


Rex Rice


Burt H. Liebowitz


Victor R. Basili

! 0 I 0Carol A. Ogdin j G. Jack Lipovski J Herbert Freeman


David C. Wood


Anthony 1. Wasserman

F,IIra W. Cotton


|Raymond T. Yeh

I Harvey A. Freeman

13 AmJ. ~ ~

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Edward MillerII


Stephen R. Levine


Harvey A. Freeman


Jack C. Wileden


Wednesday, April 8,1981


VLSI from a User's PerspectiveOrhow to utilize VLSI without blowinghundreds of thousands of dollars and

several years

Instructor: Rex RiceAudience: Current and prospective VLSIusers/planners/workers/watchers, includ-ing but not limited to managers, systemplanners, system architects, logic design-ers, design automation specialists, silicondesigners, packaging engineers, and testengineers.Course Description: This tutorial is de-signed to provide a broad interdisciplinaryperspective on the present and potentialuse of VLSI. It will emphasize economicconsiderations rather than cover detailsof processes. It will include a historicalperspective and present examples of cur-rent VLSI programs. The main portion ofthe tutorial will trace a VLSI designthrough the complete process startingwith system design and ending with atested computer. Available alternativesand economic considerations will be dis-cussed for each major step. Particularemphasis will be placed on hazards to beavoided.

Rex Rice is an independent consultingengineer specializing in digital systems,and has been actively engaged in thecomputing field since 1949. He has pub-lished over 50 papers and holds morethan 20 computer patents. While at IBMhe managed the development of the firsttransistorized computer.

He is best known for his work at Fair-child: the invention of the Dual In-LinePackage (DIP); managing the first largesilicon memory program, the ILLIAC IVmain memory; and for his early percep-tion of work in bus-oriented, functionallysplit array logic systems. The SYMBOLcomputer which he conceived and theprogram he managed (1966-70) to de-velop it have provided the most sophisti-cated direct implementation of a high-level language in hardware presently inexistence. Many of its features are justnow appearing in new systems.

Rice, who received his BA in mechani-cal engineering at Stanford in 1940, hastaught graduate computer courses atUSC. He is an IEEE Fellow, a member ofthe Computer Society Governing Board,and founder of the COMPCONs.Course Outline:Historical Review and Attempted Fore-cast: Steps from transistors to VLSI willbe traced. Emphasis will be placed oneconomic motivations and changing jobskills for workers in the field.Current Examples: One university andtwo commercial examples of successfulVLSI programs will be reviewed. Two in-teresting but less successful projects willbe covered for contrast.Description of VLSI Design, Fabrication,and Testing Process: Each step in theprocess will be discussed covering criti-cal parameters and required decisions:choice of circuit/silicon technology; sys-tem architecture/logic; simulation; designautomation; marketing, fabrication, andassembly; and testingHazards Frequently EncounteredEconomic Review and Wrap-Up

Microcomputer SystemDesign and Techniques

Instructor: Carol A. OgdinAudience: Computer programmers, sys-tems analysts, and managers who haveexperience with large-scale computers,minicomputers, operating systems, andprogramming languages.Course Description: Many of the tech-niques essential to the application ofmicrocomputers are familiar to program-mers and analysts, and some are vastlydifferent. Writing software that will be per-manently fixed in read-only memory, andin hundreds or thousands of copies,makes a difference in the strategies bestused.

This one-day tutorial takes advantageof the participant's experience with otherkinds of computing systems to discussthe technology of micros. The significantdifferences from traditional computersystem design are carefully explained.Some of these differences include requi-site knowledge of electronic circuitry,subtle effects of software engineeringdiscipline, and demolition of the outdatednotion that software is always more ex-pensive than hardware!

