency toward chaos due

to their ogre lineage. Those raised among ogres and willing

to stay with their clan are usually evil, but those rare half-

ogres who venture out into the world and live among more

civilized people tend towards neutrality or possibly even good.

Page 2:  · 2 days ago · m 2efpa l@rjbkqt >pilsfkdiv@ ob>qba rpfkd%+ fkabo-j] sy[ syphp moix sw yttsvxx li+1& mrhivh izipsti vw  gsrwmhivn smrmrks yv 4exvisrg sqqyrmx]

Size. Half-ogres are substantially larger than humans with

bulky, often rotund bodies, standing slightly over 8 feet tall

and weighing roughly 450 lbs. on average. Your size is


Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. Thanks to your ogre lineage, you have

superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in

dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in

darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in

darkness, only shades of gray.

Brute Strength. When you roll a 1 on the d20 for a

Strength ability check or a Strength saving throw, you can

reroll the die and must use the new roll.

Fearsome. You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill.

Numb to the Pain. Ogres live a harsh, brutal life filled with

misery and suffering, and life is not so different for half-ogres,

who quickly grow accustomed to pain and injury. When you

take damage, you can use your reaction to roll a d12. Add

your Constitution modifier to the number rolled, and reduce

the damage by that total. After you use this trait, you can’t use

it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when

determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can

push, drag, or lift.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and



Half-Ogre (Race)

Created by Okayest-DM

Artist Credits

"A Troll" by Un Lee"Ogre Glutton" by PaizoWatercolor stain by flamableconcrete

Page 3:  · 2 days ago · m 2efpa l@rjbkqt >pilsfkdiv@ ob>qba rpfkd%+ fkabo-j] sy[ syphp moix sw yttsvxx li+1& mrhivh izipsti vw  gsrwmhivn smrmrks yv 4exvisrg sqqyrmx]


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