The active participant will emerge fromthis tutorial adequately prepared to selec-tively read the technical literature andidentify the appropriate application areaswhere micros excel.Carol Anne Ogdin is technical director ofSoftware Technique, Alexandria, Virginia.She is especially active in applying thelatest software engineering and digitaldesign strategies to the implementationof special-purpose computers. She is anacknowledged industry expert on microsand is in frequent demand as a consul-tant, lecturer, and author. Ogdin is con-sulting editor to both Mini-Micro Systemsand EDN magazines, has three books inprint on microcomputer design and man-agement, and is an ACM National Lec-turer.

Course Outline:Evolution of the Micro: evolution of com-puters and semiconductors * majormicros * the 8- and 16-bit controversymarket sizes and technology trendsMicroprocessor and Microcomputer Ar-chitecture: the new jargon * basic com-ponents * system selection * applica-tions - for one-chip micros, for CPUs,and for boardsHardware/Software Tradeoff: buses andmodules * storage technology * I/O portsand interfaces * systems on silicon * pro-gramming languages and techniquesoperating systemsManagement and Tools: developmentsystems * coordinating the hardware andsoftware * project planning


MicroprocessorInterfacing Techniques

Instructor: G. Jack LipovskiAudience: Microcomputer system de-signers, engineers who interconnectmicrocomputers with external equip-ment, programmers who write softwarefor interface hardware, Some experiencein logic design and in assembler languageon some machine is required.Course Description: This tutorial empha-sizes the principles of interface designand shows applications of interfacedesign using the Motorola 6809 micropro-cessor and some compatible Motorola6800 input-output chips. Topics coveredinclude (1) good programming practicefor interface programs, subroutines, datastructures and arithmetic, and the designof buses and address decoders; (2) thehardware design and software control ofsimple parallel I/O devices and interrupts;(3) a survey of conventional analog cir-cuitry used in microcomputers and dis-cussion of frequency modulation analogcircuiting; and (4) communications cir-cuitry and programming,G. Jack Lipovski is an associate profes-sor of electrical engineering and com-puter science at the University of Texasat Austin, where he teaches microcom-puter interfacing and computer architec-ture. While at the University of Texas, hedesigned the Texas Reconfigurable ArrayComputer. Earlier, at the University ofFlorida, he designed the CASSM database computer. Lipovski is a past chair-man of the Technical Committee on Com-puter Architecture of the Computer Soci-ety and ACM SIGARCH. He is a memberof the Computer Society Governing Boardand a Director of Euromicro.Course Outline:Introduction: the M6809 instruction structures * subroutines * computerarithmetic * bus timing * address decod-ingParallel 110: simple I/O * a traffic lightcontroller * M6821 (PIA) * I/O * an ICtester * real-time and gadfly synchroniza-tion interruptsAnalog Devices: transducers * OP amps* hardware analog/digital and softwaretradeoffs * D-to-A converters * A-to-Dconverters * counters * M6840 * periodmeasurementCommunications Devices: levels of pro-tocol * RS232 standard * modems * theUART * the M6850 (ACIA) * SDLC andIEEE-488 protocols

All tutorials start at 9 a.m.






Monday, April 6,1981 Tuesday, April 7,1981


Thursday, April 9, 1981

Interactive Computer Graphics

Instructor: Herbert Freeman

Audience: Programmers, engineers, de-signers, architects, and others who useor intend to use computer-generatedgraphics in their work, especially thosefor whom this is a new or recently en-tered area of activity.Course Description: This tutorial presentsan overview of the hardware, software,and application areas of interactive com-puter graphics. Major topics covered in-clude graphics terminals, the pros andcons of different display devices, thearchitecture of a typical graphics proces-sor, algorithms for line, character, andcurve generation, graphics data struc-tures, graphics languages and design lan-guages, hidden-line and hidden-surfaceremoval, vector and raster display sys-tems, generation of shaded (half-tone)and color images, 3-D object modeling,and applications of computer graphics inengineering, science, architecture, car-tography, and the graphics arts.

Herbert Freeman is professor of com-puter engineering and director of the Im-age Processing Laboratory at RensselaerPolytechnic Institute, Troy, New York,where he is engaged in teaching and re-search in computer graphics and digitalimage processing. He has been in thefield of computer graphics since the early1960s, and is editor of the journal Com-puter Graphics and Image Processing.Prior to entering upon his academiccareer he spent 12 years in industry. He isthe author of over 60 technical papersand the author/editor of three books. Heis the past chairman of the IEEE Com-puter Society's Technical Committee onMachine Intelligence and Pattern Analy-sis, and is currently president of the Inter-national Association for Pattern Recogni-tion.

Course Outline:Introduction: definition and scope of in-teractive computer graphics * capabili-ties and limitations * definition of terms *

historical summary * areas of application* related computer disciplinesGraphics Systems and Devices: displaydevices and interactive controls, charac-teristics and tradeoffs * graphics termi-nals, processor architecture, and hard-ware algorithms for line, character, andcurve generation * cost/benefit tradeoffs* vector and raster systems, transforma-tions, clipping, and scan conversionGraphics Software: data structures * dis-play handling procedures * low-levelgraphics languages * design languagesgraphics systemsInteractive Graphics for 3-D Design: 3-Dtransformations and perspective * hidden-line and hidden-surface removal * 3-D ob-ject modeling * free-form surface repre-sentation * shading and half-toningApplicationsFuture Trends


Design and Engineering

Instructor: Stephen R. LevineAudience: Managers, users, and personsresponsible for specifying computer-assisted design and engineering sys-tems. Professionals who will use thesesystems need no background in com-puter science.

Course Description: This introduction tothe use of computer and computer graph-ics in design and engineering describesthe hardware and software of current andfuture systems. Other topics covered in-clude system requirements, cost trade-offs, system integration, facility manage-ment, and user training. Expectations forthe near future will be presented.Stephen R. Levine is president of Elec-tronic Graphics Associates, a firm spe-cializing in computer graphics consultingand systems integration. He also teachesan international short course on com-puter graphics, and has consulted widelyon the subject. His previous experienceincludes eight years with Lawrence Liver-more National Laboratory, where hedirected the development of new com-puter graphics hardware and software,including the joint development of theDicomed D148 color film recorder; threeyears with Stanford Research Institute;and two years with Singer SimulationProducts. Levine is a past president ofthe National Computer Graphics Associa-tion, a current director and a former vicechairman and treasurer of ACM's SIG-GRAPH. He received a BS and an MS inelectrical engineering from the Universityof California, Berkeley, and a PhD in com-puter science from Stanford in 1975.Course Outline:Introduction: hardware * software -state of the artApplications: present * future * assess-ing needsSystems: specification * evaluation o

cost tradeoffs * utilization * training *

managingFuture: near term expectations


An Overview of Networksand Distributed Processing

Instructor: Burt H. LiebowitzAudience: Engineers and managers whoare planning the development of distrib-uted systems. Some background in com-puter technology would be highly desir-able.Course Description: This tutorial presentsan overview of distributed processing,including a general introduction to com-puter networks. Three major areas of dis-tributed processing are defined: point-of-use systems, resource-sharing networks,and multiple-processor systems. Charac-teristics, examples, benefits, and trade-offs are presented for each area.

Technological issues are presentedinvolving processors, communications,intercomputer coupling, executive soft-ware structures, system architectures,component selection, and allocation offunctions and data files to multiple pro-cessors. Several case histories are dis-cussed to provide insight into designissues, cost effectiveness, and manage-ment problems.Burt H. Liebowitz is executive vice presi-dent of the International Computing Co. inBethesda, Maryland. He has 20 years ofexperience in the computer field, the lastfive of which have been involved with dis-tributed systems. He was responsible forthe design and software implementationof the distributed minicomputer systemused for off-track betting in New YorkCity. He has taught at government instal-lations and universities, including GeorgeWashington University, where he devel-oped the course on distributed process-ing. An author of several articles pub-lished in leading technical journals, Liebo-witz holds MS degrees in mathematicsand electrical engineering.Course Outline:Computer Technology In Distributed Sys-tems: minis * micros * mainframesconnecting multiple computersTelecommunications for GeographicallyDistributed Systems: networks * proto-cols * commercial offeringsResource-Sharing Networks: computercommunication networks * computernetworksIntelligent Terminals: technology * appli-cationsPoint-of-Use SystemsMultiple-Processor Systems: architec-tures * software * comparisons withlarge systems * design issuesMultiprocessorsDistributed Data Bases: file-splittingdirectory-splitting * design factors * prob-lem areas

Case HistoriesManagement IssuesDesign IssuesFuture Trends

All tutorials start at 9 a.m.




4 ,

Friday, April 10, 1981 Monday, April 6,1981

Wednesday, April 8,1981

/0* S

Computer CommunicationsProtocols

Instructor David C. WoodAudience: Systems analysts and program-mers, as well as technical designers andmanagers in the communications field.Assumes several years of experience incomputing and some exposure to datacommunications.Course Description: The objective of thistutorial is to provide an understanding ofthe protocols used in a computer commu-nications network. Concepts of layeringof protocols will be explained with refer-ence to the Open Systems Architecturemodel, and emering standards in the pub-lic and government arenas will be dis-cussed. The emphasis is on the capabili-ties of each protocol and its principles ofoperation. The protocols encounteredwhen interfacing to or using a general-purpose packet switching or local areanetwork will be examined. The functionsof each protocol will be defined, and ex-amples drawn from both research andpublic networks will be explained, identi-fying their characteristics and limitations.David C. Wood is an associate depart-ment head at The MITRE Corporation inMcLean, Virginia. He is responsible forseveral projects involving computer net-working and computer security, includingthe development of local area networksand their interconnection to long-haulpacket networks. He has published nu-merous articles on packet switching net-works, and has taught courses in proto-cols for The Johns Hopkins University,The George Washington University, andACM. Wood is a member of the ACMCouncil and vice chairman of the ACMSpecial Interest Group on Data Commu-nication (SIGCOMM). He holds a PhD inmathematics from the University of Man-chester, England.

Course Outline:Introduction: computer network exam-ples * packet switching networks * localnetworks * protocols * layering * OpenSystems ArchitectureLink Control Protocols: functions * bi-sync * high-level data link control (HDLC)Contention Protocols: Aloha * carriersense multiple access (CSMA) * CSMAwith collision detectionPacket Swltching Interfaces: CCITT Rec-ommendation X.25 * features * imple-mentations * 1980 revisionEnd-to-End Protocols: functions * De-partment of Defense standard Transmis-sion Control Protocol (TCP) and InternetProtocol (IP)Application Protocols: interactive termi-nal protocols * X.3, X.28, X.29

I /is ; 3

Computer Networks

Instructor: IraW. CottonAudience: Managers, engineers, pro-grammers, systems analysts, and stu-dents. Some experience in computingwould be helpful.Course Description: This introductorylevel tutorial addresses computer net-works -the interconnection of computersystems by telecommunications facilities.A variety of different types of networkswill be considered to illustrate the rangeof benefits from networking. Networktechnology will be examined in terms ofswitching technology, interfaces and pro-tocols, and components. Non-technicalissues relating to networks will also bediscussed, including the regulatory envi-ronment and network management. Theseminar concludes with a look at thefuture of computer networks.Ira W. Cofton is a senior associate withBooz, Allen and Hamilton, Inc., where he isconducting projects for a variety of clientsin the areas of networking systems and of-fice automation. He was formerly managerof the Local Networking and Office Sys-tems Group at the National Bureau of Stan-dards. He has written over 50 technicalpapers and has presented professionaldevelopment courses internationally formany years. Cotton holds a mastersdegree in computer science from theUniversity of Pennsylvania and adoctoratein business administration from TheGeorge Washington University. He is aGovernor of the International Council onComputer Communications, a member ofthe ACM, IEEE Computer Society, andSigma Xi, and serves on the editorialboards of several journals.Course Outline:Network Utilization: types of networkscomponents and configurations * appli-cations * benefits * problemsBasic Communications: review of datacommunications fundamentals * circuits* modems and modulation * multiplexingand concentration * interfaces and proto-colsNetwork Technology: functions and com-ponents * computing * switching * rout-ing * control * network architecture vcommercial networksNetwork Management: regulation * net-work costs * evaluation and selection *

operation and maintenance * user ser-vices

Future Developments: technology trends* new communications facilities * newapplications * new opportunities * newproblems


S. S

A Pragmatic View of DistributedProcessing Systems

Instructor: Harvey A. FreemanAudience: Managers, engineers, pro-grammers, system analysts, designers,and students. Some experience in com-puting and some exposure to data com-munications would be helpful.Course Description: This tutorial providesan overview of current concepts andproblems associated with implementing adistributed processing system. The ele-ments of a distributed system are definedand contemporary models of such sys-tems are explored. This is followed by asurvey of design issues associated withsystem software, interconnection sys-tems, topology, and hardware concepts.Selected case studies of distributed sys-tems are used to highlight the previouslydiscussed concepts and to indicate thedirection of distributed systems. The tuto-rial concludes with observations on futuresystems and supporting technologies.Harvey A. Freeman is manager of theData Systems Design Department atSperry Univac, He currently manages anadvanced development group investigat-ing and developing concepts, techniques,and specifications for large-scale SperryUnivac computer systems in distributedprocessing environments, including local,back-end, and non-homogeneous net-works. He is the author of numeroustechnical papers and co-author of thebook, Data Base Computers. Freeman isalso an adjunct professor in the computerscience department at the University ofMinnesota. He holds a PhD in electricalengineering from the University of Illinois.Course Outline:Introduction: overview * nomenclature *

reasons for distributed processing * net-works * applicationsModels: virtual circuits * datagramsstandards * hierarchical systems * com-mon issues * system approaches * topol-ogy * multiplexingDesign Issues: operating systems * pro-tocol hierarchies * gateways * communi-cation subsystems * contention channels* process partitioningCase Studies: ETHERNET * SNA * se-lected othersConclusions: future systems * conclud-ing remarks

All tutorials start at 9 a.m.





Tuesday, April 7,1981 Thursday, April 9, 1981

Monday, April 6,1981


Local Computer Networks

Instructor: Harvey A. FreemanAudience: Managers, engineers, pro-grammers, system analysts, designers,and students. Some experience in com-puting and some exposure to data com-munications would be helpful.Course Description: This introductorylevel tutorial addresses local computernetworks, a class of systems which aregenerally owned by a single organization,cover distances on the order of a fewmiles, and use a communication subnet-work technology such as packet switch-ing, circuit switching, or busing. First theoverall definition and context of LCNs aredescribed. Then important design issuesand potential solutions currently identi-fied for LCNs are discussed. This is fol-lowed by a number of case studies of im-portant local computer networks. LCNswhich evolved from distributed process-ing contexts and those which evolvedfrom attempts to upgrade and enhancecurrent large-scale systems are covered.Concludes with a view of the future direc-tions of LCNs.Harvey A. Freeman is manayer of theData Systems Design Department atSperry Univac. He currently manages anadvanced development group investigat-ing and developing concepts, techniques,and specifications for large-scale SperryUnivac computer systems in distributedprocessing environments, including local,back-end, and non-homogeneous net-works. He is the author of numeroustechnical papers and co-author of thebook, Data Base Computers. Freeman isalso an adjunct professor in the computerscience department at the University ofMinnesota. He holds a PhD in electricalengineering from the University of Illinois.Course Outline:Background: definition * evolution * tax-onomy * examplesDesign Issues: network entities * net-work architectures * network operation .performance * user considerations

Case Studies: HYPERchannel * ETHER-NET * Cluster/One Model A * selectedothersFuture Directions: gateways * commer-cial availability * trendsConclusions

il t

Models and Metrics for SoftwareManagement and Engineering

Instructor: Victor R. BasiliAudience: Software managers and engi-neers who are looking for quantitativeassistance in managing, controlling, esti-mating, evaluating, and contracting soft-ware development and maintenance.Course Description: This tutorial presentsa new quantitative approach to softwaremanagement and software engineering.It focuses on attributes that can be man-aged quantitatively, covering both prod-uct-oriented and process-oriented attri-butes. A large set of models is utilizedwith emphasis on those areas wherequantitative management can give thegreatest payoff.Victor R. Basili is an associate professorat the University of Maryland at CollegePark. A consultant to several industrialorganizations and government agencies,he has been active in the design anddevelopment of several software projectsand is currently involved in the measure-ment and evaluation of software develop-ment at NASA's Goddard Space FlightCenter. Basili received his PhD in com-puter science from the University ofTexas at Austin in 1970.Course Outline:Introduction: quantitative software man-agement * modeling * metricsResource Models: classes of modelsempirical models of programming estima-tion and measurement * model validationstudies * an empirical meta-model *

theoretical dynamic modeling using theRayleigh curve * various uses of re-source modelsChanges and Errors: the use of changesand errors in the characterization, esti-mation, and evaluation of software devel-opment * the use of error analysis inimproving the software development pro-cess * error models for program evolu-tion and reliability * distributions by vari-ous classification schemes * metricsbased on error and changeProduct Measures: size * control anddata structure metrics * cyclomatic com-plexity * software science * data bind-ings * span * metrics across time a

example uses and effects of softwaremetrics on technology transfer * qualityassurance and contractingData Collection: establishing the environ-ment * collecting the data * data valida-tion analysis and result reporting

/S. S

Modern ProgrammingLanguage Design

Instructor: Anthony I. Wasserman

Audience: Programmers and system de-velopers interested in an overview of cur-rent programming language design, andfor others interested in the issues under-lying the recent proliferation of program-ming languages.Course Description: This tutorial presentsissues and goals of recent programminglanguage design efforts. Issues in controlstructures, data types, programmingstyle, and other key topics are surveyed.Examples from Pascal, Ada, and othermodern languages are incorporated, anda framework for understanding and usingnew programming languages is provided.Anthony I. Wasserman is an associateprofessor of medical information scienceat the University of California, San Fran-cisco, and a lecturer in the Computer Sci-ence Division at the University of Califor-nia, Berkeley. His research interestsinclude programming language design,programming methodology, data basemanagement, computer science educa-tion, and applications to health care. Hehas been active in professional orga-nizations, serving as chairman of ACMSIGSOFT, the special interest group onsoftware engineering, an ACM NationalLecturer, and a member of numeroustechnical program committees. He is theauthor of over 40 technical papers andco-editor of Software Engineering Educa-tion - Needs and Objectives and Issuesin Data Base Management. Wassermanreceived his PhD in computer sciencesfrom the University of Wisconsin, Madi-son, and his AB in mathematics and phys-ics from the University of California, Ber-keley.Course Outline:Issues in Programming Language De-sign: programming and problem solving.goals * synthesis of language featuresOverview of Pascal and Ada: history andbackground * general language charac-teristicsControl Structures - Sequential: issues(sequential and concurrent) * the "goto"debate * iteration * nondeterministiccontrol * parameter passing * recursionData Types and Variables: declarationstype checking * Pascal and Ada datatypes * abstract data types

Control Structures - Concurrent: con-cept of a process * concurrency mech-anisms

Programming Style: relationship to pro-gramming languages * testing and verifi-cation issues * readability of programs

All tutorials start at 9 a.m.

/ wS.


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;N I _ =

Friday, April 10, 1981 Tuesday, April 7,1981


Wednesday, April 8,1981

0 *

Software Testing and Validation

Instructor: Edward MillerAudience: Those familiar with basic com-puter science topics, including elemen-tary knowledge of programming lan-guages and programming/debugging pro-cesses and outcomes. The main thrust ofthe seminar is technological - definingwhat is and what is not known about soft-ware testing and validation technology.Thus, the audience is expected to be rea-sonably technically mature.Course Description: This tutorial de-scribes current methods of software test-ing in a framework that permits an atten-dee to select methods that work. Itfocuses on the philosophy of testing, thetheoretical foundations of testing, tools,and techniques including static and dyna-mic testing, management and controlissues, measurement and planning ques-tions, and research and developmentdirections.

Besides presenting detailed investiga-tion into the motivation and methods of avariety of software testing techniques,the seminar provides in-depth access totechnical literature pertaining to testing.

Attendees should acquire an increasedunderstanding of the techniques and re-sults of software testing, how it can beemployed in a software quality assuranceactivity, and how it fits into the entire soft-ware life cycle.

Edward Miller is technical director ofSoftware Research Associates, San Fran-cisco, California, a firm devoted to ad-vanced technology and software appli-cation. His interests include softwareengineering management, software test-ing technology, automated tool technol-ogy, hierarchical design and implementa-tion methods, and computer architecture.He was previously director of the Soft-ware Technology Center at Science Appli-cations, Inc., in San Francisco, and direc-tor of the Program Validation Project atGeneral Research Corporation in SantaBarbara, California.

Miller received a BSEE at Iowa StateUniversity in 1962, an MS in applied math-ematics at the University of Colorado in1964, and a PhD at the University ofMaryland in 1968. He was editor ofACM's Computer Architecture News(1975 to 1979) and is currently associatetechnical editor of Computer Magazine.

Course Outline:Philosophy of Testing: motivating forces* testing principles * overview of method-ology * organizing for testingTheoretical Foundations: general princi-ples * graph theory * program modelingtechniques * elements of reliable testtheory * combinatorics of testingTools and Techniques: general principles* static testing methods * dynamic test-ing methods * automated tools and soft-ware testing * systematic methodologies* test data generationPlanning and Measurement: generalprinciples * test coverage measurestest structuringManagement and Control: economics oftesting * test status monitoringResearch and Development

S 1

Software System Design

Instructor: Jack C. WiledenAudience: Software designers, and proj-ect managers.

Course Description: This tutorial focuseson techniques applicable to the designactivities that occur prior to the actualcoding of a software system. A specific,generally applicable technique for designdescription and analysis is presented,with participants carrying out a series ofsoftware design exercises using thistechnique. Alternative approaches tosoftware design are surveyed, and theprospects for automated software devel-opment environments are explored.

Jack C. Wileden is an assistant professorof computer and information science atthe University of Massachusetts. Histeaching experience spans all aspects ofsoftware.

His research interests are in the areasof software system design and analysis,with particular emphasis upon the devel-opment of techniques to aid in the designand analysis of concurrent software. Hehas been associated with the DREAM re-search project since 1976, and is alsopresently involved in projects studyingformal semantics of concurrent computa-tion, software development environ-ments, and issues in the development ofcooperative distributed processingsystems.

Wileden is a member of ACM, the IEEEComputer Society, and Sigma Xi, and is aformer ACM National Lecturer. He re-ceived his PhD in computer and commu-nication sciences from the University ofMichigan in 1978.

Course Outline:Introduction: role of the design phase insoftware developmentThe Design Phase: modeling of systemsduring design * hierarchical descriptions* data abstractionsA Design Description Technique: state-based modeling of designs * genericcomponent descriptions * componentinterfaces and component interactions *

hierarchical component relationshipsRelated Description Techniques: moduleinterrelationship descriptions * abstractalgorithm design * data flow design t

concurrent and distributed system designA Design Analysis Technique: statemodel analysis * finite state testing -consistency checkingRelated Analysis Techniques: activity ex-pression analysis * symbolic evaluationSoftware Development Environments:tools * organization

All tutorials start at 9 a.m.

/ N0* 0


System Analysis andRequirements Specification

Instructor: Raymond T. Yeh

Audience: Managers, analysts, and de-signers.Course Description: This tutorial intro-duces a structured approach for the sys-tematic analysis and derivation of soft-ware requirements. The methodology isbased on the systematic construction ofa conceptual model of the enterpriseusing a semantic network notation. Anexecutable specification (or fast proto-typing) can then be derived. The method-ology is a synthesis of many approachesusing a unified notation. Emphasis is onits practical applications with many ex-amples.Raymond T. Yeh is a professor and chair-man of the Computer Science Depart-ment at the University of Maryland. He isalso the director of the Center for Infor-mation Sciences Research. He has writ-ten and edited seven books and over 70scientific articles. His current researchinterests during the past few years havebeen in the software methodology anddata base design areas. Yeh is a consul-tant to various industrial organizationsand government agencies. He gives lec-tures worldwide.Course Outline:The Requirements ProblemsWhat a Software Requirements Docu-ment Should Include: check listTechniques for Contextual Analysis(Bounding the Solution Space): struc-tured interviews * questionnaire designand analysisModel Construction: data modeling-data classification and organization; viewmodeling; view integration * processmodeling - process specification andorganization; functional approach to em-bedded and real-time systems * modelingconstraintsSpecifying the Requirements: derivingexecutable specification for prototypingA Review and Comparison with OtherApproaches



Tutotl'll We4k---1+ERSTUv

ORLANDOA.arriott INN6700 Sand Lake Rd., Orlando, FL 32807,

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I .J

Thursday, April 9, 1981 Friday, April 10, 1981


TutoriaI Week4 ER§1ST


Attendance limited to 100 per tutorial. There will be no registration at the door. Advanceregistration only: deadline - March 9,1981. Select up to one tutorial per individual per day.

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Tutorial No. 1 Tutorial No. 2 Tutorial No. 3a 3

Tutorial No.44 Tutorial No. 5

VLSI from a User's Microcomputer System Microprocessor Interactive Computer Computer-AssistedPerspective Design and Techniques Interfacing Techniques Graphics Design and Engineering

Tutorial No. 6 Tutorial No7utorial No.9 r Tutorial No. 10Anoveriew of omputerTutorial No. S A Pragmatic Viaw of Local Computer

Networks and Communications Computer Networks i St t ProcessingDistributed Processing Protocols Sse Newor

Tutorial No. 11 Tutorial No. 12 Tutorial No 13 Tutorial No. 14 a Tutorial No. 15Models and Metrics for System Analysis and Software Testing and 4 Software SystemSoftware Management ModerLanguage Design Syem iValdiation Design

and EngineeringI SpecificStion

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288 VLSI: The Coming Revolution in Applications and $16.50 $22.00Design

259 Microcomputer System Design and Techniques 12.00 16.00266 Tutorial and Selected Readings in Interactive 18.75 25.00

Computer Graphics209 Distributed Processing 12.00 16.00201 A Practical View of Computer Communications 12.00 16.00

Protocols297 Computer Networks 12.00 16.00299 A Pragmatic View of Distributed Processing 21.00 28.00

Systems304 Local Computer Networks 12.00 16.00310 Models and Metrics for Software Management 15.00 20.00

and Engineering ___312 Programming Language Design 15.00 20.00211 Software Methodology 12.00 16.00207 Software Testing and Validation 12.00 16.00311 Software System Design: Description and 15.00 20.00


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